The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 08, 1894, Page 15, Image 17

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A foft to Mst Springs S. D tit the
burlingtoi Km s.
Every Friday during July and August
the Burlington Route will sell round trip
tickets to Hot Springs, S. D., at tLe one
way rate. Tickets good for fifteen days.
This substantial reduction from tariff
rates brings a trip to this greatest of west
ern health resorts within every-one's
reach. Consumptives, rheumatics, suffer
ers from every ill that flesh is heir to, will
make no mistake if they take advantage of
this opportunity.
Full information upon application to
local B. fc M. R. R. agent, or to J. Francis
G. P. & T. A., Burlington route, Omaha,
Attorneys at Lam
Burr block
Sheriff Sals.
Notice is herby given, that by virtue of
an order of sale issued by the clerk of the
district court of the Third Judicial district
of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster
county, in an action wherein Marcus
Younker is plaintiff, and John Burshek et
al are defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock P.
M., on the 2nd day of October A. D. 1801, at
the east door of the court house, in the city
of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the following
described real estate to-wit:
Lots numbered four (1) and five (5) of
Lincoln Laud Company's Subdivision of
lots eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block
one hundred three (103) in the city of
Lincoln, Lancaster county.Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 29 day of
August A. D. 1891. Fred A. Miller, .
Sept 1 5t Sheriff.
A. to nsr AtLim.
To Laura T. Funke Ancil L. Funke
and Henry Royer, non-resident de
fendants: You and each of you are
hereby notified that on July 21,
1894, John M. Sharon and the Lin
coln Mortgage and trust Company as
plaintiffs, began an action against you
and other defendants in the district
court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, the
object of which is to foreclose a certain
mortgage on the following land in said
county, to-wit: the north half of the
north-west quarter of the north-east quar
ter (NX of NWM ofNEJ)of section No.
six in town 9, north of rauge seven,
east of the 6th principal meridian, made by
Laura T. Funke and Ancil L. Funke,
dated August 1, 1892, to secure the pay
ment of a promissory note of said Laura
T. Funke and Ancil L. Funke to the Clark
and Leonard Investment Company for
$3000, on which there is now due $3,131.75,
with interest from August 1st, 1893, at 10
per cent per annum pursuant to coupons.
Plaintiffs pray for decree of foreclosure
and sale of said land to satisfy said liens as
aforesaid, for deficiency judgment and
general relief.
You are required to answer plaintiff's
petition on or before the 17th day of
September, 1891.
John M. Sharon and Lincoln Mortgage
and Trust Company Plaintiffs.
By S. L. Geisthardt, Attorney.
Aug. 11 4 1.
To Charles P. Goodrich. Take notice:
That on the 27th day of July E. E.
Spencer, a justice of the peace of Lincoln,
Lancpeter county, Nebraska, issued an or
der of attachment for the sum of $90, in
an action, pending before him, wherein
Adam W. "Smith is plaintiff and Charles
P. Goodrich is defendant, and that prop
erty -of the defendant, consisting of mon
ey amounting to $107.97 in the hands of
the administrator of the. estate' of Mary
Hagan, deceased, has been attached under
said order, Said cause was continued to
the 12th day of
Aug. 18 3t.
September 1894. at 9 A.M
R. Cunningham
Atty. for plaintiff.
Attorneys at Law.
liuim block.
blierlfr Sale.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an
order of salo issued by the clerk of the dis
trict court of the Third judicial district of
Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county,
in an action wherein John Burkendorf is
plaintiff, and Annis M. Miller is
defendant, 1 will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the
18th day of September A. D.f 1894, at the east
door of the court house, in the city of Lin
coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for
sale at public auction the following do
bribed real estate, to-wit:
Lot number thirteen (13) in block ono
hundred two (102) in the city of Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 14th day of
August, A. D., 1894.
Aug 18 5t. Sheriff.
Attor ty-at-Law.
In tho District Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska.
J. D. MacFarland,
William II. Tyler as Trustee
for himself, et al
Defendants. ,
Thomas Coffman, J. Melton, Horace
Buckner, Michael Sullivan. Adda L.
Coffman, St. Louis Varnish Company, a
corporation, Henry Lehman, Mayer &
Lowenstein, partners, Robert S. Hobbs
& Company, a corporation, Spencer A.
Brown, Wellington National Bank, a
corporation.Cedar Rapids National Bank,
a corporation, James II. Musseter. Will
iam Smith, J. W. Penfield, Raymond C.
Penfield, partners doing business as
J. W. Penfield & Son, Dray (real
name unknown) and Kahn (real
name unknown) doing business in tho
firm name of Dray & Kahn, partners,
Mary Webb, Continental Nation
al Bank of Boston, Massachusetts, a
corporation, W. A. Coit & Company,
partners, will take notico that on the
4th day of August, 1894, J. D. MacFar
land, plaintiff herein, filed his petition
in the District Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska, against said defen
dants, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage exe
cuted by the defendants William II.
Tyler, as trustee for himself and for
James A. Bailey, Zack Hammel, Daniel
B. Stevens, and John Lanham, to tho
plaintiff upon the following des
cribed real estate to-wit: Lots number
seven 7 and number eight 8 in block
number three hundred fifteen 315 of
Jane Y. Irwin's Addition to the City of
Lincoln, otherwise known and described
as Subdivision number sixty-two G2 of
S. W. Little's Subdivision of the west
half of the south-west quarter (w 5i of s
w ) of section number twenty-four (24)
in township number ten (10) north of
range number six (o") east of the sixth
principal meridian in Lancaster County,
Nebraska, to secure the payment of a
promissory note dated February 27.
1892, for the sum of 813:000 and due and
payable on the 1st day of June, 1892;
that there is now due upon said note
and mortgage the sum of 313.000 with
interest thereon at the rate of ten per
cent per annum from the data of said
note; for which sum with interest as
aforesaid plaintiff prays for a decree
that defendants be required to pay the
same or that said premises may bo sold
to satisfy the amount found duo.
You aio required to answer said peti
tion on or beforo the 15th day of Oct
ober, 1894. Dated August 31, 1891.
J. D. MacFarland, .
By Albert WatkinB and Charles G.
Dawes, his attorneys. a
, -
Mo.iz c f PrAate cf Will.
In the County Court of Lancastercoun
ty, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to
Mary Jano Burd.Myrtlo M.Parrott,Amer
A. Burd, Omer O. Burd, Elmer E. Burd
and Lacey L. Burd and to any others in
terested in tho matter of tho estate of
Alexander N. Burd deceased:
You are hereby notified that an instru
ment perporting to bo tho last Will and
Testament or Alexander N. Burd, do
ceased, is on filo in said court, and also
a petition praying for tho Probato of
saki instrument, and for tho appoint
ment of SyremiB VanAndel and Robert.
Pickolas executors thereof. That on
the 27th day of September 1894, at 11
o'clock a. m., said petition and the proor
of tho execution'of said instrument will
bo heard, and that if you do not then
appear and contest, said court may pro
bato and record tho same, and grant ad
ministration or the estate to said Van
Andel and Pickel.
This notice shall be published for
threo weokB successively in the Courier
prior to said hearing.
Witness my nana ana omciai mem iu
28th dav of Autrnst. 1894
' I.
Sept 1 3t.
County Judge.
Harvest Kxcuntlon.
Via the Missouri Pacific On tho
second Tuesday in December 1893
January, Febuary, March, Ap-il and
May 1891 tho Missouri Pacific route
will sell round trip tickets to all stations
in Texas with final limit to return in 30
days from date of sale. Stop over are
allowed in Arkansas, Texas and Okla
homa, Now Mexico and Indian Terri
tory. Come and take a trip to the
south. Phil Daniels, C. P. & T. A.
1201 O street
There's a discription in a nut-shell of tho
journey to Hot Springs, S. D. via tho Burl
ington route. . .
It's one or the pleasantests tnpsimagin-
able. , ,
Rates to Hot Springs are low, very low,
now. Why not spend a week or two there?
Tho Burlidgton's local agent will gladly
give you full particulars about Hot Springs
and also it you ask for it a beautifully
illustrated folder. .,
G. P. & T. A.
Omaha, Neb.
can never be described and it has never
be described and it has never been pictured
so adequately and satisfactorily as in the
portfolio just issued by the Michigan Cen
tral, "The Alagara Falls Route." It con
tains fifteen large plates from the best in
stantaneous photographs, whicn cannot bo
bousht for as manv dollars. These can be
bought for ten centB by sending to II.
H. Marley. S. W. Pass, agent, Union de
pot, Kansas City, Mo.