The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 11, 1894, Image 21

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ShtriWt Suit.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an order of sale issued by the clerk of the
district court of the Third judicial district
of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster
county, in an action wherein De La
Green is plaintiff, and Leander Elliott,
et al, are defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock, p.
m., on the 14th day of August A.D., 1894, at
the east door of the court house in the city
of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, of
fer for sale at public auction the following
described real estate, to-wit:
Lot number eight (8) in block number two
(2) in Muir's addition to J. O. Young's East
Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 10th day of
July, A. D., 1891.
fred a. miller.
July 14, 5t. Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an
order of sale issued by the clerk of the dis
trict court of the Third judicial district of
Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county,
in an action wherein Willis O. Foes is
plaintiff, and Carrie L. Roberts et al, are
defendants, 1 will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the
14th day of August A. D., 1894, at the east
door of the court house, in the city of Lin
coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for
sale at public auction the following de
;cribed real estate, to-wit:
Lots eighteen (18) and nineteen (19) in
block three (3) in C. J. Hull's second Uni
versity addition to the city of Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 10th day of
July, A. D., 1894.
July 14, 5t. Sheriff.
Attorney s-at-Law.
Alexis Halter non-resident defendant
will take notice that on the 17th
day of May 1894, Rachel S. Brock filed a
petition in the county court of Lancaster
county, Nebraska, against said defendant,
the object and prayer of which are to recover
the sum of $400, and interest at ten per
cent from July 4th 1S93, upon a prom
issory note executed by Eaid Halter, and that
on the 17th day of May 1894, Joseph Wurz
burg, acting county Judge of said county,
issued an order of attachment therein for
$450, and that property of said defendant
to-wit: one upright piano and one clock
have oeen attached under said order.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 4th day of Septem
ber 1894.
Rachel S. Brock,
By Pound & Burr, her attorneys.
Sheriff Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an order of sale issued by the clerk of the
district court of the Third judicial district
of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster
county, in an action wherein The Lincoln
Loan and Building Association is plaintiff,
and Harriet P. Dobson et al are
defendente, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
on the 14th day of August A. D. 1894. at
the east door of the court house in the city
of Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the following
described real estate to-wit:
Lot numbereight(8)inbIocknumber seven
(7) in C. C. Burr's subdivision of lot nine (9)
ten (10), fifteen 151. sixteen 16, eighteen
18 twenty-three 23, and twenty-six 26
in the north west quarter of section thirty
six .16 township ten 10 north of range
six 6 east of the sixth p. m. in Lancaster
county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 10th day of
Julv, A. D. 1894. FRED A. MILL.ER,
July 41, 5t Sheriff
Sfttrtff Sak.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an order of sale issued by the clerk of the
district court of the third judicial district
of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster
county, in au action wherein The
Clark and Leonard Investment Company
is rlaintiff and William J. Harvey et al
are defendentB, I will, at 2 o'clock
p. m., on the 14th day of August
A. D. 1894, at the east door of the
court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lan
caster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at
public auction the following described real
estate to-wit:
Lot number eight (8) in block number one
(1) in Tuttle's sub-division of the south half
of the south-west quarter of section nine
teen (19) in town ten (10) north of range
Boven (7) Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 10th day of
July A. D., 1894.
July 14 5t Sheriff.
Thomas L. McReynolds will take notice
that on the 23th day of April 1894. the
plaintiff herein, James Hammond, tiled
his petition in the district court of Lan
caster county, Nebraska, against said
Thomas L. McReynolds and others, the
object and prayer of which is to have cer
tain pretended judgements and liens, and
particularly two certain judgements re
covered by said Thomas L. McReynolds,
against said James Hammond, one for
$672.75, debt, and $5.10 costs of suit, and
the other for $428.20, debt, and $4.90,
costs of suit declared to be a cloud on the
title of said James Hammond in and to
the south-east quarter of section five (5)
in township twelve (12) north of range sev
en (7) in Lancaster county, Nebraska,
and to have said judgments and liens
adjudged not to be liens and incumbran
ces on said real estate and to have the
title thereto quieted in the plaintiff free
and clear of said judgements and
liens. You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 20th day of Au
gust 1894. Dated July 10th 1394.
James Hammond.
Jly 14 5t By Pound & Burr, his attorneys.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
a chattel mortgage dated July 12th, 1894,
and filed for record in the office of the
county clerk of Lancaster county, Nebras
ka, July 13th, 1894, executed bj Charles
S. McKenney to A. G. Preston, to secure
the payment of $1,350 with interest at 10
per cent from July 12th, 1894. and by
virtue also of of a certain other chattel
mortage or the same property dated and
filed in the same office at the same time,
exectued by Charles S. McKenney to
Simeon S. McKenney to secure the pay
ment of the sura of $350, of which $70
is payable to said Simeon S. McKenney
on a promissory note, executed by Charles
S. McKenney and $280 is payable to the
Merchants Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska, on
a promissory note executed by Charles
S. McKenney as principal, and by said
Simeon S. McKenney as surety, default
having been made in the conditions of both
said mortgages, we the undersigned,
second mortgagees, will sell at public auc
tien, at the store room situated at number
1225 O street, in the city of Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska, on Saturday
the eleventh day of August 1894, at one
o'clock p. m., the property described in
said two mortgages to wit: All the drugs,
paints, oils, notions, fixtures, furniture,
soda fountain, cigars and all and singular
the goods, merchandise, drugs etc., in the
store room known as number 1225 O street,
in the city of Lincoln, as well as all
thereof in the basement of said store room.
A. G. Preston
Simeon S. McKenney,
Dated July 14. 1894.
July 2 1st 3t
A GnmJ B4wemttv,
suettuor o im
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'cnppnoio- i
graphic reprints ot aneteot
gysend for free prosprctos.
is an arbitrary word used to designate the
only bow (ring) which cannot be palled oft
the watch.
f( ffijl
The bow has groove
on each end. A collar
runs down inside the
Scndant (stem) and
ts into the grooves,
firmly locking the
bow to the pendant,
so that it cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
It positively prevents the loss of the
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Jas. Boss Filled or othtr watch
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