The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 11, 1894, Page 12, Image 14

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taent positions in society have been tolerably familiar figures at
social functions for the last two or three years. They
seed no introduction. For they are well known to to those
with whom they will associate. But the coming season will
witness a larger number of young girls in society than has been the
case in some time, and the fluttering of the buds insures a
life and spirit that has not always been manifested in Lin
coln social circles.
The state band concerts this week were well attended and thor
oughly enjoyed.
Wing B.-Allen, of Omaha, was in this city Wednesday and Thurs
Mrs. A. H. Weir is visiting in Topeka.
O. M. Druse has returned from a two weeks visit at Hot Springs.
Mrs. 0. E. Yates and son, Willard, have returned from the east.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright have returned from an extended
eastern trip.
C. W. Eckermann and Rudolphus Strassmann returned Wednes
day from Fremont and North Bend.
Mrs. George A. Gregory of Council Bluffs is in the city the guest
of her brother, Frank R. Newton.
Miss Lucy Phillips is visiting at Cadiz, Ohio.
Dr. Robert Andrews left Tuesday for a tour through the east.
Miss Pearl Bonnell of Chicago is the guest of her cousin. Miss
Daisy Bonnell.
Mr.ardMre.,N. S. Harwood and Mrs. Sarah Harris left Friday for a
visit with relatives in Maine.
Miss Gertrude Laws, of Enid, Oklahoma, is in town, the guest of
Miss Cora Hardy.
Miss Jessie Leland entertained a merry party of young people on
Friday evening in honor of her friend. Miss Grace Harrison of Beat
rice. Although the evening was exceedingly warm this did not seem
to mar the enjoyment in the least. Miss Leland's guest were Misses
Grace Oakley, Maud Oakley, Lucy Griffith, Helen Moore, Georgia
Camp, Blanche Garten, May Moore, Marie Marshall, Stella Curtis,
Grace Burr. Henrietta Hollowbush, Grace Harrison. Messrs Harry
Lansing, Will Morrison, Harry Evans, Archie Vaughn, R. M. Joyce,
Joe Mason, John Lottrfdge, Roy Chapman, Bert Weston, Fred
White, Frank Cowdery and Homer Honeywell.
Judge J. H. Broady has returned from Denver.
Miss Marie Marshall has returned from Lake Okoboji.
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Bailey left Sunday evening for Duluth.
The doctor will spend a month on the lakes and Mrs. Bailey will go
east for a more extended visit
Miss Gussie Bauman is the guest of Miss Katnarine Kluetsch.
Harry Waite has gone to La Porte, Texas.
Bertha Lansing, Luella Lansing, Gussie Kleutsch, Clara Howard,
Bessie Howard, Albert Lahr, Ruth Lahr. Georgia Field and Allen
Field enjoyed a picnic at Lincoln Park on Monday. The children
spent the day in swimming, romping and playing.
Miss Pauline Ziemer has returned from Colorado.
Mr. Isaac VanHorn isiying very ill with fever.
Miss Henrietta Hollowbush entertained a few friends on Wednes
day evening.
Mrs. G. B. Chapman, daughter and mother are visiting friends in
-Broken Bow, Neb. On their return they will spend a few days in
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Keefer and Miss Grace Ash ton, who have
been enjoying the mountains of Colorado during the past month, re
turned home 'on Wednesday.
Miss Henrietta Hawley returned Friday from Cedar Bluffs, where
she has been visiting for the past two weeks.
Miss Maud Rathburn has returned from a visit with friends in
Sioux City.
Miss Mattie Gilbert and niece, Miss De6sie Robinson of Butte
City, Mont, passed through Lincoln on Friday.
Lew Marshall has returned from Spirit Lake.
Bert Wheeler of Omaha spent Friday in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Frease, of Napoleon, Ohio, are in the city
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. VL. Austin.
Miss Myrtle Coon, who has been the guest of Miss Katherine
Kleutsch for the past few days, left on Monday for Hastings,
Several Lincoln iadies have taken up the study of Dante's "Infer
no this summer. The club is divided into semi-circles, and Wed
nesday morning the following ladies met with Miss Elliott: Mes
dames J. J. Imhoff, T. H. Leavitt, J. E. Miller, M. B. Cheney, Ed.
Greene, Will Greene, Lawrence Foesler, Chas. Mosher, Scott, M.
D. Welch, aW well, Risser, John, I. Underwood, H. H. Wilson, Miss
as Bertha Shepherd and Newhall. Thursday morning Mesdames
'John R. Clarke, C. H. Gere, A. S. Raymond, L. C. Richards, J. R.
Richards, S. Dorr, A. J. Say wer, Isaac Johnson, Hardy, Beesey, Man
ning, Bailey, R. H. Oakley, Canfleld, Whe"eler, C. Imhoff, Dawes and
Misses Sarah Harris, Lulu Clark and Bailey were Miss Elliott's
guests. RoseTCottage was effectively adorned with garden flowers.
Malcom McKinnon visited the Funke outing party at Crete this
Mr. D. E. Thompson and party have gone to Wyoming in a private
Mrs. L. C. Burr and daughter. Miss Mae, returned Thursday from
Lake Okoboji.
C. Y. Smith has returned from Spirit Lake where he has been en
joying a month's outing.
Miss Lucy M. Haywood of Grand Island, a graduate In music of
the Oberlin College, is visiting Mrs. A.D. Guile.
H. T. Fokom has returned from his summer vacation.
Frank Walton is home again after a pleasant trip through the
Secretary of State Allen attended the republican congressional
convention held Thursday at Holdrege.
Dr. L. W. Edwards has re-located at rooms 90 and 91, Burr block.
Office hours: 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 9 p. m.
Telephone 305.
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