- jt2rjr 1 'Ty" ' ftifrr-1 q y,.-.'M"rt -' ;:F -- --." - -c- ""'" ;"'' 3B 'Vl stset '-f5 ?.,-. "-Ti..-- aj -y X" .V Ss v- in 16 aaaaaaaaaSaaaaaW Wat Jr bbbbbbbbT ' u .aflaaw J Jfn . O. 2fcfca 8 Boils at Once factltainkao om ersr ore tran impure blood. ETeryataasIs manna m SOT A lili wnsld unread, aonetbaes : m lario u a del&rTFonr bottlea of Hood's Sh aparilto taTe taorougaly aurlaed say blood ul sqr akta is smooth as aa kfufs. I aever tm jj. u. xutkhjlk, jxewaaa, Hood's?3 Cures NMI'I .'&. ?; COME OUT TO LIKCDLK II I. S, and witness the Hi 01 Mm H ! SaU between PROF. RIDGEWAF and two other contestants. The Tower will be extended 50 feet more if accessary, thus making it 140 feet high. OIR SPE6UL I1KM H. C. HOHLT.MANAGER. . Also proprietor of the Garden Cafe, where reeiy thing is first-class at reasonable rates. Harrest Excanioa. Via the Missouri Pacific On the - second Tuesday in December 1893 w-Jaauary, Febuary, March, Ap-il and , May 1894 the .Missouri Pacific route 1 will sell round trip tickets to all stations 7 '4 is Texas with final limit to return in 30 m,, - ''.pays from - date of sale. Stop over are , ;auowea nn- ArtrtnsaB, xexas ana vnua tfi kaasa. Vnv'lbiim and Indian Terri- '? .-tory. One .and take a trip to. the "vmmak. .ran. lfAxatM, j. tr. x. a. THE COURIER aaMaaaffl NOW OFFERS REDUCED RATES For Round Trip Tickets to MANY 1Hax4arta Point: MMOMG TnEm Hot Springs, Deadwood, Rapid City, St Paul, Minneapolis, Duhith, Ashland, Bay field, Madison, Milwaukee, Oconomowoc, Wis. and other points to numerous to men tion in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine Ontario, etc. FOR RATES, MAPS Etc. SEE A. S. FIELDING, City Ticket A ot. 117 SOUTH 10th STREET. S. A. KOSHER. General Agt. UI X l. -?IMi.3 Grocers. Caters for family trade only. Consequently their goods are the nicest and freshest in the market. Store 1123 0. Tel. 610. ttof Rmti to tht .Sprint s- - rJ Burlington Routt. Every Friday during July and August -the Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets to Hot Springs, S. D., at the one way rate. Tickets good for fifteen days. This substantial reduction from tariff rates brings a trip to this greatest of west ern health resorts within every-one's reach. Consumptives, rheumatics, suffer ers from every ill that flesh is heir to, will make no mistake it they take advantage of this opportunity. Full information upon application to local B. & M. R. R. agent, or to J. FranciB G. P. fe T. A., Burlington route, Omaha, Neb. WEDDING INVITATIONS 1HK OOTTRTOR, 1020 P Street 1316 O Street. aaaaaaaaaW aaaVf aw V LaaaaaV BaaaV 'JbbV LaaB sbk w -aaaaaaaaaaaafawaaaaM aaaaaw aaaaaVaaaaav Va&aa1!BBBaaaaaaVM!sv aaaaal mJaaaaaA KSw S??'- aaaV aaWawVU 1 aaaaw oKW arfaT V BasaaaW aaW If awaW aaas aaw aaM awawH - -.. WW flf B HHl at III S "" '- " '""'"tl i ' ul ill n 1a fc dealer in WiP R"bes anfl BlanRetS; REPAIRING A SPECIAL! Y. Pine harness made to order. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. DPRICE'S xJilPowder: The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. T.sed in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard 7L S BaaaaaaaaBaGaSsBEi!! MANHOOD RESTORED! aEESffl2K b et ft pocket SI per box. tor &. by mall prepaid. Wll nicawnnainnHinnnniirnniu UM . HnM hi ii rjr.-zLvir-.-jirr4;KSsv-ii;iri'y".;,cF.""'"'ci book sent aeaird He aale la Uaeote. ky B. W. BBOWV aa W. S. aaHLABMnKRihjrgw,"1CA00- .. t.t f X -1 ,1 : -y 'j 1 : ' - ..-r-.sj&Lfiu: --ar. . iy-s.fe:, : , 2 ': -wwt"?rjfcaac y -a" f jf.v- - a