. fw --v-f-rcj"sjg ?Kg.4!Br.'-,i"ffefi' " ''S?!'9ejf??'?!-,? iMJ" 7 THE COURIER & c v hfi fc- V' ; ,'. I-V . s r- if h To S. L. GEISTHARDT, ATTY AT LAW BURR BLOCK. Elizabeth Crawford, Craw ford, her husband, first real name unknown and John McGloin. non-resident defendants: You and each of yon are hereby notified that on May 12th, 1891, Azariah H. Sawyer, as executor of the last will and testament of Eliza P. Clark; deceased, as plaintiff, be ran an action against you and other defen dants in the district court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, the object of which is to forcloee a certain mortgage on the following land in said county, towit: lots number ten (10) and eleven (11 in block number eight (8) Sunny side addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, made by John B. Hortoa, dated October 29,1885, to secure the payment of a promissory note of said J. B. Horton to one Win. M. Clark, trustee for 1835 on which there is now due 11,10330 with interest from April 29, 1894 at ten per cent ner annum pursuant to coupons. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure aad sale of said land to satisfy said liens as aforesaid for deficiency judgement and gen eral relief. You are required to answer plaintiff's pet tkm on or before the 30th day of July, 1891. Azariah h. Sawteb, Plaintiff. Jane 233t By S. L. Gekthardt, attorney. FINE PRINTING AND ENGRAVING. The Courier Publishing company is prepared to do all kinds of printing, fine work, especially, at moderate prices; also engraving, wedding in vitations, calling cards, etcu, Call and see samples. Courier Pub. Co. 142 N.llth street UST. tiEST. VHIYTHINO FIRST-CLAM. TkJut CHfct Corner 11th and O Ms. X.B.8L0S80H, GcMtalAgeat J.T.MASTTN, City Ticket Aft ioot. m Wfctktkair zasMBalaesu flNM solid trains flonnmd o Pall. colonist sleep. Their dinars the mw world with ota-Ftr- ni T9 KMOCaSQ Dig ana now navn mid- MMhm al amy fc th COUNTY COURT Motice cf Ptthicn for Letteit. In re estate of Michael Barrett deceased in the county court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, the state of Nebraska, to the heirs, legatees and all persons interested in the estate. Take notice, that a petition of Joseph Barrett, praying said court to grant an ex tension of time for paying debts and settle ment of said estate, has been tiled in said court; that the samo is set for hearing on the 10th day of July 1894 at 9 o'clock a. m. and that if you do not then appearand con test, said court may grant such extension of time for settlement of the said estate to Joseph Barrett, administrator thereof. Notice of this preceding shall be publish ed three weekB succesivcly in The Courier priorto said hearingr Witness my hand and seal of this court, this lGth day of June,;i894. JOSEPH WUBZBURG J i -----n , Acting county judge. Seal. v ' ' June 233t Humanity's Ailmentii" a good half of them fly before pure air and pleasant surroundirgs. Hot Springs, South Dakota, has pure'air; and its surroundings well, they're more than pleasant The Burlington's local agent will gladly give you full information about Hot Springs, and also if you ask for it a beautifully illustrated folder. J. FRANCIS, G. P. &-T. A. Omaha, Neb miw minnm f if 1 V IS THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTIP) THE SOUTH and See Uav H.a a P. AT. Pan. ft a P. AT. Act 1SLOH. NOW OFFERS REDUCED RATES BT For Round Trip Tickets to MANY Turlst Point; AM0MG r.EM Hot Springs, Deadwood, Rapid City, St Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Ashland, Bay field, Madison, Milwaukee, Oconomowoc, Wis. and other points to numerous to men tion in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine Ontario, etc. FOR RATES, MAPS Etc. SEE A. S. FIELDING, Cmr Ticket Act. 117 sooth 10th street. &.A. MOSHEB General Act. , H. J. WHITMORE. , ATTY. AT LAW, , - J" nURR BLOCK. NOTICE. In the district court of Lancaster county, Nebraska. Mrs. Eliza A. Richards, plaintiff vs. Orson G. Baldwin, defendant. Orson G. Baldwin, defendant, will take notice that on the 15th day of June, 1894, Eliza A. Richards, plaintiff herein, tiled her petition in the district court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, againut said defendant, the object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by the defendant to one F. W. Baldwin, and sold and assigned to this plaintiff, upon the south east' quarter of section nineteen, township nine, range six, east of the sixth p. m. in Lancaster county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a principal note of 92500 with interest coupon notes of 9175 eaeh for annual interest on said note, said notes dated May 24th 1890 and due May 24, 1895. Default having been made in the pay ment of interest and taxes the whole of said note has become due and payable and there is now due upon said notes and mortgage a sum of 82675 with interest at ten per cent from May 24, 1894 and $38.95 with ten pr ct. interest from June 14 1894. Plaintiff prays for a decree that defendant be required to pay the same or that premises may by sold to satisfy tin amount You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 30th day of July, 1894. June 23 4t ELIZA A. RICHARDS By H. J. Whitmore. HAfeblE McDANIEb DRESSMAKER ROOM 24, 1123 N ST. I use the Taylor system and guarantee satisfaction. WEDDING INVITATION Possibly you intend to mar rysoon. You will wan In vitations or Announcements nr Imtli. A Lip icinl in life it's natural to havo a 'lics-ia-nonc-too good" fool ing. Wo have several new designs in type and engrav ing, especially for this work. We can eaisfy your fcel iugs. TH COURIER, 1020 P Street m l A i0 Y .Tliff. USi XV