c- V& ' r&r " f wr 16 M ft L. V M. r. O. Kaike and Daughter He Can't Live aU aqr Meads and neighbors. I had : ! IS years; physicians and change of Haute did sot help me. But Hood's Sarsapa- Hood's Sarta- Cures dU se more good an the dootorlng. I aaa aew eat, sleep and aaa week. II jr daughter a)M had distress and rheumatism. Hood's Sar aaparflla made ber stout, well and healthy. B. V. O. Sokx, Fain lew, Kansas. Hood's Pills are purely regetable, aad do sparge, palu or gripe. Sold by all draggtsts. FnBBJBSifJi BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA Hmrrest EzcarsloD. Via the Miasouri Pacific On tho second Tuesday in December 1893 January, Febuary, March, Ap-il and May 1891 the Missouri Pacihc route will sell round trip tickets to all stations in Texas with final limit to return in 30 pays from date of sale. Stop over are' allowed in Arkansas, Texas and Okla homa, New Mexico and Indian Terri tory. Come and take a trip to the oath. Phil Dactels, C. P. &. T. A. 1201 O street Cheap Rates to California Via the Union Pacific Ry.. "Sunshine, Fruit and Flowers," San Francisco Los Angeles and intermediate points. First class one way 120; round trip good for 60 days 9350. Full information cheer fvllygjfreiiat city ticket office, 1044 Ost. THE COURIER THE CRETE ASSEMBLY. An actor of mediocre ability can take the emotional roles if he has a good voice and a trick or two of the eyes. Cut it takes a man with leisure intellect and a peculiar temperament to bo a comedian. Mr. Chas, Underbill, who will impersonate comic characters ut the Crete chautauqua in July hLB devoted himself entirely to the sym pathetic study of tho delicate, classic com edy of Shakespeare, and the homely human comedy of Charles Dickens. He ie without a rival as an impersonator of the roles of Falstaff, Maloalio, Picwick and Pecksniff. Tho sense of comedy is not a small thing, and it needs to be cultivatdd. It is a matter of regret that so little is known of Shakespeare's comedies. Even Shakesperian scholars neglect them. The The greater part of the cultured world has yet to discover the sunnier side of the mas ter's genius. There will be nothing more attractive at the Chautauqua ereembly than Mr. Underbill's delightful impersona tions; CHEAP TRAVELING. The round trip rates to Hot Springs, S. D., offered by the Eurlington Route aro low very low, as low as can be quoted. Ask your local agent about them. FROM PLAIN TO PEAK. There's a discription in a nut-shell of the journey to Hot Springs, S. D. via tho Turl ington route. It's one of the pleasantests trips imagin able. Rates to Hot Springs are low, very low, now. Why not spend a week or two there? The Burlidgton's local agent will gladly give you full particulars about Hot Springs and also if you ask for it a beautifully illustrated folder. J. FRANCIS, G.P.&F.A. Omaha, Neb. Ill ?nn- UUIIi w -?;Tlie Grocers. Caters for family trade only. Consequently their goods are the nicest and freshest in the market. Store 1425 O. Tel. 610. - v. "tfe A Bright Lad, Ten years of age, but who declines to give his name to the public, makes this authorized, confidential statement to as : " When I was one year old, my mamma died of consumption. The doctor said tliat I, too, would soon die, and all our neighbors thought that even if I did not die. I would never be able to walk, because I was so weak and puny. A gathering formed and broke under my arm. I hurt my finger and It gathered and threw out pieces of bone. If I hurt myself so as to break the skin. It was sure to become a ruBSing sore. I had to take lots of medicine, but nothing has .?ne nie f n,uch SOOi as .Oyer's Sarsapa J2" ,?' ,ias nuule B"6 wen and strong.'' T. D. M., Xorcatur, Kans. AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Vaw. Cures others, will cure you I Made la an styles and sixes. lightest,! strong, easiest working; safest, simplest, B Iraott accurate, most compact, sad moctl modern. For sale by all dealers la arms. I I CaUlogses maded .- by I I The ttarlin Fire Arms Co., I Kkw Have, Come, U.S. A. I Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair. ' DRPRICE'S odfSfll Tfcefoaly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard fa IMIAMHTIOn DBfiTADenT"nTB rnanitju-uil to cure mU nerToatUeaae.sucu as Weak Meaorr JofSnln Power, , Uesdaefae. Wakelolneis. Low Manhood, KIcfaUY taeNan!!.? pes.all tfralBsaadloMi of powerlnOenersUveOinsolrtJaeratxSS A 1 r f V vv JC IS. BUMBO,' J.T.JLASTIX, W.M.BHIUMUt lh '.- -i.iiy$. ,-1-. C.T.JL -A - -J, SW -. jrO ' A-W- ,j4J ?5?Tjyr SSy -PB. f ' MaaouteTaavtStGBBfisM.