r frTj - 'N5lJV-' " vv; - v j wif,--' 'j"W6js!31ec!V' i 12 THE COURIER tt- -y " V I K I ir. 15 hc BASE BALfo WESTERN ASSOCIATION STANDING. Following is the standing of the Western Association clubs up to and including Thursday's games: w. Lincoln 30 Omaha 30 Jacksonville 29 St Joseph 29 25 L. P.C. 22 577 23 .506 24 .547 25 547 W. L. P.O. Rock Island .23 24 JSB Peoria 27 2G .509 Des Moines 24 29 .453 Quincy 14 30 .204 It is one of the noticeable, things about the Lincoln team that they play with vim, and go after everything in sight. They have the zest which delights the spectators; there is apparently not a sulky man in the club. Hill made a one-handed pickup in Wednesday's trame that was phenomenal. Sweeny also distinguished the same day by a run ning catch and a "bunt," which reminded one of Burkett's old style. Ex-members of the state university base ball team havo organiz ed, and they think they can make it warm for any amateur team in the city. They are anxious to havo a game with the bankers' nine. Manager Hickey certainly deserves the congratulation and thanks of the Lincoln public for the interest which he has aroused this year in the game. He was well repaid for his efforts by the atten dance on the Fourth. It seems to The Gourieu that the Lincoln crowds should bo more generous to the visiting clubs in the matter of applause for good work. 85-00 m M-ra 851 The race for the pennant in the Western Association is one of the prettiest on record. The clubs travel up and down the list like so many "brownies" on a toboggan Blide. After May 1 I will make the best set of "Teeth for $5. Teeth Kxtracted Without l'ala. All Work Guaranteed t atlsfactory. It is Lincoln's turn now, but remember the club has been at home for twelve successive games, and has won nine of the twelve. XR. H. K. KKRAA3?9 ROOMS 94, 95, 96, BURR BLK. SURGEON DENTIST After the three at St Joe the pirates will havo nine games at home with the western clubs and will then leave for a month to play with both the western and eastern clubs. Get our prices before buying elsewhere. Jeckell Bkos tailors, 119 north 13 st. If the boys can keep up their gait on this trip or win even one half of the games, they will be on top when they return home in August. The team misses Hughes everywhere, on third, at the bat and on the coaching lines. He ib one of the boys who make things lively. "Kid" Speer is a great favorite with tho grand stand, at the bat of late has raised him in the batting list. His record A soft, fair skin is tho result of pure blood and a healthy liver, to secure which Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the superior medicine. Ladies who rely upon cosmetics to beautify their complexions, should make a note of this bearing in mind that they cau't improve upon human nature. In old times it seemed to bethought that a medicine must be nau seating to be effective. Now, all this is changed. Ayer's Sarsapar illa, one of the most powerful alternatives is agreeable to most pal ates, the flavor being by no means medininal. A FAST PRESSi tsssssssEissBWCBIWBSCsWHWfraFyMPW Lovers of fine machinery can find nothing more attractive than the latest products of press manufacturers. The best inventive genius and mechanical ekill are engaged in meeting tho demand made upon the manufacturers by the newspapers of the country, and the result is a triumph of mechanical art A printing press that takes white paper from the roll and prints, folds and delivers 12,000 copies of an eight page paper per hoar, is a remarkable piece of machinery, interesting alike to the mechanic and the laymen. Above is shown the sew proas purchased by the Call now on. the way to Lincoln from New York city. Its regular speed u 12,000 copies per hour, printing from stsnrtyp plates. The cost price dt the press was $7,500. ' V J 1 & 1 I 1I & . lb 3p I z. - ft, -- SK tgfe