J Jl A J'! it. it . MRS. M. JOHNSON, TAIlvORBSS. Ladies and Gent's clothing cleaned and repaired. All work well done and all orders promptly attended to. ROOM 4. 1012 O ST. WESTERN STEAM DYE AND - - JSESJJS! FRENCH DRY GLEANING WORKS 'Ko'neb. Ladies and Gents' clothing cleaned, col ored and repaired. Kid gloves cleaned and dved. Work done promptly; satisfaction guaranteed. W. E. PAUL, Prop. X I LINCOLN &30 South Bleventli St. Telephone 501. - - Iioomi 208 mill 20U, ( Diseases of Women. Sneialties: i Orificial Sureery. (Venereal Diseases. 'Eit. 'W. Xy. PHI5WITT, 1026 O STREET. Fine cabinet photographs 83 per dozen. Diseases of Women, and Diseases of the Chest Aro rD lAPOR LINCOUN Specialties of Ll. JrtUDO, NhBK. Hours 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. 2 to 5:30 p.m. Consultation Free ! Office over Harley's Drug Store, Cor. Uth and O Sts. Residence Cor. A and 17th Sts. H M H ft 9 8B HAIR DRESSING AND MANICURING. A full lino of Switches, Banps, Ornaments, Mani cure Goods, Curling Irons, Rubber Goods, Hrushos, Tonics, Dyes, lileachcs, 1'owders, Soaps, etc. JS"I rnako a specialty of removing. Tan, Freckles. Pimples and Blackheads. Scalps treated for fall ing of the hair and promoting the growth .C Call or send for a sample of Toujours Jcune face toilet, it remopes wrinkles and prevents others from forming keeps the face cleaner than soap and water. A 50 or 30 cent cake sent to any address without extra charge HA R DRESSING AND Mill STEAM MASSAGE AND FACIAL TREATMENTS. Toujours Jeune (always young) and a full lino of cosmetics and hair goods, ornaments, pin brushes, curling irons. MINNIE DAVIS, 1242 CLARA J. HATCH, STREET. HQTEI IDEATE, 121 S. 14th St. ... Lincoln, Neb. -:- Under the management of :- I. OPPENHEIMER. Elegant rooms, fine- tabic. Tho only first-class family hotel in Lincoln. THE COURIER CHA9. S. FERRIS, Attorney at Law, ROOM 4. 1113 O ST. Jfcfofr The Photographer 1214 0 St. FINK rilOTOOKAPHS A SPECIALTY ritlCKS ItK VSONAIILE STEAM DYEING CXvEJAi-VJL-VG WORKS 113 N. 13th STKEET LADIES CARED FOR PRIVATELY Maternity Home. P.O. ROX531. HAbLIEMCDANlELS. DRESSMAKER. Gxvi3:iv JVway 1 (FOR RIDING OR DRIVING) jxrcir , Every boy under 14 years of age will receive a ticket with each Hair Cut, at 8.F. Ik Bun Shop .Basement. Burr Block, or at ANNEX, 117 N 13th street, south of Lansing theatre. WlVTtn REL1ABI-E AGENTS to handle nlmlLU a first-class Cripple Creek Gold Mining stock. Address, DELANY AND DELANY, Mining Brokers, Colorado Springs, Col. WEDDING INVITATIONS Possibly you intend to mar ry soon. You will want In vitations or Announcements or both. At this point in life it's natural to have a "best-is-none-toogood" feel ing. We have several new designs in type and engrav ing, especially for this work. We can satisfy your feel- 142 N.llth Street. ilQIUnjWT. hs3 CANOBES. Its scientific treatment and removal in twenty minutes without knifo, pain or loss of a drop of blood DR. QUEEN cures PHm and Tm mors without pain, knife or loaa of a drop of blood; he also cures Catarrah, Troat, Lungs, Heart and Nervosa De bility. DR. QUEEN has made disease at the Stomach, Kidney, Liver, Blood and Diseases of Women a specialty far thirty-five years. He has restored hearing to the deaf and sight to tka blind. DR. QUEEN is the specialist of tae northwest in the Treatment and Cars of all Chronic and Private Ailments having lived in Lincoln and Lancaster county for thirty-four years. By applying to Dr. Queen, the Has trician, yoi can get Instant Belief and a Cure from all Pain from Bherunatiasa Neural iga and all Chronic Ailments' after all medical remedies have failed. Instituts and Electric Bath Boom, Onion Block,N.E.cor. iQth&Q LINCOLN, XEB. Reduction in Price. El innu 1 Q Gents per week without 1 CT Cents per week with Sunday. Sunday. Olietvp in Ijrio. Best In Quality. MME.A.RUPPERrS FACE BLEACH MML A. ftUPPCRT says: "lappreclate the fact that there are many thou sandsof lad lesln the United States that would like to try my World-Renowned Rack Bleach: bat hare been kept from doing o on ao counioi pnce.wnicnisf2.uw per bottleor 3 bottle takes together, S5X0. In order that all of these may bare an opportunity, I will give to every caller, absolutely free, a sample bottle, and Ifcjcln order to supply those oat of cltr.or In any nartof the World.I will send It safely parked In plain wrapper all charges prepaid, for 25 rents, silver or stamp." In eyerycaseof freckles, pimples. moth, sal lowness,blackheads,acr.e,ecxeRia,ollineBs .rough ness, or any discoloration or disease of the skin, and wrinkles (not caused by .facial expression) Face Bleach removes absolutely. It does not cover up, as cosmetics do, but Is a cure. Address KABAlfE A. XirrXBT, (BsC SJ MO. Cast 14th t NEW YORK CITY. FREE fcw2iiitsV .iXSa wTJa rsfcs