FT r V3-V-? -T? - ir?. St .C? ?-T- ? THE COURIER - ' - - --- -n m i iii ill Supo Smiwe. Bjkh House m Suwi, Corner lttlx and. 3X SSf:m.9 Liucoln, Neb. TURKISH, BUSSIAN, ROMAN, ELECTRIC, CABINET AND HOT SALT BATHS. People taking'theso baths will find the best possible appointments. Throughout tho building everything is clean and wbolesomo Massngo is given understandingly and trained attendants aro to be found in every department .The mineral waters from tho Artesian wells aro particularly refreshing to thoso who aro tired or overworked. For tho euro of liver, kidney, stomach and ncrvou diseases and all chronic complaints, and especially for fElxeuumn.'tlsixxi. these waters have proven most eflicacious. Tho great plunge, 50x142, and a to 10 feet deep, tilled with mineral water, is a Bplendid "placo to learn -to swim. Lessons. taught by men and women. Ttiit water, though constantly changing, is kept at an even temperature tho year around. In connection also is a fine barber shop and hair dressing department, both complete in ovory pHrticular;"scaIp treatment and &h"am poos are gireu. The hair arrangedfor parties. Send for further particulars. " " 1 ELEMYPl. rillVATK WIRES. )B, IllIER I (JO., I ITH AND N STS. Let XJm XXEftlcG Your Letter Heads, Catalogue Illustrations and Advertising Designs. Prices Low. Good Ideas. Always on Top. WALLACE & L0CKW00D N. W. Cor. 14th and P Sts illllT mm, EiTDrnm rc irai r asssa- BMAh 2LlMSSr?BiSl v ' tfomssoijanora substance. AV f-r-1 .J Iwrki a MMMTEE CWE m l .NMrMOM. MM4C.W1 CAJUCU., COMAaSSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS anil STOCKS :; COnRESPOXDEXTS: :-: F. O. Logan Jt Co., Chicago. 1). It. Francis Commission Co., St. Louis. Hubbard, Prico &. Co., Xpw York. I2T"Marl:ctsJuniMied country dealers on request. HUMPHREYS1 Ur.Hr-nphrey SperllIcareclenuflcallj-aBd cartfsUy prepared Hemedles. used for years In fsfrf practice and for OTer thirty years by the j2C3 wtU entire success. Every single Specific a special cure for tlie disease named. They euro without drugging, purging or reducing the system and are In fact and deed the Sovereign Betstedleaofthe Worla. so. cuais. rucu 1 Ferera, Congestions. Inflammations.. .33 3-Warsas, Worm Fever, Worm CoUc 5 S-Teethlast Colic, Crying, Wakefulness ,25 4 Diarrkea, of Children or Adults .35 7-Caagka, Colds, Bronchitis 33 8-Xearalgla, Toothache, Faceache' 83 S-Heaaackea, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .33 le-Dyape'aala. Biliousness, Constipation. .33 11-SaaareaaeslorPaiaralFeriaaa... .33 13-Wkltea. Too Profuse Periods .. .33 13-Craaa, IaryBs;ltl, Hoarseness...... .33 14-8a.lt Kkeasa, Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .33 13-KkeaatatUsB, Rheumatic Pains .33 1 Malaria, Chills. Fever and Ague .33 1-Catarrk, Infloenia, Cold in Tiie Head. .33 3 Wkaaalar Caagh - SM 37 Kidaey Dlaeaeea W 38-Xerraaa BeMIItr 3-CriBary Weakaea,Wetta;Bl.. .33 UUXFHRKTS' WITCH HAZEL OIL, "The FUe Otatai eU"-TrUl Stw. S3 Cta, Sail by Dnwt1sU.ersmtS4M-wM OB rsertpt fyctaa, Ba. Hranun'. sUavsi, (1M tff,) suilbp rasa. iTpE 5TF I CS . THE LINCOLN- An igial Stone hi Tile 'Co., lKCOBroiUTKD. Llnooln, - IVetxrcsstlceaa 1 II la R. B. Graham, Pres. and Treas. T. II. Graham, Secretary. " F. Reimeus, Manager. ' Paving-, Curbing, Ijivtii Walks, Carriage Drive; Side Walkx, I'lain ami Tiled, Encana- tic Tiling, llulldiiiKSloiir, Window Caps and ?IIN, Ven ?rcd Work. Factory, ICth and X Streets. Telephone 590. Ofliee, No. 1201 O Street. E8TIMATES FURNISHED ON 8HORT NOTICE. pS2Sgfr-i pflMOLOCIGU Mvm. AND SamCtf OP flEALTH AN- ILUUSTFWIUh 1-MAGAZINE -OF- WPM FOWLER & WEILS CO., 35 East Slut Street, New York. MWiOtOS'CSt MCSD Ss-feS&f . jg?-.- - V V. r ? i , -V" r "-V? - J J , k 1 i X 1 A j 'A y j