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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1894)
16 THE COURIER Heart Would Stop Beating They tald H Would Not Llv a Year Perfectly Cured - No Catarrh Mow Hood's Did It. , JMmesy jp "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen: It Bites me pleasure to certify to Uie efficacy of Hood's Sarsaparilla Id the case of my father, who has suffered for j cars with Heart Disease and Catarrh In the bead. The former grew worse every day, and esjieclally at night time. When ho would lie down a curious feeling would rise around his heart and his pulse would stop beat ing for seconds. He could breathe well, but all the air he'could inhale did not seem to rellere him. He would hare to get up out of bed and stir round until It wore off. "We became alarmed, and our friends said he would not lire a year. The family physician prescribed seteral reme dies, but all to no at all. Finally a physician ad Tisedhtento take Hood's Sirgnparilla. He did so, and before he had Liken one bottle realized that it was helping him. He his tVien over four bottles now, an 1 Is not btVaerel anymore With heart spells. He can sleep sound as a baby. He does not hive any more trouble with the catarrh, and Is Himself Once More. He is 3 years old, and can d.tns much work in a day as any man of his age, since using Hood's Barsaparilla, You are at liberty to pujllsh this Hood's?Cures for the benefit of suffering humanity, for we can recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to be all and more than is claimed for it." Miss Axxik Wheeler, Bondo, Missouri. Hood's Pills are hand made, and perfect In proportion and appearan ce. 25c per box. HIS LITTLE SON. "Ob, papa, Bee that steamer smoke; Ain't that a big cigar? Could you smoke one as big as that? Ain't it lip awful far?. "How do the steamer mans get there To touch a match to it? Would you fall off if you climed up? Where do you suppose you'd hit? "Where do they buy Buch big cigars? How long will that one last? Do they buy 'em like you in a box? Don't the boat go awful fast? "What makes the smoke come out so black? Ain't it a funny trick? Say, papa, if you smoked like that. Wouldn't it make you sick? "Wont it run over those little boats? Will the bridge man let it thro'? Papa, when I am a great big man, Can I have a steamer too?" And thus ho chatters o'er the bridge' As happy as a lark. Would I take the world for my four-year-old Interrogation mark? I twenty minutes until relieved." I A LAW (illADUATE. He has just come out of college, With his head crammed full of knowledge. So ho thinks! So he thinks! He will surely make a hit, With his arguments and wit, So he thinks! So ho thinks! Ho will argue like a sage, Though but 20 years of age. So ho thinks! So ho thinks! He has come to courts to alter, In his works he'll never falter. So he thinks! So ho thinks! But he'll run against a stump, And receive a great big bump. So we think! So wo think! He will learn he's sometimes wrong, And his points not always strong, So we think! So we think! He will learn life's hard and dreary, That courts don't run on theory, So we think! So we think. And he'll say: "I have very oft Been very green and very sort," So we think! So we think! INDEFINITELY INSTANTANEOUS. The j oung man dropped some white pow der into glass tilled with water and swal lowed it. "What's that?" inquired the boss. "I've got a headache, and that is 'instan taneous headache cure' I'm taking." "What's the dose?" "A teaspoonf ul in a glass of water every "Ah? "That's what; and I've been taking it since early this morning." QUALIFIED. Applicant I called to seo if I could get a position as umpire in the league. President What experience have you had? Applicant I have been a comic opera impresario and am an authority on curves, besides knowing how to handle kickers. Marie This dress makes me look horrid. Mertie It does tit rather tight for a fact. Only the Scars Remain, "Among the many testimonials which I see In regard to certain medicines perform ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes 11kuy Hudson, of the James 8mltU Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., "none impress me more than my own owe. Twenty years ago, at the age of 18 years, I had swellings come on my legs, which broke and l became nmnlnr mim. Our famllyphysician could do me no good, and it was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old mother rged me to try Ayer' Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the cars remain, and the I memory of the past, to Temincl mn nf (1m vnml Ayert Sarsaparilla has done me. I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am In the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer'a Sarsaparilla advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ure In telling what good it did for me." For the care of an diseases originating In Impure blood, the best remedy Is AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowc1,Maa. Cures other, wilt cure you bVbIbw sbV 15 I IS m SO E frVfe b""" B3 Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair. PRICE'S The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Vsed in Millior.s of Homes 40 Years the Standard fin MANHOOD RESTORED! "I": guaranteed to curem. 1 nervous dlaeasen. sucii as Weak Memoir. Lou of Brain Iwer, Headache. Wakefulness Lost Manhood. Ntebtiy iXiXoSKeiToiS neu.aUdralntandIosof wjwerlnGeneraOiwni lUYerSexcanlS l?.lt2Zt3?n'I?m!!!trSn' e of tobacco, opium or sua? slants wblcblradtoInllraiUr.ConrampUon or Insanity. Can be carrtedlB a. n lin m ha oriw wa -- fwv wm v: w.w iwt w wi wan prevail w5wruieMrteleperrerta the aaaey. gold brail in rtSZSZZS "YASrrAi ".?' A';JXI5?i?iw" sealed For sale in Uircoia. by B. W.BKOWV and W.K. BlHLAKIuW I ikjSSu MKAao' - 4 , A J i .J I f