THE COURIER 13 notable event evidencing market! improvement in this dopartmont. Tho program waB a long ono, but sufficiently variod to hold tho in terest of the largo audienco. Y i m, m.v . br Ensign's coach will bo taken out this afternoon for tho second time this season. Coaching parties in Lincoln are still sufficiently novel to bo attrac tive. Burlington Beach will bo open in a few days and it is probablo that tho dancing pavilion will bo used rather frequently during tho summer by select parties. Tho local tennis tournament at the capitol courts this week has attracted considerable interest, tho appearance of tho grounds on several afternoons recalling tho palmy days of some years ago, when tennis was in its height in this city. Some of this week's playing was excellent. Tho winners in the Hard Times Whist club's scries were: W. P. Kelley and Miss Jcannctte WilBon, first prizes; Miss Bertio Clark and B. G. Dawes, second prizes; consolation prizes were awar led to John Dorgan and Miss Olivo Latta. Or. Ward made tho presenta tion addresses. Miss Rachel Brock left Monday for Cincinnati to visit school friends. There will bo a tally-ho party this afternoon to Ensign's farm. The party will include Misses Mary Miller, Jcanotte Wilson, Olivo Latta, Anno Funke, Mame Carson, Bertie Burr, Fay Marshall, Mae Burr, Grace Burr; Messrs. John T. Dorgan, Matt Baldwin, Will Johnson, W. D. Robinson, Lew Marshall, Charles Burr, Frank Burr, C. P. N. Clough, B. G. Dawes, Ross Curtis. VPlaco Aux Dames" will be presented by tho young ladies of tho high school class of Vi at the conservatory of music this evening. There will be a competitive university drill this afternoon, the prizes being medals. Thursday afternoon there was a preliminary drill on the campvB for the selection of four men from each company of the battalion, resulting as follows: Company A Sergeant Weeks, Privates Doubrava and Whipple; Company B Sergeants Beardsley and Elliott, Corporal Pulis and Private Robbies; Company C Ser geant Durrell, Corporal Almy, Privates Emerson and Thatcher. Today's drill will take place at tho M street park. Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Hoover and daughter went to Kansas City Thursday. Judge Lansing's friends will regret to learn that he is again con fined to the house by illness. At least two weddings in whi:h society will have an interest aro due to occur in June, one in the early and the other in tho latter part. Mrs. Sarah Harris was in Leavenworth this week. Mr. Zehrung will leave for New York in a few days in the interest of tho Funke opera house. Mrs. W. C. Wilson has gone to Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Frank L. Sheldon has returned from New York. Tho thirty-fourth recital given by tho music departmnet of the university, given Wednesday night in tho university chapel, was a George II. Holdcn nnd Mrs. Lulu N. Riggs wero married Tuesday afternoon at tho residence of Mr. T. P. Konnard, Seventeenth and II streets. They left immediately after tho ceremony for Denver, whore they will reside. Mr. Holdcn is a former resident of Lincoln and is well known in this city. Mr. Frank C. Zehrung has established himself in handsomo bacholor apartments in the Salsbury block. Tho Tuxedo Mandolin club gavo a concert last evening at the Christian church. Mrs. L. P. Gould sang, as did also tho Teyn Malo quartet. Miss Brownio Baum, of Omaha, returned homo Thursday. Mr. L. L. II. Austin left for Chicago and the cast Wednesday. Mr. D. G. Wing left Thursday afternoon for Davenport, Iowa, whoro ho will meet his Bister Miss Alice Wing who has boon in New York attending tho Women's school of design. Thoy will arrivo in Lincoln Monday. Monday night the following comprised a party at tho circus: Miss Mary Miller, Miss Anne Funke, Miss Mao Burr, Miss Bertio Burr. Miss Grace Burr, Miss Olivo Latta, MissMamo Carson, Mr. Mattson Baldwin, Mr. Frank S. Burr, Mr. Ross Curtice, Mr. Chas. Burr, Mr. Low Marshall, Mr. Will Johnson, Mr. Will Clarke. Miss Mary Miller entertained tho young people who wero in tho circus party, at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. E Thompson, Wed nesday evening. Mr. Ross Curtice, Mr. Frank S. Burr and Miss Grace Burr funi iehed delightful music during tho evening. Tho Round Tablo will meet Monday night. IN OMAIIA. For Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Morris and their guests Mrs. Boyd and Miss Chanute, Mr. and Mrs, Dana S. Lander gave a delightful little card party Thursday evening. A very jolly and informal dance was given at the Madison on Tuesday evening of this week. Quite a number in the neighbor hood were invited in and after the music had stopped many adjourned to the rooms of Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker for a light supper. Miss Pumphrey returned to her home on Tuesday. Mrs. Arthur Smith entertained at luncheon on Wednesday. Miss McCord of St. Joseph who has been visiting her Bister, Mrs. Wm. II McCord for a few days, left for homo on Tuesday. Mrs. Offuth entertained the Cooking club Friday afternoon. Tho High Five club had their last meeting for tho season at Miss Wakeley's on Wednesday afternoon when the prizes were awarded to Mrs. Beale, Mrs. McKenna, Miss Wakeloy and Mrs. Redick, these ladies having made the best scores throughout the year. On Wednesday evening Mr. Algernon Patrick gave a very jolly coaching party for Miss Hall, and today Miss Emily Wakeley will entertain at luncheon in her honor. Dinners this week were given by Capt. and Mrs Ayres on Thurs day and on Friday by Gen. and Mrs. Brooke. One of the jollieet entertainments that Omaha has had this spring was a dance at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yates, given on Monday evening by the Debutant's Cooking Club. The club con-