The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 19, 1894, Page 17, Image 19

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Tute of "Royal Ruby Port Wtoe" and
you will know why we call it "Royal."
A glass held up to the light will show why
we call it Ruby. $500 reward for any
bottle of this wine found under five years
old, or in any way adulterated. It la
grand In sickness and convalescence, or
where a strengthening cordial is required;
recommended by druggists and physi
cians. Be sure you get "Royal Ruby,"
don't let dealers impose on you with some
thing "justas good." Sold only in bottles;
price, quarts f 1, pints 60 cts, Bottled by
Royal Wine Co. Sold by
11th and O Sts.
Extract From the Kules or the Water De
partment. Water rent shall bo duo and payablo in
advance semi-annually, May 15 and Novem
ber 15. If not paid by the above dates ono
dollar lino for shutting of! and 10 per cent
of tho bill may bo charged.
J. W. Pkrcival,
Water Commissioner.
Honiesepkem Kxcurslon One Fare Tor the
Jtouml Trip.
Toll your friends in tho east that on May
29 tho Burlington routo will sell round trip
tickets at tho one-way rato to points in Ne
braska, Kansas, Eastern Kansas, South
western South Dakota and Northern Wyom
ing. Tickets aro good for twenty days;
allow stop-overs ana will bo on sale at all
stations east of tho Missouri river.
J. Francis. G. P. & T. A., Burlington route,
Omaha, Neb.
Harvest Kxcuntlon.
Via tho Missouri Pacific On tho
second Tuesday in December 189.1
January, Febuary, March, Ap-il and
May 1894 tho Missouri Pacific route
will sell round trip tickets to all stations
in Toxas with final limit to return in .10
days from date of sale. Stop over aro
allowed in Arkansas, Texas and Okla
homa, Now Mexico and Indian Terri
tory. Como and take a trip to tho
south. Phil Danikls, C. P. & T. A.
1201 O street.
Cheap Kate to California
Via tho Union Pacific Ry., "Sunshine,
Fruit and Flo-vere," San Francisco Los
Angeles and intermediate points. First
class ono way $20; round trip good for
GO days $.15.50. Fuil information cheer
fully given at city ticket office, 1041 O st.
E. B. Slosson, J. T. Mastin,
Gen. Agent. C. T. A.
Ami Fast Time to Ft. Worth, IIoiiKton and
Iji I'orte, Texan.
Parties going to tho abovo points can
savo nearly twelvo hours in time by
taking tho great Rock Island route.
Fast Texas express leaving Lincoln at
8:20 a. m. reaches Ft. Worth 8:12 a. in.
and Houston at 7-10 p. m. tho following
day. Only ono night out. A member
of tho La porto syndicate will accom-
fany tho party leaving over tho Rock
Bland on Tuesday tho 9th inst.
For rates etc. call at city ticket offico
1045 O street, corner Eleventh.
Ilonton ' York Philadelphia.
These threo great centers of population
in tho east, and all intermediate cities, aro
quickly reached from Lincoln by means of
tho North Western Elkhorn lino to Chi
cago. City offico 117 So. Tenth street. De
pot corner S and Eighth streets.
Now is tho timo to tako a trip to Florida
via tho Missouri Pacific routo. City ticket
offico 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb.
Real Estato and Loan Brokers, ground floor,
office at 1207 O street.
Telephono G9.1.
Wo believe in protecting our customers.
But wo continue to annihilate our competitors.
Bargains In Choioe City Property.
AFTER ALL, real estato is tho safest placo
to put your money, ranks hail, business
houses fail and mines fail to pan out.
As we said before, banks fail. Re
sults, 25 cents on tho dollar. Tib
true tho real estato market may
becomo depressed at times, but
by holding a man can always
rcalizo dollar for dollar and
thero never was u better
timo to buy than now.
Lincoln realty is
steadily advanc
ing and tho day will
never comk when real
estato in tho city of Lin
coln will bo as cheap as it
is at present. Buy whilo it is
within your reach. You aro
absolutely certain of largo returns.
See us for sure investments. Wo
havo listed with us tho best bargains
in tho city. Teams in waiting to show
them. Telephono C9.1, or call at our
ground floor office.
1207 O Street.
No. 2(5. A bargain near the capitol in a
first-class vacant lit. Wo havo sold bar
gains before, but this beats them all; neigh
torhood tho very best. Owner anxious to
sell and money talks. Come and see us
about this.
To Exchange. No. GUI. Clear lot in East
Lincoln and Sl.dOO cash for a lot in south
or southeast Lincoln.
To Exchange, No. T. 10-room modern
house and a lino double corner, beautiful
shade, near capitol grounds; owner desires
a smaller placo, and will take a less expen
sive place as part payment, long time and
low rate of interest on the balance; a raro
opportunity to yet a comfortable homo in a
choice location.
To Exchange, No. 9.1. Well located resi
dence property, close to business, and some
cash for a farm of 100 or 210 acres within
ten miles of Lincoln. Must be good choice
OWNERS: If you want to sell your resi
dence or any real estate you may possess in
this city and will sell it at a bargain come
and seo us. Wo can always find a buyer for
a first-class bargain.
HOLM & REED. 1207 O street.
By II. C YOUNG, Broker.
1201 O Street.
Neatest 7-room cottage in the city with
every convenience, lino lawn, shade. Also
G-room modern cottage, loth well located
and can be bought at a bargain.
Call at my ground floor office and got lists
and prices of the best residence property
and vacant lots offered at one-half actual
II. C. YOUNG, Broker,
Ground Floor Office. 1201 O St., Cor. 12
I J- fill mrulnrn twin in tt uni'nn nuunu. Tim
convcnienucH consist of hot air furnace, hot
and cold" water, uas and electric light, bath
and sewerage. Tho location is as good as
is in the city. Call and see about this and
other matters relating to bargains of all
kinds in real estate.
78 Burr Block.
FOR RENT. Pleasant six room cottagu
with barn. 2(1(! J street. $10 per month.
Inquire 1115 D street.
Do you want to buy, sell or trade?
Seo our bargain list.
Fine lots at from $.'(00 up.
Good cottages and lots for $(500. $050 and
$700 regular snaps!
Have you a house to rent? Bring it in.
Do you want to rent ono?
Como and take a rido with us.
Chase Bros.
Room -1, 111.1 O St.
first-class Cripple Creek Gold
Mining stock. Address,
Mining Brokers,
Colorado Springs, Col.
A Great Mistake.
A recent discovery Is that headache,
dizziness, dullness, confusion of tho mind,
etc., arc duo to derangement of tho nerve
centers which supply tho brain with nervo
force; that Indigestion, dyspepsia, neuralgia,
wind in stomach, etc.7 arise from tho derange
ment of tho nerve centers supplying these or
gans with nervo fluid or force. This Is llkowlso
true of many diseases of tho heart and lungs.
The nervo system Is Ilko a telegraph system.
as will bo seen by the accompanying
CUU 1I1U 111WU
whlto lines aro
the nerves which
convey the nervo
force from tho
nervo centers to
every part of the
body, just as tho
conveyed along
the telegraph
wires to every
station, largo or
small. Ordinary
physicians fail to
regard this fact;
Instead of treat
ing the nerve cen
ters for thocauso
of tho disorders
arising therefrom
they troat tho
part affected.
Franklin Miles,
M. D.. LL. B.. tho
highly celebrated
specialist and
student of nervous diseases, and author
pi many noicu treatises on tho latter subject,
long slnco realized tho truth of tho llrst
statement, and his Itcstorativo Nervine
Is prepared on that principle Its success
In curing all diseases arising from derange
ment of tho nervous system Is wonder
ful, as tho thousands of unsolicited testimo
nials In possession of tho company manufac
turing tho remedy amply prove.
Dr. Miles' Kestoratlvo Nervlno Is a rcllablo
remedy for all nervous diseases, such as
headache, nervous debility, prostration,
sleeplessness, dizziness hysteria, sexual de
bility. St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. It Is
sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee,
orsent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co..
Elkhart. Ind., on receipt of price. 81 per bot
tle, six bottles for $5, express prepaid.
itcstorativo Nervine positively contains no
opiates or dangerous drugs.