T- K J" i'. rw'LA vV T"' THE COUKIER 17 ". : A Y . PROF. NIEL, rorerament chemist, writes: I have care folly analyzed your " Royal Ruby Fort Wine," bought by me In the open market, and certify that I found the same abso lutely pure and well aged. This wine is especially recommended for its health-restoring and building up properties; it strengthens the weak and restores lost vi tality; particularly adapted for conval escents, the aged, nursing mothers and those reduced and weakened by over-work and worry. Be sureyou get 'Royal Ruby"; $1 per quart bottles, pinta 60 eta. Sold by 11th and O Sts. The Burlington route is now Belling round trip tickets to San Francisco at 833.50; one way 820. Think of it! Four thousands miles for less than 840. For full information call at B. & M. depot or city office, corner 10th and O streets. G. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A. . Half Bates to Texas. January 9, Feburary 13, March 13, April 10,&May 8, 1894,the B & M will sell excursion tickets from Nebraska and Kansas stations to points in Texas at one fare for tho round trip. For tickets and full information re garding limits, stop overs, etc., call at B. & M. depot or city office, corner O and Tenth streets. G. W. Bonnell. C. P. & T. A. Seo that your tickets read via the Missouri Pacitic route to tho Mid-Winter fair at San Francisco, Cal. City ticket office 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb. Now is the timo to take a trip to Florida via the Missouri Pacific route. City ticket office 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb. RKAI RSTATK. IR DRESS1HB - MMGDBH& SCALP TREATED. STEAM MASSAGE FOR THE COMPLEXION. Hair Goods, Ornaments. Curling Irons, Hair Brushes, Cosmetics. Mrs. J. 6. Bill Alexander block, 114 N. 14th St. YOU CAN BUY AT THE Vine IBalteirjr, 834 NORTH 27th STKEKT, All kinds fresh home made pies at 10 cts. each or 3 for 25 cts. Other fine baked goods at lowest living prices. I carry a full line on my wagon to all parts of the city. I. a RICHARDS. FOR SALE BY HOLM & REED, Real Estate and Loan Brokers, ground iloor, offico at 1207 O street. Telephono G93. Wo believe in protecting our customers. But wo continue to annihilate our competitors. Bargains In Choice City Property. AFTER ALL, real estate is tho safest place to put your money, hanks fail, business houses fail and mines fail to pan out. As we said before, banks fail. Re sults, 25 cents on tho dollar. Tis truo tho real estate market may become depressed at times, but by holding a man can always realize dollar for dollar and there nover was a better time to buy than now. Lincoln realty is steadily advanc ing and tho day will never come when real estate in tho city of Lin coln will be as cheap as it is at present. Buy while it is within your reach. You aro absolutely certain of largo returns. See us for sure investments. Wo have listed with us the best bargains in the city. Teams in waiting to show them. Telephono G93, or call at our ground iloor oilico. HOLM & REED, 1207 O Street. JiOR SALE- ONLY A PARTIAL LIST. FOR SALE. No. 20. A bargain near tho capitol in a first-class vacant lot. Wo have sold bar gains before, but this beats them all; neigh borhood tho very best. Owner anxious to sell and money talks. Como and see us about this. To Exchange, No. G93. Clear lot in East Lincoln and 81,000 cash for a lot in south or southeast Lincoln. To Exchange, No. T. 10-room modern house and a tine double corner, beautiful shade, near capitol grounds; owner desires a smaller place, and will take a less expen sive place as part payment, long time and low rate of interest on the balance; a rare opportunity to get a comfortable home in a choice location. To Exchange, No. 93. Well located resi dence property, close to business, and some cash for a farm of 1G0 or 240 acres within ten miles of Lincoln. Must bo good choice land. OWNERS: If you want to sell your resi dence or any real estate you may possess in this city and will sell it at a bargain come and see us. Wo can always find a buyer for a first-class bargain. HOLM & REED, 1207 O street. TOOK! LOOK!! LOOK!!! Clear well improved farm to trade for good city property. Fino clear farm to trado for clear lots in small town. ' Good clear farm to trade for cottage, in cumbered slightly. No Buch bargains ever offered to tho pub lic as we now can furnish. Don't delay, but see us at once. HOMER WEST, 78, Burr Block. FOR RENT. Pleasant six room cottage with barn, 204G J street. 810 per month. Inquire 1445 D street. iiy ii. o. young Broker. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. 1201 o STREET. 10-room modern resilience with every con venience imaginable, hardwood finish throughout; cost 810,000. will sell Tor 87,500. 8-room Iioubo close to business, a big bar gain at 82.500. 82,000 buys a 7-room house and lot only 4 blocks south of jxwtofllco on 10th st. 81,500 buys a nico home in East Lincoln. Call at my ground floor offico and get full particulars of special bargains. II. C. YOUNG, Broker. Corner 12th St. 1201 O St. TiOR RENT Desirable houses in all parts - city. Desk room in ground floor office. H. 0. Young, 1201 O St., cor. 12th, ground floor. WANTED-3 to 5 furnished rooms for " house-keeping, cottago prefercd; will pay good rent for suitable place. Address box 150G, city. T0 you want to trade any property? Do you want to buy a good house and lot or farm projierty? Do you want to rent a house or have you a houso to rent? Wo have not got the spacohcro to list our projwrty, but if you will give us a call wo will show you snaps. Teams ready to show-property ut all times. Chase Bros. Room 4, 1113 O St. mm RELIABLE AGENTS to handle a first-class Cripplo Creek Gold Mining stock. Address, DELANY AND DELANY, Mining Brokers, Colorado Springs, Col. Jno. W. Prey for groceries, meats, Hour and feed, 1052 G St. Tho grocery business of J. C. McCargar will continue as before at G49 North Four teenth St. J. F. IIKSIIEIC, TIIK CKOCKIC, Corner 20th and J streets, wanted an "ad" in this issue, but was too busy filling orders for his customers that are taking advantage of low prices and prompt delivery of grocer ies, meats and provisions. DAWES, COFFROTH & CUNNINGHAM ATTORNEYS AT LAW', niLLINGSLEY II LOCK. SherlflTs Kale. Notico is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the- clerk of tho district court of the Third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein tho Lincoln Loan and Building Association is plaintiff, and Harriet P. Dobson et al are defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 5th day of Juno A. D. 1894, at the east door.of tho court house, in the city ofLincoln, Lan caster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at . public auction the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot number eight (8) in blook number seven (7) in C. C. Burr's sub division of lots nine (9) ten (10) fifteen (15) sixteen (1G) eighteen (18) twenty-three (23) and twenty six (2G) in tho north-west quarter of section thirty-six (3G) township ten (10), north of range six (G) east of the sixth P. M. Lan canster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 2nd day of May A. D. 1894. FRED A. MILLER, May, 2nd Sheriff.