VOL. 9, NO. 21. K POLITIC IP. I 9 y rrfffi .a.. . W rw .jo. rji mm ft? . 0' rs Ke L 0 I D I 0 mm e s za r. 3 O m 22 ?3 4 n k t SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1894. INCO w BIAS t &m 8?' & v r 7 c5 vO -tf n nance. 1 b' &'V.? V S& ''STyj A N." . VL I A TJ & y kV o , - ru . ' V w - LA-" .V c CN ! our sptingndefsonchliwa Shoes are f v - ( Beauties. V sec our Windows THEron-rnnll ' i wi we -sST0P5 We keep right at the front in Styles. 1225 0 SI. JWITV WISDOM b,. fvr fe 0 .. iV ' v.. ', ', w 01 '' 'f'ts W S- Si 4 , v C . -i..0 v. - v x 9. INARCH 11 f -- STOVES. - Hall Bros. Co., 1308 O STREET. THE LIflDELL. Cor. 13th and M Sts. A. I.. IIUOVKK SOX, Props. RATES $2.00 to $3.00 PER DAY UNSURPASSED. MRS. J. 0. BEr,r,, Manicuring anJ Hair Dressing Parlors. Facial Blemishes Removed. Hair GooJs, Ornaments and Toilet Articles. Alexander Block, 114 N. 14th Street, Near O st Lincoln, Neb. flfl l. C. F. UN, DBXTIST Office 1215 OStteet, LINCOLN. NEB. F. 6. Zehrung, II FUNKE OPERA HOUSE. SODA WATER. ... A. G. BILLMEYER & CO. IE REPOSITORY. 1135 MSTREFT. mmi FOR WEAK LUNGS TRY o -, $ Scott's Emulsion An. Mtififfi3JJ5S ?- -ww w .. .311 1342 P 5T JgiM' ria Mrir&iiiiawiMi iar'ifi,."'zv; . fvaava T&J -fl IF -w. REAL ESTATE IN -- BROKERS. . Holm & Pie eel, 1207 O blRhbT, SEE PAGE IS GROUND FLOOR. CARNATIONS, . . xioi.irrcr . ... IJVUL.lUt fixe flowers g Chapin Bros., 0sTi:r. City Oreen House :6th and D Sts. Givine Strencth. Home Treatment. Drs. Starkey & Palen, 1529 Arch St., Philadelphia r Pbirlcc C Cnuhr 12 5 O Street. BI. IDUIU L UJISII, LINCOLN, MiB. l'r.-utict- I.inii:cd to Uueasesof Eye, Etir, None. T'lixrocaf. PRI6E 5 GENTS iJ X 2 H 31 o 05 r: S s a 5 CQ on S 3 S o ..SSI 'pmsnra 3Z3X