Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1922, SPORT NEWS MARKETS, Image 14

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.Wife of Wealthy
merican Held in
Vienna for Frauds
Accused of Filching Buiinru
Men of Lucerne, Parii and
Virnni-11 Fur-Filled
Trunk SfUed.
Vienna. June 10. Genevieve Pad
dleford, who claimi la be the wife
of a wealthy California oil trader
under arrest here in connection with
a number of fraudulent operation! in
which buinen men of Lucerne,
Parii and Vienna were the victimi.
Eleven trunks containing costly fun
and other good alleged to have been
obtained illegally were seized, at well
ai'Jwo ilver. mounted vases bearing
th mark of the Riti-Carlton hotel
iuj'New York.
: Married UnCer Alias.
Lot Anaelff. Cat., June 10.
Genevieve Paddleford. under arrest
invVirnna,1 j( the wife of Dr. George
E' Paddleford of Hollywood. Cal.,
fflrmer assistant associate of E. L.
Doheny. the oil merchant prince. She
is. 'widely known for the sensational
part the played in the Gould divorce
cage, when she was known as Mrs.
Ban Teal, and at one time was Mrs.
Eftanore McKinley Toomey of St.
$h has been separated for more
than a year from Dr. Paddleford and
hat departure from Los Angeles was
followed by a great number of suits
over accounts and created a mae of
litjgation which entangled valuable
properties 01 me raauieioras nere.
Recording to the attorney for Dr,
Plddleford, Mrs. Paddleford has a
sensational legal history under the
natne of Mrs. Ben Teal, which fig
urgd m several sensational divorce
A few months ago Mrs. Paddle
fojd, with her daughter, Marie Pad-
Alvord, whose real name is Mane
Teal, and who was reported to have
attracted some notice in grand opera,
saiiea tor Europe.
Mars to Be Closer to Earth
on June 18 Than Since 1909
Astronomers to Train Great Telescopes on Planet
Neighbor on Which Life Declared Possible as
Orb Reaches Point Millions of Miles
Nearer to Our World.
To Suits Filed to Test
3 Anti-Alien Land Law
feattle, June 10. Two suits, charg
ing: violation of the state anti-alien
lartd law passed by the 1921 legis
lature and asking that the defend
an Of, in each case Japanese, be
oujted from land in their possession
indCing county, were filed bv Prose
eating Attorney Malcolm Douglas.
The suits are in the nature of tests.
;One suit is directed againft Taka
Hftahayshi and the White River
Gardens, Inc., alleged to be holding
40acres in trust for Hirabayshi, an
align, ineligible for citizenship. The
second charges K. Arai, an American-born
Japanese, with holding 22
acres of land on Vashon island,
ner Seattle, in truft for K Obuko,
art-.alien, in violation' of the law. '
Man. Arrested in Slaying
of Girls' Home Matron
Jackson, Mich., June 10. A negro
taken from a box car at Kalamazoo,
a short distance east of here this
morning is held by local police for
examination in connection with the
slaying here Thursday night of Miss
Alice Mallett, matron of the Critten
den Home for Girls.
The prisoner, who have his name
as Freeman Hackett, was unable to
give a satisfactory account of his
movements since Thursday, accord
ing to the police., The cuffs of his
shirt were bloodstained and his right
wrist was bruised.
Flagstaff, Ariz.. June 10. Ob
servations of the planet Mars which
have been in progress at the Lowell
observatory for four months, will
reach a climax tonight when Mars
panes through a point in orbit direct
ly opposite the sun from the earth,
and June 18. when it will be closer
to the earth by several million miles
than at anv time since 1009.
Dr. K. C. Slipher, director of the
Lowell observatory, in a statement
today described methods ' of
photography and charted hand draw
ings by which observers are collect
ing data concerning Mars, the planet
just outside the earth's orbit and,
with the exception of Venus, the
nearest neighbor of this world. Two
great telescopes are part of the equip
ment of the observatory, which was
built by Percival Lowell, during his
life an authority on matters pertain
ing to Mars. He died in 1916 and
left a bequest which he directed to
be used in carrying on his life work.
Essentials for Life.
Mars, according to Dr. Slipher,
shows existence of certain essentials
of life. "Water, atmosphere and
temperature above the freeiing point,
I believe have been amply shown to
exist on Mars, he said. "Further
more, to explain the changes in the
dark markings appearing in
photograps to wax darker in summer,
nothing tenable has been suggested
save life in the form of vegetation.
"On June 18, Mars will be J2.J80.
000 miles from the "earth. In 1924
Mars will approach closer, however,
by 7,700,000 miles, but closeness is
not the first essential to favorable
results. Long continued study of
changes in surface aspects are what
astronomers need and this approach
of the little ted planet has given thai
Twenty-five Times Area of Moon.
"In our big telescope Mars' tmage
is 20 to 25 times the area of a full
moon, as seen with the naked v
Since January,- when Mars became
visible in the eastern sky, just bo
fore dawn, the planet's diameter hat
grown from five and a third seconds
or arc to 20. In that time Mars
has moved eastward among the stars
and now rises in the early evening in
tne southwest horizon.
Grand Jury to Review
Valentino Marriage
Omaha Be Xail Wlr.
Los Angeles, June 9. District At
torney Thomas Lee Woolwine is not
satisfied with the discharge of
Rodolph Valentino on his prelimi
nary hearing on the charge of big
Therefore he plans to take the
matter to the grand jury. Sub
poenas were issued today for the
witnesses in the hearing before Jus
tice J. Walter Hanby, as the first
step toward opening the grand jury
Valentino, before his divorce from
Jean Acker became final, married
Miss Winifred Shaughnessy, step-
J - t . - - f T I I FT.. J . f W-
uaugmer oi zucnara nuanui, in iviex
icali, Mexico, and returned with her
to California.
Valentino's dismissal, however, is
by no means the final adjudication of
this case, said Woolwine. Tm
afraid people will take this dismissal
as an example, rush into Mexico or
some neighboring state in the United
States, marry while still legally
wedded, and attempt to 'get away
with it.
Long Standing Case Over
Land Appraisal Settled
A case of Ions standing was settled
Friday by the verdict of a jury in
District Judge Goss' court, where
W. J. Connell was awarded judgment
of $,64Z.s3 in payment for land con
demned by the city for Fontenelle
Ten years ago Mr. Connell was
awarded $2,650 for the land by a
board of appraisers. He brought
suit for $15,000, which he claimed
was a just and reasonable value of
the land. The first trial resulted in
verdict of less than the amount
allowed by the appraisers end the
second trial had a similar termination.
The city was represented at the
second trial by City Attorney Dana
c. van JJusen and Uty Solicitor
John F. Moriarty.
Grain Man Opposes
Capper-Tincher Bill
Washington. June 10. F. B. Wells
of Minneapolis, representing grain
exchanges, opposed the new Capper-
Xincher grain futures bill yesterday
rtetore the house committee on agri
culture. Mr. Wells advanced criti
cisms similar to those presented
yesterday by L. E. Gates of the
Chicago Board of Trade.
Mr. Gates especially objected to
new provisions in the bill giving
authority to the secretary of agri
culture over grading, insurance and
other matters in connection with the
grain handled on the exchanges.
. The committee will conclude hear
ings on Monday when a representa
tive of the Minnesota state utilities
commission will be present.
Woman's Two Missing Rings
Show Up in Mate s Pocket
While cleaning house last Tuesday
Mrs. P. J. Aicker, 3420 Hamilton
street, took of! her platinum and
gold wedding ring and a cluster dia
mond ring, both worth $400, and
placed them underneath a doilie.
After work, she returned to get
them. Ihey were gone.
In desperation she appealed to the
Detectives Treglia and Davis wrin
kled their foreheads and pussy-
tooted about, but found nothing.
lhen Mrs. Aicker conhded to her
I 1 J '
Why, I've got them right here in
my pocket," said he, producing the
Fireman Relief Elects.
The Omaha Firemen's Relief as
sociation elected the following of
ficers at its annual meeting Friday:
Arthur W. Olsen,. president: Capt.
John T. Hope, vice president; George
O. Winston, secretary: Ernest New-
house, treasurer. Other members of
the board of directors are Charles
R. Howley, Joseph Saitta and Adolph
awoboda. Mr. Mewhouse is begin
ning his third term as treasurer.
A wonderfully efficient spring sus
pension gives the good Maxwell a
degreeof riding comfort rarely if ever
found in cars of its size and weight.
Cord torn, aemldd front and rear, dtac ststl whatydsuountabIe testa
aadat hubs dram lypalmpi; Aleeaite lubrication ; mococ driven horn;
onnmaHy long springs; Prion F. O. B. Detroit, revenue S3 be added:
Tearing Cat, $8; Roadster, $885; Coupa,$I385; Sedan, $1485
Mid-City Motor & Supply Co.
t,, 2216-18 Farnam Street Omaha Phone AT Untie 2462
M A X WE L i
Woman in Hupmobile
Takes Driving Contest
A Hupmobile won the distinction
of capturing first prist io the wo
men's driving contest, for cars not
over 115-Inch wheelbtst, which was
on of the features of the "call of
the open road" program recently
held in Lot Angeles.
The purpose of the contest this
having been the second annual one
for Lot Angeles is to (ducat the
motorist in those essentials that are
necessary to good driving under or
dinary traffic and road conditions to
the end that accidents may be re
duced and the loss of human life
brought to a minimum.
Although more women entered the
contest than men, a prominent spec
tator remarked: "If every driver,
whether malt or female, was com
pelled to take such a test before se
curing a driving license, there would
be far less accidents."
In the Los Angeles (vent, there
were nine contestants. After a stiff
oral examination covering state and
city treffc ruin, the contestants
were required to drive through a
figure eight outlined with stakes.
Then they had to pass a brake
test at 15 miles an hour and stop the
car within a given spare; the last
number and the most difficult one
was the parking at curb within very
restricted, space. In this event, the
timt consumed In getting the car
into parking condition and out of it
was an all-important factor.
The score of tht winner Mrs.
Bertie Randall in her Hupmobile
was 961.
Kenosha, Wis., adopted the city
manager plan at the January elec
tion. The council, of live members
elected at large for a term of two
years, will choose the city manager
for an (definite term.
Wills Sainte Claire
Has Remarkable Gain
For growth of sales and tht de
velopment of production to fill or
ders for Wills Sainte Claire hat un
questionably established a world's
record, as the following figures dem
onstrate, factory officials asset
Taking at a basis of comparison
tht automobile which now dwarfs
the rest of the industry in sates and
daily production, it required six
years to raie the sales and produc
tion of that automobile to 10,000 cars
a year. That it. beginning with I.
708 car in 190J, it m Vm when the
production reached 10.607.
The fourth year's production show
ed an increase of 5"0 per cent over
the first.
The production tf Wills Sainte
Claire car, which shows an increase
of 500 per cent in the past year, is
now on a basis of (0,000 csrt a year.
This showing is still .more remark
able when out realises that tht car
used as a basis of comparison is tht
low rut priced car on the market and
Hit Wills Sainte Claire ranks among
the foremost quality-cars of tht in
duttry. "Wc have only one explanation for
this unique tales record, said C. H.
Wills, the designer and builder of
tht car. "Every Wills Sainte Clair
that wt tell seems to sell mort.
Every day more men and women see
and ride in and drive the car. And
that makes sales. Our owners are
ni'n and women who have had a
wide motoring experience. They
know relative car values. When
they are enthusiastic they talk about
It. They have wide influence. Their
judgment it respected. They sell
cars. We are expanding our plants
in Marytville and adding to our force
every day. We are bending every
energy to keep pace with this re
markable demand.
A. L Salisbury Joins
Critchfield Company
A. L Salisbury, recently western
manner for Frank Seiman, Inc., has
becomt associated with Critchfield
it Co. Advertising agency f Chicago
at vice president. ,
Al. as he ft most generally Mown
to his host of friends in tht automo
tivt world, handled Studebaktr cor.
poration advertising for several
years with great success.
lie will, in his new association, act
as speciat representative for Fire
stone Tire and Rubber company ad
vertising. The right of a citizen to inspect
municipal business, including records
and data, has been upheld by the
courts in the recent contest between
tk Cm Vrmriii-A Rurnu a( Gov
ernmental Research and the city of
an rrancisce.
Changstr om Motors Co
Chose the New
I n
For Omaha Because
The Remarkable New outclasses any
17 f D li JUT i otner six - cylinder
Velie-DUllt motor power ever installed
in a car in this price class. This is the motor that
recently clipped over eleven minutes from the
stock car record that had stood for more than four
years in the difficult Mt. Wilson climb.
It is doing the unusual everywhere. It gives the
silent velvety power of the six-cylinder car a new
meaning. Automatically lubricated even to the
piston pins. A new achievement in motor solidity.
As free from vibration at sixty miles an hour
as six.
The Beauty of Soft Flowing ""? Ve'ie de"
f. j A sign at once
Lines ana Lurves appeals to the
motorists that appreciate the utmost in grace
of design.- '
Its rich, deep, enameled upholstery, genuine solid
walnut finishing rail and solid walnut instrument
panel, drumtype headlights with law-conforming
lenses, parking lights, full crowned fenders,
nickel trimming indicate its quality throughout.
Equipment is complete even to such conveniences
as tonneaus light on reeled cord which serves as
portable light.
Motorists who can well afford to pay more choose
the Velie because they know money cannot buy
more in quality and beauty.
We Chose the New Wi our own. long -
JT D penence and critical
Velie Because judgment in handling
the best cars' on the market, we realized the
' Velie's superiorities throughout. We can con
scientiously say that no other car of its price ap
proaches it in value. It is a car that you yourself
would price hundreds higher. A car that
"belongs" in the most exclusive company. With
the Velie Motor that realizes everything of which
engineers have dreamed in power, speed,
solidity, longevity. Four models, open and
closed. See them.
Gisfflgsfcrom Motors Co,
"Quality Cars and Square Dealing" , ? ;
2555 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Phone J A 1705
Price $1495
Delivered in Omaha
The Velie Model 88-wtth Velle-ballt R&tor