Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    OMAHA, 8ATUKDAY. JUNK 10, 1922.
Rail Shopmen to
Strike on July 1,
Chiefs Predict
Result of Worker Vote on
' Walkout to Be Known June
25-Third Pay Slaih
Due Soon.
Chicigo, Jud .9. Wage cuts
fleeting morf than 350,000 railroad
clerk, signal men, itationary fiire
men and oilcri and marine depart
nient employee are expected to be
announced next week by the United
States railroad labor board, accord'
ihf to an article in the Chicago Daily
Tribune. -.
This would be the third in a aeries
of decisions reducing pay envelopes,
two previous reductions recently an
nounced having- reduced railway w
rolls approximately $100,000,000 a
year. It v. as said that the board
had decided to group several deci
sions in one to be make public next
Predict Srike.
Cincinnati. O.. June 9. (By A. P.)
The executive committees of the
six railway shop crafts' unions in
each of the country's three divisions
will convene in Chicago on June 24,
preparatory to canvassing the shop
men's strike vote, which is return
able June 25, it was announced by
B. M. Jewell, head of the federated
shop crafts, here today. .
A triple-barrelled strike ballot is
now in the mails on which the 400.
000 shop men of the country will
cast their votes. The questions in
clude that of accepting or rejecting
the $60,000,000 pay cut ordered by
Gulbransen Players
Community Model . .. . . $365
Suburban Model '. ... ... . . .$495
Country Seat Model . . . . . . $600
White House Model . . . . . $700
A Fool-Proof Player-Cash or Terms
v. j ' ' '
1513 Douglas Street
The Art and Music Store
15l2-Douas St ,
Special June Sales
Offer Exceptional Economies
A splendid opportunity for those who are select'
ing their new Summer wearables. Special prep- '
oration and advantageous purchases have
enabled us to make our prices exceptionally low
Painty Cotton Frocks
Delightfully appropriate for the routine of a summer day
and as refreshing as a breeze. Materials of Imported
Gingham, Imported Eponge, French Linen, Tissue -Voile,
... Imported Voile.; Trimmed with hand-drawn work em-,
broidery or organdie. V
$3.95 $5.00 $9.75
Fashionable Silk Dresses
. A distinctive collection of the newest summer models for
street, afternoon and sports wear. . Plaitings, beads, era
broidery, panels and drapings are effectively used. Mate
rials are Canton Crepe, Georgette Crepe and Figured Crepe
de Chine. , ; .
$15.00 $18.00 $24.75
the railroad labor board to ko into
effect July 1. the ballots ongina'ly
made returnable June 30 wee shoved
up five days so that the membership
"could be advised of the result" be
fore July 1.
Union leaders declare that means
a walkout on the firag of the month
if the atrike vote ia "yes."
Harding Dedicates
Washington' Monument
I (CmUm4 Tnm Tat On.)
butions to mankind's progress in our
generation. We can little imagine
what time will bring.
"Doctor" the president turned
to Dean West and President Hib
ben of Princeton "I thank yon for
your earnest wishes. I care not who
one Is, if he can only expend his
power in righteousness, he shall not
have lived in vain. We can only ask
God to let us make our way in
righteousness and if, in that making,
we can made our way religious,
we'll be a little bit better for that."
"Fulfill American Destiny."
' The earlier interruption to set
speeches occurred at the monument
dedication. In his interpolation the
president urged his a audience to
cherish national 'traditions by such
erections, that they might be helped
to "fulfill the great American des
tiny." President Hibben told the audience
at Nassau hall, where the degree
was granted, that the building itself
was the barracks from which Wash
ington's continentals drove British
regiments in the Princeton battle.
The president dined with Dr. Hib
ben, after a reception tendered stu
dents and visitors. He left for
Washington shortly after. Speaker
Gillett of the house, and Senators
Edge and Frelinghuysen, besides
Mrs. Harding, accompanied him all
through the trip.
Norris Prefers ..
Federal Control
to Coal Shortage
Saya If Strike , Not Ended
Minea Should Be Seised
to Keep People From ;',
WukiMta Cwrteeat of Te B,
Washington, June 9. (Special
Telegram.) Senator Norris of Ne
braska injected a thought into the
senate debate which is considered
likely to become extremely engross
ing unless the coal strike is ended.
Senator Norris, admitting he did
not want government operation of
the coal mines, said the people could
that if necessary the government
chMt Irf I a L ji tketm ssrs mnA nnjirslo
them for the benefit of the public
T I . -1 iL.
inc qucmon 01 coai lor inc
northwest, which is shipped during
the summer by way of the Great
Lakes ana men transmppea irom
Duluth and Superior, is becoming a
serious one.
Injects Idea in Debate.
CmtA. y&er nmr.A fiia A. in
ress of a speech by Senator Suther
land ot west Virginia.
He had originally called Senator
Sutherland's attention to the fact that
thm inrrMtr in freiffht rite had
come not during government owner-
snip nut atter tne roaas . naa occn
turned back to private ownership.
Un the coal question, oenaior
Norris said: -
'If th irnvrrnment took the rail
roads, or if the government takes
over the coal mines, u is not pecausc
the government wants to do so. The
government took over the railroads
in the war ana tne tost oi operation
increased, but it took them over
when private operation absolutely
failed and laid down and said 'We
cannot do any better.' .
Roads were Helpless.
"I am not approving of govern
ment operation during the war. I
tkinir tir w, thnn&and of mis
takes made. Perhaps the war would
be sufficient excuse tor tnose mis
takes, but it is sufficient to say that
Vi nrivatr nwflers. at the time the
government took over the railroads,
were on their oacKs neipiess,- anq
the great, railroad systems of the
country were absolutely paralyzed
and the government took them over
to save its own life.
"UnhnAv is advocating that the
government operate the coal minea
except as a necessity, i ininn as m
senator from New York (Mr. Calder)
has well said, we must have coal
under our civilization and that we
have reached a point where it is as
The neoole must
have it. They do not want the gov
ernment to take tne coal mines, dui
if to save lives it most be done, then
it will be done and must be done.
"Must Ptotect People." ,
"I, for one, do not want the gov
ernment to operate the .coal mines,
but before I will see the people freeze
I will vote for a proposition to take
possession of every coal mine in the
United States in the "name of the
government and operate it in the
name of the government. '
"We must; protect the people who
must have coal in order to live. It
would be just as bad to give to a
private concern the control over the
air we breathe We must have it as
n ah.ntntA nrrfssitv. not because
i we. want to, but because we must."
Omaha Congratulated
Upon Commission
Form ot Government
San Francisco, June 9, New York
was selected as tne neat convention
city and Charles P. Messick, Tren
ton, N. J? was elected president of
the orgfcniiition in the annual con
vention of the National Association
of Civil Service commissioners to
day. Other officers include C. F. R.
Peterson. Minnesota, first vies presi
dent, ana Peter McBride, Milwaukee,
second vice president.
Resolutions were adopted congrat
ulating Omaha on the success it had
attained with the commission form of
Development of
Muscle Shoals
Urged in Reports
Acceptance of Ford Offer Rec
ommended in Document
Presented by Acting
Chairman McKenzie.
Washineton. June 9. Enactment
of legislation designed to bring
about development of the govern
ments power and nitrate projects at
Muscle Shoals, Ala., by private
enterprise was recommended today
to the house in three reports filed by
members of the military committee.
Each of the reports admitted that
the committee had been unable to
agree upon details for the proposed
development and expressed belief
that the task should be pertormea
by the public itself.
The ' report presented by Acting
Chairman . McKenzie of Illinois,
called for the acceptance of Henry
Ford's proposal as amended by the
committee to eliminate the Gorgas
steam power plant from the proper
tes to be disposed of at Muscle
i Would Change Terms.
Representative Parker, republican
New Jersey,' believed the Ford
tender should be materially altered
if accented in anv form, or the
shoals properties should be returned
to the jurisdiction of the War de
partment and Secretary
authorized to dispose of them under
terms approved by congrets.
Inquiry as to when action would
be taken on the bills' directing ac
ceptance of the Ford offer, which
also were t removed from the com
mittee by' Acting Chairman Mc
Kenzie, was made by Representative
Garrett of Tennessee, the minority
leader, as soon as the reports were
announced in the house.
Majority Leader Mondell replied
that while he was anxious for early
consideration of the measures it was
impossible at the present time to say
how soon action could be expected.
He pointed out that it was necessary
tor the members first to have an op
portunity to study the various re
ports and familiarize themselves with
the subject 1
Second Sunset Social
. Given by Nelson Club
Nelson, Neb., June 9. (Special.)
Seventy-three men and women who
have passed the three-score aftd
ten-mark in life, made merry at the
second annual Sunset social given
by the Nelson Commercial club. Din
ner was served at the Christian
church. Following this was a short
program of reminiscent talks and
old-time music. After the program
all were taken an automobile ride to
Superior, where the "boys and girls"
were given a second course of re
freshments. The oldest in attendance was Mrs.
L. B. Rowe, a native of New York,
born July 4, 1837.. She came to Ne
braksa in 1886, with her daughter,
Mrs. W. C McHenry. Mrs. Rowe
had the distinction of furnishing all
the flowers used for decorations on
this occasion, which were abundant.
They came from her garden which Is
kept up by her personally.
Platte County "Will Vote
on Sale of Courthouse
Columbus. Neb.. June 9. fSoe-
cial) A resolution adopted by the
board of supervisors calling a spe
cial election at which time the
voters of Platte county will be asked
to authorize the sale of the old
court house. The election is to be
held with the primaries. Fixtures
and furniture have arrived and are
installed in the new court house
ready for the dedication June 19.
Topeka Man Declares He
Suffered Fifteen Years
and Had to Lay Off a
Lot, But Tanlac Com
pletely Overcame All His
Tanlac not only straightened me
out, but I. have a number of friends
who have taken it, and they all say
it has done' the work for them." de
clared J. M. Williams, 927 N. Harri
son street, Topeka, Kan.
"For fifteen years I suffered with
stomach trouble and indigestion.
After every meal my food soured and
I would bloat up with gas until I
could hardly get my breath. I was
badly constipated, had a dull, nag
ging headache nd often had such
terrible spells I thought I would die.
There waa nearly always a pain in
my back, and finally I got so weak
I had to lay off work a great portion
of the time.
"Four bottles of Tanlac gave me a
great appetite. I never have a bit
of trouble and am back on the job
fresh every day. I know Tanlac will
back up anything good I may say
about it."
Tanlac is sold by all good drug
gists. . ..
Brown Terrorizes
Women in Small
Cafe in Lincoln
Compels Owner and Cook to
Prepare His Meal-Nonchalant
as Poise
Searches Nearby;
UaUa4 mm r Ow.)
streets. They alto found an old
leather coat, similar to $e one Brown
i aeciarea to nave worn.
Find Grimes' Receipts.
On the floor of the cellar the nous
found receipts signed by Omaha firms
tor materials purchased by "Gus
Grimes", snd used in building the
shack in which he imprisoned and
shackled two women 12 days ago.
One bill waa iined bv th Omaha
Lumber and Coal company and
showed that on Anril 26 Gus Grimes
paid $40 for a delivery of shiplap.
Another bill, signed by the Demp
ster Milling company, Omaha, show
ed that Out Orimes paid $511.22 for
the purchase and installation of a
pump on his land in west Benson.
There also was an invoice made
out by the Rivett Lumber and Coal
company to Gus Grimes for $33 for
lumber 16 foot 2x4s.
Clothing is Identified.
Several quilts made un in the form
of a bed were found wjth the cloth
ing, rhe clothing has been identi
fied as that stolen, from a cleaninar
establishment at 2234 O street a week
ago Monday, tne night before Brown
engaged in a revolver duel with of
ficers irt front of 2331 Q street.
The church tinder which the stolen
goods were found is scarcely 30 feet
from where Brown's stolen car was
abandoned last night on Twenty
third street between O and P atreets.
Members of the Lincoln Automo
bile club, county officers of Lincoln
and Omaha, city officers from Lin
coln and Omaha, state officers and
many other volunteers were scattered
over the city tonight, some in autos,
wnue others were stationed at cor
ners to keep a watchful eye for lurk
ing figures throughout the night.
State Sheriff Hyers announced he
would pay a reward to anyone turn
ing in a clue which resulted in the
capture of Brown.
Search Lone Tunnel
As the night progressed, hundreds
joined the posse. Officers headed by
Warden W. T. Fenton walked a dis
tance of two miles through a tunnel
which runs through the heart of .the
city and covers an old creek. Foot
prints seen at the mouth of the tun
net caused the officers to make their
stooping, uncertain way through this
The warden, after working with
the posse from 1 in the morning
until 8, discontinued this work long
enough to supervise the electrocu
tion ot James is. King, lwo hours
after the electrocution the warden.
with half a dozen guards, who knew
Brown by sight, reported at the
office of State Sheriff Gus Hyers.
At 7 tonight residents living near
the Rock Island tracks and in the
vicinity of a majority of Brown's op
erations phoned that shots had been
heard. Members of the oosse, how
ever, failed to locate the source of
the reported shots.
All members of the posse were
warned to explore alleys and cellars
in pairs as anyone seen alone in a
yard or any isolated place was con
sidered unsafe in cincoin tonight
Fired at by Fireman.
City Fireman Joe Reisch, 1733 P
street, last night about 10:45 saw a
man walk through .his yard. The
man resembled Brown.
Reisch was In bed, but leaped to
his feet arid got his revolver. The
man was standing between two win
dows of the house next door. Reisch
went to the window.
"Stick 'em up I" he called to the
man, who turned and ran out P
Reisch said he was not over 12
feet from him when he shot twice
and the fugitive fell to his knees,
staggered to his feet again and 're
sumed His flight.
Reisch ran to the street in his
night clothes and saw the fugitive
get into a Ford coupe parked at
Eighteenth and P streets.
The coupe then raced east on P
street; he said.
Police were called and half an hour
later found a Ford coupe on Twenty-third
street, between O and P
Stolen Omaha Car.
The coupe bore state license No.
1-6074. The engine number, which
had not been tampered with, was
5332145. This enabled officera to
identify positively the machine as
that stolen from in front of the home
of Dr. B. W. Hall, 2728 North Six
tieth avenue, in Omaha, Wednesday
night. .
Omaha police at that time declared
the theft was the work of Brown.
who had been in hiding in Benson
for a week.
The state license number of Dr.
Hall's car when it was stolen was
1-14388. This had been changed, and
Mate sheritt Ous Hyers is now en
deavoring to learn whose license
the 1-6074 is.
i ne engine number on the car,
however, identified the car as Dr,
Near Scene of Shooting.
This car, the night it was stolen,
was standing just two blocks from
the spot where Omaha police allege
Brown shot Officer Charles Geisel
man Tuesday nieht.
In the rear of the coupe, when it
was found, was a gunny sack filled
with sardines, preserves, "all-day
suckers," and in the front of the ma
chine was an extra fivegallon can of
gasoline, a red sweater, an old coat
and cap.
Mrs. Viola Dingman, plucky little
divorcee who grappled with Brown
on the street here last Sunday, lives
at 1033 P street, just one block from
the home of Fireman Reisch, where
the shooting occurred last night.
Sheriff Hyers is working on the
supposition Brown was in the neigh
borhood seeking to even up the score
with her.
Fillmore License.
In the Ford coupe also were front
and rear license plates numbereed
34-890. The figures 34 before the
dash refers to Fillmore county.
Gus Hyers learned from the coun
ty treasurer at Geneva that this li
cense had been issued to O. C Rice
of Exeter.
were reported visiting In Lincoln
when oniceri attempted to locate
men ai tneir noiue Uti.niKiu. . ..
ibis morning K re was ocatrd
here and told the officers he had
parked his Dodge automobile behind
he houte at 17.' J 1' street, just a
few doors from Fireman Rcisch's
Investigations showed the license
plates were gone.
Officers are confident the man
Reisch shot at was passing through
his yard with these plates on his
way to the coupe when challenged.
Roads Under Guard.
All roads out of Lincoln are un
der heavy guard again, as well as
the bridge at Ashland. A cordon oi
officers has again been thrown
about the neighborhood where the
shooting list night occurred.
While Motorcycle Olliccr Joe
Reimer was exploring last night as a
member of the posse, he saw a short
man, resembling in build the manacle
man of Benson, running at Twenty
second and V streets.
Reimer gave chase on his motor
cycle and called to the man to halt.
When the man failed to comply,
Reimer snapped the trigger of his
revolver twice, he said, but it missed
fire both times and he continued the
The man carrid a sack slung over
his shoulder, he said, but as ne ran
he tossed it aside.
Reimer continued to chase the
man until he saw him run down into
a cellar. Reimer followed and
searched the cellar, he said, but
found no one.
So he returned to the spot where
he had seen the fugitive's flung sack
fall but it was gone.
York Y.M.CA. Juniors Leave
for Camp at Columbus
York, Neb., ujne 9. (Special.)
The juniors of the Y. M. C A.,
numbering about 35, including a
boys' band, left for Camp Sheldon
near Columbus, where they will have
an outing. Emmett Osborne, physi
cal director, accompanied the boys.
He will also act as physical direc
tor at the camp.
Chiffon Silk Hose
$3.50 a Pair
A sheer, even texture
of chiffon weight silk
in white, black, cor
dovan, gray shades
and olive.
Smart Slip-on all
wool Sweaters are
spec ia lly priced
Sa turday fo r
Third Floor
Cool because they are
of cotton crepes
serviceable because
they may be washed,
and come in. both
dark and light
shades. The plain
ones are $3.95.
The embroidered ones
are $5.
Third Floor
Sports Oxfords
Are Distinctive
The fashion of the sports
oxford for general wear
has brought
out many in
teresting col
ors and com
Sorosis quality
throughout and very mod
erately priced for
$8, $8.50 and $9
Dainty Slippers
for Evening Wear
New models in satin, pat
ent leather and black kid
with instep
straps and
junior or baby
French heels.
$10 q Pair
New Prices on
Children's Coats
White corduroys, pon
gees, polo cloth,
tweeds and fancy
woolen mixtures in
almost every color
ing. Sizes 1 to 6
years (not all sizes in
, every style.)
Reduced to $4.95,
$5.95 and $9.95.
. Second Floor
Direct Primary
League Would
Abolish Circle
Initiative Petition to Bring
About Vote on Nonparty
Ballot Is Advocated by
C. A. Sorensen.
Lincol'i, June 9. C. A. Sorensen,
temporary chairman of the new Ne
braska Nonparty Ballot and Direct
I'rimary league, issued a. statement
declaring that initiative petitions will
be circulated by the league st once
for submitting to the voters for ap
proval or rejection, at the next gen
eral election, a constitutional amend
ment perpetuating the direct primary
and providing for the nonpartisan
election of city, county and state offi
The movement aims to abolish the
arly circle and protect the direct
primary, according to its advocates.
The proposed amendment reads as
"The nomination of candidates for
the office of United States senator,
member of congress, member of the
state legislature, and for state and
county elective public office shall be
by direct primary. Ballots used in
the nomination of candidates for elec
tive public office created by the con
stitution or the laws of this state
shall have thereon no party name or
circle, or a.ny other designation re
lating to candidates."
Backers of the proposed amend
ment claim for it the sucr.sful en
actment of the amendment will stop
biennial attack on the direct primary,
that it will take from the political
parties their present monopoly of
making nominations; that it will kill
party machine politics; that it wilj
tear dow,n the .artificial barriers
which now separate the progressives
and separate state and national politics.
Summer Frocks
Vie With Sports Apparel
for Popularity
But they need not, for there is a
time and place for ,both and an
abundance 6f each in Thompson,
Belden's apparel section.
White flannel and silk skirts,
Jersey sports jackets,
$5 to $15 each '
Frocks of imported ginghams,
$15 to $25
Ratine or linen models,
$19.50 or more
Third Floor
And Now
Gingham Girdles
Specially designed to
please the flapper
miss. They are ever
so light and comfort
able and may be worn
for any sports occa
sion. '
Coraet Section
Second Floor
35c to $1.25
D. and J. Anderson
Scotch gingham and
other .well-known
makes, both im- .
ported and domestic.
For summer dresses
a choice of solid col
ors, plaids, stripes
and checks. 32-inch,
35c, 6 5 c, $1.00,
$1.25 a yard. -
Second Floor
Death Chair Claims
Life of Murderer.
(l'MtlMtr4 riw ftf Out)
did not see, threw the switch which
sent tlie tirt bolt of electricity into
his body. The holt tatted one min
ute. With a Jerk King's body stiffened.
Dr. Ft. A. 1'iitkle, prison physician,
and Dr. M. Aihi of the state ortho
pedic hospital, special execution
physician, examined . the body, but
pronounced the prisoner not dead.
Second Shock Given. '
At 10:10 a second bolt was sent
coursing through King's body (or 30
lie wsi pronounced dead, and hit
body was prepared for shipment tl
the University of Nebraska medical
school in Onuha at King's own ra
All prisoners were locked in thei
cells until after the electrocution.
Just before King paid the peualtj
for his crime Warden Fenton re
leased a letter which he suid King
wrote to him last Saturday, June 3.
the day the supreme court overruled
the motion of his attorney for a new
The letter was well written, care
fully punctuated, the spelling and
grammar perfect.'
In brief, the letter begged War
den Fenton to forgive King for
"causing him so much trouble" and
stating he would be "very grateful
if assured the warden had forgiven
him." King also thanked the war
den for the cigarets and bananas he
sent him in the solitary cell.
In reply, Warden Fenton said he
had written King:
"Dear Jim: I am only too glad to
forgive you personally and I hope
that God will forgive you in the
hereafter. I only wish I could
know why you committed such a
When Warden Fenton first en
tered the cell this morning to read
the death warrant to King, the pris
oner was smoking a cigaret and
leaning against the cell door.
Newest Undies
. of Jersey Silk
Vests, $1.95 to $6.
Bloomers, $2.49 to
Camisoles, $2.50 to
Teddies, $3.50 to
' $12. j
Union suitsr. $7.
Second Floor
Printed Batiste
for 50c a Yard
A sheer, fine batiste
in colorful new
checks, stripes, dots
and other desirable
small printed pat
terns. 40-inch, 50c a
Second Floor
Rice has a 4-year-old son sick in a
Lincoln hospital, and he and his wife