Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 51 NO. 306.
I ----- --- aaiM Mm ML I tat M)
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Death Chair
Claims Life
of S I
James King Calm as He Ii
Strapped in Place Spends
Last Hour in
Two Shocks Necessary
Lincoln. June 9. (Special.)
James B. King, negro, calmly
walked from the death cell at, the
state prion this morning, as calmly
tat down in -the electric chair while
the doth cap was placed over his
head and his arms and legs strapped
to the chair, and paid with his life
for the murder of Kobert Taylor,
prison guard, whom he stabbed to
At ,9:30. Warden W. F. Fenton
read the death warrant to King as
the doomed , man stood leaning
against the door of his solitary cell
In , the next cell was Charles
Nichols of Sidney, also under' sen-,
tence of death for killing his sweet
heart His case now is before the
supreme court.
Pray Until Death Hour. '
As Fenton read the warrant,
Vihila ru. frAm hi. rnt-. walirett to
the door of his cell, and listened at
tentively. "How do you feel, Jim?" asked the
warden of King.
"All right," replied the negro.
At 9:45 Rev. O. J. Burkhart, pastor
of the A. M. E. church of Omaha,
and Chaplain Charles Maxwell of the
prison, prayed with King in his cell
until the death honr.
Promptly it 10 Warden Fenton led
King out from the death cell.
King was handcuffed.
Armed orison 'guards lined both
sides of his path from the cell to the
.death house. .
King walked, down the lines of
guards, unassisted. He never faltered
once all along the 250 yards of his
last walk. ; -.-.'' ' '
As soon as he disappeared into the
stairway of the death house a white
hearse drove around the -corner ana
backed un to the door. -'-
When King reached -the' doorway
, to the death chamber Chaplain Max
well offered a short prayer, in which
' he said King had confessed Jiis sins.
repented and was seeking forgiveness
in the hereafter.- ' ' ;:.;.
As he prayed, King repeatedly ut
tered "Amen." . . ;
At the conclusion of his prayer
King started to walk' to the chair,
but he was restrained because the at
tendants were not yet ready for him.
Bids Client Goodby. , v
His attorney walked into the death
chamber with him, but, declaring he
.... ... .i 'I.i ..IJ t!-
client goodby and walked out.
t King's handcuffs were then re
moved and he coolly stepped up to
the chair, sat down as unconcerned
as though he were about to sit down
to a chicken' dinner, and t,he cap was
fitted over bis head and eyes.
In this process one of the attendants
asked him a question, and he nodded
his head in approval.
He sat iri the chair at 10:03.
At 10:05 E. B. Currier, official
executioner of Boston, whom King
(Turn to rag Iivo, Column Bight.)
Rickenbacker Delayed
hon Trouble
Capt Eddie Rickenbacker again
encountered trouble in . his ' around-the-country
flight, when his air
plane was forced down near Dexter,
la.. 80 miles east of "Omaha, late
yesterday while he was flying on
the Chicago to Omaha leg qf his
trip to the coast. ,' ;
The Diane was forced dewn in a
Liuvci liciu inu inula nuiti ju.vv-
l,i : :.: . 1.1. '
Captain Rickenbacker in a long
distance telephone conversation with
the air mail field said the mishap
was directly attributable to the one
which occurred in Detroit .Thursday
when his- plane was struck by light
ning. Efforts to" repair the machine
and .continue to Omaha last night
-were futile, : according to Captain
Rickenbacker,- who -said that , he
would not resume his flight to
Omaha until today.
Salt Lake City Slayer
Executed by Shooting
Salt Lake City, June 9. Nick Ob
lizalo was executed at the Utah state
prison at 5:08 this morning for the
murder of Mario Laus, a miner, who
was stabbed to death and robbed, of
$1200 in a lonely spot on the out
skirts of the city August 3, 1919. Ob
- lizalo appealed to Governor Mabey of
Utah yesterday for a reprieve, but
the state executive, after conferring
with members 'of the state board of
pardons, refused to intercede. The
board ' had previously .declined to
commute the death sentence.
' Steve Maslich.who perpetrated the
murder with Oblizalo, was executed
at the prison January 20. Both men
chose execution by shooting instead
ot nanging. :
v - .
. New Navy Selection Board.
Washington, June 9. The Navy
department today announced the per
sonnet of the . new naval selection
board, which is expected to begin the
selection . of officer! for promotion
June 27 as follows:
Admirals Hilary P. Jones and Ed
ward E. Eberle, Vice Admiral T. D.
McDonald, and Rear Admirals Harry
MtU V. iiuse, Henry B. Wilson, S.
S. Robinson, C F. Hughes, William
v. iratt and JU M, Nullton
Shriners to iNeed Wraps
for Jubilee at Frisco
Weather Man Promises Nippy Temperatures in Pa
cific Coast City Next Week-All Pilgrims Are
Being Requested to Park Their .
Camels Outside Moat
San Francisco, June 9. Shriner
pilgrims traversing the desert dunes
on thetr way to Sn Francisco for
the golden jubilee of their order next
week will need their respective over
coats or wraps, for the weather man
promises a nipping coolness after the
hot sands have been left behind. It
would appear, according to hit sur
vey of the weather of past Junes, that
ban rrancisco does not swing into
its actual summer scascvt until some
days after the Shriner caravan is due
to start it plodding way back across
the figurative wastes that lie be
tween the new niecca and the new
The jubilee will be held in a sort
of transition period so far as the
weather is concerned. It will ante
date the high, cool fogs that are
whipped from the broad Pacific ex
panse by the swift-trading trade
winds; the fogs that bring the actual
San Frr.ncisco summer on their
pinions. It will predicate the spring.
Warm During Day.
The actual weather condition will
be "moderately warm during the day
and cool at night, and occasional
threatening," according to the best
prognostication of the weather man.
S.-1 Francisco usually refers to it as
"great convention weather" and as
such it is usually accepted. '
Pilgrims reaching here are being
Harding Dedicates
New Monument to
FatKer of Country
President Breaks Away From
Prepared Manuscript in
Paying Tribute to Mem
ory of Washington.
Princeton, N. J., June 9. Presi
dent Harding , dedicated a monument
to the achievements of George Wash
ington In Princeton today, and heard
himself bailed at a man of "quiet
courage" and "immense patience and
self-effacing modesty" in his own
policies towards current and con
troversial issues. The words came
from Dean West, who used them in
mention ' of the president's stand
against the veterans' bonus and his
votes for anti-strike law as senator,
as he recited the reasons which in
duced Princeton university to give
the president an honorary degree of
doctor , of laws.
Twice the stimilus of an intent
audience . caused President Harding
to break away from prepared manu
script in his speech.- .
Before the Princeton student body,
stirred evidently by the high praise
of the- citation of himself, he almost
disregarded preparations to lay
down some standards of valuation of
men. "I care iot what position a
man may momentarily be in," he ex
claimed, "you can measure his stand
ard of usefulness to America by the
service he renders the community in
which, he resides.
Cannot See Future.
"Less than a Century and a half
has this republic endured. The found
ing fathers who gave us America
no more dreamed of what 125 years
would bring than we today can
dream of the possibilities of the fu
ture. "When I realize what .has happen
ed in that time I dare not lift the
cup of optimism to my lips. There
are such limitless possibilities; we
have seen- such incomparable contri
(Tnrn to Page Two, Column Two.)
Hot Wind Damages Crops
of Oats and Potatoes
Beatrice, Neb., June 9. (Special
Telegram.) With the temperature
ranging close to the 96 mark and a
strong wind blowing from the south,
today has been one of the worst on
crops of the season. Oats and pota
toes are suffering from lack of mois
ture, but corn and wheat are in good
condition. . The .harvest will begin
here in about two weeks. -
"Follow Your
' Advertising Talk No. 5
"Please allow the advertising you are now placing with '
us to influence you to place more with us,' substantially, says
the newspaper which continually argues its advertising velum
as a reason for a larger volume. When facts' are available,
however, a better basis is easily found for placing advertising;
the result producing power of the paper.
The Associated Retailers found the "rate per 1,000"
circulation of the three oUily papers to be as follows: The
News, $0.0218; the Herald, $0.0196; The Omaha Bee, $0.0200.
In other words The Omaha Bee charge per 1,000 cir
culation is lower than the News and practically the same as
the Herald. , . . V
The findings above are especially significant, construed
with the fact, also, that the byiag power of The Omaha Bee's
, subscribers was found to be considerably greater per 1,000 ub
cribere than any other paper. Seveaty-fiva par cent of The
Omaha Bee, Omaha subscribers, own their vt homes, ac
cording to the Retailers' Survey. v
requested to park their camels out
side of the city moat, known other
wise as the Bay of San Francisco,
lor there will be plenty of convey'
ances for all occasions. A call was
sent out for 7.000 automobiles sever
al days ago and it is expected the
number will be reached easily. Two
wards of 10 beds each have been set
aside by the San Francisco Munici
pal emergency hospital service for the
treatment of everything from sand
blisters to "charley horses" and even
more serious complaints. The hos
pital attendants say that they are
even prepared to entertain the corn
fed" members of the Aladdin Temple
chorus of Columbus, who weigh
on the average of luu pounds.
'. Turns Earth for Hospital.
Portland. Ore., Juno '9. W. Free
land Kendricks, potentate of Lulu
temple. Philadelphia, and oast im
periaP potentate of the Nobles of the
Mystic Shrine, today turned the first
spadeful of earth at the site of what
is to be the sixth hospital for crip
pled children to be established by the
Shrine in North America.
The ceremony was witnessed by
representatives of many temples here
enroute to San Francisco for the
coming convention of the Shrine. The
hospital is to cost $250,000 and will
be operated for the benefit of all
crippled children applying for aid.
Consideration of
Bonus Deferred
at Least 10 Days
Exact Course on Measure in
Senate Still Uncertain
Another Amendment .
Is Offered.
Washington, June 9. Efforts to
obtain - senate consideration of the
soldiers' bonus bill will be deferred
for at, least. 10 . days,- it was stated
today. Whether it will be taken up
by agreement among republican
leaders: or without the consent of
some remains to be determined.
Chairman McCumber of the
finance committee, who will pilot the
legislation on the floor, has informed
senators that in nixing a time to call
the bill up he will try to suit the
convenience of most of them. ' He
said he realized that there were
those on each side who had to be
absent from time to time because of
primary campaigns in their states
and who desired to be present when
the bonus is considered.-
Another bonus amendment was of
fered today, Senator McNary, repub
lican, Urcgon, proposing the smith-
McNary ; $350,000,000 reclamation
measure as a land settlement feature,
This bill already has been reported
to both the house and senate, but as
a Dart of the bonus measure it would
be changed, Senator McNary said, so
thaj: veterans would be given prefer
ence in the purchase ot land in ex
cess of the farm unit, and inthe
preference to homestead public lands
lying within a reclamation district
Under another change the service
of' veterans would be utilized as
practicable on the construction of
each .reclamation project. Mr. Mc
Nary said it was his purpose to press
his amendment provided a majority
of the senate show5 a desire to in
corporate land settlement provisions
in the bonus bill. -
Bankers Sue for Return
of Money Paid for Stock
Columbus. Neb., June 9. (Spe
cial) Claiming that the 142 shares
of stock which they bought when
they secured control of the Farmers
State Bank of Creston last October
were not worth what they paid for
them, because certain notes carried
as assets" proved to be practically
worthless, Oscar H. Hahn, Rudolph
V. Prokop, John D. Wolfe," William
Hahn, Sam twine and Emu E.
Dudek, have filed suit in the district
court, a'gaints Otto H. Shurman, Ira
D. Wolfe and L. M. Maxwell for
$7,100. . -
Dollar Through"
High Court
Is Scored
by Gompers
Labor Leader Interprets Colo
rado Coal Decision at Nega
tion of Rights of Unions
to Strike. j
May Appeal to Congress
Cincinnati, June 9. Protests of
organized labor, as voiced here to
day at preliminaries for the annual
convention next week of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor, centered
against the supreme court, the con
gress and state legislatures in general.
Samuel Uomoers. president of t
federation, in addressing a club of
business men, interpreted the' su
preme court decision in the celebrated
Coronado coal case as a negation of
the right to strike, and declared that
organized labor would appeal to con
gress tor new legislation setting aside
the decision. ' .
Will Not Dodge Fight
In criticizing the supreme court.
Mr. Gompers said that he expected
to be "taken strictly to account" for
his utterances, addinj that "I do not
run away trom a tight.
"But. it has come to a pretty pass.
he continued, "when an American
citizen can no longer discuss and
criticize the decision of the court. Any
one, if he feels so disposed, can criti
cize even the president of the United
states or the United Mates senate
or the congress. Pray of what flesh
are the members of the supreme court
that they are above criticism beyond
that of the president of the United
Delegates to the meeting of the
metal trades department of the
federation, by unanimous action, as
sailed congress and state legislatures
as enemies of labor, and declared
for labor's active preparation in the
fall campaigns in an effort to elect
its friends regardless of their poli
Unions Liable.
In his speech, Mr. Gompers said
the Coronado decision made inter
national unions, endorsing strikes',
liable for damages, and he asserted
this meant the unions must with
stand ."'constant litigation " o; get
out of business." - .?'
"If you compel men and women.
regardless of conditions," he con
tinued, "to-work against their will,
you have re-established slavery.
Some people seem to think now is
the time to take advantage of the
working people, reduce wages and
break up their organizations and
under the open shop weaken or
destroy the unions."
In this connection, he warned
against "driving the bargain too
hard," asserting that a "day of
reckoning will come, and adding
that the organized workers are the
"greatest stabilizing force," in the
country. Referring to rail union
chiefs, he said they had prevented
strikes, which he said had been de
sired - by the union members gener
ally and he concluded with the ex
pression ot a hope for the time wnen
employers and employes would
solve their problems at ttrc confer
ence table.
Baron Kato Offered
Premiership of Japan
Tokio, Tune 9. (By A. P.) Ad
miral Baron Kato today was offered
the premiership of Japan. He asked
time to consider whether he would
undertake to form a cabinet to suc
ceeded that of - Premier . Takahashi,
which resigned Tuesday. Adimral
Kato headed the Japanese, delega
tion to the Washington arms con
ference. The council of elder statesmen de
cided to recommend that Admiral
Baron Kato be invited to form a
new cabinet to succeed the Takaha
shi ministry which resigned Tues
day. , .
Observers here see m the decision
pf the elder statesmen to recommend
Admiral Baron Kato for premier
ship further assurance of the gov
ernment's determination to carrv out
whole-heartedly the engagements
made at the Washington arms con
ference. Baron Kato. as head of the
Japanese delegation at Washington,
neiped formulate the policies that
were accepted by his government for
reduction of armaments and for re
moving possible causes of interna
tional misunderstandings in the far
east, -v - i
La Follette Names Body
' to Probe Gasoline Prices
Washington, June 9. Investiga
tion of gasoline and crude oil prices
will be conducted by a senate com
merce subcommittee, consisting of
Senators La Follette, republican,
Wisconsin, chairman; McNary, re
publican, Oregon; Rawson, republi
can, Iowa; Smith, democrat, South
Carolina, and Jones, democrat, New
Mexico, under appointments made
by Mr. La Follette. When the first
hearings .will be held was not an
nounced. .,
Three Mexican Army Officers
Shot to Death on Border
T arn Tm tun O Th Kni4;.
Of Uen. Lucio Blanco. Col. Aurelio
Martinez and Major Garcia, killed by
Mexican customs guards and soldiers
Wednesday night as they headed
a hand of men attempting: to enter
Mexico, were recovered from the Rio
Urande today.
What Would
What would YOU do if they were
yours and needed ice and milk these
hot summer days?
Just look at the pictures and then
ask yourself the question.
The Bee's Free Milk and Ice Fund .
is the answer. - This fund, raised each
year by The Bee, is distributed
through the Visiting Nurses, who
purchase the milk and ice from local
dealers and then send the bill to The
Bee to be paid from the fund.
Bring or mail your contribution to
The 'Bee. It doesn't have to be
large; any sum is acceptable. All
contribations will be asknowledged in
The Bee.
Thursday the Union Stock Yards
company sent in its annual contribu
tion of $50. The county assessor's
office reported 100 per cent perfect.
"It is a pleasure to give to The
Bee milk fund," wrote Henry Beal,
deputy county-attorney, who mailed
his annual check for $5.
- Contributions so far:
The Bra S SM
Union Stock Yard 60.0
Henrr Bnl S.oe
Thomas r. Godfrey S.M
Hertha Levy 5.00
Hn. E. Jacobs 1.0
A. T. Shotwrll '
Paul 8tlnwender : .89
Bay Coffey .SO
jona neater-..
County Atumor'o Off lee
Chailee I. reklo M
Pat Lynch
Vie Kranoa .tS
Joseph StoDnhl ' .S
I. AiaeHa- . ...., .-.,.-.,-.--Bath
taaa i .
HJaeoboen , JBS
Art oaanae ., , . .
BforlM Fotsxh " .
Mrs. F. P. McGonch - M
Alex Beed -2
H. O. Couiuraen
John Smith
8am Mayer .
Le Sear Bedford .to
World Bankers
Decide to Adjourn
Plan to Resume Consideration
. of Proposed Loan After
Lapse of Three Months.
:' ! - ' .
Paris,' June 9. (By A. P.) The
international bankers at a session
held today, virtually decided to ad
journ for three months and then re
sume consideration of a proposed
loan to Germany.
Although the bankers' committee
will meet again tomorrow morning
to complete its answer to the repara
tions commission, the decision to
adjourn was taken this evening after
its members had agreed that in view
of the situation created by the rep
arations commission's vote, nothing
could be done at this time toward
arranging a large loan for Germany.
The final decision is expected to be
taken tomorrow by the bankers. . No
official communication was issued
Shortage in World Wheat
Supply Is Predicted
Washington. . June 9. World
wheat stocks by July 1 will be lower
than for several years,x according to
an analysis of the situation issued by
the Commerce department. .
Both Argentina and Australia, the
department explained, have consider
ably less1 wheat than last year, the
United States carryover will be light,
and only - Canada has considerable
stock on hand. A larger demand
than last vcar, it was declared, was
indicated by the upward trend of
European consumption. 1
"Until next , February,,r the de
partment said, "the. international
trade will be largely dependent for
supplies on the surplus of .North
America and. a limited quantity from
India. With Russia entirely out of
the export trade, North '. American
wheat is in a. very strong position."
- 1
New Bishop, of Sioux Falls
Congratulated hy Pope
Rome, June 9. Monsignof Bern
ard J. Mahoney, for many years spir
itual director of the American college
here and recently appointed .bishop
of Sioux Falls, visited Pope Pius yes
terday. 'The pontiff congratulated
the prelate and praised him for the
work he had done in Rome. . This
work, he added, showed that Mon
signor Mahoney was eminently gifted
in the art of guiding and directing
During the audience Pope Pius
made reference to the late Right Rev.
Thomas O'Gorman. bishop of Sioux
Falls, who is to be succeeded by
Monsignor Mahoney, saying he ren
dered valuable services to the church
and his country-
You Do If They
Police at Loss
for Clues in Ax
Murder Mystery
Only Suspect Arrested
: Michigan Slaying Gives
Satisfactory Account
of His Actions.
' Omaha Bee I.eaied Wire.
Jackson, Mich., June 9. Police ad
mitted they were on the point of
abandoning their two principal clues
as to the' slayer of Miss Alice Mallett,
matron of the Florence Crittendon
home, who was slashed to death with
an axe lasf night." - " ' a.
It is believed that Robert Brockie
first suspect taken in for questioning,
will be released. , He has given a
satisfactory account; of. his actions
last night. Supposed blood stains
found on towels in his kitchen are
now believed to bevarnish stains. .
. Search of a swamp about two and
a half miles north of here was virtu
ally given up late today. Farmers
at noon reported a man making to
wards the swamp. A posse of 30 dep
uties and more than J00 townspeople
hurried to that district. They beat
through the heavy underbrush. The
swamp itself is impenetrable and it
is conceded no man could fight his
way through it
Officers declare the crime was tne
work of a mentaMy disordered per
son and wide search has been insti
tuted to round up every suspicious
character within 50 miles.
The last person to see Miss Mal
lett alive was Mrs. Adelle Wejsh, a
dressmaker, at whose home Miss.
Mallett spent the evening. Mrs.
Welsh walked with Miss Mallett to
wards the Crittendon home. The
body was found about 100 rods from
where the two parted. '
Blood hounds followed a trail
from the dead body to a pond half
mile distant, where it is believed
the murderer
washed himself. At
trail appeared t to be
the pond the
. Pension Bill Passes House
Washington, June 9. A bill ex
tending the provisions of the 1912
pension act to officers and enlisted
men of all .state militia and other
state organizations who rendered
service to the union cause during the
Civil war for a period of '90 days
or fnore, and providing pensions for
their dependents, was passed today
by the house and sent to the senate.
Road Fund Approved .
Washington, June 9. Approval of
expenditures aggregating $586,000
tor construction of 106 miles of roads
in Colorado was announced by Sec
retary Wallace. , - ...
; " The Heel of Amies "
', -,-
MiY-Wodehouse in this-humorous Blue Ribbon
short story presents "the only golfer who ever ap
proached the game in a - spirit of - pure reason."
Aforesaid "only golfer" makes some startling dis
coveries. "The Heel of Achilles" will appear in The
Bee Magazine Section for next Sunday. ,
' June graduates of three Omaha high schools
will feature next Sunday's Rotogravure Section. , The
section will contain photographs of the 232 gradu
ates this year from Technical, South and Benson high
The Sunday Bee
Were Yours?
War Department
to Aid Reavis in
War Fraud Cases
Announces it Will Give Every
Possible Assistance ' ' in
Prosecution of - Al-
leged Graft.
Washington. June. .9. (Special
Telegram.) The War department,
it was announced today, is planning
to give - every possible assistance to
the corps of assistants which Attor
ney General Dauahertv has surround
ed himself with in the prosecution of
alleged war frauds. The report of
the army liquidation commission,
which has never been published, will
be placed at the disposal of the in
vestigators together with all the evi
dence that has been collected. Much
of this refers to settlements of claims
in the quartermaster department
which will, come within the province
of former' Congressman Reavis of
Nebraska and his assistants, Maj. H.
E. O'Neil and F. B. Enfield.
The secretary of war announced
today also, that $30,000,000 worth of
claims, which have already been li
quidated, . but which have a suspi
cion of criminality about them, have
already been handed over to the De
partment of Justice "
Gen. Lord, who is the head of the
finance division of the War depart
ment, is the man who is empowered
to deal with Mr, Reavis in handling
the war cases.
Kansas City Man Named
Rotary Clubs President
Los Angeles, June 9. Raymond
Havens of Kansas City, Mo., was
chosen presidejitof the International
Association of Rotary clubs at the
final session of the 13th annual con
vention of the organization this after
noon. The selection was ' unanimous by
the delegates after the election com
mittee had announced the result. Mr.
Haven's closest rivals were H. J.
Lutcher Stark of Orange, Tex., and
William Coppock of .Council Bluffs.
Revised figures showed Havens
received 58 1 votes, Stark 291 and
Coppock 137. ,
Three Die of Heat
Chicago, - June 9. Three more
persons died today from'theeffects
of the heat wave in which Chicago
has sweltered for . three days.. Five
persons succumbed yesterday and
nearly. 100 have been overcome. The
mercury reached 90 degrees this
afternoon. -
Women in
Walks Into Lincoln Cafe and
Compels .. Proprietress
and Ceok to Fix His
. Dinner.'
Hints of Plan to End Life
Lincoln. June 9. (Special Tele
gram.) Fred Brown, alias Gui
Grimes, manacle man of Benson,
held up two women in small res
taurant here for an hour and a half
this afternoon while posnes searched
for him half a doren blocks distant,
The women, Mrs. Edna Craig,
proprietor of the restaurant, and
Nettie Frederick, a cook, hysterical
and tearful,- telephoned to police at
4:30 this afternoon a lew minutei
after Brown left the restaurant and
disappeared on the Missouri Pacific
railroad tracks. Ihe tracks parai'ei
the state fair grounds and dozen; r '
acres of thick underbrush sur
Brown, they told officers.
into the restaurant about 3
and asked for a big dinner.
"I'll pay for it," he said.
After eating. Brown sat and talked
to the women.
"I'll live about one more day,
he said, "but no officer will get me.
But there is one woman in this town
I'll get first-
Gives Sweetheart's Address. '
The women cave State Sheriff Gui
Hyers the address of Mrs. Ida An
derson, 4411 West Washington ave
nue, Seattle, which they stated Brown
requested mem to wnie ana Keep.
"She's my sweetheart," he said. "1
want you to remember her name."
Continuing, Brown assumed ' I
bragging mood and declared he had
$6,000 in the First National bank in
Lincoln in the name of John Wright
- Before leaving he ordered a lunch
prepared and paid for it and for th
dinner.' . - t
"As tomorrow is my last day on
earth I want you to have dinner fot
me tomorrow at 2," he said when
leaving. .. ; -
The women stated that no one
entered the restauranr "while Brown '
was there excepting Mrs, Craig's lit--tie
daughter, . Waneda, who ran in
from play for a few minutes.
"Hello, kid," he said and punched
the little girl in the ribs.
Had Pair of Pistols. .
' Brown, they asserted, did not dis- '
plajr a gun openly but they could see
two guns protruding from his
oockets. v '
The holdup occurred at 905 North
Twenty-first street, a block from a
cellar in which a motorcycle officer
who chased Brown last night claimed
he disappeared and two blocks from
one of the places where he once lived
here. rJ, - .
At 3 this afternoon the posse found
$300 in stolen goods in the basement
of a church at Twenty-third andtO
(Turn to Fue In, Colum FIT.)
Irrigation Farmers
Demand Fall Resign
CmftcKltiff XTaK Tun- O f
ciai .telegram.; ine resignation oi
Secretary of the Interior Fall was
demanded of President Harding in
resolutions adopted at a mass meet
ing here of farmers and business men
of the region, from Bridgeport to
Torrington. .. ''-' ,
The secretary was declared to be
unjust, and to have shown a lack of
understanding of the problems of the
ungaiiuii tatiticis in ins ircaimcnj -rxt
l.a ...t. .i .. i r I I
mem wucu nicy . askcu lor rcuci
from oppressive charges.
Resolutions were also adopted urg-;
ing tnat government irrigation con
struction charges be reduced to a
.U.A.IUU1U w, an acic per year,
asking for the passage of the Smith
McNary bill and asking that the
be completed. Its completion would
open 100,000 acres to cultivation.
Travelers' Association Brands
I. C. C. as "Oligarchy"
Atlantic City, N. J , June 9. The
National TravpW' Pmi-;,.
scciation, in session since Monday,
Paul for the next convention, elect
tug officers and adopting resolutions
referring to the Interstate Commerce
Commission as an "ntiaarrW tU,t u
repugnant to a free people, and asked
nai congress re-invest state rail
road commissions aud utility boards
with power to deal with transporta
tion. A request was made that the
commission icui. an MAmr Ac
tinuing the 50 per cent surcharge on
unman ana parlor car service.
The Weather
Probably thunder showers Satur
day; not much change in tempera
ture. Hourly Temperatures.
S a.
e m.
a .
is .
it ft.
i .
s p.
s .
e .
' p.
s p.
Highest Friday.
Chrrnn ..lijPutblo
Danver ....
Da Moints ,
Dad City
Lander ....
North Platta
..... Rapid City
Mait uu
4 8nt r .
j8hrlUt .
lilSleu City