Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Omaha Grain
Omaha, Jurtt 8, 1922.
"-rain enarbala tnAiw rleietoncr)
firmer ton and pricei generally
' wcrt en tha up unit. The demand
for all kinds of cash gram was bcl
Chlca-to shipments of wheat wer
1,081,000 bushels.
Showers were reported in the
northwest. Oswego, Kan., wires that
cutting of wheat hat begun in that
aeeiion of aoutnwest Kansas.
Demand for export grain wat
emia, hut uimi Kanilrlha wheat ind
corn and rye worked. It it (aid the
Greek government wilt buy 1,300.000
DtltneiS 01 wncii on juno y. Win
nipeg report an excellent demand
' In rath wheat and it ii alio said
thai rmrrn mill were buying? wheat
in Minneapolis.
Receipts of grain in Omaha were
I t rare nf tvhraL 54 cars of corn and
lis cars of oats, compared with S cars
of wheat, 84 cars ol corn ana o cars
of other grains last year.
Total shipments were 108 cars, as
against 127 cara a year ago.
A good demand was in evidence in
the Omaha casn market tor in
grains. Wheat sold unchanged to
1 hiffhtr. corn was unchanged to Yc
up, oats were Me to y,c up and rye
was quoted nominally le lower, wiin
barley uncnaitgea.
No. f hard winter: t car OS per not
dark), ! : eara.
Na. I renew here: -,fi
No. t 1-ellew bard: 1 ear, II. U; 1 ear.
. (-ample llow hard. S-S ear, IMS.
Ne. S mUedl J-t ear. Sl.ll.
No. I while: I car. SI We.
pre, I Willie: rare, ae.
No. S white: 1 ear. Ste.
No, I yellow: 1 ear. S4H.
No. I yellow: S ear. e.
Ne. I yellow: 1 eara, 110.
Na. i mixed I 1 eara. Sic.
Ie. I mlied: can. Slot t ear (hlB.
tar's weights). 8e. .
No, mixed: "r
' We. t whltei I ear. UH: ,
Na. white: t eara (apeelat bltllnt). lie.
ear (ehtpper- wel(hu). lie; I eara. lie.
Neir 4 whltai eara. He.
Ne. Ii I ear. SSlto.
Carleta Todar. Ago.
Otta ,. sa '
, Week
Carlott Todar. Asp.
Wheat "
Con. "
OaU 11 11
Carlet Todar. Ago.
Wheal. t.
Cora "! !!
Qe ."'."J' nruwfi crrlPTS
WTBW- """"'weak fear
Minneapolis " ;?
Dulath HI .l
Winnipeg M
Kaealpts - Today,
Wheat "
Cora v
Wheat .IT
Cara JJ
Oata a............"... 10
Bye ...
V. .law . . . .
IT '
. (BUSHELS). ,
Raealsta Today. Wk. Ago. Tr. Ago-.
Wheat ....... HJ.ooe
1 1 at AAA 171.000
!l,:!00 1,T3,000 1,114,000
Carn ......
171.000 SD4.000 llt.vva
h.ii .l.llS.SM
414 (in T34.00S
o.ta . .
114,000 1,003,000 1,001,000
410.000 . S4S.000 441,000
Bushele Today. Tr. Age.
Wheat and flow.... 111,90 'I'25!
Corn W3.000 ' ,000
n.. 113.000 11.000
1 Br Updike Grain Co. PP. 2T. June S.
Art open. I nun, i uw. i uw i
1.1SH l.lif, 1.13 1.14V. 1.11 114 1.144
1.1ST4 1.14 1.1SH 1.13 1.11
1.1314 114 1.14
1.1 l.,S 111 UV4 l.HH
I. US v ,. Utt
. .si .o .sm .
.Ii4 .114 . .it !
.11 .S1U .911, .:4
! '.I0T4 .UK .0 O
; .SI .I0T4 '
,44 .4 .S'4 .4 ..JIJ4
MK .t.!4 .! .!
'. . , .li ".
.314 . .384 .314 .4
.41 .41 ..4014 ;H .41
II. 41 11.S0 11 43 11.1 11.10
U.70 11.17 11.7 HIT ll.'l
1J.I0 D.B0 11.10 12.10- la.47
12.3 12.30 13.3 1230 H-W
. Kanaaa Cltv GralB. ;
' Kansss City, Mo., June; I Wheat
Jul'!. 11.07; September, Sl-05" Decern-
.'wolV. He; September. Tlc
Kr..':i Citr. June S. Wheat No. 2
fcsril, 1.17J1.S0: No. S red. 11.101.1.
Corn No. 3 white. 8Sc; No. 3 yellow.
- Hay Steady.
7 Minneapolis Grain. '
Minneapolis, Minn.. June . Wheat
No. 1 northern. tl.4'il.lllii July.
SI. 14; September. 11.11 H.
. Corn No. 3 yellow. l20S2e.
Oate No. 3 white, :033e.
Barley 4HJ8IC
' Bye No. 2, aSSe. - '
Flat No.. 1,
Mian ea polls Flour.
Minneapolis. Minn., , June t Flour
Unchanged: shipments, 39,11 barrels.
Bran S17.IOjl.00.
'1V;V' St. Inl Utadii. ' '
" St. Loul. June I. Wheat July, 11.10;
September. 22 He. -5
Oata July. 37c aaked.
Sew York Coffee,
i Nw Tork, June S. The reactions of
yesterday afternoon were recovered in the
market for coffee futures today, owing
em rasorta that European Importer were
bidding above a parity With American
Buyers -for coffee In Brasll and that the
present wei pen m oan rmra waa
aiaiav tha new croD movement. The
opening was t to.lltpolnte higher, with
September selling at 10.25c and Decern
kae at' Si. .or. 14 Bolhta above yea-
terday-a closing flguree.- and back to the
beat point of yeaterday morning. Last
nrtcea were within a point or two of the
beet, showing net advances ot ( to 13
points, sales were eatimaiea ei eooai
1AAAA haaa. .Fuly. lO.Hc: September,
1 34c: October. 10.13c; December, .Sc;
January, .c; xarcn, a.iec; nwi,
Knot rnffee waa reported In felr de
mand at 11 to 11 He tor Rio 7 and 14
to l'e lor Santoe e. . ... ...
. - St. tala IJreatock.
Kaat 8t Loula. Ilia 3lUM . Cattle
Xecaipta. ,J. head; general market
ateady to strong top on long yearlings,
It for 4S-pdund a-rarages: medium
eA--rfMl .Bteat. aunteMei at S7.TIAtS.00:
bulk eartlnga, t,S,S0: bulk beet
rows, t.3S.3l: bulk cannera, ll.SSO
S.0: bulk bolegna and beef bulls, 14.
.TI: medium and good atocker steers,
qaotabla at 11.7107.
Moga Recelpta, bead; mostly ISc
lower: pert load. I10.IS; practical top.
Sl.l; bulk good 'butchers. l.7l.i;
light lights. 1.M1.7S: pigs. Sl.4
'; paeaer eowa. moiy
Sheen and Lambe Receipts. 4. 00 head
Ift-nbe, 3e to See lower; sheep about
' ateady. choice aatrre lamba. 314.21: bulk.
Sl.te014.e4: eala. ?.: light ewes, l.M
aS.Si heavlea. - moot s.e.
'Kaaaas Clty, Mo, 3 una . Eggs aad
. Bultasw-ITnehanaad- -
I FwalUi Hens . weak. Hfiac; broilers
.SC .rootra,J
jjf. Chicago Grain J live Stock "
IMaalM Rwe U4 Wire.
Chicago, June i. General even
ing un ior tne government report.
due alter the cloe, was under way
in the grain market today. Local
traders sold wheal early, but were
forced to cover and the finish was
He higher. Corn and oats were
unchanged to Jic higher and. rye
H&Hc lower.
f .
A breakinsf of the oroipect ve
drouth in the northwest and lower
Liverpool cables led the pit element
to take the selling, side of wheat
early. On the breaks .commission
houtes and brokers that early acted
for a leadintr elevator interest were
persistent buyers and toward noon
there was a sharp upturn to above
the previous day a finish. On the
advance some of the early buyers
turned sellers and caused a reac
tion at the last. A majority of the
local element were well evened up
at the last.
Unaware Fareraa.
The w alher foraraat Indicated nerel
howore svor the grain Belt and there wen
diepnaiuon hon to cut mimatee on the
nuihweeurn eiatee. Herveet le on In
Indiana. Ill noie. Oklahoma end Kanaee
and the crop le ripnln( reel. Eiport
demand waa .low. with raah prlree up
ee hre ae compared with the July on
the No. i herd. Mlnneapolta hea sold
around lon.ooe buehela rab wheal to
milla in the Pt few daye.
The hulk or the trade In rorn and oete
waa In epreadlng Between the vermua d"
llvvrlr. Irala ware rather bullleh on
corn, but the beat prleaa wore not main,
talned. Crop reporta en corn remain bull
Ian and on oala rather bullleh, but the
markete ware, not affected. Available
euppllea ehowed a fair reduction for the
weak. Cub corn la falnins on the July
end eelllnc within a fraction of the prlre
of futurte. Recelpta. 101 cara corn, and
10 cara eta.
Reoorta of eel Iner of rye at the Ma-
board by exporter offset the effect of the
trenth in wheat and with tha country
a moderate e.ller to arrive, the undertone
waa easy. Illinois sold 10,000 bushels to
arrlva. Oermany wee reported aa having
bought rye at the seaboard.
PIS Note.
The aovernment crop report given out
after the close today waa In line with
the private estimates and waa considered
by the trade ee slightly bearish. It
showed SS4.00A.0O bushels of all wheat
or IM00.000 bushol mora than harveet.
ed last year. The trade evened up In
anticipation of the report. One factor
that should not be . overlooked Is how
much of the Increase In the crop le rep
resented In the decline of around lio In
prices of late.
Heavy buying or an wneat ruturee oj
eadlna local Interests featured the day's
tradlnc. On the advance, selling of July
became Influential, carrying prices off
e from the top. For, tha present most
traders are bearish but will follow the
newa and commission house orders.
There were reoorta of 100,000 bushels
hard winter wheat sold here for ship
ment. Those handling the trade were
not disposed to talk. In the pest four
days Chicago has shipped l.SII.OOO bush
els and tracks are cleaning up rapidly.
An apparent effort Is being made to get
wheat prlcea to around 1.1 tor July to
bring Increased offerings from the farm
era. For three daya a covering move
ment has been on and tha market has
had support when needed, while bulges
have mat fair ssllina. In both wheat and
corn the character of the trading has sug
gested buying and selling to even up
trades and secure profits.
Farts or tha northwest wnere rem is
needed had showers to good rains today.
This Induced selling for a time, making
fair recessions In prices.
w n Praaa A Co.. who started In the
grain business In 1IT7, are to retire June
Omaha Produce
f-uraiahed h tha state of Nebraska, de
partment of agriculture, bureau of mar
kets and marveling:
Broiler ' SO.350IO.3S SO. 43 . air
Leghorn broilers .2S3 ."v
Hens, light 170 .20 .200 .:s
Hens, heavy 200 .2 .24
Cocks 10 .12 .130 .17
Ducks . 1W - V
Broiler 0 0 -10
Hens .0 260 .28
Cocks 0 110 .11
Ducka 0 0 .21
Select .23 0..... .360 .27
No. 1 19 .2 .23 .24
No. 3 .17 .IS .21 .22
Cracks .17 ,18 .20
Case count, per
I .15Q.30 .....v
Creamery, prints 0.. 330 .17
Creamery, tub 31 .36
Country, best 26 0' .27 .27 .3
Country, common .26 .28 .23 .27
Butter fat, sta
tion price ii n .s- ......
Prairie No. 1 upland $12.10013.10
Prairie, No. 3 upland. 10.60011.60
Prairie. No. 3 upland 7.00 S.00
Prairie, No. 1 midland 11.6fl12.50
Prairie, No. 3 midland S.6010.50
Prairie, No. 3 midland 7.00 8.00
Prairie, No. 1 lowland 9.00910.00
Prairie. No. 2 loyland 7.00 8.00
Alaflfa, Choice "23.000324.00
Alfalfa. No. 1 19.00 21.00
Alfalfa, standard 15.00 17.00
Altaira, No. 2 12.000 14.00
Alfalfa, No. 3 10.00 11.00
Oat ..... 00019. 00
wheat 7.00 0 S.00
Beef hides: Green salted No. 1. nee lh..
87c; green salted No. 2, per lb., 66c;
green hides No. 1, per lb.,tirrc; green
hides No 3. per lb.. 84o; green salted,
old stock, per lb.. 2 3c; green salted bull
maaa ro. i, per id., c; green eaitea bull
hides No. 3. per lb.. 3a
Horse hides: Lare-e. each. S3. 00: medium.
each. 12.60; small, each, .12.00; pony and
glues, aacn,
eneep pens: Green salted, aa to size
and wool, each. 76c 311.00.
Wool: Choice fine and -bl'od. per lb.,
27 0 33c: medium and -blood, per lb., 26
30c; low and H -blood, per lb.. 18 0 22c;
turry wool, per lb., 18017c,
Wholesale prices of beef cuts are as
follows: No. .1 ribs, 19; No. 3 ribs, 18;
No. ribs, 15c; No. 1 loins, 26c; No. 3 loins
25c; No. 3 loins, 20c; No. 1 rounds, 17c;
No. 3 rounds, 17c: No. 3 rounds, 15c; No.
1 chucks. 1014c: No.. 2 chucks, 10c; No. 3
chucks. 8e; No. 1 plates. 614c; No, 2
piaies. ac; no. a piates. ec. ,
Bananas, per lb., 707e.
Oranaes: Siza 21 and laraer. II. 76ft
S.50; slss 350, 32.0002.26; aiza 388. 17.00;
siia 334, 15.5006.50.
Lemons: box, according to stis. S6.50
Grapefruit: Crate, according to siie,
Apples: Wlnesap, according to size and
grade. 13.0004.00; Ben Davis, according
to size and grade, 33.00; Newton Pippins,
according to size ana graae, t3.t''.
btrawberrles: urate 24-quart boxes, 14.75
05.00. '
Figs: 24 pacKsges, s ounzes. 32 26.
Figs: Bulk, per lb., lo16c.
Pineapples: Cuban, accordlna tn atse.
13.0005.00. -
Cherries: California. S lb. boxes. 14.01
Potatoes: New, No. 1. per lb.. SU04c:
new. No. 3. per lb., 3c; Western, Neb.. No.
1. per cwi i.7; Wyoming russets
and pearls, 12.26; Idaho whites,' No. 1,
per cwt.. S2.2503.5O; Red River Ohio, No.
i. per cwt.. z.z; uregon nettea genu,
per cwt., 12.36,
sweet potatoes: Per bushel, 11.100
3.00.- . N
Celery: Dozen, T6c1.00.
Head lettuce: Crates. S3.SA nee dnzen.
11.001.60; leaf lettuce, per dozen. 30
40c .
Onions: Texaa crvstal was. 45 lb., crates
13.00; Texas yellow, a lb. crates. 12.600
Cucumbers: Hot honae. iter rlnzen SI RA
Texaa, per bushel basket, 4- dozen, 83.00
m .
Cabbage: New. per lb.. 3 05c. '
Tomatoes: Crates. S baskets. S6.tO0S.SI
crates. 4 baskets. 13.7603. 99.
. naaisnea: rer floaen. laeszoe.
Carrots and Turnips t New, per dozen.
Carrots, turnlpa and beeta: Hampers.
Young onions: Horn grown, per dozen,
15 0 30c
Spinach: Heme grown, per dozen. 600
Green peppers: Msrket baskets. S1.2S.
Oreea and wax beans: Hampers, 33.50
Watermelons: Per lb.. Sc.
Parsley: Per doses buncbaa, market
baskets, Tscoi.eo.
Cabbage: Box: II..
Tomatoes: Par box. 81..
Pansy plaata: Far box, IS cent per
COMB. .!..- - .
Financial and Industrial News of
Oaaaha, June .
Cell la Stags, aheap.
, Jl I t4 II. el
, S 4 1.M S 14
. s.itf ii n ,n
. ft t aea l it
Iteraipia weeet
Ollwial Mdaaay.,,,
fXfiti.l rM4ae...,
if 'j. I. I k ..t - w
Kaitmate Tbaraday..
ears inia weaa.,,
Seata dais leal w h.
tUrna 4aa I w'a a a
Bema daya I w'a a'a
Heme day year age
,l.ll 41 eie sail
s,3 4114 114
34.144 11.114
ll.tlt 14 III 37 41
14.414 44.413 ll.ill
BaraiBla and etisoaailioa af Uveelack el
I ha Unlua eiorkrerds. Urns he. Neb., for
II heajie ending al p. m . Jua S, ISI1.
n sin- n iajt
faille lleaa Sheep H M.
Wsbe.h B. H I .. ..
Mo. se. Py. ....... a I .. ,.
laiaa Pscifie K. R..II 11 It 1
A N. W. By., ea.t II 4 ..
r a) N. w. nr., araai tb r .. ,.
r.. at.F . M. U. By. 41 II .. ..
C, B. U. ft., east. IT S ,.
c n. i By, wet ii :i .. ..
", H. I. A east. .1 St..
C, B. I A P. west.. S ,
Illinois Central By... S .. .. ,.
c u. w. tty. s I
Tout receipie ... 3IT It II
('aula Unas
Armour A Co I.fta 741
Cudaliy Parking. Ce....l.e l,T
I win racking to i.T est
Mortis Parking Co I3 MM
Nwirt a Co I. HI 3.4H
t. W. Murphy I,7S
Bwart a fo 44
Lincoln Packing In.,,,
Wilean Tarklng Co....
Hlaeina Parking Co..
Hnlfman Bros ,
lerowrh A Vail .
Midweet racking Co...,
P. O'liea
Omsha Parking t'o.,
John Both A Bans...,
fo. Omaha Packing Co
J. H. Bulla
K. M. Vurruaa A Co..,
Dennis A Francis..,..,
r.iiia m w. ........... , vi .....
John Harvey IS
T. J. Inghrarji ....... I
F. P. Lewis 14
nuiilvan Bros so .....
Warthelmer A DegeB .. t .....
Other buyer SIS .....
Klrknatrlrk T
Totsl T.3 S.STI.S.2IS
Cattle Receipts. (.31 head. While cat
tle supplies ware fairly liberal for Thurs
dsy trsda proved active again today en
good kind of steers and the market av
eraged up fully stsady at tha week'a 36c
advance. Tearllngs reached 11.11 and
heavier steers I4.OO01 10. She atock wae
fully ateady. prlcea being all ef 36 0 6Oo
higher than a weak ago. Blockers and feed
era were nomine I, the market having
been unchanged all week la tha absence
of euppllea.
Quotations on ratfle: Choice to prime
beeves. It 400. 10; good to choice beeves,
llt.t603.S6p fair to good beeves, 17 100
I 26; common to felr beeves, 17.6007.16;
choice to prime yeerllngs, II;
good to choice yearlings. I8.II0I.TI; fslr
to good yesrlings, 17 1601.36; common to
fslr yearlings, 17007.76: choice to
grime heifers. 11.001.50; good to choice
elfers. 17.2101.00; fslr to good heifers,
16.6007.25; choice to prime cows. 14.600
T.00; good to choice cows, 16.00 0 6.60;
fslr to good cows. 16 0000; common
to felr cows. 13 0004.60; good to choice
feeders. 87.5008.00; fair to good feeders.
87.00 07. SO; common to fair feeders,
84.25T.OO; good to choice stockere,
3T.6O08.26; fslr to good atocker. 87.000
7.60; common to fair stockere, 86.160
7.00; stock heifers. S4.6O0t.OO; stock
rows, 33.6005.26; stock calves. 16.600
18.50; vesl cslves, 16.10011.71; stock
bulls. S5.OO0S.6O; bulls, stags, etc., 14.21
No. Av. Pr. No. , A v. Pr.
1 666 37 28 8 766 $8 00
41 1423 8 18 12 107S S 26
16 693 8 50 31 1363 S SS
8 1418 8 6 - 20 1183 S 65
33 1167 S 70 27 1283 8 80
21 1323 S SO 60 836 00
32.. ....126 10 24.. 103S S 26
8 SO 7 JO 30 673 7 66
14 806 S (S , 27 803 8 25
U S3S S 50 15 887 S SO
69. S10 S 75 29 803 S 86
3 1068 S 75 8 1020 S 28
S 1018 S 60 ' 4 143S 7 00
S 938 7 00 ..,... 804 7 25
S 680 7 36 30...... 41 7 76
5 643 6 70 26...... 703 7 SS
1 1580 ' 4 25 1 100 4 65
1 2320 4 76 1.. 1560 S 00
2 976 S 60 3...... 696 S 76
1 620 7 00
1 194 10 ',i
Hogs Receipts, 11,696 head. Trading
was mostly on the basie of 10015c lower
and fairly active during the later session
at the decline, a fair demand being In
evidence, both from shippers and pack
ers. Light hogs sold mostly at 110.80
10.35 with a top price of 110.40. Mixed
loads and butcher weights. 19.10010.30,
and packing grades, l.5010.00, with ex
treme heavies st 39.00 0 9.26. Bulk of
sales waa 19.85010.30.
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. A v. Sh. Pr.
48. .323 ... I 9 85 22. .291 ... I 9 90
77. .233 ... 9 95 69. .281 7 10 00
64. .269 ... 10 10 43. .265 40 10 15
68. .253 ... 10 26 . 10. .258 ... 10 30
70. .247 ... 10 35 38. .19 ... 10 40
Sheep and Lambs Recelpte, 8,700 head,
Offerngs today were mosty California and
Idaho spring lambs, those sold generally
steady with best quality selling at 814.50,
small lots of, native springers sold at
813.75 14.25. Fed lambs were fully
steady on light receipts, one lot averaging
86 pounda selling at 313.00. Sheep were
steady to atrong, light ewes selling at
15.500 00, and heavies at 13.6005.00.
Quotations on sheep and lamba: - Fat
lambs, good to choice, 312.60013.25; fat
lambs, fair to good, 111.50012.25; spring
Ismbs, 112.00014.50; feeder lambs, 111.00
012.26; cull lsmbs, $9.00011.00; fat year
lings, 18.00011.00; fat wethers, 36.500
8.50; fat ewes, light, 35.0006.00; fat
ewes, heavy, 33.5004.5.
Chicago Livestock.
Chicago, June 8. Cattle Receipts, 14,
000; better grades beef eteers, strong to
10c higher; others mostly steady: top
beef ateers, 19.60; long yearlings, 165;
bulk beef eteers, 18.3509.10; she stock
and stockers, mostly steady; bulls, ateady
to strong; veal calves, steady to 25c high
er; bulk beef cows and heifers. 86.76
7.50: canners. and cutters. 83.2504.25:
bologna bulla largely around 8)4.75 ; veal
calves to pacKers, mostly 1P.7511.00;
few choice 140-pound vealers. 311.50.
Hogs Receipts, 36.000; opened weak to
5c lower than Wednesday's average;
closed active, steady to strong; practical
top. 810.95; part load 311.00; bulk 810.15
iu.dd; pigs, aieaay to atrong, mostly
19.76010.50; packing sows, strong. 19.26
09.75; shippers light, holdover liberal.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 16.000:
spring lambs and - ewes, steady; fed
lambs, fed sheep and yearlings, mostly
25 to 60c lower; heavies declined most;
top spring lambs, 114.75; culls, mostly
18.60; top. shorn lambs, 112.76; fed" we
thers, S5.008.00: yesrlinas and twos
mixed. 38.0008.50: light fat ewes, 17.00;
neavtes, mostly s3.zae73.00.
Kansa City Live Stock.
Kansas City. Mo.. Juns 8. Cattle Re
ceipts. 4,000 head; market, beef steers
steady to 10c higher; top heavies, 89.40;
yearlings steady to strong; best, 19.50;
calves steady to 25c higher; vealers, 19.50
treiti.zn; an other classes mostly steady;
good cows, 35.7506.25; prima yearling
heifers, 19.00.
Hogs Receipts, 8. 000 hesd; market
early active to paekers and shippers,
around steady; bulk 160 to 250-pounders,
310.45010.55; top, 110.60 : ouiK or sales,
310.55; shippers took 1.000; packer top,
110.56; aows, 19.2501.40;. pigs, 110.76
Sheep Receipts, 6,000 head;- market,
theep and shorn lambs around 25e lower;
wethers, 87.0007.25; light fed ewes, 18.00;
shorn lambs. 812.00; spring lamba steady
to atrong; best nativee, 314.00...
St. Joseph Live Stock.'
Rr Jnaerjh. Mo.. June 8. Cattle Re
ceipts. 1,900 head; lharket. beef eteere and
butcher etocK ruiiy steady; caives strong
tn hlaher: ton liaht vearllnca. 89.40: 1.500-
Ib. steers. 19.35: cows, 86.00 down; a few
hnlr tr. SO: veal calves. 89.50.
Hogs Receipts. lO.aoe nead; . snippers
buying a rew ue to zo-io. nogs at
Innka ateadv to 6c lower than
packers' market yesterday ana arouna
20c lower than early shipper market;
BkM KtaHlnv lower: nankins: sows 25o
lower; average cosi yesieraay, nw
...hi 930 IIM
Sheep Receipts, 2,000 head; ' market,
fat lamba eteady to 86o lower; top native
springs, 1.; oinera mostly ."
13.50; ewes mostly t.00. ,
Mm rttr Mm Btaek.
flloux City, la.. June S. Cattle Re
celpta, 3.00 head; fat ateers and year
lings. 37.608.8; msrket slow and week;
warmed Bp steers snd yearlings. 84.740
7.6C-. grass cows. 84.0005.75; tat cows snd
heirers. se.zatys.oe; canners, a.vv.v
a.ftAiae: feeders. S.0O7.9
calves. SS.see7.S0: feeding cows and
halfera. 3 tf 5.76: Stockers. 84.0087.50.
Hogs Receipts. 7.600 head: butchers.; maraet tower; iignis, siv.a'i;
beavv. 8 oet.86: heavy packers. 8. 60
.; native pigs, S1S.SO011.OO; stags.
Sheep ad Lara bo Receipts, 10 Bead
niarket steady. ...
SUbbM Be Leased Blre.
New York. June 8. A stock nisr
kt which lave plain evidruce of
waning sprcuutiv interest, a bond
market in which tha rise of prices
for the United States war loan was
the conspicuous movement, a cot
ton market where price for cash
went to tha highest figure since
November 4, 1920, and a foreign
exchange market weakening slightly
(or rates on practically all markets,
made uo today a financial story.
Although the reaction in Euro
pean exchange rates was not great,
it reflected the most significant of
the daya events. This was the an
r.ouncement by the bankers' com
mittee at Pari that they could not
froceed with plans for a reparations
osns to Germany so long as the
allied powers were not unanimous
in recognizing the committee's
right to report, if it should reach
such conclusion, that revision ot the
terms of reparations payment is es
sential to the placing of the loan.
FeelUea Dllrlrult.
Thl aetlon does not put a nereaeary
snd to the commutes work; It lb pos
sible, inaeeu. met it win turn out in
the sequel to have simplified their laek.
The French government's position hss
been difficult. The refueal of Its repre
staiative on lbs reparatlona committee
to concur la the voie-alvine Bower lo
eucn recommendation to the Beakere waa
IB pert, at leas, a political necessity.
But tha bankers' committee occupies a
perfectly logical Position. It ran not
decide on reduction of the reparations
lerme. but It naturally cannot propose
a plan for tha loan anless aatlefled that
the loan would appeal le Investors and It
evidently doea not wish to do so unless
with the assent of Frsnre.
Confronted with the alternative of such
assent or abandonment of the only meana
by which the reparations deadlock can
be broken and with the American finan.
eiel Judgment represented In tha matter
or ine neaa or ina Banking house which
ha always acted for the entente allies,
the sober pubtle opinion of Franc muet
now decide the question.
Price on the Block exchange mostly
moved downward, though changea aa a
rule were small and transsctlons fell to
the loweet total since March. The few
adnvancea of a point or more were unim
portant. Today's rise of one Liberty 4
per cent loan to a new high record price
and two other to the previous high level,
waa the market' response to Secretary
Mellon'e plan for a three and a hair
year extaneioa ef the maturing 4 per
cent at 44.
New York Stocks
Range ef Brleea or the i.aai.- ai,b
furnished by Logan 4k Bryen, 24 Ptters
Trust building: .
Hlah Tjta r In. rlA.
J I 8 f 9 99 99 S94
Bslt A Ohio 60 asu iu nu
Canadian Pacific. 1384a 1374 137. 137
. ei, s sv
Chea aV Ohio 66 u, s u. u
Great Northern .. 77.' 77 7714 77
IlllnMlB . 1 A . . . A . .A A
K C Southern .... 36 26 26 27
Lehigh Valley 6541 u . s tiu
Missouri Paclflo .. 22 22 22 23
NTtN H 32 21 u air. ma-
Northern Pac .... 76 76i76 75
Chicago V N W .. 76 76 75 75
Penn R R 4ti 41V 41 414t
Reading .76 75 78 76
C R I & P 43 43 43 43
Southern Pacific. 89 88 89 '4 98
Southern Railway. 24 24 24 24
j . oi r .... is w 26 27
Union Faclflo ....138 138 138 137
Am. Car Fdry 168 17 167 168-
Allis-Chalmera ... 49 49 49 50
amer. Lioco. .....lis 114 115 114'i
Baldwin Loco. ...116 114 116 114
Bethlehem Steel.. 78 77 78 77
Colo. F. & I...... 33 23 23 32
Craclbl 76 76 76 75
Am. 8teel Fdry... 38 38 38 38
Lackawanna Steel. 74 74 74 75
Mldvale Steel 38 37 87 37
Pressed Steel Car. 79 79 79 79
Rep. 8. A I 75 74 74 75
Ry. Steel Springs. 104 104 104
Sloss-Scheffield ..... 48
V. S. Steel 102 101 101 101
Vanadium 61 60 60 60
Anaconda 64 64 54 84
Am. S. as R Co.... 62 6! 62 62
Ccrro Do Pasco... 38 31 88 39
Chili 32 21 22 22
Chino 31 31 31 31
Cel. & Arizona.... S2 62 62 63
Inspiration 43 42 42 43
Kennecott . ........ 37 87 87 37
Miami 30 30 30 20
Nevada Con ...... 18 18 18 18
Ravi Con 18 18 II 18
Seneca 13 13 13 13
Utah 67 66 67 67
Gen Asphalt ..... 66. 63 65 64
Cosden ,.524 ,51. 61 62
Cal Pet 66 66 65 66
Island Oil 1 ; 1 1 1
Invincible Oil 18 17 18 18
Mex Pet 140 138 139 138
Middle States ....15 15 16 . 16
Pacific OH 66 64 64 64
Pan-American .... 71 70 71. 70
Phillips 58 67 57 68
Pierce on io s s
Pure Oil 33 32 83 83
Royal Dutch .... 64 64 64 64
Sinclair Oil ...... .88 37 37 37
Standard Oil N J.. 195 193 194 195
Texas Co 48 48 46 48
Union Oil ........ 24 24 24 24
White Oil 10 9 ;, 9 9
Chandler 76 75 76 76
General Motors .. 14 14 14 14
Willys-Overland ..9 8 9 8
Plerce-Arrow 20 20 20 20
White Motor 60 60 60 60
Studebaker 124 123 123 123
Flak 17 17 17 17
Goodrich ..; 42 41 42 41
Kelley-Sprlngfield.. 51 50 60 60
Keystone Tire .... 21 20 21 20
AJax 17 17 17 17
U. S. Rubber... J.. 64 64 64 64
Am. Beet Sugar... 48 47 47 47
A., G. as W. 1 39 37 37 39
Am. Int. Corp.... 48 47 48 47
Aerlcan Sumatra.. 41 40 .40 '41
Am. Telephone.... 123 123 128 123
American Can.... 49 49 49 60
Central Leather... 39 39 39 89
Cuba Cane 18 17 18 17
Cuban-Am. Sugar.. 26 25 26 26
Corn Products 105 103 104 104
Famous Players... 84 84 84 84
General Electric. 164
Grt. Northern Ore. 40 40 40 41
Inter. Harvester. ..105 106 106 105
Am. H. & L. pfd.. 70 70 , 70 71
V. S. I. Alcohol... 67 56 67 57
Inter. Paper 61 61 51 50
inter. M. -M. pfd.. 83 634 &3 44
Am. Sugar Ref.... 79 78 79 78
Sears-Roebuck ... 76 76 76 77
Stromsbera ...... 52 51 62 53
Tobacco Products. 80 80 80. 80
Worth. Pump 63
Wilson Co 44 44 44 45
Weet. Electric 63 61 61 61
American Woolen. 93 93 93 94
Am. Cotton Oil... 28 28 . 28 28
Am. Agrl. Chem.. 40 40 40
Am. Linseed '87
Union Bag pfd.... 5 65 5 5
Bosch Magneto... 45 45 46 46
Brklyn. Rapid Tr 26
Cont Can ......... .. 9
Call Packing .... 77 77 77 T 77
Col O A El 87 87 87 87
Cnlum Graph .... 6 6 6 5
United Drug .... 19-4 i4 "
Nat Enamel 63 53 53 63
United Fruit .....141 141 141 140
Lorlllard Tohr .. . ... 166
National Lead .. 93
Phil Co 39 39 39 38
Pullman ....181 120 120 120
Punta Alegre Sug. . 62 49 61 4S
South Prt Rlc SUg.. 60 4Y ..
Retail Stores 66 66 66 66
Superior Steel .... 35 35 36 - 35
St. L A S F ...... 28 36 38 28
Va Car Chem.... 11 31 31 33
Total sales, 747,300.
Close. Wed. Close.
Money ..f..,. ...... ...... .03 .03
Mark .0035 .0035
Franca .0911
Sterling 4.10 . 4.61
- Chleege Potatoes. .
'Chicago, June S. Potatoes Firm; re
ceipts, 62 cars; total United States ship
ments, 65 csrs: Wisconsin sacked round
whites, 12.49 cwt.; Idaho sacked Russets
brsnded 82 76 2.1 cwt.; New stock,
strong: Albama Louisisna sscked Bites
Triumphs, 84. 26 4. 50 cwt.: Texaa sacked
Biles Triumphs, 34.0094.21 cwt.; Texss
Sacked Cobblers, 84.2604 5 cwt.; South
Carolina slat barrels Irish Cobblers, No. 1,
aeatly S7.SS, . , ....
New York Bonds
(Tha Bet s the only Omaha
SMwspapsr which publishes the of
tidal closa of the New York Stock
exchange bondtO
New Toil. June . Strength ef 7.1b.
enr laeuaa and arut weekaees In Waa.
Irsn government were the sinking lea.
jutes ef today b dull aad Irregular 4e.
Liberty third 4 Us made a ua blah
record at lie, end the fourth 4S
duplirated the yeer'e maslmum al ll.t.
Several ethers of that group sia roe
(0 par or aver.
Kairenie action ef l lo 4 polal tn
Meiira e and Sa, tahlih aero only
moderately retrieved later, gave rise te
rumor of a hitch In Ihe conferences now
under wey here between Mealre'i repre.
eentatlvse and Ihe International commit,
lee Of bankers Whlrh hss tha rearilual.
meni of that country's forelga obllfailona
an.ivr vnnaitja-aiiun.
Several uomesiie rails strengthened,
Toledo, St. l-ouls end Wastsrn 4s rising I
points and Baltimore and Ohio convertible
4e , i'olnrede and Southern re.
ffndlng 4e. St, Paul convertible I and
A Manila mast Lin la alao war substan
tially better.
Heaviness wss shown by Seaboard Air
line a and stamped 4s, Southern- Psriflo
collateral trust 4e and eeveral of Ihe for
eign flntatinne, notably Rio do Janeiro
a and French municipals. Total sals I par
value) aggregated SI4,7S,0.
Among the day's new underwriting Ihe
elste of Miehlisn II3.0OM0O 4 per cent
bond Isau waa easily disposed of,
V. S. BoBda.
Sales (In II 000) High Lew 1:11
114 Liberty 8 ... .100.1 1 03 .I
7 Liberty 3d 4e ... 14 9 .4
17 Liberty 1st 4.. 10 ie.ot loeoo
411 Liberty 3d 4 ..100.0 fill .
1604 Liberty 3d 4ae ..100 0 100.0 los
161 Liberty 4th 4(..10.0 . led 0
sit victory ....ioe.7 loo i 10 73
Foreign (iovemment. Stale aad Municipal.
. Argentine 7s 100 10 o
it fhlne.a Govt By 14. 63 11
3 City Berne a ... .11 1 111 111
S City Bordeaux Sa .. 8 36 88
I City Chrtetlama 6s.. 110 110 110
S City Copnhgn Ss. 93 91 S3
17 City Lyons e .... 88 SS SS
17 City Marseille s.. SS
36 City Rio Jsnelro S.l3 11 103
S City Ssn Psulo S ..108 103 103
1 City Zurich 8 113 113 113
4 Dsn Mun Sa A. ...Ill 110 110
: Dept Seine 7a S 3 !
7 Dom Can l 33.. 100 100 100
5 Dom Can 6s 31 S8 91 91
4 Dtch E Ind s 47.. 4 4 4
6 Dtch E Ifd s 43.. 4 4 4
3 French Rep 8s ..103 103 103
t Frsnrh Rep T ..101 101 101
183 Jspsnese 1st 4e.. 1 91 91
44 Jspsnese 4s 77 77 77
15 King Belg 7 10 108 n
7 King Belg la 103 103 103
83 King Den s l 8
11 King Nthrlnds s.. 7 17
7 King Norwsy 8 Ill 110 110
13 King Sweden 6s. ...103 101 101
8 Psris-Ly-Med s .. 13 81 81
S Rep Chile Ss 44. ...14 14 104
1 Rep Cubs Sa 04.... 92 92 92
Rep Uruguay Is... .10 106 10
11 State Qunslnd 7a ..110 109 110
4 State Qunslnd 6s . .101 101 101
1 State Rio Or Sul 8s. 103 103 102
18 Swiss Con 8s 11 117 118
I K O B A I 6s 22.10SrV JHf, 10rV
175 K Q B A I 5s 39.109 109 109
30 K O B A I 6s 37.102 102 102
36 U 8 Bra ill 8a ..104 104 104
329 U S Brasll 8a 104 104 104
329 U S Mexico 6a ... 69 66 67
113 U 8 Mexico 4s .... 60 46 47
BaUway and Mlsrellaneoue.
20 Ajax ex 4 103 102-, .;
13 Am Ag Chm -71.108 102 103
25 Am Cotton Oil 5a .. 90 90 90
16 Am Smelt 6a 82 92 92
44 Am Sugsr 6s 100 100 100
20 Am T 4 T cv 6s. .115 115 115
27 Am T ft T col tr 6s 7 97 7
3 Am Wrt Pa 7s.... 87 87 87
3 Armour A Co 4s.. 30 90 90
34 A T A 8 F gen 4s.. 89 89 89
1 A C L 1st con 4a.. 89 69 89
4 At Ref 6a 103 103 103
48 Bait & Ohio Ss 100 99 99
20 Bait ft Ohio cv 4s 82 81 82
5 Bell Tel of Penn 7s. 107 107 107
1 Beth Steel ref 5s... 92 92. 92
8 Beth St p m 6s.... 91 91 91
3 Braden Cop 6s 98 8 8
. 1 Bklyn Ed gen '7s D.107 107 107
10 Bklyn R T 7s ctf st 7 79 79
1 Cal G ft El 5s 95 95 96
12 Can North 6a ..113 113 113
62 Can Pao deb 4a.... 78 77 77
1 Cent Ga 6s 8 98 98
11 Cent Leather 6 ,. 7 97 97
6 Cent Pac gtd 4s .. 86 86 86
'23 Cerro Paaco 8s ....121 120 120
23 Ches ft Ohio cv 6s.. 93 93 . 93
5 Ches ft Ohio cv 4s 87 87 87
20 C B ft Q ref 6s A.. 99 99 99
S Chi ft E III 6s 80 80 80
1 Chi Ot West 4a ..t. 61 61 61
25 C M 4 St P cv 4s. 69 69 69
28 C J! ft St P ref 4s 64 63 63
Chi ft N W 6s..l09 109 109'
5 Chi Rys 6s ........ 82 82 82
1 C R I ft P gen 4s.. 83 83 83
106 C R I Ss P ref 4s.. 81 80 81
10 Chi ft West Ind 4s. 73 73 73
6 C C C ft St L gen 4s 80 80 80
5 Chile Cop 7 106 106 106
27 Chile Cop 6s 91 91 91
1 Colo Ind 5s 76 76 76
IS Colo & So ref 4s 87 87 87
5 Col Gas ft El 6s.. 94 94 94
8 Con Coal Mrylnd 5s. 87 87 87
370 Con Gas 7s 122 120 10
12 Cub Cn Sug d 8s 86 85 85
2 Cuba R R 7 A. .104 104 104
12 Cub Am Sug 8s 106 106 106
3 Del ft Hud cv 5s.. 97 96 97
68 D ft R a imp 6s.. 82 81 82
Det Ed ref 6s. .....102 102 102
33 Det Utd Rys 4s. 83 82 83
6 Dlmnd Mtch 7s.,108 107 108
3 Dis Sec 6s 46 45 45
6 Dpnt Nem 7s ..107 107 107
4 Duquesne Lt 6s.... 103 103 103
7 Erie gen 4s 54 64 64
3 Erie pr lien 4s 64 64 64
4 Flsk Rub 8s ......106 106 106
10 Florida E Cst 4s. 89 89 89
7 Framer I D 7a .. 98 98 98
6 Gen Elec d 6s 100 100 100
. 16 Goodyear T 8s 81. .102 102 102
28 Goodyear T 8s 41.. 116 116 115
6 Gnd Tnk Ry C 7s. 113 113 113
14 Gnd Tnk Ry C 6s. 103 103 103
27 Gt Nor 7s A 109 109 109
11 Gt Nor 5s B 100 100 100
14 Hud ft M ref 6s A.. 83 83 83
87 Hud ft M ad in 5s.. 63 62 63
23 111 Cent 6s 101 100 100
150 Int Met'4s ...... 13 11- 13
192 Int Met 4s ctfs... 13 11 13
79 Int R.T ref 5s .... 68 68 68
80 Int MM sf 6s 97 97 97
, 16 Int Pa ref 6s B.... 86 86 86
15 Iowa Cent ref 4s .. 47 46 66
7 K C Ft 8 & M 4s.. 78 78 78
5 K C South 5s 87 86 87
39 Kelt-Spring T 8s.. 108 108 108
6 Lacka St 5s 23..... 99 99 99
12 Lacka St 6s 60 89 89 89
26 LS ft MS d 4s 28.. 94 94 94
1 LS ft MS d 4s 31.. 91 91 91
16 Lehigh Valley 6s. .102 102 103
4 Llg ft Meyers Ss.. 96 96 96
1 Lorillard 5s 96 96 96
23 L ft N ref 5s ..103 103 103
11 Mkt St Ry con. 5s.. 89 89 89
4 Sjarland Oil 8s ..101 101 101
. 2 Mex Pet 8s 107 107 107
2 Mich Cent d 4s .. 89 89 89
6 Mich Stat Tel 1st 5s 98 98 98
11 Mldvale St cv 6s.. 90 90 90
3 M ft St I ref 6s . , 46 46 46
13 M St F ft SSM 6s.l02 102 102
40 M K ft T n p r 6s A 83 83 83
66 M K & T n ad 6a A 66 5E 66
64 M K ft T let 4s.. 80 80 80
23 Mo Pac ref 5s 23.. 100 10 100
29 Mo Pac gen 4S 63 63 63
3 Mont Pow 5s A.... 96 96 96
1 Morris ft Co 1st 4a 86 86 86
10 N O T ft M lnc 6s. 72 71 72
38 N T C col 7s .....106 105 106
36 N T C d 6s 103 103 103
4 N T C con 4s . 83 83 83
-13 N T Ed ref 6s..l09 109 109
8 NT NH ft H c 6s 48 80 - 80 80
7 N T Rys ref 4s ct 38 88 38
INT T d 6s 49. .105 106 105
34 N T T ret 6s 41 104 104 104
SoUnd Teeth
Healthy Gums
Are Easy to Have
The secret of keeping decay from at
tacking the teeth and pyorrhea from af
fecting the gums is to keep the mouth
free from germs. Here is the way. Wash
the mouth daily with Lykolene, the power
ful antiseptic. Right away you feet the
eleanlineas. and soon yon sea the result
in firmer gums and less trouble with tooth
cavities. Lykolene also doea wonders
aa a general antiaeptie for cuts, sores,
washes, etc. Soothing, healing,- pleasant
to use. Sold by leading druggists.
. . , ..
eat t bans, sesMs. eats, serai as, eta,
a aaica iy ssasi tee lajoay. aei a
SteerTetbetUsetdrsiiisIs looay.
aiaHTCiiKa ui
Tha Sheraaaa A McCeaatcil Drag
the Day
I NT W Bo 4 We. I. 44 14
I Nor A Be Ss A.. l l !
I Nor Vtesl ss ts..ei e st
er a w aa. von to,, SI" l St
IS N P pr Ilea 4e,..,,. 4 44 84
SWF gen sa C II el
It N P O N Jl e ,,e6 et e
II N W Bell Tel 7e..ie1 4 04a
I O H L gtd le rife. 14 11 ll
II Or.W.h H It I N 4a M
4 one Bll 4s A... .11 I'll, l
5 Pee (I A Kl le ov M
I Pee TAT Se 4
T Packrd Mot i r 4ol 0T 11
I Penn R H S ,.o o in
31 Penn R R gen a.. l 99
I Pann R R gaa ,. l SI Sl
I Fere Mere; ref Ss..
l Peoria B Ino 4.. 8 II 31
a nerve in o se..,.ies ies ins
4 Pro A Ref te
..11 103 ll
I Beading gen 4a..,. II
a mo w ai ist es T
1 R tal A A L 4s 60
T I I, 1 Ml I r Ii II
31 H I, A S F adj 7
I I. N F In s..
134 rl L A A F p 1 4a A 7)
SS Hes d A I. eon sa.. 61
II Head A 1, adl Ss.. 31
- S Head A L ref 4a.. 43
S Sharon Stl H s A SSI
3 Sinclair Oil cv 7 14 14 04
S3 Sinclair Oil rol la., t
nnuin fieii j al SS.. St
It S Pao rv 4s l
4 South Pse ref 4s.. 11
4 South Pao col tr 4s II
41 South By gan
II South Ry con Is., 86
1 South Ry sen 4s.. 64
I South P R Sugsr 7s S
5 Stand O of C d 7 le
6 t
1 ' 81
84 84
II ,81
106 101
0 Third Av idl 6s..
i niro Ave rer te., a 16
40 Tidew'r O ctf lo 102 11
I Tobacco Prod. 108 10 ju lejil
1 I'nlnn Pao lat 4e 11 11 l
S union Pao cv 4s.. 94 34 S4
IS Union Psa ref 4s.. 86 81 81
Union Tnk Cr Is. .13 103 103
1 Utd Drug Ss
lie lie lie
SUB Rubber 7s
11 U a Rubber 6s .
37 U 8 Steel sf 6s..
IS Utah P A L Ss .
SS Va-Cr Chm TUa.
107 10
19 9
101 101
106 16
9 9
. 0
. 91
10 Va-Cr Chm 1st I..
1 Va Ry 6
S West Eleo 5s 100 10
37 West Mrylnd 1st 4s. 44 8
1 Weet Pso 6 17 47
1 Wsst Union ..108 108
T West Eleo 7e lot ! 107
7 Wlck-8pen St 7s .. l 7 18
SI Wilson A C sf !S.104 13 14
. 1 Wilson ft C cv .. ! 1 !
t Wia Cent gen 4s.... M 10
87 Dom Csn 163 WI.100 10 100
111 Ctecho-Blo 8s ctfs. 17 97 S7
Total salea of bonds tsdsy wsra 114.
076,00 compared with SH.I4I.000 previous
aay ana 2,isi,oo a year ago. ,
Chicago Storks.
Range of prices of the leading Chicago
stocks furnished by Logan A Bryan, 143
Patera Truat building.
Armour Leather com 13
Edleon com 130
Cont. Motor 3
Earl Motor , 4
Llbby 3
Montgomery-Ward 23
Plggley Wlggly 43
Qusker Oats .' 86
Stewart. Warner '43
Swift ft Co 103
Swift Int 20
Union Carbide 67
Wehl 61
Wrlgley 101
New York Sugar.
New Tork. June 8. The raw sugsr
market was stronger snd prlcee for Cubaa
were eatabllshed on the basis of 3c. cost
snd freight, equal to 4.61c for centrifugal
for prompt and June shipment, while July
shipment eold at equivalent to 3 and
3 l-6c, cost and freight, or 4.80 for cen
trifugal. Philippine Islands were quoted at
t"c. c. I. r. Tnere were ssles or about
250,000 bags of Cubss for June and July
shipment early at 3c. cost and freight,
while later 66,000 bags sold to Operators
at 3.93c to 3c, f. o. b., Cuba, the latter
equivalent to about 3.16c, cost and
freight. There were also ssles of 86.000
bags of Philippine Islands afloat at 4e.
o. I. f.
The raw sugsr futures market was ex
cited and prices were firmer on selling at
in. nignest level recoraea so lar tnis year.
Trading wss the moet active In a long
time and prices st one time ehowed ad
vances of 11 to 13 points on general buy
ing, prompted by the strength in the spot
msrket and unfavorable crop advancea
from abroad. Offerings, however, were
quite liberal and during the afternoon
prlcea eased off several point under real
izing, but final prices were still 7. to
points above the previous close. July,
2.96c: September, 3.16c; December. 3.26c;
March, 3.22c.
The refined market shared In tha sen.
era) strength In raws and price were
u io zu points nigner. wttn line granu
lated now listed at 6.8006.00c. The de
mand was again active for both domestic
and export account.
Refined tutures were firmer, although
trading waa light, consisting of only one
lot of July at .30c. or 15 points above
the previous close. Final prices were 15
points higher. July and September, 6 30c;
December, 6.20c.
, - .
' New Tork ( dtton.
New Tork. Jun 8. Tha enttnn. Mk.l
reflected soattered proftlt taking from lo-
csi isngs eany today and eased off IS
to 26 points In the mornlna hut another
distinct change In trend developed early
in the afternoon when Texaa weather re
ports, showing heavy rains at various
points, caused renewed short covering snd
new speculative support. This lifted the
un vs to 7 points above its early low
and cent a pound over last night'e
final prices, to new season blahs. The
niarket absorbed heavy profit taking sales
in tne last nour ana reacted about 35
points from its high, closing 28 to 36
points net higher. .
Spot cotton was "eteady, 36 points ad
vance, 22.05c for middling upland
Southern spot were: Galveston, 22c, 40
points advance; New Orleans, 21.50c, S3
points advance; Savannah, 21.38c, 38
points advance; Augusta. 21.31c. 37 points
advance; Memphis, 21.25c, 60 points ad
vance; Houston, 22c, 30 points advance;
Little Rock, 20.76c, 60 points advance. .
JTh t 2 - MY CAR SAL
y lVf " ' 5 - WHY 1 ATE TO
Who Are the 5 Great Ball
n . : - -
Big Leagae Ball PUyera with the latUr, ef their a rjra-gei Cas yea ah-sigi
irtUrsto spelt their names correctly? If yea tea, it w8 be y far t wia
Raear AstteeuMie or at case.
a,... t fa. Tka ant sane la watt,
the mity-fiW king of the bo-en. aitb Prt that We year Bet ami Usp
by and Waits HoyL " T .
1 35 Points Wins First Prize
the baseball .layer 111 give yea 13 jewels
arard winning the S2S ense or the terror
AntO. Toa will gan 2S awre paaatt by Brer, o-lr "wee "eeed la Weketer-a SMIaearr ae aa ees
l. eka. baM ehowa a eoov sf The Kara! as. Aaerarfelieee. eeer aaaae, -aaaa. eaeiaaa, ek.
Weekly to three
CXCLE BILL IttiaJ Ctt 47
ef year fraaade. lata wis (m ... aaa ay eiaeriat SeSalUiaa aaa aehr e
yea IB Batata la as. TBS bbm le Beasts ana M By laeafe, m Hie aaaw
be awarded by the jaaW ef the paania la the -ame . res ea an seek atta as -frnT ?
bar wis esade sa the brgeat eerrsct ket ef Wrm'-K-."
lk.Ha.ta Km--mM Paia. wjl rar. W i. exe- a, Ohm
a-j sasDss af the tve kaal asajaid Raear. There are 1 Big rVissa, esal ia ease ef
ItaW.'Wys.yaa aWI feajvj
ea aesai hint The Ita-ral Weakly wia a aparlsl Pnaa. Tea aaa waa esse. Aa yew
tm tb awxala, sad if it ia carreel, n give yea leg fmmtt. Tbea 11 ebew yea bow eaey tt IB
tjrrr 3S peeaU rv t wk tlaj Bl aria. er txai Ceiver Aats. . . ..
WHtTali aaJawc. twZv7Ui pisyers esrrsetly el a passe ef paper, a
N. Y. Curb Bonds
New Tork. June l-Tradlna a Ike
ears eirnsnse IM.y arse aevavaaa ha
eanflMlag dlaiurbia far-are la lbs legis
lative field Inaucls selliag ef some eaevrl-
ties aad r a aaing ae Impwiant element
errer meay iotk at euketeatlal eeacee-lona
Tha attitude lake by Senate la Pol.
let la wee used ae beela far preeaare
egauMt Ihe ell eiarke aad ihoee laauea
aere la laraa eaauafe supply la ehow
material loaaee during Ihe firel half
tha day. Standard OH of Indiana yielded
from 111 le around 111, end New
York Bold down from I4S la 184. Inter
natioaal Petroleum yielded from 36 le
11. Mexico Seaboard wee eaeeplloo
ally strong and was heavily traded In al
46 and 44. The voting troel ceriltl
rota ranged from 44 la 44. Shelly
Oil wae eieedy. with aalea al 13 te
11. Met-lre Oil wes heavy wild trea
Ina. Carlh Syndicate said at 8 la SW.
Tha art ion of the Lor a wood committee
IB declaring cnadBeurne, jr . IB caaiompi
ef cotirt wee followed by selling ef Norih
A merles a Bieei, wniesi uroppea te bit
alter opening al 411a.
Rex Consolidated at sellv la lb mla-
lag group.
New Tork. June . Transaction an 4b
Nsw Tork curb bond market today wer
SS fOllOM!
Salea (In 11.400) High
1 Allied Parker Is .. (1
II Ajlled Pecker Is ,. 1
1 Am Cotton Oil s..
1 Am TAT 13. ..!
Am Tel. -Tel. Is, '14 I
S Am Tob 7s 31 ....13
S Anacon Cop Is ..I
1 Anacon Cop 7s 33.. 13
S Armour Co 7s ..14
S3 Beth. St. fs, 1913.. es
JOS Beth. St. 7s. 181l..ll
S Can Nat Rys eq 7s.. 10
1 Csn. Nst. Kell y Is
Cent. Steel Is ....106
IS Con Gaa Belt Is. .16
I Cop Ex Asa s IS. .14
1 Emp OAF ....10
3 Gen Asphalt Is ..104
Ooodrlrh T 4s ....!
. S Grand Trunk a ..16
S3 Oulf Oil Is 14
T Heod Rubber 1 ....
105 '
11 hi
113 Inter. B. T. Ss. '33
1 Kan O ft El S.
t Kena Cop 7a ...
T Kings Cty Lt
S Lacieda Gae 7a .
4 Morris ft Co. !
5 Nat Acme 7( ...
IS NT. NH ft H 4a.
S NT NH ft H 7s ,
S Phil El S ,
7 Fb Srv C N J It,
S Robert Oeir 7s...
S Sake ft Co 1 ...
. 87
. SS
. 87
S Scare Roe. 7s, 1133. 100
S Sears Roe 7s 23. ...101
S Solvsy ft Cle Is.... 106
30 South. Bell Tel. 7 103
S St. Oil N T. 7s, '36.106
1 Stan O N T 7a 26.. 106
13 Stan O N T 7s 31.. 107
S Stewart Warner Is. 110
7 Sun Oil 7a 100
3 SwiftftCo. 7s '26. ...11
13 SwiftftCo. 7, '31. ..13
S Tex Co 7s 11
3 Tol Edison fs 16
30 Un Oil Prod Is 107
1 Utd Rys Hav !a.l7
S Vacuum Oil 7s 104
14 West. Electric 7s. .107
3 Winchester 7a ...100
7 A O ft WI 6s i 81
10 Alt Fruit lnc Is.. 41
7 Brooklyn U Oss 6s.. Ill
16 Brook Union Gs (.10S
25 Cln Gas 6s 81
10 Com Power 7s .. SO
S Cob Gee Bait Ss
161 Int a N 5s S
1 Int R T 7 96
1 Magma Cop 7s ....101
. 3 Union Oil Cal Is.. 101
Forelga Bead.
1 Argentine 7a 23 10
40 City Elbertelde 6s.. 6
15 City Bolssons Ss .. 84
10 NT NH Fr 4s ..... 83
333 N.T.. N.H. Fr. 7s... 72
18 Swlsa 6s 101
21S U. S. Mexico 4s... 41
10 Csn Steam 7s .... SS
SO .City Mont 7 87
S Ger Gen El 4s... SO.
S Mex Gov 6s 18
33 U S Brasll 7s.... 86
. s
New Tork Prod nee,
New fork. June s. Butter Firmer;
creamarv ivlaher than extras. 38 037c I
extras. 36c; firsts. 33e3lc.,
ggs Irregular.
Cheeee Steady. ' "
When in Omaha Stop at
Hotel Rome
All Work Guarantee) '
1513 Douglas. Tel. Doug. BS8S.
- Tb itii aiilaaa Tbatsrslbe
na sera yoa can gaeaa. tea ere
A utt. m s. ae ia a sisaie
my n m aeseaea ia tha aam el the
Vino a Prizo
12 tot Ftati tt, tt Ptd, ta
aasaeeef Five
abm eart the
atoaUaa Itatb.
TsapaanUea Bad tUela.
aevtnasb. it , Jaaa rmpeallaa
Fir na. 444tei ealee. 14 bi. leeeipi.
Ss ehipteea lli eiwh, I 4
Beela Bie.4.1 aalea, seshe) to.
eeipia, 1.411 hlpmB, III, 41..
Quels ' B III; P, lll'l St- II 81:
F, II. H. II III I. I4 St, 41 M,
1611 K, Its. WO. 14 III SVW, MS.
Nee? Terh 1144 Frail.
New Terk, Juaa I fcpAid Apple
rrgnaa f seel I led.
Apr leal aViene.
Faerhea Fslrly attlv.
mk Special
Wee al Jaaa a I II. laaleerv,
Lara (Viae af Aval Oaf Drlatt,
Twe Lars DalkaMia Wer Caehlea,
Chaica af Saeelal Mae or 4Tbese SaaaV
wish ALL FOB 10
Valuc-Civing Store
ETSrybceJy' store, whara
Kara faralahinf can ba
bwMfbt for lat.
Calvaalset! Pails,
Floor Broom
Made of selected
corn, sewer four
times. Smooth
v Washboards
Extra Quality.
Blatklaf Ca,
. tor ...
Aluminum Parcolator
2-ql. Aluminum d AQ
Stow Pan f...M,9W
Stop Ladder
Stool ......
Wbita Enamel Spico Sots-
i Set
Six jars and
holder .......... ,
Wide SpHnt
- Hampers.
Oil Mop and Bottle fcC
Oil, for . . . . . . .OOC
Glaabake Cassar- tj "I Of"
ola, at....... eiaaSO
Bluo Enameil Cof - f f
foo Pot. for.... DOC
Copper Bottom ttO CQ
Wash Boiler, Ve4 eJ 7
r amat.-ai
Four - foot Hardwood Porch
Swing , complete with chain
and hooka .fJEJ
Heware sC Batwaea 15th ana lata
For This. Week
32x4 S prague
Cords $23.40 at
the mill.
Dining Room Furniture
L 9
I " 1
pS, k (
1 II. IL I
Tf? """"ea
fZSsxaS-ESZS7-( '