THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. JUNE 8. 1922. T Society The marriage of Mitt Florence Lllsworth. daughter of Mr. and Mr. W. VI. ElUworth. and LeRoy Charles Riiler, on of Mr. and Mrt. Charles easier, o( Detroit. Mich., will take place Thursday evening, June 15. at ihe home of the bride a parenta. The couple will nuke their home in Omaha. A large reception wit) be given for them on the evening of June 23 by Mtu ElUwonh'a titter. Mrt. John Haarnunn, and Mr. Haarmann. in their new home. UJ6 South Thirty fifth avenue. MUi ElUworth met her fiance six months ago while ahe was appearing in vaudeville in Detroit. The bride elect attended Central High school. Mr. Beiiler ii a graduate of the Uni veraity of Michigan. Schemmet-Cooper. The nuptials of Miss Lucile Coop er, daughter of Mrs. Grace Cooper of Hooper, Neb., and Henry E. Schemmel, icyi of Mr. and Mn. Henry E. Schemmel of Hooper, were lolemmzed Wednesday, June 7 at 4, in the First Tresbyterian church, the Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks officiated. Their only attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oehrle, who entertained at dinner for them following the ceremony. The bride was gowned in a smart afternoon costume of brown, and carried Mrs. Ward roses and sweet peas. WalUn-CarmlchaeL Mist Helen Carmichaet. daughter of A. W. Carmichael of Pawnee, Neb., and niece of W. W. Car michael of Omaha, was married Tuesday, June 6, at 7 in the evening to Leonard Wallin of Hordville, Neb. -The wedding, which took " place at the home of her uncle, was solemnized by the Rev. A. F. Ernst, and Misa Clara Edwards played the bridal march. Only the immediate families were present. Travelers to China. Lieut and Mrs. H. W. Johnson of Fort Crook are leaving the first of July for the summer camp at Fort Snelling, Minn. They will be there for two months and then, taking a four months' leave of absence, they will set sail for China with Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. arry L. Schleisinger of Atlanta. Ga. Lieut, and Mrs. Johnson will return to Fort Crook at the first of the year. Dinsmore-Ridgway. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ridgway an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Lucile, to Francis E. Dinsmore, on Tuesday. May 30. Mr. and Mrs. Dinsmore are at home at 536 South Thirty-sixth street. ' Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. N. Slobodinsky an . nounce the engagement of their V dauvhter. Rose, tn I. Plntlri D. Plotkin of this city. No date has been aet for the wedding. Artist Paints Her Sculptor Husband ADVERTISEMENT. MRS. WILCOX HAS LAID ASIDE it HER CRUTCHES Wichita' Woman Saya ' Neighbors Thought She . Would Never Get About Again. But Tanlac Made Her Feel 20 Years Younger. "None of my neighbors thought I would ever be up and about again, but since taking Tanlac I nave actually laid aside my crutches and feel as good as I did 20 years ago." declares Mrs. Flora Wilcox. 1902 W. Douglas street, Wichita, Kan.- "I suffered from rheumatism 20 years and it was all I could do to go about on crutches much less do any housework. I had such awful pains in my arms that I couldn't even raise my hand to my head. I couldn't eat anything without having a burn ing and intense pains in my stom ach, and gas pressed around ray heart, causing such palpitation I could scarcely breathe. "Eight bottles of Tanlac gave me a fine appetite, I am never bothered with gas or palpitation, the rheu matism is gdne' .and I can do my housework with perfeot ease. I prize Tanlac more than I can ex press." Tanlac is sold by all good drug gists. ' ADVERTISEMENT. HER AILMENTS ALL GONE NOW Mrs. Sherman Helped by LydlaE. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound Lake, Michigan. "Aboutona year so I o.fferedwith irrecrularities and times was obliged tostayoffmyfeet. 1 doctored with oar family physi cian and he finally said be could not understand ray case, so I decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham'i Veg etable Compound. After I bad taken the first bottle I . O TV Margaret Lesley Bush-Brown, portrait painter of note, has been spending the week in Omaha. She was honor guest at an informal tta given by Mrs. A. F. Jonas Monday afternoon when the portrait repro duced above of the artist's husband, Henry K. Bush-Brown was on ex hibition. The portrait is now being exhibited at Milton Darling's gal lery. Mrs. Bush-Brown is on her way from her home in Washington, D. C. to Fonca-City, Okl., where she is going to paint a portrait. Her family ia remarkable for its artistic talent in varied lines. Mr. Bush Brown is a sculptor of great ability and is president of the Washington Arts club. His bust of Lincoln stands in the Gettysburg cemetery, and among hit prominent works are equestrian statues of Anthony Wayne at Valley Forge and Gen. G. G. Meade. Their daughter, Lydia Bush-Brown, has had a studio of her own in New York City for several years, and has chosen a dif ferent medium from either of her parents textiles, in which the has developed batique work to its high est possible decorative value. Of the two sons in the family, one is an architect and the other a landscape architect. Last March the Bush-Browns gave a joint exhibition tof their work at the Arts club in Washington, and the collection of paintings, sculpture and textiles was the subject of an enthusiastic article in the April num ber of "Art and Archeology." Mrs. 'Bush-Brown herself it a charming and unassuming person who would much rather talk about her husband and her daughter than her own achievements. Among her own paintings her favorite it a strik ing picture of Ellen Day Hale, daughter of Edward ' Everett Hale, which wat presented to the national gallery by Miss Hale's brother, for whom Mrt. Bush-Brown painted it. Miss Hale is also an artist and a per sonal friend of Mrt. Bush-Brown. It it of interest that Lincoln has been a subject both of herself and her husband. Some years ago Mrt. Bush-Brown painted a picture of Robert E. Lee, which was hung in the Robert E, Lee hall in Blue Ridge, N. C. Five years later she received a commission from Blue Ridge to paint, as a companion piece, Lincoln's portrait, which now hangs at the opposite end of the hall, the only other picture in the building. A Philadelphian by birth, Mrt. Bush-Brown has studied at the Penn sylvania Academy of Fine Arts and for three years at the Julien academy in Paris under Lefevre and Bou langer. Both the and her husband are interested in the project of teaching plastic arts to the ex-soldiers at the Mt. Weather institute in Washington, a rehabilitation movement. Problems That Perplex AniwerH by BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Personals I "J 1 "I am 19 and considered slow at coming to decisions." writes J. C. E. "So when I tell you I am in love with two young men, don't think I'm head strong. I honestly love them equally and couldn't, do without either. One is gay and the other inclined to seriousness, and they just suit my moods and taste. My week is divided between them and they are the dearest fellows in dividing time that way. ' "They have proposed and I was unable to accept either on account of loving both. Now what shall I do? I can't give up either one. Please help me out. I. can't understand why I should be in this sort of a fix. Help trie to see my way clear." Your way is clear enough. Nov woman can love two men at once. Either you love A 50 per cent and B SO per cent, or you make some other division of your affections. But you do not fully and completely love either of your suitors. , It may be that you are m love with love. It may be that you are seUisitly bent on having all the de votion you can get. But if you really loved either man you wouldn't be longing also for the affection of the other. A great English doctor has just declared that no man can love two women at once. He says that a man may give to six women one-sixth of his devotion or that he may be one twelfth in love with 12 women. But if a man really loves one woman he can't delude himself by fancying that he's in love with another. The man or woman who finds himself or herself with two "love ob jects" may be sure that neither is fully satisfying. A real love is a full and perfect thing. When a woman truly loves, she finds in the man for whom, she cares her true mate. And her lover is her companion, her adviser, perhaps even her "child." But however she sees the man she loves, she sees him and him only . I'm not suggesting that love is a prison. I'm not indicating that love cuts a human being off from all in terests and stimulations except those it affords. Again and again I find myself quoting the brilliant woman who said: "When I met John, the door of my heart closed against all other men. But not a door in my mind closed." There lies the point. Love is ful filling and satisfying. If one person finds his true mate in another, he isn't looking around for a lot of half or quarter mates. But to feed love, we need to grow and keep pace with the mate who means far more than merely an emotional affinity. A man "might easily outgrow his early love if she stood still at the point where he found her. when she was twenty. So- friendships and outside 'inter ests enrich us and make us the more j fit for love. But there is a line which I no outsider need indicate to a true i lover. One man may be a good companion for golt, or a hue dance partner, or a pleasant person with whom to discuss the opera. But the man who commands the key to a woman's heart, does not have to yield up a duplicate key to another near-suitor. could see that I was getting better. I took several bottles of the veeeta bleJCompound and used Lydia E. Pink ham't Sanative Wash and I am en tirely cored of my ailmenta. You may Siblish thia letter if you wish." r. M Sherman, Route 2, Lake, Mich. There ia one fact women should consider and that is this. Women suf fer from irregularities! and various forms of weakness. They try this and that doctor, as well as different med icines. Finally they take Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound, and Mrs. Sherman's experience k simply an other ease showing its merit. If your family physician fails to kelp yoo and the same old troubles poviaVwhy Isn't it reasonable to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound? Camp Brewster to Open. On Saturday, June 10, Camp Brew ster will have its formal opening of the season. The swimming pool, with its purifying system, said to be the finest in the state, will be ready for inspection, and there will be an or chestra and other entertainments during the evening. For the re remainder of the season Camp Brew ster will have open house on Sundays from 4 to 7. The tennis and volley ball courts are now ready. Miss Clara Brewster will receive visitors Saturday and the public is invited to visit the camp, which is conducted by the Y. W. C A. for Omaha girls. At the Field Club. Among those entertaining at din ner this evening at the Field club will be Mr. and Mrs. James Hanley, who will have 10 gnests, and Mr. and Mrs. A. I Loomis, who will have four. Thursday evening the Elks , lodge will give a dance. t Mrs. J. D. Ashcraft left Monday evening for New York City to visit her son, Paul Ashcraft. ; Lane Axtell. son of C. W. Axtell, has been confined to the hospital with inflammatory rheumatism. . Dr. George Boehler is in Lincoln this week, where he is officiating as examiner on the State Dental board. Mrs. R. B, Rader, wife of Major Rader of Fort Crook, left early this week for East Orange, N. J., to spend the summer. Miss Josephine Schurman has re turned from school at Bryn Mawr to spend the summer with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pegau. Miss Dorothy Darlow is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lloyd D. Burdic, and Mr. Burdic at Herman, Neb. She will be away until the end of' the month. Mrs. William F. Denny leaves this evening for Montreal, en route to Wellesley, where she will attend the graduation exercises of her daughter, Katherine. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Folda and fami ly are leaving next week for their summer home. Engelmar, which is built on an island in Green Bay, near Fish Creek, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess had seveji guests Wednesday at dinner at the Country club. Edward Pettis had eight guests and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peters 10. Mr. and Mrs. C H. Walrath and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walrath motored to Lincoln last week for the gradu ation of Fred Walrath, who finished at the University of Nebraska law school. Mrs. Cyrus P. Mason left Monday evening for New York. She will spend two weeks in New York City and 'will join Miss Anna V. Ross and her party, who sail for a sum mer in Europe from Montreal on June 21. Rabbi Fred Rypins of Pittsburgh will arrive Friday to make a short visit with relatives. He will be at the home of an aunt, Mrs. Harry Sunfield, 2515 North Forty-eighth street. Miss Rose Bernstein, Amer icanization teacher at Cass school, and Nathan Bernstein are aunt and uncle. Mrs. M..V. Robins and daughter, Edith Victoria, leave Sunday to spend the summer in the east They go first o New. York to visit a cousin, Chick -Sales, impersonator in vaudeville, for a week; thence to Bos ton, Dover and Allenton, Mass. Mrt. Robins' father, S. H. Plummer, who was called to Wisconsin this week by the death of a brother, will meet them in Chicago Monday and go east with them. Miss Jane Finn, retiring president of Brownell Hall, will leave the end 'of the week for California, where she has taken a cottage for the summer at Santa Monica. Miss Finn expects to be associated next year with Sarah McDonald in the Arden school. Lake- wood, N. J. She and Miss Mc Donald formerly conducted a school together. Miss Helen Loth -M. A. and Ph. D., wilt be head of Brownell Hall next year. She arrives about August I, Brownell Hall Ends School Year Miss Dorothy Ringwalt was elect ed president of the Brownell Hall Alumnae association on Monday at the annual meeting of the aluiruiae and trustees. Other officers for the coming year are Miss Marian Towle, vice president; Mrs. Kenneth Pat terson, secretary, and Mrs. Jack Summers. The school held its commencement exercises Tuesday at All Saints church, when Bishop Shayler deliv ered the address. The scholarship prize for the year was awarded to Miss Gladys Roberts and Miss Fran ces Harrison won the prize for Bible study. At the reception for the' graduat ing class Tuesday evening at the Blackstone Miss Jane Finn, head of the school, received with the three graduates, the Misses Charlotte Denny, Hartrice Minturn and Vera Selway. There was dancing, and several musical numbers were given by the following pupils of the school: Misses Katherine and Dorothy Speice of Columbus, Neb.; Miss Mar garet Jeffrey, Miss Margaret Shot weli lnd Miss Ruth Stuart. My Marriage Problems Adele Garrison's Ntw Phase of "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" CrrisH lilt) Riley Smith's Wife Get. $100 Temporary Alimony Mrt. Hattit Smith. Drake Court, wat granted an order for 1100 t month temporary alimony against Kilry Smith, whom ahe it suing (or divorce. $ GUP 'IfcTf Miss Lustgarten in RecitaL . Cecil Berryman will present Miss Ida Lustgarten in a piano recital at the Schmoller, & Mueller auditorium Thursday evening, June 8. Miss Lustgarten will be assisted by Mabel Edwards Price, mezzo-soprano, and Miss Dorothy Lustgarten. violinist. Mist Britt Honored. Mrs. W. G. Spain entertained at a bridge luncheon of 1Z guests at the Field club Wednesday in honor of Miss Atvi Britt of Minneapolis, who arrived Sunday, June 4, to visit her sister, Mrs. W. J. Brazell. The Hint of the Menace Mtdgi't Father Disclosed. "Step carefully," Lillian admonish ed in a whisper at we neartd the lit tie jog in the old corridor behind which lay the library door. "Let mt guide you." She grasped me firmly by the arm and i topped me jutt before w reached the door. "Lift etch foot before you set it down at if you were stepping over an obstruction about a foot high and six inchet wide," the directed. "There, that't it. All right, Allen at Mr. Drake noiselessly swung open the library door. "We're here, and the mine it laid. Now we'll get down to burinett, and wait until our little submarine ttriket it." Allen Drake and my father were standing with grave facet jutt inside the door of the library. In my father's hand wat a book, one of a cherished set of hit favorite ettayictt which had been privately bound for him. He evidently had just finished turning the leavet and hit voice wat grave, at he looked toward me and spoke pityingly. "There can be no mistake, daugh ter. I fattened a memorandum care fully between thete two pages, to that only detign, not carelessness, could remove it. And it it gonel" "You mean," I said slowly, "that Katie mutt have taken it." "Unless tome person from outside the houre has had access to this room," he returned. "Besides, it was nothing any person would take unless he or she" there wat s significant pause had been directed just where to look." "I Had Forgotten. T felt suddenly chilly, at if tome evil, not fully known, were threaten ing me. I knew Katie'e monkey-like curiosity, but I would have staked my toul upon her absolute loyalty to me and mine. But the three faces around me were stern and set. Indeed, I fancied that there was a look of something very akin to horror In both Lilian's face and that of Allen Drake, at they gazed at my father, an expression so foreign to their us ual inscrutable faces that I feared something vague, terrifying, of un usual importance, was attached to this memorandum. "Chief," Allen Drake began hesi tantly, "pardon me if I'm wrong, but it can't be that the missing paper concerns the thing we were talking tbout " "Yes, my boy," my father replied gravely. "It did concern that. In deed He stopped as he saw my puzzled, stricken eyes, and came toward me, slipping his arm around me. "I had forgotten, daughter," he said, "that all this must be Greek to you, and partly to Mrs. Underwood ilso, although I think the knows something about what I've been try ing to do. But I shall not keep yon in ignorance longer, although I have not yet completed the thing on which I have been working." What Madge Feared. He drew me to a chair near the fire and motioned the other to seats, and I held my breath as one upon the brink of a tremendous revelation. "Just a minute, Mr. Spencer," Lil lian interrupted. "I want to be very sure of something first." She went to the door, opened it cautiouslv. went down the corridor to the stairway, returned and closed the door. As she did so, I .again heard just that faintest suspicion of a tinkle and taught in Allen Drake's eyes a glance of amusement at my bewilderment. In a second I was hotly resentful. Mattress Sale at JBorenQ SATURDAY Sae 7HUk infants invalids " ASK FOR " Ho r lick's the Original .Avoid Imitation ASub$Htutu PorTnfaatKiavridtrmdGfnf CMIdna Rich m!tk, raihed grain extract la Powder The Original Food-Drink For AS Ash I No Cooking - Nourishing Digestible) La Garde The purse illustrated ' keeps bills or checks, where you alone may find them. 'And in stylet, finish, materials, furnish ings, these purses are the finest made. Yet the La Garde may be purchased as low as $5.00 Omaha Trunk Factory 131S FAKNAM ST. "Lug rf Headquarter." OPPOSITE W. O. W. BLDC COAL QUICK SHIPMENTS Steam and Domestic Let Ua Quote You Prices DAWSON FUEL SALES CO., Dawson, New Mexico Tht air wat full of torn sinister men ace, and yet he, in hit cocksure aloof nets, could tpare time for a smile. "All " Lillian rtoorttd laeen. Ically, and my father began speak ing. I cannot, of course, reveal all that he told tit in hit low monotonous voire, but lone before he had finished. I felt as if I had been held below water (or a long time and wat gasp ing tor breath, to momentout wat the secret which ht wat revealine to me. That parti of hit ttory were at new even to Allen Drake at they were to me, I taw clearly. And when he had done, I realised that my father, whom we had all thought had teen hit bett yeart of usefulness, had evolved something of the most tremendout moment to hit country, but which would be ol no account to hit coun try at all. should its secret fall into alien hands. The significance of the missing memorandum came to me in a blind ing flash. He bad told Allen Drake that it concerned hit work. And it wat gone. And Katie With a little half-hysterical cry. I crossed the room to my father and threw myself Into hit armt. "Don t tell me that my keen nsr Katie at a maid it to blame for this. Father!" I tobbbed. "I-I cannot bear it!" Jury Frees Husband Who Shot Wife During Tiff Fred Sandert wat acauitted bv a jury in District Judge Leslie's court. where he was tried on a charge of manslaughter for shooting hit wife lest January in their home. 1113 South Eighth street. He testified that the shot three times at him and that he then wrested the gun from ner and shot her. ADVERTISEMENT. Beauty Hints By Louise Glaum. That beautiful aetreti, Louise Glaum, ayn "A girl or woman who ia paaeed by without glanco of admiration baa only hereelf to blame, No matter how Irregular the featurea anybody who oa- him beautiful complexion will attract attention anywhere. It ia now poeelble through the use of Derwlllo for anyone to have a. beautiful roey-whita com plexion." If you would have a beautiful kin, eoft, emooth, and velvety, juet fol low Hies Glauma advice. You can get Derwillo from the toilet counter of any up-to-date drug or department atore. It ii famou for the instant reiulti It civee. Put It on one tide of your face and compare it with the other you will need no further argument to convince yoo that it ii away ahead of faea powder or other beautifiers. Be euro to read largo article by Kiel Glaum on the care of the skin oon to appear in thia paper. In the meantime get Derwlllo and try It today, you will be aetonlehed at the quick re iulti it givei. . Vi Special Week of June S to 11. Inclusive. Large Claaa of Avalon Crape Drink, Two Large Delicious Sugar Cookies, Choke of Special Ham or Cheeae Sand wich ALL FOR IOc ALL SIX RESTAURANTS 1819-1521 Douglas St Girls1 Gingham Dresses e in a Rare Sale Thursday. Friday, Saturday Sizes 2 to 67 to 14 More than 1,000 dresses involved it is by big odds Omaha's greatest sale of children's dresses. Dresses That Sold to $5.00 Now 1 m&L $2 Dainty plaids, checks and plain colors smartest of styles, with contrasting col-' lars and cuffs of organdie and other wanted fabrics. s Novel pockets and sashes. Dresses That Sold to $2.50 in Sale Good grade of fast color ging ham shown in plain, plaids and checks. Smart pockets and sashes. The values are extreme. $ Fifth HERZBERGS Host GDXENSl Every J of Kello i 1 . iim a ji.m m mm m mm jw fill op: mill irddisht it? "Harry up ifcr, old Jimmy fWrse I can't wait much longrr to get lome Ktllogft for lunehl Thmy malt me ttarvin' hungry I Hurry up, I -ylu 4 3 AW? FlAKfS Also makers of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES and KELLOGG'S BRAN, eookeel a4 farrasAWel Little folks and big folks share full measure in the treats that Kellogg' s Corn Flakes generously, supply I Kellogg's are so wonderful in flavor that you can't remember ever having tasted anything so good! And, talk about crispness and crunchinesst There never was such fascinating food for every; meal in the day, for snack-lunches and between-times nibbles I ' You're always keen and ready-set for Kellogg's those big, sunny-brown Corn Flakes are irresistible I Why it makes you hungry to open a box and peep in! Don't side-track the happiness that must be yours in serving Kellogg's 1 Start tomorrow morning and hear the family delight expressed in no uncertain terms. For Kellogg's win every one on first trial they're wonderful! Be certain that you get KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes. To ask for "corn flakes" may bring you an imitation! Look for the RED and GREEN package that bean the signature of W. K. Kellogg, originator of Corn Flakes NONE ARE GENUINE WITHOUT IT I in