lrih BEE: uMAHA. THURSDAY. J UN hi 8. Ui'i. Three Features on Friday Night Radio Program Hoffmann Quartet, Jas Clastique Dance Band and Girl Violinist to Give Numberi. ' Tne Bee invites iti many radio friend throughout the middle eit to ltkten in next Friday night, June 9, 8:1$ to 9, when another concert will be broadcast through arrange ment made with the Omaha Grain exchange broadcatting nation, WAAW. -- Three excellent fraturet will be presented. The Hoffmann quartet, tnrougn the courtesy of Leo A. Hoffmann, will open the program with three aelectiont: -On the Sea." oy Dudley Buck; popular air, se lected, and "Land of Mine." These singers are tmmett Moore, M. J. Flanagan, Thtl Helgren and Gus 1'. Swansou. Oirl Violinist Following the quartet Miss Ger trude Thiem. daughter of Mr. and Mri. C. II. Thiem, 5351 North Twenty-eighth avenue, will give a violin aolo. The third feature will be the Jas Classique Dance band, whose per sonnel are talented students of the University of Nebraska. These in strumentalists are J. L. Barritt, Bob Lee. W. A. McBride. LeRoy T. .-J I " II.. 4Puiieiii aim J vwniicuy. Heard In Michigan. ' ' The Bee radio concerts are being enjoyed in homes and business places in many towns and cities of Nebras ka. Iowa, Illinois, Kansas. Missouri and even as far as South Dakota, Minnesota and Michigan. A postal card has been received from Leon L. Simkins, who received a Bee concert oi his radio aet at Martin, Allegan county, Michigan, more than 500 miles from Omaha and about 40 miles north of Kalamazoo.- Radio Telephony Wonder of the Age Development of Wireless Pre sages Practieal Use of Talk ing Through Ether. By JOHN E. XENNEBECK. (Tfcte ta IK Mr4 laaUUraaat a The Baa". asar M r.) Science never stops. Every day we hear of new inveir tions and developments of some scientific art. and just as the tele phone and the automobile were de vcloped for commercial use, so may we look forward to radio becoming one of the world's greatest factors for communication. Eery day the spirit voices of radio are about us. When we sit comfortably at home or walk the streets, the electrons of radio are rushing about us at the rate of 186, 000 miles a second. Waves Carry Voice. We are amazed when we hear of a person in Los Angeles listening to a friend's voice in New York. In reality, the man in Los Angeles does not hear the voice of his friend in New York. The easterner's voice is translated into electrical impulses and these impulses are carried along the wire to the distant receiver. where they become audible. The two most important parts of the telephone are the receiver and the transmitter. We speak into the transmitter and hold the receiver to the ear. When we speak into transmitter, the, sound waves that our vocal organs set up strike against a thin metal diaphragm, which is set vibrating: in sympathy with the voice of the speaker. At a distant station, this vibrator creating a current, enters the receiver and produces an audible sound by causing another diaphragm to vibrate in unison with the diaphragm of the transmitter. Voice) Modulation.' In radio telephone, instead of sendim these voices over a conduct ing wire, wt must send them through the ether. Direct currents must be used to carry the voice without die tortion. Continuous electromagnetic waves must be used in radio tele- Phony. Various devices are ued in the broadcasting stations, which will be treated in later installments. Among them are the vacuum tubes, alternators, condensers and trans formers . Continuous waves are created in a transmitting set and if we place a telephone transmitter in the proper part of a continuous wave transmit ter, we can cause the voice to alter the waves in such a way that it will be reproduced in the telephoue re- - t . I. . A. 1 ' ccivrr oi inc oisiani receiving ela tion. We impress the voice upon these waves in much the same man ner as we impress it upon the con tinuous current in a wire telephone rircuit. This is called "modulation," and the vacuum tubes are used to increase this modulation. Receiving from broadcasting sta tions will dc discussed in the radio columns of The Bee tomorrow. - T Spark Revenue officers, seeking the dis tillers of the far famed and hard hit ting "white lightning" in the moun tains of Kentucky have found evi dence that the mountain men have radio communication 'With confed erates at jiear by railroad towns who warn them of approaching danger of raids. This accounts for' the code messages that have often been picked up in that vicinity and also for the unsuccessful raids during the past few months. The officers found that when they raided a location where a still s known to exit the place was deserted. Radio will pilot the U. S. S. Iowa into battle maneuvers with the At lantic fleet off the Virginia capes, according to a statement issued by the Navy department. The fleet is now en route front Gusntanamo bay. The Iowa will be guided entirely by radio and will be moving target for the gunners. A transmitting set aboard the contro hiisr shio will con trol the Iowa by means of an aerial and special apparatus the latter. Quettion a. St. T . - tr.fc Q Caa ana iwa ih aaiaa "A" halt.ry ior Ban ma aaitcior ana ampun.rr A. T.a. . B. F. ., VaJaaliaa, Kah. Q Caa 1 uu last ohm racclvar .o inn rcivrr till ' A. Ttaca. rrlvr caa ba awd ta. Rrivra. how.v.r. ahauld a w" vamv. bvnnvci invm ia arlti. . Omaha. Haiti. Editor: What la in rrara aitianc that aroaaeaatinf ha bn rclv4 with a alnila talx mi ? What wa langtha could I cover with a :i foot atrial, a varlsrunlw of iha rl. lowini dtmanalona: Primary a tub at caroooara win lurna or no. is wlr; IB eacondary, a eroqu.t ball a-lth r eoila . dlvidd equally on each hair. S Urna all loitthtr hava a errata! ae; would a varloroupltr cut the atnnath oi in aianaia ooa 10 a point lower than l( 1 uattf, a ri lndurlaneT St. M. Ana. I. PHt.burth and Newark. N. 1 nave beta beard hare ea a alalia tub aet. J. TPP to so meter wava Itniih. ). Probably not. Parents' Problems What course should be followed in the case of a little girl of 9, who is too intense, feeling both pleasures and disappointments too keenly? A child who feels keenly is blessed. but she should have only the sim plest pleasures. Such a child is as excited by the anticipation as by the event. Let her live out of doors and sleep as many houra a day as possible. Above all, lead her to take a keen interest in the joys and disappointments of others. If she is impulsive and warm-hearteir this wil be a safeguard against selfish ness, to be which her tendency to be self-centered will inevitably lead. Ford Club in Each District Plan of Leaders President of Dearborn Organ ization Says Crisis Demand ing Leader Now at Hand. Detroit. June 7. (By A. P.) Plans for a nation-wide movement to bring about tht candidacy of Henry Ford for president in Ii4 were mapped at Dearborn. Mr. Ford's suburban home, at a perma nent organisation meeting of the Henry for President club. Similar clubs should be formed in each congressional district of the United States, it was decided, in order to perfect a more closely knit organization. This method, it was pointed out, would show Mr. Ford's strength in each district and insure him of the prober congressional sup port, should his ticket be returned the winner. The club decided against adopting a platform, preferring to leave Mr. Ford free to work out hia own ideas should he consent to enter the pres idential race and to set forth for himself the principles upon which he would go before the people. Rev. Dr. William Dawe, pastor of the Dearborn Methodist Episcopal church, was elected president of the club. In addressing the gathering, he declared Mr.. Ford was "the best known citizen of the world today" and was well fitted to head the gov ernment and take the lead in launch ing reforms he declared were nec essary. Every few centuries, Dr. Dawe said, "a man appears at the time of ?;reat crisis and such at crisis con ronts the world today. Perhaps Mr. Ford has appeared for just such an hour as this. The country needs to start anew under the sort of lead ership of which he ia capable. He had many critics, but natural lead' ers often are called fools and fana tics. Christ was similarly criticized.' c 7 Svery Bottle of Ifoberts Millj, hears the Pah qffiseurzztion r 1 Service, quality and dependability, not theory and argument, are the requirements of the public from any product. That is a fact which we learned long ago. And that is the basis upon which our Omaha business is being built. ..... . In the city of Lincoln more bottles of Rob erts milk and cream are delivered daily than are copies of the most widely reaa Lincoln newspaper, and, there are more Roberts cus tomers there than there' are users of gas. And in Sioux City, .where we began business just four years ago, we deliver approximately as many bottles of Roberts . milk and cream as there are homes in that city. - Why do these conditions exist! Because we have thoroughly met the requirements of service, quality and dependabilityat prices just as pleasing as are the products. " We have just become established in Omaha. And every feature of Roberts service, proven so "satisfactory to our Lincoln and Sioux City cus tomers, is available to you. , You can buy Roberts milk and creams from your gro ' . cer or our wagons will deliver direct to' your home. "'- . : 1 5 !..-. . ' a , . ... . .; ... u - Roberts Milk, per quart, is 10c Phone HAmey 2226 ROBERTS SANITARY D A I R Y BURGESS EVIRYCOOYfc STCC3 ( Hundreds of Lovely Hats Marvelous Veranda Hats :' 'Coquettish Sports Hats Graceful Evening Hats .0 mf Dras Hats Taffeta HaU Flovtt Hats Tramparent Hats Russian Turbans A wondrous selection of the most ad vanced in millinery. Midseason hats of such charm and beauty as we have . never before offered at this pricing. , . " urfaaa-Naak Hal Sbe Tbtrsl Flaar ' 1 - : -ooo : r Nuncio Wooiash Celestial Black and White White Pcbbk Sport Skirts : Khaki Outfits The growinj vogue for fashions in mannish styles is fully expressed in the hundreds of smart garments as sembled for the outdoor woman. A fashion to be thankful for. Every garment ia designed for free, easy comfort and an amazing amount of Stylean obliging combination at prices exceedingly moderate. Complete Khaki Outfits Can you think of anything jollier than . a summer hike in a real hiking suit a pair ,of swagger khaki knickers and a blouse to match ? They're just right for picnics, ten nis, golf and the many other outdoor sports. Select one now for your vacation outfit at these low prices: Knickers are priced at $3.90 to $5.00. Khaki nickers priced at $3.95 to $8.00. Khaki skirts priced at $3.98 to $8.00. Khaki riding; breech es are priced at $8.00. Khaki hata are priced at only $1.78. . And khaki shirts are priced at $2.78. The complete 5-piece outfit, in khaki, priced $18.80. BwewM-NasMidt Sha Tatr Fkar Sport Skirts for Summer Moderately priced at $10.00 to $17.50 , ; ; , For a woman, much of the zest of outdoor pleasure comes from the knowl edge that her attire is suitable to the occasion. ; These silk skirts are develop ed of plaid 'and striped eponge in daring high colors and of fancy flannels in neutral tones. Most of them are wrap-around models, many of which carry a fringed heihline. All have belts and set-in pockets. $10.00 to $17.50. ''.. V - Brf.-Naah Salt SaafTaM Flaar 0 0 0 Hear the "Cheney" " Aristocrat of Phonographs vBalVBa9MrtgrasjBBIISSJBBBBBBBBBBB 1 Ills?"", nil ' ifS&SSv, Unrivaled in the art of re production, . for. it records all masters perfectly; no instru ment, more versatile, 'for it plays all records. - The new prices, combined with our con venient terms,, bring this mas ter instrument within the reach of all who love music. .. . . ..... i Priced at $95 to $550 ' Wallace Records To reduce by exercise, .... is both effective - and healthful. The Wallace records maker ex ercise a pleasure. '.Course com plete in six lessons. Bureau-Nash Pkeaafraph Shay Fifth Flaar - "'SJ"" Special in Ribbon Yard 39c r i' In a season when ribbons are used ' to : suck advantage ! French blue faille in 6 to 9-inch widths. Black and white striped velvet of 4 Vi-inch width. Sash widths in cool blue coloring and the ever popular black and white combination that is so much' in demand just now. ' Burtaa-Naah Kaat Arraw Baath Davmataira SSara Gift Books for the Bride-to-Be Books are the . perfect tri bute to a girl friend, A hap pily chosen volume is a love token imperishable, one that becomes dearly treasured as -the years go by. So let it be a "shower" with books. Cometo us foradriee. We will gladly suggest an thors and titles that make a harmonious group one that will just thrill her beyond words.' ' . ' - Baa Skaa Mala Flaar . oob - ' Kiddies Sox It is none too soon to think of summer socks for the kid- dies. They not only look cool, hut are cool and are the most satisfying hose that mothers can find. Our assortments in and tt socks are most complete in colors to match the summer frocks and romp era. - Priced at, pair 38c, vt 3 pair 91.00 ' Bartaaa-Naah Mala Thm r -OOO- Fancy Hose Smartest styles in faney white hosiery have just ar rived, including a beautiful quality, of chiffon and other white hose, clocked ia shades to match the summer sweaters. .-- Priced $8.00 to $0.78 Bariaaa-Naah Mata FW -000- Gauze Vests . , . Vests cut to give ample full nesa) and length; in regulation or bodice top. Regular and ex tra sizes are priced 35c, or 3 for $1.00 . BwiMa-Naafc MaJa Flaar . 'a.