THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7. 19:2. 5 l Goie Timers Bunch Hits and Easily Beat Athletics lieilmano Get LipLth Home Kun of rMn ind Vrarb MAe Circuit Clout Uith Three on. !'trOit. Mich. June 6 Detroit 1 unr hed h-ti on Hut? nd Va-isio lci'iv a.nj defrS'td fafhA 1 !(i '.. 1'iUett- hoid.ri the Athletiis t hll . IWinwra fcs hi entofc h " f run cf -ht ea f the f-M m i.trj and in tlf eg'nh each hit :or n'curt wtrn ire ti.-es iu!'.. rwc F-HIiul.!'!" -IT' All H I i suri: sw-ora by manga. ... , l.nit i" 14 Ml 14 a-ummar-y Runs: Weleh. Blue . .tonee t:i. Haney. Cob '3' Twh Heil- :. fuwtuiw. rii: eito-: Hiilgv Ool'li Ift-bw BHa: ITsee. i..b Elue. Tnreeneae "' Jew. Co, w.irn Home runs Heliman. vi h Se--r.r.r tit. Vrath, Piiieue cutahaw. Heil lusn Iwiple playa: Terriaon t Tunf 10 Heueer. Pilietie tn Fllt' la Blue 1-cf. on ktm: Philadelphia. 11: Itrett I. Baa on balia: Oil Hasty. J. err Tar ran 4 off P.lletle 4 Struck out: By P.,.et:e. f. Hits? Off Hasty. I In 1 inuiae-. eff Tarrlenn. in I trmir.gA. Hit l.v pitched bell. Blu nd Cobt. b. Tr rmon: Hur. by PUIen. Lotn pitctr: !:.. impire: Momny, Connolly ui lineii. Tim- t:B. Shocltr Vine Twelfth Came of Season From Boston f-. 1.ou:k. .lune e ri Bhorfeer ti oj liuii( uti fc; vlrtorj of th e- m.a b lh BronTH OrJeatMl Bt :n - Iibf ttMi f'' tmn TohB .ic:i.a ih Bnnni tndty fir Mk' puni'iiKini) -fsuinn from T-ruxnpoU with mjiiro flunnc th Irtroit-ft. Loan nt Jnrobnn h:t a horn rur In th first lb mm on C'Roorlif'i flnve "-r the r rh: ttrli Kr iv tb vul-lo-i Thru f int mi 11101 AB H O A 4 :. 6 0 rnrth. rf Mno;.. V l-mtt. 31 TluKan .1 4 0 S 6 Tnliifl Tf 4 P T 0 GrtiT. M 4 1 J S malar lb 1 t .ln-lKin. i!f 4 X 8 0 Rnmil r 4 1 Wil'.iam. If 4 11! flll-rhe Hh P THvVinm f P S Slincket. p 1 0 4 5 2 l : s 1 4 1 4 4 1 'TtmirkB. 'nnork. p nlfmrm. 9 IfilMTtt 4 t n r J t Tot s; 10 TWM -4 II in' 1 Bt1r fur Prrnoik In :fbih. Sr-rr by lcninc: (inn n(l ml! ;o: om tri l 11.0 Lfuis SuirmAry Eun: mirn. O'Eoort. To- Crf"hr, Plklr. .ikconiioTi. Wt?liam. .1 rnllrm E'Acrt. ThT-b Ger- : ffiHlr Kotti tupf: JrobMi. n trti Btotm mmrm: Bmler. MrMaTina. Fn-Ifl ttt: GrhfT lft rro bun: Bo "n. . St, Lnum. B on ballt: Off PfniO'V., :. Stnuk ut: By Prrnock, J: hv r!!nt"n. 1; 5 Pborkrr. 1 Hlt: Off PTtri4wk hi 7 tmiHirr: off Fnllmon, 1 In 1 innini. Ltwiiir rltrher- Pennork. ; Vir.pirc: Ki.l!!a Evn. Time: 1:44. Home Run in Eiehth Inning j Breaks Up Pitcher6 Duel : ClwlBtl. 3avr S. A honif run br Pm Kirr vtih Bush on haw in tb enrhth Itinmr brok up a p!trbor' battl tor hrtwB F.rirkinn snfl Coelll n4 WhtlirtoB Artntre Clrte'.and, I to n. In the flrrt rnf of thf wrien Pecfcln-5-Aurh out of the rune witb an ln-ju-3 bark. ftlrore : - TVASHTSGTOV ' rLFMJLAVTl. ABH0A: ABHOA. Ttunh Harris. 2ri Ttrr of .lufiw. 1 tlroitw rf n-Bi-.ri If fhr-ltj r 1 amntui. m Xtikatm. p T"tala 2P i i. Hrw j a j us ft- -iwf . S- l 4 I s Si." .lb lltr 4 1 J 1 e Ivnn e t 1 1 "as- I ur it fill Hrl.matm .!... - ; a t nn ft w-WS' V 4 UK" as ! 4 I 1 ' taMM. r 4 11) nortn r r i i ruwut ti nw P t 1 alrteawea ll Tru TntaU t l" 5 3 P n .trr.ttfm, cf 3 J 2 ; 4 s 5 1 "iwein. 2 ; oft 4 S ; 0 'Van. It 4 1 B 4 P 1 ii"'lilnr.- 4 M 4 i c n j Briwii. : l o : J 1 n Vrlrrnn lb S B 15 f ; s 4 r. n wwm rt ; n s a 4 s n wn. r Sana 4 3 Oeill. r a ! 1 "niikie, p s a a t S5 ip 27 s wjfritt-. p a a p i I'tiTUlM"' 1 P P P' '"T.anliiar 1 1 j TntaH 3 4 M I tttfl for Covflfakia in eirfctb Battofl for I Sewetl to eirbtb. I Scora bv tcnlPFs: "aBbixirton Clri-aianfl PamniarT Kotip : Buab an nan til I : ona 000 son o ; P-ire. Ghat-rtty. ' Erriira WatnbacanaB. Ptppbenaon. tiaw hit: Oarflnor. Horna run Two- : Eire. I Ptolm bane: Evana. Rarr.fica b!ta: Gharrltr. Harria. TVBTr.bapanaa. playa: Juflea to Lamntta to Jutire. Smtlh. tiouMa Erick- ao nto Harrta bo Jufltra. Loft on haafv: WaphtiTirtor.. S: Ciavnana L Baaa on ; balla: Off Erlckaon. 1 Struck oot: Cov-lakie. 5: T Barbr. 2. H!ta: Off Covolaak . ErnS InnirEt: off Barby. J ; in 1 Tininc rmnira: Owen anfl W'alfb. , Lna:nr xutcbar: Oovailtit Tlnif: 1:42. ' i Yankee Invade Vest and TThite Sox Are Victims i Chirrrn. Jon f Tork atarta tta frat invaainn of tha wart with a 2 to 1 vlrtorr ovar Cbiraro Tha "ocals outhT 1ha vtaitora bot were unable to bunrh thtrn rxpt a one tnrinc. wbn tby : anvd tbmfie'vea from a ahutout. Tha t Tankaaa bit Fal-ar aafafy In only Ihrea irn'nra. tr they rfciptrad aarb ttrn vuif! rrackfd oat h.p fntr-tfc hnmpr of . tb M-uwn. wbila Bart P.utb farmed twit-e. i rrila out on another opf-hamn anfi made i P-runk bark trr- to the fepoe for a Una fir-- tn bta other time up. Scor : J.TT TrmK ' CHICAGO AB n (11 AB BOA m e Kntk. r Haker. Wiiae! rf Tin. lb PMitt. aa ftnc a Hon. p TotaM 4 1 4 P at-unk. rf 4 2 1 4 1 4 Jnriti m 4 e a f 1 1 a 1 P 1 1 P p a a 2 ir i 2 P f a l : 4 5 P Onlinn 2b 4 p 1 Mrati! tf 4 1 1 f 'nlk. If 4 P 1 arhtk. r 5 a 2 r. wt iri a 4 It anat.. 3b j p r.her p Tlrfe- 22 t ST '.-"he XirCleljan a a : I Totsk batted for Fa her !a e.ghth. Raa for Sheely in ninth. S4 S 1 37 Rror bv timings: v.w Tork Chicago Rurr.rrarv Rnna- Y on Error: iostll. OP3 3 oa 1 na 3 ... (WO PI P 1 tel. Pipp. John- Two-ba hrts : -cck H ryt. Collins Home run: Men- ftarrtfire h't: F-rn. rtmble piavs: .-o-t To Pip -2V L t on bases: Str o-si 4 Ct rr. 7. Bks on bails: CTf Fsber 1: off Hrvt. 1. Struck out: By Fal-r. s: bv Hoyt 4 -H'ta: Off Fsber. :tt t :nrTTs: off Mc-be. pore in 3 tTTTt-Ttc Loeirrr pitrber: Faber Cnrp-res: H idebrancL w;!ob and CliitL Time: 3 J. Mixed FonrKime t I y-.iTTfT-r flnK ki T,-J w. A rebced iortrsorne is em the pro cram at the Courrrry club Saturday in addition to tbe reg-nlar bat srw-eerrrtake. which is proncg a pop ular frrerrt TTrh the Crippen Honored. Chic if: 3, June 6 Stnart N. Crip- pen, of tbe class of 1923. was elected captaia ci tbe 19 Xcrthweter unrver-srv track teara at the annual bintrcret last niat1- Omaha Bee Racing Chart c PAILV rttHLtSi CI"& rOKM CHUT taiaaiM Pr Caaa-fa W. iWkUbi PraaMlwf Juaa, Mania L. Natawtaa. turw. A MtKaifbt OMAHA. MI. Tuaaday Jmm t. IPiJ TkH at' ib4ti IAT LI ClLfcll. TCK F AST. ) A-riR5T RACl F an4l a. kai furkaara fwaa 3t Nart alua --,"TV u araaaa, PX. mn4. 170. I aw A. 14. Tkeap.-ra4v.aw4W a up Claio- lacri Ko- ati! Qwnrt i M ";! k.nbar.ii ifti!.Baai 14 (ikiarx-ma 14 1 JutM-ei 1)4 t 4 !! Kit Jnkn. jt ( i I-arby i )lt t.l rinatia f 1 ifi 0ia Ptl 14 p-ary D I iSt.a.6-' 14 .'2 t'tt Iar-ey KeU 4 'Gtvarl 1P4 :121 hoy Jortw iClrain 1 ! ATTar-at I mora I iHnl'i U: :M1 aay Irara Lt 4 iNoiar- li Hum . r. i jr : lilt P!u Jay It iK-aBirai 1 t Arbor I'ay It tM la.lyi I4 IP At efl t tbiButa. Of! a: t O rviitit rax! Im.Kfli 111 10 am. I pia.a It 4 h" . Oklahoma Kid t Mare, tilt pbow : Sir Jnbp lt.P ahea Butrt. tl on 'aaily. a( and tat-t) e-? iii I'mMt. br . t y Per Ttt" a o-A?rira inn' artaeaa for tlftt Tratoer t ptlllmap Srra'.rbet ill a' Ua tap Ovrwrithta. Onp'.t I. .Sir John I. Belie 4. Oklahoma I Vary I. kmitier'y a refcarei t-e h'e-crua.rtera a r-.ti hia bead lu-r.itr borne. oBlrk'y look tbe lead and am an h r.dey i-iaaead Ok.artnei.a K.o -oak toe toad a, the ni.a of toe hae--.e- bui a po me'rp if tn inner a pen rhaJ!t!re-d. S.r Jrhn. Jr.. mada up roun! jb lit finn-h. Floaa-e aharr y abut off inrt after iba f"rt. tbea made up a awrid rf ru-t'd 1t SECOND RACE Trap aw ote-ba'f turkarra. Puraa O0. Net value ' to w Pf. A400: aaoaaal f70, lndea Poraa and Owpar Pr-owp Pick I F. Ptheal i4 : i: Ton Eiltaon I iMoaeri 10a I rpaaparua Baby 10 Lrl 10K 4 fcalvau-ron I t Duffy 1 1 04 I kaaaa 1 ilndi Stab.ft 11 10 till Cnapia t T . Irwml 11 1 lit FaabtoB Girl I iJeor B ) 0 tbll KoU Van 11 iLandrara l 1 I Tba Okiaboman II i'lll re 'ateT I iSpiearl 111 11 li:if iTemp Duncan 11 (WAhJ 101 I At boat I impute.. Off at :. Tima. 4 1-1. 41 l-l. 1 -02 !-&. 1:01 I mutueia paid Brown tiek I4.fl win, 14.11 rra 11.41 ahrw: Tom EHiaop llSl.ft piaee. IIJ.SI ahow : FToaper-iia Baby If 10 abow. 8:f.. rood. Won. 11 threw drivm. Wtpner. br. c. I. by Wa'.oo-Se-vepful. winter ep'ared lor IS00. Trainer, W. Clover. Scrptcbea. Wincheater. 04S ehu. water I. Vn t. Okloboman I . Brown Dirk, after artinr fractioualy at tha poat and delayinc tht ftan. bowed keep apaed from th bermnina but aa beaded momntariiy fu--lonit cot, thee fmiabad wrth rare tameneaa and tnitatayed Ton Eliaon re the final atnde. Latter cioaed bi( rap and finiabed rapidly overbanlimt the win ner. Prwperoe Baby waa IB cioae quarte-re op the rail II yerdt cut. Stl vatoraa wai met there all the way. Cnapie ttred after rarirr into the lea. I:-) THIRD RACE Fiva aad aa-haH furlaera. Paraa tSOO. Nat walua U -artaaar, MOO: airaail. 70; tklra. S30. Thiae ye --aktb anal up. Claimmj. !nd-x iyorae and Owner Wt. St. Ill C ar Lake a iC. lrroi 11 Sit Judee Budrow 4 i Baker! Ill 2hl In-novation (Spiceri 11 tF.112 Bob Gilaa Sr-ireT 1 III tbtt Koaa Atkip 4 (Waltera) 11 SCt Acciamation S iKindiel 111 .": j'n Parmer 6 (Gr-iffirl 111 ?5: l Marahal Tilrk'an (M ere) 11a zr,2 Leenrmck i iS. F. 8ta 111 ;1S1 i-d Le Van 14 iKohierl 111 SfJ Little Tfllie (Wood'n) 11 ZllO Ton Paztofl 7 (Maltbyl 111 At noat 2 mmutea. Off at 1:4. ti motneia paid Clear Lake I6.J0 win. t2. place. 121 khow: Judtre Bndrow 12.1 place. 12. ahew; Innoratjon If.S ahow. Start, -pood. Wen. al! three d-ivtnr Wmner. h. m. . by Fountain Square-Clear Litrbt. Winner entered ior ISO Trainer C. B. Irwin. Scratchca, Sr- Stefano. Overweirhts. Giiep t. Clear Lake waa aaved eloae up until after enterinp the itrrttK where abe responded ramely to unrinc and wore Jodre Budrow drwn in a faat fmnh. dominated the early runnuit and hunp on tenaeioualy wnen challenped. Innovation wa eaaily beat of the other. Eoaa Atktn tired after ahowin gera apeed. Bob C!le raced fairly we!L it 4 2 FOURTH RACE Sia furknr Puraa S5O0. Net value ta winner, $400; Z.JJ aecoai. t?0; third, $30. Throe-yoar-okia and up. Claimmt. Horae end Owner Wt. St- Index Mayaville 4 iNicholal 10 ItoSDThirty 6eeen S (M'G'orl 116 1 IPS Ljttle Florence t Loveini05 4 I49S Little Pointer 4 (Maltby)ll 11 IbB Don Joae 6 (C Gorvea) 116 2 Lotta G I (J. Hall) 104 30 Helen Major t (Looperl 10T f IMS .Ino. R. Roche S I Bray ) 116 S !4fi I. W. Herr-er 7 'Irwin) 111 Marion Lewis (Landonl 110 n Laat Chance I (Williaa) 115 12 C4E1) Myrtle A (C Irwin) 11 at . i mfn,rt.. Off at 4:1". paid Mai-aville 7 win. 1410 place. 18.78 ehow: Thirty-atven 18.7 piaee. tS " chow: Florence HM abow. Start rood. Won a'l three drivinr. Winner br. i. Cavalcadour. Hill Top. Winner entered for 1400. Trainer, J. Kacrertr. Scratchea Overatep. Oferweirhta. Florence t. Major B. Lotta 8. Mayaville wap a forward contender from the atart and challenrrna Thinv Seven a fnriont outotayed him in a lor.r herd tin. Thirty-Seven forred to the front rounding the far turn and iourht it ot tamely with the winner all thrcw-wn the final furlonE. Little Florence cioaed a bui (rap in a faat finish. Li "otater made cp much (rround from a poor bescinnmg, Don Joae had a ace. -FIFTH RACE Sia furlenrt. aecond. J70-. third. J30. Four - 2544" Hon.e and Owner Wt. St. Index (2T.S2 iKiratie a Cob , iBorld) 11. 2466 plonaurt 4 (M'Greiror) 317 1 E4S.S Herder 7 (C. B. Irwin) 118 : Haiel W 4 (S. Baxter) 107 ' Eddie Fuller h (Bailey) 122 1 1ES0 T-ranny (Laewelll 111 Florentine 4 (Maltbvl 117 5 iba. apprentice allowance. At post 1 minute. Off at 4:47. Tune. -.28 4-5. :47 4-5. 1:3 4 2-'. 12 mu tuala paid Kiratie'e Cub 14.80 win. 82.70 place. 12.40 show: Nonsuit, 18.20 flare. t2.& ahow: Herder. 12.60 abow. Start, rood. Won easily, second and third drivinr;. Wmner b. h. 7, Beareatcher-Kirstie. Winner entered for f 3.000. Trainer. T. Borland. Scratchea, Money 116. Kirstie'a Cub decisively outbroke, outpaced and outstayed his opponents and never seriously menaced, ultimately won in a fallen. Non Suit raced in closest but unavailinr pursuit of the winner and was easily aecond best. Herder a-as in cloae fjnarters passing the haX then finished stoutly and outstayed Hazel W. Latter away poorly: made up ground ; Florentine has a flash of speed then tired as if short. i;ir SIXTH RACE One mile. ?urae S500. Net value to winner, 400; aec- SJ-IJ and. t70: third. S30. Threa-yea-lda and up. t-j e a wr,r Wt. St i 5 &tr. Fin. Jockey Ods. St'a l.vir. kuu v 25S- W. Montgomery (T in) 122 8 I44H Franklin (Groves) 137 3 (1B83IN. K. Bea! 8 (C. Neely) 132 4 268S Cajrt. Clover 8 (LoveJl) 3 00 2 2J2 Regreso 6 (C. Love'l) 10P (2828)Dy of Wrath I M P'tl lit At t S sitnnui. Off at 6:1E. tuals paid Woodie Montsromery t?.2 win. I8.9B place. 18.8 show; Franklin 86.20 place, f4.2 ahow; K. E. Beal to.6 show. Start good for all but Recreso. Won driving all three. Winner, ch. g. t. First Chip. Duchess of Montehello. Trainer. F. R. Irwin. Scratches, Ealfour. Buckhorn IT. Woodie Montgomery went to the front with rapid strides and opening up a trap handled his weight gamely and withstood all challenges. Franklin made a game Sid after entering the stretch and was wearing the winner -down slowly. K. K. Beal showed a good effort. Cap. Clover was always outpaced. Regreso waa away pocrly. Wednesday's Fearth Par. Wedneadwy. ione 7. Omaha Ak-Bar-Ben 3&ce Meet. FIRET RACE Five and one-half fur lenga. Purse IM'O. Claixaicg. Four-rear-olda and up: 2621 Kaud M. '"J MP Kimber'y 3" SHOO EiVea Smythe :?37 Komaid 2S6 Ttrara il iht Elue Jay Links lder 313 1.-.-S Sovereign II lls Ii.-P nir lade- ' 2B42 JSarahai Tilghman 1" SMI Froaperos BaPJ 4l Si.42 Aoclamatlor 316 Also eligible: SMP Oklahoma Kid 313 162 Tbe Cua II 11' Gomnl 311 lcy Jewel 3H (161 : eecO!"T RACE Fre and eme-ha'.f fur- : longa Puree li.i.6. CialmiDg. ; Tbree-year-oica and up: Br- Greenleaf 1 jist jobn Spohn j George James i ;f 73 Tom Craven 12 j 2636 I. A. Jobs 12 j E-hel Teh 3" 1 (263 Ssncy Way IK 1 ilaD)Carl Roberta Til i I FiUiee marea. Canning. Ttree- year-olda and up: Ura. Eawke :t4S LsRia G. .- 101 Polo Player HurL j Boise. Idaho, June 6. Lieutenant ' S. M. Liprxiic oi the 11th cavalry polo team of Monterey, Cal was in- I jcred in the f hh period of the game (with the 10th field artillery team j trona Camp Lewis, Waihrn-rton, ra ! the northwestern polo torrrnamert ! here yesterday. C'C. tt a I., r; ''i ; i ! a a t ;? p i ij v r a 1 1 ti k' .tlef'al !. trT.e t Pi-1 ptaaaa-ra 4 tt! Nil.. !.!- : vu-i "a-i 1 4.l 14 PP-l Jarnea tar Ham iLtrba'aaap i Al.rp t.i-i : i' SJ 4 U R, Ilarbara U' It i: l: J. Kaa.oaau T w. :4 -4 i i p :.r. : taw - . JO. Thraa ) amr aida ami wp. Clautn- I i I 8-r Ftn -lock!- Od l- i! r :i a 'l 4" I" ! I' v! : j i" : ii : p?i ' ' " k lO'tlPi l" C MC rale 1.11-1 - W. rf -: 1.. Ha'I li.pp-1 4 t.pen.hade I4 1.0-1 t' L. Mi Hp i4 pb-1 ' S'nrtiwi l.-l - F Horn 504 f F. Crimea 1 F.. Famaa i.o;-i ll II 11 l K. Dortty 11 D. Hum I 00-1 i i ! ?tr. Fia. Joe tea Ode St 111. Jutr( t 1 S i I'i 1" P. Burn I.I&-1 4 I i IS 1! I F. w ilaoB .M-l 1 l i I) ! I' R. Dnrny t4P-l i S! i T JohnR-m I t t ti h W. Mandera 1.15-1 T TS 6 E. Bimn S4.I.0-1 1 F aj t i T C. M'Corkl BO.40-1 f. r-i ' i f E. Bat-ham io i- ip' i i. in Brid 21 Jl 11 !1 10" T. Brer lf.l:0-l t b' i 3 0- 3. AUen rT.60-1 IS 12 i: 1! It E. Joti 21 4-1. :f l-L 1 :01 S-E. 1 rill i i I St.-. Fin, .lot key Od. Stj St I i 2' S 3 t- l"" J. Allen 1" L. MU1 t E. Jonea 41 4i R. Jonea S" a1 R. Seoi-ille 6 Rkhar-daon t.10-1 190-1 14.80-1 4.10-1 fa.OS-1 14T.O&-1 at -s " f,i 4 41 3 S" Ti 4-1 S"i f" 13 31s P1 T'i L. Ball R. Dority S0.4S-1 3 0 3 0" H J. Snirletoii 1B.JI-1 S' S 10-ilO'l L. Treat 13 3 2 3 2 11 F. Green 8 Si 31' lt D. Hum ll.Te-1 Time. 1-4. :4S. 1:14 -B. t2 mtrtnala Purae $500. Net value to winner, P400; waar - aMa and up. Claimini i I i Str. Tin. Jorkey Oda. St Is 3 3 2i '1 5 Si f.J l ii1 7 - R. Dority .1-1 2 L. Milla S; V. Hum 4" Enpenshade I' S. Carter S L. Rail 7 R. Scoville S.('0-3 8.8o-3 .5-3 -ft.00-3 22.S0-1 20.f.r--l t 1 3 l i 3 1J SinHon ?' 2' 2 -oville 21 2H S' S" ' F. Green 4' 6 4-t 4' H. Jonea J-Hurn & 4 4J 61 Ratadeau Time. 24. :4B. 3 :36 2-5, 3 :41 2.P0-1 f.f.0-1 Sl.70-1 1.00-1 85-1 26.66-1 f 2 TTIU- Race Entries 1 P.uby Oriole 3P2 , 26U2 M:bs ateelitk ins j 2i44 Hazel W P7 ' Christie Hollers 30s Leap Frog 112 1(7) , FOURTH P.ACE Six furlongs. Po-s 11. 50(1. Ak-Sar-Ben (iueen's plate. Tbree-year -ottis and uj. :: I 2M4 Hazel W jor. ! 24-exE:?;e it2 I 22kx5?da.n 2(1; I 26SI Ikey T m . i253stMotor Cop xiss , (2c2ltMoney m I xlwrn entry to). ; FIFTH RACE- Cine mile. Pu-se lifil). j Meiden. Three-year-oids and up. i Ciein:ii.g. I 2&2S Murb Ofe,.gad "112 2529 Veetma .,P7 -i'9 San Stefano 3P2 j 2i2l Bonnet O' Blue 3 04 j 2F2S Arminta , IP4 22S Lady Voltrome 304 I Jim Griffin IPS i 2S42 Leenrai k 10 1 2642 Jim i-armer 112 (S) ; SIXTH P.ACE One mile. Purse ISo. Claiming. Four-year-oida and ; tre: I :;r.s lcr Eileen 3 05 j 26a fionotuin . 3P5 I 2536 Kelbe Wrtwer IPs 2il Old Rose 13 0 j iiii Hand Bweep lip ; 1624 Money Haker 13 16Cie Brando lie I S6S6 Double Eye 11 l) Card? Sign Colle-dan. ,' St. Louis, June 6. Catcher Ernie lck of Michigan university, a tnem- . her of the tcythical A"-Arrricr football team last year, has Seen ac- jfjnired by the St Loai Cardir! 'and joined the team at Bo-ton yes- i Terday- $115 M Beauty 7'hf Chi.--.eo Vi r-f Sx ht jid !'"'.' : 'ikh two f'.aytri ta'.utd : (2? M ?hf Sn F:.r- ( -co i'.v. fir "i;U:n kmrn itSoit a third ( BaseBallGemUs ana Standing MaitcUage. 1. rt I. B: J(l aima i-tii pi'b "m Dawka XI a .".1 on 9 :: .h: Im ju-.uiw 2: i.m :c 4".i Iwm ; laicritay 'a Reanlia. lH.r Moibea. 3: VI I tt J.aM-jiti . fiiom on. J k:shou.a rtv I. Wnver. 2. (ftmasia at Tuftaa. rata. Today a Oamea. 4ftmaha at Time. I'es Ailrttek at it bus. sioux City at St Joatph lriiver at C'tceboma C.iy. MTBRAA f1TC LEAOt E. Mtandiaga, W U Prt 1 W L Tlnf-nla 11 ,IWI ntiil 11 11 jam ,47C .a': Fairhutr 1.1 )P .Sfl. Pastrire IP Hssuuas IZ ll ..'iii; jn d island 7 1 eaterday'a Rewitta. Ci's-.d Island 7: Ben-lie. t. b . Kaatlnf:',. 4 Ft'.rbury, I: Ltnt-oin. 1. Toda a t.amea. Hastings at Norfoik Grand island at Beatrue Lincoln a: Fairbur. it XATIO.ML IX Ki.IT. wtaoftinga. w 1. Pn w Pet i 4BP j .4"' .41:2 : :im t Nnr Tn-S P nKtn.rcil S; lu s UriKjtlMi IR .PHP Cjiwinnsti 14 37 Oi.aan 21 54 14 TJ ."22 B tmi IP K 22'liiiaaplnhia 15 VeMer'daj'a Keaalte. ': St. Louis, t Tlnsu.t P:ttsburgh at rhubdfli.h.a ra.r.. i 'Inr'tinali at Brooklyn, rs-n. Chicago at Ntw Tork. ram. Todays Oainea, fi 3.ou;s at Boston r-ttshurgb st Phlls"e!ph.a ''iTicinnati at Brooklvn. Chl.ago at 3ew Tork. AMERICA. LEAGt E. 8tandiiigit. w. v pi ts 22 4 II SS .447 IB -T- 4 9 15 2! .4M New Vo-k '-. 17 .m PnllsrlelBhia f.. Louif HP "P Jill.- Ixtnut W'ashinciim 74 2.- .4W. Huston Cleveland 1:4 27. .4!Ht Cui'-o eaverday'a Reanlta. New Totk. S: Chicago. 3 tTashtngion. 2: Cleveland. P net-nil. H: Phlladetphik. 1. St. Lcuis, S: Boston. 2. Today's f.amea. Boston sr ft Lr-uis. Wsshtngton mt Cletelsnfl Mew To-k at Chi-arn. Phliadlphia at Letroit. AMERICAN A-SOC1ATIO-. fitandiegp. w. 7. Tn v MintiraimlH! ::i 15 ,4 ColtiTrbns 211 I'idistisiiolis 21 IP .PIP tuiiKllts r1 Bt Psul 2" tR .sun Kansas City W kl.iwsukite 11T 22 ..V.: Tolrdo 12 1 earterday'a Reantts. rf''rutr.l.uf.. 7: Louisville. 2. Ml'wauke1 f: St Paul. 4. Irdialiatiohs. f. : Toierln. 4 MinntupoiiS. 32: Kansss City. 8. Today's f.amea. Tndr- st 3nCisiiRT.oiis tnlumbus at TjO'tisvilie. l!ET..'Spolts st Kansas City. St. I'sul a: Milwaukee. 3.. Pt 2." .4TS Amerioan Asaoeiatirm. Kaiisur Ctty. June C TV H. 15. 7.'innc,s polls 12 32 2 Ktinsns City 6 p 4 Batteries Uraritw arid lila.vcr: Zlnn. Carter and Kkiff. ilcCarty. 3ndiE.T.aTKilis, June (1 Toledo 3r.dtB-r.fcpt.!. Batiprtes Sell and Koc:her. Hill, Petty aitd Knifger. K H. E. .4 S f 32 1 Wiisoti ; MPweuke. June 6 St. T'sul Mila-sukee R. H. E. i 3 -31 P Merritt tr.fl Gonzales: Batteries Hail Port and Aly&tt. Louisville. Ky.. June C P. H. E Colunthus 7 32 P Louisville 1 a j Better, es Burwe.l! Httd Hartley: EsteH. Long. Tin-jup and Meyer, Brottem. Coat League. Oakland. : Te-nor.. i, Sar Fran'-is'-o 2: Los Angeles. 1. Seattle, li, Portland. 2. Special Week of June 5 tp 11. lnoluarve. Large Glass of Avakm Grape Drink, Two Large Deiicsoua Sugar Caokiea, Choice of Special Ham or Cheese Sand wich ALL FOR 10c ALL SIX RESTAURANTS Ak-Sar-Ben Field OMAHA Running Races June 3-17 GeneraJ Admission $1JX, plus tax, including; seat in Grand Stand. Reserves' Seat, $130, Pl Tax IndBcUat General Admiation Box Seat. $2.00, Plus Tax Inclading, Ce-neral Admiaaioa Reserved Seats on Sale at Beaton Drug Co. Rotel Fantenelle Stack Yards Keataarant Six Rsees Etch Diy Rain or Shine First Race 2:30 P.M. mo JL IT "PvrnrwTMi NEXT QHZ OVtR" wTTtrwcroAin NiV thir a ' oar rin.i J rhnr :iti.k, a-t !,ur4; pn mil .TKJik, luu w fy. trtrrne yf.vr ahedait kiid t.nd cm? .;.i to jivcod thu m'.n rr.rr. Lipn't ape-i Tour week-rod u Turkry uricn they're trotf . Turk re rr.Ul reUirj their own cireu and wirt. Tounvt utepping into DtrdintUri ahould ue cruiaera ior . gondola rid hive rut American rnemtjr chtr.jrd into m equivalent 1 in foreign bullrta. Twf - at.t h'..iu4i ticf'ii! f ;i'i e;Kf'P on in KtiKPia md Irf'.ind ifii you cn get f.r-r-cla' ' ku ";n.'fit in 5rnri fltctmri 1 not Japinrie are at peace wrth other 1 Japanete. but three-dijr excursicm 1 into China ahouhJ be avoided ur.leti your paupems axe primed on sheet- lrort. Fc st 10 t-t- out t Centra! Amer j ica until pun prt too hot ior revo lution!.. Crfr-manr rurT tourifr' pocket o full of n;arks. thit he has no rocmi idr money. Jceiand i ung RusMan rnbie?.. which are wortn Meet Attracts I Athletic Stars Chicago. June 6. Entries from , college track aggregation! over the ; entire country, inciudinc the winnerf : of 15 f.tate atid conference tneets .had i been received todty by Major John: L. Griffith of the University of Mi-, riois ior ,tbe rational intercollegiate charrpion'hip track rntft to be held ; et the University of Chicago field i June 15. i Tire Competition Good,Bad HE average American was raised on the idea that the more people who competed for his trade the better off he was. like many good ideas, it has several sides. They all show themselves clearly in die tire business. . There are tires which prefer to compete largely on a price basis. Bettering that the public is more interested in the dollars and cents they pay than in the worth of what they get. On the other hand, U. S. Royal Cords believe differently. And car-owners who use Royal Cords have a plus feeling which they get both from actual experi ence, and because they realize the the integrity of the manufacturer. People don't think of Royal Cords as high-priced tires. They think of them as better tires. "Prices on United States Passenger Car Tires and Tubes, effective May 8th, are not subject to waT'taXt the var-tax ing been included. United States Tires ere Grgj Tires CaJT'lr1 tlffaC 392i U-S.TaxCo. r 'mm? ii.'tite hi Nrwaai and ju-t !u in ilda.-kt.trr. In iact. KuMuan etrrrrncy u or!j ready rrrtmey in world. It never ne above aero. That elrmmarei foreign head waiter ard jinnkiahai irons toumatnvnt and leave America face to face wrth rseM. C'ur .l':a:tr kiid :iuji.l4fti attr-'t bad ;; tcr children to ctt irrrLirk :.J iciiton h. tut hosei will vKiti ! ac. ctuHded that fnfall haf to ler;. on dumb atter and tit vhti. tiity gt! t'atk licmit. fcy trr e jou set ..:r.e!i loaded trih canera. tetiri.a rargutt. go!: phoea, k;rt tires and virnir'e you'it got to travel in Lavage car or fiav tkt.r. tiles cn jour t.prarntd hobdar Crrang down to utiocal fero city, yon rnuat concede that all pleaaam vacations are npetrt art home in your porch harnrriock. cbAperoned by your own crop of affable rnoaqtc toe and Itiliabied by your own eight-day graphopborjt. Atl vacatkmirts a'e glad to get back home again, trred, bn?!ed and angry. So why not May rbere m f rut - lace and get all tj-ree without 1 traveling5 ' A total of more than 100 teams is expeOeid to eiiter the meet, which is the second annual event to be staged by the National Collegiate Athletic association. With afl of the Big Ten team and Missouri Va'ley -.quads lined up aad practicing each day in preparation for the contest, and team coming from New York. California, Texas. Minnesota, the meet will be repre sentative of the country and the win ner will be regarded as the national champion. . Eee Want Ads Are Best Business Eoostcrs. and Indifferent the instinct for 44zlir, and the sense to find out true exTtr-iomy? hav ii U. S. Royal Cord Tires United States Rubber Company Tire Bnuich, 9th and Douglas Streets j Braves Make it j Five Straight FromStJ)uis Nicholwfan and IloJle Feature Game by Heavy Hitting Three Single- Win Game. b a".n. June (:. Kot( ti mmtt f. me lartotifk m a rw t xiav 't de feat itb M I.m 7 10 J In tne e.-fi-h M 1 .t'f k!' tbne -.ra-ght '.ng'e after l iatk iuti Seen wicked. K orirg f. o tuna wiri iK.i e r.ct. Tkitu it tifM three n4'i re re tired " h rmison and H .Ike t.rr e!' Score : ar u i it 11 'i 1 IkKIII rw. r" : ; a nm. rf r. , : a Hmttl, ' tllS Parlwra. 5b 4 2 t 2 PaufTuat lb 4 I Vvmiww ir f- 4 ? a fcl.(r..i 3b 4 ? 11 r n x a ai l 4 1 t 1 ptawkai 3b : p a r M- Mrr tf 4 f 2 ih 4 r Aiuaaiiia c tail a w 4 I f i Mm m 4 12 . r 5 P J I Maai'tta. p leap riUlutoia P 4 1 nta r f. a i - - Walker a p a P 1 Ttr.l t.l 12 T t Mini'i i a a a Tma-T j a a n -uitnna 1 I T M P 24 II Katt"d fi-r ShfMle! In f.'tk ' Hatted for North ta eeea:h Darted lor Walker la uit.b swore by ianiags: Dt Iuia aaa ooa a-at Doatoa " ", ' Summary Ruts Flak Sroitb llar-ba- Nirbolann ifi. fruiae ill Bee-kel Hf'ke t'-ors- Foomier. To-bae bits: KtHettrj. Smith Xison. Three-Ia h-t. Bkarbare. bit: Gow.lj iwublf play st'ork te Foumier. Left on baaea Bt lvnta I: Boaton- I Ba em Of Off ShTdel 1: off Ws'ker J off Ptl llnr m. 2 Cru'-k out: By SberdW 2; br Vnrth 3: br Fillinctm. 2 Hti: Or Fberdel. 6 In 4 tnnincs. off Nor-h. 2 In J mnlars: off Walker. 42 iiiB wild pltrb Walker Losing p'trher bhe-del. rrr.p.rea: Seaielle and McCe-rmrk Time: 3:61 Milady's Selections I First Marshal Tllgtman. aTaod at.. : Kaar.berey. t-otia John Spohn. Sunny ways. Tom : Craven. Third iliee JJeellik, Hairl W. Christie t Hol-e-s. 1 Fourth Uotor Cop. Tkey T . Rifle . Flfib LM-t-nra-.-k, 6ab Btefanb. kluLh Obl.g3- i S xth Honolulu. Nellie W:ta-er. Doubie ! Eye In the man who knows what a good, faithful product tie Royal Cord is, the tire that makes price its main arumerit hardly arouses more than a little curioeity. So which is better? A tire that thinks a man has no judgment beyond his pocket-book? Oa tire like the U.S. Royal Cord which credits the public with I 7. it- 4L For keeping i(e scalp dean m IheMirbeaHk; and beautiful nothing will cosrpare with -NleiLibrosHerpicide SoMSAJlDntj 6 Apt S for j . Sberman tc. McConaell Drvtf Co., Sp)cia.l Afettt t tirikni t. 'TIZ' FOR ACHING, SORE, TIRED FEET (jond bw. tore feet, burning left swci!i'ti feet, sv.eaty teet. smelling ii-t-t. tired net Good-bye. ci.rtif. callouses, br.n- -irms and raw spots. No more she tightness, iio more limptr.g with pain o dra ing up your face rn agony. "TIZ" is msgScal, act right off.- : "TIZ" draws oirt all the poisonous exudations which puff up the feeu Ue "TIZ" and torget remr foot rr.ise'y. ih how ccimfortable your feet iff 1 A few cem buy a box ol "TIZ" Tick at any dmggict or de---panmeut stoe. Don't surfer. HareZ." good feet, g'.ad feet, feet that -ieter ' -swell, never hurt, never -ret trred. A - -j ear's foot comfort guaranteed or . " money refunded. WW '4 fFMt