Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Music Fills Air
as Bee Broadcasts
Programhy Radio
(ill IMwanU Novfliy Or.
ilirtra Kntertaini luvUiltle
Audience of Corn
A Urge nl invisible audience
Citirrrd throughout tht corn Ml
l(r;ird in Monday inglit when an
othrr mJio concert givtn by The
Bie ihrouif li arrangement wiili the
Omaha Grain Enchain; nation,
1AAW. nl I he Inward
novelty ortlir.tra fiom Hotel Fome
ncllr. .
With Rv Rainlmlt, nprrator. at
the powerful 150watt lro4icat init
et. the program o eight number
vai rendered without hitch, dos
ing a lew minutei before 9 and in
lime to permit the Ak-Sar-Hen show
to follow into the vat expne oi
Four Orchestra N umber i.
Mr. Kilward and hi org.iniation
of instrumenuliMs mid iiiKcr ren
dered four orclutral tiiimlicr .
oaxonhone quintet, violin lo by
I'aul Sevfert. saxophone tulo by Glen
Iturrt and baritone olo by I'erry
Kinsdon. Lillian Johnson ai at
the niano. W. M. Cole was trom
bonist. Mr. Kdwards played the
drum j and Perry Homer was cor
netikt. The saxophone quintet num
ber, "Jun Awearyin' lor You." by
Carrie Jacobs Bond was especially
well rendered.
Next Concert Friday.
The next radio concert by The Bee
will be next Friday night from (he
Grain Exchange station, from 8:15
to 9. One of the attractions will be
the Hoffman quartet, one of Omaha's
foremost musical organizations, ob
tained for this occasion through the
courtesy of Leo A. Hoffman. These
singers are Emmett Moore, first ten
or; M. J. Flanagan, second fenor;
Phil Helgren, baritone; Gus P. Swan
son, director and basso. These arc
Omaha boys and they are all church
soloists. Another big feature will be
announced for the Friday night con
cert. Radio audiences throughout
the middle west are invited to anti
cipate another musical treat. '
Religious Program Sunday.
The Bee's first religious program
will be broadcast next Sunday night,
beginning promptly at 7:45, from the
Grain Exchange station. Rev. Ar
thur Atack, pastor of Hanscom Park
Methodist church, will speak briefly
cn "Tuning- in With God," and then
the choir, directed by Walter B.
Graham, will offer a program of four
numbers, including a tenor solo by
George Saltsgiver. Mayme Vroman
will accompany the choir on piano. I
'How' ami W of
Radio Explained
Klertric Vatr, Comlfnttr
Detector, htc, ('nnfiiKCi Lay
man in Wircler Came.
iTtiU I imM lnlllmnl ( The
ft'm (NMnpUia tlurji r rolw.t
To the layman, tadio hat always
been a dark secret. How this should
be it a wonder, at there are many
science more dirticult to tinder, land
than wirrle. and there are numer
out things Irtt interesting to learn.
There are these salient uliectt of
radio that the amateur must learn
ahnut to understand the game com
pletely: electromagnetic wave, wave
lengths, ether, aerial, tuning coil, de
tector, condenser, receivers and
The elder through which magnetic
waves travel from broadcasting ,ta
tiont to receiving sets it the "misting
link of science, ' states Raymond
Francis Yates, one of .the foremost
experts on radio. To the layman it
is the air itself, so we'll let it rest at
Electric Waves.
Electromagnetic waves' are scc
irons shut out through the ether in
forms of invisible waves to he ab
sorbed by magnetic forces in the
form of steel obstructions, aerials,
mountains and radio receiving sets.
These waves may be likened in
theory to waves created on water
when a stone is thrown into it. The
length of electromagnetic waves is
measured from crest to crest. And
as electric waves travel 186.000 miles
a second, their length will depend
uDon the number of waves passing
through a given point in one second.
In other words, the wave length de
pends upon the- frequency.' The
waves in radio are .created by heavy
electric discharges, made possible
by broadcasting stations. Light,
radio and heat waves differ only in
length. Waves used m radio are
extremely long. Heat waves are
shorter and light waves are still
Direct current 'must he used with
the audio detector receiving set, a
highly sensitive device. .
It is different from alternating cur
rent in that direct current flows con
tinuously in one direction and, there
fore, creates high frequency to
eencrate radio waves. Such a fre
quency becomes- unmanageable and
leaps off into space, that is, it leaves
the wire or circuit through which it
is flowing and jumps out into the
ether, taking on the form of an elec
tric wave.
Storing Electricity.
The use u I a m a tadio
set it to store ui electricity, dis
charging the lull charge at once and
under high tension. A condenser,
when once fully charged, can cli
charge and recharge itself many
thoiuaud timet in a space of a sec
ond. Which makes our imagination
bump into a stone wall!
1 he vacuum tube and detector will
be discussed in another article. Let
us rest with the know ledge a
vacuum tub it capable of producing
continuous electromagnetic waves.
Producing the waves is half the bat
tle of radio. Detecting them is the
other half. We have learned that
an aerial and ground are necessary
in receiving and transmitting. To
the aerial is attached what is called
a "tuning coil." an instrumnt with
which is added wire to the aerial to
be of the same length as the aerial
from which the waves are sent.
Radio wavs are measured in meters.
A meter is .10.17 inches. If a J0O.
meter wave is approaching an aerial
there h only one way to induce it
to enter; we must have 200 meters
of wire in our circuit.
The Detector.
Electromagnetic waves are weak
ened somewhat on going through a
receiving set. ror that reason, a de
tector is necessary to revive them, as
it were. It is the function ot the de
tector to doctor ut the currents that
thev will he audible in the receivers,
It is made tin of a piece of crystal.
such as galena or carborundum, held
in a metallic cup with a tiny spring
or wire resting on its surface. Tins
device allows the currents to pass in
one direction onlv. If a station is
able to transmit 50 miles, all the re
ceiving stations within that distance
that have properly attuned will re
ceive the message. ,
The third installment on radio will
aoocar in these columns ot i nc nee
tomorrow. "Wireless lelcphony
will be the subject.
tll.M'ILk Wll.
A Great Joke.
Farmer Green played a great joke
cn his flock of sheep. At least that
what Niowliall thought. Since
be was not really one of Farmer
Green', floik, but belonging to John
nie Green, be escaped this joke him
self. And that was the reason why
b was able to laugh so heartily at
all his companion.
The ioke was this: Farmer Green
and the hired man sheared the
slurp. Close clipped, as they were,
the Hock looked very good. When
Snowball caught his first glimpse
of the young black ram, alter Farm
'I'll fcutt ?ovi for thstl"fct
cr Green had sheared him and turned
lulu bik into the 4ure, minus
time. Snot ball did I'ol know
Inn Jut for a moment Snowball
thought the young black ram t
new kind of dog
'Old dog Spot won't care (or tla
stranger," Snowball thought. He
was about to warn the stunner W
have the farm at once, when he saw
that he wasn't a dog alter all, For
Snowball noticed that he ate grass.
"He' a queer creatine. And
whatever be may be, Spot's sure to
dislike him. So I'll advise hmi to
run jlong, ait) how." snowball de
tided. So Snowball called out, "There's
an old dg on this (jriu that will
chase you if be eatchrs you here.
You'd better go away brfoic he limit
To fviow hall's amazement the
stranger looked at bun boldly and
said. "Baa-a-a!" Then, in a fla.h.
Snowball knew that it was the voice
of the young black ram, and no
"What' hai'i'ened M ou" Siio-!if course, was because he bad I'M
ball nad. a soun as be could speak
"lutein )ou heard the nrwsV
the black lamb a.ked him "Uidu't
you kuow lhat Farmer Green ajid
the hired man brguu to shear us? "
"Vol" Snowball evlimed.
"Well, they have," said the black
ram "And Farmer Gicen paid m
the honor of sbraiiug me biiu,el(,
the first of all "
"The honorl" Snow Ml related
"1 don't see why you think it's an
honor. Why, you're the querrtst
looking animal on the farm." And
he hruafl to l-iuun at the black tarn,
and blat at him.
Now, the black ram wat peppery
chap. He promptly lost bis temper
and stamped In feet and shook Ins
head at Snowball.
"I'll butt you for that!'' be bawled.
Once ."snowball would have re
treated. The black ram had alwavs
befn bth older and Signer than he.
Hut now, though the black ram was
still older, he looked smaller. That.
In, llcece He looked o mum
suuU.r tlut nowball was no longer
4liid of him.
For the first lime since he h1
come U the (arm to live. Snowball
loMried Ins brad at the black ram.
And he didn't even wait for the
hlaik ram to make the brst move.
Instead, Snowball charged him.
A moment later they met. head
to bead, with a shock that knocked
Snowball off liis feet.
"My goodness!" Snowball e
claimed at he picked himself up.
"You're bigger than you look."
"lo ton want any more?" ilis
Maik ram demanded fiercely. "I've
done you the honor to knock you
down. I nine enough?"
Snowball thought once wat even
too much, lie b-tt the black rant
hurrirdlt' and ran down toward the
Some very odd-looking creatures
were entering the pattnie.
'.I'M it:i i
A "Radio m the Schools move
ment is gathering momentum m
various parts of the country. Many
public schools have established suoi
courses, which have proven very
popular, and at a great number of
the higher schools radio clubs have
been active several months.
"Radio Communication Laws." a
government pamphlet, may be had
by mailing. 15 cents to the superin
tendent of documents, bureau of gov
ernment printing, Washington, D.
C. This book is issued by the radio
bureau of the Department of Com
merce and contains much data ot
interest and value to the amateur.
The Bee Book Shelf
SONALITY,' by Dr. Berman, pur
Ilthed hy MarMIMan, t, being com
pared with Huxley', Wrttlnaa.
In the very title of the book is an
indication of the viewpoint, the type
of treatment and the worth of Dr.
Bcrman's work. The- viewpoint is
apparently a struggle between two
motives. On the one hand, Berman
seems to share the native wish -of
every physiologist to "reduce" psy
chic life to chemical processes.
Loeb is a modern extremist of this
view. He looks forward to the
time when scientists will make pro
toplasm in the laboratory. But,
should this occur, far from being a
support of mechanism, it will be a
final demonstration that man makes
his organism and not vice versa.
Perman must recognize the sim
ple truism that life is not the Chemi
cal process, even that of a ductless
gland, but is the chemical process
recognized as such. The actual
truth is that life regulates the. duct
less glands, that is, builds up such
glands as are required in the ever
present task of mastering (adapt
ing), an environment. There is ac
cordingly a rather amusing con
trast between .Pr. Berman's "robus
tious pajhos" with which he speaks
of "the religion of science," and the
loose way he shows what the actual
significance of science is.
It is unusual for a biologist to
have the penchant for phrases that
Berman shows. In this respect he
contrasts sharply with Sherrington,
Cannon, Pawlow. who arc the rec
ognized authorities. On the subject
of endocrinology. Compare hi3
flowing style with the cautious pro
cedure of Morpsn. Jennings, Wilson
and Charles Child; the conclusion j
will be that Berman is to be regard
ed as a popularizer of a highly dif
ficult subject; and like all popular
izors he speaks with a tone of cer
tainty about matters that are far
from established. His "analysis" of
Napoleon and dozens of other great
personages are, of course, dare
devil inferences; they are oictur
esque if not actually physico
chemical. Molly was a native daughter of
south California and the old family
home, Alloway place, was a notable
center of hospitality. Harriet V. C.
Ogdcn. in her new book, "Then Came
Molly." writes .of the Alloway fam
ily. "The Alloway family, besides
the heavenly creed bequeathed to
them by their ancestors and comfort
ably accepted and carefully lived up
to, held an earthly creed consist
ing of three parts: the United States
is the finest country in the world.
South Carolina is the finest state in
the onion and the Alloways are the
finest family in the state."
Molly Prioleau was of the house of
Alloways. The author has made her
a girl of sterling characteristics and
has fashioned a story that has one
setting in South Carolinia and the
other in New York. The book has
no overtones of thrilling situations,
but it carries the reader along in a
pleasing manner. It is an interest
ing romance. Molly goes to the. great
city, studies art, and she meets the
man who fills her life completely.
By the Penn Publishing company,
Sikh. Tha Century Company, New
Returning home from France
where he was wounded during the
war, and recovering from a year's
lapse of memory during which he
could remember nothing of his-ore-
vious- life, -Shoe-Bar Strattoh returns
to find the ranch he had bought just
before enlisting m- the- army, in pos
session of a pretty, oung girl. ..
He learns that-tfie girl is the
daughter of the lawyer in whose
hands" he .left his affairs when he
went to war.
An air of mystery pervades the
environments of his ranch and seek
ing to get' at the bottom'of things,
he hires out to the girl as an or
dinary cow hand. .
His vicissitudes in fathoming the
crookedness which he knows exists
among the ranch crew and his double-action
straightforward way of
plowing through, them fills the book
of "Shoe-Bar Stratton," by Joseph
B. Ames (Century) with plenty of
action and thrills.
Himself. Houghton MKfllln company,
And now we know just how the
world looks to the well-known
"Tired Business Man," the fellow to
whom all sorts of musical comedies,
midnight supper parties and the like
are dedicated. For the "Reflections
of a T. B. M." by Himself, (Hough
ton Mifflin), are papers which allow
us to peep through the- glasses of
that proverbial American type at
those around us.
Here are the characters to whom
these caustic essays arc' directed:
A Wife's Best Friend, The Modem
Mother, The Lady Next Door, The
Trained Nurse, The Show Girl, A
Mother-in-Law, The New Stenog
rapher, A Near-Flapper, The Chief
Operator, The Athletic Girl, The
Authoress, The New Voter, The
Debutante, A Neighbor Once Re
moved, Sister, Topsy-Turvy. The
book is illustrated with silhouettes.
Noted Rembrandt Canvas
Stolen From German Museum
Stuttgart, Germany, June 6 (By
A. P.) Rembrandt's well-known
painting, "St. Paul in Prison," exe
cuted m 1627 and valued at 5.000,000
marks, has been stolen from the gov
ernment art museum here. A reward
of 50,000 marks has-been offered for i
information leading to the identifi
cation of the thief and the return of :
the painting.
VESTS and step-ins in a variety
of colors and materials. Some
white, with orchid, rose, or
blue bindings, at $1.00 each.
$1.00 -$1.95
Sheer cotton teddies of voile or
batiste in an assortment of colors.
Some tailleured, others trimmed
with embroidery and laces, or fin
ished with medallions.
Lingerie Shop 'Main Floor
A 20 per cent discount on all switches. In
the offering are switches of all shades and
lengths, including a large assortment of
gray. Ear puffs, regularly $8.50, will be
$4.49, and American bobs, regularly $10.00
and $12.50, will be $6.45.
Beauty Shop Second Floor
DAINTY, cool blouses of striped,
barred, or stitched dimity, tis
sue gingham, or voile that add
a jaunty touch to the sweater or
suit. Peter Pan, V, or tuxedo styles
with gingham, pique or linen collars
and cuffs that are trimmed with
Irish crochet, val or filet lacp, and
come in colors of tan, white, reen,
and rose. Overblouses or tuck-ins
for $3.95.
BIoum Shop Main Floor
For protection from the sun and wind and
to insure freshness after a day of sport,
we have a full line of creams, talcums, and
perfumes created especially for summer
use. For those freckles that are sure to
come, we have creams that will soon rid
Toilet Goods Shop Main Floor.
FOR Wednesday we are offering
200 bandeaux, formerly priced
from $1.50 to $2.00, for 98c.
Made of satin, silk jersey, brocade,
and lace. A good assortment of
each style, fastened either front or
Girdles that afford both comfort
and coolness in summer, made of
combination cutel and elastic with
closed back. Sizes 24-28. Regular
$2.00 values.
Corset Shop Main Floor
For the girl or woman who swims we have
a one-piece suit of finest pure worsted in
solid colors, or in a bright colored striped
combinatoin. Priced from $5.50 to $9.50.
Worsted hosettes to match, '$2. Non-rust
buckles and belt, 50c.
Main Floor
Dog Hill Paragrafs
By George Bingham.
While Poke Eazley, Atlas Peck,
Columbus Allsop and Sim Flinders
are generally supposed to be the
pillars of the Dog Hill church, yet
the four big wooden blocks at the
corners of the building should be
given some credit for the part they
Luke Mathewsla says there are a
fine lot of promising young men who
would .not take a good job if it was
wrapped up in tissue paper and
laid on the pool table in front of
Cricket Hicks has a picture of him
self that is almost just exactly like
him in the face.
.vi. m
Yeast Foam Tablets are a wonder
ful aid in correcting skin disorders
such os pimple, boils, flabbiness
and sallow complexion.
Your mirror knows
Make it tell!
Tonight when you go home, consult
your mirror ' carefully. Study your
skin; see if it is firm, clear and clean.
Find out if your complexion has a
fresh, healthy color.
If you're not pleased with the condi
tion of your skin, get a bottle of Yeast
Foam Tablets. Take them regularly and
then repeat this examination in three
or four weeks,
The vitamin B, in which Yeast Foam
Tablets are so rich, is a food element
not a medicincThese tablets are a
skin corrective that reaches the real
seat of the trouble.
They are told by all druggists
Northwestern Yeast Co., Chicago, HI.
Makers of the famous baling yeasts,
Yeast Foam and Magic Yeast
What Yeast
Foam Tablets
are for
loss of appetite
lack of energy
under weight
pimples boils
run-down conditions
""""" y
the only pun whoh yast in convenient tablet firm
-A Premier for $4 a Month-
A Premier for $4 a Month-
Comfort i Convenience
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Every housewife who owns an electric
sweeper wouldn't give it up and
everyone who hasn't one wants one.
Here is your opportunity to secure a
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on most inducive terms that
should appeal to everyone.
1 Down
ThU lamp
(while they
l.t) FREE
with each
Nebraska Pill Power Co.
- A Premier for $4 a Month-
A Premier for $4 a Month-