13 Ships Privately Owned Urged as Key to Problem 3,317 Slrel VtwI. Plying Sea in 1920 ISiinilifr Drop to 117 in May. 1922. By A. D. LASKER. ArtlcU 4. Tli complrtion of the govern ment's shipbuilding program found it with the following lied: Mstus of I'mtrd State shipping board fleet at delivery of last ves sel, May 13. I'i2: No It. W. T. 'Mnr ami cargo 1 ix.lll , ,rf .: I.TtMl TaaUr t.(ri.rlof I II. W! tut M T01.lt . 1.411 ia.lsl.IIO Wun4 No. It. W. T. -ri M 171.141 Tuss tS ........ Toi.U 71.41 i.'onrr.t. No. II. W. T. ir,o Tsnk.r J Totals S3.JS1 Through the agency of the Emer gency r Icet corporation, (whose ' ttock it owned by the Shipping board, representing the national gov ernment) the ships originally intend ed for war purposes were, at the con ; elusion of the war, under mandate of congress, immediately put into operation by and under the govern ment, to meet America's peace time needs. J At the height or its operations, ', October, 1920, the shipping board had ; 1,317 steel ships plying between our shores and those of foreign markets. : With the decline whicti has come in THK DKU: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, JUNK 7. 1922. JACK HOLT BEBE DANIELS la aa Outdoor Clastic North the Rio Grande The moat beautiful and ar ticle acanie avar acraaned. MY COUNTRY BEN TURPIN in "STEP FORWARD" Continuous Dally Starting at t P. M. A Satisfying Show of SIX STELLAR VAUDEVILLE ACTS Be! a Pleating Photoplay NEXT SATURDAY "June Jubilee" Headed by WILLARD MACK Himself, is Hia Success, "KICK IN" The Object OF INVESTING ia frequently to obtain a regular income from aurplua funds. THE JtEAL INVESTOR makea cer tain hia capital ia safe and then endeavors to secure the highest possible tat contingent on that security. INVEST TODAY where your money will earn 6. dividends quar terly, with first mortgages on homes aa security. ASSETS ..... $9,556,000 RESERVE .... 406,700 BUILDING "LOAN ASSOCIATION Ilia AND HARNEY 33 YEARS IN OMAHA Say Ben Gay at any drag tote and you will get a tube of the original Francis Baume Bengud (AaalgaV siquc),theo. apply as follows: First oak the feet in hot water wipe dry and rob the entire surface thoroughly with Baume. Keep a tuba handy for rheumatic pains. THOS. UEXflNO ft CO. NEW YORK v , ADVERTISEMENT. ? THE 1XBEPENDENT WOMAN ', is one of the brightest jewels which adorns our modern, economic sys C tern. But too often this independence is gained at the cost of health, and the wage-earning woman struggles 2; through ber duties, a prey to nerv- ousness,' backache and despondency. Does not her independence then be t come more of a burden than a joy? r Ljdia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Com- pound has helped many such women '" to regain their zest in life and will help many more i world trade we aie now tMv Hi operating 447 atcvl ships, of a loul of .1, '.7J.01 4 dradweiiitit tons, and have v.U steel ships, ol a total uf 0,4:,JlO tons, tied up. l or the purposes of the future, in surveying the government's fleet, we may eliminate the wooden ships, the creation of which, to my mind, wA a colossal error that even war cannot forgive. Certainly the then admicis trillion had ample warning through lien. Oocthals of the tragedy of waste the wooden ship program entailed. The wooden ship program to date cost over f JUO.UOO.OUO, with unliquid ated claims still to be adjudicated, and nude practically no contribution to either war or peace carriage. They rightly deserve the ridicule which has been heaped on them. Thus, the government's problem of temporary operation and ultimate dis position is involved in the 1.430 steel ships which it possesses. Hard Competition Abroad. When shipping board operation were at their height American ves sels carried 45 per cent of the value of our in-and-out foreign com merce. Today with business de pressed, we are carrying but 35 per rent; this is due largely to the fact that in tiroes of sore depression the nations with either or both old es tablished lines and lower standards of living make it hard for us to compete. However, the 447 steel ships the government is operating today are covering practically every trade route in the world, insuring constant ac cess to the markets available for the products of America. Immediately after the close of the j war lud 4e imt ptred the gov ernment !- there is no doubt that Irtik-Ms woulil have niel cveu higher than they did; and today were Anient s government owneq ton natie withdrawn from the seas our traders would pay increased tolls to foreign owners. So we must re member that while the operation of the fleet it costing us millions, it is saving us millions in freights and in suring us continuous relations with our customers. What Board Costa Today. The Shipping board including ad ministrative expense,' cost of tieup and maintenance of its unused fleet, and the operation of over 400 ships it being run at a casit outlay to tne treasury approximating $50,000,000 annually. This does not take into ac count the cost of the ships and con sequent capital charges, It it true that overhead would not be greatly increased if the operation of more ships were needed to take care of America's trade. But my ex perience at chairman of the Shipping board has caused me to realize, as I never realized before, that govern. ment operation it at poiton ivy in the garden of industry.- Throueh check and balances re quired under government ownership, I initiative on the part ol tmloyr i, in large uua.utr, killed or foi bidden. J hat inspiration wlm.li comes through pi out and the building (or one' sell (or the future is utterly lacking. So, in the combined lack of initiative and inspiration, there is not created that vision which it necessary (or permanent upbuilding. Private Owner Did Better. 1 do not want to D understood as insinuating that the Shipping board it not today making a very good operation of the ships it it running. Jn itt early history, however, because of the vast fleet it had to run without properly trained organization, the result! obtained were by no meant those produced by private owner thin; and no one will so argue. But I will aver that under the Harding administration the shipping fe&C Special Weak at June B to II, Inclusive. Large Class ol Avaloa Crap Drink, Two Lars Dslkloua Sugar Cookiae, Choice ol Special Ham or Caeeee Sane- wUb ALL FOR 10c ALL SIX RESTAURANTS Loard't operation has become com pilable to the h-t operations ol privately owned ship, ll is a blind American who, at equal prices, with service comparable to the best, fails to give overwhelming preference to hit government owned ships, for tlyy are the best insurance he has of sure carriage to his overseas customers until private American ownership comrt into being. The point 1 wish to emphasize, though, is that government owner. ship, while today satisfactory for im mediate need, is not building up (or the future, and is overly costly in its operations at all timet. While we are losing (50.000,000 an nuaiiy in cash, in operation, we are Plunge ! f NOW is the time for that first dip of the season into the clean, fresh waters of the big gest, most beautiful lake within many miles of this city. HOP on the Street Car, a few minutes ride, then hurry across the lake in a speedy elec tric launch, and into a bathing suit kept clean and ready for you, and then And Then! Splash ! A ANY OTHER ATTRACTIONS invite you, in-l-1 eluding the comfortable, lakeside dance pa vilion; the rides, the games, the free and fully equipped picnic park, playground, free movies, cafeteria, reasonable prices everywhere in the park, and remember Admission is Free! ORPHEUS ALL WEEK THE ORPHEUM PLAYERS IN "The Hottentot" A Riot of Laugbtor Mats. TuM.-Tku.-SaU Sa-SSc NEXT WEEK "The Broken Wing" Sao lbs Aeroplane Crash Coo last Spot In Oinsha Built for Omahana' Outdoor Eatortalananl Brlnf your baakat and enjoy your lunch In the park (rova, which ia bita and 4ry, clean and sanitary. WEDNESDAY NIGHT "PAGLIACCI" Biff Spectacular Comedy and Danco FRIDAY NIGHT FIREWORKS for All to Enjoy Swim Dance Ride AT KRUG PARK LAST TIMES TONIGHT NORMA "The Safely TALMADGE Curiam" STARTS TOMORROW CONSTANCE TALMADGE Wanda Hawley Harrison Ford in "A Pair of Silk Stockings" wearing ttiit the llret. an4 ill the i-oiif.e of a lew years it will be of no worth. Nowhere have I heard any voice suggesting that the govern ment build further merchant ships, and only through private ownership can we see hope of renewals and ad ditions that will be needed. So while at the moment we are not only justified but our national need demands that we continue the sjd losses of operation of the ship ping bo4rd until we can work out a national policy that will insure lite passage of the fleet into private hands, we have no excuse for not im mediately tackling our problem and solving it. The main factors of our problem are, what kind of merchant marine do we require for war needs; how can we use the government-owned fleet m nucleus of these nerd? !.... :.(.... 1 1, Iiaa offered tr r icwi " . Mr i congress a program of legislation which will provide the solution. ) In toy nest article I tball discus our war needs in merchant marine. Ilk rush article Into aorta UI pssvr lisrrr ALL WEEK "The Green Temptation" featuring BETTY COMPTON, THEODORE KOSLOFF end MAHLOK HAMILTON Dance -Thrills -Romance Also LLOYD HAMILTON . in "Poor Boy" A comedy with hundred laughs ' ' l ' Now I i i Vi tdevtfft If Rctffrt KZS 111 'm.sltowsmjmi NOW SHOWING "Queen of the Turf" A thrilling race horse photoplay NOW SHOWING STEWART EDWARD WHITE'S "The Gray Dawn" with Robl. McKim and Claim Adaraa A COOL, REFRESHING CAFETERIA AND CAFE in which to hava your Luncheon. A Complete Luncheon, 35c. You will find .everything here in the way of fresh vegetables, fruits and cold meats laid before you in a clean, wholesome, appetizing display, ready for your selection. HOTEL CASTLE CAFE AND CAFETERIA inis is w w ---umana Grain Exchange Station" You Can Hear the Programs Broadcast From the Grain Exchange Anywhere in Omaha With a Custer Air Bug Every boy and girl in Omaha can get the Grain Exchange Station with a Custer Air Bug, whenever it is broadcasting. The Omaha Bee is sending out concerts, lectures and news matter through this station nearly every evening. Get an "Air Bug" and pick 'em out of the ozone at will! What the Custer Air Bug Is This is a radio receiving set, including two post insulators, one tube insulator, eighty feet of cop per wire for antenna and ground, and the Air Bug itself. All you need to "listen in" is a pair of phones. The set is easy to work and you don't have to be a magician or a mechanic. Just adjust the connections as the instruction sheet tells you to, and your "Air Bug" is ready. How to Get One Free Clip out the coupon, and get four people to sign it. Tell some of your older friends you are work ing to earn a radio receiving set, and they will be glad to sign up to help you. Get Busythe "Air Bugs11 Are Going Like Wild Fire . This 1 coupon, when it is all signed up, will entitle you to an Air Bug when brought to The Omaha Bee r SUBSCRIPTION BLANK 1 Date. Bond's Offers Genuine aim P Beach .Pamrits cn x All Styles AH Sizes No suit you have needs the extra pair of pants as much as your summer suit. You can keep one pair cleaned and pressed and get every day wear from these suits. Bond's Clothes are Quality Clothes These special Paim Beach Suits are made just as carefully of the best materials obtainable and in the very latest styles as are all of Bond's Clothes. A Bond suit is made accord ing to strict tailoring specifications that as sure shape retaining qualities and this applies just as much to summer suits as to any other Bond's suit. THE OMAHA BEE, Omaha, Neb. I want to sea No. and Street f. White Flannel Trousers Clark & Danner's finest quality flannel (there is none $700 better made) tailored correctly for perfect fit at I earn a CUSTER AIR BUG and will assure my little friend of my sup. port by subscribing to The (Morning) (Evening) and Sunday Bee for Three Months. Alterations FREE i 1. Name...... Address. I Name Address . 3. Name Address. 4. Name Address. L Do not sign this subscription blank if you are now a subscriber to The Omaha Bee. J IL New York Cleveland Detroit Akron Toledo Pittsburgh Youngslown IMJ 1514 Farnam St. Omaha Louisville Columbus St. Louis Kansas City Lorain Cincinnati Jl