Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    flit! DLL: OMAHA, iL&sun. w4fe to. itfi
uu: ni r
) U ( Brown Located,
Police Believe
Small Girl in Neighborhood of
Man Hunt Friday Said
. Fugitive Stayed at
Her Home.
Iti hflieve lUcy luve located
the houe w litre Fred Brown, fugi
tive J-riday afternoon and eve
ning duryig the intertiitird nun hunt
for him in tha vicinity of r'ontcneUe
' ...... .1:.1. .-
) Vi 1'ortielh and Ohio Hreet yerrday
I mi 1 reuort Brown had been wen.
TJirre they vere told by neighbor,
according to their report to head
quarter, that the 8-year-old daugh
ter of man living in that neighbor,
hood had aid I! row 11 stayed at her
home that night.
Detective knocked on the door.
S Entranct Forced.
No one anwered. o they forced
an entrance and searched the house.
They found no one home id no
one in hiding.
In the kitchen wa a batch of cold
Other detective were ent from
Central headquarter to the office of
'olii:e Commissioner Henry Dunn
jji the city hall during the morning.
Aliere they held a secret session.
Tln.11 tlirv Haslipcl nut mvsteriouslv
and sped away in their automobiles,
supposedly on the Brown case. They
have not returned.
Warden W. F. Fenton of the state
penitentiary came to Omaha yester
day to join in the hunt for Brown. He
declared he will remain in Omaha
on the case a long as the officer in
charge want hint.
Hyera Returns.
Uat Sheriff P.n Hvers. who Sun
day withdrew from the man hunt
and returned to his neaaquarter at
Lincoln, came back to Omaha yes
terday. "I'm going to .stay here," said he,
"until ' I get a positive cfue that
Brown is somewhere else."
Pilot W. C Hopson and James
King, assistant superintendent of the
Blind Youth Receives
Degree From Creighton
Henry J. Gierau. president of the
Nebraska Aisociattou of Worker for
the Blind, received a degree of f'h B.
at Creighton university Saturday. He
ha been totally blind since 12 yean
Mr. Gierau lw studied liberal art
three year at Creighton and on year
in law. Hit home if at Springvicw,
Keya Paha county, where nit father,
1'aul Gierau, ha lived 40 year.
The lo e( sight did not discourage
tliit Nebraska!) from improving hi
condition. He attended a conserva
tory of niiuic at Lincoln one year.
He will be a candidate for superin
tendent of inirucmn in Keya 1'aha
county this year.
(( 6K0AU V:sftfet
V N r ' - ' kr .
rn .
air mail station, flew 100 miles Sun
day, searching for Brown. They
worked in co-operation with Sheriff
Hyers. At times their plane circled
as close as 10 feet from the ground,
King said. They,, found no trace of
the fugitive. ;
Ex'Head of Legion Files
in Sixth for Congress
Lincoln, June 5. Robert G. Sim
mons of ScottsbltilT, former state
commander of the American Legion,
and retiring president of the Nebras
ka University Alumni association,
filed papers today with the secretary
of 'State as a candidate for congress
in the Sixth congressional district,
to succeed Congressman M. P. Kin
kaid. Mr. Simmons enters the race as a
republican candidate. He i opposed
in the race, so far, by Secretary of
State D. M. Amsberry.
Congressman Kinkaid has not of
fically announced his candidacy for
the nomination.
Matthew Rock to Continue
in Congress Race If Called
Geneva, Neb., June 5. (Special.)
Recovery from a recent severe ill
ness has prompted Matthew J. Rock
of Geneva to announce that should
the people desire him to continue
his candidacy for the democratic
nomination for congress from the
Fourth district he will remain in the
Read The Bee all the way through.
You will find it interesting.
$16,810 Awarded
U. P. Employe for
Loss of Eyesight
Verdict One of Largest Ever
Handad Down for Damages
in Douglas County Di
trict Court s
A seated verdict returned Saturday
night by a district court jury was
opened in Judge Day' court room
yesterday morning at 9, awarding
$46,140.11 damage from the Union
facific Railroad company to John
O'llara, 21, 8J0 Eighth avenue, Court
cil Bluff.
Thi i one of the largest verdict
for damage ever awarded in the
Douglas county district court.
O'Hara sued the Union Pacific two
years ago for $100,000 for the lot of
nil eyesight. It was alleged he was
working for the Union Pacific in the
1 yards in Council Bluff in 1919. and.
! when ordered by a foreman to take a
'cap off a slender wire found in
coal car, the cap exploded, blinding
both hi eyes. '1 he cap later wa
found to be an electric fulminating
cap, a high explosive used in coal
Two years ago the suit was thrown
out of court on the ground there wa
no evidence of negligence on the part
of the railroad. The case then was
taken Nto the state supreme court,
which handed down an opinion that
there was an abundance of negli
The verdict i the result of a second
Father of Six Children
Shot by Brother of Girl
Chicago. June 5. Fortunato Apan-
('erea. father of six children, wa (hot
five times last night by Anthony Vi
telo, brother of Josephine Vitelo,
with whom Apanderea had an ap
pointment, it is said. Apanderea had
been warned by relatives or Joseph
ine to stay away from the girl be
cause he is a married man. failure
to heed the warning, it is believed,
resulted in the shooting. ' Vitelo
At Your Dealers
This Week
Present the coupon to any
tore named below. You
win receive a 10-Day Tttbe
of Pepsodent Get it today,
then watch the delightful
effects on the teeth
Qroelt to Them
deposits on teeth which may otherwise
ferment and form acids.
It multiplies the alkalinity of the
saliva. That is Nature's neutralizer .
for the acids which cause decay.
Every application gives these great -tooth-protecting
forces multiplied ef- y
feet ..
This trial tube watch their teeth improve
H you prefer, lei your cb&iren make
this test. Let them brush their teeth a
i few days in this modern way. Then
I look and see what film removal means.
This is a way to whiter, cleaner,
safer teeth. Millions now employ it.
Leading dentists everywhere advise it.
. Let someone in your home this week
show the benefits it brings.
'Why teeth look clingy
' Your teeth are coated with a viscous
, film. You can feel it with your tongue.
It clings to teeth, gets, between the
teeth and stays. It duns and may ruin
l. teeth.
Ordinary tooth pastes do not .effec
tively combat it So film-coats have
been almost universal
Film absorbs stains, making the teeth
look dingy. Film is the basis of tartar.
. It holds food substance which ferments
and forms acids. It holds the acids in
contact with the teeth to cause decay.
: Germs breed by millions in it They,
with tartar, are the chief cause of pyor
rhea. Thus most tooth troubles are
now traced to film, and, despite the
tooth brush, they have constantly in
Must remove it dairy
Dental science has long been Seeking
a daily film combatant Now two effec
tive methods have been, found. Au
thorities have proved them by many
careful tests. ! ,
A new-day tooth paste has been per
fected, to comply with modern require
ments. And these two film combatants
are embodied in it The name of the
tooth paste is Pepsodent
Millions of people of some forty
races now employ it daily, largely by
dental advice.
Two other new effects
Pepsodent brings two other effects
which authorities now deem essential.
It multiplies the starch digestant in
saliva. That is there to digest starch
The New-Day Dentifrice
Now advised by leading dentists nearly aD the world over.
AO druggists supply the large tabes.
Present the coupon this week to
SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO., 16th and Dodge,
24th and Fanuun, 19th and Farnam, 16th and Harney,
49th and Dodge. '
! CLARK DRUG CO., 502 Broadway, Council Bluff a, la.
TAFFE DRUG CO., Council Bluffs, la.
Real protection now
Now you can know what really clean
teeth mean. Pepsodent fights film
coats, starch and acids all the great
tooth enemies. Then it leaves the mouth
in normal alkaline condition. The glis
tening teem you see everywhere now
show something of the benefits . it
brings; .
New beauty in a week
The Pepsodent effects are quickly
seen and f eh. This test win be a revel
ation to you."
Present the coupon for va 10-Day
Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel
after using. Mark the absence of the
viscous film. See how teeth whiten as
the film-coats disappear. Note the re
freshing taste it leaves.
It will bring you prettier teem, and
quickly. But, more than that, it will
bring you safer teeth. Cut out the
coupon so you won't forget
ivtMBt tnaa
to, to any store
with Mar name and addrca flUed
It is food for a 10-Day Tub of
Yoaf Nana ... ... . w. . ..?--. r
Address ,w
oot-ot-towa retMenta'abowa man una coapoa to Too
Pepaodent Company, 1104 So. Wabaafa Ave, Chicago, and
the tuba win b seat by mafl.
- - -n.
Teao: mm
Tuesday SalerosLingerie Blouses
Sizes 34
to 46
Usually Sold
at 1.50 to
1 i
Vr Al f like srood old times) 1.500 at them are offered in this sale in . ' I wTi
i Bh v a
A smart summer blouse for a dollar! ' Doesn't that sound
like good old times? 1,500 of them are offered in this sale in
most every imaerinable variation of the tub blouse.' Hieh '
necks and low necks, Peter Pan collars, shawl collars and convertible collars. Short sleeves and long
sleeves. The materials are fine voile and batiste, either plain or figured. Why not choose a generous
supply ror warm weatner. 1 .
. Second Floor- South
Reduced Prices on Notions
Rubberized Kitchen Aprons Regu
larly 50c; OQ
8pecial, J7v
Faultless Sanitary Napkins Regu
larly 50c per dozen; QCa
special, per dozen, JuC
Rick-Rack Braid All colors, O '
per yard, C
Shell and Amber Color Hair Pins
Regularly 10c ; H
per box, I C
Supreme Dressing Pins 300 count,
needlepoint pins; regu- 1
larly 10c ; special, Uv
M. A K. Marking CottonTurkey
red; 30-yard spools; 0
per spool, alt
Remnants ef . Elastic'
' Each; -; '' ',; ;
Art 'Gum Regularly 'J
10c; special, ,. I C
Hickory Rubber Sanitary Aprons
, White and flesh; regularly CA
69c; special,, . . OUC
Hickory Waists For boys JC
and girls, special. ; 4jC
Stickerei- Braid All fast col- 1 A
ors ; special, per bolt, 1 "C
' . Main Floor South
Rubber Pants for Babies . OC
Special, i faJC
Shirlasttc Garment-Bolero Shield.
Fits any garment; regu- CQ
larly 1.00; special, , V7C
King's Sewing' Thread 200-yard!
spools ; black or white ; C
special, per sppol, vC
Tee Jay Pressing Cloths Won't
scorch ; regularly 50c ; 1A
special, OtC
Ocean Pearl Buttons ; O
Per card, - ' U
Rust-Proof Snap Fastener
Per card, ' . ; '
Hosiery Specials
Women' Thread Silk Hosiery Black,
Drown ana wnne; suk 10 me n
heels: all sizes: Der nair. JL
Infants' and Children's Rolled Top
Socks In plain and fancy col
ors; all sizes; full fashioned; '
per pair,
Main Floor North : '.
Fancy Wash Laces
French Vals, Crochet Edges and Imita-
tion wiuny traces ana inser
tionsMany to match; all
widths; values up to 12c;
per yard,
Shadow Laces Camisole
Points, 3 to 5 inches wide;
nice, fine quality; worth up
to 25c; per yard,
Mam Floor Center .
Designed for free
dom and comfort in
dancing, riding, mo
toring, bathing or
morning , wear, the
corselette combines
the advantages of a
bandeau and a con
finer for the abdo
men. Attached hose
supporters keep
stockings looking
trim. . Furthermore it
is easily laundered.
Sizes 34 to 40.
Third Floor North
Silk Mesh Veiling
A fresh, newjeil smartly worn, is one of the--tr
mendous trifles of the successful costume. Plain'
mesh veilintr or with minr-a -?. , .
chenille dots may be had at,
per yard,
Main Floor North
Imported Bead
Ivory finish; most attractive are
these imported necklaces made of
beautifully carved ivory finished
beads. Opera length, 24 and SO
inches. Worth 2.75.
Main Floor East
b Witt's Classic
Klondikes, 39c
You can see this delectable con
fection of maple nut and pineapple
fruit being made on our demonstra
tion table Tuesday. Take some
home for the children. They're
pure and wholesome.
Main Floor West
June Clearance
Wafl Paper
. An assortment of pa
pers for bedrooms,, halls,
dining, rooms and living
rooms.) Values from 17c
to 32c, roll .
Cutout borders to match.
Our contractor can do
your work" at once.
Fifth FloorWest
10 Bars for
Large bars, white laundry soapf
lathers freely. j -
Fifth Floor West
Women's Cottoh
Union Suits
In loose and tight-knee styles, bodice
or regulation top ; regular and, extra
Bn.cs; regular oc to
85c values; special,
: per suit,
Third Floor Center i ;
Our Great Silk Sale Continues With
Wonderful Prices on Silks of -Every Weave
vmans, nro.
v ,