2 Hit BKE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. JUNK 6. 1922. i President ravs Tribute to Heroes ofLpst.Causc'1 Jyinn Veterans of Cohffdcr. aiy in CVrfinoiiie in Honor of Coniraik Who Had Gone on Lat March. Wasliiueton. June 5 The prc5 tlrnt of the United States, himself the sou of a union veteran, joined with gray-clad. Kry-l-ired veteran ol the conirdcracy who mxxi witn bowed head at the graves of the ir.mradrs of "the lost came yester day in Arlington cemrtrry to fay an mini trilxite of love and remem hranre to those who had gone 4ii the l.it lonir march. Standing lirneath the dr(Kpitijl fold of the Stan and Stripe, Presi dent Harding uttered a prayer of gratitude for a reunited nation. whose foundation, he said, had been , cnxnted hy the Mood of confeder ate and federal alike. Mr. Harding was not on the pro gram and hit appearance was a sur prise to the crowd which had gath ered for the ceremony in the con federate tec t ion of the cemetery. To the tons and daughter! of vet eran! Mr. Harding added a word of tribute. "Speaking at the son of one who fought in the union cause," he said, "I wait to say that I have only gratitude, commendation and the sincerest tribute a man can utter for their sons and daughters who have lived in the greater aftermath and ably assisted in turning disunion in to union, turning discord into' con cord and reclaiming for posterity all those things so essential to the wel fare of this republic." Tribute to the spirit of the veterans and sons of the gray tn turning de feat into rebuilding of the nation was spoken by the president, who de clared he wished to pay the greatest tribute to you of the gray" and his tribute Was one for the man who bore up as a loser. "It is easier to forgive and forget if you are on the triumphant side," said 'Air. Harding, "but it takes a bigger heart to forgive and forget if you have gone down in defeat in the lost cause. I would like to see more of this fellowship and comradeship which marks a united America. 25 Mexican Soldiers Killed. Mexico City, June 5. Twenty-five soldiers were killed Saturday night when a krain was blown up between Tomellin and Santa Catarina, Tlax cala. according to the newspaper La Raa Alt V ERT1SEM EXT. HENRY SPENCER, well known and respected citizen of Water town,' N. Y who reports te has gained 13 pounds since he began taking Tanlac and always tells his friends how this medicine restored his health. "My friends often say: 'Never saw you looking ' better; what are' you doing for yourself?' and I always tell them: 'Well, I am taking Tanlac now'," recently declared Henry Spen cer, 415 East St., Watertown, a well known and highly respected citizen. "For more than a year;" he said, "I seemed to be run down all over. From 160poiuds I fell off to I3S, lost my appetite and my stomach gave me no end of trouble. The little I ate caused jiie to bloat with , gas and I was subject to dull, heavy headaches. I had no eac. gy and it was all I could do to get around the house. I had duxy spells when everything would blur before my eyes and I had to catch myself to keep from falling. "Well, now, I have gained IS pounds, feel better in every way and can work as well as ever, since taking Tanlac. .. I relish what I eat, with a fine appetite, and gas, indigestion, headache and dizziness are complete ly gone. Yes. sir, I just can't say too much for Tanlac." - Tanlac is sold by all good drug gists. - - Aieyra'nUthe wA" la Ual I 8.S.8. IseaeettheiMsSes . s harwsk try. - i-'ti---.'--- (Soodbv Ms! ( MM Finger Amputated in Ventilator Fan F.dward L SmHh. 19. of I'biUdfl nhia. dishwasher at the Hutpodraim cafe, Eighteenth and Doug Us streets. raised his hands m tht sir auitnay r vesting ind after lx lowered them no ticed some blood on ths floor. On investigation, h found ths littls finger of his right hand had been amputated in ths electric exhaust vtntilator fan. On his left hand is a scar which he says he received when he rsind his handi in the air while tendvng s target on the army range at the Presidio in California, and bullet grased it. . "1 thought I was killed that time." he said, "and when my little finger was amputated I didn't even feel it. It's a queer world" Grading System for Grain Will Stand Unchanged House Committee on Agricul ture Decides Against Elim ination of Moisture Con tent Method. Washington, June S. (Special Telegram.) The house committee on agriculture today definitely de cided there will be no further changes in ths present grain grading system for some time to come. The committee today took up for consideration the Steenerion bill, which would eliminate moisture con tent as a feature in establishing the grade of wheat. Secretar of Agriculture Wallace and Dr. Taylor, head of the bureau of markets, appeared before the com mittee and explained they had adopted means to obviate the legiti mate objections that might be raised to the use of moisture content in grading. Their method is to have the moisture content or the extent of foreign substance stated on the certificate establishing the grade of any given quantity of wheat. Both officials held that to eliminate mois ture content as a feature in grading would tend to lower the standards of wheat. ' The committee held with depart ment officials and defeated the Steen erson measure, 8 to 2. ' All other grain grading measures are pushed aside, pending the work ing out of the new features of the system worked out by Mr. Wallace and his Officials. The committee on agriculture de cided, also, to take up at once con sideration of the Capper-Tincher bill regulating trading in grain futures. which is substituted for the measure which was declared unconstitutional by the supreme court. ' Members of the senate have said it -was unlikely this measure could be passed in the senate this session, but the farm bloc has decided to get behind it and rush it through the house, if possible, in the hope that the senate may be-able to consider it in the closing hours of the session. Lad Admits Train Wrecking Attempt York Youth Held Admits Trying to Make Passenger Train Pile Up. York, Neb., - June 5. (Special Telegram.) William Lee, 18, is held in the county jail in connection with the attempt to wreck the Chicago '& Northwestern passenger train here about a month ago. He was arrested by Special Agent F. M. Sempeck- of Norfolk about 4 this afternoon. Lee is employed as a delivery' boy by a grocer. . Before Sheriff Jay Miller. Chief of Police Olson and Sempeck the lad confessed to the . attempted wreck. Preliminary hearing of the case is set for tomorrow. ', Youth Bathing in River Drowned Near DeWitt, Neb. Beatrice, Neb., June 5. (Special Telegram.) Charles Wenzel, 18, was uruwneu in ine oiue river one-nau mile northeast of DeWitt, Neb,, while bathing with some companions. It is supposed he was seized with cramps. He sank before friends could aid him.' The body was soon recovered and taken to DeWitt. The boy was a son of Lester Werizel. Son of Norfolk Couple Is Bitten on Legs by Monkey Norfolk, Neb.. June 5. (Soecial Telegram.) Edward Stem, son of Air. and Airs. George L. Stem of this city, was bitten : in the legs bv a monkey used for entertainments by aviators attached to the Western Flying club of Fargo, N. D. The wounds are not considered serious. Sam Musser to Be Taken to Federal Prison This Week Sam B. Musser. convicted of using the mails to defraud and committed Saturday to the county jail, will go to Leavenworth the end of the week, in company with a .party of 14 drug addicts and other minor offenders sentenced last week. S-S.W'IIW Yoa of Boih,Pta BUckWd. MdSk ErmptiW .Awl 0lcjlo. TOW blood ll Powerful btood-elsMstw tt aa- "tood 11 ofi ! skin of pirn- Miw.wmii.j, it anTM oat f ths blood Impurities which cu - - . n neipe to naiiafketur new blood cells. thf 5- ser4 & & S. ia eold at aO drac stores, to two stoes. Ths Up- Par builds up lot flesh. It help to (sr ! is ths mors scsswiaisaL Gov. Small Trial : Enliv ened by Row Aniong Jurymen Question of Ball Game-' or Piouic Caufg Spat Aik Judge for Longer Court Sessions". Wsukegan, III,. June S.-(By A. P.) V'ertion S. Curtis, co-defend-tnt with Uovemot Lcn Small on iharges ol coiupiracy to defrsud the' ststc, objected to having- ths Grant Park bank which the state alleges was a fictitious iiiklitution for the manipu lation of iiublic funds listed a a bank in A banker's directory, jH cord ing to evidence st the trial of .the governor. Through Mriiuii 11. lactaon, ot T)wight and M. H. Jackon, repre- sentativrt of a Chicago bank who furnished the equipment for the Grant Park bank, the state brought out that Mr. Curtis sikrd the witues to call up the banker's directory pub lishers, after thev had made inquiries about 'the new bank, and tell them that it -"was not going to he engaged in banking buiincs." The week end was enlivened by another snat between the jury and their bailiffs, and a quarrel between the jurymen, it developed when court met today. The trouble started Sunday .when the jury voted,' H to I, to attend a ball game at Antioch, and the twelfth man, August Larsen, a Dane, held out for a Viking club picnic. .The 11 appealed to the judge to lock Larsen up while they saw the game, and when he declined and ruled that Larsen should accom pany the majority, Larsen develop ed a headache and the jury stayed home. ' .- - - Then a bailiff took" them for a walk and the jury decided to go fish ing, but the bailiff declined to walk to the end of rho-half-mile lighthouse pier, and the disgruntled jurors fi nally were forced to fish in shallow water at the shore' end. Tnriav the iurort nresented a oeti- tion to judge. Edwards asking long er hours in court. I hey- objected to the working day selected by the lawyers 10 so 4:30. They proposed starting at 9 and.working until 5. The attorneys and court agreed to a com promise of 9:30 to 4:30 with one hour for lunch instead of an hour and a half. t . ... . GirljSjjRiinpown by Automobile Driver, Is Held Under Bond of $500 Witnesses Say Caf Movihg'Slowly. Little Rote O'Mara, 3, daughter of William .O'Maira, " mechanic, 2817 Pratt street, deceived injuries which may prove fatal when she -was struck by ?n automobile driven by H. F. Giddings;' 3709'North Thirtieth street, near. Twenty-eighth and iPratt streets Monday afqrnoMi.' She has a frac tured skullj r S-u y 1 - Accordingto 'reports made to the police by witnesses, Giddings was driving slowly west on Pratt street and the O'Mara girl rait from behind an ice wagph standing . on the south side of the. street. It is stated that he had slowed down for. another child who was playing on tfie street and was not drfng fast when the second girl jumpe'lAin ifront of his machine. After takrhg'the injured child to Swedish Mission hospital, Giddings was taken to the central police sta tion where he was booked on a charge of reckless driving. ' He was released ou -f5Q0 bail bond. ( Air Mail Man Weds Ahead of Scpedule, Fools Pilots Wedding belts, rice and old shoes, are strewn about the local air mail hangar. But;the plucky fliers there abouts didn't get a chance to throw any... '' ' 1 That's because Andrew R. Dun phy, superintendent of the Central air mail division, stole a march on his buddies by -being married a day ahead of schedule. The bride is Irene C. Gibbons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gibbons, 2862.Saratoga street. They were to be matried Saturday morn ing. Instead, they were married Fri day morning i Holy Angels church by Rev. Father Goergen, - ' Immediately tojiowing, tncy lett by train for Colorado to be gone until July 1. ''No airplane honeymoons for them," said Mrs. Gibbons, the bride's mother.-: ." - Dunphy" is 29 and the bride 21. She formerly taught -school. Elkhorn Kite Man Back From' Milwaukee Air Meet V. E. Jakl, in charge , of the Elk- horn kite station of the weather bu reau, is back; from :- Milwaukee where he served during; the balloon meet. There he met VaPf- t" Hartney who was irfjitred: last fall, near here, during the international air nteet. cThe officer still limps and walks with-a 'cane as a. result of his injuries,' Jakl stated." ; Road Conditions Furnished by the Omaha Automobile Clab. Lincoln Highway. Eaat Roada food to Cadar Rapids. Detour this aide . of De Witt due to road construction. ' ' Lincoln Highway, West Roada good te Grand Island and weatj O. K. D. Highway Roada good ta Hastings and west. Highland Jutou Oood. Omaha-Taoeka. Htghwa Good to the slats line. Omaha-Tulsa HighwayRoads, good te state line. - Cornhuskar Highway Roads good. Meridian Highway Good. 8. T. A. Good. George Washington Highway Good. Black Hills Trail Oood. River to River Road Good. . King of Trails. North Good to Sioux City with exception of a sUert stretch this side ot Sious City where grading la being done. King ot Trails, South Good to Hia- watha- - Custer' Battlefield Highway Roads good clear through to Rapid Ctty. River to River Road Fair to good te Dea Moines. ' , Chicago-Omaha Shorlllm Reads fair. Muddy at Atlsnttc snd east: Raintng at Atlantic. No report this morning from Iowa City but tourists report roads fine. I. O. A:, A. Shortline Roads fsir to gol. Blue Grass Road Roads fair to good to Ottumwa. Weather reported eloudy every point east," Ofer west at Ornd.7Jslaod. Cen tral citjt .oiaaiiius. usiuanfc.- . - Uuttet Which Killed Him Auctioned With Effects ot War Hero Wa.liVigtnn, June 5 The bullet that killed him is included in the per sonal effrcts of 1'rivats Marry Fisher, a nurins killed in ths Chinese Doner war of 1900, which were sold at auc tion recently after failure to find any heirs to the dead soldier. How the falsi bullet happened to he included In the poei.ioiis of the soldier is not known. It was so listed, however, Stranger items than this occur in the personal belongings of dead fighters, which effects are kept at headquarters in Washington lor a specihed time, then sold. Prayer books are conspicuous in their number; in the esse of marines many queer foreign relics also abound. These range front Chinese rings to foreign coiu collections roiu every corner of the globe, A pair of Komeo suppers tormed a part of the collection kept lor the possible rela lives of 'one dead marine. A colleo Hon of ladies bar pint was another feature of a batch of hrlongings. Labor Bodies Not Exempt From Anti-Trust Action U. S. Supreme Court Holdi Organizations Liable for Property Damage by Members on Strike. Washington, D. C June 5. Labor organizations are not exempt from prosecution under the Sherman anti trust law, the supreme court today announced. The court delivered such an opinion in the celebrated Coronado coal case, one of the most important pieces of labor litigation ever to come before the nation s hiRhest tribunal. , The court held that labor organi zations can be held liable for prop erty and other damages caused by the. acts of members during strikes. The decision was delivered by Chief Justice raft. The case was brought against the United Mine Workers of America by the Coronado and other coal companies, arising out of the Arkansas strikes ot IV14. Chief Justice Taft in delivering the opinion stated that there had been no misjoinder of parties in the suit as brought. He discussed at length the question of the suability of the na tional and international unions if the unions were responsible for what was done, pointing out that in com mon law unincorporated organizations could be sued individuals, but from necessity of existing conditions it was utterly impossible of doing justice otherwise than by holding labor unions suable. With regard to the United Mine Workers of America, the court found that the international ' organization and its officers did not order the strike or ratify it, and that they should not have been made parties to the suit. Miss Helen L. Potter Dies. Flushing, N. Y., June 3. Miss Helen L. Potter, 85, one of the pio neer lecturers on suffrage and a co worker of the late Susan B. Anthony, died at her home -here yesterday, it, was learned today. Always in Divorced War Bride Has Had Enough of U.S. Young Woman in Litigation Uer Attorney's Fees Wants to Return to France. "I wish to return at once to my dear France," said Mirs. Marie Ready in District Judge Redick's court yesterday alter the hearing ol a suit against her growing out of the litigation which divorced her from F. L. Ready. 22, a student in the University of Nebraska Medical school. "America, la.td of the free!" The pretty, dark-complexioned young wo man shrugged her shoulders under her modish black satin coat. She made a grimace of dislike. "France!" Her voice caressed the word. "How I shall be happy when I step the foot again on that soil, never to leave again." Ready, who is a son of B Renrlv of Hartington, Neb., married the little rrench girl in trance while he was a soldier. But love cooled after thev arrived in Nebraska. He was cruel and refused to support her, and her mother-in-law told her to so to work. she told District Judge Sears at the divorce hearing. Marie went to a convent at Fif teenth and Castclar streets, where she still lives. Alfred Monger, an attorney, took her rase and finally a settlement of $5,000 was made with Ready's father, and she accepted a divorce. then Munger presented a bill for $1,000, which, he said, Mrs. Ready had agreed to if a settlement of $5,000 was obtained. She refused to pay more than $500.' Hence the present litigation. Judge Reddick took his decision un der advisement. Method of Naming Reavis Successor Not Decided on Lincoln, June 5. Governor Mc Kclvie. before leaving for Omaha, where he will deliver an address be fore the Lions club, announced that he had today received the resigna tion of Congressman C. F. Reavis, effective yesterday. Governor McKelvie declined to state what decision had been reached as to the method of filling the va cancy, as a result of his contcrence with Attorney General Davis. The conference is said to have been called to discuss the advisability of calling a special election for the purpose of naming a successor to the congress man. Beatrice Pioneer, Injured When Auto Hits Buggy, Dies Beatrice, Neb., June 5. (Special.) R. Davis, for 21 years head'of the R. Davis Grain and Coal company of Beatrice, died at his home in this city as the result of injuries re ceived last week, when his buggy collided with an automobile on South Sixth street, throwing him head first to the pavement. He suffered con cussion of the brain. Mr. Davis was nearly 60 years of age and is .sur vived by his widow and three daugh-' ters. Burial will be at .Muscatine, la., the old . home of the. Davis family. Have you Post Toasties with berries? DID you ever try a liberal sprink ling of berries over a dish of Post Toasties? If not, it's worth trying now. It seems as though the berries had been waiting to make a perfect combination with the crispness and flavor of these delicious corn flakes. That's one of the delightful uses of Post Toasties as a summer food. Served with, cream or good milk, Good Taste -improved com flakes 830 Graduates of Nebraska V Receive Degrees Rewards Conferred at St. Paul Methodist Church Dr. Finley Delivers Oration. Lincoln, June 5. (Specie!) Chan cellor Samuel Avery lodsy tonfrrred degrees on 850 graduates of . University of Nebraska. The exer cises were held in St. Paul's Method it church and the commencement oration was delivered by Dr. John H. Finley, associate editor of Tlu New York Times. The honorary degree of doctor f agriculture was confcired upon Charles W. Pugsley, formerly direc tor of extension service in the col lege of agrii'tilture, who is now lirt assistant to Secretary Henry C. WaM lace in the United Slates Department of Agriculture. Miss Helen Blish received the shield awarded by Valkyrie, senior girl's honorary society, to the girl who attained the highest scholarship average in her senior year. The Pershing medal, presented an nually for the highest military hon ors, was pinned on Richard C, Tal bot by Miss Mae Pershing. ft E; fOR the smart j j pL young Miss who jjj rl ' seeks in her apparel n E that youthful, " Col- j J ti legiate" touch, we H E; have trim little out- ia fjj fits at astonishingly Ij tl low prices. jj g ;lijjmlllUJi'lUiyiii"i Post Toasties have a charm for every appetite, supplying energy building nourishment, but avoiding the heating effects of heavier foods. No preparation, no delay ready to serve right from the package. Your grocer has a fresh supply today. Specify Post Toasties by name, for the Post Toasties quality, and be sure to get the Yellow and Red package. Prisoner Escapes as Girl Pleads With Prosecutor . Lewis rilley, beiitemed to Leavenworth, Walks Away as Manicurist Is Focus of All Kyes. While Clara Reeves pleaded with United State District Attorney Kituler in federal court yesterday, on behalf of her lover, Lewis Filley, just sentenced to three years in the Leavenworth penitentiary lor dor oeddlinff. Lewis walked out of tl crowded court room and disappeared. Police were sent a hurry up call and are scouring the city for the fugitive. The court room was filled with po- licemen, narcotic agents, detectives, marshals, deputy marshals and at torneys, iutrrrtted in other caes be fore Judge oodrough, but all eyes Mere on the pretty girl as she pleaded lor clemency tor her lover. She was present when the three- year sentence was Imposed and, bursting into tears, ran to Kinsler, imploring him to save her sweetheart from the prison bars. No one appar ently noticed the "French leave tak- :..' t l-:h... ...I.. ..:n ins vi i-iiiry, wiiu still IB ai IArK. Deputy Ruddy was in charge of Made by Postum Cereal Co., In&, Battle Creek, Michigan. the prisonrr st the iin.e ui liii r !, Mi Rrrtra is a nuiii.-urisi st 1 1 llfiLlisw liolrl. Read The through. You ing. all the usy find it intrust- Will Vatuc-Gicing Store Howard St. Bt. 15th snd 16th All White Enamel Kitchen Cabinet All Whits Ensmsl Kltehsn Csblnets, with pores- COQ Zfi lain sliding tops.... vOUJV Sr id Id Brooms 29C Good Roomy Clothss 01 OC Hampsr 9l9 Aluminum Percolators g 2-qt. Aluminum 8tw Galvanized Tubs ' " Stop Ladder Stools J$X.59 Whits Enamsl Spies Q'n Sets, 6 jars and holder 00" White Enamel Kitchen Tables With porcelain tops for $7.95 , 65c 75c Blus Enamsl Palls for Blue Enamel Stew Kettle for Fancy Market Baskets up from Oil Mop and Bottle Oil for 25c 65c 43 Articles Will Be Given Away FREE! An elegant eight-piece Italian .walnut dining room set and 35 other useful household articles Absolutely FREE No purchase Is neces sary. Simply visit our store and ask any of our em ployees about it. Willow Clothss Hampers Garden Hose Reels for Glasbaks Cake Pans for Glasbaks Casseroles at Blus, Enamel Coffes Pots for Copper Bottom Wash Boilers Refrigerators Top leer Refrigera. Pft OF tors, good size 0.0J Camp Stools 49c b'.' l.;.$U5 4-ft. Porch Swings 9 MS for W.l Adult Lawn Swings g Child's Lawn Swings ffr A? for . . QOmoD Omaha's Vslof-Glrln Mor Hotrard St, Brtnera lath sad ISth. hp IBS fni ': ' JSSS : ii f , Cabinet V I ' II white enamel door I 1 I $36 ' 4, $1.75 42c if '' ...$1.25 ij .... 65c I $2.59 ii J V , V, fJ