Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. M-NO. 302.
St Jl )WI Uf 4 . Ml Baa. WW. 4tkW Ik M
MM jk) W tHk (I 4 (tikj M . il. 4kl
Lions Open
Merle Taylor to Head
District Lions Club
Gen. William Sage
' Succumbs in Omaha
British Oust
Sinn Fein
From Ulster
Woman Making Race for
Governor of South Dakota
Meet Here
With Roar
Small Vote
Cast in Iowa
Balloting for Candidate to
Succeed Ken j on on G. O.
P. Ticket Reported Light
Throughout State.
Broolchart Is Favorite
1' -.'
Ewen Cameron, Inle rnational
President, Among Notables
Attending Iowa-Nebras
, ka Convention.
Taylor Chosen New Head
Merle C Taylor, president of the
.Omaha Liont club, was elected gov
ernor of lowa-Nehraka district at
ing the morning ction of the di
trut convention yetrrdy.
District Judge Hubert Uttcrbaclc
of Des Moines, the other candidate
for district governorship, moved that
Lion Taylor's election be made
unanimous. This was done. ;
Marry Schocn of Des Moines was
elected secretary and trcasuier of the
c'iotrirt ami three directors were elect
ed as follows: Ward K. Groom,
MaHn City; Horace G. Hedges,
Cedar Rapids, and Guy E. Reed of
The next convention will be held
in S.ioun City. ' ,
300 Liors Here.
With a Urge and ferocious roar,
some 500 Lions, attending the Iowa
Nebraska district convention, got
down to business and politics at Ho
tel Fonten'elle yesterday morning.
! Many notable Lions were in at
tendance, including Ewcn W. Cam
eron, internationl president.
.. "The Liont' association it the first
of itt kind to take on the promotion
of better citizenship," he said. "Na
turalization and better citizenship
will be one of the main issues at the
international convention at - Hot
Springs, Ark., June 19 to 24.
. 1,500 Delegates Expected.
''"We expect 1.500 delegates at this
convention,, including -many promi
nent' Canadian government officials.
There are about 500 Lions' clubs in
the United States and Canada with
about 30,000 total . membership."
W. A. Westfall of Mason City,
la., retiring governor of the Nebraska-Iowa
district, headed a delega
tion of about 40 Lions from Mason
City, one of the largest single dele
gations at the convention here. Gov
ernor Westfall presided at the busi
ness session yesterday. . ,
Governor S. R. McKelvie of Ne
braska and Governor J. A. C Preus
f Minnesota are to be in attend
ance. - "Nate" Kendall, governor of
Iowa, did not arrive, because of po
litical activities in Iowa. -;.'
Other Notables.
Among other notable Lions in at
tendance were Melvin Tones, secretary-general
of the International
Lions association; Revv Ji Ellsworth
Coombs district gqyernor.oLjArk
ansas, and John' Buriauek, interna
tional director.-.' v v
The Lions donned white hats im
mediately on registering. They then
ankled their way blithely about the
hotel mezzanine floor until the busi
ness session was called.- Jazz orche
stras from Boone, Des Moines and
Mason City were held in leash all
morning with much difficulty, on the
promise that they might "cut loose
and syncopate" to their hearts' con
tent at the races at Ak-Sar-Ben field
yesterday afternoon. . , '-. '-,
'P Tv V Special Stunts. !
vThc fifth event at the Ak-Sar-Ben
spring running meet yesterday was
termed the "Special Lion Handicap."
Stunts in' front of the Lions' section
of,, the grandstand were put on
by. Atlantic, Boone. Cedar Rap
ids, Council Bluffs, Columbus, Des
Mo.'.ies, Hastings, Iowa City, Le
Mars, Marshalltown, Mason City,
Lincoln. Norfolk, Ottumwa, Perry,
Sioux City, Omaha and Wahoo clubs.
Shortly after the noon luncheon
the Lions began "licking ; their
their chops' in anticipation of the
at the hotel last night. The male
Lions were Initiated into the mys
teries of Sam son.' s realrn at the den
last night, while the - Lionesses at
tended theater party at the Or
pheutn. '
Lease of Teapot Dome
Broke Monopoly, Claim
Albuquerque,. N. M., June 5. The
Albuquerque Morning Journal today
orinted under a Washington, D.-C,
fate line a resume of the report
vhich it says Secretary of the In
terior Fall will hand to President
Harding today of how and why the
Teapot Dome, in the oil fields ; of
. Wyoming, was leased to the Sinclair
Dohcny interests byrfils department,
acting in harmony with the Navy de
partment The dispatch says the report de-l
dares that the president was fully
apprised of the lease before it was
made; that, had it not been made,
private interests drilling in the vicin
ity would have drained the dome of
its oil, and that the navy will have
stored for emergency purposes vast
quantities of oil for defense of United
States interests on both the Atlantic
and Pacific coasts and on islands.
The secretary also is said to have
asserted that by the consolidation of
a new pipe line the mid-continent
price of oil will be obtained in the
Wyoming field, instead of the present
price, alleged to now be 60 cents a
barrel too low. He is said to have
declared that a vastly greater income
will be assured both to the royalties
that accure to the United States gov
ernment and to the state of Wyo
ming by breaking an alleged mo
nopoly. . ; . ' '
Crude Oil Price Boosted.
Pittsburgh, Pa., June 5.- At) in
crease of 35 cents a barrel in the price
of Pennsylvania crude oil was an
nounced when the market opened to
day. All other grades quoted here,
excepting Corning, were up 25 cents.
The new prices were: Pennsylvania
crude, $3.50; Corning, unchanged at
$190; Cabell, $2:36; Somerset light,
$2.40, and Ragland, $Ui
Merit C. Taylor.
Interests of State
in Water Dispute
Guarded by Davis
Attorney General Gratified
That Colorado Prevented
From Grabbing Title '
to Rivers.
Washington, June 5. An injunc
tion instituted by Wyoming to pro
hibit Colorado , from taking water
from the Laramie river wat granted
by the supreme court to the extent of
restraining Colorado from using an
amount of water in excess of the
amount fixed by the court. . The
state of Wyoming" sought to pre
vent the diversion of water for: the
Greeley-Poudre irrigation project in
Colorado. .
Federal : court decrees sustaining
the right of the Pioneer Irrigation
company to divert water from Colo
rado into Nebraska for irrigation
purposes, and enjoining Colorado au
thorities from interfering , with the
company were affirmed by the su
preme court in appeals brought by
Colorado officials.
Decision Is Important
Lincoln, June 5. (Special.) At
torney General Clarence A. Davis,
who has been in Washington repre
senting Nebraska interests, declared
the supreme "court decision was. im
portant not only in the probtem dis
posed of by the court but in other
litigation pending between Colorado
and Wyoming ".in which Nebraska
interests art dirtetly involved.-: "
"I was present when the Colorado
Wyoming case and also the. Pioneer
Irrigation company's case were
argued before the supreme court at
Washington, Davis said. "Colorado
always has claimed sole proprietor
ship and control of waters in all
streams - rising or flowing through
that state by virtue of a clause in
its constitution which was ratified by
ccyigress in 1876 at the time, of its
admission to-the union. ',..':
"Had the Colorado - Contention
been sustained, water user in : Ne
braska arid other adjacent states who
have established and recognized
priorities for the beneficial use of
water would have been deprived of
their rights. In deciding to the con
trary, the supreme court affirms the
principle that water in ,,; interstate
streams is not under the control of
a single state. ; j; . .
.... Grabbing Is Prevented.
, "This decision is a very gratifying
one. It keeps open for adjustment
the apportioning of water-' from -the
South Platte river as between users'
in Nebraska and those in , Colorado:
It prevents Colorado from , grabbing
all the water in that river for its own
irrigation enterprises, regardless of 1
the fact that Nebraska projects may
have been developed first. V.
"In the main case between Colora
do and Wyoming the same question
was in dispute as to water from the
North Platte river. That is the
stream ' from which the country
around Scottsbluff, Gering. Morrill;
Minatare and Bayard is irrigated. It
is not yet decided, but the ruling in
the Pioneer case indicates that the
United States supreme court will not !
Uphold the Colorado doctrine of its I
absolute ownership. , .
Lillian Russell Reported
i v in Critical Condition
Pittsburgh, June 5. MrS." Lillian
Russell Moore, who has been very
ill at her home here, but who was be
lieved on Saturday to have passed
the crisis, was reported in a critical
condition by . her physician late to
day. -Her husband, Alexander, P.
Moore, publisher .of., the Pittsburgh ,
Leader, and other members of the
family were at her bedside.
; EditorV Hat in Ring
Paris. Tex., June v 5. Harry T.
Warner, editor of the Paris Morn
ing News, announced that he would
become a democratic candidate- for
governor, subject to the primary in
July. He said he "regretted that
some strong man" would not make J
the race against Governor Paf M. j
Neff, who is standing for re-election.
v Jefferis Plans Trip 1 '
-Congressman ' A. W. Jefteris will
leave Wednesday for a trip through
the Fifth congressional' district in
connection with- his campaign for the
republican nomination for United
States senator., - .-v
v The opening - installment
si this new serial by Ruby
M. Ayr is en Pace 5.
RultVK ..vent Evidence
Presented to Support Com
plaint and Justify
Costly Trial
May Go to Grand Jury
Lot Angeles, CalH June i. Rodolph
Valentino, screen actor, whose prin
cipal rolet have been of love scenes,
was liberated of a cnarge of bigamy
here today when the felony complaint
wat dismissed after a preliminary
hearing before Justice of the Peace
Hanby. The justice ruled there wat
Insufficient evidence pretented to tup-
port the complaint
The dismissal of the case followed
three days of testimony concerning
the marriage in Mexicali, Mexico,
Mav 13. between Valentino and Mitt
Winifred DeWolf-Shaunessy-Hudnut.
professionally known at Natacha
Rambova, and their .honeymoon in
Palm Springs, Cai., a desert oasis
south of here. ,
.The biiramv charee wat 'filed
atraintt Valentino bv the dittrict at
torney here because the Mexicali mar
riage occurred before a final decree
of divorce wat granted Valentino
from Jean Acker, tcreen actress, in
whose case he wat awarded an inter
locutory decree last January. '
The dismissal of the complaint by
Justice Hanby is not necessarily final,
attorneys said, at the law provides
that even after a hearing in justice
court the prosecutor may, after he
elects, go before the county grand
jury and ask for an indictment.
Whether the district attorney would
pursue the matter further was un
known. - Justice Hanby in announcing de
cision to dismiss the complaints said
that while the charge of bigamy wat
a serious one that had an important
bearing upon the social fabric, he
ten mai e viae nee oi co-naDiiauon
would not be sufficiently shown to
bring a verdict of guilty from a jury,
and that in view ot this he did riot
think that the county should be put
to the heavy expense of a trial.
Stage All Set ioi
Wage Conference
of Union Leaders
Concerted Action Against Re
cent Reduction Main Issue?
io.Come Before Railway
LaborvLWefirr ! ? '
Cincinnati, . June 5. (By A. Pp
Concerted action against reductions
in wages of railroad workers, recent
ly made public by the United States
railroad labor board, will be the prin
cipal matter to be considered when
head? of 11 railroad labor unions go
into- session here tomorrow. The
conference was. called by B. M. Jew
ell, head of the railway employes de
partment of the American Federation
of Labor, who will also preside .at
the sessions. : ' ?
Leaders who arrived here today
held informal conference and dis
cussed ways and means to bring the
question ot wage reduction betore
their memberships. -
Strike votes are expected m every
organization, it was' said, each union
taking its vote separately.;
It was pointed out that the matter
of acceptance or rejection of the cut
rests with the membership of each
union. ; .. .
' Unions' represented in the confer
ence are the machinists, boliermak-
ers, blacksmiths, carmen, electricians,
sheet metal workers;. clerks, signal
men, telegraphers, maintenance of
way and stationary firemen and oil
ers. .- ,-'. -".. -V . vi- ; -S
Samuel Gomoers." president of the
American Federation of Labor, was
expected to arrive ; here .tomorrow
morning from Washington to take
part in the discussions. Leaders to
night predicted the conference of the
union officials will last for two and
probably three weeks. " .' .
Jap Majority Party
to Retain Premier
Tokio, June 5. (By. A. P.)-Lead
ers of the Seiyu-Kai, the present ma
jority political party of Japan, today
agreed to continue fremier Taka
hashi in office and to give him com
plete authority, to decide the policy
of the cabinet. This means that the
premier will be empowered to expel
recaicitant members of - the cabinet
' This action followed the premier's
renewal Saturday, of his - previous
suggestion, first voiced on May 2,
that the entire cabinet resign because
oft its divergence of views. In May
several ot the cabinet ministers, of
fered their resignations but they were
withdrawn temporarily at the request
of Premier Takahashi, who directed
that urgent public business required
that the cabinet be held together for
a while. The cabinet was under
stood to have split over domestic
policies. Reorganisation of the
ministry had been contemplated by
Takahashi in May butt was not car
ried out- - ,
The vernacular prest agreed today
that the premier's resignation was
made imperative by. his loss of
prestige incident to his -failure ;to
carry-out the cabinet reconstruction
scheme during the May crisis. '
International Commission
Probing Cause of World Wax
- Stockholm, June 5. A neutral in
ternational commission organized to
examine into the causes of the world
war has begun sessions here. The
committee consists of historians, jur
ists and military men from Hollaed,
Norway, Switzerland and Sweden.
f 1V '
r&l ' "v- '"v
' v mill nvw5 DbiiWi icawuci, n9 UCCI1 tlUlIll
ainivvt j i is. vHei iitiu avaaguc
declares she is going to be the first
khjJ .'. , t.r.fn.. , An 1 a. .L :u 1-
anu o, iifcictuic, iuv uusjr tvj iiuiiii ui
Rea vis, Appoints ;
Nebraskans to Aid
v in Fraud Cases
Maj. H. E O'Neill of Staple
ton and Omaha Named
Chief. Assistant En
field Also Appointed.
Washington, June 5. (Special Tel
egram.) C. Frank Reavis today an
nounced the selection of Maj. H. E.
O'Neill of Stapleton and Omaha as
his chief assistant in the task of
orosecutinsr war frauds in which Mr.
Reavis iVto be assistant to Attorney
General Daugherty.- . , "
Having ceased to be a member of
congress on June 4, Mr. Reavis npw
occupies a position half way between
his old employment and the new. His
new offices are not ready for oc
cupancy and he is still in his office
at the capitol, cleaning up odds ajid
ends of business still left over.
Takes Oath of .Office.
This morning Mr. Reavis took the
oath of new office, together with
Maj. O'Neill and F. B. Enfield, who
will be assistant in the new task. The
oaths were administered by Sims
Ely, chief clerk of the Department
of Justice. ....
Mf. Reavis announced today " he
will begin his new duties as soon as
quarters Art provided in which to
As "previously explained, Mr,
Reavis' work will be concentrated on
the contracts growing out of the op
erations of the quartermaster depart
ment in which most of the alleired war
frauds are said to have taken place. His
previous' experience in investigating
these accounts makes him well equip
ped for the task.
" - Practiced in Omaha.
For several years Maior O'Neill
practiced law in Omaha and came to
Washington during the war with the
rank of major. He was engaged
during the war and immediate post
war period in the department of
army contract adjustment, later in
the Department of Justice during the
Wilson administration, and still later
m the orhce of the alien oebnertv
custodian. Like Mr. Reavis, his pre
vious experience puts him in close
touch with the task he will hawi to
perform. - . - -
F. B. Enfield, the third of ihe N. '
braska trio, is a graduate of Ne
braska university, and for some time
past has ' been secretary to Mr.
Reavis. His legal equipment and his
experience gained while clerk of the
Reavis committee makes a valuable
addition to the Justice department's
staff.,:,,; - . .. -
Noted Rembrandt Canvas
Stolen .From German Museum
Stuttgart. Germanv. Tune 5 fRv
A. P.) Rembrandt's well-known
painting. "St. Paul in Pri
cuted in 1627 and valued at 5,000,000
marks, has been stolen from tlie on...
ernment art museum here." A reward
of 50,000 marks has been offered for
information learlinc tn iAt-.c.
cation of the thief and the return of
the painting. - s
U.S. Supreme Court
Refuses to Define
Ouija Board Status
Washington - Tun ? TV. :-
preme court announced' it. would not
uciciiuwe wnai is a ouija board.
- pivavtuu ill
case brought by the Baltimore Talk
ing Board company, which protested
against taxation of such boards as
sporting goods and insisted .that
I. 1 1 ,L. A C . . . . ..
siiuuiu me court rciuse 10. nold that
the board . a . nriA nt
automatism, involving considerable
it snouid at least classify the smaller
boards as "children's toys."
The lower federal courts sustained
the government's contention that the
board should be classed as sporting
goods. . ' -
1UI gVTCIIIUI ' Ul aJUUlil JetKUltit Oflfj
woman governor, in the United States
i i : -j
gelling marrica.
Canada's Decision
Against Waterway
Is Made Public
State Department Announces
Note From' Ambassador
Geddes Giving Subetance ;
of Opposition.
Wutatnrtoa Conpondit ,Ommha Bee.
Washington, June '5. (Special
Telegram.) The State department
made public today a note from Am
bassador Geddes of the British em
pire giving the substance of the
Canadian decision not to consider
the subject of a treaty at thit time
which would make the St. Lawrence
waterways project possible. .
State department officials were In'
disposed to comment on-the note,
saying that it speaks for itself. It is
believed, however, that the Canadian
position does not close tfie matter
and that the decision merely post
pones consideration for some future
time. ' . - , -
Question Not Dead.
C. P. Craig, head -of the water
ways - commission in Washington,
said today that it is clear the water
ways project is still' a very live sub
ject and the committee, representing
the several states interested, will go
ahead with the propaganda just
as though nothing had happened.
"The competent authorities of the
Canadian government," Says the
British ambassador, "have advised the
governor general that they have not
up to the present, had au opportunity
tq- give the report of the international
joint -commission, and the accom
panying report of the board of en
gineers appointed to examine the
subject, that careful consideration
which, their importance . merits.
Moreover, having . regard . to the
magnitude - of the project and the
large outlay of public money in
volved, the Canadian government is
of the opinion that it is not consid
ered expedient to deal with, the mat
ter at the present time,'
Would Avoid Controversy.
The crux of the Canadian reply is
regarded as being in the last line.
Premier McKenzie King of Canada
has a large legislative program on his
hands and does not wish to intro
duce a controversial subject before
parliament at this . time. There is
opposition to the project in Montreal
but the western . provinces are as
deeply interested in . it as are the
western states of this country. Can
ada has already invested much money
m the Welland canal which cannot
serve its full purpose until the St.
Lawrence is made navigable for
ocean going steamers.
Burg Store at Armour, Neb.
Burns With Total Loss
Pawnee, Neb., June 5. (Special
Telegram.) The Burg general mer
chandise store at ' Armour, Neb.,
burned to the ground last night. The
brigin of the fire is unknown.'
Frank Burg, owner, was away trom
home, his- wife being alone in the
building. She heard a' noise in the
store room and when she opened the
door to investigate flames shot out
at her, severely burning ner'arms.1
She rushed to the neighbors and
when help arrived the structure was
a mass- of flames. . . ' . ; ;.
: The Burg residence, which was at
tached to the rear was lost with all
household goods and the entire stock.
The loss is partially covered by in
surance. Blair Men in Washington
Washington. June S. (Special Tel
egramsEdward Grim and John R,
Aye of Blair, were in Washington
today, presenting to Colonel Forbes
of the war risk bureau the claim of
Blair for' consideration as the site
of the mental hospital to be estab
lished by the veterans' bureau. The.
Blair delegation called on Senator
N orris and the house delegation.
Det Moines, Jun 1 (By A. P.)
Smith W. Brookhart of Washing
ton was leading, with mora than 33
per cent of the total vote reported in
ths first 60 preclnctt of the 2X4 in
Iowa to report in tht republican
nomination (or United States sena
tor. The vote in these 60 precincts,
which were scattered among 21
counties, Mis:
Brookhart. 3,746.
Pickett, 1.910.
. Thorne, 1,183.
' Francis, 911.
Sweet. 667.
Stanley, 378. '
Det Moines, June 5. (By A. T.)
Reports from all parts of the state
tonight indicate that the hottest bat
tle in years, which hat been waged
around the republican campaign for
the United States senatorial nomina
tion, failed to attract enough interest
to draw even an averaged-sized vote.
Balloting it reported to have been
light throughout Iowa.
Thit fact has added materially to
the doubt among politicians at to
whether the primaries will result in
any nomination for the tenatorship.
It is not expected that more than
300,000 votes will be cast. On a
basis of 300,000, a senatorial candi
date, to be nominated, must receive
something more than 100,000 votes,
leaving an average of only 40,000 each
to be distributed among the other
five aspirants. .
. Brookhart Favorite.
With a great farm following and
the indorsement of labor leaders.
Smith W. Brookhart of Washington,
la., is admitted by politicians to have
the- best chance of garnering in the
necessary 35 per cent. .None of the
other candidates have much hope of
such a figure.
n fact, the talk amon the support
ers of all the others tonight seems
to concern itself largely with which
will bring the largest backing in the.
form of delegates to the state con
vention. This his been the undercur
rent throughout' the entire campaign
of all except Brookhart and possibly
Charles E. Pickett of Waterloo. .
Clifford Thorne of Washington
looked for strong support from rural
districts: . Leslie ' E. Francis counted
on a heavy Vote, from northwestern
Iowa; Burton- E.. Sweet-from north
eastern Iowa, "and Claude M.' Stan-
ley from the southwestern section.
Charles E. Pickett expected to draw
heavily from the conservative repub
lican ranks. . r ;
Race for Treasurer.
Col. , Leon W. Ainsworth of L)e
Moines is opposing State Treasure!
W. J. ' Burbank for ; renomination.
ihe contest for this "office has at
tracted considerable attention and
the vote is expected to be close.
There are no other contests on
the state ticket. Congressmen in the
11 districts of the state also were
nominated today. J
Grand JuryJ)eclines
to Hear Ward Case
White Plains. N. Y.; Tune STtw.
June grand jury, empaneled today,
declined to hear evirence in the Ward
sllootinc rasp after fnimtw TuHcre
Williim Blakely, , who charged it.
pointed out that he formerly had
been a law partner of John F. Bren
nan of Yonkers, counsel for Walter
S.Ward. -'
It thereupon was decided to issue
an emergency call for the May grand
jury, which has not yet been dis
charged. Distrirt Attnrnetr Weelrc
plans to submit the case to the May
jurors tomorrow. . 7 ' . -
Philadelphia, June 5, John Cienzo.
held by. the police here as a possible
suspect in connection with the kill
ing of Clarence Peters by Walter S.
Ward, today made three attempts to
leap from a patrol wagon that con
veyed him from an uptown police
station to the central station in city
hall. He was shackled hand and foot
and was safely lodged in the central
station. . v-
Small Force of Yanks
' to Be Retained on Rhine
Washington, June 5. In compli
ance with . requests from Germany
and -some .of the allied poweis, a
small force Of American troops is to
be retained at Coblenz on the Rhine
beyond July 1-the datefset oriein-
ally for completion of American evac
uation of German territory. "
Secretary Weeks announced today
that decision had been reached to
retain at Coblenz Maj. Gen. Allen
and two battalions of the 8th infan
try," which was. scheduled to have
sailed for home on June 20. Lenath
of time the troops will be kept on
the Khine, Mr. Weeks said, had not
been determined.
Samardick Uncovers Booze
Ring in Big K. C Hotels
Robert -Samardick. former Omaha
booze sleuth and now a free lance for
Uncle Sam, made a strike near home
when he just concluded nncoverintr
what is alleged to .be a protected
whisky ring in Kansas City.
Samardick registered at one of the
leading Kansas City hotels and
bought whisky from bellboys for $8
to .$12.50 a pint, it is alleged, after
which the bellboys are said to have
confessed liquor was being sold by
them in the Meuhlbach and Balti
more hotels under protection oi ajtc
city police. -
i-'f : I
n -v.i
i C! "
1 I
fct.llil ' :;
in m ii inim.W( urn. rinfi
Brig. Gen. William H. Sage, 63,
died in the Methodist hospital here
Sunday. He was enrotite from
Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., to Walter
Reed hospital for treatment several
weeks ago and became worse near
Omaha. He was removed from the
train for observation and later taken
to the hospital. : .
Gen. Sage served 46 years in the
army. Brief services were held in
Heafey & Heafey's chapel here at
4 yesterday afternoon and the body
taken to Washington far burial . in
Arlington National cemetery.
" He is survived by his wife and two
sons. Col. William Sage, jr., , of
Washington, and Nathaniel Sage of
New Haven, Conn., - who formerly
served in the army, but is now in
civil life. .
Omaha Lawyer
Goes by Airplane
to Bandit Trial
- -s '."'
E. H. McCarthy Flies to
Tekamah to Appear in s
Decatur Bank Rod-
: bery Case. r
. Tekamah, Neb., June S. (Special.)
V U f-rrthv. Omaha attornev.
ilew here from Omaha in an airplane
this morning to defend Ben King and
George Perscek, charged with rob
bing the State Bank of Decatur last
Kine and Perscek were arraigned
before County Judge Orville Chatt
this morning and waived examina
tion. They were bound over to the
district , court under $15,000 bonds
The third member of the bandit
gang, Louis Clernt, who was riddled
with shot when attacked by a citizen
posse, was moved from the hospital
at Decatur to the jail here. He was
scheduled for arraignment before
Judge Chatt this afternoon
County Attorney Herbert Rhoades
of Bert Countyi' who is handling the
prosecutions, states that he has- ob
tained full confessions from both
King and Perscek. According to
Rhoades, the confessions implicate
Llernt, who claims that he was com
pelled to drive the robbers' car at
the point of a gun
Rhoades : claims - that King and
Perscek told of taking Clernt's car
to look over the "job" and of taking
his children to prevent suspicion.
The county attorney also states that
he has eyewitnesses who saw Clernt
alone while the other two were rob
bing the bank, while Clernt claims
that he was covered with a gun and
unable to get away.
O'Connor 'Heir' Jailed
in Forged Will Case
Hastings, Neb., June 5. (Special
Telegram.) James B. O'Connor of
Kansas City was bound over to the
district court here ; today on ? the
charge of presenting a forged will
ofxjohn O'Connor, recluse, whose
$100,000 estate has been the subject
of much - litigation. Similar charges
against other members of the family
were dismissed without ' hearing.
O'Connor offered no testimony. He
came from Kansas City voluntarily
and gave himself up. to the . local
Farm Advances Approved :
Washintgon, June: 5. Approval of
19 advances for agricultural and live
stock purposes aggregating $754,000,
was announced ' by the war' finance
corporation. Distribution of the
loans included: Iowa, $50,000; .Min
nesota, $8,000: Montana. $5,000; Ne
braska, $22,000; North Dakota, $21,-
000, and Wisconsin, $10,000.
The Weather
Tuesday, fair; not much change in
temperature. .
Hourly Temperatures.
S a. m.
ft. m.
1 a. m
p. m.
t a. m
4 a. -
5 a.
. .
. U
7 a. in.....
S a. m.....
9 a. m
M a. ......
It a. m
U aooa......
a. m S?
1 a. m st
a p. ai .al
Highest Monday.
Oheytnna 74 I Puvblo i
I'nport t 1 Rapid city U
D"er Ti I 8lt Lake M
Dm Moines 14 f Batlta r. 74
Dodne City . ) Sheridan t
I.Lander .. K4 i fiinnx t
Nor(b riattt . ...4 j Valcatln 81
English Troops Storm and
Capture Village 'of Petligoe
. From Invaders Warships
on Way to Ireland, .
Border Is Battle Front
London, June 5. (By A. T.)
British troops have driven the Sine
Fein invaders from their main posi
tions in Ulster territory, and a largt
part of the border between northern
and southern Ireland now is virtual!)
a battle front.
The village of Pettigoc, on tin
Fermanagh-Donegal border, was re
captured from the Sinn Fein invaden
yesterday, and the southern forcei
also are reported to have evacuatee
Belleek, 10 miles to the southwest.
The discrepancy between the of
ficial communique, with its statement
of three Sinn Feiners killed and one
Lewis gun captured, and the more de
tailed press reports of the British
stormjng the place and inflicting
"heavy losses" lias yet to be recon
ciled. The military has taken over
much of the boundary line, and the
Sinn Feiners now face seasoned and
well-armed troop equipped with ar
tillery instead of special Ulster con
stabulary men.
Warships Reported on Way. .
The Daily News, basing its in
formation on a-dispatch from its
correspondent at Fjiniskillcn, de
clares under, a large headline that ,
the crisis has been deliberately faked
for political purposes, and that the
provocation to war comes from the
Ulster side of the border.
The Daily Herald prints a report
from Chatham that several warships
are about to leave there for an un- .
known destination, believed to be
Ireland, and that the town is filled
with naval men, under instructions
not to leave port.
Embittered- by Murder. '
News dispatches from Ulster de
clare feeling there has been embit
tered by the murder of Magistrate -Flanagan,
which caused a great sen
sation. The victim had lately sen-;'
fenced many offenders under the fire
arms act and often had been threat
ened. He was accompanied to the
cathedral at Newry, where the shoot
ing took place, by his sister. She
seized one- assailant, but he threw
her off and escaped with his com
panions, into free state territory. '
Much attention is focussed upon
the question of the proposed Irish
constitution and its allied issues.
Prime Minister Lloyd George is ex- '
pected to arrive from Wales tonight
in readiness to meet the Irish' rep
resentatives, who it is believed,' will
return to.morrow. Resumption of
the negotiations . is expected soon
after their arriyal. -:. r:.
. British Search Steamer.
London, June 5. (By A. P.) A
steamer bound from New York for
Fenit, County Kerry, with corn and
a mixed cargo, has been held up in :
Tralce bay by a British sloop,' says a
dispatch to the Press association
from Tralee today. A large quantity
of ammunition in barrels was seized,,
the dispatch states.
A Central News message says the
steamer mentioned is the ' Seattle
Spirit, and that it is now docked at
Fenit pier. -
sThe Seattle Spirit is a shipping
board vessel built at Seat tie, in 1919.
It sailed from New York May II
for Cork, Dublin and Belfast.,
i. Oscar Westover
Wins Balloon Race
New York, June 5. Maj. Oscai
Westover and his aide, Lieut. Carl
ton F. Bond, are the winners ot tin.
national balloon race' which started .
from Milwaukee May 31, it was of
ficially announced today by the-Aerc-Club
of America. - Maj. Westover'.
craft landed in the province of Que
bec, completing an estimated dis -tadce
of 850 miles in 17 hours and 15 -minutes
in. the air. : Second placf "
was captured by Capt. H. E. Honey
well, with J. H. Wade, jr.; as aide.
civilian entrants, who flew a distance
estimated at 530 miles. Lieut. W. F,
Reed, the navy flyer, was third, with
an estimated flight of .440 miles. ,;
Supreme Court Postpones ;k
; Decision in Liquor Case
Washington, June 5. The supreme
court announced it would not decide
at this .time whether expert testi
mony as to the alcohol content of
liquor must be given to permit con
viction on a charge of possessing oi
dispensing intoxicating liquors.- -
Al .Veskey was convicted in the
United . States district; : court for
southern California on two counts
charging him with maintaining a
place for the sale of intoxicating
liquor and with having sold such
liquor. The circuit court, of appeals
sustained his conviction notwith
standing his contention that it was
necessary for conviction to produce
expert evidence that the liquor sold
was intoxicating within the meaning
of the law. "
Stand Against War Proposed
as Platform for Women
Chicago, Jane 5. A ". declaration
f gainst war and another urging an
American standard of living instead
of a living wage, were suggested for
the platform of the National Wo
men's Trade Union league by Mrs.
Raymond Robins its president, in.
her opening speech before the con-v
vention of the league at Waukegan
today. - . " .
" More than 100 delegates from wo
men's trade unions throughout the
United States attended the opening;
session of the convention, which will
continue until Saturday,