Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1922, SPORT NEWS MARKETS, Image 13

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Maxwell Company
Humanizing Its
Motor Car Plant
"A Working Force 11 Good ai
thf Car," Sign Hung in
Main Factory at
A limpte In tic igu wit hung tip
in n Hire at the mam Mell
lUtit in Detroit the ether day.
This sign i important because
in a sentence it epreed the atti
tude of the tifw organization now
building the Maxwell toward the
thouundt of employe of the great
factories in the Mawell-Chalmers
The sign rad. "A Working Force
Ai Good At the Car," and it Mai
hung ia the office of J. N. Duncan,
mi charge of personnel in the Max
well plants.
"A good product it the remit of
good labor," say Mr. Duncan. di.
cutting hi job and it relation to
making motor can.
Force Increaaed by 3,000.
"And good labor meant, of rourie,
pood men. We are trying to keep
alays in mind in building our great
labor force, which haa been increased
by nearly J.UUO worker aince the
nrtt of the year, that workmen and
work omen are human.
"In establishing the personnel
division we carefully scrutinized
what had been done in hundreds of
manufacturing plants. We adopted
what had been proven good and re
jected what had been found wanting.
. Fair Deal
- "We are not setting up any
paternalistic regime, but we are at
tempting to deal fairly with our
thousands of employes, placing them
w here they can do the best work
and rewarding loyalty and efficiency
with earned promotion. .
"As a result, our labor .is happy
and contented, is working loyally and
our labor turnover has been marked
ly reduced.
"The excellence of the Rood Max
well is the answer to what these
things are accomplishing."
New Mexico Governor
Buys New Grey Goose
James C. Cassell, jr., president of
the Ca.sell Motor company, distrib
utors of Wills Sainte Claire cars at
!anta Fe and surrounding territory,
has just delivered a -Wills Sainte
Claire phaeton to Governor H. J.
Hagerman at Las Cruces. N.. M.
Mr. Cessell made a trip of 345 miles
over all "kinds of roads in order to
make the delivery himself. He de
scribes his trio in part as follows:
"Even though I was driving a new
car. I had sufficient confidence in its
ability to not carry any extra water
with me, as practically every other
car does. I left Santa Fe at 4:30
' Thursday afternoon and arrived at
Las Cruces at 6:45 .the followinR ,
evening. Not a single adjustment
had to be made and it was not nccesv
sary to put any water in the car,
although the weather was quite
warm going through the desert and
the wind was with niC'for Ion dis
tances at a time. . I averaged 1454
miles to a gallon of gasoline, ac
count of which I kept . accurately.
Had it not been a new car which I
was driving, it would have 'been pos
sible for me to have gone the entise
distance on high gear. By anyone
who is acquainted with this route
and understands the sand which it is
necessary to traverse and the hills
which are encountered, it would be
considered quite a feat."
Speed Wagon Serves as
Mobile Grocery Store
"A new development in the line
of motor conveniences for the pub
lic is the 'grocery store on wheels,'
which is becoming very popular
throughout the United States and
very profitable," says Mr. Opper of
me j ones-upper company.
"About $300 worth of groceries and
green stuffs is the usual load car
ried on a routs Nby these traveling
, grocery stores and as good a selec
tion can be offered as is usually found
in the average store. The overhead
expense is reduced to a minimum
and the customers look forward reg
ilarly 'to its coming, so that a track
is established that is everlasting.
"Inside it a full equipment of
shelves from floor: to roof on each
i side and extending the full length of
' the car. The bottom shelf is 18
inches above the floor, the next one
8 inches above the bottom one, and.
all the others have a 6-inch space
between with the top shelf running
w ider as desired and depending upoa
tr.e height ot the body.
Hale R. Bixby Gets
Lee Tire Sales Job
Omaha Family Driving
Durant Four to Coast
If. Roxie and family left Thursday in Frico. Mr. Roie i an enthus-
in their Durant "Four" for San Fran- iastic booster for the Durant car,
cisco. They expect to camp out en- having driven his over 4.0(10 miles
route and to arrie about June 15 before setting out on this long trip.
Capt. John Briggs Buys
New Rickenbacker Car
I ' lit ,
p J1 V
"Great Tire Year"
Is Prediction
Manufacturer Expects 1922
to Be Banner Year in
In 'a recent ttateinint to hi or.
ganization. Mr, Mason hat made
ome startling predictions regard
ing the tire industry for Yill.
"This will be one of the greatest
tire years the industry has ever
known for thoe companies who are
in position to meet the public de
mand for a tire of value, long life
and reasonable price.
"While many estimate thi year't
production of tire to be larger than
lat year's, few realize the tremen
dous sales impetus that many of
the good tire companies are experi
encing at this time,
"Those companies which have ad
hered to a constructive sales policy
are finding that profits and volume
are mounting In a most pleasing way
and our own company, the first
three months, has shown net earn
ings, after depreciation and interest,
amounting to a great deal more
than in any previous quarter in our
"Unfilled orders on hand at the
plant at the present time are larger
than at any time in our history and
for the next few months our sales
will be limited only by the number
of tires which we can deliver.
"We find everywhere dealers eag
er to tie up with standardized lines
on which they can depend and on
which the public can depend.
Clyde Parsley Joins
McCaffrey Company
Cadillac Is Pioneer
in V-Type Motors
In addition to being one of the
pioneer automobile companies of the
world, the Cadillac Motor tar com
pany ha the di.tuiilion of being the
pioneer in the successful introduction
and development of the V-type, high
speed, eight-cylinder engine, ol elec
trical starting, lighting and ignition
system ' on automobile, thermo
statically controlled carburetors and
numerous other engineering tcliiev-
After rars of intensive research
the famous eight-cylinder engine was
designed and built in 1914. Ims
power plant was put to the severest
test in service with the American
expeditionary forces in the world war
and how it gained prestige in that
service is now history.
Two years before this power unit
was designed, in 1912. Cadillac Mat
the first automobile to adopt an elre.
trie starting, lighting and ignition
system as standard equipment. The
public has demanded it ever since.
The above picture shows Capt. J.
E. Briggs of the southside police
station and the new Riskeubackcr
car which he heccntly purchased.
Capt Briggs thinks this is the finest
automobile in the state of Nebraska,
and bases his assertion on the fact
that he has owned 'and operated many
different makes of cars during his
association with the police depart
ment. Capt. Brigs says that he was one
of the early . automobile owners in
Omaha and that so far as he knows
he was the fiirst Omaha motorist
to operate a ' right hand drive" Ford.
This was so long ago tha the dates
are a bit hazy and for fear some wise
bird might contradict him, the year
in which this model was made has
been omitted.
Sometime this summer Capt.
Briggs plans to retire from the police
force and is arranging to take a
long motor trip in his new Ricken
backer. This car was purchased for
his personal use and will not be
used in connection with his police
department duties.
Siam Forges Ahead
Firestone Man Finds
Bangkok; the capital of Siam, is
one- of the most thriving cities in
Asia and in better condition, as far
as business is concerned, than many
Eurooean caoitals. according to a
representative of the Firestone Tire
& Kubber Co., wno nas just returned
from that little country.
Since 1918 nearly 2,000 motor cars
have been imported and at this .time
50 different makes of well-known cars
have their agents in Bangkok. About
200 motor trucks are estimated as in
use. and this method of transport
ation bids fair to succeed more prim
itive arrangements.
- Of course business development in
Siam is more or less a slow process
but it is rapidly coming to the fore
in improved transportation, accord
ing to the Firestone company.
Clyde Parsley.
Upon his return to Omaha, Clyde
Parsley has resumed his former as
sociation in the automobile business
Mr Pars1v will inanacp the
tincoln distribution with the Mc
Caffrey Motor company, local deal
ers for the Lincoln car.
Mr. Parsley was formerly con
nected with the ''ackard people and
is familiar with local sales and ser
in aihliiinn I hit tollman v wis the
first lo develop and inaugurate ther
motUtic, control t( engine temper,
ture. perfected in the present lpe
61 models.
Hale R. Bixby. who hat been asso
ciated with Omaha's automobile row
for several years past, hat taken
charge of retail sales for the Omaha
branch of the Lee Tire and Rubber
Biaby will have charge of all mat
ters pertaining to selling the retail
trade through the established dealer
. The appointment was made ef-fecti-e
June 1. . "
TrmnMmiMifl lock r
Jutm rata of thtft inMUT
Mt IS tt 10
CW Mutilator, park
Tint hrnniy teal pMktl It
tocatoi In Uft frnt W
Precision plays an important part
in the manufacture of the Special
Six. It is largely responsible for the
dependable service that has singled
out the Special-Six as an incom
parable value. 1 (
Six hundred and eighty inspectors
safeguard precision in the Stude
baker factories. They literally inspect
every part that goes into every car
and every operation on every part.
Before cars are passed for delivery
9,500 inspections are made.
In the Special-Six there are 1,120
mechanical operations to the accu
racy of one-thousandth of an inch,
360 to one-half-thousandth.
As to the car's performance,
. a brief experience will reveal
. its superiority far more con
vincingly than we could tell it.
Studebaker cars make friends
quickly, because they give
most for the money. And they
invariably keep these friends,
because of the universal
satisfaction they give in fine
performance, economy and
O. N. BONNEY, President. C. S. CONNOR, Vice Pres. 1
2554 Farnara St., Omaha. Phone Harney 0676.
r. 4 ' comfort
KgM, wttk mnttnli txlemttn mti .
Touring . . . . . $1475
2-Pajaeofcr Roadster 1425
4-Paaenger Roadster 1475
4-Puaartfer Coupe . 2150
Sedan . ... . 2350
AOprtcmf. a. .iSJif
in Car
The time when the
American people pecu
lated in motor ears has
Eassed. Now cars are
ought strictly on their
investment value. .
That's why Hupmobile
sales have increased so
tremendously in this city,
in this state, and through
. out the United States.
Fourteen years of good
Hupmobiles fourteen
years of continual deveU
opment in engineering and
in low cost production
tell you why the Hupino
bile is a great car. .
The service given by the
authorized Hupmobile
dealers listed here, is as
- good as the car. -Telephone
the dealer nearest
you for a demonstration.
Stewart Motor Co.
2523 Farnam St."
Triltutr Will He I'niil. i pi . nmd to proud U
1 ril'Ul" ,r ' " ; nii , (irul(( W.shu.iiUMi Me.
Vh.ioM. June 3 1 he l.rotge j 1tlu j( llirlur ,,j ,ry H,lt
Wa.hiiigtou Meniumt association Wa.limutuii, nioltirr ol licmi
has stalled a caili)4:gtl to tis i Washington.
People who don't want
an expensive car and
won't accept an infer
ior one, buy the Olds
mobile Four,
Engine, 4 cylinder valve-in-he-d, Block test develops
over 40 H. P. Frame, cold pressed steel, 7" maximum
depth. Spring extra lone, 54" rear, 36" front Wheel
base 115". Cord tires, 32 x 4". Fabricotd top. Instru
ment board, walnut finish. Alemite lubricating system.
Upholstery, best quality fine grain black leather. Color,
Special Oldsmobile blue. Nickeled radiator, original
Oldsmobile design.
Coupe $1645 Stdaa$1795 Touring $1 US
. . Road$1145 ' ; Sauii-Sport $1265
Division of General Motors Corporation
De$ Moines
Mj&A?rvcKEWrt. Omaha
The Secret of
No Vibration!
For years' all the engineers of the entire
motor car industry have endeavored to
discover the principles of doing away ,
with , motor 1 vibration. Yet during all
these years not a single car has been pro
duced that could claim ''no vibration." '
So it is with considerable gratification
that we are able to announce to the (
public that in the Rickenbacker Six
they can get," for the first time, a car that
has absolutely no period of vibration.
That might sound like a strong state
ment at first but so do all great inven
tions when they are first introduced.
The secret of the Rickenbacker vibra- '
tiohless " motor is very simple. It is
merely an introduction of two flywheels
properly placed and balanced.' The
crankshaft of the Rickenbacker motor is
provided with a flywheel in front and a
flywheel in the rear.
The introduction of this tandem fly
wheel smooths out the motor so that
at any speed under all conditions you
will never find a period or a particle
of vibration.
This makes the Rickenbacker without
question one of the most desirable cars
in the world to own and incidently one
of the smoothest cars in the. world to
One demonstration will convince; you.
S-PaMnfr Phaeton
2559 Farnam,
4-PatMnger Coupe .
Prices F. 0. B. factory, plus war tax.
Patton Motor Co.
5-Passeacer Sedaa
DO uglas 5583
a 1
4 V J. H. PATTON, President and General Manager " V
Rickenbacker Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan " -
! Organisation Builds Success .
I V :
lHWOMIiliiiimimiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ