THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. JUNE 2. 1922. Omaha Land Bank , Cuts Interest on Farmers' Ixkhis i Hcl of Iniitution Derlim Chraprr Credit Will Aid Return to Prosperity. Tlit Federal Land bank of Omaha reduced Hi inirrr.t rate yetterday from 6 ir cent lo 5 1-2 per tent. Thit cheaper credit, D. P. Hoian, president of the co-operative arsocia lion, point oat. will letien the (arm ers' operating expenses and thus help the return to prosperity. The financial statement of the land hank i how i that it i now in a poti lion to operate on a 3 oer cent inter rt bails, or even at 4 3-4 per cent The bonds by which it rauei the fund for loam to fannera are sold to invetori at 4 1-2 per cent. The cost of operation and maintaining re tervte amount to only 1-4 of 1 per cent. Tint i due to the large vol ume of huins. At ' the pretent time So4.0tX.000 in loan in in force in the Omaha dittrict, which include Xrbratka. Iowa. South Dakota and Wyoming. Not single loan ha been foreclosed in the five year' imtory of the bank. Only J 1. 630 in payment are now more than 90 day patt due. Banker Express Optimiam. Sound confidence in the business outlook prevail throughout this dij. trict. according to public-spirited banker and farmer who are in Omaha attending a convention of nccretary-treaturer of national farm loan atsociations. The reduction in interest rate made by the land bank, they believe, wHl set the standard to which other farm loan companies must come, and in that wav will es tablish a lower rate on the entire farm mortgage indebtedness of 000,000,000 in these four states in the Omaha district. The federal censu shows a mortgage indebtedness. A cut of 1 per cent from the prevailing rate of 6 per cent would result in the sav ing to the farmers of $10,0U0,UUU an nually. The present cut, on this es timate, amounts of $5,000,000.. Borrower Get Profits. Under the co-operative principle, the profits of the federal land banks are returned to the borrowers, thus' i insuring them service at cost. Dele- gates to theconvention, however, em phasize the possibility of further re ducing the interest charge in order to (compete with the privately-owned joint stock land banks which also enjoy tax exemption. It is probable that resolutions will be adopted call ing attention to the ability to lower interest rates to the farmers and asking congress to increase the max. pimum loan amount from $10,000 to $25,000. Benson Commercial Club Has Picnic at Krug Park The annuat picnic and outing of the Benson Commercial club was .held in Krug park yesterday after noon and evening. The festivities started with a big motor car parade through downtown streets, winding up at the park, where a program of games and athletic stunts occupied the attention of the frolickers until the "mess call" was sounded and all pounced upon the bountiful picnic lunch, coffee for which was furnished by the commer cial clubs. ' . Members of, the Omaha city com mission and Other public officials were guests at the party, which con cluded with dancing in the evening. Stores in Benson closed in honor of the festivities. Brief, City News To Install Officer Installation of officers will be held by the Fra ternal Order of Eagles tonight, fol lowed by refreshments and enter tainment. ,, Children Denied Father George TJhlich. 244 Pratt street, was re fused the custody of hi three chil dren by Judge Sears in the court , of- domestic relations yesterday. t CttlM Mladiu. 7nl!. .... .....I.: tag for Floyd. 8, eon' of Mrs. H. nammon. zuin Webster street, who left hia home Wednesday morning and has not been heard .from since. Smith. 101 North Eighteenth street, v was fined 1100 in Central police court by Judge Foster yesterday on a charge of being drunk 'and reck less 'driving. Two Filings Made Sam K. Green leaf. 3109 North Forty-fifth street, filed yesterday as republican candi- date for county treasurer. George A. Hill, democrat, 4011 Cuming street, tiled for state representa- . tlve. . Bandits Soared Off Sam Dunn, Yellow cab driver, escaped a holdup at the hands of four men at Eleventh and Bancroft street Wed nesday night when an unidentified automobile approached just in the nich of time, he told police. May Authorise Bonds City Com ' mlasioner Harry Zimman presented an ordinance at a special meeting of the city council yesterday, which, it passed,' would submit to the vot ers at the primary. July 18 a propo . aitlon authorising $225,000 bonds to complete the City auditorium. s Complains . Against Driver Miss Bertha Elsasser, S002 South Twenty-third street, a teacher in Train school, caused the arrest -Of Arthur D. Smith, president of the Lee Lrve Stock Commission company, yester : day, complaining that she was in jured when he struck her with an automobile March 9. New York GriunL Kew York, June li -Cornmeal -dull ; fin whit and yellow granulated, 11.70 t,l. - - Wheat Spot, firm; No. 1 red, tl.M; No. SVfcard. S1.S4; No. 1 Manitoba.. $1,411, and No. 1 mixed durum, $1.37 K c i. f., track Now York, to arrlvo. Corn Spot, firm; No. 1 yellow and No. J white, TUc and No. 1 mixed, 71 lie C. I. f- Now Tork. all rail. " Oata Spot, quiet; No. X white, 4$e. Lard Eay: middle west. $U.tl012.S. : Other Articles Unchanged. New York Pi J goods. New Tork, June 1. Cotton goods were (toady today, with trade awaiting the gov ernment cotton report expected tomorrow, low end heavy goods have been In better demand. Tarna were firm. Burle.pi-.were active and rising. Advance! announced In wonted fabric laat night by one large mill ere now being followed throughout who markets. Raw silk wa steady ; thrown silk up 20 cents a pound. New Tork Produce. New Tork. June 1. Butter Firm; creamery, higher thaj extras, 3ita3tc; extras. 14454c. Ef Irregular; storage peeked firsts, t?S3$c. 1 Cheese Steady. y . Omaha Gram Omaha, June 1. Liverpool market closed steady and higher: cargoes mora firmly held aad good business being done oa the recent decline, wheat closing I'Ai to thi on in. that market. Broomhall and the Argentine gov troment estimate J2.OUO.000 bushels are still available for export from Argentine. ' A prominent crop expert makes the condition of winter wheat 8.V8 per cent, or one point higher man month ago, and estimates the crop at 608.0U0.000 bushels, as compared with 5W.0O9.0O0 bushels last month. lie says spring wheat acreage re duced more than 7 per cent; condi tion, y.'.B per rent, and estimates the crop at 256.000,000 bushels. Oats condition, 86.1 per cent, lowest in years; estimated crop, 1251,000,000 ousneis; aiso mat sun constaeraoic corn to be planted. Omaha movement was small (or all grains. Receipts aggregate 97 cars, the bulk of which was corn; receipts of other grains very light. Total shipments were ZU7 cars, principally corn and oats. The limited offerings of wheat were in good demand at prices rang ing from unchanged to lc to 2c higher. There was also an excellent demand for corn, with prices lie lower to He higher. Oats sold read ily at lie to yic higher. Rye and barley were quoted unchanged. . ' WHEAT. No. 9 hard winter; S cars 144 Dsr rent rlsrk), II. :i; i ears. 11.11s t car (smutty), II. so; i car lit per cam usrai. .:. .no. a hard winter: 1 car (smutty), li.ii. No. 4 hard winter; 1 car ( SI per cent neat aamtgeai, $1.1. t'OKJi. Vo. l.whlu: rars. tl'.e; 1 car (ship pers' weight), tie. No. 1 whits: T csts. He; I cart (ship pen' weight). 13c; I cars, it c. o. l yellow; s csrs, ti'tc No. t yellow: ST csrs. USc No. S yellow: 'S ears. Hlio. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, He. No. t mixed: 1 car (near yellow), tie; cars (shiDosrs weight). t3c: 4 csrs. tic. No. S mixed:- l csr, J'ec; l car, 13 e. No. 4 mixed: I car, fjc. OATS. No. S white: $ cars, Jl4e. No. 4 white: I csrs. ll'ie. Sample while: 1 car, le. No. 3 mixed: 1 ear, Sic. One car oats and barley mixed, 35c RTE. No. I: 1 car, 1c. BARLEY. No. 4: 1 ear (shippers' weight). Me. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlots.) Week Ago. 1 34 HI 33 1 1 Tear Ago. 31 Receipts Today. Wheat & Corr. 14 Oats 7 nye 1 Barley ... .. shipments Wheat 11 21 31 urn 10 SO 33 Oats 67 14 T Rye 27 It Barley 4 1 PRIMART RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Bushels.) Receipts Todav. Tear Ago. Wheat 1. 148.000 1.402.000 Corn 1, 731000 2,684,000 Oata S34.000 1,186,000 Shipments- Wheat 415,000 tft.SS Corn 1,002,00 401,000 Oats Hi, 000 311,000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Week Tear Carlots Today Ago Ago Wheat lit 365 34 Corn 711 20 . 41 Oats 373 123 124 KANSAS CITT RECEIPTS, Carlots Today Ago Week Wheat 107 Corn 41 24 Oats IS S ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Carlots Today Ago Agj Tear 156 39 ,-" Ago Tear . 70 tt week 13S 65 33 Wheat Corn Oata tt 72 47 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Carlots Today Ago Ago Week i Tear Minneapolis 144 12S 191 Duluth .' 11 46 184 Winnipeg 20t 26 .142 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. ByJJpdiks Grain Co. DO. 2627. June 1. Art. Open. I High. I Low. I Close. I ,Tcs. Wht, I July 1.1 1.11 1.1' 1.19! ,1.11. 1.19t 1.1 I.IS',4 Sept. 1.17 Lll'i l.lS'i 1.17S 117i 1.18 1.17'4 1.17ft Dec. , 1.21 1.21 l.lttt 1.20 Rye. July . .Mtt .SStt .W .48 Stpt. ,5 .St .(4 .it .9t',m Corn July .! .62 H .Slit .62, .62 .624 .62H .tl .62 Sept. MS .41 .14 . -65 'i '.S . 'MM Dee. M .Sti .63 .S3H Oata July .38 .Zi .37 .38' .3814 .3Sd .381. Sept. ..40 ,40ft ,3ti .3ft .40ft .40U .40 .40H, Lard I I ' I n July 11.45 11.4S 11.43 111.42 11.60 Sept. 11.7t U.7t 11.67 111.70 11.77 Riba J -.J July 11.17 11.87 11.88 11.15 11.87 Sept. 11.80 11.80 111.75 ill.75 ll.8Q Kansas City Grain. ' ' Kansas City, June 1. Wheat Close, July, 11.1914: September, 11.17 ; De cember. S1.2084. Corn July, tlfte; September, 64c. Kansas City, June I. Wheat Cash, No. 3 hard, S1.1S01.44; No. S red, 81. 1 I. 21. 7 Corn No. 2 white. 66 ft 9 54 ft; No. 3 yellow, 57ft68. Hay Unchanged to II ' higher on olover; No. 1 clover, 16.5018.60. Minneapolis Gram. ' ' Minneapolis. June 1. Wheat Cash No. 1 northern, 11.46 ft QIM ft I July, 11.38 ft; September. SI. 24ft. Corn No. 3 yellow, SSfte64e. ,; Oats No. 3 white, 34 ft 35c. Barley 6061c. Rye No. 2, 4ftS5c. Flax No. 1. t2.t2ig2.44ft. , ft. Lrals Grain. St. Louis, June 1. rWheat July. II. 16; September. 11.15ft. Corn May, 40ft40ftc; July, 43ft c. Oata May, 8ftc. i. Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis, Minn., Juno 1. Flour Unchansed to 20c lower; family patents, 37.6097.86; shipments, 32,545 bbls. Bran Ill.t0ej20.40. ... St. Joseph Lire Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., June 1. Cattle Receipts,- 2,100 head; market, steers and yoarlinga almost steady; top light year lings eaay, 38.60; 1,264-lb. steers. 18.40; Colorado pulpers, $7.86; cows slow, about steady; one head strictly choice, 56 50; hulk selling 16.00 down: bulls scarce, about ateady; calves steady. Hogs Receipts, ,000 head; shippers buying 180 to 220-1b. hogs freely at 10.26 O10.30; market looks around 6fi0c low er than yesterday's average; packers steady, 15t2ic lower; doing very little; packing sows around 15c lower; bulk of sales, tt.00QS.25; quality fair to good; average cost yesterday, J10.16 for 338-lb. weight. Sheep Receipts, 3.000 head; market generally steady; good native aprlng lambs. SI 3 76 ; cull, tt.50; 82-lb. clipped lambs, 312.60: J-lb., 112.00; 10 heavy yearlings, 11.00; heavy ewes. I4.60O4.75. Sleux City Live Stack. Sioux City. la.. Juno 1. Cattle Re ceipts, 2.600 head; fed steers and year lings, $7.6098.56; market ateady to 16e lower: warmed up ateers and yearlings. $6.2607.26; beef steers grass cowa. $4.00 06.SO; fst cows and heifers, $5.0098.00; canners, $3.0094.00; veals. $5.00910.60; feeders. $5.697.00; calves, 846007. SO; feeding cows snd heifers, $3.60 9 6.75; stockers. I6.V97.60. Hogs Receipts, 9.000 head: butchers SS.75910.S0: market, 10920c lower; lights, $10.15: heavy, U.9i.6: heavy packers. $1.6094.00; stags. $7.60 9 7.76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 100 head; bulk of sales. 19.70910.06; market steady. New Tark PMltry. .New Tork. June 1. Poultry Live weak: broilers by express, 36 9 55c; fowls by express. 38 9 2tc. Dressed easier; old roosters, 17920c, , Market; Chicago Grain By CHARLII D. MICHAELS. BMxVfc aw4(T asapwfssfJsft Wf Chicago, June 1 A change in sentiment was noted in the wheat market today. Support was given wneo most neeoeo ana wnue private crop reports were construed as bear ish, the dote was at net gain of J-8&l-3c. Liquidation was on by scattered longs in corn but the 1111 Uh wss on rally with net losses of M&J-ftc, while oats were un changed to l-c lower ana rye 7-sc higher. ' Reports of large export and mill insr sales of cash wheat, combined ivitli unexpected strength in Liver pool and Argentine and somewhat less favorable crop reports irom Texas. Oklahoma and Kansas were the bullish incentives. Houses with eastern connections were good sell rrs on an early bulge and locals who pougnt at me siart were lorcea to set out on a break, but there was good buying on the decline and some of the local professionals have turned bullish. Hlg Cask Business. A much laraer cash business wss under wav than the trade In aenersl believed. Charters were made for 1.000.000 bushels wheat, on the baala or S cents to Mon treal and the seaboard reported 1.000.. 00 bushels sold abroed. Argentine ex portable surplus Is estimated by the gov ernment at 32.SOO.OOt bushels, with ex- n.irle for the week of 1.140.000 bushels romoared with 1 011.004 bushels harvested laat year. Dry weather Is wanted In (be southwest. l-ocal professionals who have recently been hull eh on corn reversed tnsir action today and ths undertone wss hesvy a good port of the time, although the late strength In wheat led to some short cov i ring. The after.plantlng movement In Iowa Is reported ss falling off and that from Illinois Increasing. Kxport businees showed considerable Improvement, with ssles of 40)1,000 to 700.000 bushels sod chartsrs were mads for 150.000 bushels here to the bay and to Buffalo, Receipt! were 233 cars. Privste crop reports on osts Indicstsd the prospers for a yield less than nor mal, but the market was little affected and with corn easy decline was easily attsined, the finish being on a amsll rally. Shipping demand was only fair, with sales of 110,000 bushels. Receipts were it care. Housea with northwestern connections sold September rye here, while the sea board waa a fair buyer and charters were msde for 240.000 bushels. Crop reports from the northwest were very favorable. Pit Neiea. Seaboard exporters bought wheat freely on the break and there was buying to remove hedges against cash sales of around 1.000.000 bushels. Corn tradera were' mainly bearish but are not making much headway. Iowa Is ssld to be offering less cssh corn, while Illinois is selling felrly. Enough corn has been sold of late tn make a good-sised movement for, a week or more. Salea of ; mixed were maae iree on ooara more yesterday at t'Ac over July. which a shipper figured equalled Uo under Chicago July. c. I. f. Buffalo. Chartera have been made the Past two days for 3. 000. 000 bushels grsln. Including 1.000.000 bushels wheat, 150.000 bushels corn and 240.000 bushels rye that has been reported, the other business being held back. Loading out of this grain will make room for the 2.400 to 2.500 rare of wheat estimated aa on track around Chicago and it Is expected by elevator interests that within a week all will be unloeded. They unloaded 861 cars of grain here Wednes day and only 3.010 cara were on track In II positions tnis morning. This inciuaea .642 csrs at elevators and 1,350 car on track awaiting Inspection and orders. A winter wheat crop or,oo nusn Is waa suggested by the Goodmsn Clrment Curtis crop report given to. the trade today, while the Snow Baiilett Fraxier return's made It $01,000,000. Gov ernment estimate in May was bushels and harvested last year 617.000. 000 bushels. Spring wheat acreage shows a decrease of around 7 per cent, with a total area of 17, $50,000 acres and an In dicated crop of 242,000.000 bushela, ac cording to Goodman, and 266,000,000 bush els according to Snow. Oats , acreage re duced about 7 per cent with a total area of 41.614,000 acres. Indicated crop Is l.Kl.OOO.noo to 1.277,000.000 bushels, com pared with 1,405,000.000 bushels in June last year, snd 1,060,000,'000 bushels har vested in 1S21. " Complaint ef red and leaf rust is un usually wide spread, according to Snow, and It Is apparent that this class of rust will affect the crop more than usual this year. Goodman aaid proapects for winter wheat had declined, along the southern half of the belt. Omaha Produce irnrniahed hv the stale of Kebrasks. de- nartment of agriculture, bureau of mar- keta and marketing: ; Broilers .$0.409$0.42 to.i9o.;o Hens, light $0 .22 .22 9 , -z Hens, heavy 1 .23 -f" Cocks .110 .13 .ioW -i Ducks i 10V .is DRESSED fOULlBl Broilers Hens . . Cocks . . Ducks . '.SI ,2t .20 026 -.27 .24 .22 21 !270 .160 EGGS. Select . .... .260 .230 .210 .200 No. 1 No. 2 Cracka Case count. per case, BUTTER, Creamery, prints.. ...... .33-0.37 .310 .36 -.26 0 ..30 .110 .24 ureamery. tun Country, best. ... ,.230 Country, common .170 .26 .23 Butter lat. atation price .250 .:$ HAT. Prairie No. ! upland.., ...$12.50013.60 Prslrle. No. 2 upland. 10.50011.60 Prairie, No. $ upland... Prairie, No. 1 midland.. Prairie. No. 3 midland.. Prairie, No. 3 midland... Prairie, No. 1 lowland... Prairie, No. 2 loyland... Alaflfa, Choice .... Alfalfa, No. 1 Alfalfa, standard Alfalfa. No. 2.... Alfalfa; No. 3.. STRAW. Oat Wheat . .: 7. voce y.uo . 11.60012.60 . . S. 60 010. 60 . 7.000 $.00 .. $.00 0 10.00 . 7.000 t.00 "22.OO0t34.OO 10.000 21.00 15,00 0 17.00 12.00 0 14.00 10.00 0 11.00 ..$I.OO0$t.OO 7.009 s. o Wholeaale prices of beef cuta are as follows: No. 1 ribs, ltc; No. ! ribs, lie; No. $ ribs, 15c. No. 1 loins. 26c; No. 3 loins, 25c; No. 3 loins, 20c. No. 1 rounds, 17Hc; No. 2 rounds, 17c; No. 3 rounds, 16Hc. No. 1 chucks, lOlic; No. t chucks, tHc: No. 3 chucks, tc No. 1 plates. 6e: No 2 plates, fc; No. 3 plates, 4c. HIDES AND WOOL Beef hides: Green salted No. 1, per lb, $07c; green salted No. 1, per lb., 506c; green hides No. 1, per lb.,4r.c; green hides No '2, per lb.. 304c; green salted, old stock, per lb., 203o; green salted bull hides No. 1, per lb., 4c; green salted bull bides Ne. 2, per lb.. Sc.. Horse hides: Large, each, $3.00; medium, each, $2.50; small, each, $3.00; pony and glues, each, $1.0001.26. Sheep pelts: Green salted, aa to also and wool, each, 76c0 181.00. Wool: Choice fine and V4 -blood, per lb., 27032c; medium and -blood, per lb., 26 030c; low and -blood per lb.. 11022c; turry wool, per lb., 12017c. PRUITS. ' y .; Bananas, per lb 77c. Oranges: Size 21 and larger, $6,769 1.00; site 250. $8.0008.50; site, 288, $7,000 1.50; sise $24. tt.5007.50. 'Lemons: Box, according to size. $6,500 $.00. Grapefruit: Crate, according to else, $5.6007.00. Applea: Winetap, according to size snd grade, $2.7604.00; Ben Davis, according to size and grede, $3.00; Newton Pippins, according to size and grsde, $3.60. Strawberries: Crate 24 quart boxes, $3.21 03.60. - Figs: 24 packages, $ ounzes, $2.21. Figs: - Bulk, per lb., 15016c. Plneapplea: Cuban, according te alas, $3.6005.60. Cherries: California, t lb. boxes, $4.00 04.50. VEGETABLES. s Potatoes: New No. 1, per lb., SV04c; new. No. 2, per lb.. 3c; Western. Neb., Ne. 1. per cwt, $1.7592.25; Wyoming russets snd pearls. $2.26: Idaho whites. No. 1, per cwt.. $2.26 9 2.50: Red River Ohio, Ne. 1. per cwt , $5 2592.60; Oregon netted gema. per wt., $2.25.. Sweet potatoes: Per bushel, $1,760 J.OO. . Celery: Dozen. 75c4Jl.oo. Heed lettuce: Crates, $3.54; per dozen. $1.00 91.50; leaf lettuce, per dozen, $09 40c. . Rubard: Rome grown, per dozen. 40a. Egg plant: Per dosen, $2.00. Onions: Texas crystal wax. 44 lb, crates, 3.00; Texaa yellow, 45 lb. orates, $2,409 3.00. . Cucumbers: Hot house, per dosen. $1 60: Texss. per bwitael basket, 4-1 dozen, $2.40 Financial and Industrial News of Livestock Reetlpls were I Cattle. Mega Sheep. orneiei aieadey. I Sit . til , Ml tXflelel Tuesday $ :tl t l 044 ttatinta IS Thursday ,. t.t4 14 Set I tee I 4 Official Wednesday 11,011 IS. til Knur day Ihia eek M ISS- 4.t:t Same das last week 34.144 41 146 I4.IS1 II. tit e days te ka. ase tt.lll $4483. It ttt me ears s M ase is. its te in 34 Ml heme days year ase tl.til 14,410 it.UI ' Receipts and dupealtlea of livestock ai he Union stockyards. Omen a; Neb., far 14 aours enamg at s p. m . June l, lt:& niiccii'TacARixrr Cauls Hags Sheep Ma. I'se Ry,.... t ' I Union Peetfio R. R ft tl I t . a i. w, ny., east ,,,,, i a ., ', S. W. Ry., west ....64 tt t.. St. P.. M a O. R..y.. tl 3 C. B. A q. Ry,, east II t I C, B, a g. Ry.. west .... 45 II .. C, R. I a P., essl 34 s 4?.. n. I. a P.. weet S 4 t Illinois' Central It I I $ Total rerelpie 247 :$! It lISIOSlTION H t-'AD. Cattle Hogs Sheep Armour a Co l.tll 3.041 t;t Cudahy Parking Co I.Ut $.661 MIS I'oia rocking CO 437 1.131 Morris Parking Ce ..... t3 I. tit Swift a Co l.ltl till 717 l.tll J. W. Murphy ... I 1st Swarta a Co Jj Unrein Packlna Co . ft Wilson Packing Co.... lit nurairK ... Hoffman Bros. ........ It Mayarowleh a Vail ' 27 tt esse e e tttst ttt't see t)eOt eae see $ sees a 9 9 see S99S) Mldwoet Parklna Ce 14 Omaha Packing C...... 31 So. Omaha Packing Co.. 21 J. H". Bulla IS R. M. Burruss a Ce ... t Dennis frsncls II Rills a Co t Klrkoatrlrk 13 John Harvey 444 P. P. Lewis :t J. R. Root a Co........ t Rosenetock Bros II Werthetmer ft Degtn .. 13 Other buyers toa 771 Smiley cudsnr fr Sioux Falls ... 1.174 Totsl .1.114 16,347 4.141 CatUe: Recelnta. t.too head ' with Sther liberal run of rattle Thursday the mantel aevoiopeo runner weakness, com petition for the more desirable light and handy weight steers ss well aa prime heavy cattle was sufficiently vigorous to hold prices stesdy en these srrsdes. hut plain and medium weight cattle were gen erally 10c lower and alow at that. Beat stssrs sold around tt.269l.5S. Cow stuff wss IO91S0 lower, making a 2l940o de cline thle week. Blookers and (seders were in ngnc supply and ateady. Quotations on csttle: Choice to prime; gooa to cnoice peeves. tt. 0091. Of: fslr to road heevea 17 UH 1.00: common to fslr beeves, t7.2i97.t0; choice to Prime yesrllna-s. I.4fle to. good to choice yearlings. $7.7598.36; fslr 10 gooa yesrnnge. I7:tr7.7; common lo fslr yearlings. It.7697.2i: choice to prime heifers. $7. 7698. 26; good to choice neirers.; fslr to good heifers, to. 0007. 00: choice to nrlmo i 1.76; good to choice cows, $6.t096.26; fslr to good cows. 14.5096.50; common to fair cows. t1.009t.6O; good to choice feeders. t7.i09t.00: fair to good feeders. $4,769 7.40; common to fair feeders. I6 00ts7: good to choice stockers. $7.6691.26; fslr to good stockers, t7.00 87.iO: common to fair stockers. stock heifers St.euirs.oo: stOCK cows. I3 iOhS -f: stork calves. $; vesl calves. 8.iOA 1.76; stock culls. 11.00 0 7.00: hulls, ate si BKKF S TP.ERS, No. Av. Pr. No. Av. ..108$ ..1261 ..115S ..1207 Pr. .... t?5 .... 872 .... $75 ....1467 $7 76 $ 00 8 16 t 40 .. 5.. 37. ;. 42. It. $7 10 t 0; t 2t t 60 44.. It 68 8 75 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 743 731 7 35 It. lit 7 70 S 00 COWS. 3 75 4. 5 73 4. 6 40 . HKIFERS. 40 10. 7 40 S. BULLS. 4 76 1. 7 00 .' $30 .1166 .1147 . ttt . 101 .1070 ...1346 ...1077 ...1231 ...1025 ... 676 t 40 6 00 to!! u'.'. 10.. S iO 50 7 60 ...1040 S tt 867 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 034 7 25 Hogs Receipts. 14,000 head. On good demand today, both from shlnnars and packers; the marked ruled active mostly iuqiisc tower with tne late aeaslon. 60 10c lower. Light 'hogs sold at. $10,200 me latter top price tor the day. Mixed loads and butcher weights. $S.804k 10.20 and packing grades. $$.50 0 10.00 with extreme heavies, tl.76 0t.25. Bulk ui sales, ss.SDfj'fV.ld. HOG". Sh. fr. No. Av, No. Av. 2.. 360 32.. 304 70. .267 40.. 240 7C..21S Sh. Pr. 70 $ 976 65.. 346 ... t t 85 $0 t ti ... 10 05 70 10 It 120 S to 47. .282 64. .270 68.266 10 00 . 10 10 10 25 Sheep Receipts, 3,109 head. Trading "as iainy, active tooay win gooa tone to the trade and prlees generally 26060c higher on aprlng lambs and strong to 26c higher on fat lambs. Best spring lambs sold at $14,606-15.00 and clip lamba at $12.50913.00 with best handywelghta quoted at $13.25. Sheep were strong to 26c higher, one deck of ewes aversglng 130 pounds sold at $6.50 with othsr lots or stronger m-eights at $4.6005.60. . Quotations on sheep: Fat lambs, good to choice, $12.60013.25; fat lamba fair to gooa, $11.75913.50: aprlng lamba. $12,009 15.00; feeder lambs. $11.00012.40; Cull tamos, t'.ooww.oo; fat yearlings, $0,000 11.50; fat wethers. $6.5003.00; fat ewes, iigni, 0s.ov91.oo; lat ewes, heavy, $4,000 6.00. SPRING LAMBS. No. Av. 2i native...... 74 12 native. to Pr. "$15 00 14 tO f 25 S 00 ;. s 00 FAT EWBS. 121 .........130 115 FAT LAMBS. .............. 77 24 fed.. 34 fed . . '8 fed.. 5 St fed. ' 13 00 , Chicago Livestock. Chicago. Jone 1. Cattle Receipts. 14. 000 head; beef steers, generally steady tj 100 higher; cloned best time; top, beef steers, $0.20, weight, 1,406 pounds; top. yearling steers snd heifers. $t.l5: straight heller yearlings. $8.f0; bulk, beef ateers, $8.1508.t5; bulls, canners, cutters and common and medium grade beef cowa and heifers, weak to le lower; better grade beef cows and heifers and stackers, stesdy; veal calves, steady to strong; bulk, fat she-stock. $5.6007.25;- bulk, bologna bulls, $4.0004.26; bulk, vealers, to packers. $9.76010.26 outsiders, up ward to $11.00. ' Hogs Receipts, 41,000 head; opened 15 to 20e lower; cloaed firm 6 to lOo higher than early or mostly 10 to 15c lower than yesterday's average; top, $10.60; bulk, $10.16910.55; pigs, steady ' to strong; mostly $0.60 0 10.25; shippers took about 7,000 head; holdover moderately liberal. . Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 11,000 head; mostly 25c lower; heavy sheep and some low-grade lambs 50c lower; top, shorn lambs. - $12.60; bulk. $10.75012.50; top. spring lambs, $14.60; best light ewes, $1.00; fat heavies mostly $3.0003.50; Cali forma feeder lambs, $11.40911.50. Kansas City live Stock. Kansas "City, Mo. June 1 Cattle Re ccipta. 4,600 head; market all classes around steady; 1.100-lb. ateers, $0.00; best heavies, $8.00; Colorado, $8.4001.60; best mixed yearlings. $8.7t; better grade cowa, $5 6096.OO; common and medium kinds, rr.osUy $4.5095.00; good canners, $2,769 3.00; best cutters, $4.0004.26; top veal ers. $10.00; plain to good bulls, $3,760 1.00.' Hogs Receipts. - 0,000 head: market opened alow, lat- active to packers and shippers; 6010c lower; shippers took 1.600 head; packer top, $10.40; bulk desirable 175 to 260-pounders, $10.20010.36; 260 to 325-poundera, $10.1610.20; mixed loads, $.9O01O.1O; bulk of sales, $10.40010.36; aowa, mostly $8.00; pigs 10 0 20c lower, beet $10.66. Sheep Receipts. 4.000 head: market, shorn lambs steady to 15c higher; best, $12.00; .others steady; Texaa wethers, $7.0097.50; top native spring lambs, $14.16. , St. Loo Is Livestock. - East St. Louis, III, June 1. Cattle Re ceipts, $,000 bead; beef steers, steady to strong; other classes steady; top ateers, $t.00 for 1.072-pound averages; bulk, 17. 4001.40; bulk, light yearlings. $7,769 l.iO; bulk beef cows. 14.7696.75; bulk rannera, tt.7603.00; bulk beef bulls, $4.60 O6.00; bolognas. 14.0094.60: late veal calf, top. 110.35: bulk. $1.76910.00; very few stockers and feeders here: medium and good eteera quotdble at $6.OO0t.6O. Hogs Receipts, 16,000 head; market opened 10015c lower; closed active and steady to 6c lower; top, $10.60: bulk good butchera. $1.36910.46 bulk, 100 to 130 pound averages. $10.00010.26; packer soars, mostly $8.7691.. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4.600 hesd; market steady to 26c tower; choice Ten nessee aprlng lambs. $14.26; nstlves, $13.00 913.76; culls. $.5097.0: light ewes, $8.00 91.25; kesvies, $3.0093.60; shorn Texas wethers, $7.10 Chicago r sal try. - Chicago, June I. Poultry Alive, lower; fowl. 25c; broilers 14 f 62c; roosters, 14c Franci&) By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES OsMlte B I as US It lee. New York. June .-The reelly sinking incitjent 01 lousy s linan nai insrkeis was ine a4tanie Merling exchange to 14.40. The ore viout high mark of recover had been the $4.45 of three weeks ago. ana tne present rate it higher then any touched since July 14. 1919. lets than lour months alter the decline had begun from the war time -pegged rate- ol M.75. since sterling has for nearly a month been pretting at the $4.45 rale, repeatedly within a small traction ol mat figure alter each re action, it is reasonable to supnote that some supply of exchange bills was in the interval being "led out at a predetermined price, but that such pressure was withdrawn today, CaU Meaey Higher. Oa the stock etrhante Ihe day's early movement ronaiated meetly ef very trans parent profesalonsl effores to kid up el echo which could be momentarily controlled by "pools." The latter Irregular and rather numerous declines Here deubllees Influ enced by the rise ef stork strhsnge rsll money rstes to IS per cent, the blgkeel sinre alarm. It must again be observed thl this move ment has no relation to the stale of the general money market, which te likely te go lower, it measures surn facta ine situation aa that which the New York re serve bank lately pointed out that since laat September, loans en slock and bonds collateral In Ihe New Tork market have Increased ' $4 1 $.000,000, er nearly 40 per cent. The weekly reserve bank statements Save no elgn of demand In the larger money merkat overtaking supply. Re discounts decresaed $!4,i0t.040 at New Tork and $14,400,004 In the system at s hole. F.ipert Seralut I aerates. The Inrreaaa of tlttto.oes hitherto re ported In our total merrhandlae export surplus for April, aa compared wun e year ago, lenda some Interest to today' classification of export and Import trade by countries. From thst report It appears that our April excels of exports ever Im ports In trade with Europe waa t lis, son.- 000. ss 'against tt4.000.oot In March snd 1106.600,000 In April, lt:i. In trade with the recent European bel ligerent our aurplus exports decreased only In the rase of England and Italy. With England it was 161.000,000 In April of 1131 and tt0.000.000 In April of 1t27: with Italy it decreeted from tl. 200.000 to The export surplus rose from 12.000.000 te $11,400,000 in trsde with France and from $12,000,000 to $23,004,000 to $23,000,440 In case of Germany. New York Stocks Range of prices of the leading stocks furnished by Logan Bryan, 21$ Petera Trust building: RAILROADS. Wed. Hlrh. Low. Close, eloee. A, T. S. F. ... l"i tt'i tH t!i Balti. A Ohio ... 60 4tt 4H 6 Csnadlsn Psclflo 13t4 ISS'i 13 1414 N. T. Central .. tl'i S0V4 Sll SO'S .. 684, 68 68 t .. 77V4 77 77 77N ..106 104 104 10H, Cheaa. Ohio Ot. Northern Illinois Centrsl K, C. Southern ... 264 26'4 ,2S' Z' .. 664 664 66 6 .. 23V4 23 23 2SH .. 33 12U 33 32. Lehigh Valley .. Missoarl Pacific . N. T.rV N. H. .. North. Pacific Chicago N. W. Pennsyl. R. R. .. Reading C. R. I. P. ... 76H 76'i 764 7644 76s 75tt 76'4 76 43 41 41'4 424 76T4 7it4 544 76V4 4i4 44i 44'4 43T4 0 -4 18 '4 04 t44 2414 244 244 24'4 274. 2744 27 '4 2714 Southern Pacific . Southern Railway C. M. St. P. Union Pacifio ...13174 S4 131 14114 STEELS. . 165 166 .. 4t 4S14 4t4 4t4 ...1164 11 H6t4 11444 ...12014 118 '1 119 118'. Am Csr Fdry Allls-Chalmera Amer.Loco .... Baldwin Loco . . Beth Steel Colo Fuel Iron Crucible Amer Steel Fdry Larka Steel .... Mldvale Steel .. Pressed St Csr . . 784 77i 11 771s 33 H 33U 744 74 38 '4 37 i '77 74 '4 43 40i 7tT4 71 4 33 tt 74 38' 77 41 71'4 77 '4 3344 744. 31 77 41 tt 71 '4 Rep Iron ft Steel., 7144 Ry St Springs .... .. 76 77 104 i Klnaa.RcheffteM 49'4 49'4' 41tt 49tt U 8 Steel 100 11044 100H 10fl4 Vanadium 61 50 51 5014 , COPPBRS. Anaconda 66 56 ti 66 tt 5tt 40 '4 23 tt 33 44 34 44 39 31 18tt Utt 134 ' t7 56 4 tt 3944 22tt 32tt 4 34tt 44 '4 39 tt St IStt 18H 13tt tttt Am Smelt Ref.. S6U Cerro de Pasco.... 40 6514 39 224 32tt 64 34 tt 44t4 38 tt 3'4 18 1tt 13 '4 7H Chill 2 3 '4 Chlno 83 Cal A Aria ....... 66tt Green Cananea .... 34tt Inspiration 45 Kennecott 39 tt Miami ....... 31 Nev. Consolidated 19tt Ray Consolidated.. 16 tt Seneca 1344 Utah 69 ; OILS. General Asphalt.. 68 . 6H ttt $5tt Cosden 464 444 4tt 44 California Peterol 3tt t2tt S3 . f2 Istsnd Oil ltt 1 ltt ltt Invincible Oil 11 1 8 U Utt Utt Mexican Peterol.. 14tt 139 140tt 139tt Middle states..... 16 n it Pacific Oil S'i Pan-American . .J-. 72 tt Phillips . 66 44 64 64 71 . 66 10 34 63tt 14 Mi 64 70 56 9 32 63 36 tt 71 4 5444 , 9tt 32tt fierce on luvi Pur Oil 34tt Royal Dutch 6 4 '4 3tt 86. Sinclair Oil 34 Stand. Oil, N. J... 195 194 194 19 Texas Co 50 . 49 tt 60 49 '24 J3 10tt 10 Union Oil 2414 23 White Oil 10 1 MOTORS. Chendler ......... 76tt "74tt 74 76 Onneral Motors.-... 14tt 14 .14 14 Willys-Overland .. 9 9 9 Pierre-Arrow .... 20 19 19 19 Whit Motor 51 49 ' 51 48 Studebsker 124 123 123 133 RUBBER AND TIRES. Fisls 18 18 . 18 18 43 61 21tt 18 t6 46 40 49 tt 45 Goodrich ........ Kelley-Springfleld Keyetone Tire.... Ajax U. 8. Rubber..... 48 63 21 H 18 43 43 61 21 tt 17 $4 47 : 41 60 51- 21 tt 17 44 5 INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar.. 47 47 A..- Q. & W. 1 41, 41 Am. Inter. Corp... 60tt 49 Am. Sumatra 4? 43 43 Am. Telephone. American Can . .123 123 123tt 123 4g 48 48 - 4S 41 40 40 40 17 , 17 17 17 Central Leather itdh- uane Cuban-Am. Sugar. 25 25 25 2584 Corn Products 102 101 102 102 Famous Players... 86 86 85 86 oeneral Electric im 167 168 15 Gt. North. Ore .. 40 40 tt 40 40 Intern. Harvester 106 104 106 104 A. H. L.. ofd. 72 .72 : 72 - 72 U. 8. Ind. Al 67 68 67tt Internat. Paper 63 62tt M'i Inter. M. M., pfd. 86 84 84 67 62 '84 79 55 81 54 44 42 92 30 39 39 46' 28 Amer. Sugar Ref. 79 79 79 Stromsberg ...... 65 66 "55- Tobacco Products 82 79 80 Worthlngton Pump 66 54 54 Wilson Co. 45 46 1 45 Westlnghouee' Elec. 68 62 63 American woolen 93 z 12 MISCELLANEOUS. American Cot. -Oil 10 A, Agxl. Chem 42 American Linseed 40 Union Bsg. pfd. 30 30 41 31, 46 39 39 t Boscn Magn ito Brook R T 28 37 -27 Cont Can 47 Cal Psck 78 67 67 7814 87 4 78 88 4 78 784 87 4 78 48 Col Gas A El.....' 88 Colum Graph . ... 4 United Drug .... 78 Nat Enamel 51 Lorillard Tob 1 48 95 31 tt 123 46 63 7 28 31 49 tt 169 National Lead .... 95 Philadelphia Co .. 39 Pullman 123 Punta Alegre Sug.. 46 So Prto Ttco Sug. 63 Retail Storea .... 68 St. L 8 F .... 29 Va Car Chem .... 32 95 96 39 .. 122 122 44 tt 63 68 47 29 30 31 30 Total sales, 1,249,500. We4 Close. .05 .0037 .0914 4.45 Close. .. .05 .. .4038 .. .0914 ..4.46 Money ... Marks ... Francs .. Sterling . New York Money. New Tork, June . 1. Money Call, strong; high. 5tt per cent: low snd rul ing ratea. 4 per cent: closing bid. i per cent; offered at f per cent; last losn. per cent. Loans Call, againat acceptances, '4 per cent: time, essler. 40 and 90 days. 4 4 per cent; six months. 4Q4 per cent. Mercantile Paper Prime, 4(4 6 4 per cent Liberty Bend Price. New Tork, June I. Liberty bonds at 1 m. today: 3a. 100.00: first 4s. 99.91: second 4a. 99.94: third 4 'it. 100. Oil luwtk 414, 100.00; Victory iw, lOO.ti New York Bonds (Tb Be la tbs oeJy Otsvaia ewspsper srhscb ptibUaltee tras of fkUl close ef the Nsw Yewk ftocl eschange boedO Ke Tark, JM I T'tdiag Is Iks hawi aaafket leas wee Ss4, koi ajiib. Nil twolahl !( mt wiaee e4 lillle , keage frew immut arMiia pex leexteiuri. lew gi4e mis. fag MMtple, Slwaiiad larroaeed belee. I.iberie tt ike aeeet pe rt at reei ! teereey e ellies. aeihag heiaa allnie4 la prafu iefciag sad akwl efeeikgs. piempi. 4 4f lb ptngreae mt kaIM lei.!stl Te II e skare Ul ef jaiy see 4 t', I4 l $ttt gad tt tt,, 1 efcea. fteeih HMnrtt, Ret, gia and Maadiaaeua lotae tea.e beta lee by fieri ims la paiaia. be I I se'k. kieeskiae is eased tMedeialely aad Mriu lek r affeeioia at4e pa senplikie reeraae la the lerei .fb fay tckt a I ml 41 llama sad tere in Ik demaaii rail Indaetrtate and kiiliuee eie eoafeaiat but reeeiieaa predamiaaied la ike tiasl hear. ka bond sntee fulleaed Ik loever tread af aierka Total seise, per ttlti, ttreled lit, T3t . Among Ik day's new ffrlni wee sn leau af 11 It H ef TeM Klee. trie fever rmn,. 4 let f i i. rinnall liae and i.lartila inmMal. aad tt tee ttt ef Saner Metis company (Cal If oraia I land trwrtsssa. New Terk, Jun l Follawing are la. day'a kith. I and rloeiaa krtraa af bands in on Ihe Mew Tork stork e.rbtef. sad Ik eeie vi eacn pones; I', a. Salrs in II set I Nttk law J 11 t lets 111 Liberty 3 ,, I Liberty la 4a t Liberty Id 4e 741 Liberty 1st ls.s .. 99 14 ..I" ..! 09 t tl SO 9 St St 14 tt St 94 l t 94 I $S4i Liberty :4 , tti Liberty Id 4.a I e ttlt Liberty 41 h 4 . 4 ese iriory lit 1044 Victory 3 .1424 14.24 14 Fr iga Uiinsieti, Mai aad Maalrtpnl, $7 Argenlln 7a 11 ! 10 t t'hlneee Don Ry is. it tl 11 It I'lly Bordesux .. 11 41 $ City t hrlallanl It.lIsC l T I'lly Copnhgn $. IJ 91 30 City Lyon 4s tl lt 33 City Mareelllee It .. It tl II City Rio Janeiro it, 11 1t "tt ie Sl tl 14 It) I City San Paulo l..0jt, i 1 City Toklo I 71 71 71 I City Zurich it ....111 113 lit IS 7n Mun ta A. .111 III 111 as i;epi nein 1 , ... II Jt It IJ Iwtn (in s 21,10 ! 1 ev im n t ai.... is vi is 53 Iitch K Ind t 47.. 14 It's ti IIS si I'tcn c l no i:. iia s 44 French Rep 14 14 124 French Rep 7',s ..12 12 23 Jspsn let 4l ,. 91 944 13 Japanese 4s 77 Vi 17 104 I2 91 77 31 King Pelg 1 11 10 19 83 King Belg ts 12 12 1"2 il King Dsn Is ...... II 91 11 T King Itsly t-s .. ti 94 94 413 King Mhrlnds 4a .. tt 91 97 li King Norwsy Is ..lll't 11 110 is King eweoen is ..102 11 13 20 Psrls-I.y-Med fs .. 17 12 12 It Rep Chll Is 41 ..10i, l"i 106 1 Rep Cuba 6a 04.. 9 90 90 t Rep Uruguay la ..108 101 108 t State Qunslnd "a ,.110 110 110 24 Stale Munalnd is.. 101 101 101 114 Ht.te Rio G Sjl ts.102 102 12 8 Swiss Con 8 ....III 117 117 219 K O B I 6 I 23.108 108 101 123 K O B A I is 21.19 10, 19 44 K O B I 1 37.1; 2 lo; 41 U 8 Rrssll Is ....105 6 106 111 U 8 Mexico 5 16 46 tt 7 U 8 Mexloo 4s .... ii ll"4 is Railway and Miscellaneous. 1 Adams Ex 4s 75 75 14 Ajsx Rubber Is ..102 13 14 Am Ag Chm 7i ..103 103 It 12 143 15 Am Smelt ts 12 92 tt 92 61 Am Sugsr fa ....100 100 100 67 Am T T cv 6s. .115 lit -lit 23 Am T ft T c tr is 17 17 17 3 Am Writ Fa7s.... 88 87 17 4 Armour A Co 4s.. 11 $9 ft 31 A T S F gen 4s. 11 81 18 25 At Ret 103 103 101 fO Rait Ohio ta .... !! 99 99 34 Bait A Ohio cv 4t 81 81 81 6 Bell Tel Penn 7a. .107 107 107 3 Beth Steel ref 6a .. 95 95. 96 2 Rraden op 4s .... 68 98 98 t Bklyn Ed gen 7s D.101 107 107 10 Bklyn R T 7s ct st 81 " 1 ' 81 14 Csn Nor ts 111 111 111 26 Csn Pso dek 4s ., 71 71 78 10 Cent Go t tttt 97 91 10 Cent New Eng 4s. tt 65 tt 7 Cent Pso gtd 4s. 16 96 46 64 Cerro Pasco 8a....l23 122 123 64 Ches O cv 6.... 94 ' 93 93 16 Ches A O cv 4s., 97 S7 87 65 C B A Q ref 6s A. 99 91 99 ,t Cllt A. E III 5s 80 2 Chi Ot West 4s ..-61 31 C M A St P cv 4s. 70 46 C M A St P ref 4s 65 3 Chi A N W 7s ....107 17 Chi A N W SMS.. ..lit 10 41 19 63 10 41 70 64'. 105 106 109 109 23 Chi Rys 5s 1 C R I A P gen 4s 71 C R I A P ref 4s 20 Chile Cop 7s..... . 82 . 13 . 81 12 82 83 13 80 107 91 77 87 95 87 117 80 .107 lot 27 Chile Cop 6s , 4 Colo Ind 6s ...... 1 Colo. A So ret 4. - t Col OA El 6s,... . 91 91 . 77 77 87 87 96 95 It Con CC1 Mrylnd 6s 87 87 zo uon Gas 7s .117 117 66 Cub Cn Sug d 8s. 64 83 84 95 6 Cub Cn Sug d 7s. 86i -Sott 20 Cuba R R 7s A...1021i 12 102 1 Cnb Am Sug 8s. ..108 106 106 7 Del A Hud cv ts. 97 J 97 6 D A R G Imp 5s 82 82 2 D M A Ft D 4s., 65 55 2 Det Ed ref ts 103 102 t Det Utd Rys 4s. 83 83 SDImnd.Mtctl 7s.l08 101 12 Dist Sec 6s 47 46 83 65 102 83 101 47 39 Dent Nem 7s 108 107 108 8 Duquesne Lt 6s. ...103 1"3 l3tt 37 Erie gen 4s 55 64 64 19 Erie pr Hen 4s .... 64 64 4 . 6 Flsk Ribber 8s 106 106 ln 17 Framer IAD 7s. 96 98 99 13 Gen Ele? deb 5s ..101 .101 101 44 Goodyear T 8s 31-. 102 102 1024 17 Goodyesr T 8s 41.116 116 116 12 Gnd Tnk Ry C 7s. US H'2 112 28 Gnd Tnk Ry C 6s. 103 103 103 84 art Nor 7s A ..101 109 109 23 Grt Nor 5s B 100 loo 100 24 Hud A M ref 5s A.. 84 83 28 Hud A M ad In 5s. 64 63 84 - 64 im 90 to 14 9 97 ' 91 47 78 17 108 99 90 S3 III Cent 6s 101 mi 6 III St deb 4s ... 4 Ind St 6s 123 Int Met 4s ..... 324 Int Met 4s ctfs. .. 49 Int R T ref 6s ... 74 Int M M sf 6s 13 Int Pa ref 6s B ' 14 Invlnc Oil ta - 19 Iowa Cent ref 4s . 10 K C Ft 8 ft M 4s.. 90 90 80 15 61 98 86 98 47 79 80 14 69 97 M 98 47 78 87 17 . 17 Kelly-Spring T 8s.. 108 101 $ Lacka 8t ta 23.... 99 99 30 Lacka St 6s 50.... 90 90 4 Lcld G St L-lst 5s.. 92 92 lt L M ft M S d 4s 28. . 94 94 94 - 1 Lehigh Val 6a .....102 102 102 5 Liggett A M 6s .... 96 96 96 8 Lorillard 6s 96. 96 96 22 L A N ref 5s ..103 103 103 - 1 L N unified 4s.. 90 90 90 9 Mkt St Ry con 6s .. 99 89 , 84 1 Mexlcsn Pet 8s ....107 . 13 Mich Cent deb 4s.. t0, 107 107 90 90 98 98 5 Mich State T 1st ts 98 14 Mid Steel cv 6s .. 91 20 M A St L ref 6s .. 49 91 91 48tt 48 30 M St P A SSM 6!. 102 102 102 9MKATnpltsA84 31. 81 132 M K A T n ad ts A 67 ' S M K ft T 1st 4s.. 81 , 47 57 71 11 . 100 43 96 99 10 M Pan ref 6s 23. .100 100' 43 94 31 Mo Psc gen 4s.... 64 7 Mont Pow ts A.... 16 2 Nat Tube ta ...... 99 ISO N O T A M Inc. ta 71 99 70 71 71 N T C col 7s. ....105 105 106 96 N T C deb ts 103 103 103tt 15 N T C con 4s 83 82 82 18 N T Ed ref ttt ..109 109tt 19 16 N T Rys ref 4s ct 40 40 40 15 N T Tel d 6s 49.106' 104 105 18 N T T ref 6s 41.105 104 104 10 NTW A Bos 4tts. 67 66 57 2 Nor A So 6s A ' 68 68 68 - ' 4 Nor A West cv 6s 108 108 108 7 Nor A West con 4s.. 89 87 87 4 Nor Pa pr Hen 4s .. 86 86 86 27 Nor Pa gen. 3s .... 41 61 61 106 N P-O N St 6S..106 105 105 2 N Sts Pow ref 6s A. 91 91 91 32 N W Bell Tel 7s.. 106 106 1064 2 Or A Csl 1st 6s.. 98 98 98 1 O 8 L gtd 6s ctfs ,.102 102 103 21 O S L .ref 4s 9014 90 90 23 Or-Wen R R A N 4. 81 81 $1 6 Otis Steel ts A 102 102 142 11 Pac G A El 6s... It 91 91 3 Packard Mot Cr te.197 107 107 . 1 Pen. Am P A T.7-..101 101 31 Pen R R ts '. 109 109 101 109 99 90 96 32 102 97 21 Penn R R gen 5 .. 99 99 5 Penn R R gen 4a.. 90 1 Pere Mam ref ts.. 95 67 Peoria A E Inc 4s.. 33 90 tt 96 " 102 97 20 Pierce Oil De 8s ..102 2 P C C ft St L 6s A 17 Suits Cleaned and Pressed, $1.50 Our tremendoua velum hat enabled ue I reduce our price. , We call far DRESHER BROTHERS UIT Farmasa Street. AT. the Day l Pea Ref te .l t t t H4S S .... 4e tt I 11 I I N l t.V t. o.T t k i A 4 L 4e .. t te tel. II M L I M 4 tml tl tltT ti II N t t II f 1 -, 11 lt 1, li i L e 4 r mmi a. s $ mi, 4 ir w I te 4 11 lis II S He f K 4) k 4. S tii 51 lit. It kw4 A I, ) St., IS ttv II ka.4 A I. l .. $1 ! II l kM4 A I. e te. , 11 tt I kk.,w, Si Ms te A 11 kiwi! INI I lat 14 I'I'l l" tl Irlkelsl IH ( la, I a. he,! Tel a .... ' I k f.a se te e Se t k Pa I .... 11 11 11 14 ke ft l ir t ,, I1 '! II tm kf f .,,. 11 I ky i .... i lit rrf Hi t I t e II kia IMI 11 4 114 IH 14 I Te 4 fee lei I St ti ti ti 14 A !.. 11 ltt 41 Tkif4 A rel 4 .. II II TM.Ie M t ler, 114 11 1 Ta r'a is ie II l' 11 4 .. 11 II '1 91 li I f.. 4 .... tl tl 111 $l Teak tr It I;. !: iei t lid )" te ......111 HIS IH II S Heeitr .... 14 ' 9e t U 4 Rwkr 1 ,.l 11 11 4i u a tt $ u tn, ti it tt v a i r .,.. it s ! ii't 1 1 lit r 4 1. ta .. l tt 4.t'r ihi t tij Ii S V,t I'hm t ii, 91 i nt ie it S Wtktek te! it .... St ! 91 II Hm.h f.lea t !' I I Weal MrlH4 It l t t W . ft. Ilk. 4a .. III. It la II V I Weal talon ttt,. .11 11 11 ss vieeiiag s;iee le ,,ii ee 1 I iwitl l a liij w 1.1 jea je I WKfc.kpan SI la.... 11 11 19 II lleoaj ) l" al I .! J3't 11 tl W lie 4 C r ., SI t) 01 4 Wie teal sen 4e.. te 11 11 ti it rue.,, ? i II Southern Ry 4t .... 44 t 44 Teial sale ef bond lsdy were $14 It 94 14 4 731 rwmpared kllk $14 HI H pilVlOU N. Y. Curb Bonds 24 New Terk. June I Important new ta ue were brought Int premlaenr en th curb today. Moat Inure! w siuihed I th stocks to be Issued under th Tobate Product merger plan ahlrb er deell la le ie delivered when Ueued. Th rem men slock waa traded an a large seals from i$ to o and Ihe prelerred A sold 14 lo t:e. Standard Oils ihowed renewed strength Imperial Oil of tsnsd ranged from 12 10 121. and International Petroleum, Si'a t 2iSe. Kentucky a In good de. mnd. 1 to 100'.. Ileavieel trading ass in Indisna. Nearly 200$ share chanting fcsnd at 11t lo 120. Metlran seaboard was the fetlurs at Ihe Independent oils. Carlb Syndicate ts stsady, rinsing 1 le 1. Motor slocks wire fairly so tlve. timing shares war Irregular with In dependence Lead again Ik demand. Ntw Tork. June I. Tranaacliona en Ihe New Tork curb bond market today were as louowa: Bead. Sale (In l,tl High Low p It Allied Pack fa .... 14 .11 13 i Allien rai'K ticiia.. tj at 4 Am Lt ft Trso ft.. 17 17 107 Am T ft T It, '2! 100 100 1,00 2 Ana t opper st .,... in in'. s Ana copper is. .i.ioju in inj 17 Armour ft Co Is ..104 104 104 I Beih 81 7a Si 102 102 102 I Csn Nst Ry eq 7s. .101 1 101 14 3 (-in Nst Ry is .. 11 i 11 'i 3 Con Tex I t7"i 17 97 , 1 Con Tex ts 102 lo- 102 3 Cop F.x A tl. 1923.102 101 101 t Cop F.x Asn Is 24. .102 12 i; $ Cub Tel 7s .107 107 17 1 E Gss ft F f . 4 Goodrich t 7s ... 2i G Trunk ti . II Guir Oil 7s ... 7 Hood Rubber 7s. 13 Humble Oil 7s . 17 In R T ts. 1122 inoTa ino 100 100 91 99 106 101 105 104 104 104 94 47 91 101 101 101 3 92 12 I Ken Copper 7s ....lot 106 jet 14 Lib Mo ft Lib 7.. 11 tt 9 If Nat Acme 7a .. 91 $7 tt 32 N T. N H ft H le 90 89 90 e run o irp n J ll..liii li 101 9 Robert Galr 7 .... 99 91 tt 99 S-R 7s. 1921 101 101 101 1 onawsneen 7B ....103- ii 103 S S B Tel 7 10244 102 102 1 tltsn OH N T 7s 21.106 106 106 .2 Biaa utt si y 7a 3.itu 10 lot 2 Stan Oil N T Te 11.107 107 107 4 8 OH N T 7s. 'to. 107 107 107 t 8tsn O N 7 II 11 101 109 109 own ni j 1 Bfts ..loi lt't ft 107 25 8 Warner ts 11$ lit 11! t 8 ft Co 7s. 1131. ..102 10284 142 17 Taxes Co 7 101 101 101 3 Tel Kdlson 7s ....106 104 100 15 Un Oil Prod 8s ....107 107 107 a vacuum I'll is ....IS7 ! 107 I Western Eleo 7s i. 1074 107 107 15 Winchester 7s ..lot 100 100 26 Am L WW..' 100 100 100 I " At If A VY I SS 64 S4 64 20 Brooklyn Un Gas 6s. 105 log 105 2 Char Iron 8a 96 15 Cln Gaa t 98 96 96 98 128 3tt 76 95 tt 99 62 108 98 is rreeporr, Tex is.jao 12t 14 77 96 98 42 108 99 101 fl' ,'2tt 20 44 17 ' 6tt 85 73 44 190 Int G N 6s 64 4 Int R T ts W I... 21 Int R T 7s 10 Int O N 1st 6s..:. 376 Int G N 6s ad 1 Magma Cop 7a ... 18 Phil El 6s t Union Oil Cal Is. , 77 , . 45 8 64 108 19 99 101 101 Foreign i French Govt 4s. t Ruts 6s ctfs.. t Rues 6s 15 U S Mexico 4s . 13 U S Brssll ft C of Elberfelde ... 6t .. 21 ...20 s. 44 .. 47 ts 6 19 20 . 20 ' 48 97 6 14 73 43 80 C of Soissons fs..t$ 420 N T N H Fr 7s 73 44 26 U S Mexico 4s Turpentine and Botia. Sivinmh. Ga.. June 1. Turpentine Msrket Quiet: 15.72: receipts.- 212 bbls.: shipments. 11 bbls.; stock. 1.796 bbls. Rosin Market , qoiet; receipt. . 73 rtikt; ihipments, 83 casks; stock, 69,- 659 essks. Quote: B. 14.39; D. $4.60; B. .14.80; FGH. ti.On; I, 15,05; K. $5.30; M, $6.50; N. $5.65; WO, $6.25; WW, $6.66. New York' Dried Frulta. New Tork, June 1. Evaporated Ap- pie Market quiet, Prunes inactive. . Apricot Firm. Peaches Quiet. Raisins Dull and easy. '- , Chleage Produce. : Chicago, June 1. Butter Easy; cream ery extras, 33c; firsts, 29 033c; sec ond. 27 lltte; standards, 33c. Eggs Unchanged; receipts, 33,071 cases (storage pack not. quoted). esiens Ielteac3ota9t Ten Thousand Lakes ALONG the shores of Minnesota's Ten Thousand . - "Lakes is many a delightful spot in which to spend . your summer vacation. Take your pick of hotel, cottage or camp life at a cost . ' as reasonable as you choose to make it. Lowest fares in years to this land of big woods and sky blue waters where you can swim, canoe, golf, hike and fish to your heart's desire in an air fragrant with the scent of balsam and pine. CaU, write or phone for ourbooklet telling where to go -and what it costs. . . MARSHALL B. 1419 First Nat'I Bank Bld(. Phone JAckion 0260 3fc .aa Seek la t . . , kaid aae lie t4r ak etemkg up ike efv ef iswei asti eit"r " la iar s eMi4 euikil. I iMeei ( ) Msaie fcelee !. fuel elfuial ' kaaeaii e4ilu4 I n'4. t-ru.t .. t4 eg s 14 U a-iatt eaiir. ftfiee aa uief aeaiHg Wll trt aatrl. LtaJyol s4 Ike '' 14 Iks wkiiaxeal a inits4 Ik latsr desllnt. wmi, kwaeae fa' k dull 4 niife4 tag Jute epiiaa e4ee4 I Siai net ! ike ike pitiM rlW. efier kav l.. kewa a k'k 4 t Ik Inker 4e4 Ik 4et ajk.kl k( belief d Ifc I'WI ele4 4 le I Bla(4 $ k kee I t aMlll Ikker. Tike In. el axslkal a sped eella4 VI uii, e peiaie d-lik, II real fee mid due kiiltad kvaifceta rt skerkeiet iltlin, 11,, ts fuHki, Ktw ivneanel li, kkMed,- luvannah. 115. II Poimi 4riki 4ugte. testa, II peiaia dariiae; Mempb'e. :!. kakai4t llaweioa. 1 la. mit decline, LllU Hietk, (4.r, uwebsaa-l New seek kaigw. New T'k. Jne I. The raw auger may. k4 e film. nk spt prir lor luhas twrkakssd at 1 II If ewl aad freiskl. equal le t ! Ir renlrlfusal, but let June aad July shipment wa hither gi IS al and freishi. eouel lo 4 lie. There eia aoiea mt I4,ee hag ef Cabas le sn eulpeel ifir for lai June ae early July shipment al quoted priree, and tt f Form June hipmnt nk outpert ep lion si 4 lie. 10 raw auger futures enrkl live but arnidrble af Ik busine ae awitrhin fiont lb near la Ihe more dlt laat paeiliena, Wl eireal and eommia eicMi have bought early, reusing advante ef S ta 1 penile, but ar the (In I her eel rk ender reliing, with final prliee unrbanged lo t point net lower. July. I1:r; September, I.tic; lecmbr, I !! March. 3 . The detnaad for refined ronllnue suit ariite and PHiee ete firm and us rhenged to I point higher, with lis granulated now listed at i tc lo i.7r. Refined future, nominal. July, I ltc; September,, I I0r; iMrember, floe. New terk toffee.. New Tork. June I, Th mrkt fee coffee fuluree a Inn nr t4y under nattering liquidation. Th orn Ing a 3 poim loner, but after aalllng at S tic at th s'ert. September eaaed off la t lie. whll July erkd down from e i ia 1 :oc. . Ne special news feslur wss connected with Ihe decline but the Rrasillin rsblea ahoaed rather Irregular fluctuation and there waa no Improvement In report from th spot eituation. Closing price were th lowest nthe day, chewing net de cline of $ to t pnlnia. Nslee were ani mated at sbout 24.00 bsga. including change of July lo later months. July, l.ltc; September, S tSc; October, t.73c; ecamter. tile Janutry, 1 47c; March, I. U-; May. IJ. Spot coffee as reported In medersts d. mand al lie for Kio 7 and 14i01t0 lor Santos 4s. ( hlrage ktm-ka. Rang ef prlres of the lesdlng Chicago slocks furnished by Logan ft Bryan, 24 pstara Trust building; . . Armour ft Co. pfd ..... Armour Leather coin Cont. Motor F.arl Motor I.lbby Montgomery. Ward .... Plggley Wlggly Stewart. Warner Swift ft Co . 13 Hwlft Int 2 ' Union Csr bnls 57 w shl 42 . Wrlgley ....a, 102 $1.50 Trial's our new reduced price for cleaning and pretting any man'e twe or three-pieca tuit. We'll call lor aad deliver. DRESHER BROTHERS UIT Faraan Street. AT. 034S. U , TUNED AND; REPAIRED ; All War, Guarantee! A. HOSPE CO. 1113 DougUe. Tel. Dave. Cuticura Talcum Is So Refreshing A few (tains of this exeraisitely scented powder dusted on the skin soothes end cools, and ovetcoiues heavy perspiration. It ie an ideal face, akin, baby snd dusting powder and takes the place of other fkerAittMa for the akin. , ta 4 rra, tr U. Address: "Bsakslttak -m.. .l SUM l where. SSW. MlaientSaaalss. TdsaiSt fcs$TCilicar Soap shaews wkkst swag. CRAIG, G. A. P. D. 91 12 4 ; 28 44 44 a