Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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Be Featured on
Bee Radio Event
Novel Numlfri Arranged for
Program Orpheum Cir
cuit Singer to Give
If radio audiences throughout the
middle writ hear whittling through
their receiver! ronifht. they needn't
far It to be stalk, (or no doubt
'twill be young Merwin Tilton en
tertaining whh i whiitling specialty
from the Omaha Grain Exchange
elation, WAAW.
So well wee Arthur Randall! Royal
orcheitra received by radio fan
Wednesday night that The Bee hat
arranged another radio concert for
tonight. Prof. Frank Mack of Oma
ha hat arranged tome novel. num
ber, for this program. Accompany
ing young Tilton will be Philip
Kratne, violinist, and Virginia Fair,
Mite Florence Ella worth. Omaha
linger, who recently returned from
vaudeville tour over the Orpheum
circuit, will entertain radio audience,
with tevera! tolo number. The e
lection, "Wake Up." that captivated
her theatrical audience, will be one
of the features Mis Ellsworth alio
will ling "I Wonder."
Other entertainment on The Bee'i
radio program will be a trio iclection
by Jeremiah Zachar, violinist: Bern
ard Culrk. cessist, and Irene Stewart,
pianiat, followed by a violin solo by
Mis Clara Schneider, , accompanied
by Mim Rowena Anderion.
Additional features of The Bee'i
radio program tonight will be
two ' baritone long numbers. Van
Dyke's "Home Again and "On the
Road to Mandator," by George W.
Campbell, accompanied by David
Bee Want Ada Are Best Business
The Dancing Master
iCeerrtfht, lilt.)
She heard him say it over and
over again, as if the worda could
never be spoken often enough; then
he gently raised her. holding her
fact between hi hands, looking into
ber eyes. . . .. , ,,
"I never thought I should hold
you in my arms gain," be said. "I
thought forgive me that I was
Elisabeth tried to answer, but her
voice seemed to have gone; "ahe lift
ed ber arms and clasped them round
his neck, then the lean came, and
she cried her heart out in the shel
ter of bis arms.
She waa like a child in her grief,
sobbing out bow lonely sbe had beern
how unhappv how much sne nao
wanted him now she had thought
he had forgotten her, and all the
time her arms clung to him as if she
could never let him go, and ahe kept
her face hiddejt against his coat. Till
at last, with a broken laugh, he
picked ber up and carried her over
to the armchair by the fire, holding
her in his arms as if she had, indeed,
been a child.
And his own eyes were wet as he
held her closely, whispering that he
loved her, and again how dearly he
loved her, till at last her sobbing
ceased and she lay quiet.
And presently Royston put the
ruffled hair back from her face with
a tender hand wid, bending, asked:
"Elizabeth, how much longer
mut I wait to kiss ypu?"
"Kin me please kiss me," she
"bay you love me then say you
love me."
"I love you with all my heart and
tout,'' said Elizabeth faintly.
He drew a sharp sigh of content;
ment and their lips met in a long
"Vou'll never end me away
again?' Elizabeth asked presently;
she could not even now rid herself
of the last doubt.
"Never till the end of your life
or mine." -
She raited herself, the shy color
flooding ber face; the tried to free
herself from his arms.
"What Is it? What is the nut
ter?" he asked quickly.
"Nothing only I think I'm
afraid of you."
"Elizabeth I"
Her lips quivered.
"You , thought I had forgotten
- A look of pain crossed his face,
"Perhaps I thought I did not de
serve that you should remember
me," he said hoarsely. "Elizabeth,
do you know how it has tortured me
since since that last night because
I because I sent you away?"
The sensitive color burned her
"Yon were right," he whispered.
"It was I who who was wrong." -
He lifted her hand, holding it
against his lips.
"I wrote you a dozen letter ask
ing you to come to me, and de
stroyed them all." ,
"Did you?" Her eyes were starry
aa le lifted them for a moment.
"Your really wanted we, then?"
He drew her again into hit arms
"So much I ran never tell you,"
"But over there In Pant you
must have seen other girls much
prettier" ahe whispered.
He laughed at that.'
"There ha never been any other
woman in the world for me since
that night you remember? when 1
first met you."
"bi that dreadful frock T she pro
tested. "I loved you," he answered.
' She looked up and, meeting hit
eyes, put her hand over them sud
denly, at if she could not bear their
"Don't look at me like that," she
uid tremulously. "I I'm o afraid
that tomorrow I shall find it isn't
true that you're not here and that
you don't love me." ,
He drew her hand down, holding
it firmly.
"I've been thinking that, loo," he
said, 'tver since I kitted you
1 ve been thinking supposing it
only a dream I . . . I've dreamed of
you so often, Elizabeth."
There was a little silence.
"And ... did Ketta know you
were here when ahe brought me
back?" Elizabeth asked presently.
Kelktfs Dm it gotrc:t39.
. la rclim mere C3 niti patio n!
Nature permanently relieve con
stipation through the eating of
ERAN Kellogg's Bran, cooked and
krumbled. We guarantee that If any
sufferer from cnnntlpatlon will eat
Kellorg'a Bran regularly that thl
dangeroua condition will be elimin
ated. Men, women and children should
know the danger of constipation;
they ahould know that constipation
can be blamed for 90 of alt Utneaa;
that It is directly the causa of
Bright'! disease, of diabetes, moat
caaea of hardening of the arteries,
etc.! Constipation slowa up- mental
and physical energy. It throttles
earning power; it destroy men and
women when they ahould be In their
prime; It atunta children! Throw
constipation out of the system of
every member of your family by eat
Ut Kellogg's Bran!
' 'Physicians indorse the use of Kel
logg's Bran for constipation beeatme
it relieves the trouble through the
food you eat: because It sweeps,
cleans and purifies without Irrita
tion or discomfort In a natural wayl
Kat Bran regularly at leant two
tableapoonfuls dally; in chronic
caaea with every meal and relief
will be permanent! And besides the
wonderful food element of Bran
will stimulate the brain and nerve
cells, put the bloom of health Into
faded cheeks, and snap Into steps.
Bran makes children grow strong
and robust.
Kellogg' Bran, cooked and krum
bled, la delicious a a cereal or
sprinkled over other hot or cold
cereals: it makes the tastiest gemn,
pancakes, raiein bread and countless
other good things you ever ate. Buy
Kellogg' Bran at all grocery stores!
You can't afford to lose any time!
Wise Spending Is Knowing
When and How to Buy
50 Thrifty?
in and around Omaha will realize that
this is the opportune "When and How"
to obtain the Player Piano they have so
long desired. You who love music you
who have good homes and growing chil
dren 3f ou who have wanted a Player
and have said: "I will buy one when,
prices ire normal" for you this is the
opportunity to secure a nationally-,
known Davenport & Treacy: flayer,
fully guaranteed, at a price lower than
has been quoted since the United States
entered the war. For you we are
making this offer, which we know is
One of the Greatest Merchandising Events Ever Conducted by
: A: Genuine
Davenport .
Player Piano
Equipped with the Stand
ard Player A c t i o n and
guaranteed in . every, way,
offered at a price that has
not been quoted in years
with the special terms to the
"Fifty Thrifty Buyers of
On Oar 3-Year Payment Flaw
We have contracted for fifty of
these reliable, guaranteed Dav
enport & Treacy Players, to be
shipped at one time, and must
sell them quickly and at once,
to make this low price possible.'
As a' special inducement, we are
offering the twelve "easy to buy" ,
advantages listed in this adver
tisement There can be no rea
son for delay. The price is right
and the terms unbelievably lib
eral. Act at once.
Is All You Pay
to reserve one of the Players at
the low price, i You can select
your instrument any time before
the fifty are sold. And, if you
do not buy, your dollar will be
' returned. Call today or mail
v The Special
Offered to
50 7hrifiy'"Butet0
1. Standard merchandise Gen-,
uine Davenport eV ; Treacy
r Player Pianos.
i 2. Remarkably low price. -
3. Three fall years to pay. ;
4. Special small down payments.
5. Low monthly payments.
. 6. Free exchange privilege.".
:7; Ten-Year Guarantee, v
8. Half-payment privileges.
9. Ona free tuning. '
10. Repair service for 12 months.
11. Twelve player rolls of your
choice free.
12. Free player bench er chair
with every Player Piano. '
Saaarier Faal
la the Inaian af Ika PUaar Plan 'van bnv. A.k If It lu. .
Hoaua Taaca flaaftla Fbfr Lead TaMav (artiaarr Play.
TMm FricH has Five FaM Metav aae the Uataataaawa
avwr Gaaefcw Dejuafsit Traacy Pterer Fane kaa aO
Aak le aaa theaa.
How to become one of the
50 Thrifty Buyer
Bast el all, call at aur store and bt
vaatifata thia of far, personally. If
yea cannot call, fill ant tha attached
coupon, mail It and wa will sand you n
ma atan blank, which aignad by you
and approved by us. will maka you
aaa af the "Fifty Thrifty" Buyara, and
entitle yon to the special purcbaae
price aad tha many ether adVantaga.
The 'Art and Music Store
"; A.H0SPE CO., - . - ;
Omaha, Nebraska. '.
' Genalemen:
I Without any obligation whatsoever on my part, you may
I send me full particulars about your "Fifty Thrifty" Buyers
. offer. . . - ' '
I Name .
I Address
"Slie knew tliet I at omim "
"And ... did she tell ou J a at
"What di. yu Myf
"I dun't think 1 .aid anything . , ,
I don't think I really belieted her."
' He rrufhtd her suddevily to hit
"Oti. my darling ... my oa
now forever."
There was silence broken only
by pasaionat words and kisses, then
tliisbeth said tremulously:
"I'm so happy . . but it's like
dream Mill." She ran her hand
down the rough cloth of his sleeve.
"1 used to look at youand you
seemed o far away from me . . ,
and now . . . you belong to me
don't you?" she whispered shyly.
"I always belonged to you." He
put her from him with pretended
severity. "That remind me didn't
I hear that you were woman of
wealth?" he demanded.
"I had 10.000-1 haven't got It
all now," she exclaimed eagerly. "1
paid Mr. Farmer the money he spent
on me, and VI me. Senestis ... and
White Oxfords
Flapper Pumps
WJiite oxfords in
the latest crea
tions are here, in
fact, have just
arrived. They'll
suit the most
fastidious tastes.
Pure white, white
combinations or
tan combinations.
Shoe Market
320 Soath lStk
XI r. Junkers bat invested the rest
for m." She smiled and colored
shall nuke, hiin give me some
now. though, for , . ,"
"Cluthesr Koynon f.nuhfd for
her triumphantly, "I know you
were going to say that.".
"ll't euly becauac I want to look
pretty, for you."
"You shall buy your clothes In
Paris," he said. "1 am not such
poor man as 1 was, Fliiabeth."
"1 shouldut mind if you were
poorer," she told him. "Except"
she touched the lines in his forehad
with gentle finger "except that 1
know it would worry you. .
He carried her hand to his lips.
"I've beeis 21 again, since you
kissed me." he told her. "Elisabeth
I've got to go back to Tarts on Sat
"And leave me?"
"No 1 shall take you with me,"
1'er eyes fell in teet contusion.
Oh, but but "
"Tomorrow I ht buy a special
license." He stood up, drawing her
rt feet with him. "Elirabeth, all
the test of your life belongs to me
Shi looked up at liim, Iter face
transfigured with happiness. "Oh. I
hope I live to be an old, old woman I"
the said fervently.
The End. '
A New Story h
Ruby Ayrti
Begins in The Bee
Tuetday Morning
3 Suspended From Ewhsoge.,
. New York. June 1-Tbree mem.
bers of the New York Cotton
change today were suspended for w
month each for conduct detrimental
to the beat Interest of the tuning.
They are A. If. Umborn, J. Mukt
and John F. Clark.
Laee Certain aae!
Seterdsy at
See Friday Eveaiag Paper
Hardware. Household UtUitit
1919 MArfNey 5T.
"Lorain" Oven Canning
Clark Jewel Gas Ranges
- Friday and Saturday
Last Two Days
Don't Miss This
Remarkable Demonstration
L. .
. Come and learn how easy it is to fill your cellar with
wonderfully canned fruits and vegetables. Actual
canning; on Clark Jewel Gas Ranges going on all
day long by factory representative. You are in
"Lorain's" accurately maintained oven Heal alone
makes it possible to do this remarkable work. Can.
ning the "Lorain" oven way is accomplished with-i
out any attention easily and comfortably; See the
beautiful Clark Jewel Lorain equipped Gas Ranges
on our floor. ,
See The Array of "Lorain" Canned Foods in Our
Big Window Get A Valuable Can ning Chart Free
WBMBnnnnnnnnsssnsessMM .' ' MnWnnnMnnnnnsnnnnnlnBnWn ., .. nanannnMnnnnaWMsnl '
More "Real Value
For Your
Than Ever
VTl All Over ZJv
J ; The Big Store
Frocks. $1.00
New crisp organdie
dresses in pink,
blue and corn col
ors. Ages 7 to 14
yean. Fancy ruf
fled styles. A spot,
cash purchase of a
large quantity of
these ' beautiful
dresses enables ua
to offer these $2.95
dresses In the An
nex Friday at
5o C. 0. D.'a or
- lay-sways.
Dollar Day
Silk Stripe Tissue,
8tt laris $1.00
Silk stripe tissues
. in a very fine sheer
quality. These
come in an array
of plaids and
stripes. Regular
39c quality.
40.ncfc Tolls.
4 lards $140
Fine quality print
ed voile, 40 inches
wide; neat pat
terns. Regular 45c
Bath Towels. 5 for
Large heavy bath
towels, all white.
A very nice quali
ty. Regular 29c
Silk Hese,
. S Pair $IM
Fine silk boot hose
with no imperfec
tions in the silk,
but slightly imper
fect in garter top.
Regular 79c value.
"Dollar Day" in the Annex
Children's Bloomer Dresses, $1.00
Ages 2 to 6 yean, bloomer dresses of ginghams AA
and linene. In all colors. Annex Friday tpXeVU
-:' - $1.69 Middies, $1.00
'Girls' "Lonsdale Jeans" middies in
all white. Ages 6 to 14. White with
v red or blue collars, 16 to 20, Also
. the popular red gatatea middles, 6,
, to 20 years. (1 AA
In the Annex ........... eplaUU
Infants' Silk and Wool Hose,
2 Pair for $1.00
Infants' fine silk and wool white
hose; sixes. 4 to 6.- Regular 85c
quality, In the Annex In
fant Section, 2 pair for ..
Vfa aasua w
"Rubens" Silk and Wool Shirts,
; $1.00
Infants' "Rubers" silk and wool
shirts;, finest 11.49 quality; in the
Annex Infants' Section, 1 AA
each eplaUU
Children's Bungalow Aprons,
2 for $1.00
Percale and gingham bungalow
aprons, ages 6 to 14 years. All col
ors. 75c quality, rick rack M AA
trimmed. Annex, 2 for . . eplavV
Dollar Day in the Cretonnes
Draprie Third Floor
A special showing cf high-grade qualities in the soft nch coloring!
so desirable.. Large conventional and floral designs and dainty
chintx patterns. Grouped in 3 price lots for Dollar Day. . -
4 yards , for $1.00 of the 40e yalues.
v 3 . yards for $1.00 of the 50e' values.
, 2 yards for $1.00 of the 60e values.
Dollar Day
Fine Glaghanv
4H Tards, 1140
Fine ginghams in
checks, plaids or
stripes. These are
all new bright pat
terns. Regular 25e
' Fine Maslis
Slards, HjM
Fine muslin, it
Inches wide; a very
fine qualUy with
no back filling.
Regular 19c kind.
' Black gate, "
4H Tarda, 9L00
Black sateen. 36
Inches wide. A
very fine- quality;
lengths from 1 to
10 yards. Regular
J9c value.
Certets, tljM V
Corsets, pink or
white la several
materials, includ
ing the summer
mesh. Sizes 21 to
20. Regular $1.(9