Men Accused of Insulting Women Get Jail Terms Fight Kiuun When lluebandt Il7ait AUfgf J Rf mark.- Woman in Dflint Hf.lih I Struck. M. YV, Andfrtoii, .'14 South Seven, frnth afreet, and Dm Kel'.run. 1714 California atrett, ef; entenred to tail lor .to dart fh. and (hartr Broik. 109 Smith Tenth atreei. $ ilit turfed, in rrnlul police court yrxrriJav morning on chargrt ol ilt int battery. The three uere arrested while fishting in front of the Capitol pool ball, 1IM.0 Dougtai street, Satur. dav night. Mr and Mr.. Charlr Mvnctt. J45I Fifth avenue. Council IHiitN. and Mr. and Mr Vittor tturke. J4o Filth avenue. Council Rlutf, appeared in court asainM thrm. They teitifird the two women had ul pasted the dmir of the pool hall when the prisoner came out and called to them: "Hello, girl, where are you go-int?- liurke hit one of the men in the noe. The fight en.tied. Mr. Myurtt. who i in a delicate condition, 'testified the a (.truck de Itherately in the rheot. She had to he taken to a drug More to he treated and revived. Mr. Ilurke ehnwed the judge a rut initle her month which he aid she received when he wa struck in the face by a clenched fist. The prisoners denied Mviug any hing to the two women. Thev claim Burke Martcd the tight. They appealed their case" to the district court. City Made Party to Liquor Damage Suit Mary and Madeline Moran. chil dren of the late loe Moran, shot and killed Octoher 7, 1921. filed suit in district court yesterday against Frank and Abe Cirian for $50,000. They ask this sum for heing de prived of the support of their father, who was only 26 years old and earned $30 a week, the petition cava The city of Omaha also is made a defendant, the allegation being made that the commissioners "made no effort in good faith" to enforce the state liquor laws." The petition, which is filed by Mrs. Mary Moran, mother of the two chil dren and widow of Joseph, alleges that the Cirian brothers "sold liquor to Joseph Moran and then engaged in a quarrel with him which ended, the petition alleges, in the shooting of Moran by Frank Cirian. " Fronk Cirian was tried in district court and acquitted. American Paving Company Awarded County Contract vThe American Pavinar company was "awarded the contract yesterday for paving roads 25 and 26 from Fifty-second and Ames avenue north and then west to the Danish ceme tery, a distance of a mile and one half. : The material selected was type B concrete, at $2.68 a square yard. The National Construction com pany was awarded a contract to pave road 31, Maple street, with type B concrete at. $277 a square yard. Omaha n to Fish in Irish Stream of Boyhood Haunts Mr. and Mrs. -James Walsh of Benson departed yesterday for New York. They are booked for passage on the Cameronia. sailing June 3. Mr. Walsh is looking forward to an indefinite season of. fishing in the River Mourne, Ireland, where he was born. He fished along this stream when he was a boy. "I regret that I cannot be here to vote for Congressman A. W. Jefferis for the nomination for United States senator at the primary on July 18," said Mr. Walsh last night. Woman in Jail, Seeking to End Her Life, Bites Artery Mrs. Nell McNeill, 2424 Cuming street, a prisoner in the women's ward in the city jail, attempted to take her own life yesterday by biting an artery in her left arm. She locked herself in a washroom, but attend ants broke down the door and sum moned medical aid in time to fore- sittii serious Mrs. McNeill was arrested Tues day .-afternoon- when, she- shot- and wu.uuucu J,. ,v in. ifi-. Cali fornia bar. Classified Advertising Rates llo per in( count words to Mn) 1 day. lo per lino per day. I conseeutlv day a, 15o per Jin par day, 7 consecuttr daya. 1 4o par tin par day, 10 conaacutlva daya No ada taken for leaa than a total of 36c Tbaaa ratea apply either to the Dally or Sunday Be. All advertisements appear In both moraine and evening dally papara for th ona charge. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION, Want ada accepted at the following of- MAIN OFFICE. ...17th and Farnam Sta. South Side S South 34th Bt. Conncll Bluffa ...IS Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BT PHONE ATLANTIC 1000. THE) BEE will not be responsible for more than ona Incorrect Insertion of an advertlaament ordered for mora than on ''"CLOSING HCTJRS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition... A. II. Morning Edition -. . . ... . :0 P. M. Sunday Edition .. 0t P. M. Saturday DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. HOUSEHOLDER Louie, ale 73 yeara died Sunday at his home, 3037 Curtia Ave. Funeral Wedneeday' 2 p. m., from Brewer'a chapel. 24th and K Sta, Rev. A. A. DeLarme officiating-. Burial at Weat Lawn cemetery. MEADOWS George, age 73 yeara, died Sunday at hla home In Ralaton. Funeral Tueaday. 24th and K Sta.. RT. C. Edwin Brown officiating. Burial at Milliard. Neb. HELM Mrs. Jeanette, ag 16. Funeral Tueeday afternoon from John A. OenUeman'a mortuary at 2 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC sealing concrete burial vaults. Recommended . and for sale by all leading undertakers. -Waterproof, no ateel to rust, no wood to de cay. Instat upon the AUTOMATIC SEAL ING VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Oh. 6210 N. 30th, Omaha. Tel. Kenwood 1077. FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 1607 Farnam. J A. list. JOHN BATH, 104 Farnam, J A. not. THE GUMPS (' E.IUfcNlfc4M- - "" - .. MJwnwtxTN N I 1 Z k ,H A tuptatacn of NWl - MA5 ; KTfJitMHt MV vw ivtHTj kUM AND irj V10 J . 5 HMf ATMS V. rr.wJOt.( TmsVUo 'tt J iU...UU.rU.J-' ' a.., ,i. . " '. a, I I - w BRINGING UP by Colly that vur a CRANO TIME. .1 HAO AT OUAN'b DANCE LAtT N6MT I WI?M I OtONT HAVE. TO CO 0UTWITH TONHT i w -m vv-k trim FLORISTS. LEE LARM0N f J?; .V.4. SAV IT WITH KLOWKR8 FROM HK89 4 SWOBODA. 1416 FARNAM BTREUT. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., Succeasor to Stack Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. f.rERRAMBULANCPHlRVo?4B Thirty-third and Farnam . HEAFEY & HEAFEY Vnde-taker and Embalmers. Phnn HA. 0265. Office J611 Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors. I2J4 Cuming. CR0SBY-M00RE CEMETERIES. BEAUTIFUL FOREST LAWN. Vialt natura'a beauty apot Foreat Lawn cemetery. It la more beautiful thla apring than ever before. North bound electric cars will take you there. Call at the new greenhouaea at the cemetery entrance. Offlcea of the ceme tery (north of city llmlta) and 720 Brandela- Theater Bldg. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth. Henry and Minnie Meehan, hospital, girl. Harry and Georgia Burna. hospital, boy. Andrew and Etta Buchman, 3804 North Thirty-ninth atreet, girl. William' and Mable Goldamitb, 2S75 Harney atreet, boy. Dr. Harry E. and Josephine McQe. 46 Leavenworth street, boy. Arthur and Dorothea Baker, I3S North Twenty-fifth avenue, girl. William and Jean Hulett, 600J Plna street, girl. John and Petrea Larsan, J40T North Twenty-ninth atreet, boy. Benno and Grace Nickels, 1343 Harney atreet, girl. Alvin and Anna Novotny. 1953 South Fourteenth street, boy. Anthony and Marie Piccolo, !50 North Nineteenth street, boy. Charles and Bertha Assman, hospital - James and Maude Deems, hospital, girl. Max and Grace Simmon, hospital, boy. Jamea and Martha Johanek, hospital, boy. Edward and Laura Lee, 4313 Franklin atreet, girl. Deaths. Charles Suestrum, 03 years, hospital. Francis E. Hlnes. 1 years, hospital. Othelia Melchioraen, 70 years. 6126 "South Twenty-first atreet. Hana Goldstedt, 81 years. R. F. D. No. 4. Marguerite Lenore Liston, Infant, hos pital. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. YOUNO LADY transferring Ames Avenue to 17th and Cuming Saturday between 5 and 6, may have that which aha left behind. Address box H-162, Omaha Bee. L08T Platinum eapphire bar pin, and and a half Inches long. In downtown district. Return to Mrs. Duval, 3417 Dodge St. . Receive reward. PERSONALS. THE SALVATION Army Induatrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, iv,.i,n. We collect. We distribute. - Phon DO. 4185 and our wagon will call. Call nd inspect our new noma, iiiv- 1112-1114 Dodge St. MAGNETIC bathei Violet Ray treatment with maaaages. en a. tain. - " for plays and parties, at Lleben's, Omaha. SULPHUR batha. Swedish massage, chi ropody. Evenlnga to 3. 20 S. 2og SI. FOR nurses by th hour or for masaag call AT. 1988. or WA. 42J3. MASSAGE Emma Brott, 1717 Webster. , EXPERT MASSAGE. ATLANTIC S4. RENT vacuum cleaners. 76c HA. 1071. EXPERT massage. 210 N. 17th St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. NEB. PLEATING ed Buttons.- 180$ Farnam, 3d Floor. DO. 6870. ACCORDION, aid, knife, box pleating; covered buttons, sll styles; hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Writs Ideal Button Pleating Co.. 303 Brown Block. Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1S8. Chiropractors. Pavlonn DR- N.. Chiropractor. 308 l;ariSOIJ Paxton block. AT. 747. WE. 6929. Office hrs., 11 a. m.-6:30 p. m. Contractors. GARAGES built, any atyle and also, 1100 up. concrete wora. wii-Kurt kiumuw Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. tsta. GARAGES of any kind, sidewalks, floors. retaining; wus. nuw t uiu - - class .work. WA. 0997. LESSARD A SON. 8031 CUMING. AT. 1833 FOR first-class carpenters, HA. 4998. Dancing Academies. LEARN to dance; aummer classes: 10 les sons. 14. Keep s, 1818 Farnam. DO. 8440. FLOOR laying, machine sanding. AT. 6323. Dentists. DENTAL X-RATS. 60 each, $1 a full eet. 419 Securities Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Detective. Independent Detective Bureau. 304 Neville Blk. AT. 6601 ; night. WA. 4046; KE. 04411 RELIABLE Detec.!" Bureau, Railway -Dx. Bldg.. J A. 30(8, night. KB, 3813. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all case. ATlanUo 1138. Ml 11 in cocoa I Dt THC IUNDAV $US FATHER Regtatr4 0. I. I'aUnl trffta WHAT'6 THlb? ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dressmaking. DHKSKMAKl.NO and alteration don at home or by the day. Harney 8113. DRE8BMA KINO and tailoring. HA. 8628. Nouveau dressmaking shp. 433 Paxton Blk. Hauling. GRADE rellara, do team work. WE. 8314. Kodak Finishing. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. Mattresses. 1'ITY MATTRESS CO. Mattreseea made over. New ticks. Box Springe Repaired. 3115 ruining Bt. AT. 4979. Patent Attorneys. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1713 Dodge, room 309. Alao Washington. D. C. I help Inventors sell their patents. Paint and Paper Hanging. PAINTING and paperhanging. Best of work; best prices. Conn Bros. At. 3397. PAPERHANGIXO. painting. Phon WA. 4998. Wolff. CLEAN paper, wash walla; exp. JA 1041, First-class pntg. and paperhng. bo. 4909. PAPtTRING. painting; low price. JA.3023, Printing. EDDY Printing Co. 213 8. 13 St. Do. 8847. BRITT Printing Co.. 301 Bromley Blk. Miscellaneous Announcements. OAITED saddle horses for rent by hour or day. All are gentle. My personal attention given to beginners. Smith Crane, proprietor. OMAHA RIDING ACADEMY. Ak-8ar-Ben Field. Phono WA. 8053. RUGS washed, new ruga manufactured from old; rag carpet weaving; mattress es, pillows renovated, made to order. Gate City Rug & Mattresa Cleaning Co., 939 N. 34th St. JA. 2722. DIAMONDS with 'prlyUaV. to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Neb., 401 N. 16th 8t Telephone DO. 6049. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses mad ever In new tlcka at half prlc of new bda, 1807 Cuming. JA. 3487. DR.-Louis N. Smernoff, diseases of women and children. 315 N. 31st St. AT. 67. BEAU, quiet home for chronlo cases or old people ; trainea nurse. Terms, wo DR. A. C. 8ABIN. RECTAL DISEASES. suit no Arinur Bias., iiv a. iin p.. MATERNITY borne, electric baths for nervousnesa. 1912 Kmmet. - WE. 3911. PRESCRIPTIONS oarefully compounded at th 8 Sherman a McConnell Drag storea. MATERNITY HOME, electric batha for nervousness. 1913 Emmet. WE. 2911. FISHER Bath. mass. 320 Arthur Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. Respect the Dead Tuesday, May 30th, being Decoration day, we will not have our regular eve ning auction on that date. Instead It will be held Friday Evening, June 2, 7:30 p. m. D1MOCK FURNITURE & AUCTION CO. 2436 So. 16th 8t. Take So. Omaha Car. To sell furniture quick Tel. DO. 4968. SteDhenson Auctions are held every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 1509 Capitol Ave. at 1 p. m. Phone AT. 6265 it you want to learn what la on sale. DOWD'S AUCTIONS, 18th and Webster Streets, attract buyera from all classes of society. Evening and day. Phone AT. 0966. BEAUTIFUL mahogany dining room set for sale reasonable. , For Information call HA. 0330. TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low as 310 per month. A. HOSPE CO.. 1613 Douglas Pianos and Musical Instruments. DUOFOLD. writing desk, Victor machine, etc.; leaving city. 106 N. 25th. DUOFOLD. writing desk Victor machine, tc. Leaving city. 106 -N. 25th. UPRIGHT piano, good condition. AT. 9493. Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For aale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" auita, cheap, alteratloha fr. Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney Sta. FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent. JA. 3128. 109 N. 16th St. I. Feldman. ARMY ahoea. 32.90. 706 No. 16th. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, aold, rented and repaired. Sol agents for th CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, J A. 413. 1913 Farnam. GUARANTEED typewriters. 812.60 and up. Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404 Podge. Miscellaneous Articles. LAWN MOWERS eharpened. Called for and delivered. 81.60. 3509 Leavenworth. AT. 9204. BOTTLES New and - used. Nathan Steinberg. 1011 Harney. Do. 6166. WE buy. Mil safes, make deaka, -how-caseai ate,. Omaha. Fixture A Supply Co., & W. Cor. lltb and Douglas. JA. 8724. ASTER planls. 2 doi. for Zlc; the kind with large flowers, liar. 3634, THE HF.R: OMAHA. TLtSDAY. MAY an. THE CONSOLER tw VAil 5 A PAIR. OF LADtC CLOVE-WOW ICOTTA cyx ko of em:: FOR SALE. EXPERT sewing machln repairing. MICK ELS. IStb and Harney. DO. 1913. WANTED TOJHJY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. AT. 8146 NKKD larc amount of furniture, all kinds; pay top pnre. harny 608. Call WE. (441 first W pay mor for furniture, rugs, atovea. clothea WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. MARRICD man. experienced In banking and credits, desires position with Omsha concern. A-l references. Oil Ha. 72fl. Female. HOUSEKEEPER WANTS position In re spectahle home. Good rook. Has small buy. Writ Mra. Betty Forayth. Clartn tia, Iowa. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. Wanted, Union Plasterers and Bricklayers for work that will last all summer rate 81. 10 per hour, reimbursement for transportation to Dsyton will ho paid after two weeKa' work. Communicat or report to the General Contractora' As soclation. Builders' Exchange, Dayton, Ohio. . Wanted, 50 Bricklayers and 30 finish carpenters on govern ment hospital at Dayton. 81.10, car penters 86c. Apply by wire or letter. Transportation furnished. THE DANIS-HUNT CONSTRUCTION CO., Schwind Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Carpenters Wanted Accustomed to concrete form work on buildings. Rat 80c per hour, and 10 hours per day. Apply Wella Bros. Con struction Co., at John Morreil Plant, Ottumwa. DO you want to increase your Income? Write the National Auto School. 3814 N. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. WANT PAINTER. Considerable work now ready paying 75c. Call Kenwood 4071. WANT PAINTER. Considerable work now ready; paying T6c. Call Kenwood 4071. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 & '4th- Writ tor catalog. HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. NURSES WANTED, 327 SECURITY BLDG. UAY, AT. 1DBH. WIUKT, WA. Saleswomen and Solicitors. Wanted Women Teachers Our employment director will be in Omaha next Saturday to hire women teachers to travel during summer vaca tion. Special work along school lines. Salary to start. Railroad fare paid. Write Mrs. U J. Carroll. Fontenello Hotel for appointment, giving phono number, or call Saturday. F. E. Compton & Co. Traveling Positions To Be Filled at Once , Four woll-educated women wanted to fill permanent traveling positions. Must have equivalent of high achool edu cation and be between 25 and 40 yeara ot age. Railroad fare and salary to start. See Mrs. L. J. Cafroll, Fontenello Hotel. Household and Domestic. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower In Lincoln, good steady home for right party, reasonable wages. 3214 South 15th St., Lincoln, Neb. WOMAN for companion and light house work. Two In family. No washing. WE. 3994. Miscellaneous. WILL pay ilrls tuition through business college tat doing some light office work. Olv age and education. Writ Box 101. Omaha Bee. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses In accountancy, ma chin bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1666 for large illustrated catalog. Address Boyles College, Boyle Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. tit Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6810. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach Blk. JA. 108L HELP WANTED. Male and Female. GET- GOVERNMENT positions. Postal mail aervice, men, women, is, over, wanted. Hundreds appointmenta made yearly. 8130 month. Examination soon. No experience required. Full particulars free. Write Columbia Sibool Civil Service, 171 Pops Bldg., Washington, D. C. WANTED Men. ladiea and ooya to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or writs 1403 Dodge St. Trt-Clty Barber College. SALESPEOPLE wanted for very profitable. permanent ana pleasant work. Training iree. W. A. Hixenbaugn, 1311 St. Marys. cou tmtuws S BA- ICf wnHovT a uovt to nvtt-A- t-tM AMt PRWJU k MCOlHw M.W HVGHY av o-Crri r kii w-r Aliv nm nor rSMWlt WA)L Tevav l r5fi J.i a - etiaji Ji see jiggs and maccib in ruu. FACE OF COLOM IN TMfc SUNDAY BLt J s (j WOW! I JUVTTHRtwl I SSh c I 'fM flitT Twr - A iLOVEt OH " CiVE, THEM I ?,M Si VANOOW .N ftk tO MEL-1 POT THEM aJ ' REAO: i TiMC." I ftTi N YOO COAT . ' feT " tt p "-3Q 3 (c) n:f sv Ixtx rATut scwvtei. BUSINESS CHANCES. For Sale A dry goods and ready-to-wear store, in a live Wyoming town of 3,000 population. Best location. Stock invoic ing about $18,000. Year ly sales $60,000. Y-1895, Omaha Bee. SMALL nisnufHuturln business: ounortu nity for party with amall capital. Call in. 7260. FOR SALE Grocery and nioat market, doing good c-axh business. AT. 366 Mon. Rooming Houses. NICELY furnished rooming lioufe forssle, 33.10. WK. 0K03 after 6 p. m FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. WELLINGTON INN. HAS A FEW DESIRABLE ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED, WITH OR WITHOUT BATH, FOR PERMANENT GUESTS AT ATRACTIVE WEEJKLT RATES. MR. RAMEY. THE MANAGER. WILL GLADLY SHOW THEM TO YOU. GET YOUR ROOM. through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooma In all Darts ot th city, A service that benefits both advertiser and room aeeker. SINGLE and double rooma for men only. Running hot and cold water. - Walking distance. Brown Bachelor Apartments, 608 No. 21st. AT. 7449. FURN. rma. with prtv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; price reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. HOTEL SANKORD, 19TH AND FARNAM, HOTEL HENSHAW, JTH AND FARNAM Speclai rates to permanent guests. TWO beautiful south rooma; 1 sun room; new home. 646 So. 31. HA. 4324. NEAT, clean sorth room to refined ladles only, 616 Park Ave. Har. 6227. NEAT, clean south room to refined ladies only. 616 Park Ave. . HA. 6227. NICELY furnished room for gentleman in private family. June lat. Walnut 0069. DAVENPORT St.. 3672 Nicely furn. single rm., priv, nome, reasonaoie. Har. 428. WE. 3415 Modern room,' 83.60 week. Housekeeping Rooms. TH"! GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms ts th directory rurnisnea to advertiser ana room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies in all parte of the city. TWO large nicely furnished rooms, gas range, everything furnished; strictly modern; 840 per month. 3011 Chicago. Har. 2443. NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms; also sleeping rooms, 1537 No. 19th SIXTEENTH ST., 708 S. 2 front rooms for housekeeping, $8.50 per week. NICELY furnished 2 and 3 -room Apts., newly decorated, 1115 So. 11th St. ONE and 2-room suites. 511 a 24th St. Board and Rooms. MERRIMAM HOTEL. 3 large rooma with private bath; con venient, pleasant home hotel. For rea sonable ratea we serve best meals in city. 25th and Dodge. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close In, strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 8260. TWO OR THREE unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, modern home. 3066 Mason. RA. 0709. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. 7-ROOM house in West Farnam district, June 14 to September 10. References required. Phone HA. 4386. FOR RENT Seven-room cottage on Oma ha Beach, Lake Okoboji. Address E. 8. Clarke Omaha Beach, Spirit Lake, la. TWO-ROOM furnished apartmenta. Har ney 0443. Unfurnished. FOR RENT Attractive 6-room bungalow in Edgcwood,. H block to car, 382.60. Benson & Carnlichael, 642 Paxton Bk. At. 3540. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. Morris Apartment Hotel, 18th and Dodge Sts. Apartments consist of living room, dressing room, kitchenette and bath. Weekly rental includes heat, light, gas, phone and maid service. Either weekly or permanent guests. Phone AT. 3210. COMPLETELY furnished two and three room apartments, private bath, walking distance. Brown Apartments, 608 North 21st AT. 7440. HUNTER INN Fireproof housekeeping apartments. Home of the traveling man. Klectric i-angvs. Walking distance. AT. 69n. SEVEN-ROOM furnished apartment. 3027 Farnam. Apply at Millers Box Lunch, 220:1 Farnam. FOR RENT Pleasant, airy. 3-room fur nished apartment, until bepu 1. Refer encea. Harney 6734. SINGLE and 3-room furnished apart ments, modern, 34 to fl. 709 Dodge ft, Drawn for f ty iOtT THAI t COURT - rt w.n v VMOt Mt AU iVtOOOWtHt niAV aa Lara v MF 1 H Ban A VI I r UAH mm L Vw flai A M vmmt moo I I IfiVll rt WVtH A fAl WtT &w"T5- TH VaI "HAT VOXT WU FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Unfurnished. NEWLY decorated apailments 4 and 8 rooms, all rooms are large, light and airy. The Chlodo, 36th and Hurry bis. I'hone Js'kson 1423. JOT 1 1 ST., SO. 606. 3-room flat, electric lights, in gvd repsir, sll modern cx-c-pt heat. $23 ."i0. RASP It It OS.. Ill Keellne Bldg. AT. 0721. 19 Q room modern apartments. TUB , , O-draKK RENTAL AGENCY. 1702 Howard St. AT. 970. JA. 2805. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. MODERN 4 and 7 rooms; low rent, clos In. G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago MAPLE ST., 1618 Six light, modern rooms first floor Apt., rent reasonaoie. 7-ROO.M flat. 621 South lth St. 37 per month. Geors & Co., AT. 3024. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED Furnished apartment from July 1 to October 1. or for one year. 6 or 6 rooma with maids room, prefer West Farnam district. Can give refer ences. Phone No. 6, Fort Crook morn ings or evenings. Office and Desk Room. WANTED Desk space. Atlsntio 7034. May 80th only. FOR RENT Business . Property. FOR RENT Desk space In modern offic near court house. AT. 3623. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. lltb and Jones Sts. MOVING AND STORAGE. . "WHEN MOVING" PACKING-STORING-8H IPPING ' Phone Jackson 0288. FIDELITY STco 1107-11 Howard St. , FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for boussbold gooda and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. . 806 South 16th. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and 'moving. Contract taken by Job or hr. Glob Van & Storage Co., JA. 4338. AT. 0230. 620-34. North 16th St. TO SAVE MONBV ON HAULING CALL BINGO TRANSFER. DOUG. 5683. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings. 31.60 per 100 lbs. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. lHth. JA. 1143. FOR SALE Boston bugj puppies, male, pedigreed, 815. Ha. 3668. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Cleveland Touring In good mechanical condition. Just painted. Good tires. Late model. A dandy, serviceable little car at a very low price. Terms. Will trade your old car-in. ' A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. SOME bargains in used Fords; (Prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., Th Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackson St. DO. 3500. Jordan Touring Repainted. In fine condition. An exceptional value. Late model. Terms. Will trade your old car. . A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. FORD CARS ALL MODELS. : - FROM $34 UP. USED FORD CAR CO. 1S16 -Cuming. AT. 3783. Cadillac 59 Phaeton New paint. Top relirssd. In fine mechanical condition. Will give our In spection service on this very lat model car. Like new throughout. A SAFE PLACE TO BUT. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. FORD PARTS Coil, 31. 10; steering post, 35.00; steering wheel, 60c;" radiator, 35.00. Neb. Auto Parts Co. 1016 Harney St. 1920 OLDSMOBILE SIX This car la In the very best condition; runs like new; will sacrifice for 3400. Call AT. 3782. BUT A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sts. Phon DO. 1970. USED .cara, worth your money. The Ne braska Oldsmobile Co., 18th aud Howard Sts. AT. 1770. LOOK over our list of used car. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. !056 Farnam St. AT. 7836. (KEE inapectlon and water for ail makes battery. Battery and Parts Co, 2418 Farnam St., AT. 9314. PATENT Pullman bed built Into your auto at Pfelffer's. 2626 Leavenworth. LATE 1920 Ford touring, escellont condi tion, tires good, starter. Call At. 3587. USED radiators, all makes for sal. Green- ough Radiator Repair. 2039 Farnam. 120 CHANDLER COUPE. FIRST CLASS CONDITION. HA. 0800. ONE 1918 APPERSON CHUMMY ROAD STER. HA. 5760. ONS 3-PASSENGER ROADSTER. CALL HA. 6750. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer, 812 S. 24th. The Be by Sidney Smith (.'ri-li Pl 60 TO 6t1X tl OrKS TMmP. IX -1 Drawn for The Bee by McManui (Copyrtahti IS511 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Used Cars That Can Be Used SPECIAL TRICKS OS- THESE UNTIL JUNE 1. LOOK THEM OVER TODAY. WAYNES TOl'RING. ( HANDLER TOURING. WILLYS-KNIGHT TOURING. OLDSMOBILE TOURING. CHEVROLET 2-B 8EDAN. OLDSMOBILE "" TOURING. MAXWELL TOURING. OVERLAND ROADSTER. OVERLAND TOURING. DORT TOURING. Trucks rrmn ton- Panel bodv. Ilk new. REO SPEED WAGON Good paint and tires. A haraaln. OLDSMOBILE ECONOMY Llk new. cord tires, enclosed cab ana ex press body. COMMERCE TON A very good aturdy truuk. Nebraska Oldsmobile Co., Howard at llh. AT. 1770. For Your Summer Tour a Cadillac! Maks your summer tour fre from car troubles. . Trade your old ear In on a RB-NEWED Cadillac. Get terms, too, if you wish, and then really enjoy your vacation trip. RE-NEW-ED Cadlllas , priced from 11.000 up. To own a Cadillao Is to know- motor car dependability and satisfaction. Ask owners of RE-NEW-ED Csdll laca about our reputation and th qual ity of the cars wa sell. . ' . A SAFE PLACE TO BUT. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co., Farnam at 26th. Open Sunday Morning. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Casb or Time. Boy or Belt. Fords, from 360 and up Dodge, Bulcks and others, 1100 and up. Ford bodies winter tops. GOLDSTROM AUTO CALES CO., 1318 Harney St. Centrsl Garag. Cadillac 57 Phaeton New' dark sisy paint. Cream wire wheels. RE-NEW-ED and guaranteed. Looks and runs like new. Sid wind shields. A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. PACKARD Twin Six touring, in excellent condition Dotn mechanically and in ap pearance; new tires; cheap at 1600. Phone AT. 3782. . Cadillac Suburban Type 67. Beautiful plain dark valour upholatery. New dark green paint. Car has had excellent care and la guaran teed by us. Looks and runa like new. A car that will give years and years of pleasure and satisfaction. Seven-pas-aenger enclosed body type, A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. 1917 FORD touring, new, demountable wheels, Hassler shock absorbera; other extras; car in fine shape. Wa. 0298. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance. 1602 City Nat. Bk. AT. 9668. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate ae FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nafl Bk. Bldg. JAckson 1426. LIST YOUR RANCHES WITH US. n. a. manville. Realtor. AT. 2403. 615 Peters Trust Bldr. GRUENICr RMl,y - Ll8t lth 1416 1st Nafl Bk. Bldg. J A. 1886. PTP17''T'T REAL ESTATE XXVXV.i X 1 gen,. Rents. Insure 850 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 0633. NEW homes, completely financed. Pay like rent. C T. SPIER & CO., Rcaltora, 304 Peters Trust Bldg. DO. 4857. WANT or 7-room, well located. In Dun dee, by th flrat; have cash. Box 12L Omaha Bee. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to aell your property? List it with C. A. Orlmmel. Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. To Sell Your Home Quick Call SHASTAK. JACKSON 3556. 36 YEARS' experience selling homes. Call A. P. TUKEY & SON, 620 First Nat Bank Bldg. . J A. 6233. GEO. T. PORTER & CO. Real Eatate, Rentals, Insursne. 105 South 18th. AT. 3998. LIST your homes for sale with us. W have the customers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. WE can sell your property if priced right. George F. Jones Co.. AT. 6635. GROVE-HIBBARD CO., Modern bouses. 626 Ry Exchg. Bldg. AT. 4956. LIST your property with W. Farnam Smith Co., 1.120 Farnam St. WANT modern horn by July L Box H- l'U, umana nee. Equitable Trust Co. Realtors. AT. 3945. .Western Seal Estat Co. J A, 8607, REAL ESTATE WANTED. "'liinti iuf MirH8V M fb W. J. Palmer Co., I sw.l aissw .! I ! lte.Ua tu.1- Liri.r ... Hat ! HINDER & OTIS, Real 9 '. Heaial. JA. fast tr- .' Tf- ---- i.v.tAr ' JMNANCUU Real EtH Loan,. Ws) neiu )'k4 i Imsj'm Obm li4e.M a, h i.oi'ors ic ( 884 Kxlia sV. Farm IjoaniXWJZ?,':?;:: Kl llmi I'. Ill itw.Kai I Jj. aHsr Sreeiisie Beaaapitr Omssa real .!, K..IK.S. JA. 4J! t4 H '; Omaha homks kakt Krv FARMkC tikKr.rtg HIUI. r.TAT9! CO- ... 1914 O Jtal-taBI-t Jatkao) H. "l 1 ieo .i il fwmM'. r WfcAU D M 8JOMAM. IMhjH. tt4 Plf AIJUM. 0 A VINH It 0. ,444 CM AH A HAT. ULr. " Stocks and Bonds. . tlBKHTfT sOKt)""ruilit""sa4 sold. AT. Kit Msrk HH-1491 tt Wat. J M. l ITHKN tars" wast faVl CKTf FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands, V A UTilC Writ M. A. U'w. 4 irl A IIW1U city. re gl r c i i,f a FEALTeSTATE TO EXCHANOE. Jtt'i T'i"in Ith ati-4 t orih. fr es-hsnae fr enlrM en ciiy r'"t-'y r first intf. Call owner, tlafwv aBJ 'ALESfTriUBUBBAN. Dundee. Attractive Dundee Home, $15,000 fine of lh meet unle.ii and t built Dutide houses built ' heme, located on s front lt. high and uglttly. overlooking Happy H4lr and i:nton. Wrick and atoce. c Isisilng of IM rooms and slwplnsj purrh. every modern festure, fir lar. bauiful futures, wnnderful law and shrubbery. Keasonahl terms. Ixteaied Jual south if 0011 "a Kiftvcan'J. W. KARNAM SMITH . 13S9 Farnam St. Jarfcsesj H4. Dundee, $8,000. Brand w. full twa-story, It roams: flreplsr. til KOi; fulll -In features. Just beesj coatpleted, f.asy term. Glover & Spain, Jackson JM0, 18.600. TtRMH. Dundee. 4 rooms modern, J'Story, garase. oak trim. KM. MAN. AT 6J6 Florence NETHAWAT sells and trade. UK. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. " Weat Clairmont Bargain Leaving th city this weak. Am of fering this sll modem, oak and whit enamel finish, birch, mahog any doors In bedrooms. This ta real home. Must be seen to he apprclat'1. l'rlre only 85.860 for quick aale. l.3o cssh, hslsnc 55 per month. Call Walnut 2812. Near 33d and Cass Built for bom. Six-room. wo-stnry oak flniahed. Just Ilk new throughout. One block to Harney car. Cloe to new Glfford park, walking dlstanr of new fommerclsl High. 81,600 cash will handle. Cell, Osborne Realty Co., ssn Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 2i?. SEE HERE ; $600 CASH At I0n N. 49th Ave., ws have nic home of 8 rooms, fully modern, right In the edg of Dundee. This is sn old house in nic repair. Prlc 13,760. Call Mr. McCollum. RASP BROS.. t!3 Keellne Bldg., AT. 0731. Clairmont District Bungalow horn with, flv vary nic room and bath. Extra larg living room; oak snd enamel finish : choir east front 60-foot lot; half block to car. Terms of only 9500 cash to good Party. Call Mr. Grant. Walnut 4092. AN ATTRACTIVE HOME. In th northweat section facing a public park. Modern in every respect snd all special taxes paid. About one year old and Just redecorated. Oak and enamel finish. $600 cash and monthly payments. Call Clark, AT. 7413. Ev-nlns-s, WA. 8699. TWO 6-room houses, $12,000, near Leaven worth and Park ave.: rent $160 per month; $1,000 cash payment. Deal with owner and save commission. Har ney 6357. CLAIRMONT. ' Modern semi-bungalow, larg rooms, upstair flniahed. lot 60x150, eaat front, paved street. $1,000 casb will handle. Call evenings or Sunday. Walnut 0304. North. 3002 Indiana Avenue I am compelled to dispose of my , home consisting ot 6 rooms and sun room; also garage. House only a few years old; finished In quarter-sawed' oak with many attractive features. - .Com out and Inspect this plare after p. m. or phone owner HA. 7134. 3335 CAMDEN Ave., 8 rooms, modern, with half acre of fruit, $1,000 cash, balanc monthly. 608 Bee. JA. 0200. ONLY $400 cash. 7-room modern, only $4,600. Near 24th and Sprague. Call AT. 6136. D. E. BUCK & CO. buy and sell homes. South. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. Located near Rlverview park. Small payment down and )36 per month. Now . ready to move In. Has oak floors throughout Hss furnace, bath and elec- nsms. mi evenings, at. e47. 3052 So. 34TH ST. 6-room bungalow. $7.- "" o. carioerg, Realtor, 313 Bran dels Theator Bldg. JA. 0586. Vacant Ralston Lots av" payments. Phon Stewart, Ralston 10-W. WILL build to your order on our- beauti ful lots In Edge wood; very easy terms. Atlantfo 3640. TWO choice lota which must be disposed of at once; fin locations. $1,100 each. KB. 0460. DUNDEE lot, near 61st and Farnam Sta., $2,003. Geo. & Co., Realtors. AT. $034.- Miscellaneoua. THE JOY OF HOME OWNING May easily be realised It you have the desire for I have the lots on which I will build for you. That horn you have planned for ao long, a reality. A amall cash payment, select your lot and the house Is resdy to start. AT. 3601 Sunday. ALL modern stucco cottage, clos to car line, onlv zo-mlnute ride from city, $3,500; 8200 down. Evenings, WA. 6033 or AT. 9900. WILL build and finsrrc your new bom for you. x HASTINGS & HEYDE.V. 1614 Harney St. AT. 0050. Wa mako 6 Loans On Omaha Property Homes, Apartmenta, Business Property Monthly payment if desired. Peters IkusT Cqkwiy Peters NatIonal Bank i