Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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r tne
V man
i ill!
Girl Attempts to
inc waiter 10
Kill Walter Ward
.Nw York l'ttliie Sfartliing
fur M)trrioui Girt Who
Sought Death of Mail
mail SlWr.
Wl.iie I'lains. N. V. May ?.
.vfrch was made today (or my.te
lious woman said lo rtee ottered
$300 ta a youth in a New York res
taurant to commit murder in the
Ntw Koclielie home ol Walter S
Ward, who admits he killed Clar
ence Prim bfcaiie f Mackm:1,
l.ui kerf i the luiuie of the black'
mail ewiet.
A clink I'v i'ir nolire Itejrs out
the story told them by a waiter m
a Umadttay restaurant tlut a younu
v oman dressed in black bail ukrit
lini to New Korhrlli, pointed out
the Ward house and promised him
SSiJO if he would enter the hou.c
wuh hrr and hoot the person lie
pointed nut to him.
lie refused on the pretext that he
m not prrparrd and promised to
iiiert her Saturday night. He went
v.ith hit tory to the police, who
v. etched lor the woman, but he
failed to appear.
Other employe in the place whew
the waiter wuikt corroborated hit
story that the woman had eaten in
the place everal time and had made
i appointment with linn.
arcli is a Mo being made tor a
named lion, who it regarded
the braini of the blackmail gang
nj - - www w
n ember and 14 which Ward says he IW.iu' befoit reiutrng a Jt
. i - f .
inenti nr l J " J more.
wm' SI J tm I Iff
Can Be Quickly Overtone by
. i LJl a UTILE
Partly vege
table act aura
and gently on
the liver. Re
lieve bilious
ness, bead
ache, dizzi.
neat and Indigestion. They do their1
Pain PQI-SuaDot SawDPrlct
Effect of Heating
Tube Filament
Opf ration of Amplifier Show
ISeeemly of Plate in
Radio rsnerts .(it thai tie.iiits a
i vacuum tube aite r wine hour' u-igf
increases iu eipahility to create htt
f;i)uency itrrciits.
When a wire it heated so that it
kW in a dark room, it i said to be
inrande.crnt. Similarly, the lila
r.irnt in an electric lamp it heated to
iti.aiidocence when a current iron)
it battery it pasted through it.
It a metallic plate is placed inside
in iucandetrent lamp and arranged
I'm it it near but not touching the
filament, it will be lound that no
electric current can be forced across
the evacuated space between the lila.
mrnt and this plate, o long ai the
f.lainent it cola, unless one impress
hiijli voltage measured in the thou
Haiti, if the filament i brought
to incandeceuie, the potential oi a
few dry cells (about 20 volts) will be
sufficient to nati an ntilv
able current of several niilliamperee
from the plate to the hot filament
And as high-frequency ia invalu
able in the reception of voice through
the ether, the vacuum tube it most
highly aensitive for such work.
Cuticura Soap
The Healthy
Shaving Soap
The Dancing Master
crriw nit t
Following are the call letters and
location of additional licensed
Uroadcasting stations in this coun
try: fall.
M I.; r.lrfi.ld. O. U. Army .'.Hon.
WMH Cincinnati, O. Precision Equip.
. m.nt rntnpany.
WVO Jry City. N. J. Jy Journ.l.
"OC Rock Island. III. K.rlooa Radio
WOII Indlanipallt H.ifi.ld tlctrlo Co.
Others will be listed in the radio
columns of The Bee tomorrow.
T. G. N., Lincoln. Neb.
Q In wlndlnr roll. It it all rleht lo put
th. wlro on whit ths .h.ll.o la .till w.t
or dor. It Inlerf.ra with th t In any
wayT Will It b. all right to ahellao or v.r
m.h ovr th windlni.?
A (1) It la prop.r to .h.ll.o tha tub,
but l.t tt dry b'tor windlnc. (3) Don't
u .h.ll.o on lh. roll. Cov.r tha epllrd
wlr with varnl.h and atl.r It ha. dried,
dip th coll Into paraffin to k.p out th.
dampne.a. ,
R. H. L., Harlan, la.
Q Can I u. a .001 SI. V. on
a rry.tal ctT (2) Ia cnam.l.d wtrn No.
54 Kood to us. on a ona-alidlnc tuning
A (1) Tel. (!) T..
t( aliau4 ffiMB) wwM$,)
Before he ould tpeak b broke
out once more.
"Yealcrday you proml.ej to marry
me. If this foul t a lawyer bad not
come to see 10U. toil would have
kept your word; you would have kept
your wot j, t.iuaoetn.
She knew it was true; knew that
she would have paid her debt to the
uttermost farthing.
"There would have been no liappi
nrst for nthrr of u." she said, with
quivering lips. "I never could have
pretended to care and you would
nave grown to rate n.e, .Neil.
lie strode away from her and came
taik; his (ace was convul.ed with
pa.ainn and disappointment, and his
lips shook as he nid bitterly: "And
now you are clamly offering to write
me a check and cni me anout my
buine. My God! I Then quite
suddenly lie broke down and ruhed
away before Elizabeth could speak or
try to stop hun.
She stood where he left her, in the
middle of the big. bare room, her face
quivering, trembling trout neaa to
Once long ago Dolly had told
hrr cynically that love was jut a de
lusion, and that it never rrought tiap-
pinne.t to any one for long. Eliza
beth remembered the words now w ith
an intolerable pang.
All the people she had Known since
she came lo London had loved some
one unavailing! Netta, Dolly, Neil
Farmer, I'at and herself and none of
them was happy, or likely to be.
It seemed such a little thing to ask
of life ju the love of one man or
woman, and suddenly the enormity
of all that she had lost before it had
ever been really possessed swept over
her like a flood.
It was easy enough to talk of nev
er loving any one else, to say that
no other man should ever come into
her life; but she was only 21. and
she loved Rovston with that pathetic
singleness of heart which fortunately
few women possess.
Never to see him again; to have
to live all her life without him! It
was not goodby for a day, or a
month, or a year it was goodby
forever I
Her own denpair terrified her; she
dared not give way to the tears that
threatened to overpower her; though
she was not to meet Mr. Junkers
until 1, to escape from her thoughts
she dressed and went out.
She would ask him to take her
back to iDlbury when he returned;
she knew quite welt Mme. Senestis
would not keep her a moment longer
when she heard that the engagement
with Farmer had been broken.
She had not ideas for the future
nothing seemed to matter; she
turned into the park, and sat down
on a seat under some trees.
She felt as if she had suddenly
been brought up ataitist an unscal
able wall in lie, betore which she
could only sit down helpletsly to die.
rin". h.r ii I mii'l tiar it."
the word echoed over and over
ig-ain through hrr nund with aching
She sat with her ryes fiaed en the
grata at her feet, a feeling of tin
utter able weariness weighing upon
"I thought it was you." said a
voice beaide her suddenly, and Eliza
beth looked up into Lnid Sanger's
For a moment neither of them
spoke, then Koy. ton's wife laughed.
"You're not going to lay you're
pteased to see me this lime, then,
,he iiid cynically. "You did once
before, 1 remember. Move up and
let me sit down I'm tired out.
ih liuilffi vrrv worn beneath
her makeup and Klizabeth moved
silently to make room lor ner on tne
"So you're not going to Tarii
with Tat?" Enid said abruptly after
a moment.
Elizabeth caught her breath.
"To Paris!" she echoed, and her
heart seemed to die.
"Yes he off tonight." Enid was
tracing figures in the soft grass with
the point of her sunshade. "I saw
tiim lat nioihf anrt tr harl a mnal
glorious row." She raised her paint
ed eyes swiftly to Elizabeth's face.
I knew all along that he was in
love with you," she added harshly.
No lover of the
outdoors should
be without Kesinol
Soap and Ointment
t a refreshing
'bath with
Resinol Soap
of ointment
for the chafed
or sunburned
The treatment that keeps
the skin fit Try it!
5oothinq Mid HeaJinq
At till dng&Ute
"lie's always denied it till last
B'aiht, she laughed. "I got the
truth out of tun then, though,"
There wit a little silence, tha
betij had not moved or ipoktvi. "I
suppoaf you don't care for him. or
you 4 be going with turn" Emd
went on; he wai watching the girl
curiously. "I suppose you'ie one of
those milk-and-water tort of people
who thiuk it's wrong to care (or a
married wan!" She shrugged her
sholderi. "Well if I'm in the way
you need not worry yourself. He
never cared for tne and he hates
men ow. 1 seem to have
made a pretty mess of my life alto
gether," abt added bitterly.
Elizabeth did not know what to
say; she wondered why it waa that
she could never rrally find it in hrr
heart to hate this woman; why it
wai that the even felt sorry for her.
Fnld went nn asain lit au .41.-
Jointed sort of way:
"I made a fool of myself last night
I asked Tat to take me with him to
Paris. Oh, I made a proper foot of
mvsrlf. 1 ran toll vnu I .1.1 I 1.
him." She began smoothing out the
lingers pi ner gioves restlessly, "ine
rotten cart of it la that t k!;ia I
do." she added cynically.
J ne crimson blood rushed to Eliza
bath's face.
"Oh oleasel" she eretetterl in an.
guikh. stared at her.
MWhv. what' tha" .V.
a.karlf than w.-iih attAAm i.tMt
- , . . . . wi ......... i , .riaim
ehanea of vntra "Cn An r..
wt . . . , v v .via v
after all."
Elizabeth made a quick movement
as if to rise, but the elder girl caught
her hand, holding her down.
"Pon t go--I'm r,t g-ir;g to hurt
tail," she sa d. and then, bitterly.
"My Odl No wonder oi both htf
"I dn't hate you -I'm wrry fr
you softy nr n alt." said ''
beth, in a shaking voice, "There's
nothing to be done ii' ust one of
tltoe thing that hppen, 1 suppose."
She could feel Fni4' ryes upon
her, but she couM ' iaie her own
to meet them, and Roy.ton's wife
went oil curiously:
"Why don't you go away with him
if yon really carer I would, if it
was me. I snpiHe you're tv good
i that it.' You think it's wrong?"
Elizabeth looked ut then.
"No. . . . I wanted him lo lake
me and he wouldn't." .lie said.
Kind look her hand away from
"That Tat a'l the world over."
she said. "If he'd been tike some
men I know, he'd have got rid of
me ages ago he could have done
but he doesn't believe In divorce."
"I know he told me." Eliraheth
said quietly; then suddenly she hid
her face in her hand. "Oh, ii's so
dreadful sittiiti; here, talking like
this to you," she faltered.
"Pont lei that worry you, she
said laconically. "It's not your fault
as you say it's jut one of those
things that happen," she laughed
harshly. "Ior old Tat we might
have made some sort of a do out of
it. of he'd rare for me half as much
as he doei for you."
She roe to her feet with a nan
sigh. "I'll be getting along I m
tired out . . . loo many late
nights I suppose.
(Continued In Th ftm Tomorrow.)
Common Sense
jy$o$pe ceo.
"50 Thrifty" 'Buyers
An Unusual Player Piano Buying Opportunity
A Genuine
? Treacy
Player Pianti
Equipped with the Stand
ard Player Action and.
guaranteed in every way,
offered at a price that has
not been quoted in years
with the special terms to
the "Fifty Thrifty" Buy
ers of
On Our 3-Year Payment Plan
to obtain a nationally known Player Piano, fully guaranteed me
chanically and musically, at a price which has not prevailed since
the United States entered the war. We have contracted for a
large number of these Player Pianos, to be shipped at one time,
which makes this offer possible. ;:
" ' . .
Good Music in the Home is needed more
than many other things
The home is known by the music it keeps
the family is known by its culture in
the way of proper accomplishments. All
the world recognizes that a love and ap
preciation of good music is a refining,
beneficial influence in the home.
Music is no longer considered a luxury, to be
enjoyed by a few to the envy of many. Music
is now looked upon as an essential of life, as ,
important as food and shelter. It is the finish
ing touch to the perfect home; the refuge for
relaxation to the father; the one complete home
recreation for the mother; a source of educa
tion to the children. t
This modern, musically perfect Player Piano
.brings to your home music in its highest form.
It is known nationally for its durability and has
a life-time of service built into it. Every instru
ment is fully guaranteed for ten years, both by
the manufacturers and by us.
If you have said, "I will buy a
Player Piano when prices
are normal"
this is your opportunity. Think of the remark
ably low price, consider the quality of these
players. From a thrifty and economical view
point you could not ask for more. And the
terms a small down payment and then three
full years to complete your purchase. Decide
you are going to have that Player Piano now
that you are going to put it off no longer. You
have waited and wanted this chance it is your
. How to become one of the
Baat of all, call at our atera and in
vaatifata this offar, paraonally. It
you cannot call, till out the attached
coupon, mail it and we will eend you
a reservation blank, which, ai(aed by
you and approved by ua, will make
you one of the "Fifty Thrifty" Buy
era, and entitle you ta the special
purchaae price and the many other
Omaha. Neb.
I Without any obligation whatso
I ever on my part, you may .end me
full particular, about your "Fifty
Thrifty" Buyers' offer.
Call, Phone or Mail
Coupon Today
1 Kama
I Address
The Art and Music Slore
. 1513 Douglas Street
The Special
Offered to
1. Standard merchandise
Genuine Davenport &
Treacy Player Pianoa.
2. Remarkably low price.
3. Three full years to pay.
4. Special small down pay
ments. 5. Low monthly payments.
6. Free exchange privilege.
7. Tan-Year Guarantee.
8. Half payment privileges.
9. One free tuning.
10. Repair service for twelve
11. Twelve player rolls of your
12. Free player bench or chair
with every Player Piano.
Your Time Saved
Even though Nicholas Filling
Stations are busy from 6:30
a. m. to 9:30 p. m. every day
of the week, the station attend
ants do not keep you waiting
for service.
Nicholas Filling Station at
tendants are chosen for their
energy, courtesy and appear
ance. When you want quick
and efficient service and
quality oils and gasolenes drive
to a Nicholas station.
Over 700 Omaha Stockholders
Nicholas Oil Corporation
"Business Is Good, Thank You'
Are You Esercising Your Brain r
Are you trting on the fil that
SOU at.kvd at th .rad vi )0t rUsf
in high school and yU hive been
lounted Ua u A-Ne. I undent.1
You have been out of sthool many
years, and in all that nmt you hate
not tindrriakrn anything serious in
the stay ol nund stork.
You are busy yesbusy with
ronuiiiitees. club doings, social du
nes, and you tw and embroider a
Out lo undertake to lrsrn another
language, lo take un a cime, to
study psychology, higher (orms ol
hygiene, musie or any one ol the vs.
tiou ioims ol art you just haven't
gpt the time.
Va you know that, married or sin
gle, you are making the biggest mis
t;ke of your hie if you ate not us
ing sour brain, your mental powers,
to drive into and solve some prob
lems which oul4 t )ur me
!!' f t .
The lf cmi use your brant t
stork out soluiuMtt oi dennue ques
tions, the Us you iU be able to
msttrr arnr mental question later.
ihe older you grow (he gieairr
reressiiy or mental power.
Mental strength and facility must
make up tor loss ol r right and
physical capacity.
Have something all ha tuns which
you study seriously to matter,
' HllUtl. tts.t
Snail Hoy Falls Into Pott
liolc; Smoihm lo DfatK
Seattle, May ?.-Riclier4 PH.
J.year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. WaL
(are M. P'all. died of suffocation
when ht i"' psiliole. The
boy's head and shoulders were ao
wedged into tht hole Ihat Ihe iop
plv of air was rut off. and he died
tr fore he was discovered.
Tell your friends you rrally lile
1 he Bee.
Complete Sets and Parts
for the Amateur
The finest and most complete stock of
Radio Equipment in the city is found in our
Electric Shop. Included are
Crystal Sets, Tube Sets, Loud Speak
ing Attachments, Parts for making
your own Receiving Outfits.
Prices on Complete Sets, $18 to $325
Ladies and Friend of Samson:
Drop into our Electric Shop this evening
and hear the firat performance of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Den ahow broadcasted.
Nebraskaf Power O).
Farnam at 15th
TPSHBvr FMuk-Pay When Cured
II II (CiSSl A mild system of treatment that enrea Piles. Ftotaks and otaee
sUb aUtUjC7(aaV' Rectal Diseases u short time, without a severe sara-ieel op
eration. No Chloroform, Ether or other eeneral anesthetic need.
A cure eueranteed to every eaaa oeeepted for treatment, and no moeey is ta be Fi mt
enrea. Write for book on Rectal Diseasee, with namea and testimonial, of more teas
1,000 prominent people who have beea permanently cured.
MLB.IL TARRY Sauteriiua. Patera Tntet Bide. (Baa BSif.) Omaha, Nek
The Coach
It Is Permanently Good
The Coach is so obviously the greatest value ever
offered by Hudson that there is scarcely a challenge
of its position.
At a cost of less than 6 per cent more than for open
models it gives all closed car advantages.
Its appeal is not alone in beauty, comfort and enduring -qualities
of the body. The famous Super-Six motor
gives performance, smoothness and freedom from re
pair annoyance and costs that are Hudson qualities
ail recognize.
You will want to own the Coach when you see and
ride in it
PfMsetoo - . -SIOS
7-Paaa. Phaaton 174S
Coach .... 1795
Cabriolet . - . 229S
Coup - - - - 2570
Sedan .... 2670
Tour. Limouafaa 2920
Limousin - - MM
2563-5-7 Farnam St. OllAHA U.S.AV Phone DO uglas 1970