Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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Buffaloes Rout Bears Out of 9 to 3 Victory Griffin Leads Attack,
Locals Knock
Hall Out of Box
in Fifth Frame
Win Firil Came of Serin on
Slippery Firll Score Nine
Run in Fifth Double.
Header Today.
.'inter. Cola, May J?. Onuba
v jlipf J tli! out el the box in the
tuili inning tndy and the opn
ins '" ' Denver, 9 Jo J. Tit?
4tne 4t i4fj uti tllhpery field
fttcr downpour o( ram that delayed
the cotitrtt in hour.
n. ii rn.
i I
!-- lb , .
I.nriiu. if, .
Maao.H. ff
I.mINih, b,
M ilrai, , , ,
"Imeuf. if. ..
HIMf, . ....
.... ss it u
am. n. m rn. A. r.
(.otnee. If
l l a a
a l l 4 a
a a i
MruH, tb
rtbeHlrl, if. .,. 4
I, linen, rl a a
I'etierwa. jib 4 a
I ariarlshl, lb, .... t I
birnr. aa, 4 a
farbrr. 4 a
Hall, p a I
i.fw. p, ,...,.... a a
Ma-"T . ........ I a
a t
I la
I 4
touts at
tt I
s lulled foe lira la wlnlh
me.e I.IIIMI a a
l aaaaaaia a a
The Hammer, t.avraj4 maai lkeaer, I;
Amah, a. Miilesi baaea i Maauah, Hllral,
It'lunrm. Taa-huaa tittt Parker. Three,
baa hllal lHmre, A llran. Karrlflre bill
ndi-ror, Mrurb aall By Imai. I he
Tipple, Haw on ballal Off Mall, 4 1 all
l.mae, 4 af( Tipple. 5. Doable plai
VI Ileal - (il.Uiana - Hnedrrar, artarlihl
buranger. Nirangef . M rlihl . artwrlaht.
Wild pitch! Tipple. Ifl an Imerai Omaha,
ftl Derwer, 1. Mil h pitched hall I Tlppla
br Hall. Inning, filched br Hall, 4 1-4.
a run, bllai by i.roaa. 4 t.. I run. 4
Mia. Ttmei l:ln I mplrm llruana anJ
Lindherg Holds
Witches in Check
St. Joseph Pitcher Allows
Wichita Only Two Hits
Wins Game, 6 to 1.
St. Joseph, Mo.. May :'9. St.
Joseph took the first game of the
series with Wichita this afternoon, 6
to 1. Lindbrrg held the champions
to two hits. Score:
AH. rf O A
I. Smith, of
O'Dln lb
Itorter. as
w.fthhum, 3b
l:l. rf
Hl.kaal.r. If
Krltowrll. lb
lirlffln. ,!h
lltlMrr. p
4 1
4ll'nrrldi. If 3
a a
II 4
II t
It Flahar. rf 4
Oi B nnw'i. cf-2b 4
' lrflf . 4
aiW. Hinlth. 3b 3
Bin IINufw. tb 3
1 A .11 Kinrll,r. a 4
110' l.lndhrrt . P 3
Grorar, cf 3
M 1 51 11
Tot il.
I TOlil.
33 34 13
Rnn for Nufar In third.
llcDowfll out. hit by batted ball.
Rrora by lnnlna:
Tvichita a a o 9 l a o 1
St. Jonrph 3 4 0 S t 1 0 0
Summary Run: Griffin, Olaan, Cor
rlilcn (2). Klhr, BnnowlU, Defat. Er
rors: McDowell. Olaan (3). Earnad
runs: 'Wichita. 0: St. Joseph. 4. Baaea
on halla: Off Llndbara;. T: off Muaaer. T.
Struck out: By I.indberir. 4; by Muaaer,
,3. Left on baaea: Wichita, 8; St. Jo
Hph. 6. Threa-baaa hit: Corrlden. Horn
run: Flaner. Double play: Flaher to
Kandler to Smith. Sai-rifica bit: Cor
rldan. Stolen base: Nufer. Umpires:
Ormabv and Hnlmea. Time: 1:40.
Black Pitchers Oilers
to 5-2 Win Over Sooners
Tula. okl Slav ! Black pitched In
the tight placea and Tulaa, eaally won the
opener, f tn 3. Oklahoma City presented
a cripplrd lineup, with a pitcher on a ae
on d base and a catcher In center field.
Score: .
I'iH. rf S 8 3 01 Bennett. If 4 13 0
Glnalardl. a 5 15 S! Tlunnperal. 3b 5 0 0 3
Mldrilrtnn, If 4 1 S 01 Pa. If., rf 4 3 3 0
H,iaa. lb . 4 110 0! Umh. cf .3044
Fther. o 4 3 1 OlMlvelt. Ih .1 0 10 1
Lena, rr 3 0 1 01 Banman. 3h 4 13 4
Allfn. !h 4 0 3 .41 M.-!lnnl.. .1 .1 1 S
Tntc 5b 4 10 SI Crosby, e 3 3 4 0
Whltahome. p 3 0 0 01 Black, p 4 0 0 1
Jlrad 1 0 0 01
: Totall S3 7 37 13
TH1 !17 0 44 01
"Batted for Whltehouae In ninth.
Score by Innings:
Oklahoma City 0 2000000 03
Tulaa 0 S 0 0 0 1 1 0 x E
Summary Rune: Allen. Tate, Bennett,
Pavls, Mtvelt, Bauman, Croaby. Errors:
Allen, Thompson. Two-baae hlta: Pitt,
Fisher (2), Crosby. Home run: Davis.
Earned runs: Tulsa, 4: Oklahoma City.
!. Bases on balls: Off Black, 1: off
Whltehouae, 3. Struck out: By Black,
4: by Whltehouae. 1. XVild pitch: Black.
Balk: Whltehouae. Hit by pitched ball:
By Whltehouae (Bennett). .Left on baaea:
Tulsa, 10; Oklahoma City. . Umpires:
Anderson and Donahue. Time: 1:25.
Boosters Pound Three
- Packer , Hurlers Hard
Ties Moines, la.. May 2. lea Motnes
betted three Sioux City pitchers for 20
hits, including three home runs and three
doubles, and took the first gam of tha
aeries. 13 to S. Score:
siocs cnr. I des motnm.
Hamilton. s 3 0 3 SlOorman. Sb 3 3 5 3
Btmiwnr'y.3b 5 4 1 SI Wagner. 3b
JC'sh, rf 3 14
Mrta. lb 5 4 10 SlDraham. lb
Matllck. If 4 1 4 HMIlan. If
Ffhlnaon. rf 4 3 0 OlTunreon. u
Palmer. Jb 4 3 4 51 Tuna, rf
fcbtiiiclins, e 10 3 1 1 Banner, e
onnv. e 3 0 1 Olodenwald, p
Hilton, p 0 0 0 lcullop.p
wiiwm. p 3 1 0 11
TVIlltams. p 3 10 4 Totals
0 1
5 3 10
5 3 4 0
. 5 4 3 0
5 113
5 3 7 0
3 3 4 1
10 0 1
110 4
38 20 37 11
Totals 85 IS 44 S01
sinra bv Inntnffa;
Sioux City 0 4400000 1 J
X)em JHOinea ........o t v a v
Summary Buns: Hemingway, Klah (3).
Met (2), Mattlck (3), Roblnaon, Gor
man (4. Roran, Grahaat S). Milan. Tur
treon. Tuna (3), Banner. Cullop. Error:
Palmer. Tuna, Horn, runs: Metz, Tuna
3). Graham. Two-baso hlta: Mattlck,
Hemlnrway, Tuna, Banner, Cullop. Sac
rifle hlta: Palmer. Shanirlina. Cullop.
Stolen biases: Gorman (2). Left on
bases: Sioux City, 8; Ies Moines, 3.
Struck out: By Cullop, 1; by Wilson, 1.
Bases on halls: Off Odehwald. 4: off
Cullop. 3: off Hilton. 1; off Wilson. 2:
off Williams, 4. Wild pitch: Hilton.
Earned runs and hlta: Off Odenwald.
and 1 In 2 Inninjrs (none out In third):
off Cullop. 0 and tn T Innings: off Hil
ton. S and 4 In 1-3 lnninx: off Wilson.
4 and 4 tn 4 1nnlna; off Williams, 4 and
14 tn t t-t Innings. Losing pitcher: Hil
ton. Winning pitcher: Cullop. Double
plays: Turgeon to Gorman to Graham
4, Hamilton to Palmer to Mats; TJm
71ra: Burnstda and Fltzpatrlck. Time:
Willie Kamm Sold to
White Sox for $100,000
San Francisco, May 29. Willie
Kamm. third baseman of the San
Francisco club in the Pacific coast
'baseball league, has been sold to the
Chicago club in the American league
for $100,000 and two playej-s valued
at $25,000, it was announced . todav
by George E. Putnam, secretary of
the focal club,
Fair Boxers to
Nf ":'; 1 f ','-
Mme. Jeanne La
These, female fistic artists are to
en a boxing championship. While
ol trance. The bout is expected
Lincoln Takes Lead
in State League
Norris Beats Wigington
of Hastingis,
2 to 0.
Lincoln. Neb., May 29. Lincoln
took first place in the Nebraska State
league race today by defeating Hast
ings for the third
time, 2 to 0, in a
series made not
able by the fail
ure of the visiting
team to sccore a
single run.
The series was
also remarkable
for the work of
the local pitch
ers, Hastings .get
ting but two hits
in each game of
Sunday's double
header, and but
ZJiQinoion two today. Nor-
motyid for Lincoln today and did a
creditable job of it. For that mat
ter so did Wigington of Hastings.
The score:
JIK H O 4 l
J 'if
v a
2 0 13
3 0 0 0
3 13 0
8 0 15 0
3 10 0
3 0 3 4
3 0 3 3
3 0 3 1
4 0 4 4
25 "t 27 18
Amen, cf 3 12 0; Orr. II
Denton, M 3
Crann, 3h 4
Knapo. 3b ,l 4
HCirri. If
51 Wood, cf
01 McCoy, lb
01 Black, rf
OlDre. 2b
Olzinker. .".b
OiConkey, e
01 Totall
Trninasw'thlb 4
Tome., if
Urban, rf
Johneon. rf
wnieta. e
Wlrinaton, p
Tnt.ll 20 4 24 10
Batted for Denton, In ninth.
Score by Innings:
Hasting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Lincoln 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 x 2
Summary Rune: Orr, McCoy. Errora:
Wlllets. McCoy (3). Dye. Baaes on balla:
Off Wlgglngton, 1: off Norrls, 3. Struck
out: By Wlggington. 4; by Norris, 3.
Double plays: WlRlngton to Crann to
Holllngaworth,' Dyo to Orr, Passed ball:
Conkey. Left on bases: Hastings, 5;
Lincoln, 0. Umpires: Hawthorne, Bailey
and Beck. Time: 1:80.
Schmader to
Meet Billy Shade
Andy Schmade, Louisville, Neb.,
light-heavyweight boxer, and "Billy"
Shade, former Australian heavy
weight champion and brother to Dave
shade, welterweight, have been
matched for a ten-round bout here
June '9 according to an announce
ment made, last night. '
The show will be staged by the
Labor Temple.
Western League.
' - Mid.
M. T. W. WK. T. F. S,
Omaha . . . . . . . ......
Tulsa 6 ,. .. . . . . ..
Sioux City ,,8 ., ,
Denver 3
Dea Moines 13
.1 ...
St". Joseph
S ....... ..
4 .. .. ..
National League.
' Mid.
M. T. W. WK. T.
4 .. .. .. . ..
4 .
3 .. ..' ......
4 .. .. ..
S .. .. ' ..
5 .. . . '.. ..
Okla City
T. S.
New Tork
St. Louts
American league.
Mid. ' Tot.
M. T. W. WK. T. F. S. K.
Detroit .. .. .. ..
St. Louis 4 .. ..
Cleveland 8 ..
Chicago S ........ ..
Boston 4 .. ...
Washlngt'n 10 .. .. .. ..
New York 1
Pbila 4 ' .. ' .. ..
American Association.
Mid. " Tot.
M. T. W. WK. T. F. S. K.
Kansas City T .. .. -
Milwaukee 4 w . .. ..' .. .. ..
Indianapo's x
Louiavillw S .,
St. Paul 8
Minneapolis 1
Toledo 4
Columbus x
Nebraska Stale League.
Mid. Tot.
M. T. W. WK. T. F. S. R.
x No gamr
Norfolk x
Beatrica x
Lincoln "3
Gd. Island 0
Falrbury 2
Fight for Women's Championship
meet in the squared circle at Cleveland within a few weeks for ,he worn
Miss Bennett holds no title, Mme. La
to be a thriller.
San Francisco Third Sacker Is
Sold to Chicago White Sox for
San Francisco, May 29. Willie Kamm, third baseman of the San
Francisco club in the Pacific coast baseball league, has been sold to the
Chicago club in tho American league for $100,000 and two players
valued at 25,000, it was announced today by George E. Putnam, secre
tary of the local club.
Kamm has been with the San
Fan Francisco club for three years,
graduating from a semi-professional
outfit which played in Golden Gate
park here. He is 22 years old and is
credited with being one of the most
brilliant inficldcrs in the country. He
will play out the season with the
San Francisco club.
According to Putnam, the deal is
the biggest ever negotiated between
a major and minor league club, and
is approached only by the deal in
which Jimmy O'Connetl, first base
man and outfielder for the San Fran
cisco club, was sold to the New York
Giants for $75,000. O'Conncll also
will finish out the season with the
local club.
"We could have gotten more for
Kamm had we agreed to deliver him
immediately," Putnam said. "We re
fused to do so. In fact we would
Scotia Wins.
Sootla", Neb., May 29. (Special.) In
the Central Nebraska league Sunday
Scotia beat Greeley, 13 to 1; Loup City
won from Arcadia, 8 to 7, and Ord for
feited to North Loup In tho 10th Inning.
Standing or tne teama.
Arcadia " ...
North Loup
Loup City ..
Greeley . ...
Mas wood Wins.
Maywood, Neb.. May 29. (Special.)
May wood defeated Indianola on the lat
ter' grounds Sunday by a score of 6 to 3.
Belvidere ihuta Out Hebron. '
Belvidere, Neb., . May 29. (Special.)
Hebron was ahut out by the locals Sunday,
Tue to superior pltchlnsr by Phelps, who
held the visitors to one hit. ,
"Lefty" Daniels Wins.
Corning. Ia.. May 29. (Special.) Corn
ing, champions of southwest Iowa, de
feated the fast Caddocks Colts of Walnut
on the letter's ground. - Sunday by a 4
to 8 acore. "Lefty" Daniels, on the
mound for the champs, pitched a perfect
game after the first Inning, when he
was touched for four hits which netted
the Colta three runs. Haley's triple to
deep center In the eighth, followed by
Stavanak's single, spelled defeat lor Wal
nut. Corning plays Creston here Decoration
day, but the Fourth of July ia still, open.
Score by Innings: R. H. E.
Corning 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 1 04 7 0
Walnut .'.3 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 4 8
Batteriea: Daniels and Lacey; Powers
and Nelman. .
Organises Team.
Weeping Water, Neb.. May 23. (Spe
cial.) Weeping water has organized a
strong team and has engaged W. H.
Seeley, former league player, as manager.
A new fenced-in ball park has been built
which Is considered one of the best in
the state.
P. P. Team Wants Games.
The Union Pacific department base
ball team still has the dates of June 4 and
11 open. The team ia desirous of closing
these date promptly and .anyone wanting
games on the above-ment;oned dates write
or wire F. I. Holmes, Union Pacific store
department, U. P. shops, Omaha.
Crawford Wins.
Crawford, Neb., May 29. (Special.)
The locals won from the fast Ardmore
(S. D.) team Sunday, 5 to 1. Moss, pitch
ing for Crawford, allowed but two hlta
and struck out 19 men. In the three
games which he has pitched this year
he has allowed but four hits and baa
whiffed 44 batters.
Pilger Beats Wayne. " '.
Pllger, -Neb., ay 29. (Special.) Pil
ger walloped the fast Wayne aggregation
here Sunday, 7 to 1. Batteries: Pllger.
Hyland and Peters; Wayne,. Burke and
Booth. . ..
Columbus Trims Schuyler.
Columbus, Neb.. May 29. (Special.)
Columbus beat Schuyler here Sunday In
an exciting game, 6 to 4. Batteries:
Schuyler, Vacajack and Burres; Columbus,
Conyers and Shagarc. Fullerton place
here next Sunday.
Ellsworth Beats Whitman.
Ellsworth. Neb.. May 29. (Special.)
Ellsworth defeated Whitman hare Sun
day, 11 to 7. Batteries: Ellsworth, Black
and Seebohm; Whitman, Carpenter, House
and McCublns.
Brunlnr Loae Game.
Exeter. Neb., May 29. (Special.) Ex
rxter defeated Bruiting here Sunday, 4 to
1. on a muddy field. Batteriea: Ex
eter. Fmfll nd Tellerton; Brunlnr,
Domer and Chultie.
Organise Rail Association,
Geneva. Neb.. May 29. (Special.) The
Geneva Baseball association has organized
for this season with Fred Picard. presi
dent. B. Koeler, I H. Warner. William
Hourigan and Fred Picard board. of man
agers. The season wlU open May 81 with
Semi-Pro and Amateur
Laura Bennett
Mar is the champion woman ooxcr
and Two Players
not let Kamm co for $500,000 on an
immediate delivery basis because we
are after that pennant and mean to
win it.
Chicago, May 29. White Sox
officials anticipate a material
strengthening of the club with
the addition next season of Wil
liam Kamm, whose purchase from
the San Francisco Pacific Coast
league team was announced today.
I he two players to go to ban rran.
cisco in the trade, along with
$100,000, will not be selected until
next fall, Harry Graebiner, White
box secretary, said today.
"We would be willing to give al
most anything in reason to get
Kamm at once. Graebiner said, but
naturally San Francisco regards him
as vital to their pennant chase this
Lido Course Is
Bugs' Waterloo
Famous Course Is Declared
Most Difficult in
U. S.
The Metropolitan open golf cham
pionship is scheduled for the links
of the Lido Golf club at Long
Beach, L. I., later in the season.
Most of the golfers who competed,
in the first annual amateur cham
pionship of Long Island on the links
of Lido had jt strongly impressed
on thein that scoring over a sun
baked course with wide fairways is
a far different thing from playing
the game over a wind-swept seaside
layout., Vardon, Ray, Duncan, Mit
chell and others who have visited
Lido have said that it is trie closest
approach of any course in America
to the championship links on the
other side. Those who followed the
doitjgs at Long Beach did not have
to use much imagination to figure
why it has been that so many of our
stars have dropped by the wayside
in the championship of the British
Louisville Results.
First race, claiming, 8-year-olds and up,
three-quarter mile: Youneed, 111 (Keder
is), 39.60. 46.40, 43.80, won;. Ben Bolt, 111
(Burke), $3.20. $4.10, second; Winding
Through, 91 (R. Stutta), 39.80; third.
Time: 1:13. Flip, Approval, Harry B,
Ollie Wood, Col. Taylor, Twinkle Blue,
Grace Minard and Napoo also ran.
Second race, purae, 11.500, maiden colts
and geldings, 2-year-olds, four and one
half furlongs: Banter, 115 (Connelly),
45.60, $2.80, $2.60. won; Jack Bauer, 115
(Garner), $2.60, $2.30, second; Ed Pendle
ton, 116 (Pool), $6.70. third. Time :63 2-5.
Bastinado, Wlda, Right-on-Time; Admirer
and Athlete also ran.
Third race, claiming handicap, purse
$1,800, for 3-year-oida-and up, one mile
and ; one-sixteenth; Needdam, 111 (Wilson),-
$3.80, $2.20, out, won; Jouett, 112
(Pool). $2.40, out, second; Tomahol, 9
(Owens), out, third. Time: 1:24 1-5T
Wapiti also, ran.
Fourth race, claiming, 8-year-olds and
up. three-quarters mile: Naughty Nlsba. 91
(W. Fool). $8.20. 14.60. $3.70. won; Trot-
tus, " 111 (Pool). $4.10, $3.60. second;
Sportsman. 101 . (Kederls). $8.60. third.
Time: 1:12 J-5. Red Legs, Tommy Wsao,
Machlavsltl, Black Rock, Plato, Edgarri-
son, Doris, Monsoon, Plantoon and Nom
inee alao ran.
Fifth race, the twin caves purse. $1,600.
for 3-year-olda and up, three-quarters
mile: Marvin Mov in 1 1 Cnnn.ltvt
$3.30, $2.10, out. won; High Command,
104 tKedens), $2.20, out, aecond; Royat
Palm. 94 (W. Pool), out. third. Time:
1:13 3-5. Lantados alao ran.
Sixth race, claiming-, for fillies. 2-year
olds, four and one-half furlongs. Miss Min
erva. 109 (Scoble), $9.20. $4.80. $6.40, won:
Poppye, 114 (Taylor), $4.80, $4.40, sec
ond; Dearie, 104 (Owens), $13.80. third.
Time: :64. Ten Sixty, June A and Pav
lowa alao ran.
Seventh race, claiming for 2-year-olds
and up, one mile and one-eighth. Cutup,
(Wilson). 320.70, 87 10 IK 70 won: I.artv
Lillian. 108 (Kennedy) $6.50. $6.60. sec
ond; Pirate McOee, 105 (Owens). $ 60.
third. Time: 1:63 Marina Corns, Uncle
Velo, Nuture and Kimpalong also ran.
Frank Irwin, who is shy a couple of
hundred pounds of being as heavy as his
Illustrious brother, aaya that he la go
ing to "charge on the enemy" with his
honest horse Woodle Montgomery. Yes.
sir. Woodio can mud and he is a right
smart trick over any kind of a circle.
And furthermore, Frank can give many
present-dar trainera the 15-ball and beat
them. v
Nationals and
Red Sox Divide
KrieKton I.oldn Rtirton la
Two Hit in Firat Game
Sri'uiid Contest Goc i
11 Inning.
Boaton. May 5. Washington and
Boston divided their douhledieader
today. Krukaon allowed Rotoi two
hit in (he litt game, inning',
2 to 0,
The fifinl gatne waa won, 9 lo H.
in the lat lul( e( the till, tthrn
Pounn tird ttie fre and pot Ihe
winning run on a ilonlile lv Hiirnt
and ainglr by 1'raH nt John Col
lin. 1 lie Kilter and Stanlcv lUrria
conlrihiitH an-uioniil lirlthiiB play.
Score. firt Bnic:
1H tl A A '
ilk Ik
r. Mn.Mh. tb
a H.rtii
4Hhnl4, rf
i : i ;
s t
4 I
1' MA.kl. If
Pull Jh
f li.'. S
a K Nniin, l
imi k ir
I H.ttw. Ik ? 1
HmI. r 3
a a
lih.fnlr a
Parklnr t. M S ' 1 "
inrktm, t I a i i" J - -
nil4 tnr Qulna In ih'h.
a.n.& an IhhIhki!
is I
xv.himirin jaaaaaaa a j
Boxon a a a a a a
nummary Kuna: Fira. Ju1. Rrrori
Prair. Two.h.a hlla: ivklnpauxli.
Puraa, J. Ilarri. hit: Jn-1a.
Hinlrn baa: Hi". Icf t on !: Waah
Inimn, lj Buamn. 4. Haw on balla: off
Krlc-kann. t. Hlrurk mil: Rn Krlfkann,
7: by Qulnn, 4. Una: Off Quinn. T In a
Innlnfa; aff Karr. nona In 1 limine. l'm
pirn: llnrn and lorlrity. Time; 1:42.
gi nra. aronit mnif:
WAsniwrov i aosTov
AH 47 A A
F amlih. Sh
Harrlt, 3b
tt. a. rf
Jida. lb
Mrowar. rf
Culm If
I'lrimrh. e
I 4
a'LelhoM. ff
4 8 5 0
I 4
4 II
S tlniltr If
0 Hunta. Ih
3'1'rall. 2b
0' Dtisan. -In
0' Pltlwtref. 3b
1 T. Umith. rf
O'J. rnltln. rf
S I llarrn.lh If
O'rvnmirk.. H
V R.I.I, c
5J Plf rrey. p
0' Karr. p
Franrla. n
I'et'klnp'ih. M 8
ftuawn, p I
rhllllra.l p I
liliamlr. o 3
Milan I
- - 1 yiillerlon. n
I 31 IS "v Collins
I Foetf r
. 40 l 33 13
One out when winning run scored.
Baited for PMnloh In slth.
Ratted for Karr tn eighth.
Batted for w. Collins In eighth (two
strikes, no balla on W. Collins).
Score by Inning:
Washington iflniosoaan i
Boaton qiuaiweiiin j a
Summary Runs: R. Smith. Rice. Judge,
Brower (2). Goaliu, Gharrity. Milan,
Burns, Pratt, Elmer Smith. .1. Collins. J.
Harris (2). O'Roiirke. Ruel (2). Errora:
Rice. Francla. Leinold. .7. Harris. O'Rourke.
Two-base hits: Gharrity. l.albold. J. Har
ris. Buel. Burns (2). Ducan. Three-baae
hlta: Judge, Elmer Smith. Stolen bases:
Karl Smith. Pecklnpaugh. Menosky. Ruel.
Sacrifice hits: Peckinpaugh, Brower.
Plercy. J. Harris. Menosky. Double
plays: S. Harris-Judge 2). Left on
bases: Wsahlngtnn, 9; Boston. 10. Bsse
on halls: Off Gleason. 2; off Phillips. 2:
off Francis. 1: off Piercy, 4: off Fuller.
ton. 4. struck out: By Gleason. I: ny
Phillips. 2; by Plercy. 1; by Karr. l; by
Fullerton 3. Hlta: Off Gleason. 7 In 3
Innings (none out In fourth): off Phillips,
3 In 2 Innings: off Francis. 4 In 5 1-3 In
nings; off Plercy. 4 In 5 1-3 Innings; off
Karr. 1 In 2 2-3 Innings: off Fullerton.
1 In 4 Innings. Hit by pitched hall: Ruel,
by Gleason; J. Collins, by Francis. Win
ning pitcher: Fullerton. Losing pitcher:
Francis. Umpires: Mariarlty and Dlneen.
Time: 2:35.
Indians Grab First Game
of Series With White Sox
Cleveland. May 29. Cleveland took the
-first game of the series from Chicago, 8
'to 6. Schupn was wild and his bases en
balls were followed by hits. A muffed
foul ball by Mulligan In the eighth let
Cleveland have two of the three runs It
counted In that inning. Coveleskle was
effective except In two Innings. Score:
Hooper, rf
2 1
1 Erana. If
Jnnnsnn. a.
3 0
1 5
1 1
1 2
3 4
1 10
0 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
71 J.mleson. If 3
4 Whagana.. 3b 4
01 Speaker, ef 3
01 Stephenson. 3b 3
0! Sewell. a. 3
HMcInnla. lb 3
01 Wood, rf 4
l'O'Nein.rt 2
1 Coreleakle, p 3
Collin., 2b
Moatlt. cf
Falk. If e
SheelT. lb
Miiltlgsn. 8b
Schtipp. p
0 Totall
9 27 11 37 15 24 1.11
Batted for Schupp In fifth.
Batted for Hodfre in ninth.
Score by innings:
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 35
Cleveland 0 2 0 3,0 0 0 3 x 8
Summary Runs: Hoopee, Johnson, Col
lins. Schalk. Sheely, Evans. Sewell. Mc
Innls (2), Wood (2), O'Neill (2). Error:
Mulligan. Two-baae hits: Sheely. Falk,
Hoooer, Johnson. Speaker. Stephenson.
nouble1 plays: Johnson to Collins to
Sheely (2), Stephenson to Wsmbsganss
to McTnnls. Left on bases: Chicago, 7:
Cleveland, 6. Bases on balls: Oft
Schupp. 6: off Hodge. 3: off Coveleskle. 2.
Hits: Off Schupp. 6 in 4 Innings; off
Hodge, 3 in 4 innings. Struck out: By
Hodge. 1; by Coveleskie, 4. Wild pitches:
Coveleskle (2). Losing pitcher: Schupp.
Umpires: Chill and Connolly. Time: 1:56.
Rally in Seventh Enahles
Yanks to Trim Athletics
New York, May 29. A sensational sev-
ent-inning rallv enabled the Yankees to
beat Philadelphia today. 7 to 4. Ruth
was well received by the fans and hit
two singles, including the hit which tied
tho score In the seventh. Miller of Phila
delphia hit his 12th home run of the
season tn the ninth. Score:
Young. 2b
4 2 1 0
Jnbn.ton. lb
1 0 1
5 1 4
4 2 4
4 4 1
4 13
3 1 14
4 1 0
5 '1 2
4 1 0
Walker, If
Perkins, c
H. Miller, cf
Welch, rf
TlTkei, 3b
Galloway, as
H.rrls. p
Moore, p ,
36 12 27 14
Score by Innings:
Philadelphia 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 14
New- York 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 x 7
Summarv Runs: .Toftnston. Walker
(2). B. Miller, Witt. Ward. Ruth, Baker,
Meusel, Scott, Mays. Errors: None.
Two-baae hits: Walker i), Johnston.
Three-base hit: Meusel. Home run: B.
Miller. Sacrifices: Perkins. B. Miller.
Double plavs: Mays to Ward to Plpp.
Pipn to Ward. Left on bases: New
York. 7: Philadelphia. 2. Bases on balls:
nff Harris. 2: off Mays, 1. Struck out:
Bv Hsrr'i. 2: hv Moore. 1: by Mays. 1.
Hits: off Harris. I in I 1-3 innlngR: off
Moore. 3 In 1 2-3 inning. 7,osine pitcher:
HutIi. Umpires: Hlldebraqd, Evans
and Nallln. Time: 1:5.
Fairhury Beats Jslanuers
Grand Island. Neb.. May 29 Falrbury
won a race with rain here today, defeat
ing Grand Island, 3 to 0, In seven in
nings. Score:
AH 1141 A.
Goodwin. 2b
Cleveland. 3b
MeDermott, c
BUM. cf
Belcble. If
Wlnbtlsh, lb
Berry, rf
Breen. .a
Bramson, p
4 13 liTtoben.rf
3 1 1 HHarwood. 2b
4 4 3 OMet.. 3h
0 3 rn Wanistarr. cf
,10 1 HP.lmatlere. If
3 0 10 0' Bradley, as
2 0 0 llreidil. lb
3 10 41 Roberta, e
2 0 0 5'McKenney. p
24 5 21 131 Total!
3 4
3 1
4 0
3 1
3 0
3 0
2 0
2 0
23 4 21 7
Score bv Innings: ,
Fairhury 1 M 0 1
Grand Island 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
f Called end seventh: rain).
Summary Runs: Goodwin, Cleveland,
Bramson. Errors: Goodwin. McKlnney
(3), Bases on balls: Off Brsmaon. 2:
off McKlnney. 4. Stolen base: BHfs.
Struck out: By Bramson, 8; by McKln
ney, 7. Left on bases: Fairhury. 6;
Grand Island, 4. Ear" eun: Fairbury,
1. Umpire: finjder.
4 0 3 31 Wilt, cf
4 2 13 UK Miller, cf
4 2 1 01 Ward. 7b
8 13 llRuth. If
3 12 0! Rsker. 3b
4 0 1 01 Meusel. rf
3 0 0 SIPInn. lb
3 0 1 11 Scott. .
. 1 1 SIScltsng. o
0 0 0 OjMaj-e. p
.10 7 24 12! Totall
Hubbell Hurt
Wilbur HuliUII. iukr (or ibt
rhiledflnhi National was senogalv
in lured by a line drive from the bat
of Tommy Urilntli ( Hrookhn in
rnent game, linititli hit the had
a itli all his might and on a dead Urn
icr llubbrll't head. Huhbell threw
up liia hands, but not iii tune lo blotk
the ball, and it 'truck I''1" " I"5
s'de r( Hie hrad. He fell to the
ground and rf moved 14 hotpi
IjI, where it kii said he lied a frar
lirrd 4nll and mncuaaion f th
brain. Hrloie bring irmmed 10 the
ho-pital Hubbell went though the
ainc Bttimii n thor of Kay Clup
iw.ii, tornirr Cleveland .liurutop.
w ho died as the rrult of bring atrurk
in the he.d by a pitched, ball from
Ctrl Uv.
.ntfUMvt bruis i : u. i r:.
W. I. H-1 i . I. r t
Uarole la 4 .M.7 Nwf. tk T 4 .tor
luuie,. in 4 Haairae 4 I .:
r.lrburr I ,li4 J,Ls4 3 It ,I4
Wlrrdaa Meaulla.
Lincoln, :; IUetina. a.
ranbuiy, 3; liiauit lalaod. 14. icalled
in . t enth, rain I
Lincoln si Norfolk, rain,
Tmla'a 4,ainaa,
M smes scheduled. ,
W. L. t I I'd
Nasi Trk l l .b; l-hil.delrhla 14 ia .
i. louii :i II ,iM u.ahnisuie to Si I'i :l .in HoHa I id
lU. aland ;n :i .4aa.ibi.aao 14 U .414
ralrnia'a Results,
New York. I; Philadelphia, 4,
Washing-tun, $; Moeion, 4.4,
Cleveland, a; Chicago. 4.
bl. Louts, I; lietroll. 4.
Today' Oamee,
I'etruit at Ml, l.uuta.
Oiltaxo at Clot-land.
rhiladalphia at New Yoik.
Washington at Hn.too.
All duuule-headt-ra.
, ' rYi.l W. U Prt.
Mtnnr.Hn 2) II .all I'lti in M .43
Indianapolis 11 II .a-'S.loui.tllia 17 2J .Its
HI. I'.ul 2J 14 .atll Columbus 17 tl A
ilila.ukM 23 14 .511, Toledo :;
Yraterday a Results.
Milwaukee. 4: Kansaa I'lly, 7.
St. Paul, 4; Minneapolis, 1.
Toledo. 4; Louisville, 4.
No other game scheduled.
Today' Games.
Toledo at Culumbua.
I ouuvllle al Indianapolis.
Milwaukee at Kansas city.
Mt. Paul al Minneapolis.
(All uouDle-neuilere. )
Soul hern Association.
.Mobile, 6; Chattanooga, 7.
Atlanta. 7; Na..hllle. i.
New Ot ic ilia. 2; Memphis 4.
Birmingham, 1; Little Rock, 2.
American Association.
At Toledo R. H. E.
Loulavllle t 12 2
Toledo 4 14 2
- Batteriea: Eatelle. Tincup. Cullop and
Meyer; Bcdlent, Wright and Kocher.
At St. Poul It. H. E.
Minneapolla , .. 1 6 1
St. Paul 8 14 2
Batteries: Tingling. Smallwood, Shaw
and Mayer; Martin and Allen.
1 At Kansas City B. H. E.
Milwaukee 916 2
Kansas City R. "H. E.
Batteries: Revlere and Gossett; Wilkin
son, Carter Ames and Skiff.
Brennan Is No
Match for Jack
Big Easterner's Showing
Against Tracy Eliminates
Him Front Consideration.
NFew York. Mav 29, Dan Lvons.
a good authority on boxing, says
there lias been talk or matcmng Bin
Brennan with Champion Jack Demp
sov T ot it Vie siirnrpsserl. Mav the
fate9 and boxing commissions of the
various states and an tne otner agen
cies with the power conspire to pre
sent it. ; .
Rior -Rill saerificprl whatever
chances he stood of again engaging
the heavyweight titleholder in fistic
strife, or something like that, by his
performance against James Tracey,
an Australian, in their recent bout
f!,rtiinn 5niiar Harden. Curious
ly, Brennan ultimately was returned
the winner by a knockout in tne
eighth round, but tne manner in
wViiVh lie heat down the invader from
the Antipodes cost rather than gained
him prestige. His pertormance cer
tainly did not entitle him to even
challenge Dempsey.
Maybe Brennan held Tracey too
cheaply. Maybe he didn't train for
the engagement. He went into action
obviously overweight. Perhaps he
figured Tracey a "set up." He may
have thought his astute manager was
having a victim led to slaughter by
him. In any event, whatever Big
Bill Brennan's anticipations , may
have been he quickly discovered that
instead of a docile sheep he was deal
ing with a sharp-clawed lion, ,
Browns Wallop Tigers
in First Game at Home
St. Louis. May 29. The Browne re
turned home with hits In their hat baga
and fell on the Tigera here today, win
ning.. 9 to 6.
Kenneth Williams made his 13th home
run of the season in the third Inning
with the bases filld. lie is now tied
with Rogers Hornsby of the local Na
tionals for the number of home runs hit.
Bing Miller of the Athletics being next
In line with 12. Attendance today was
estimated nt'10,000. Score:
3 1 S 0
Blue, lb
0 Tobin.rf
PUiKtcad, rf
Jones, 3b
Cobb, cf
Veach, If
H'lrn'u. rf-lb
Clark. 2b
Rlgncy, a.
Baasler. o
Mauion, 0
Cole, p ,
John son, p -stoner.
Haney. :ib
CutBtian, 2b
1 Uerber, ss
3 Staler, lb
01 Jacobson, cf
OlSerereld. c
21 Williams. If
Kllerbee. 3b
McManus, 2b
Davis, p
Pruett. p
Kolp. p
Vatiillder, p
2 0
2 0
1 0
31 II 27 4
Total. 34 8 24 lot
Ran for Blue in fifth. . . .
Detroit 0 0 0 0 2 I I 3 0
St .Louis 0 0 4 1 4 0 0 0 X 9
Snmmary Runs: lagsteao. jones.
Cobb, Rlgney, Bassler. Haney. Tobin, Ger
ber. Severeid (2). Wllllama (2), Ellerbe,
McManus, Davis. Errora: None. Two
base hits: Rlgney. Ellerbe, Slsler, Wil
liams. Home run: Williams. Stolen
baaes: Veach. Clark. Sacriflcea: Oer
ber. Tobin, Davis, Pruett. Double plsys:
McManus to Oerber to Sisler, Haney to
Cutshaw to Heilmann. Left on bases:
Detroit. 12; HI. l.ouls. 7. Bases on balla:
tiff linvia. 7; off Pruett. 3; off Kolp, 1;
tiff Johnston, 1: off Cole. 3. Struck out;
By Davis, J; by Pruett, 2; by Vangllder.
I; by Stoner. 1. Hits: Off Cole. 9 In 4
innings (none out In fifth); off Johnston.
i in 3 innings; off Stoner, 4 In 1 inning;
off Pruett. 1 In 1 inning; off Kolp. 0 In 0
inning: oft Vangilder, 0 In 1 2-3 Innings;
off Davis. 7 In 4 1-4 Innings. Winning
pitcher; Davis, Hit by pitched ball: By
Stoner (Staler). Losing pitcher: Cole.
I'mplres: Walsh. W'lso- and Owena.
Time: 2:10.
by Batted Ball
Pa. if ir and Atlantis.
Wilbur Hubbell.
cr-nxblod. .
oxns yW3
"Who i this bird Darrough and
where did he come from?" inquired
a Buffalo f.w as he left the ball park
yesterday after seeing D.rrough burl
the locals to a double victory over
De Moinc,
For the benefit of this fan we will
pound out a few lines about Mr. Dar
rotigh. In the firt place. Darrotigh came
from the Wichita Falls club of the
Texas league. He started performing
in organized baseball ivhen 19 years
old with the Fort Worth club of the
same league. He remained with the
Fort Worth club a hort time and
was "farmed" out for more experi
ence. The Fort Worth club called him
back to its (olefin 1918 and the first
i game he hurled for the team was a
I no-run. no-hit contest. He remained
1 with the Fort Worth crew until 1920
I when he was traded to the Wichita
i Falls team. He remained with this
I club until three weeks aeo when
Burch landed him in a trade which
involved Fitchcr Treon, former Buf
falo hurlcr.
An automobile ia said to be the
cause of "Kid" Schlaifer losing last
Friday night's scrap.
The proposed bout between Harry
Greb, new light-heavyweight cham
pion of America, and Georges Car
pentier, light-heavyweight title holder
of the world, looks like the most at
tractive glove contest that has been
suggested for a long time. With no
heavyweight in sight to give Cham
pion Dempsey much of an argument,
these two light-heavyweights suggest
a battle which should furnish a fast,
even battle.
"Cowboy" Padgett and Jack Brit
ton have been rematched for a bout
in Tulsa, June 6. When these two
welters meet in Tulsa next month
over the 12-round route, it will' be
the second clash between the "Cow
puncher" and the champion within a
Britton "toyed" with Padgett in a
10-round bout here early this month.
The second time Britton meets a
scrapper he generally knocks his ap
ponent into dreamland.
Johnson in Great
Form for Cup Meet
New York, May 29. The most im
portant angle to the latest meeting of
the two ranking tennis players, Wil
liam T. Tilden of Philadelphia 2d,
and W. M. Johnston of Cali
fornia, is the realization hat John
ston is once more in form and will
surely be ready lor a strenuous cam
paign both for national honors and
as a member of the defending
American Davis Cup team.
Until recently it was feared John
ston, former national title holder, had
played his last big tournament. Last
September at the Merion club near
Philadelphia, Johnston reduced to
11J pounds and visibly weakened
from grim efforts to battle his way
through the national championship
while still suffering - from stomach
trouble, told a friend that k would
never come east again for tennis
Drake Grid Captain
, to Coach at Sterling
Des Moines, la., May 29. Tres
cott A. Long, familiarly known at
Drake university as "Ted" Long, and
captain of last season's football
team, has been selected as coach of
athletics and instructor in mathe
matics in the high school at Sterling,
Coach Long will begin his new
duties ,on September 1. He is the
only athlete graduating from Drake
universify with four letters " and a
captaincy to his credit. For the past
two years. he has been a member of
the AH-Mfssouri Valley football team.
He played an end position during his
college football career.
Compete in Chicago M$et
Boston, Mass., May 29. Univer
sity of California athletes, who, on
Saturday, captured the athletic cham
pionship, of the Intercollegiate A. A.
A. A. for a second year, had scat
tered today, but under orders to get
together again in time to compete in
the games of the National Collegiate
A. A. at Chicago on June 16 and 17.
Coach Walter Christie said he would
take 10 of the 15 men brought cast
to the Chicago meeting.
Stanford university athletes who
finished third on Saturday, also de
layed their return home, so that
Kirksey and Sudden, sprinters; Wil
liamson, cjuarter-miler, and Capt.
Hanner, field event specialists, might
compete on the New York A. C.
games next Saturday.
Parkinsons Home
Drive in Eighth
Wins for Phillies
Pitthr-r Rinjs Chael From
Gamr in Sixth Inning Kol
lowing Argument
Willi I'mpirf.
riuUdflphia. May ?. TaiVin
ion's liome run drie. with William
on r)ie in hr eighth inning today,
bioke New Ymk'a winning streak
and t-ne riiiUdelphia a 5 to 3 vic
tory. In the sixth inning Ring, the
local piliher, threw his glove at Um
pirr riiiinan when he gave Young
hi Itaar on balls villi two out and
two on base. The pitcher then
ruolird thm u and made a P as
though lo Nti ike the umpire, but
Catcher lleuline interfered. Ring
was thru ilia'dl fmm the game. In
the tirt inning llenliue was ban
ished fr objecting lo a called ball
tm K. Smith, Score:
M.U'loKk I rilll.ADBt.rniA.
All II It a ' All II o A.
S.nrren as 4 3 4 " 1 ? I
rune 7h
1 I I " maar i, ,i 1
S 1 niiitama. rf 4 4 4
IlKilliia. e 4181
t I I'Meia e " 4 a
I U I C. runa ill I
OS SM.Ii, 4 4 J 4
a 8 rlii lb 4 II 1
a a ; t( 4 t J
I a a Him. t ? 1 I 1
4 Italia. 4 14 4 4
l.fh, 3b
Vm.. rf 2
tlelaal. If I
Kali,. Ih 3
CiiMnin.Via.rf 4
sa.,,lib e 4
r"illUa a I
nclMIx) I
Shaa. B I
Totals ! 4 31 IH T'llll II '
Hailed for Douglas In aialh, t
S.era l.y Innings: ai
New York 4 4 0 4
Philadelphia 4 0 4 4 I 4 J x 4
Siiiiitnarv Runa: Bancroft. Frlch. Rob
ertson. Walker, Wrighiamna. Williams
(21. Parkinaon. Errors: Frlach. E Smltn.
Two-ba.a tills: Wrighlslone, Walker.
Bani-rofl (21. Flat, her. Kelly, three,
bsse lilt : William. Home run: Parkin
aon. bacrlfice hit : Peters. Double plays:
Kelly lunaeaiaiedl, (Iron-Bancroft. Kelly.
Left n hsaes: New York. 4; Philadelphia.
6. Baaa on halls: nff Ring. S: off Betta.
1: off Imuglna. I. Struck on': By Doug
las. 3; by Ring. ; by Belts. I. H Its :
off Douglas, 4 in 6 Innings; nff Shea, 3
In 3 Innings; nff Ring. 4 In 4 2-3 Innings:
nff Baits. 5 In 1 1-3 Innings. Winning
pitcher: Bens Lnaing piuhr: Shea.
Umpires; rftrman and Klein. Time: 1.68.
Pirates Take Content
Scheduled for September
Pittsburgh. May 29 The Pltlahurgh
Cincinnati game ai-lieduled for Septem
ber 21. was moved forward and played
here today, the Tirates winning, S to 4.
Pittsburgh forced Donohua lo retire In
the fourth Inning, when the locals scored
three runa on four hits. Score:
AH IIO A1 AB.H.O. 4.
"urea of 0 0 Mar.nrllls, SS 4 2 4 4
i.ceri. lb 4 3 12 3'i'srav, er a s a n
!" -'. If 4 1 0 0 lliihee. If 4 0 4 0 rf 4 4 1 I'Tlemer. ?t 4 1 1 S
Winro e 4 0 0 2'Travnnr. 3b 4 10
Ilnline. 3b 3 1 4 31 Mueller, rf 4 t 3 I
Crenar. u 4 0 2 4'ilnmm. lb 8 1 10 0
Plnelll. Jb 4 1 4 "'Own. e 4 1 4 0
Tinnottua, p I a 1 0' dinner, p 4 10 1
Rrewler n"""i. ;
Si hnell, p 1 0 0 11 Total! 41 W 27 U
Tot.ll 33 8 34 151
Score by Innings:
Cincinnati 1 0 n 0 0 4 14
ntt.burgll 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 X 5
Summary Runs: lisubert. Harper. .
Maranville, Carey. Traynor, Mueller,
Gooch. Errors: Neal. Schnell. Two-base
hlta: Harper (2). Carey. Grimm. Three
base hit: Daubert. Sacrifice hit: Tlernarr-
Double play: Tlerney-Maranville-Grifnm. 1
Left on bases: Cincinnati, 4: Pittsburgh.
7. Base on balls: Off Schnell. 3: off
Glaxner. 2. Struck out: By Glazner, 2.
Hits: Off Donohue. In 4 Innings; off
Schnell. 4 In 4 Innings. Hit by pitched
hall: Bigbee, bv Donohue. Winning pitch
er: Glainer. Losing pitcher: Donohue.
Umpires: O'Day and Tart, Time: 1:28.
Homer by Cruise Spells
Victory for Boston Braves
Brooklyn. May 39. Boston made tt two
straight from Brooklyn today, 6 to 4.
Miller was hit In the erm by a liner from
Wheat's bat In the first, but pitched ef
fectively until the fifth. Cruise's homer
proved the deciding tally. Mitchell, a
Brooklyn pinch hitter, hit for the cir
cuit with one on In the ninth. Score:
AB.H.O.A.' AB.H.O.A.
Powell, cf 4 2
4 llHInh. 3h
4 4!.Tnhnstnn. 2b
2 OiB. Griffith, rf
I 01 VThMit. If
Barbara. !h 4 1
Cliriatenh'r, If 4 1
3 .1
2 0
3 0
5 0
0 0
n o
cruise, rf 4
itoecKet. fln
Holke. lb
Ford. s.
Goirdr. n .
Millar, p
Flllln.lm. p
4 ! 1 OlMrerl. cf
oiHcliro.nrtt. IB
I 4' Olson, ss
3 01 Ward, si
0 1' Drlierry. e
0 0'Cadore. n
0 0' Riiether
1 Nets
3 0
3 1
1 0
t 0
1 0
3 0 0 4
0 0 0 0
110 0
34 S 27 U
32 9 27 10 "'Mitchell
Batted for Miller in sixth.
Batted for Ward in ninth.
Ran for Ructhcr in ninth.
Batted for Cadore in ninth.
Score by innings:
Boston 5 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 S '
Brooklyn 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 24
Summary Runs: Powell. Barbara,
Christenhury. Boeckel. Olson. Home rune:
Cruise. Schmandt. Mitchell. .Double play;
Barbare-Holke. Left on bases: Boaton. 8;
Brooklyn. 6. Baao on halls: Off Miller.
1: off Flllingim. 2: off Cadore. 3. Struck -out:
By Miller. 2; by Cadore. 4. Hlta:
Off Miller, 3 in 6 Innings; off FilllnBlm
B In 4 innings. Winning pitcher: Mller.
Umpire: Moran and Emslle. Time: 1:68.
St. Louis Cardinals Beat
Cubs in 10-Inninz Battle"'
Chicago, May 29. Fournier's triple and
Heathcote's sacrifice fly broke up a 10
innlng game today and gave St. Louis a
8 to 4 victory over Chicago in the first,
game of the series. The visitors played
an uphill game by hitting opportunely
behind bases' on balls, after Chicago had
taken the lead by bunching hits and
again tied the count in the ninth on
Flack's double and a single. ,
Alnsmlth started the visitors' scoring
by cracking out hi eighth home run of
the acason. Score: '
Mann, cf
Smith, cf-rf
2 0 2 OlBlatr. cr
1 0 2 01 Hnllorher is
4 0 4 SI Knur. Sb
.1 3 1 2U!rlme.. 1 b
3 0 4 0' Flack, rf
3 13 Olc.lla.lian, If
1 1 4 0' Trrv. 2b
5 2 2 01 Wlrtl. c
2 I 1 01 OTarrell.
1 2
0 1
2 12
1 4
1 1
2 3
0 1
0 0
0 0
4 4
Toporcer. ss 4
Stock-, lb S
Hoirohr. 2b 3
Gainer. Ib 3
Founder, lb 1
McHenry. If S
SchnltJ. rf 2
Heatlu-ote. rf 1
Alnsmlth, o S
North, p 3
. ii, .mors, p a n ii x
1 4 4lKanfmann, p 148 fj'l
v v v -aroer
34 4 SO lit' Totall 34 9 SO 15
Batted for Kauffman In tenth.
Score by Innings:
St. Louis., 0 10 11IO44 I S
Chicago 3 00000001 04
Summarv Runs: Toporcer. Gainer,
Fournler. McHenry. Alnsmlth, Statu, Hol
locher. Grimes. Flack. Errors: Toporcer.
North. Two-base hits: Statz, Callahan,
Stork. Flxck. Three-base hits: McHenry,
Grimes. Kournier. Home run: Alnsmlth.
Sacrifice hit: Gaines. Hornahy, Heathcote.
Douhle plays: Krug-Terry-Grimee. Topor-cer-Siock.
Left on bases: St. Louie, 9;
Chicago. 3. Bsse on balls: Off Jones, S;
off North. 1 : off Kaufmann, 2. Struck
out: By North. 6; by Jones, 1. Hits: Off
Jones. 7 In 8 Innings (none nut In sixth):
off Kaufmann. 2 In 6 Innings. Losing
pitcher: Kaufmann. Umpires: Sentell
and McCormlck. Time: 4:11.
Five Leading Hitters
of Major Leagues
National League.
O. A B.
.4" 1 5il
.37 13
.25 77
.36 149
R. ir. Pet.
59 Ml .37
62 .377
17 24 .377
22 56 .374
li 37 .374
4 44 .407
80 49 .401
41 44 .894
24 44 .314
IT 41 .174
Hornsby. St. Louis..
KellV. Vew York
Hargravea. Cincinnati Pittsburgh...
T. Griffith. Brooklyn
.23 99
Sisjer. St. Ixnils...
Speaker. Cleveland
Miller. Philadelphia
Witt, New York ..
Cobb. Detroit ....
.38 147 80
.36 139