V,4-sw ... l I i r 9F a m : i THE BEEr OMAHA. SUNDAY, MAY 2. 1923. 7 A r Store Monday and Wednesday SSI itei Special tte Dresses y Priced at NVantjfd Styles, y.t-Nl,MI Flr. iS-ks and Homemakers a ield Silverware iV delightful pieces of Sheffield, the silver represent the most gratifying savings. Sheffield Silver Bread Trays Cf burnished finish, oval end and turned border, regulation size. Very special, $1.35 All Wanted Colors. Mi Her ins, Other Sheffield Bread Trays Have handles and are of burnished finish and turned edge. Very special, $1.65 Sheffield Silver Teaspoons rom a famous maker. Each an assurance of long service. Each, 12Vfcc Set of six, 75c Sheffield Silver Tablespoons " . ttern, in burnished finish, are priced at only ' - 1712 each Set of six; $1.00 . ' Sheffield Silver Serving Trays . Of large size; also sandwich plates, flower baskets, combination dishes, bread or roll baskets with handles, are remarkable at, each ; .. , $3.50 ' i '' Sheffield Silver Sandwich Trays . ,A, !. And bread trays, in burnished finish and pierced designs. ; Very special, $2.95 ' - Burfui-Nuh Silver Shop Main Floor White Footwear ::r - : r pes o ; I n 1 II ill I III J f Ses ..I Moid- 8-inch ends- Jcarfs oped. lle seal- jWhite Nile Cloth Oxfords Lace oxford with new inch and one-half straight an heel and turn sole. All sizes and widths. ..' Pair, $3.00 f r : 'i; ''iWhite.Nile Clotii Pumps .lyT Pne-strap pump with Louis heel and turn or welt jiole 11 sizes and widths. Wonderful values. I . Pair, $3.00 f jWhite Nile Cloth Pumps , , jOne and two-strap pumps with new inch and one 0Bli straight Cuban heel and turn sole. Priced at :fj:; . . Pair, $3.95 v; Burfost-Nuh Shot Shop Main Floor New Summer Silks Sports Pongee I-ailk oriental pongee, in M eolorinn and soft street sides, 83-inch width. Priced, .Yard, $1.59 1 lubular Tricolette ppular for sports wear, in the Oil I noes popular cuiuib Yard, $1.69 fTubtllar .Vestings ; 1-inch plain ana arop siucn m1 f nr . lingerie. lite, pink, and orchid. Yard, $iS, $1.49, $2.00 and $2.45 Silk Shirting Satin stripe silk tub shirting in hairline and cluster stripe patterns, 83-inch width. Priced, Yard, $1.49 Satin Marquise A favorite 40-inch sports . satin, in white, black, sand, and gray. Ideal for skirts Yard, $2.95 Marinette Crepe A delightful 40-lnch crepe, heavier than crepe de chine. In twenty charming colors. " Yard, $2.95 Burfoss-Nb Second Floor For Summer Wear These Sports Skirts : Khaki Outfits Because sports apparel is given an ever-increasing importance in the wardrobe of the athletic out-of-door woman, we have selected many sensible, simple and essentially smart things for her various summer needs. Here she may choose garments that allow her the comfort of perfect freedom and that give her the assurance of correct grooming. The prices are moderate. Summer Sport, Skirts Bought at the time when an eastern wholesaler was forced to sacrifice profits, we are able to offer these skirts at much under-the-usual prices for garments of this style and quality. They are developed of plaid and 6triped eponge in daring high colors and of fancy flannels in neutral tones. Most of them are wrap-around models, many of which carry a fringed hemline. All have belts and set-in pockets. $J0OO ?J275 $J00 $JJ50 Complete Khaki Outfits Khaki knickers, breeches and such things add an amaz ing zest to a brisk canter, a walk in a country lane or a strenuous hike over the hills.' It is a mode that fairly catches the outdoor spirit with its free, graceful lines and its sprightly mannish cut. M Knickers are priced at $3.90 to $5.00. Khaki knickers priced at $3.95 to $9.00. Khaki skirts priced at $3.95 to $5.00. The complete five-piece outfit, in khaki, priced $16.50. BurfMi-Nuh Suit Shop Third Floor Khaki riding breeches are priced at $5.00. Khaki hats are priced st only $1.75. And khaki shirts are priced at $2.75. The Greatest Economy Event of the Season 1000 Pieces French Lingerie One-Half Price 1,000 pieces, consisting of Corset Covers, Pet ticoats, Gowns, Envelope Chemise, Drawers BurfOis.Nash Second Floor 200 Sports Skirts Special $6.95 All the new shades and a great many in white. These are sample skirts made of the newest and most popular mate rials. Cleverly fashioned belt and pockets and a . deep hem mark these as skirts of the better manufacture. Sizes 26 to 32 waist. . Knicker Suits $3.95 Every garment made of washable fast color picnic linen in khaki color. Suit composed of over-blouse with pockets and belt and full-cut double seamed pocketed knickers. Real values when priced at $3.95, Burgoss-Nssh Downstairs Store 300 Summer Dresses Monday $2.00 . A choice of 25 smart styles for the woman who requires the more slender- izing lines. They are made of pretty ginghams in all the season's newest plaids and checks. There is hardly a style you can pos sibly imagine becoming to the larger figure that isn't here in this specially priced assortment. Clever trimmings of embroidery, collars, cuffs and sashes of organdy are noticeably different Sizes 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 64. Each, $2.00. BurreM-Na.h Downstair Store Footwear Tennis Shoes Boys' white tennis shoes with rubber soles. A practical shoe for outing purposes. Priced Pair, $1.00 Bedroom Slippers Imported slippers with gay tinsel embroidery and large pompoms. Many colors.' Sizes 3 to 7 Pair, 95c A Women's Oxfords , Black and brown kid lace ox fords and strap pumps with low heels. Sizes 3 to 8. Very spe cial at Pair, $2.98 Burgea-Nash Downitairt Store Specials in Linen Needs Dresser Scarfs 18 x 45-inch scarfs of good quality butcher's linon. Em broidered in blue Each, $1.50 Crash Toweling A very absorbing quality that will give good service. Leaves no lint Yard, 19c Pillow Tubing 1 42-inch fine round thread muslin pillow tubing. Good quality at low price Yard, 35c Burgess-Nub Bleached Sheeting 36-inch heavy weight 'quality bleached muslin, 12 yards to customer Yard, 12V.e Damask Cloths Odd a ivd mussed damask cloths. Perfect in every way. Priced Each, 85c to $2.95 ; Damask Napkins Bleached damask napkins in breakfast and dinner sizes, one half dozen lots 75c to $350 i Downitairt Store Men's Needs Dress Shirts Values seldom offered. Men's dress shirts of high grade madras and percale in neat pat terns and fancy stripes. These shirts are made in neck-band style with double cuffs. Each, $1.00 Boys' Wash Pants Khaki and "Kool Cloth trousers in light and dark col ors. Of plain material and in fancy stripes. Sizes 6 to 17 Priced, pair, 98e to $1.25 t Burfss-Nuh Downstairs Stora One Gent Notion Sale ' Safety pine. Hooks and eyes. Darning wool. Cotton tape. Darning cotton. Crochet cotton. Wire hairpins. Elastic remnants. Kay rings and chains . Mercerised machine thread. Buttons, all kinds. Button molds. Dress clasps. ' Collar bands. Bone belting Dress weights. Rick-rack braid. Dressmakers' chalk. Heavy button thread. Patent leather belts. Silk buttonhole twist. Stiff belting, black, white. No Phone Orders No Man Orders Each lc Bur(us-Nash Downstairs Store No C, O. D. No Refunds Wash Goods Dress Voiles A host of pretty patterns, in all the season's newest color ings, 40-inch width. Yard 39c, 49c and 59c Dress Suitings A choice of 22 bright shades that are so popular this season, 36-inch width. ' Yard, 39c ' . Dress Lengths Five-yard dress lengths, in summery checks and plaids; an unusual offering. Each, $1.45 Tissue Gingham Literally "dozens of new de signs in checks and stripes; each one softer, cooler-looking and more tempting than the other ; Yard, 75c . Other Tissues In pretty color combinations, are an exceptional value at Yard, 59c Dress Lengths Enough material for a whole dress at only $1.95. This is a 32-inch checked gingham 4 yards in length Each, $1.95 Swiss Organdy Colorful organdy in full '45 inch width, all shades Yard, $1.00 Burgess-Nub Downstairs Store Store Closed All Day Tuesday Memorial Day Monday Only The Forsythe Blouse, $3.00 1M At this price there are only 200 of these blouses that were taken from regular stock and re duced, in many instances, to less than half. Thera are Peter Tan and "V" necked styles, made of fine im ported dimity. Monday, 53.00. Burctss-Nuh Third Floor 000 Girls' Dresses $2.65 Pretty wash dresses that meet with mother's idea of service are offered at a "much lower than usual" price. A choice of fine chambray, gingham, and some of the famous "Jack Tar Togs." Pockets, sashes and bits of em broidery add the touch of trim ming that the girl of 6 to 14 has in mind. Each, $2.65 Burgsss-Nash Third Floor 000 Household Needs Attractively Priced CA Mo Good Lawn Hose Food Choppers Climax Food Chopper, with assorted blades, family size. Each', $1.19 Moulded of best quality rubber. M in. size 13c f in. size 14c in. size 16c Emerson Fans xans tnat carry a o year guaran tee, -incn size ' Priced at $10.50 Mixing Bowls Yellow earthenware bowls, con venient size, meed at 25c to 65c Bird Cages Brass or white enamel , bird cages, ivory finish. All are mod erateiy priced. Refrigerator, $33.50 Tor Monday we offer one of splendid make. It is a icer, . with golden oak case. white enamel provision case, re movable shelves, and brass nickel plated hinges and locks, Priced at $33.50. Other refrigerators priced up to 1105.00. BurgeM-Nash Fourth Floor ' K. of C. to Stase Big Program Here on Memorial Day First Military Mas in 16 Yw to nellfMr mirth Degree Will lie El emplifird. The KnichU of Cotumbui of Om h have arranged in !bor pro. giant for Mrmortsl iy, Turtdjy, Mtr 30. This is the largest ndrr taking of a similar nature evrr tin- Vmbrn hy the orgsmiation in r.e buU. The reremonifs ill commence at 10 in the morning, when solemn high rfyutm ms will be celebrated at Holy Srpuli'hrr cemetery. A spe cial allir has been built and a choir arranged from members of various Catholic choirs in the city. The mt will he celebrated by Retr. John Mc formirk, S. J, president of Irfiah ton univernity, ho will be assiU'd by practically all of the clergy cf the Omaha diocese. An address will he given by Rev. J. A. Chapoton. C SS. R. Rev. J. W. Slenjon will be master of ceremonies. Public Invited. This outdoor mass is the first of its kind celebrated in Omaha since the Memorial mass which was held in the same place 16 yean ago under auspire of the tame organisation. Tt. ...hi; ! nuiifd and it it cx- itl u.tw ... . . -- - - pected that the full membership of the Knignts ot coiumoui win d m 4in u'll rrnrrsrntativei " ' - ' - from various civic organizations and ex-frvice men, who will atena in uniform. In th oflvrnnnn in xemDlll!Catl0n of the fourth degree of the Knights of Columbus will tie held at tne ciud rooms at 2301 Harney street, ine r.....u A..m im h natrintic AfZTtt of the order and is exemplified only upon national holidays, it 19 tne highest drgree of the Knights of Co-lumbus. 150 to Be Initiated. A .Ik. f 13n randidates from i i-i.aj -, .t.. ..J Alrmt nart At nt- braska, Iowa and South Dakota will take part in this initiation, ine oe- gree work win oe carnra on uu. j.'. nf Crnrof F Corcoran of York. Neb., who is the master of the fourth degree tor tne state or Ne braska. He will be assisted by F. P. Matthews, W. C. Fraser, John Rush, Amos Henley, William Stroud. Rev. F. G. Dineen, S. J., ana i. r. McLaughlin. At the conclusion ot the atternoon ceremonies, a banquet will be held at Hotel Fontenelle for all members of h Pnnrth Ararff and their ladies. Speakers of national reputation will address the members, ine loremosi of these will be James O'Brien of Chicago, vice supreme master of the Fourth degree, and Thomas Flynn of Chicago, taitntui navigator oi i-a Salle assembly. Other speakers will be W. J. McNichols, state deputy for Nebraska, and W. C Fraser of Omaha. George F. Corcoran will, preside as toastmaster. List of Candidates. ' All arrangements for the cere monies have been made by the offi cers of the Omaha assembly headed by J. J. Hinchey. First Circus of Year Here June 10 Gollmar Bros. Outfit Carries 16 Tents Show Has Many Features. The first circus of the season is on its way to Omaha. A biz. vellow car rolled into the Union station last night bearing into Omaha 30 bill posters, banner men and advertising agents. The circus is the Gollmar Bros. outfit. . It will exhibit at Twenty-first and Paul streets on Saturday. June 10, aftertjoon and night. , Sixteen separate tents are neces sary to accommodate the circus and many novelties have been added to the show. The Morales family, which operates a whole show of its own in Mexico, is one of the many features of the circus, which also boasts a "baby zoo." And there will be a big street parade the morning of the show. . Menorah Society Elects , Officers for Coming Year Officers to serve for the next school year have been elected by the Menorah society, an organization composed of students attending Oma ha universities, b. Beber was named president; M. Margolin, vice presi dent; Mr. Rapkin, recording secre tary; Mr. Rosenthal, financial secre tary; A. Steinberg, treasurer; A. Kad- ner, reporter. Ihese were elected to the executive committee: I. Stern hill, representing Creighton univer sity; Mr. Trochtenberg, Omaha uni versity, and Mr. Grower, University of Nebraska Medical college. The society will hold a banquet at the Brandeis tea rooms June 3,;the closing function of the school year. M. D. Craig Named President of Trans-Missouri Club M. D. Craig was named president of the Trans-Missouri club at the election of officers held following a dinner at Hotel Fontenelle Saturday evening. Other officers elected are: A. G. Bloom, first vice president; H. C. Shields, second vice president; V. E. Bock, third vice president; Leo Rogers, secretary, and G. F. Selders. treasurer. Constitution and bylaws of the club were adopted at the meet ing. New Seventh Corps Area Commander Will Arrive Mai. Gen. Francis J. Kernan, as signed to command of the Seventh corps area. United States army, is expected to arrive in Omaha today to take charge. He comes here from the Philippine islands. The area headquarters were estab lished vesterdav in the Armv build- Iing, Fifteenth and Dodge streets, hav ing beoh moved in from Fort Crook during the last week. T ) m