1 TUB BKK! OMAHA, FRIDAY. MAY SIS. 19J2. The Dancing Master Br RUBY M. AYRES. (iiaa feme) Ifeieniei.) E!utrth itt'i tmlcs sob. Itii ' I d' l mI. I !! it"' I U' wot ihe truth," lit; iln-w Iir do to lum, s that he ttti!4 Uk vio tier trt!c eyr. lUm lie Ut hrr o uuli a nniriiiiiuiui laugh. "That felli! A iJiki ttuMrr!" he 4id MKel), i,liibrtli mhh tuiing ut him, lirr brrt lirnvrng, Iter lif nhiif it strain, Whni Karmrr itirnrd la the IHr she fried mil, "Oh, wrltrrr are ou gonn; ? What are u Kiniijf ta do?" ' ' I 111 buiiis 10 fin Rrlon, d wring ilie truth fut 01 rum," he an swered hrr brutally. ".VI d, by Uxl, he iImU y lir 1I1U!" She rati to him. he clung to him, tih shaking hand. "So. no. t br rij uu. He kitim noilim about 11, liy-,liw would rather die than uke hai did not he long 11 him. He would rather die thn take a shitting ol vowsnr m;ne. You don't know him as 1 no. Oh, Neil if ytiu love me" Mie (elt as if trtu was lighting for her life.' The air eemed full of unknown terrors, when ihe iw fint re lenting in hif (Ve the broke out again desperately: I II do anything anything if only you will heheve me." And then the tear ranir, running, Iuhdcly down her fate. Famier'a eye nofu-.-ud, and for a Jong moment the silcnie was, un broken save for her pitiful sobbing; then he put an arm around her and ltd her back to the c hair. "Won't try like that. Kliiabeth." he Mid hoarsely. "It-hurls me to Hear you cry. I've been rough; I'm a brute, but I hate that fellow-it's lie who has eome between in. I know, ' "No, no," said Elizabeth passion airly; I gave that money to Kiid I swear 1 did. Mr. Koystou knows nothing about ,t; ,c would never Jorgive us if he knew." "And l!it obr Fainter atkrd slowly. Her sobbing trswd, md the rioted her eje. "That that wa given to him." she ai4 lamtly. "Hut be J" not know ; he thuik he thmks H a paid hsik to him by a nun who owed him Mie lookrd up at him imploringly, "It's true." she aid. l will tell )ou all about it," She told hint evn )ihiug. Mie even fetched the lirt depairiiig Irtier she had received from Netta and showed j it to him. i "l gut the money for her and she gave it to Mr, Koytton through this man tirutoo. He did not know the truth; if he had he would never have taken a penny of it." She looked at Farmer stonily. "Thai is the truth, if I never spe4k again," she added, subbing. He walked away Irwin her to the end of the room; he wa a man who had found it easy hitherto to get his own way with women, and often he tlepied himself becaue he had tailed so signally with Elizabeth, And yet he loved her better than he had loved any woman in his life, and it was bittere.t jealousy that had driven him to be cruel. 1 Was it worth the game, he was ankiug himself, to marry this girl knowing that she cared nothing for him? Would there be any happiness fr cither of them if they were ir revocably tied together lor the rest of tlirir lives? And yet he wanted her. He raised his hot cy& and looked across to where she lat with the tears still wet on her face, and passionate anger and desire rose in his heart. Farmer was not a bad man. If Elizabeth ' had loved him she could have made anything of him, but the knowledge that he was nothing to her crushed all that was best in his na ture. It would be so easy to be mag nanimous to destroy that check and tell her that the debt was cancelled, to let her go and turn eisewhere for her happiness, and yet . He went swiitly but to wlurt she sat and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Elinbeth il.efe people Roy. stan and the girl w'ho wrote that let terwhat ie they to )ou that ou should have been so auvous to help litem ." Her heart seemed to contract with tS'mning paui until she spoke, quite tuadily and without emotion, "Tliry were kind to me; they gave me my lirt chance wtn-n I had no one e!e to help me" "And what ab.nit me?? he aked, with uncJutrolUhlc pam. " I have done my best for you, too, Eliza beth, but you rare nothing for me," Her hand were cUpfd in hrr lap so hard that her knm kle stood out while, and for an instant she felt a if she could not breathe. 1 hen she said mechanically: "I will pay my dilt to yoa in any way yon wish. I will marry you if that i the only way." It was no longer of hrrsclf that she thought, but of Royston. In her ignorance she imagined that the ne gotiating of that check might bring trouble upon him, although she knew as surely a if she had been a witness that Enid Sanger had herself forged her hul'nd's s gnaturt and taken the money. In that moment she would have nifTrrel anything to proiect the man .he loved, She looked up at Ned Farmer and a poor little smile curbed her hps. 'l will marry you i( you wish it," she said si;.iiii, "l.'l.. II IhII in Iri, Inri-i beside her. and his arms went round her licrecly, "I love you. I adore you. I'll make you happy." He kissed her hands in an abandon of jo. "You will' he my wife; you will marry ine oon!" "Ye." Hut when he would have drawn her ctoe to kiss her hp she gave a little sobbing sigh and slipped faint ing from his arm. ttMlnur4 In Il Tawwrow.) Cranberries are much nicer if put through the food chopper first and then cooked with an apple. Freight on Ladder Nearly Equals Cost Alliance, N'cb. May 2$ -(.pr ciatl V height shipping charge of $117,60 wa made on a die Udder that to.t JJOO. Chief Hud Srbater ordered Ihe Udder from a company in F.lmira. N. y and was guen to understand that the shipping charges would be f.WoO, The local freight agent was abont to dcluer it. when an inspector doin the Western Weighing and lin-pecium , bureau pied ihe ladder at the freight house He stated the ladder, wtiich was let 6 iu he h'Hg, was six iuchrs loo king to evnic under the I. WW pound nnmmum slatsincaiion and would I lie re (ore have to be listed under the a.ixsl pound minimum. He I here Lire boosted the shipping charge to II 17 Ml When I ire Chief Schafcr refued to accept delivery oi the ladder, the 'local freight agent wiied liurlington I headquarter at Chicago and received instructions to deliver the Udder tin-', J der the original rie of fW t0 peml iing adjtuiment of the nutter, City amhoniie declare they will carry the Ua.e to Ihe Interstate Commerce I commission rather than pay the high- rr Height rate. I J kTaT P .Til SUFFERERS from .ill Imrf nnfrk trmiimt law dntaa nl hl .1.11'. Pars. lea It artwAa VAH mrt lllrllll IhS ppiri oslurs msy btvsd- nrlwad tnu af and In Uck ol whirh rsuws drPll- You ,11 wnM .Hul It,. Will HUB I, M1UI.U HHDI " ' T thin thawina uhlU tat ilsrorsa esadlas. DR. CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN THE FAMILY LAXATIVE Dr. CsIdwslPs Srrup Pspsln eon ttini InaradUnU cflscUvs in dyspep sia and constipation. It Is t combin ation ot Egyptian Senna and other simpl lasatlv herbs with pepein. The formula is on the package. It has been ucceaafully used lor SO years. Try it I On bottle will prove iu worth. HALF-OUNCE BOTTLE FREE Fw atruse coniiiMtion, o eum H you io tux tuif a lausnva at thit mommi let mt lend yf a Hall Ounrt Trial Bil of my SyruS Prtun FREE OF CHARGE lfu you uiU lW it handy when tmitd. Simly und your name and dadreu 10 Dr. w . B. CaUuwll, 314 Vraihtn(im St., MontiaUo, Hi WtueiM today. Special For Week el May IB, Inclusive i Pineapple Pie a La Made, with iholce I Colfee, Tea er Milk a reuUr 10c rder lor only 10c. ALL SIX RESTAURANTS IIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMMIIMIIIIMMII I I I I I I 1 1 Ml II I I I I I I I 1 1 M I I I 1 1 M V Our Furniture Exchange Dc- IslTf H uf ufnttufe Exchange Dc- Z parlment offers an opportunity (fflfllllrfl lfVll H AIITI (I afl Wlment of fen an opportunity Z ; foryou h trade your old furni-. &AS&3& n" JLUISIiMW for you h trade your old furni- J ; ture and rugs for ricft. Ask us ' GXi AND HOWARD STS. ture and rugs for nev. hit us Z Z about it. ' obout it. Z HUDSON Has a New Motor TS ponrfnl, Snllac wst HumVm LltfStBloc OH (I'M IMUBl ud pMiim nllef rroa ibrobsiia, , D.r -rftcSIBf plu ot BSMOtr Uw Minn, Stc ead le a Setsfc giotivcnna cib. The 5 Kherman A MrConnell Dni( Blorea. Have Combined Thrift and Economy Thrift is wise Spending; Economy is knowing' how to save. We know there are many thrifty and economical people in Omaha who want to buy: a player piano folks who realize the value of godd music.in the home, but have been waiting to buy their player on the, basis of economy and thrift; This remarkable offer to jO3 1 1. . combines every element of Thrift and Economy. To have a player piano that will serve faith fully, for years and years that's Thrift. To give your ' children all the benefits that music affords that's Thrift. To have a source of pleasure and recreation, right in the home that's Thrift. To make this Thrifty offer possible we have contracted for fifty player pianos to be shipped at one time. Every instrument is a genuine Davenport &- Treacy player piano, of which thousands are in daily use. This is the lowest price at which these players have been offered since this country entered the war. And, to sell them quickly, we are prepared to give the most liberal terms and conditions of purchase. This is an opportunity that thrifty music lovers will welcome. Every player offered in this great event is a genuine Davenport W Treacy PLAYER PIANO Special Terms -$10- DOWN OR $0 Weekly ; J Payments- How to become) one of the . Beat of all. call at our atora and in vestigate this offer, personally. If you cannot call, fill out the attached coupon, mail it and we will aend you a reaervation blank, which, signed hy you and approved by us, will make' you one ef the "Fifty Thrifty" Buyers, and entitle you to the epecial purchase price and Ihe many other advantages. These instruments are guaranteed in every- way for ten years. They con . tain the famous Standard player ; action and are musically and me chanically perfect. There will be ; only, fifty of these players at this price and they are going quickly. , One Dollar Reserves One' of these Players and gives you three weeks to make ? your choice. If you do not select an k instrument your dollar will be re funded. Call today or mail coupon. .. The Special ADVANTAGES Offered to s SO Thrifty Buyer 1. Standard merchandise Genuine Davenport & Treacy Player Pianos. 2. Remarkablylow price. - 3, Three full years to pay. 4. Special small down pay i menta. 5. Low monthly payments. 6. Free exchange privilege. 7.. Ten-Year Guarantee. . 8. Half-payment privileges. 9. One free tuning. . ' 10. Repair service for twelve months. 11. Twelve player rolls of your choice free. 12. Free player bench or chair with every Player Piano. A. HOSPE CO., Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen: . Without any obligation whatsoever on my part, you may send me full particulars about your "Fifty Thrifty" Buyers offer. The Art and Music Store 1513 Douglas Street Name . . Address For Friday and Saturday Selling Very Special Values in Beautiful Oriental Rugs For Friday and Saturday 75 Imported Belouchistan Rugs Join Our One Hundred Club i A Rare Opportunity to Obtain a HigK-Grade Phonograph II Shi 85.00 will brtnar a Vic IroU or ttrunswick of your own selection to your home. The balanc' curt be paid in conven ient monthly payments. Latest designs, artistic fin ishes, in rabinet ami console types. Special demonstrations in our sound-proof rooms on fifth floor, where you will have an opportunity of making your se lection carefully. J I in soft, even Wending of dark reds, soft blues and fich browns finest wool and dyes are used in the weaving of these Oriental Rugs, giving greater luster, which im proves with age and wear. Fine for floor or throw pieces. Offered in three lots, good sizes '$22.00 $25.00 $28.00 Good Axminster Rugs in soft colorings deep nap and excellent for wear Oriental and allover patterns. 9x12 33.00 An All-Fiber Rug in extra heavy quality, seamless and revers ible easy to sweep and in new colorings suitable for bedrooms or summer homes. 6x9 .89.50 8-3x10-6 S13.50 9x12 814.50 Printed Linoleums, made on good burlap base, with well-painted and varnished surface, light or dark colorings; will give splendid service; 6 feet wide; exceptional values. ........ -85 sq. yd. We have Galli-Curci Record. t Wedding Gifts of Silver In Our Gift Shop Sandwich Tray '. 84.00 Ftteher, attractive shape 86.00 Large Pitcher 812.00 . 3-piece set, Teapot, Sugar, Creamer 812.00 Silver Lemonade Shakers ..813.50 Detroit I ' OIL S 'AMRi U Sm Vapor Cooks just like a city gas range cooks anything a gas range will cook in the same length of time. The Red Star is both sanitary and beautiful. Its lustrous black metal, pure white porcelain and shining nickel trimmings will be a delight to you for years to come. There is no odor of smoke because it burns gas which the Red Star burner makes from kerosene. , Red Stars range in-price from 827.00 up. Your money can not buy a better value. Sold on convenient monthly payments. . . ... , 5 Inexpensive Curtains Hemstitched Voile and Marq'uisette Curtains, white and ecru, 81 Pr- Lace-Edged and Hemstitched Mar quisette Curtains, ivory and ecru, 1 at . . 81.25 Pr. Marquisette Curtains, hemstitched and trimmed with linen cluny lace edge, white, ivory and ecru, at 81.85 pr. . Ruffled Curtains Plain Voile, ruffled ........ ;. ....... ; . . . ... . . . 83.00 pr. Plain Voile, hemstitched ruffle 83.25 pr. Barred Voile, ruffled .. 83.75 pr. Cretonne Covered Pillows For Porch, Sunroom and Living Room. 21 inches square, round corners, well filled and covered with an un usually attractive cretonne .81.00 each Other cretonne-covered chair seats and pillows, large assortment," varied shapes and sizes. , 81.00 each SPECIAL OFFER 51 5 VroCamfo I rM$i 51 Count these 51 nationally-known groceries illus trated. Estimate the saving in actual money these FREE GROCERIES represent to you. Then come in and select your McDougall Kitchen Cabinet. Every McDougall on our floor will be sold at its regular 1922 reduced price. ' Full-Size Packages Nationally-Known Groceries Given Away With Every McDougall Kitchen Cabinet Sold Friday Saturday The groceries add nothing to the cost of ; your McDougall. Moreover, although this is the greatest value ever offered on McDougall Kitchen Cabinets, we offer remarkably liberal terms of payment. Pay $5.00 now. We will deliver the cabinet and groceries at once. Pay the balance on convenient monthly terms. Si FOULDS' NOODLES B9 151 111s m IH!ll!lSltilSll.iliJ III IllltlllSil 111 I II ll I I .III I I J III I I I : gillll I I I II I I I 1 1, II II I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I, I II II 1,1 I 1. 1 II II M. LULL Uei t Si m mi j i