THE mX: OMAHA. U;i,NKDA . . MA) Vril. Change Made in Kegulations for Grading of Grain Arn Tkn ly Department if Agruuliue to Olniatp Need of Additional Legislation. Washington, May JJ, (Special Tr'tgram,) Grain men throughout l he country have been Miring pro. Iet today l member of tenure againM (tie hill introduced by Hr. rrnuiive SieenerQii of Minnesota relative lo grading of wheat The htreiterou bill aim. to prevent grad- nig aown 01 gram on account ol mniMure rontrnt, when the moiature oiuent doe i not really injure the KI4IM. 'I he grain exchange apparently with the approval of the Department of Agriculture, believe the change tuegettfit would nullify the effect of tlie present grain grading ytcm and nullify effort! lo keep the American Ki-t'lr tip to standard. 1 he Department of Agriculture tu been in conference with Kcpreent alive Steenerton and ha inaugurated certain change which it believe will eliminate any legitimate objection to the federal grain grading art and render unnecessary any additional It inn. Representative Steenerson taid be wa not certain the change nude would meet the objection to the law a it now stand, and lm'wrttten to otlicjal in Minnesota and in North Dakota to see what effect the change have. Representative McLaughlin of Ne braska received the following tele gram this morning from li. II. Wright, president of the Omaha Grain exchange: "On behalf of the member of the Omaha exchange, please ue your bet efforts to defeat passage of the Stecneron bill which seeks to regu late spring wheat grade. Should re main with Agricultural departments. Representative McLaughlin wired in reply: "Outlook now that Secretary Wal lace will make such adjustment as necessary without passage of Steen crson bill. Malt Sales Are Legal, Federal Judge Holds Judge Woodrough signed an order yesterday directing that a large quan tity of malt, hops and bottle caps be returned to the Bee Hive grocery, 822 North Sixteenth street, where they were seized by federal prohibi tion agents April 11. The decision makes plain that it is legal to sell the ingredients of which home brew is made. "It cannot be assumed as a mat ter of law that such articles as bot tle caps, or extract of malt and hops are designed for the manufacture of intoxicating liquors," says the decis ion. ''They may be and they may not b,e. There must be proof." ' SLEJPY - TIME TALES J)AmT H E TALE OF IfTSNOWBALL LAMB Y ARTHUR! SCOTT BAILEY CHAPTKK N. The Tiger. In the aine pasture with Snowball wa a black lamb. He wat the black latnh that Farmer Green once gave to Johnnie (or a pet. Hut he ran up the lane the very rirt time 'Johnnie tned to bold him in hi arm. After that the black lamb had at way stayed with the (lock, lie was a wild, unruly fellow, bigger and 75 'IF Johnnie Green wondered what lal com over Snowball. older than snowball. And he was quite outspoken and not always careful of his language. This black lamb chanced to be near Snowball when Johnnie Green came into the pasture on a certain fine morning. And when Johnnie began calling to Snowball the black lamb said. "Why don't you run the other way? That's what I always do when boys call me. Snowball made no answer. He stood and looked at Johnnie Green, who was walking towards him with outstretched hand. "Come on!" cried the black lamb. "I'll run with you." "No!" said Snowball. "Johnnie may have something good for me to cat. Some salt, maybe I "Huh!" said the black lamb. "Don't be stupid 1 What if he has brought you a little salt? He'll want you to jump through that honn r i for him. the way he did yesterday." Snowball had told the hiack a l about the strange proceeding of the afternoon before. "Well " Snowball murmured, as he hesitated, not knowing whether to obey the black lamb or Johnnie Green. "Well! Are you coming with me?" the black lamb demanded. "I'm not going to stay here where that boy can grab me. 1 don't intend to spend my time jumping through any old hoop. I'm not quite so silly as to do that." "I believe I'll let Johnnie catch me,", Snowball told him. "Johnnie said something yesterday about our joining the circus. No doubt you've noticed the circus posters on the side 15-U, Portland-hub of theiscemc Columbia IveriKegion. FROM high Council Crest in Portland, what vistas of beauty I Forests, mountains and rivers the Willamette and lordly Columbia. ; Snow-capped Mt. Hood glistening like a diamond set ingreen velvet and in the distance, those other great snow mountains, St. Helens and Adams. What a world for motoring! The matchless Columbia V River Highway, through the lofty gorge where Multno mah, nearly .700 feet high, and her many sister water falls tumble into the river. . Annual Rose Festival Ten months of the year Portland is all abloom with roses. ' During the Rose Festival June 20-23, her hospitable people 7 hold high carnival and welcome thousands of visitors. . A great out-doors, always fresh and green. Summer ' temperature 60s to 80 and almost no rain. Sports on , water, at country club, in forests or on glacial heights. A vacation with a new thrill every day. WAITC You can gat a picture of it from our illustrated booklet, rOK ran "The Pacific Northwest and Alaska." Writ for it Then BOOKLET you will want to go. June is a splendid month. On the way visit Denver, Colorado Springs and Salt Lake City; it costs no more. Make side trip to Yellowstone, Crater Lake and Mt. Rainier National Parks. Two splendidly equipped trains for Portland, Tacoma and Seattle OREGON -WASHINGTON LIMITED and CONTINENTAL LIMITED. FarccGrcotlyricduccd My twata mljr attic War TaxCeae the late esse my. Ver iafonaatiM ask ' A. K. Carta, City Fan. Actst. U. P. 8ttn. ii Dodge Su Omaha, Phone Douglas 4000 ' ConaoHdatad Ticket OIBee Union Station. 1416 Dodc St., Phoo Does-las 1M4 loth eod Maier Street ii the bam?" "I ltie," MM lb.' Im I -ill. M something lie a sneer. "No daubt you've noticed, the piitun u. Hger ted Vr. 1 Ime," SnuvvUU aJinH- "Mv Utitle ii. lil- I A linU. lill.c " M the black l.nub. U that o?" tried Snowball. "TrU 111 did he enjoy it;M "I can't ay," tin? hlaik lamb re plied. "He never came lark aaain. They fed him to the tiger 10 1 have Leen told." And then the tamH itarird to fin, M a i idin!) Mut'4!l l td about and (ullanml him, Juliitu e tirrca en4rH4 vhit ha4 tome er Jsowlal! Wa tin the ftt tlwt h4 fliue 1!MvrJ m aH is Hay l nluKil? "I'll kerji linn ird ! it t!e ir frw once I fat!t ium." thouijht Js!.ittiu 1( he ime 1 d to eath iif(n iriik to .""nuttb!!, I e. tutamlv d'dn'l want t pen4 al nUle time vhjaig hm H ttrund the l'ture. At lat Jvhm f Cxt?n had Snow hall cornered. At Ul he !iped ioie ahout SnuwbaU'i (k, And thru he ld tu ir ord ti e (mm Uaa a a!" C4l!fd the hlui Unib. It ...Kti.lrd 1.1 turn It Ult a K'f lht Juhnnitf tunud b hiuiI ;iid nude a (a e at the black ranal. " In the haruaid Jahnme hroitgl.t (orth a pairr-4'ivere4 hoi, lie held u ui t Hunt of uywlall. "Junip!1 he tried. Hut nohitl ilrrw hack ' Haa a a!' he Heated. d I Lhow ti i!'re a tirr l-c-! I.inil id! thiur -t'lMne'" Jihnnif ur;r4 km, "lunin! Jumn" ubatt uttly imntd further , a ay. ; And !' JoJiniue t!f Umrred !ie irr.cHerrd hoop and ktrwed; ioiMard ti gra1 Mwof by Iteeee. ! A Johnnie' Land Ut t!'f Itwp Siumhall g4e a inifhienrd blat, ' rnji-t at hmi. and r!iimu ii(irriui), Hi. a user 'atei upon tni wde Pt the turn- fr the mit and rapidly growing auklf t, Slici'ri inii;ht be worn on jul rHaioni, around the houe, Parents' Problems lVe the wrari" of flipper in jure the arches ( a mall child' frtOI Not if the child i of normal weight for tut age. However, it u tale rule to have children wear low hee or high hor during the firtt three year, in order to provide upptrt A. Silly Song By A CUCKOO BIRD - Oh man neiul hi youth in wak ing mune l nr nmd M hare hi die lor he think he can't be happy 'till he ien liiiii.rli a wiie. Then frame day he fmd a maiden wh coneiit to he hi bride and he prance to the altar with hi captive at hi ide. Then he ce the mgle lellawt they laugh at care and tile and he hud he can't be happy white he's burdened with a wile. Sn he beat it out lit kenn htre tlirv rid iiiltl CI hi yoke. Tlien he goe and ttuulf another. Man, oh man! you're sure a j'ke. 1 Read The Tee alt the way! through. You will find it intcrct intr. I Laundry Truck Robbed While Parked at Jail I', II. liir.Und talked It! Kini ball dvlivery truck on the nartli de el t cmrel police headquarter ye terJjv itiorninc at H. When he came fin u( the nation, JI5 worlh of blan- keu were minting from hi cargo, he catupUincd to the police. Dunk Charter Bill Vtn Vahington, May 21" A Wtl grantiii perpetual charier to tia limul bank w a par4 by the houe and tent to the senate. far lh pratMlix ef k Sahllr, wuh la snnouiwa Ikac sae no tolKiUira eaavattiav far por trait r rhsiot rai'hn mark ft say nai nr. Rembrandt Studio. ISM'i Famaia 81. WELCH'S SPECIAL ft Wwk al Mas It I IS. lwUiiat riM?le f- e t SW, mil i mt Call, 1m or Mild Ur tmt m4f lar eolr is. All Six Restaurant! plANOg 11 TUNIO AND KKPAIRIO All Wars CwhM A. H05PE CO. HIS Deuflee. Tel. Deaf. I. . jyff x m e freshness of the milk used in A) ) II V. YOUR home than the date of Pasteuriza- l N ?K V llll C& T on stamPe on e caP f eac bottle, f r y I " A glance at the top of every bottle of V: -rJ n aSSUreS 0 eSneSS' The keeping quality as well as the flavor of Roberts Milk is as defin itely known as is its quality in regard to the butter fat standards. We buy our milk from many sources and we are qualified to test and judge the product that we buy. Buying and pasteurizing dairy products is a definite part of our business and our years of experience enable us to maintain a very rigid standard. We guarantee every product that we sell to give satisfaction. v ' The Roberts Sanitary Dairy is by no means a new venture. Our prod ucts have been sold in Lincoln for more than fifteen years. . Another branch has been in operation in Sioux City for four years. We have the only cheese factory in Nebraska, the only certified milk produc ing plant in Nebraska. ' You may order Roberts Milk either direct or through grocers. iC 0) 1 I I I I I I I I I I N. I I I s i m m mr a ti 11 it h I! J? s t 5 it $1 1 H n ii 1 J -Roberts Sanitary Dairy Phone Harney 2226 2901 Cuming Street