I .. . 7 Recognition of Russia Debated hy Borah and New Wltil Snialon Arpuf, White , lluutfl. Makr it Plain no Uiangft in Policy I Planned. By GRAFTON WILCOX. Omaha h Im4 Mir. Washington, May JJ While (he d bated today the Borah tes tation ir leuignition f the Ru i'.ii sivict government, w made c'rar tit i lie White Iloue that the I n tn isuii i contemplating at ilir iurtit time no change in Hi pol icy toward Kutia. Senator Kdge. New Jersey, went after ilie tiorah soviet recognition re -obit ion when it came up in the s.nuie "The con.titu'iou rf the t'nitrd Ctstts. a I intrr pre t it." bt said, "i ;.'ilt i,xui (lie iriuciplc of liberty and protectio i of properly right. anl while I recognise the right of any nation to establish ilt own govern ment. I differ very decidedly on the (mention of America' recognition of fiat government if it destroy, the fi'udamrntal and bedrock pitnciplc i lion which our oun got eminent is founded. Not American Plan. "The fuudamcnt:tl principle of' American government ha heen the protection of Aim-ricau intctfsls tin ilrr any flag in the world, and how .'re we to protect American inter ests in a rountry whoc government t'tt refuses to recognize an Ameri can loan made to the government the present soviet regime succeeded, mid then positively asserts that prop erty right and- protection form no part of their ritual? "It appears to me. Mr. President, that to recognie the soviet govern ment under surli conditions it not only infamous, hut is destructive to all that Christianity has accomplished in the last 2.00() years. "During the war. many American citizens bought Russian external jL t Wednesday Unusual Sale of 1 f Aliiiiiiiiiii 1 1 Fifth "ir Fm I Toor " Jfl f Floor J ; ; West V V (UliL U Wert n (Jv") Your Choice of These Jn Double Boiler HI 2-quart sie. iw w- ii va Bin . nun m b i.ss; n i i Join tmnj That was l help the aliif Kin the kir At lti lime, ii ua ijuu a much faiikxic act i it 19 Mier iuy .Mticucan Mny bonds. They wri bought, at 1 re call ii, practically at r and pot at an unusual r of imere.t for such securities. As tud, the reM Kuian government hat repudiated th'i debt in n rui.re Borah Give Views. Dft'aiing Senator tdge t uiu drr much misapprehension about Kus.ia and thai 14 nations are today Hading with btr, henaior Porah if id: "We are d''ng iu.ine thire, but are doing it through another ration A New York merchant told me ft Cftitly that he bad sold a large bill to Km a thmt time ago and got l.i money, but I e dd it through an Kni.li.li merchant. "It i constantly stated that Rus sia is unwilling to restore the prop erty of other national. On the con trary, she has peeilica!ly declared that the would either testore the property or ompnaie for ii. This is the moH nunne.t evidence tf good failli. "The proposition submitted at fieniM meant the dismemberment of Kuna. The ((neUroii at issue was how much of the raw materials and resource of Russia each of the al lie would get hold of." lie called atK-ntioti to the fact that Frank A. Vanderlip. American bank er, regarded the proposals to Kunsia as impossible. John A. Ifolmrft Drlitrr Baccalaureate Addm Kearney, Neb., May 2J (;f rial.) Kev. olm Andrew Holmes of Lincoln delivered the baccalaureate addte at the Kearney Teacher' college graduation exercises Sunday afternoon, lie declared that any student who goes from the colK-ge. after having received an education at expense of the Mate, and do net in some manner repay tlu Mate, is a pauper living upon the state or puhlic willi no intention to pay Commencement excretes will take pl.ice at the college Thursday. The class to he awarded diplomas i.s the luges! in the history of he school. Sunday evening, the hijiit school baccalaureate services were held. 81 students graduating this year Kev. W. I). Harrington of the Haptibt church delivered the address. All rrtflfip nf nnrp aliirmrmiYi seamless and ed. The list most wanted kitchen. Windsor Kettle 4-quart size. - 85c Fifth AK-SAR-BEN Can a Man Kidnap His Own Wife? f f i'H ': J Irvin L. Stair of St. Paul, president of the Great Northern Grain com pany, married the daughter of wealthy George P. I tannery of St. Paul in 1910. The Stairs, with unlimited money, were members of the highest so ciety in the Twin Cities. Two mouths ago she sued for divorce, alleging cruelty. An injunction was granted restraining her husband from inter fering with her, but Stair went to her home, she swears, wiule she was dis robed and, by pressing a pistol to her side, forced her into an auto and drove her to St. Cloud, Minn., where they spent the night. Next day, when he stopped at a gasoline station, she had him arrested. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail in Minneapolis where he spent two weeks. Then he sued out a writ of habeas corpus, which was denied, but he was freed on bond pending an appeal. Mrs. Stair went before the grand jury and sought to have him indicted for kidnaping, but his attorney alleges a man can't kidnap his own wife. The supreme court of Minnesota will decide. highly polish- Kound Roaster includes the articles of the I Water 10 quart size. 85c Floor-Wat THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 21. 1022. v y Sauce Pah Set 1, iy2, 2-quart sizes. 85c 12-inch size. 85c THIS WEEK Nebraska K. C. Elect Officers! i ' I.rxinstou Man Utosrn Utc I)futy in Convention OprniNl in York. York. Nth , May -M -(Special Tele -4 gram ) K.i'iiht ! tolumnus open ed their annual Mate cui)entiou al the Knight of Columhu hall this morning with l'" delegates from anout paru of the ute in at tendance. The aembly met in the Knights of Columbus hall shortly alter K o'clock and marched to St. Jo.eph Catholic church, where pontifical ; ma was celebrated by lather O l.aughliu. Die sermon to the visiting knights was alo delivered by lather O'Laughlwi. The convention proper wa opened bv an executive meeting in the Klk' ballroom. The delegates were entertained at a luncheon by the woman of St. Joseph Catholic church at the "V dining room. Sidney was chosen as the conven tion city for 19J.I at the secrvid ex ecutive meeting this afternoon. 'The election of officers, resulted in the office of state deputy going to William J. McNickols of Lexington; Mate secretary, Mark Burke, Colum bus; state treasurer, James P. Pttrke, Sutton; state advocate, J. II. Harry, Wahoo: state warden. W. II. l.aughliu. Grand Island; state ehaplin, Mons. 1- A. Dumphy, Sut ton. Frank Morrow of Columbus, Francis P. Mathews, Omaha. Wil liam Kloke, Norfolk; Jolyi A. Mc Guire, Lincoln, and Mike Ruddy, Albion, were named delegates to the national convention. Wednesday Another Special Purchase ot I Four Representative Models Sketched Second Floor Weat Sale of Girls' Gingham Dresses Wednesday at $-a Formerly Priced 1.95 to 3.50 Cleverly trimmed little dresses, relieved with touches of sheer white organdie, self trimmed or embroidered, they are made of checked, plaid or plain ginghams. In many instances there are but one and two of a kind, but a com plete range of sizes from 6 to 14 years will be found in the lot of over 400. Second Floor West. Trade Boosters Visit Friendly Region in Iowa itHiimw4 m ri o ' I i bant, ananged lor automobile tranitalKm. The art f livvig has ben pretty y ell soKed in this town. Husinen is rikmI, theie wat only one tae 4l bankruptcy in U of Shrlby county and the three banks rontam moie than SJ.tKMi.0(M di'po.iu. A local auctioneer aerts that are fami land is selling now at from $.'$ t 9$W an acre. A a banker said, niryiry i an safely be lent on thee farms with the eyrt shut. Much Moderate Wealth. There is no one herealxnits with a fi.rtuue ot mute than J.tHi,tH). Hut a whole flock of men here are worth from $Mi,iHl to 511HMHHI. A good many motor car, mainly of the more espeuoive makes, are being bought, The childieii share in the good fortune of their parent. Next week will he held the an ;nul children's festival, which before the war wax called the "Kinderfesl." This is a cutont brought ft "in over seas. For the boys there is target shooting in the park. For the gitlt there is the gnine in which that girl is declared queen who breaks while blindfolded the largest number of crocks with a club; then there is a dance in the opera house, first for the children and at night for the grownups. The desire for closer business ie latious with Omaha, a necessary fac tor in which is good express and rail service, was voiced in a short ad dress of welcome at Tcmpleton by Kev. T. H. linesman, the village priest. His plea was that Temple ton be made a flag station for fast trains so that it would be possible for its citizens to travel to Omaha and back in the same day. He made the point that it was better for them Imported Street More Than New Styles in ing of 800 Frocks Made of Imported Gingham Checks .' Smart black and white . models in ' tunic styles will be be becoming to the matron, while gay scarlet checks bespeak youth in their straight lines and perky . sashes. Lavenders and pale greens make , cool looking frocks with their sheer '.. organdie vests." There are practical browrn and navy checks in fact all " coolrs are represented employing fagotting, ribbons, buttons and ap- " pliques in their trimmings. Special Selling of FiberSilkScarfs 39 A Vivid Bit of Small Price! The allure of color has never been better pprtrayad than in the fashion whim of the moment for sport scarfs. And in this spe cial purchase of 1,000 silk scarfs, color truly runs riot wide and narrow stripes, checks and plain colors are shown in every imagin able hue. Many are manufac turers' samples and a small part of them are irregulars. Second Floor Center. la Made woh their own west thn to buy nam te mad order boue iu tilings and said that iiituiticient uilway service discouraged shopping in Ouuha, A reminder of the piesa- l,iu was receued at l ohmlle and1' I & i.ih Iktf th tkiittif Al ill lame bus that ate ued to rairy the pupils back and forth, Rotary to Meet on Train. I". W. Fan, kccrciaiy of the Community club at loluuHe, ac ranged r the Omahan to rule fioui the station to the busiue. dis trict in een of lhce school bus.e S'oux City is lb' tutal dettiiisnou tonight. The I hamher of Com merce there is entertaining the vis um. Wmneloon. Neb, is the first Hoii tomorrow. The Ouuha Kotatv rluh. many of whoe oniceis and niemher are on thi excnr.ion. will hold its weekly luncheon on the train tomorrow noon. Alleged Forger Weds Rich Widow in Texas Nrbra-ka City, May 2i. (Special ) Sheriff Fischer returned yesteidav fruui Texas, having in In custody J. (i. V. InguUby, charged with for gery, who jumped hi bail here sev eral months ago, Ingolsby was ap I reheuded in Texas and held for the Otoe county authorities. He was arraigned in the county court and enteted a plea of not itiilty ami his hearing was set for Friday. He was unable to furnish a bond of $1,500 and is in the county jail. He was arrested in Texas on sev etal charges, hut the Texas officials nid not want to go to the expense rif a trial and turned him over to Fischer. Jugotsby was married to a wealthy woman in 'Texas just a few days be fore his arrest. Gingham Frocks 20 Fetching This Offer- Now fi Color Charm at a Skiles Puts Las-lion Fellow-Demos Harmony Itnposilib Willi Ni.rtod ami Itutlrr in Nomination Hai-f. Linciitn, Neb, May 2i iSpeeial) C. M. Skile nf Lincoln today r fused to enter the piimaiie as a denuHratic ii'nnmee for governor. In bis statement. Skile state blumly that wild Dan Holler and J N. Notion in a candidates for gov etnor, harmony i impossible. He says, in pail: "It might not be ask ing too much now tor lhoe men who asume the power to make and unmake landida'e to rail another conference and for the ake of har mony and the nii e of the whole ticket, including I'mted State en ator. ak all candidate to withdraw in favor of, some other democratic candidate. "Why not let Chaile W. Bryan or others file? Mr. Itryait. ome time ago, was exhorted to slay out of Ihe tace lor the sake of harmony, which has not altogether harmon ized." Continuing. Skile offer the dem ocratic party advice on the platform to be adopted at the Julv convention. In patt, he urge abolishment of the state law enforcement bureau cre ated to war on bootlrgget. auto thieves and bank robber., and pre sided over by State Sheriff Gu I Iy er; changes in the blue sky law. amendment to the revenue law, an increase in the $2.0tX).UflO bonus for soldier voted by the last legisla ture; cheaper electrical power, publicly owned; reduction in educa tional expenses and the overthrow of code system of novernment. w Complete Size Range . .' ut for r Women and "v ; Misses Second Floor Weat -Reductions on Formerly Sold 39. 50 h49. SO, 55. 00 If you are heeding a wrap, and you will all summer for motoring and coolish days, you can now buy one of a very good quality at 25.00. Many variations of the cape wrap and sport coats are in this group, all silk lined, some in con tracting shades of B'rench blue or scar let,Othcrs in beige or gray. The materials Include Veldyne, Bolivia, Shawsheen, Normandy, Spongeen, Tweeds, Twill Cords and Tricotine. Sizet for Mitset arid Women Second Floor WeL