MB EKE: ' OMAHA. MONDAY. MAY 22. 1D22. Euffalolss and Bears Divide Double-Header GamesYanks Beat St Louis '8 Denver Wins . Initial Came 1 liv 64 Score Pit-rough Pitihfi GoimI Rail in Second Conlrtt anil Omaha Win., 4 to 3 Tranu Idle Today. . By RALPH WAGNER. Hear and th Omaha Biifl.tlof went 5O50 yettrrday in a double- header at tragic park, the Crinlici capturing the initial contest by tit arorc of 0 to 4 in a lO-itininc aflair. while the Huflrflort walked off the diamond with the trrnnd Kiinf. 4 to 3. Dan Tinnle. lornier'Omaha hurler. who returiird to the tVam last fky stood the Heart on their collective Iteadt in the initial contest until the soventh iiiniiiir, when the Grizzlies scrambled to their fret. The blood ruihrd from their heatU and they cored three runt off Mr. Tipple on four hiti, one of which wao a triple. In the eighth the Bear scored another tally on A (tingle by O'Brien and double to center by "Red" Pat terson. Local Score Run. The Buffaloes, realizing that iliry were losing the game, came hack in their section of the eighth and scored a run, when Burch, batting for Tip ple, singled, went to second on a passed ball and scored on O'Con nor's one-base blow to right garden. Dailey, latest addition to the Buf falo hurling staff, took the mound in the ninth. He retired the side with out any scoring on-the part of the Bears, and for a time it looked as if the game would last but nine frames, but In the ninth the Buffaloes staged one of their well-known rallies and tied the score. "Pete" Snedccor started the rumpu.; with a double to left. Okric got a life on an error and Snedecor traveled to third. Wilder clouted the apple to center for a double, scoring Snedecor. Okric taking third. Pitcher Wetzel com mitted an awful balk and Okrie scored, Wilder advancing to third. Dailey breezed and O'Connor popped out, but Wilcox singled, scoring Wilder and evening the count. Stokes Relieves Dailev. Stoke relieved Dailey in the tenthJ atier vv right doubled to center and Long reached first on an error. Ray O'Brien, who swings from the port side, came to bat. Manager Burch jerked Okrie from left field and sent Stokes to the garden. The former is a southpaw. The fans expected something to happen with O'Brien up. but it didn't. Ray grounded out and Burch sent Okrie back to the field and Stokes resumed pitching. Patterson grounded out and all hands advanced, scoring the two fi nal Denver runs when Shanley sent a hot liner through the box. Pitcher Tipple hurled good ball while he was on the hill. He struck out five Bears and walked three. Dan allowed only three scattered hits until he started tipping in the seventh. In the eighth he tipped over and was sent to the showers. Wetael for Denver had the Buf faloes eating out of his mitt until the eighth and ninth. He allowed 12 hits and struck out six batters. 'He was stingy with his walks and didn't issue a single base on balls. Darrough Hurls Good Ball. The second game wes much bet ter, for Omaha. - ' Darrough, another new Omaha hurler, faced the Bears and faced 'cm for nine innings. He started as cending in the second, but came down after the visitors had scored three runs and then hurled dandy ball. He struck out six Bears and walked only two. .The Bears pawed him for eight hits, one being a double by Patterson. Federely started for Denver, but was derricked after Wilcox doubled in the third. Salisbury then took possession of Hill No. 1 and held it throughout Ihe remainder of the game. v ' - The Buffaloes damaged Federely in the second inning to the extent of three runs. Manush started by send ing a triple to center. Griffin followed with another three-bagger, scoring Henry and Sedecor singled, scoring Griffin. A sacrifice and an infield out followed and Darrough came through with a two-bagger, scoring Snedecor. A single by O'Brien, Patterson's double, Shanley V sigle and a stolen base, coupled with Parker's, one-base, blow resulted in the .three Denver scores in the second inning. No GameVToday. . The Buffaloes won the game in the, fifth on a single and a double steal. Grantham -singled after two down and went to third when Manush clouted the ball to left. "At this stage of the game, Manush started, for second and Grantham for home. Catched ParVer whipped the pellet to Spranger in an attempt to nab Jlanush, but while this was going on. Grantham crossed the plate with the fourth Omaha score. No. game is scheduled this after noon. The final game of the series will be played Tuesday. " R. C. GarkPlays at Latonia Golf Club R. C. Clark of Chicago, head of Armour & Co.'s building department, who won the amateur xhampionship on three South American courses, last year, played at the Latonia club Thursday and Friday. Clark, who ranks as one of the leadine amateur players in the Windy city, was loud in-his praise of the course. ' Sharkey and Martin Draw New York. May 21. Jack Sharkey of New York and Vincent (Fepper) Martin of Brooklyn, featherweights. Toxed a 12-round draw at Ebbets field Saturday. ..... . T Xfandell. Philadelphia light i.;rh iv-si criven the hidee's de- FranVi? Calahan of Brooklyn in the ?ni-final contest a of 10 rounds. . . , ! 11 V r u . ri a.. 2 v.rt-' i Ctdu Rapidt may mil bt proud of H Ugh aakool track fan altar t relay in i:27 4S. Tha athlataa, from laH tm right, are: Cook, Crawford. at tha hurdler, Irwin harm tat UO in and tha maUu 4M2S. aailar, aad it credited with 2i0Jl-S.. HITSMISSES BY THE BUFFALOES Hrt fnniri HKMKR. All It H TH HH NBPOAK limM. If 4 Mrliht. b 4 I T. I -one. if 4 1 O'HrkMi. cf S I 'ttrnujti. 3b ... Nhnler. lb S S Hpranier, h ,...S I e in o I l rmrki-r. e I WfUH, p 4 I Total S II IS 1 SO 18 S OMAHA. AHKIITB 8H MB PO A F O'Connor. !b ... S I 1040 IVIIrot. m SSI ISOS4 1 f.ranlhun. Sb. . . S I I Manuih. rt 5 0 O 0 1 0 S t.nrrin, rt s si iso4is Mnvdm-or lb . . .5 1 S S 0 0 1 ' 6 Okrlv, If, p S 1 I 1 0 0 4 0 0 Wilder. 4 I3 4.005SS Tipple, p t .assise MokM, p 00 0 0000 DkUft. p io s o o e a xBurch 1 1000000 uCoMlniUrfer ..S1.OOSSSS0 Total.. 4S4 IS 17 "SOU t Barch batted for TIddIo In alrhth In. alni;. Cofflndaffer raa for Batch In eighth Innlnf. Meoro bv Innlnsa! Denver S S 1 ! Omaha IS 0 4 The nmmaryi Earned run. Omaha 4: Ienver, . Left on baaea, Omaha. 7; Den ver. 7. Tliree-baiM hit. Grantham. Wrt- el. Two-bae hits. Oranthnm. Nnederor, Wilder I. tiomen, Wrlaht, T. tMng, Pat- Paiaed ball. Parker. Balk. Wet- el.. Wild pitch. Tipple. Kun and hlta, off Wetiel, 4 and 11 In HI Innlnns oft Tlpplev 4 and S In S Innlne : off Daller. mine and 1 hi one Innlnart off Okrie. nono and none In l-S innlnci off 8tokra, t and In z-s Inninaa. Wlnnlnir nltrher. Wrt- zett hwlna; pitcher, Stoke, ntriirk not br Tipple, Si br Daller, none; by 8tokea, nonet by Okrie, none; by Wetr.el, . Bate en ball, .iff Tipple, S; off Dailey, nonet off Stoke, nonet off Okrie. none; off Wetzel, none. Time of famel 4 hour. Double play;.' O'Connor to Wilcox to Snedecor; Griffin to Oranthem; Patter- to wrurnt to Hhanley. umpires: Browne and McUfoom. . game: DENVER. AB BVH TB 8H SB TO A E .101 190100 .40tio:s .4000 oeoo .SISiSOllOO .411SO0SS0 .4 1 1 1 Oil! 0 e .490900 200 ,4Ol lO03t .loAeooozo . 1 1 0 0 0 S 0 '.lss"srts"s 4 IS OMAHA. AB R H TB 8H SB PO A E . 4 0 1 1 0 0 , 0 ..401 t 0 ,S 1 1 11 1 1 .41SS01400 .411SO0S00 ,4100S0 soeio .sAiisesio .s t s JJ T 4 T T 1 T7 15 . 1 If .... Wnght. tb ... T. Long, rf. . . O'Brien, cf. .. rattemon. lb Shanley, lb .. Spranger, . . rarker, e.... Federley, pi,. Salisbury, p . . Total ..... I O'Connor, tb . Wllroz, .... Oranthem, Sb Mannah, cf . . urtrnn, rr Snedecor. lb . . Coffindaffer, If Wilder, .... Darrough, p . . Total Score hy Inning: .... Denver 7. a Omaha ( 1 0 o. 04 Tne Hum man : caraea mm, -. vn.w, S. lft on bae. Omaha. : Denver, S. Three-hue hita, Manosh, Griffin., Two- baae hit. Wilcox. iarroun, riwm;i. Rnn and hit, off reaeney. jma in Innlns: off Sallabury, l and in in ning: oH Dorrougn. ana in innn. Winning pitcher, Darrough; loalng pitch- Ballanury. Ml rue a out ny .imrrougn, o; by Federley. 1: by by !tolibury. none;. Base oa bafla. off Darrough, ; off Fder- ley. ; nil Baiisoury, none, nira 1:30. Umpire: MeGloom and gamer Browne, Industrial Class B League Schedule . June S4, July 84. ' Union Pacific Freight Account, gainst Guarantee Fund Life. r . ' Iten Biscuit Company against Kirsch- braun Creamery'Company.i Federal Reserve BanR against sixieenin and Leavenworth Street Jterchants. , May S7, uly i. uiy i. Union Pacific -against .. Kirschbrsun - Creamery. : . Itens against Federal Reserves. . Guarantee Fund Life against Lea ven " worth Street-Merchants. . June S, July 4, August S. . Itens against Union Pacific Federal Reserves against ,; dusrantee Fund Life. , Kirschbrsun Creamery against Leaven worth Street Merchants. June 10. July 8, August is. Itens against Guarantee Fund Life. Federal Reserves against Kirschbraun Creamery. ' Leavenworth Street Merchants against Union Pacific A. F. C. .: , - June 17, July IS. August 19. Kirschbraun Creamery against Guaran tee Fund Life. ', Unon Pacific against Federal Reserves. Leavenworth ' 8treett Merchants sgainst Itens. . . ,.v . . . Tegau Wins Spurs as s Knight of Niblick on Hole-in-One Shot A. TEGAU won his golden spurs as a knight of the nib lick and masse yesterday at E the Happy Hollow club., when he made a hole-in-one. Tegau pulled the circus play on the ninth hole, a distance of 190 yards. It is the second hole-in-one made on the Harov Hollow course this season. . . : CEDAR RAPIDS HIGH w w Blair Barnyard Golfers Cop Victory From Omaha Team B LAIR followers of the. "by gosh" game of horseshoes whistled "Giddap. N'apolcon, it looks like rain," when they left Oma ha yesterday afternoon after playing a picked team of Omaha enthusi asts at Miller park. For the Blair young men beat the Omaha team by l. points ill 24 games. The game score was 14 to 10. Bolt of the Blair team, a former state champion, was the star of the day and has as many ringers in his system as a movie star has wives. Honors Divided at Field Club . Sam Reynolds and 1 M. J. Swarta tied for first place in the first flight of the 18-hole medal play at the Field club .yesterday with net scores of 71. Reynolds had a gross score of 74 with a four handicap and Swartz had an 80 with a 10 handicap. They will play off the tie thi week. In the second flight, 13 to 18, Phil Gregory was low With 84, which, with a 14 handicap, gave him 70. G. W. Shields) took the third flight, 19 to 24, with a net score of 80. Shields, who is minus an arm, went out in 47. His gross score was 100 and he had a 20 handicap. The high class of golf being played by the Field club members is evi denced by the fact that 18 of the 72 who competed in the competition turned in scores under 87. ; In the first flight, Reynolds and Blaine Young, state champion, each had a 36 out. Young fell down com ing in and the best he could get was a 79. . . , , ' : A Kansas Defeats . Missouri Tracksters Rollins Field, Columbia. Mo., May 21. The University of' Kansas de feated the University of Missouri here in a dual track meet this afternoon, 65 1-2 to . 51 1-2. i Massey, Kansas, two-miler, set a new Kansas record in the eight-lap race, doing the dis tance in 9:492-5 against the old mark -of 9:51. Goblins Win . Game ":' Pilger, Neb., , May A. 20. (Special Telegram; In a 10rinning pitchers' battle here today the Goblins, a fast semi-pro team from.; Omaha; nosed -out a .4 to 3 victory over the fast x-iiger. team on. rne local diamond. Batteries: Pilger Hyland and Peters; Omaha, Hudsen and Bradshaw. Over $100,000 Tied Up in Horse Flesh at Ak-Sar-Ben Stables; Irwin String Appraised Highest OPPROXIMATELY 100,000 "iron. men'? ' are - tied up in horses: that are training at Ak-Sar-Ben i track for the spring run ning races, June 3 to 17. The Col. R.: L." Baker stable of Lexington, Ky., consisting of Mani cure, Mildred, Judge Budrovv and others, is valued at $8,000. ' - The stable of Dr.. R. E. Lowell, a former Nebraska man, is worth over $10,000. His- string includes Capt. Clover, a" King's Plate Derby handi cap candidate; Bardora, Flying Sharp and Little Florence. ' Worth $10,000. ; Capt. Clover is easily the star. This 3-year-old son of Gen. Roberts Ra--aria won six straight races at. Ti juana last winter and is in fine fettle for the Ak-Sar-Ben meet C E. Groves has a small but high class string worth dose to. $10,000. The string representing the larg est investment is that of C B. Irwin, wTiich is one of the largest on the American turf. It is worth over $50,000. Motor Cop. Irwin's crack sprinter, is worth $10,000, his Owner having SCHOOL TRACK. f I bait partarmaaca at tba Dtaka gamaa. mbata they won tha two mila Worah.Yaisiey, aad Irwin. Crawford is tha captain, and maker a specialty Cook ia hdf adhr, amd Ua hart tlma ia 2.-06. Yeiaky ia also a halt Of the 4.29 points achieved by his team, Mr. Bolt was responsible for 140. Cook made 113; Gaydou 81, and Bucklin 95. Paul Buerklc of the Cudahy Pack ing company was high man on the Omaha team and made 116 of the team's 406 points. Paul was sec ond with 106; Lyman 103, and Butts, also of Cudahy's, 81j, Outstatc teams that wish to play match games in Omaha,, may send their communications to the sports, department of The Bee. Rijim Is Winner at Country Club J. B. Rahm, Clarence G. Sibbern scn and W. S. Weston were winners in yesterday's competitions at the Omaha Country club. .Rahm won the 18-hofe handicap medal play in class A and captured first place in the regular Saturday aft ernoon ball sweepstakes. His score in the handicap medal play was 81, which with a handicap of 8, gave him a net 73. 1 Sibbernsen won in class B with score of 90-14-76. Weston captured two events, win ning in class C handicap play for players having more than a 16 handi cap with a score of 92-18-74, and placing second in the ' sweepstake. In the . sweepstakes, Rahm, with while Weston received a half dozen for being second. The following players . qualified four balls apiece:- i C. a. Sibbernsen. 90-14-78: Harry Tukey, S4-8-76; W. B. Hughes, 89-1277; F. W. Clarke, Jr., 88-12-77; W. T. Burns. 85-8-77; C. W. Burgess, S5-18-77; N. S. Tonng, 1-14-77. A nether box of balls will be divided among: the following players: Chartes Allison.' 88-10-78; F. W. Clarke, 88-10-78; Ohot Dudley, 88-10-78; J. T. Stewart, 82-4-78; A. C. Potter, 86-6-78. There will be a ladies' solf luncheon at the club Monday, followed by v special events for women. Friday afternoon a mixed foursomes will be stsged. 1 Fontenelle Golf Club Members to Meet Plans for the season's activities will be. completed Tuesday night at a meeting of Fontenelle Golf club members in Commissioner Hummel's office in the city hall. ' Charlie Johnson, Country club pro; -Jack Hughes, president of the State Golf association ; Blaine Young, state champion, and Mrs. Blaine Young, secretary of the . Woman's State ' Golf association, . will make talks. .; - paid -more .than .$7,000 for him only a short time ago. .... Run Into Money. , Rifle' ranks next to Motor Cop in value- and winning power. , He was second in the $20,000 Coff roth handi cap at Tijuana' last winter. Augmenting ' the value of this stable are Regresso and Herder, both heavy winners at the western track, and Ellen Smythe, Bonnet o' Blue, Tom Craven, Sedan. Walter Dant, The Boy Favorite, Myrtle A., and Dainty Lady. - - : . Irwin also has a number of other good plater animals. Frank ' Irwin, who ' has Woodie Montgomery, winner of the Christ mas handicap and other big Tijuana stakes; Hanover Topez, J. W. Har per and Chrispie. has a string which would take over $10,000 to purchase. Other stables which are appraised at $5,000 and over "are those of E. E. Sterrett, B. J. Shelton, H. Tullet and N. G. Updike. Tullet has a most valuable sprinter in I key T. who is a contender in any handicap in which he starts. TEAM eaStendin WKSTKRV I.KAGVE. ritHncling. W. I,. 1'rt.l 17 7 .7:H'IV. Moines 20 1'. mm Osisha 18 Iti ..VSMikia. City 18 Hi ,3ll Denier W. 1.. Pet. 1', :i .417 14 21. .4M n :i .Mi u Tl .31 81. Joseph Binux t'ny Wirhtia Tula Yesterday' Result. Itenver, 6-3; ;Omaba, 4-4. 'rulsa. 4; Wichita. 3. St. oJseph, 8; Oklahoma City, Sioux City, 10; Dcs Moines. 4. Today's Uame. Wichita at Tulsa. St. Joseph at Oklnhoma City. Pes Moines st Sioux City. ?i'u other game scheduled. NEBRASKA STATE l.KAOlE. Standings. W. L. Pet I W. I. 7 2 .7-WKalrbury S 4 5 4 ,5'S Ilealrue 4 5 S 4 .S54Ur'd lalsnd 1 I Prt. .SM .444 .111 Kl still gs Norfolk Lincolu Yesterday' Result. Hastings, 13; Beatrice. S. Kalrbury, 16; Ornnii Island, II. Lincoln, S; Norfolk, 4. Today' (iame. Beatrice st Lincoln. Norfolk at Fairbury. Urand Island at HanUngs. NATIONAL LEAGIE. Ptanding. '. L Pet. W. h. 2(1 10 .607 Cincinnati Id 18 19 13 .5114 Brooklyn 13 18 16 12 .571 Philadelphia 11 16 16 11 .533 Washington I 1U Pet. .471 .410 .407 Nsw Vsw Vork Si St. Mull I'ittSllUI'Stl tlucsgo Yesterday's Results. Brooklyn. 8; Chicago, 4. Cincinnati, 6; New York, 1. Boston, 4; tit. Louis, 3. No other game scheduled. Today' Came. Boston at St. Louie. Brooklyn at Chicago. New York at Cincinnati. Philadelphia at Pittsburgh. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Standing. W.. I,. Prt. I W. I Pot. New York 2.1 IS ..)7 Boston 13 15 .464 St. Lnuia 20 13 .606ICleielsnd 15 18 .455 Philadelphia 17 18 .515 Warilington 15 10 .441 Detroit 15 17 .460 1 Chicago 14 10 .111 Yesterday' Result. New York. 6; St. Louis, 6. Washington, 8; Chicago. 1. ' ' No other games scheduled. ' Today' Games. -Chicago at Washington. Oetroit at Phila'lelpnm. . St. Louis at New Ydrk. Cleveland at BoBton. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION, Standings. W. h. Pet. I Minneapolis 20 11 .645 Milwaukee 10 14 .576 W. I,. Prt. .207 .514 .484 .410 Toledo g 23 Kansas City 18 17 Columbus 15 16 Indianapolis 17 13 .5671 Bt, rsul 17 1 3 . 5671 Louisville 13 18 Yesterday' Results. St. Paul. 4; Minneapolis. 2. Louisville. 6-3; Indianapolis, 4-0. Toledo, 6-0; Columbus, 3,-2. Milwaukee, 6-7; Kansas City, 5-J. Today's Game. Indianapolis at Toledo. Louisville at Columbus. Milwaukee at Minneapolis. Kansas City at St. Paul. . , Sioux City Evens . Series With Boosters Sioux City, Ia., May II. Sioux City evened the series with Des Moines by tak ing an exciting see-saw game by the score of 10 to 6. Metz's home run in the seventh tied the score, while Elsh'e four-pfy smash In the eighth put the Packer in the lead. Score: DES ; MOINES. SIOUX CITY. - AB. H.O.A. AB. H. O. A. Gorman. 2b Grant. Sb Hovanr cf Oraham. lb Wagner, rf Milan, If Turgeon. SB "Breen. e Edleman, p Lynch, p Yuna . Totals 4 2 3 4 Hamilton, ss S I 1 4 2 Hemingw'y, 3b 4 Elsh. cf. 4 3. 1 2 1 S 11 1 1 0 0 4 13 3 0 0 1 0 2 1 5 O'O 0 0 Metz. lb 3 Ostergard. if 4 I Robinson, If 4 0 3 I Palmer. 2n .415 Shangling, c 3 16 Query 110 Olttoettger. p 1 1 0 01 Wilson. 10 0 1 H 0 Tpsar. n 0 0 0 37 12 24 16iWilliams 10 0 .'it Totals 33 15 27 IS Batted for Edieman In eighth. Batted for Shangiing In eighth. Batted for Wilson in eighth. Score by Innings: Pes Moines 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 S S'oux City 4.. ...... ,8 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 x 10 Summary Runs: Gorman. Grant. Koran. Tursreon. Breen (2). Hamilton (1), Hem. ingway (3). Elsh (2), Metz. Robinson, Query. Errors: Grant, Graham. Milan, Metz. Two-base hits: Wagner, Roettger, Hamilton (2), Graham. Home runs: Metz, Klsh.' Sacrifice hits: Hemingway, Wilson, Elsh. Ostergard. Double days: Orant- GrRha7n-Breen. Gorman-Graham. Grant. Gorman - Graham. Hemingway - Palmer Mt. Palmer-HRmilton-Metz. Hits snd runs:. Off Roettger, 3 and 3 In 2 1-1 in nings; off Edieman, 11 and 8 In 7 Innings: off Wilson. 8 and 3 In 5 2-3 innings. Bass on balls: Off Edieman. 1; off Roettger, 4: off Wilson. I.. Winning pitcher: Wilson. Losing pitcher: Lynch. Struck out: By Lynch, 2; by Roettger, 1; by Wilaon. 1. Wild pitch: Wilson. Balk:. Roettger. Earned runs: Des Moines, 4: Sioux City. 7. Hit by pitched bell: Met, by Lynch. Passed ball: Shangiing. Umpires: Burn side and Fltzpatrick. . Time: 1:55. Omaha Bee Club After New Battery The Omaha Bee Class "A" base ball team is after a battery. Any pitchers or catchers wishing to try out with the Bee club are ursed to get in touch with Al Tolli vcr at Jackson 3062. Dodgers Drive Cub Pitcher From Box in Seventh Broollyn Pffrat t.liicapo hy Score of 8 to 1 Ructhcr Slradif Down in Pimhf. Chicago. May 21. ltrookln hit Aldridge hard today, driving hint out nf the hax in the teventli iiiuina and easily defeating Chicago, 8 to 4. in the lrt game ot tuc sent. Kueuier was wild but managed to steady him self in the pinches, bcore. H BOOK I AS I All U II 1 an m o a. til II Kb 3b 4 l e. pteif. it Jnkliat'W. t 4 T Ullllll. If 4 HhMI. If S titan, rf Htluuaill.llf S lit II. .Ik. Sr., 4 4 krllelM. Ml 1 llflHvs. lb is frihMs, rf I H.'tof. If t i a T.m. n a i I 4 m. m mhim. BuMheji. IWsU 4 9 r-tuiarl I 1 I ;kiu. sb ....... u r.ir.il, a 41 II tt IV AMfl.l... llltfmm. ("Harfitl jr-nmaa. I Trtsls J! ISM Johnston out, hit by batted ball. Hatted for Terry in nsnin, Halted fur or borne la eihth. Sror by Inninis: ...... Btouklm I thkaio I 1 S I t-4 Sunimsry nun.: llitrh. T. Onffiib l!. Wheal, tlvrs. eVhmsndi. olaon. Kuclher. Htais, llollmher t:, Kelleher. Krrors; Johnston . Ktals, llullorher, Urimrs. Two-ba hits; Stats, nuether, Olson. Kl leher. Urlmea. Bs.-rtflce hits: Holl'hf. Miller, Kelleher, Johnston, T. Urlffith. Double play: Srhmandt unalsled), Mo. lorher-Terry-Orlmes, Wrlmes.Terry-O'Kar-rell-Kelleher. l.ft en btses: Brooklyn, 10; Chicago, 10. Base on bsllst Ott Rusther, T; off Osborne. 1. Struck eutt By Ruether, 1: by Osborne, t; by Free man. 1. Loilnf pitcher: Aldrids. Um pires: Hart nd 0'ry. Tim: 1:11. Cincinnati Takse First of Series From New York Cincinnati. May II. Barnea wes hit hard In the first and sixth Innings nd llnrtnnatl won th first fame of th eerie from New York by a scor of t to 1. lonohue kept the hit well n-atlered and was Jtlven excellent support. Th Oisnts- only run resulted - from Kelly' triple and a passed ball. .Score: NEW YORK. I CIXCINSATI. All. H O. A I AB. H O A. Riurroft. m 4 14 8 Ituma. rf 4 I I Prlirb. 2b 4 0 4 Haulier!. II) 4 2 II liroh, 3h 4 0 1 I: Diinran. If 4 14 0 Young, rf 8 13 0 tlohen. 2h 4 1 S I tleuael. If 4 A 3 1 Harper, rf 4 I Kelly, lb 4 .1 T 2'Hertra'. e 4 111 Cunningh'm.cf .1 I 1 0i('aveney. S01 Smith, c 4 11 HPInelll. Sb Kill J. Barnes, p 110 4 Donohue. p 3 10 1 Robertson 1 1 0 0i RhM.p 0 n 0 nl Totals 33 10 17 II SleniFl 1 0 J 01 Total it 0 !4 101 netted for J Barnes In ninth. Batted for Shea In ninth. Scor by Innings: Nw York 0 t 0 0 ft 01 Cincinnati iilOIIM x Summary Runs: Kelly, Burns. Dau hert. Harper. Hargrave, Pinelll. Errors: Young, Bancroft (2). Two-base hit: Pin. elll. Three-base hit: Kelly. Double Play: Frlsch-Bancroft-Kelly. Caveney. Bonne - Daubert, Bancroft - Frlsch - Kelly, Bohne-Daubert. Left on bases: New York, 8: Cincinnati. 4. Base on ball: Off Dons. hue, I. Struck out: By Shea, 1: by Done hue. 2. Passed ball: Hargrave. Losing pitcher: J. Barnes. Umpires: McCormlck and Rlgler. Time: 1 :t. Braves Defeat Cardipals ' in Hard-Fought Contest St. Louis. May 21. A pitchers' battle between Marquard of Boston and Sherdell f the Cardinals went to the former In th first gams of the scries today, 4 to I. Southworth'i circuit slam in the eighth with a man on base gave the Braves a lead. The Cardinals tied In their halt, only to be nosed out in the last frame. Score: BOSTON. . ST. LOUIS AB. H. O. A. AB. H. 0. A. 4 1 .4 0 Powell, cf 1 Mann, ef Tonorcer. ss Barbara. 2b Southw'tll, rf Vicliolann. If Bnerkel. 3b Holke. lb Ford, as O'Neill, e Marquard, P 2 0 S 4 1 I 1 0 0 11 1 1 S 7 I 0 li 3 S 0 4 1 2 2 4 0 4 I t 1 0 01 Stock. 3b 0 Honuby. 2b 2! Fournler. lb 11 Mr Henry. If 4l8chllltz. rf I Ainntiltb. S 21 Sherdell. p "demons Totala 30 12 27 10 I Totals 30 11 27 Batted for Sherdell in ninth. Score by innings: Boston 00100002 14 St. Louis 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 03 Summary Runs: Barbare, Southworth (2), Marquard, Fournler, Ainsmith, Sher dell. Error: Toporcer, Two-base hits: Nicholson, Fournler. Toporcer (2). Home runs: Ainsmith, Southworth. Stolen base: Fournler. Sacrifice hit: Fournler; Left on bases: Boston, 8; St. Louis, 9, Base on balls: Off Marquard, 2. Struck out: By Marquaxd, 6; by Sherdell, 4. Umpires! Pflrman and Klem. Time: 1:55. Crook and Cornell Tie at Happy Hollow B.'C. Crook and E. W. Cornell tied for fiest place in the first flight of the 18-hole handicap match play against bogey at the Happy Hollow club yesterday. Their cards showed 83 and S up on bogey. , ' ' They will play off the tie this week, ' -. John TABrownlee won the second flight with an 86 and 5 up and Ray E. Wagner was low in the third class with an 88 and S. , More than 200 turned out yester day, which was "opening day." Wendell to Conduct Swimming Classes Pete Wendell, swimming instruc tor at the Omaha Athfetic club and Nicholas Senn hospital, will conduct swimming classes for women in the Nicholas Senn hospital tank this sum mer. The classes will continue one month, the first starting July 1 and the second Aueust 1. The courses will consist of three classes a week. Stecher and Hanson Deposit ' Forfeit Money for Mat Bout Toe Stecher Saturday deposited $500 forfeit money with Denny Ryan of the Omaha Athletic club for his appearance against Charlie Hanson in a wrestling match to be held here about July 4. "Doc" Elwood, Hanson's mana ger, deposited for feit money for his protege early last week. Considerable in terest already is being manifested in the bout be- Uween these two husky Nebraskans. jlll Lincoln Team Defeats Norfolk Pitching: of Former lTimrrity of Nciral Star Fraturp of (same. , I.liicolii. My 21. John ThUm. fnrtnrr University pI Nrhr pile her. went into Ihe bo lor !. coin in today's ami, and titer the first inniinT pitthrd lurpruinuty goutH hall, Lincoln winning by a kcore ot 3 to 4. Durtched hits in the seventh inning, together with sprightly lie ruiming and the niulf oi s king rly by a Norfolk 'fielder gave the Uk'U three run, and after that 1'irkrtt had thing hi own ay, Jicore: Miami k. AH. H D 1 ' an n a a rt.nr Ik Wim. in Man. Ik SHe. ef ami, M lart, rf M Ih, 14 tellmak. 1 m M a i I 'afta a? t t 4, rl K, Ik hixt rf I !' r Kiakee, Ik r.ae, f hMi, ' Tal I I I : : 1 1 ii 1 1 'liametl I 17 U T.'sla i Halted for Wlsaer la th ninth. heat by Innings: Varf.its; 4 l.lnroln I I I umnisrr Ftuns: llsfsrly, W laser Marr III, rr, I'inii, Waed :t, Iy. r'rrers; lUasriy. Wiwr. Hnu. I'ankey. I'iPkell. Two. base hue: Ware, .hult, t. Ula.k aerifir hus: t'erris Ware. Con key Wis- ser, sii-Aipin 1:1 nsrririr fiv: nous. Hiruih out: By PI. loll. It; by p.. I Hsse en hall: "If I'L-keii, 4; off H.re.-. 3 Hit by plthd ball: Clark, by Plikell. Passed ball: Kpiinin, Hh and raut: off I'lrkeit. ; and 4 In Inninsrs: elf Hneere. I and I In I Innlnfa. Lniplrt: Uondlnr. Time: 1:4 Hastings Beats Beatrice in Final Came of Series Haatlnn. Neb.. Vy II Ifaatlnt mad rlaan wsp af th ssrla hr, dfaiin( Ksalrlr today. II ta I. Heavy hllilPsT fi'atured tha lam, Knapp leadlnr wlih horn run and two double. Tb wore HKATRIi?. I naaTINriM in n o a AH. H O A O'lltin. ss I 4 J' !. er Rll hlrrknee. lb I Hmloo. I I I'arkar. lb 4 11 S Crann. Vt Rnvman. rf 4 10 'llletls. Hill, ill III IIHftllr. Ik Mnrsrlamt. Hill Knsno. Sk Hndse, rf 414 T.ma. If rnt-r. e 4 J'Trlian. rf I I I 13 t ( I 4 I M, Kef. l 4 11 Wliflnrus. P I 3 Wilier, lb 1 0 ' 1 Total II 14 If I T'Hsts tt 7 II nl Srors by Inninta: Beatrlrs 1 I 1 I S I HaatinM ... I 1 I 0 O 4 1 a II Bummary Runs: Ktn:hner, I'arkar, Rowman (31. limit', fnner. ifKee, lln. ton. Crann 3. Wlllella. Holly. Knaon 141. Tomes !). Wlsslnflon. Krrors: gulnn CI. Klrchner. Hill (!. M Kee. Benton. Wlllella (J), Knaiip, Wliflnclon. Horn run: Knapp, WiKslnaton, Ilowmin, Mc- Kes. Crann. Three-bass hit: Bowman. Two.hSM hits: Knapp (2). Bacrlfic hits: iv.rcnner. vtii ett. Tomes, l o r. Has on hslls: Off Mr Kee, 1; off Klrchner. 1. Stolen bsses: Hodae. Amen (2). H Far- land. Parker. Crann, Holly. Double plays: Qulnn - Hill . Klrchner. Under. Klrrhnsr- Parker. Runs nnri lllls: Off Kiruhner I snd none In 1 Innlns: off McKee. i: knd i in a innings. mrucK oui: riy wiaTKinc ton, 11: by McKee, 4. Left on beeei HsMlnsT. neatrlre. 7. Passed halls: Wllletle (!. Wild pitch: McKee. Esrned runs: Hastings. I; Beatrice, 4. Umpire: Hawlthorne. Time: 1:10. Fairbury Wins Swatfest From Grand Island Team Fairbury. Neb., May II. Palrbury won a 14 to 12 awatfest from Grand Island hera today. Manager Rohen was fined for protesting a decision. Th score: OBAND imAnd. I FAIBUi nr AB.H. O.A.I IH.R.O.i. Msnxee. If 4 13 0IOoodrln.b .14 4 1 Hsysllp. 3D Mats, as Wstnataff. ef Rnsera. 3b Hederlr, lb Rail, lh Prltchsrd. rf Roberts, a ,,lninke, p Shoot, p 1 1 4't'lereland. 3b 1 I HMeOermott, c 1 1 liRelrbkt. If 0 4 II Ribs, ef 1 10 (llWInbuah. lh 1 0 OieVhmerda. rf s 3 o' Ronnsy. as I I 1 0 1.0 Rransnn, p Wolfolk, p Totals 39 17 17 I Totals 40 is :i ul Scor by Innings: Grand Island I 1 0 M 0 I 0 01! Fairbury ..1 13 110 2 1 x 1 Summary Runs: Mense (3, Haysllp (3). Mats, Sedevlc. Ball. Prltchasd (3), Roberts, Goodwin (I), Cleveland (3), Mr Dermott (2), Relchle (3). Bliss, Winbush, Schmerds. Rooney (I). Branson. Errors: Hayslip, Rogers, Goodwin, Cleveland (1). Three-base, hits: Goodwin. Cleveland, Win bush. Schmerda. Two-base hits: Bliss. Prltchard. Sacrifice hita: Cleveland, Bliss, Wolfolk. Watnstaff. Zlomke. Stolen hases: Cleveland, Goodwin, McDennott. Rooney, Men zee. Run and hit: Off Zlomke. t and 12 In 4 1-3 Innings; off Shook, 7 and 5 In 3 1-3 innings; off Bran son. 7 and 8 In 4 1-3 Innings: off Wol folk. 6 and C in 4 1-3 Innings. Struck out: Br Branson, 6; by Wolfolk. 2; by Shook, 1. Left on bases: Grand Island, 13; Fairbury, . Hit by pitched ball: Haysllp and Met. Earned runs: Fairbury, 13; Grand Island, 7. Umpire: Snider. Time: 2:40. , WesleyanWins Hastings Meet Hastings, Neb., May 21. (Special Telegram.) By a scant margin of four and a half points, Wesleyan copped first in the state track and field meet here this afternoon. The meet will go on the intercolle giate records as one of the most thrilling events in years. Five state records were broken and in two of the events even the second place man battered the old records. Sherich of Hastings started the record smashing when he made the quarter mile in 5U:04. Lebar of Doane battered the record for the half mile by two-fifths of a second; Martin of Wesleyan broke both the discus and javelin records by six feet, seven inches each, and the Has tings relay team clipped four-fifths of a second oil the relay time. Martin of Wesleyan was high point man with a score ot I J points. The total of point9 for each school was as follows: Wesleyan, 63; Has tiiius. 59 1-2; Doane. 23 1-2: Central college, 17, and Grand Island, 8- The eact date for the match has not been set. It probably will be held in the open air. Jake Isaac son, match maker for the American Le gion, has sug gested that it be staged in the City audi torium and that the building be "ice cooled," a scheme which yorked suc cessfully last year. The match has not been awarded to any promoter as yet. V wfir s. .itiJUwv New York Yankees Trounce Browns in Extra Inning Retain Lead of American League in Tiplil Content Ward's Fielding Fro lure of Untile New V.ik. Mv 'il.-Ncw Yoik ffUmril t ate lrufrlili iii the Ameri i.ll rt;tie f4f by ili(c4liHaT ' Iaim hi a 10 inning i;4iiie todv, 6 to 5. Iltr YitUr woied the win ii in ii run on Wont' sinislr, Jdvob on f inutile, Uuih'i miirld wit ml tifltlcr' cltoU'f by Hevotmer, bal ling for liakrr. W aril'i RrldinK (c tured. Sore: T IJII I ' Ma I'lnti is it n i an MO f I UethM. a m. Ik M llliaSH. If Js htn. tt UnsfMd. JMB. 4b U.MaulU. Sb Italia. a Has'. Talat i i 4 1 VilM A I ei4, 10 Rum If I II 1 I J riawt. , I 9 -IMlulsi.r 9 I Unwl. ( t I 4 liis. Ik 3 . a BVhsn - Matt. 111 3 10 31 If, , t Tisala On aut lis) winninc ru s U4ll tat tkr la lih Innini hi mui. i !!! ri N.w Teth ,..! t I I I l- Htimiwarr Hm laMn lit. IW'. ! Ir. J.tobaun. Wilt tl. Ward. Meu.rt. I'l-p. II." I Krrors: Ji-..bun. Itr HKSel. aU-oll. sVban Tsohnia hita! Itillh Met are III Three. has kit' Will lliolen ba: Hi.ler, Jsi-ol-xn, fserifuo hits: Hisiar. Iiaksr. Iwuhls l: Mr-lnu-tlrl.er-riiair. Tohintleruer. Left on l.s.e: New 1i, : HI l.uls. 7. B on balls: Off Hoy I, 3; off I'svla. : vjt liayns, I. HirMck out: lly Itayt. I: Uala. I tills: Off Psvla. I In 1-1 In nirsa; off Bayn, 1 In I Innin. Loain pitcher: Hayne. Umpires: Chill nd Owen. Tims: 1:14. Senators Easily Defeat Chicago liy Bunching Hits Waahlnttr.n. May II Wsshlmton de. fssted t'hiraaa today In easy faahlnn. to 1. tha locale knoikinaT Courtney from th bos In two Innings and bunrhintr hi repeatedly off Undo, his sueresanr. Karh ary allowed but fit scattered hits. Bcoie: . IIIUAIIO I WSIII.MlTO. AH. H O. A.' Al. H O ,4. thinner, rf 311 Smith, If 3 3a J..I,.ismi. as 133 llairlf. :b Cotllna, 4 1 S I Rice, rf Mnetll. If 4 I I 1 Juitee. lb airiinS. ef 4 1 I Ooeil. rf aviialk, e 33 linmater. rf Hlieele.lh 3 14 n mianki. .lb Vrt'lellan Sb 4 S lltlr-ertlt'. e I'niiHiiev. l I ' tVrklnp'ib. s llcilae. !1I4 Zacnarr, p 1 t I 1 o I I 1 1 I I 1 Jlullltan 1 o , - ; 1 Tntali 13 13 1 Trfale M J4 131 Ratted for Hodi In nlnlh. Scor by Innings: ..... . rhicsao t I Wsehlnnton l i " ' ' nummary Run: Hooper, Smith, Hrrls. Rice, Uneuel. Shanks. Uhsrrlly. Pevkln psugh ill. Krrors: Johnson, Schalk, Har. ris. Two-has hits: Sbeely, Gharrity, Rice. Mosul. Sacrifice hits: Johnson. 7.schsry. Double plsy: lloil-Johnson-Shcely. Left on bases: Chicago. I; Wash li slon. 4. Base on balls: Oft Zschary. il: oft Courtney. I: off Horlpe. 1. Struck our: By Hodge. 3. Hit: Off Courtney, I In I Innings; off Hodge, I In I Innings. Losing pitcher: Courtney. Umpires; Nallin and Hildebranl Time: 1:45. Single in Ninth Inning Spells Victory for Oilers Tulsa. Okl.. Msr II. A single In th ninth by Frank Thompson gave the Oiler a 4 to I victory over Wichita In th aeries opener, which waa witnessed by a crowd of mors-than 4.000. It was Tulsa'a fifth straight victory and put Lsllvalf team In a tie wrtn nirntia lor intra piece. Blukesley'a horn run In th fourth ac counted for all three of Wichita' runs. Score: . WICHITA.' I TELSA. AB. H.O.A. I AH. BO. A. Smith, rf X IV Bennett. If I 1 Merser. as Washburn, lb Kaat. rf Hlakesier, If Haley, e I XjThoDipson, lb 4 tlllarla, rf I 0! Lamb, cf II (I Mlvelt. lb 3 01 Bauman, 2b 7 l McUlnnls. ta 3 li 8lui rt, ss 1 S I'roetiy, o 1 0 I 1 0 1 0 It 1 0 1 E 0 1 li 1 a 4 I I I McDowell, lh MoMullln. 3b Sellers, p 1 Boehler, p 7 Tout 33 V 111 J 1 TdUIS 3.1 11 27 II One out when winning run scored. Score by Innings: Wichita 00010000 0 S Tulsa 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 14 Summary Run: , Washburn, East, Blakesley, Bennett (S), Crosby, Boehler. Errors: Berger, East. Davis. Two-baa hits: Bennett, Bauman (2), Davis -'), East. Home run: Blakesley. Sacrifice hlta: Bennett, .Bauman. Stuart. Stolen bsses: Bennett 02). Smith. Bass on balls: Off Boehler, 2; off Sellers, I. Struck out: By Boehler. 4; by Sellers, I. Double plays: Horger-Washburn-McDowell (2, Lellvelr-Croaliy-Lellvelt, Bauman-McGlnnis-Lellvelt. Left on bases: Wichita, 7; Tulsa, I. Time: 1:3. Umpires: Holmes and Qrmsby. i Errors Enable Saints to Win Over Indians Oklahoma City. Okl., May II. Tempor ary loss of control by Coveleskle and er rors by Heatly and Hargrove In the sixth Inning enabled St. Joseph to score five runs here today and hand the locale their 10th consecutive defeat, t to 3. Score: . ST. JOSEPH. . I OKLAHOMA CITY. H. H.O.AI AR.H.O.A. Olson, lb 4 14 41 Heatly. ZD 3 0 S 3 forrldeii. If Fisher, rf Bonowitz. ef Oefste, sa Smith, 8b Nufer, Sb Oralmwakl, Q Adams, p ' Totals Oil'ltl. rf S 1 0 OlMiddleton, If 5 1 0 1 I Rates, lh 1 il! 1 6 Olnslaidi, cf 2 110 1 ' ton, o It 1 5 41 Hargrove, as 8 ft 3 01 Tate. Sb 4 1 S SU'oTfleskle, p 3 10 - Bradv. a 10 0 3i 12 n IS ' I Totals 2 7 57 15 Score by Innings: St. Joseph ,..0 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 fl Oklahoma CILv. 14000101 03 Summary Kuns: Olson, Pefate, Smith, Nufer.-Grabowski, Adams. Pitt, Hargrave. Tate. Errors: Olson, Nufer, Hestly, Long. Two-base hits: Bonowiti (2), Tate. Sacri fice hita: Adams, Heatly. Base on balls: Off Coveleskle, 6: off Brady, 2; off Adams, 4. Struck out: By Brady, 3; by Adams, 1. Runs and hits: Off Coveleskle, 6 and X In 6 Inninga: off Brady, none and 4 In I innings. Earned runs: Oklahoma City. S; St. Joseph, 2. Left on base:. St. Joseph, 12; Oklahoma City, 10. Double play: Tate-Heatly-Bates. Bonowltz-Defste, Ol-son-Defate,01son. Hit by pitched ball: Heatly. by Adams. Passed ball: Orahow ski. Umpires: Anderson and Donahue. Time: 2:00. Three-Mile Match Walk to Be Staged at Creighton Field Fred Zimmerman, the Pay ton Weston of Omaha, will meet three local athletes in a special three-mile match walk at the Creighton athletic field next Thursday evening. Under the conditions of the walk, Zimmerman agrees to walk the three miles while Ernest Rabenstein, Dew ey Spencer and Dan Kcllaham, the three Omahans, walk the distance in relays. Paddock Refuses to Kace Murchison St. Louis. Mo., May 21 Charles Paddock of Los Angeles, famous sprinter, has replied vaguely to the invitation of Lorcn Murchison, star sprinter of the Illinois A. C to meet him in five or iix sprints at distances from 50 to 300 yards Murchison an nounced here today. n - I t t