Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 A
Eight-Hour Dav
Now Considered
on Federal Jobs
Stu!V Made by Esprit at
Rrquet of Government
Show Period ! Not
Too Long.
Mr TM Artai4 Ft.
Washington, Mir 20, K.ulli.h
nvftt of iht eight-hour day (or em
ploy's in the crcutivt branches of
the government ii king considered
hy the liniiuitution.
Tht thousand of tlcrM, mnoj
t4hcri and oilier minor employes in
tle various deparimemi in Washing-
tun almost without eception work
seven hours a day. lite considera
tion being, given to lengthening of
(lie day it predicated on the belief
that it would enhance economy and
Studies made by expert! at the
request of government official are
laid to ihow that clerical workeri
who by the way, furm by far the
irtatrt proportion of those who
would be affected by a change can
work throughout an eight-hour day
'with topmost efficiency and without
latigue, although x hours made up
the greatest period of working ct
ticiency for skilled workeri in tuch
tasks as require great muscular ac
Remodel Hiitorie Building.
" The old red building at First and
A street, northwest, facing the cau
ttol, in which congress mice met and
in which .'resident Monroe wai
elected, will be dedicated tomorrow
by tnembcri of the national wom
an'i home and as the "seat of pow
er of the women of the nation."
The building, which also is his
toric through its ue as a military
prison in civil war days, will be re
modeled and the cornerstone will be
unveiled tomorrow. Among the arti
cles to be placed in the cornerstone
will be one of the banners carried
hy the suffrage pickets during the
campaign for an amendment to the
federal constitution giving the vote
to women.
j Cadets May Beat Congress.
Unless the 1923 naval appropria
tion bill is passed and signed by the
president, before June 2, commence
ment day at the naval academy, all
of the 541 members of the first
;lass if they so chose, will be com
missioned in the navy despite efforts
tn congress to cut down the number
&f those to be made officers.
' The naval appropriation bill which
a before the senate naval committee
provides that not more than 200
members of the first class shall be
commissioned. Members of the
ippropriation subcommission which
framed the bill for the house, how
ivcr, pointed out today that con
fess could not prevent the granting
sf commissions in the absence of
legislation, effective the day the tnid
ilupmen receive their diplomas.
As there is not much chance of the
bill's enactment within much less
than a month, house leaders said to
day that apparently the Navy de-.
jartment would win ' its fight to
commission the whole of this year's
Postoffice to Have Doctors.
Postmaster General Work, who at
tine time was president of the Amer
ican Medical association, today dis
closed plans to establish a free medi
cal service for the thousands of the
nation's postal employes, r ,
Physicians designated by the Post
office department will be asked to
render such service or advice as is
needed but in no instance will they
be permitted to recommend any par
ticular doctor or institution to any
employe. Certain days of each month
will be set aside when employes '
wishing medical consultation will be
permitted to undergo examination
md if it is found that they are suf
fering from an ailment they will be
advised as to the treatment neces
sary, 'v.
The plans of the postmaster gen
eral follow along the same lines as
the system in effect in manv of the
country's large industries. '
U. S. Holds Quartet for
Transporting Stolen Auto
' Frank McGarry was held under
$1,500 bond yesterday by United
States Commissioner Boehler on a
charge of interstate transport of a
stolen automobile. He is alleged to
have stolen the car in St. Louis, to
have driven to Chicago and thence
to Omaha, where he was arrested.
Herman Temmrick, Carl Zappel
and Otto Zinkle, three boys who say
they joined him innocently in Chi
cago were held under $500 bond each.
Harlan Mail Carrier Kills
Daughter and Then Self
Atlantic, la.. May 20. (Special.)
Dale Miller, 30, employed as a mail
carrier at Harlan, shot and killed his
5year-old daughter and then killed
himself. . Miller and his wife separat
ed about a month ago. He was mak
ing his home with her parents "who,
itis alleged, were in sympathy with
him in the family controversy.
Brief City News
Adwiiini l U-M, r'. tVPrinll
w 1iihiij in prattit law in th
rierl rmiru tMurdy ty JU'ljttf
V uotiitiu.H,
'nMyiUiil I'ruro -- The annual
(ophumur .r-inrilicBl prom of
I'roightun university will l h14
nU VinaJy under itt nnur
tun at M I'Mry, Ktin, fr'rens
and lUJUen,
Army Company Wir-The head
qtittrur at l-'uri t'rauk began tiatur
day is niuvt la lis nw quarters in
the Army building, fifteenth and
Dodge street.
ParMi IaiK An 4d-aahieni1
da ni will be riven next VedneeJay
mailt In tit. I'atrH'k imrintt hnlt.
fifteenth and Caetelur atreetn. by the
young women of the pariah. t-'rutmU
are Invited.
Ilrlurn l-'rtim liM-tiitt Super
intendent Juimphy it the air mail
field returned HatuMny from an In
spection it I lie field at North
Hmte. Cheyenne, Hawlin and Itoik
f prtnaa.
VWt Fort C'riMik General Kb.
eoninmnditnt at Kurt V. A. Jtuwwll,
la visiting at Fort Crook, apeuding
part of an extended leave of atieence.
Col. J. tl. J'arker of Jefferaon liar
rai'ka. .Mo., a candidate for the
United Ktatea senate, is at Fort
Crook for s few days.
Two Candidal We Two candl
datea for office who will make a
campaign for votea at the July pri
maries filed their numva wit It the
i-onimliwlniier tttiturduy. They are
Dan J. Connell. ."& South Thir
teenth street, democrat, for water
board, and Leo I. l'urnemper, 1109
South Tenth atreet, proR-reaxlve can
didate for atata aemttor from the
fourth district.
FiifiuU Will .Jury Oiitt
Wealthy Hotel Proprietor
Although ffp-r;iit!y nnile
when Mmd ih ad in a thill Ay fur,
nilird room tt 170 Ikidge street
Thursday n-orudigr, George M. t4y.
71, oik reputrd t be wealthy, wilt
not be buiird in the potter's field.
rriendt of the (orrnrr hotel propri
etor have arranged fur t;s burial in
l arr.t I 4tti) remetery iollowing
itiuiiiit- wrvwrs Monday attrrnoun
at J in tl.e Irant rhpH,
tiy had Wen l'itn stradly in
grmn spetruUtiun, friend said, met
I'Ajtt and he s ilirre wrrks brhiud
in bit room rent, acronlun to bit
UndUdy. A nine in Mkhittitn has
bern hirated, aetordin ta Mrs,
Crane, and the undertakers are at-
tempting to get in touili with other
ditunt reltvrt. Cay had bed in
Omaha 40 years, it it said,
m V.mul Friftul," But
Wife Yit Divorco Suit
ViuU Uavi 26, and Dr. Benjamin
fi. Davis, Mi, jut can't get along, so
they agreed to separate, according
to a petition for divorce filed Satur
day in dit(Hl court by tht wife, who
ali?ge cruelly,
They were married in Lincoln No
vember H, W7, according to the
Mile's attorney, but mother of both
ui them touk too much of a band in
their alUir. to they trparatrd De
cember 6, although they still are
good friendi.
The husband is dentist at Scrib
ner, Neb,
The if is living at 341 J Haw
thorne avenue,
Knights of Columlu Plan
Olxmanrc at Cemetery
ICnemplifiriiiun of the fourth de-
fret of tht Knights of Columbus on
feinorial day will begin with sol
emn service in tht open at Holy
Sepulcher cemetery. A temporary
altar will be erected on t knoll ovtr.
looking the slopes where tht dead
sieep, nev. i. t. jdfiormick, ,tf
I-.,. l !..l.. it..:
ill,, unit aciHiiinii L nivrriiiT.
will he relflirmit ot the nui.
Initiation of fourth degree candi
dates will be held in the Knights of
Columbus hall in the afternoon.
The Bee leads all the other papers
in sport news. Read Tht Bet first
Says Every Railroad
Man Should Read This
Ptlerson Ointment Co., Inc. Buffalo,
N. V. Drar Slrst I u emitted with
what the doctor laid were Varicoae Ulerrs,
and up until about five weeks aico I have
been treatins them for aout year end
five montha.
With all the treatments that were pre
scribed to me by several doctor I received
little benefit, and they kept spreading- and
gave ma much distress and caused me to
quit my work.
1 was induced by a brother brakeman to
try Peterson's Ointment, and after I had
used two boxea I tie wonderful re
sults. You can tell sufferinc ones troubled
with UKly. painful and horrid ulcers that
your Ointment is a cure for them when
everything; else fails, aa I have tried about
everything. Thanking you many timvs
over I am, your happy friend. Chaa. J.
Hsyser, Battle Creek, Mich., ii Glenwood
Avenue, January 12, 19 IS.
"I know and downs of people write me."
says Peterson of Buffalo, "that Peterson's
Ointment also cures eczema, old sores, salt
rheum, piles and all akin diseases, and all
druggists sell a big box for 60 cents."
Mail orders filled by Peterson Ointment
Co, Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by Sher
man ft MeConnell Drug Co.
Pianos for Rent
Grands and Uprights,
$4 per month and up.
, , Six months' rent allow,
ed if you wish to purchase .
later. .
"sL0 Piano Co.
D. 1623
wm roq b m of
tho hicky woni
I WOO tt Ota of
I Im ifWii oMtf Yon
!ou bo If rou harr
thkottsrr vid not
Iowr anm w
mmummr. W
bavo atlMtod
otjr basstwtoals
ic 8Moir
tWTt 11 lJ
fatkaprto to
I low Btura
that bow
100.000 thrif
ty ffomi
. what alM oaa
I yov imd nab
pais oltnoliataai
!se lis "bill
woav m ' . ji m m ia m m
iai A WW I
1 s
ZZi I (I , il 1
17 Xxf
W 171
lima. TtmbMk
off, veitee and
eollsr of whit
PIQUt. Eithltm
aiae PEARL bot
tom oa VtSTtl.
Popalar K Uocth
vet. BtB
laoasss I
Int. AB ta rtrta sad
. CLASS ol SIO !
ofmS dnias thai mtm
I teHat NaStasvew
uravr Bar o. ioo.
wobmo iua a
awaatat to plaaaa yoe or to ratond arafr peas I
of your moaar. at, aaj todav. . 9
You and your frienda are.cordially invited to visit
Forest Lawn Cemetery at this season of the year.
. The profuse floral decorations,' the brilliant hues
of blooming shrubs and plants, the magnificent forest
trees with countless song birds, the broad expanse of
undulating landscape, all conspire to enhance the
charm of the natural attractions of Forest Lawn. -
The mosaic chapel will be open for inspection this
afternoon and on Memorial Day. .
See the beautiful display of plants for use in the
cemetery now on sale in the new greenhouses.
Forest Lawn
Cemetery Association
Of fiesta at the Cemetery and 720 Braadeia Theater Building.
Union Outfitting Co.
Union Outfitting Co.
' Store
Union Outfitting Co.
Come and
See What
W88 $&m-
Our Low Rent Location Enables You to
Buy Furniture at Rock Bottom Prices
PERHAPS you know of couples who on modest incomes have at
tractive, well-furnished homes, and maybe you have wondered
how they did it. If vou asked them, the chances are they would
tell you they were using their CREDIT just like big business firms ; '
do and were having the use and enjoyment of GOOD furniture while
paying for it ' '
Here You Get the Highest Quality Furniture at Lowest Prices.
The variety to choose from is almost unlimited, for there are eight
great half-block-long floors to choose from. And, too, upon the foun
dation of our better values, better selections and better service, we
make this guarantee to you that NO transaction in this store will ever '
be considered complete until you are thoroughly satisfied.
You Can Purchase Any Article of Furniture in This
Store on Easy Terms of Payment
You can have yo.ur homo as you have always
wanted it without having to pay apot cash.
Our Liberal Credit Plan takes care of that.
Just a amall down payment at time of pur- J
chase delivers your furniture to your home.
The balance can be paid to suit your income.
Three-Piece Fiber Suite for your porch or aun parlor in the
new Mongol iinisti with spring seat, loose AT. Ef
cushions and back upholstered in cretonne, for swV
Mondav Onlv! ' ,1 ' rf-tv O
Handsome Bedroom Suite in beautiful walnut finish compris
ing full size Bed, roomy Dresser, spacious Chiffonier and Dress
ing Table with triple French plate mirrors, CO
complete Monday at only ......... apOTTeOU
Full size Bed .
Dressing Table
. . . .$19.50 I Dresser . . .
$17-50 Chiffonier :
. .$19.50
Artistic Living Room Suite, a Queen Anne model with full
spring construction with back and arms overstuffed with a fine
grade of plue velour finished with silk tassels fl 1 QL Kfl
and loose' tipestry cushions, complete ....... P eJ
Davenport End Tables or Con
o1r Tnhlpa in heautiftil ma
hogany finish with gracefully
turned legs ana tj QC
roomy top at-. . . . PTee-
Comfortable Rocker in beau
tiful mahogany finish with
wide arms and lull spring seat
covered with imitation leather,
back is slightly different
from cut, fcQ QC
only ........... apOeSO
Family Scales
Large, well made ' family
Scales equipped with "honest
weight" springs; has adjust
ing screw and large face
that weighs by ounces up
24 pounds, ttjl
Monday . . D i eflv
Dandy Lawn Mowers. .$7.35
25-ft. Garden Hose... $3.75
BO-ft. Garden Hose... $6.95
Good Electric Irons $3.95-"5-in-l"
Garden Tool is 19c
Tall Hose Reels only $1.15
Curtain Stretchers . '. $1-69
14x24-in. Door Mats.. $1.39
2-qt. Ice Cream Freezers 95c
Adjust. Poreh Gates $1.98
Dependable Brooms at 29c
Wicker Carpet Beaters 19e
10-qt. Galvanized Pails 19c
Galv. Garbage Pails ..$1.39
Galvanized Wash Tubs 65c
Glass Mixing Bowl Sets 59c
Large Clothes Baskets 98c
At Money-Saving Prices
Axminstar Ruga,
good designs in
6x9 sizes on Mon
day are .
Axminster Ruga
of good quality
in 7-6x9 sizes, re
duced to
Axminster Ruga,
3-3x10-6 sizes,
that will wear
well are
Beautiful Axminstar Rugs
with good nap . in 9x12
5," ... . .$41.50
Ice Pick and Tongs With
, Any Refrigerator.
Cold air circulating models
that save ice are to be had
in top and sidecing Refrig
erators and Ice Chests at
low prices -
$11.50, $14,50, $18.50 Up
"LLOYD" Baby Carriages in
shape and color are pleas
ing to the eye and baby is
comfortable in one models
are priced as tfJOO 7C
low as". . ... . V-iOs I O
Rich Tapestry
Ruga that are
9x12 sizes,
at V..,.;.
Porch bwings built of
hard wood in fumed fin
ish, complete with rust
proof chains and ceiling
hooks ,. .33.45
Reed Fernery in several
attractive finishes with
heavy galvanized contain
er is moderately priced at
only ...........$7.45
Massive Fiber Roclter in
rich old ivory finish, well
boilt with seat and back
upholstered in a pretty
cretonne for . . -S14.95
Kitchen Safe made of sea
soned hardwood in golden
finish with two large
drawers and inside fitted
with two deep shelves, for
Four Passenger Lawn
Swing built of hard,
weatherproof wood in
natural finish, with bolt
construction, trimmed in
red, for .Y $8.65
Cedar Chest, attractive
model built of fragrant
Tennessee Red Cedar with
strong lock, casters and
extra bag of cedar chips,
at ........... $15.75
Visit Our
Our Exchange Department will ,
take in your old furniture at a
fair value on any new furniture
you select.- This furniture is, v
-in turn, low priced for quick
Eight-Piece Dining Room Suite built of solid, quartered oak in
rich Jacobean finish, comprising handsome oblong Table, 60-
mcn -buftet and SIX Chairs upholstered
in genuine leather for only ..........
Goods Sold Out of Town
On Easy Terras. Write for Information.
Low Priced and on Easy-to-Pay Terms
Summer days, when you want to look your best, are
just ahead and Dame Fashion has created the most
adorable and becoming frocks imaginable for women
and misses. They are made of fine ginghams, voiles,
Swisses, linens and ratines, in figures, checks, plaids,
dots, etc., in dainty shades of lavender, green, yellow,
pink, blue, etc. Make selections now, but pay later;
at your convenience. A
$795 '
v J up
New Millinery Summery creations; both large andi
small, - in georgette crepe, straw, .Milan, ' etc.',
at . . . $3.95 Up
Entire Stock of
Women.'. Sprinf
1 1 v
Whether it is a Dress,
Suit," Coat, Waist ; or
Skirt for present wear
one cannot help but
make a gratifying selec
tion and save many dol
lars as well. All our
Spring Apparel is now
a THIRD off. '
U nrestricted Choice of All
9 no
sf v
Formerly Selling Up to $42.50 for
If you are thinking of purchasing a new suit for
Decoration Day this sale is your opportunity. There's
no need to tell you of the splendid styles and Quali
ties the price tells the story best. Every Man's and
Young Man's Suit in stock, formerly selling up to
$42.50, at $29.50,
Skull Caps
Central High colon, aa
wu aa many other,!,
just received and spe
cially priced at
Suits 945
In style, quality of material and tailoring mothers will find
these suits meeting their most exacting requirements.