Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1922, Image 7

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i'rouipt service and fint-cliu work.
Fourth Floor
llOflO". IBAMIlDltOS
' Business Men's Luncheon, 60c
8e nH la the Stn! (rill, Tenlk I'loor
AppetUIng food, tfflctent lervk. pleaunt surrounding!.
Ttkt Exprtss Elevators
Saturday Get in on the Biggest Clothes
Buying Opportunity Presented in Years !
Gur Entire Stock of
art cMfli & Iirx
Men's and Young Men's
Worth 60.00 to 65.(KX
Worth 3750 to 45.00
Summer Suits
' In Sport Styles .
For Men and Young Men
- Palm Beach, Gabardines and Tropical
'. '. Worsteds. : ?. . : ,
Yet the prices are not the best thing, about
these clothes. The high quality and smart
styles are of even greater importance. To
those who know the high quality of Hatt
Schaffner & Marx -clothes, this
announcement will make instant
appeal. All men and young men
who are in the habit of wearing
the best should arrange to attend
this sale and share in one of the
best clothes buying opportunities
presented m years.
Fourth Floor
A Big Special Selling of
rate raisers
4.00 and 5.00 Values
6.00 and 6.50 Values
7.00 and 7.50 Values
Worsteds, Cassimeres, Serges and Suiting Patterns; hundreds
of high-grade separate trousers will be offered at these spe
cial prices. All sizes from 28 to 50 waist. Every figure easily
fitted. " ' ...V.-' : - ,
Saturday Silk Striped.
Tit t?33
. I
buying opportunity
Shirts that
are good
looking and will
launder well
Values 3.50
and 4.00
A Complete,
Assortment of Styles
and Sizes to Suit Your
Individual Preference
Either Neckband or -,
Collar Attached
' All sizes
15 to 17
that enables Mr. Omaha to purchase
his supply of. Shirts for the sum
mer at a remarkable saving.
Main Floor South
Unusual Sale of
At Three Low Prices
10.00 tomOOVaes
Moit of them have two pair of pants.
These are some' of our highest grade suits and were priced earlier at
a great deal more. The models and fabrics are all new fine tweeds,
cassimeres, cheviots' and the old favorite, blue serge. There is a
large assortment of patterns in mixtures, checks and stripes in all de
sirable colors. Sizes to fit all boys from 7 to 18 years.
Boys' Pajamas 1.65
2.00 Value Striped or plain white
materials are well tailored in these
two-piece garments. ' They are full
cut and neatly braid trimmed. Sizes
10 to 18.
Boys' Wash Suits
Values $2 to $5 Tom Sawyer and other
High Grade Makes. Suits for play or
dress-up in Oliver Twist, Norfolk, Balkan
and Middy styles. In ' plain colors or
combinations that will come up smiling
from the wash tub. Sizes 24 to 10 years.
At 1.39. 1.75 and 2.95
Fourth Floor
Fourth Floor