Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Moderator iNames
Ex-Rival Aide
Itev. Calvin C Hays Also Ap
point Hf. I!. II. Jcitki
, of Omulia on Hrlicf
Dcs Moiiif. I. .Uy ll. (Hy A.
I'.) One of the nr.e oiiicial in to
Uy ct the Rrr. Calvin C. Hyi of
lulintton. IV. circled mudrraiur of
tl't I'rrtliytirun church in the t'uil
rd Sutes o( Amrrius by the U4ili
iteril i.scuibly hrr yc sferdsy, was
llif appoititiiu-nt of Lr. William Ox
ley 'i liompsoit, president o( Ohio
Mte university, at vice moderator,
Or. Thompson was one of the
.ttong candiditei for the moderator
kluu on the eve ol the assembly i
l't nint:, but toon withdrew from the
Dr. CeUnd II. McAfee, the defeat
d candidate for moderator, who
Irew J79 votet to Hay' 512. was
anied chairman ol the committee on
ills and overture, a position wield
tig power second only to that of
lie moderator. 1 hi committee
ssef on proposed Irgulaibn hefore
t i submitted to the general as-
Dr. John Willi Baer. the IV.
j . i. ... i -i.
una, v ai., panacr, was inaue man
van of the home missions commit'
In Serioui Condition:
Dr. Barr. who i moderator in
'HO. and William Hiram Foulkes
! Newf York, general ccretary of
h- New l-"ra movement, two of the
not prominent laymen at the gcu
tal assembly, were oidered to their
tds last nitwit by physicians follow
tiff attack of toixiliti.
Although the attending physicians
l:clared neither was in serious cou-
lition. thy refused predict wheth
r they would be obliged to be absent
. rom anv sessions ot the assembly,
laer's absence would seriously han-
licap the choices for adoption of the
tone report, recommending the re-
lnction of the , 16 boards ot the
hurch into four consolidated ccn-
raHzed bodies because he is one of
most active sponsors. " ,
Omahan Given Post
Reports that Pasadena, Cal., had
nvited the next assembly to meet
here were 'denied by Dr. Bacr of
hat city, who declared that neither
. ie nor Dr. Robert Freeman, the oth-
r commissioner from Pasadena, had
. at knowledge of such an invitation
Chairmen of the standing cqmmit-
ces appointed this morning by the
noderator included the following:
. Relief and sustenatioii: Rev. . IT.
enks, Omaha. Neb. .
, Narrative: Rev. Ll M. Coffman,
. Javenport; la. ; ' '
Correspondence: Rev. Rasmus
"horn sen, Amarillo, Tex:
Leave of absence: Rev. Eliot Tcr
cr, Harlowton, Mont.
)wight Feeder Gets Jor '
' 'V of Omaha Cattle Market
' ' The cattle market was" topped Fri
lay by John Tesina of Dwight,' whert
ie received $8.50 a" hundred for ,18
lead of choice steers that averaged
,193 pounds, , He said he had them
n feed about six and a half months.
Mr. Tesina also brought in a
unch of mixed stock among which
vat a number of yearling Hereford
teifers that were of sufficient .qual
ty to bring $8.10 a hundred.- Ac
ording to Mr. Tesina there are a
ood many cattle' in the feed lot's
round Dwight. ' He had about four
:ads that will be brought to.nja.r-.
:et soon., . " ' '
)ietrict Odd Fellows
-. Hold Meeting at McCook
. McCook, Neb., May 19. (Spe-
ial Telegram.) Over 200 delegates
t tended the third annual meeting of
li southwestern Nebraska distjict
Association of Odd Fellows here,
icventeen lodges compose the dis
ritt. It was decided to hold a twri
ays' session in McCook next year:
ihc new officers of the association
r: A. L. Miller, Benkelman, presi
!ent; Robert Malcolm, -Imperial, vice
resident; Rev. C W. Ray, McCook,
ceretary; H. J. Borchert, Bennfan,
reasurer; Rev. A. L. Zink, chaplain.
Man Goes to Home of
Bebe Daniels to Murder
' V' H Y
I i
Bebe Daniel.
Los Angeles, May 19. Deputy
licn'fs who,-answering, a midnight
call that there was- a man in the resi
dence .of . Bebe Daniels, motion pic
ture actresj, intent upon murdering
her, found Charles Caprice. They
arranged to take him today, to the
psychopathic ward . to determine his
mental condition, v
Caprice, who surrendered without
resistance, said that he came irom
San Francisco for the "express pur
pose" of slaying the motion pictnre
actress under threats and pay of
"Pete McNama." a peddler of nar
cotics in San Francisco. He said
that McNamara got "something on
him" nine years ago in a smuggling
plot and that he 1iad been forced into
"the life of a slave" since then.
He was found in the living room
of the Daniels' residence.
Boy Auto Thief
and Boy Forger
Sent toTrison
Firt Get 3 to 10 Yrn
Second, Once Paroled, Given
3 to 5, With "Chance .
to Make Good."
"You are jut like a wolf preyinn
on Mtcicty. taking thing th don't
belong to you. Fach of your of
ft nor of taking three automolii'r
carries a sentence of one to 10 year,
which would total thtce to JO yearn,
end then a penalty could be added
lor vour anoint 10 ore iau
Wallace Approves
- Good Roads Projects
' Wa.hington, May 19. Secretary
Wallace hat approved fpnditure
(furrgiiiug more than f.' (or
roads in four western states, it was
announced today. The projects in
clude the following: ,
L'tah, $7 milei of highway (terving
national (oiet and road within or
adjacent to the tarens), fedrral ex
penditure, f.WlW. f
California, 50 miles, comprising
live projects, all of which are part ot
lltr ute highway sytlem except 10
miles in the Big l'fr valley, federal
expenditure, fVbrt.W, , .
Waoltiugton, nix project, totalling
50 mile (tcrving uaiml foret),
one being completion of the lat link
of the state highway between Suutet
Fairl.ury. ltut you probably wouldut and M mint Home, federal expend!-
live long enough to serve out all of
that. Jut what do you think you
It wa District Judge Day speak
ing to L'arl A. Noel, 19, held for
theft of three auto and attempted
jail break, haled before him for vio
lating a parole.
Noel lietilatcd.
"One to 10 years," lie answered
the juriht.
. "Well, it's three to 10 years," re
torted the magistrate.
Kenneth Weir, 20 who was
paroled on forgery charges and then
is alleged to have committed further
forgery, was told "what you need is
discipline." by Judge Day, who said.
"I'm going to give vou three to five
years, not in the Hawthorne apart
ments, but in the penitentiary. If I
thought this wouldn't do you any
good. I'd give you 20 years, so you
couldn't bother society any more, but
I'm going to give you a chance to
make good.
Royal Neighbors Stage
Drive in Five Counties
York, Neb., May 19. (Special.)
Ihe Koyal .Neighbors of xork, iew
ard. Polk, Butler and Hamilton
counties are engaged in a member
ship campaign, which started March
1 and will close June 17. There'will
be a big rally in York on the closing
date, ihe supreme oracle Mrs. tva
cnnas, will oe present
Semenof f Ordered Freed.
New York, May . 19. General
Gregorie Semenoff, former atman of
the Cossacks, was. ordered released
from arrest today-by the appellate
division of the supreme court, which
reversed the decision of Supreme
Court Justice Delhancy.
If tratfotft qflotfcs
Early News
for You
Our celebrated Stratford line of
summer hand-tailored clothinsf just
arrived and is most complete.
They have the same distinctive differ
ence that radiates from all of Strat
ford's clothes.
They're distinctively different because
they're hand tailored and are of the
newest styles; 'they are' made to fit,'
and do fit; they're made of cloth to
give service,' and do give service. -
These are distinctive and very neces
sary features that you want in your
clothes do you not?
. Well, drop in today. -Alt
clothes moderately priced.
1809 Far nam Street
Price-slashing Sale ot Tents
Army officers' dress ,
Shoes a comfort
able, dressy, shoo
pair . . . .
U.. S. Army regula
tion, russet or double
sole garrison Shoes
very specially priced
only ..
Ladies' 14-inch high
grade hiking , boots,
a $15.00 value, for
only :
;You'll find every wanted style tent, at prices
below present wholesale costs.
Brand new S-in-1 Tents. These Tents have a water-
ptoofed khaki top. with white Inside walls: torn- .
- bines features of. Tent and Fly in one, and priced
at exceptionally low prices. i v' '" .
7x7 $12-75 9 x 12 ...$21.50
8 x 10 ....,116.75 12 x 14 ....$29.50
lSxlS Regulation U. S. Army 1 ','
Pyramid Tents. Hade of 12- '
ov Army Dock. Oriinallyi .
cost $104.00. Our price is '
only ......,..$29.50 -
Guaranteed H o uie
Paint, all colors, in
cluding whiter . sps
cially priced at, per
gallon i -,K 92.45. ;:' ;
Brand new khaki Breeches,
double knee; 01 QQ
special, at ....... V 1 eSO
Boys' brand new khaki Breeches
Class A khaki Breeches QQ
at only fOC
Brand new . Gaberdine lace
Breeches, special at. i. 83.95
Button leg Gaberdine Breeches,
officers' model at $4.75
U. S. Army Pup Tent or
Shelter Halves. Makes an
excellent Scout .Tent. - Spe
cially priced this week,
at-.... $1.9
Regulation U. S.
Army s u: m m e r
weight Underwear
Shirt and . drawers
priced at AQn
each ....... Hv
.Athletic Union Suits,
very special
Lightweight Balbrig
gan Union : QQ '
Suits, at ... OJ7C
Medium weight cot-
ton rib Union Suits, ,
per '-tl
suit ..V.Vi0
U. S. Army Folding Canvas Cots,
an excellent value at . . .$3.95
Aluminum Collapsible . C a m p
Grate, large size .90?
Small size ........... .601
U. S. Army Bacon Cans. . . .10
U. S. Army ..Condiment Cans,
special at ........... ....19
Gold Medal Collapsible Camp
Stools, each .98
Folding Camp Stoves with two
gasoline burners, special, $6.50
2 -gal. Water Bags . . . $1.50
Sead for our "Special Outing
Mail Orders Uvea Special Attention. Shipments Mad. Daily. Order Direct From This Ad.
For painters' - drops, '
covers, storage, etc.
When cut they will
cover about 86
square feet. T h e y
are guaranteed to be
free from rips, holes
, -or tears; each, .
Army Shirts
We are placing our entire stock
of U S. Army khaki Shirts in
four big lots.; Every shirt a new
69 98 $1.69 $1.98
.Women. Togs ,
Knickers, Middies, Breeches and
Jackets at Special Prices.
ture. $575.0(J.
Wyoming, five project, with a
total of 90 inilre. ol which three are
partly within Lincoln routity, fed
eral expenditure, SJU.05.
Lincoln County to Gravel
26 Milfs on Lincoln Highway
North Platte,Kcb., May 19 (Spe
cia!.) Bids will be opened June 12
for rrgrading and graveling the Lin
coin highway between North Tlatte
and the eat line of Lincoln county,
a diMance of 26.3 mile. In urfac
inir this section of the hishwa, 307.-
Ofuj yard of gravel will be required.
Jlns grave will re ohiaiued l rom
gravel bed near the .highwav or
pumped from the Platte river. When
this is completed Lincoln county will
have 45 miles of graveled surface
road running cat and went.
Mrs. Anna Rogers
Called by Death
Mother of Mr. Ceorgo Ilrin
drii Die at Chicago Home
Children at ReuMi'.
Omaha friends sorrowed ThuMiy
night to learn of the dcaili of Mf
Anna Roger, mother of Mr. Grurse
Krandri. H hrr home, . $15 i t
Sixty.fidh street. Chicaeo. Mr.
Kogert died Thurtday morning trr
an illness wltirh began about titt
month aso, Me wa $i,
Mr. Koger' five dauuhtcr d
t-iu wr hrr bedside when iImPi
Oeorge Krandci left at once fori
Chicago when wort ol tne dram
wat received here, and will attend the
funeral, which will he held Monday
Morning from the Kogert roiuciue
to a Catholic church.
The children urviving Mr. Rog
ers are Mr. George BramlrU, Uuia
lu: Mr. Harry lioiworih and Mi
Lillian Roger. Chicigo; Mr. N. J.
Carney, New York; Waller Roer.
Chicago, and Mr. Karl Louii,
Mr. Roger wa a freuueut vintot
in Omaha and wai often honor guot
at parties during her visits.
Tiles for Senate
Lincoln, May 19. (Special.)
Arthur D. Pedtn of Oakland filed to
day a a ' candidate for rcpuhlican
nomination for state senator in the
Sixth senatorial district. This dis
trict embrace Burt county. '
Dry Wraiher JNVar I'lica
Injures 0 rowing Wheat
I'lic-a, Nrb, May If il )
Continut'4 diy wteihef ha seiiou.
ly dmti lite winter wheat ciup
through this trrriiory, LperieacrJ
wheat farmer claim that with sm
I'la tain from now on, an average
tld could not b riM-d, a the brad
li allowing in the boot,
Mrn whoe busWs lkr them
over the eoumir ot Butler, folk,
York. Vward and Saline claim that
th whea iu all these counties show
even more -riou damage than in
thi iinmriliai territory. Only one
8'Xd rain h fallen hrre auire htl
amiinirr and the auluttil i scry dry,
tatc Hank, Clmrter li
(Irantril to Homer Men
Lincoln, May VI (Special Tele
grain.)-!. U. Hart. errriary of
iraile and rrxiimen-e. tvlav aramed a
charter to the Home Sute hank of
lUunrr. Ihe new bank will suit
l.u.iiif with capital stock of $.'5.
tnn and ha agreed to purrha" from
ili reeeiver iif the failed Homer
Slate bank all i d note in hi
iKeion, The Homer Slate uuk
failed i-'chriwry IS. The men grautrd
thi charter are L. l t'oad, 15. It.
Haker and 11. C lUiuni.
Stockmen Tell of
Hate Kx)er!ment
Cattle Driven 1(H) Mile: in
One Instance. t Avoid
llih Charges.
Three strHVnien of tlreelry county.
Nebraska, made an rskeriinent in
railroad rates, aaordiitg to Dais I'.
Siough of (irand I land, who toit
fcd soterday iiioruiug at the hearinu
on hvc tHk ric in the ledrral
InuMiiig briitre t'aminrr liMue ol
the lutersiaie Comuirrie oiimiiioii.
"On January 24, 92.." he Mtd,
"one nun slupied a car of cattle
from Greeley (.enter on the Hurling,
tmi road to Onulia and the rate was
32 5 cent per ItKt pound,, 1 he Mine
day another man shipped a car from
Horace, eight im! farther fiouj
tiuuha en the same railroad '''
the rate was only . sent l' lr
pnniids. And on h " 'y
third mail lnpp4 sr t'f s'4 f
from SpaMing, a'ur ,,,e
14. ice from Omaha. sifuaW i.n !h
I'moii I'aiiiic radroad, and the rtj
wat only 2il$ cents per lW poimd.1
lit sued lite ce of one man whi
drove liumlreds of bead c"
atrot country from I'rif son. ad
taiue of iiirne than I'll mile, t)
Central City. Nrb., in order to avoid,
the heavy tales from I ricrn on ths
liurlington road and pro In by tli
romparaiively low rate front (rnt'll
; City on the I'tiimt racific.
IMilor 1'Ijii Meeting
Mi-CoAli, Nch May J9-tS.e,
cUl Ttlritiam,) At a, conimmee
nieetiiig here it w (tetid-d to hold
he nest meeting of the RrpuMitin,
Valley 'iitiiiul assoi-jaiiatn in le .
CiMik in June, either the loth or 2J4. l
Dry Weather in York County
Is DanpgiiiK All Crop
Yoik. Nch.. May !'.-( Special.) -The
farmer in ibis section declare
that rain is greatly needed and if not
received within the ncit two weeks
the crops are going to be greatly
damaged. Com planting in this sec
tion is about finished.' Wheat is suf
fering from the lack of nioiMure,
farmer declare.
Gkg itcrt. of djxotaliy Jfoxr.
-'..".. . .
Youthful Dresses
For the Girls, Misses and Little Women
The daintiest of summer
time' dresses that will
delight those who want some
thing distinctive and indi
vidual. The wardrobe of the
younger set must be carefully
considered this season and
we have assembled for them
an . unusual collection of
dresses. No materials have
been slighted. There is dotted
swiss organdie, voile, linen,
gingham, pongee, tissue and
sateen. v
Dressy affairs and attractive .
sports effects -priced at 98c,
$1.75 to $25.00.. .
Dresses at 9.75
!:An unusual collection of
voile, ratine, lirieen, organdie,
gingham and pongee dresses.
All summer shades and white.
Sisea 6. to 16. , ' A' ' ' f
Girls' Shop Second Floor
Gold Stripe Silk Hose
We wish to announce thatwe have just
received a ' shipment of chiffon weight
Gotham. These are dependable silk stock
ings, the Gold Stripe protecting against
runs caused by the garters. ,
We have many othr styles,- priced from
2.00 to $3.75. .;
' V Hose Shop Main Floor
Roberta Corsets
Solves the Sport
' . Clothes Problem
. A Roberta Laced-in-Front Cor
set, 'pliable and supple, is a
blessing to the sport-loving
woman. You never feel it,
and no one suspects you wear
it. But it gives you the trim
figure and correct set of
clothes; which " makes your
sport costume , so becoming.
To achieve the natural figure
effect requires the most care
ful corseting.
How the
; Roberta Excels
First in the designing, which
is done with infinite care and .
r skill, the master model being
fitted to a woman of perfect
"figure. She wears this corset
to discover any possible faults.
The corset we offer you is the
perfected Roberta. This care
' insures supreme style cdm-
. bin.ed with perfect comfort.
- These perfect designs are
:,. developed -in dainty pink
brocade, with a line of
- special models priced at
, $5.00. Other models,
$70, $10.00, $12.50
on up to $25.00.
The aelf-adjusting shield
under ' lacing and the '
front fattening with flex-
- ible top are Roberta fea- :
Junior and Muses'
$2.00 values at $1.25
Made of a good quality of
coutil and elastic. Lightly
boned. Closed back. Sizes
24 to 30. Very specially
priced for Saturday.
Corset Shop Main Floor
A Great Offering of
Marks the Lowest Price
. for Newest Wear
... j ....... . , i . - s
Here are scores of , the daintiest,' the pret
tiest, the frilliest of dresses, gathered from
i makers who have set the styles at the lead-
v ing style centers. .
The price is unusually low at
and you will be very much surprised when
you see the dresses, for included are 100
of the handsomest .dresses that we . have
ever had in stock. ' Made of the newest
materials and trimmed with the latest trim-'
ming fancies. . '
Dresses for Afternoon
Dresses for Sport Wear
Sheer materials' made fancy with frills,
ruffles, ribbons and lace; appropriate for
morning, afternoon and evening; individual
sport costumes that will please the most
fastidious dressers and at a price that is
remarkable. Only $10.00.
Dress Shop Second Floor
Fo r Three Days
Saturday. Monday and Tuesday
More Powerful
Attractive Values
Than Ever Before Offered Here
for Your Selection on
Our New
Make Your Choice Now From
Sterling Silver Filled Belt Buckles with genuine
leather belt, at '. .
14-carat Gold Filled Knives with two blades, some
with one blade and nail file, at
14-carat Creen and White Gold Filled Cuff Bull
ions for soft sleeves, beautifully engraved, at..',
14-carat Green and White Gold Stick Pins, set
with, rubies, emeralds, amethysts, etc., all new,
beautiful designs. Specially priced now, at.,'....
Ladies' 14-carat Gold Filled Brooches and Bar Pins
All new and elegant designs, set with rubies,
emeralds, amethysts, etc., on sale at
Solid Gold Set Rings and Seal Rings for babies,
indeed a wonderful value, at ; . .
14-carat Gold Filled Baby ;V Bracelets Also for
the little girl; fine value, at r. -. . .., .'
14-carat Gold Filled Baby Locket or Cross with
Chain, just-a nice present for -the baby, at
14-carat Gold Filled" Pencil with Silfe Ribbon
The little school girl's friend; fine value, at
14-carat Gold Filled Waldemar Chain in regular
or white gold,, links soldered, on sale at.. .,.,,..
14-carat Regular . Gentleman's Watch Chain, swell
designs, all links soldered, on sale at
And Many -Other Splendid Items.
Brodegaard Bros
MAIL ORDERS Shipped Same Day as Receiavd
r 'l - ADD POSTAGE ;
Men! Here's Value
In Good Suits!
$35 Values Now
$50 Values Now
$40 Values Now
Kuppenheimer Suits
$35 and up
Gaberdine Coats
$18 and up
Extra Trousers
$3.50 to $7.50
Time to Buy Your
Best .
-JtZrTT-L Under
yNVf $2.oo ,
Special '
for Saturday
Athletic Union Suits
- $1.50 values
Shirts, collar attached,
$1,50 to $5.00
Imported English
Broadcloth Shirts,
Lion Custom
' 1415 Farnam St s