TUB OMAHA BKK Bui ineif Men's Luncheon Served U Ik Men's Grill rp.tiiing food, efficient service and pleasant turrouu.lings mkt thii the bert 60e lunehron served in Omaha. Tele Esprest Elevators. Diamond C Soap For Laundry and Kitchen 10 Bars for . Fifth FloorWeil 19c I ' Inl IT Saturday A Remarkable Sale of SiamnBeir Silk Dresses For Women and Misses In Figured Crepe de Chine, Canton, Georgettes and Crepe Knit JcL . Milt Jn will 5 Four Models Sketched Figured Crepe de Chines, beaded Canton Crepes, and fluffy Georgettes, for after noon or street wear. Crepe de Chine and Krepe Knit in sport modes. These dresses are worth much more than the low price asked. Sizes 14 to 44. Second Floor W est Second Floor West We Special Selling of White Silk Sport Skirts Worth 12.50 to 15.00 SU5 In Regular and Extra Sizes . A white silk sport skirt is an absolute essential in a smart summer wardrobe and these are essentially charming models. Made of striped, figured or plaid silks in Fantasi, Roshanara, Folio Thru, Baronet Satin, Canton Crepes, Pelham Crepe, Larchraont Crepe, Here-$-There and Ruff-A-Nuff. Regular and extra sizes, 25 to 38 waist. Re member Brandeis provides specially for the women who require large sizes. Two models sketched. ? Second Floor South t Further Reductions on es - For Women and Misses Coats Cap Wraps Fprmerly Priced at 25.00 to 39.50 18.75 All silk-lined wraps in Shawsheen, Veldyne, Velour de Laine, Tweed, Tricotine and Twills. Second Floor West Suits Tweed and; Jersey "13.95 For Women and Missel . Formerly Priced 20.00 and 25.00 100 suits for misses and women have been much reduced for this special selling. There are tailored and sport models, all silk lined in Tweed, heavy Jer sey and Homespun in attractive Spring colors. Sizes 14 to 44. Second Floor West Saturday Sale of 800 Crisp New Imported e my le . For Girls 6 to 14 Years In White, Peach, Green, Lavender, Light Blue, Tangerine, Fuchsia, Honeydew, Brown, Yellow WorthS. 00 to 8.00 Four Models , Sketched 3 Every dress is made of imported organdie with permanent finish. There are many charm ing ruffle trimmed and tucked models, -some are manufacturers' samples. Among the white organdies are a number of lace trim med styles. Second Floor Wl Second Floor West Charming and Beautiful www Priced for Saturday Canton Crepe, Georgette, Leghorn, trim med with flowers, novelty ornaments and self materials iri black, white and every wanted color. Styles f6r every occasion and every need from the close-brimmed shapes to elaborately trimmed effects. Sport Hats at 1.95 to 4.95 Sport hats which are so much in demand are found here in a wonderful collection. Every color and shape is shown. Second Floor East poirtecl Hosiery men s Well-made and long-wearing hose at prices which give our customers great advantage. Our own importation. Black Silk and Fiber Hose Full . fashioned hose, lace to the top, in a fine sheer weave, all sizes. Worth 2.50. Priced, 1 Cq per pair, 1JJ Silk and Fiber Hose All full fash ioned, with lisle carter tops. Lisle spliced heels ana toes. In black, white, and colors. -Worth A ff 2.00. Special, per pair, Main FloorNorth Silk Lisle Hose Full fashioned, with double soles and spliced heels. Some are very fine cobweb lisle. In black, white, and colors, c q 1.00 values. Per pair, DVC Infants Wear Children's Amoskeag Gingham Dresses A variety of styles , in pretty checks, with and without bloomers, some,' CO - with sashes to tie. Sizes 3 to 6 yrs. Specially priced, UJC Infants' Lightweight Cotton Shirts Button front, with OO . either long or short sleeves. Special, pJC Children' White "Muslin Drawer! Straight and v banded knee with lace or embroidery AQg edge. Sues 4 to 12 years. Special, -r;,, Princes Slips for Children Made of firm white muslin with a dainty trimmed flounce at the bot tom. Sizes 4 to 12 years.. Special, . . ( s 1.29 Baby Bonnets-Of crepe de chine, Silk poplin or fine AQe . organdy. Special, KC Children's Half Hose W it h Roman striped tops, sizes A 4 to 6 Special, Third Floor -East Children's Hose Allen A Black Cat Hose Fine and heavy ribbed, with reinforced heel and toe. Guaranteed fadeless col ors. Black, brown and white. Sizes 5 to 10, per pair, 35$ Misses and Children's Mercerised Lisle Hosetg-Fine ribbed stockings, some have double knees, all have reinforced heel and toe. Black, brown and white, sizes 5 to 10, , per pair, 50e Spring Socks for. Children Fancy rolled, tops in white with black, brown, pink and blue stripes. Also - plain colors in blue, pink and , brown., Sizes 5 to 9. Per pair, ; 354 MairifFloor North New Arrivals In Toy 65c Plain Bearing Roller Skates, . ' Coaster Wagons with rubber-tired Cfl disk wheels. Baby; Buggies A full line of American National Baby Buggies has just arrived. 22.50 25.00 Woven Fiber Baby . Buggies, t Genuine Reed Baby Buggies,. Beautiful, Large Pullman and Gondolas 30.00 ,0 50.00 Main Floor Arcade Smart New Band Bags .2M 4.50, 5.25 and 7.50 Values Leather and fabric bags in smart new shapes. There are brown and black leather bags and combinations of leather, silk-line'u and fitted silk bags with bead trimmings, and Dresden ribbon patterns combined with. plain colors. A very charming assortment from which to select a smart new bag. Specially priced at 2.98. , Main Floor East "Listen In" By Radio at Brandeis We have installed an Aerola Grand at the South entrance on the Main Floor. This radio receiving set re ceives the reports from the Grain Exchange hourly during the morning. We also receive whatever concerts there are during the day. If you have never seen a radio set working, come in and listen to the music. Marvel Wireless Telephone Receiving Outfit, J.5.00 Complete with antenna wire, in sulated lead in wire porcelain insula tors, 1,000 ohm telephone and cord, leather covered head band, antenna switch, adjustable ground clamp, ex. tra tested crystal. Wave length range 180 meters to 2,600 meters. Complete instructions for installing and operating, with diagram of an tenna installations, all packed in a neat box. 'Main Floor South ' , Hit M I1 J