16 niK MX: OMAHA. SATUUUAV. MA W. m More Affidavits Filed to Clutter Up Damato Case Statements Repudiate For nwr Ones Repudiating Trial Tf stimony of Frank Pierce j Offered ly Shot ell Aftida it to Ihe right of them; affi davits to ih Irtt ol them; affidavit in front of thrill. And hich to believe? That's the situation confronting at torneys, court olfiriatt and witnc in the effort of Mike Damato, con victed of manslaughter tor the mur der of Frank Fogg, veteran drug giM, to secure a new trial. F.ight more affidavit in the catc were filed yei'erday morning br County Attorney Shot well in an ef fort to reit the motion for a new trial, hearing of which it expected to start today. Repudiate Testimony. Damato wa convicted chiefly on tctiniony of Frank fierce, dope ad dict, and Reriiice Wilder. Later they k made affidaviti repudiating their tfnimony. which were filed by Wil liam Lovely, attorney for Damato, in support of hi motion for a new trial, yesterday, to further clutter up the raw, are two from Tierce and the Wilder woman repudiating the affi davit Lovely filed repudiating their trMimony at the trial. Attorney! are icralching their head to try to select the proper vir wed in her opinion. ' Six Affidavit!. The other nix affidavit filed thi morning, tending to support these latest affidavits of Pierce and the Wilder woman repudiating their previous affidavits, are by Mrs. Frank Fogg, widow of the druggist: Dr. Ci. Alexander Young, member of. the Douglas county sanity commis Mon; Harry B. Watts, manager of the Strand theater; Detective Fritz Franks, custodian of Frank Pierce during the trial; I. B. Walston. chief of detective! at Kansas City, where Pierce escaped from Franks: and Charles A. Kerr, alias Frank Pierce, the Wilder woman and Mrs. Eliza . t-elh Brierton. Gridley, Kan, mother of Frank Pierce. Mrs. Brierton told of being in duced by William Lovely to accom pany him to a Wichita institution where Pierce is confined, and of find ing her son ill. nervous and appre hensive, in no condition to -be inter viewed in her opinion. secure! weaicinc. But Lovely secured "medicine" for Pierce, her affidavits allege, and then asked Pierce many questions, to which her son replied either "yes." "no" or "I don't understand." While in Pierce'! room Lovely gave him half a cigaret, lighted it for him and then told him to blow the smoke out the window, the mother's affidavit alleges. As they left he gave the rest of the package to her son, in violation of the rules of the institution, she further al , leged. Claim Word Worthies!. ' - Then stie asked Lovely, the affi davit alleges, if he had accomplished his purose, and Lovely said "no." The nurse told her, , she alleged, that Pierce was in no condition to make a statement, and if he should ft would not be "worth a snap." - Mrs.' Brierton told of going to 'Kansas City on the case with Mrs. Frank Fogg, the widow; Mis! Adelaide- Hogg, daughter: Harry B. Watts and his mother, Minnie iimsberry rues on iieei of Kinkaid Announcement Lincoln, Neb., May 19. Darius M. Amsberry, secretary of state, formal ly announced today- his candidacy for the republican nomination for congressman from the Sixth Ne braska district, which which has been represented by Moses P. Kinkaid, in . cumbent, for 20 years. Mr. Ams berry's announcement comes on the heels of a statement from Washing ton last night that Mr. Kinkaid would retire at the end of, his term. Stock Growers Body Is , . v Organized Near, Laramie According- to advices received from Laramie, Wyo.,' a new stock growers' association has been or' ganized under the name of the Upper-'Big .Laramie Stpck Growers' association with Ralph Tatham, president; Abe Bullard. vice presi dent, and Charles Steele, secretary and treasurer. The meeting was held at Scharder's ranch near Glendevy, May 11. Starts- Tomorrow . .... .. . - . t - ' A WEEK OF Thrills, Lauoho and Jazz t- The Fastest Movuig Picture on Record. ADD2D ATTRACTION. JAZZ JAMBOREE i i i r ii af u a ii A.fClHani IV Echo of War Heard on Steamer aaaaaaaaaaaaamSBaaaaaaaMaaBl Americans Refuse to Become Enthusiastic Over "Deutschland Uber Alles" Sung by Son , of German Staff Officer. . N'ew Yorlr. May 1-Ab Incident echoing wartime animosities was re ported by ptcnger! on the steam ship Seydlm of the North German Llvod line, which arrived yesterday Tuesday night group of first cab in passenger! were enjoying the ben efits of the smoking room, including bar privileges unknown on an Amer ican ship. A wine glass in hand, Capt. Friti von Falkenhayn, son of a l'ruin staff officer, rose and be gan singing "Deutschtand I'ber Al ius." The paengers, mostly Ger man, stood. Sixth District B'nai BVith to Meet in Omaha Delegate From Many States and Canada to Attend Con vention 300 Representee lives Expected. Delegates from Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, North and South Dakota. Minnesota. Wisconsin. Michigan and points in Canada will be here May 28 to .11 to attend the 55th annual convention of the Independent Order of K'nai B'rith. Sixth district. The- sessions 'will be held in the Blackstone hotel and the attendance has been estimated at 300 by Henry Monsky, president of this jurisdic tion. Among the distinguished visitors will be Lucius Soloman of San Fran cisco, first vice president of the. con stitution grand lodge of the order; A. B. Seelenfreuna of Chicago, sec retary of the Sixth district and also of the international organization. Gustavas Loevenger, St. Paul, Minn., and Benjamin Samuels. Chicago, are first and second vice president! of the Sixth district. Ben B rami of Milwaukee is treasurer. S. J. Leon is Chairman and Harry Malashock is vice chairman 'of the local committee of arrangements. Adolf Kraus of Chicago, president of the order, probably will attend the convention. The delegates will represent a membership of 15.000 in this district. The international organization has 72,000 members, Madame Schumann-Heink ' Will finish Concert Tour Norfolk, Neb.. May 19. (Special Telegram.) Madame Ernest in e Schumann-Heink, who gave a con cert here, denied the reports that she has been ill and that she would have to cancel her engagements. The singer looks the picture of health and declared that neither her voice nor her general health have been 'impaired. She admitted missing five concerts, but declared this was because she be came tired. She declares she will fin ish her season's contract - ' Bethany Aut" Burned and . Accessories Are Stolen Beatrice Neb., May 19,(Special Telegrarr..) J. H. McCann of Beth any baf his touring car by fire on the Cornhusker road north of Bea trice when it backfired. While at Princeton, thieves made off with his I box and robe. 1 he loss is piacea 1,000 with &JW insurance. Advertisement. RS. STURM IS 1017 WELL AMD HAPPY AS A GIRL :lare Recovery From . r XI 1 1! v i eura or iiervuu nur Nation and Other Trou - blegyi, Entirely Due to TaUlIaOa "I was a viand v miserable woman wrhen I beganTi-ai-inj Tanlac and. today I am a well ana 'n)appy one," said Mrs. C. J. Sturm, Vrj2 -i T". ' j 1 ri 1 V IT nasi nim oi., xopeKa, nan. -w I ... T tr . ror lour years i sunerca tor ments from stomach trouble and nervous indigestion and my kidneys! gave nfe a lot of worry, too. I was very much alarmed and discouraged as nothing I tried seemed, to do me a bit of good. : v'"i- - "It certainly was a blessing to me that I took a friend's advice to try Tanlac. It is simply wonderful the way. this, medicine has benefited me. 1 am in splendid health again now and feel that it is my duty to Iet oth ers who may suffer as I did know whee they can-get relief, too." Tanlac is sold by ail good drug-' gists, o..." Boyd Sentsr and Us Jury five, uerere ana cmiey Jaxs Dftncinff DeLnxs. Oeo. Oetsev. The Harmonv Thret Americans refused to rie while tht former German officer sang. One of the Utter was said to be Mrs. Bertha 'Thtele of rtiiladcl phia. Finishing his song, Von Falk enhayn demanded in a thurluh tone why the thret Americans had not stood. An angry dicuion resulted and Von Falkenhayn is said to have thrown lis empty glass in the direc tion of the Americans. It broke against the wall near the woman'! bead, passengers said. Came jLaw Violators Pay , $900 Fines in Three Vet Is Lincoln, May . 19. (Special.) Fines and court costs agrcgating $900 were asrcised against violators of the fish laws in the last three weeks, Game Ward Kotirr announced to day. Fithing without licrne netted Soothinq &nd Healinq i the home .. remedy4for skin ills' Speediiyallaysihe smart and itin&. of minor skin injuries, rashes or chafing ; TofeftefreaSKtedurls use mild cleansing KesinolSoap i ft ' " ' ft RESINOL Shirts for Saturday A complete line of Hen's Shirts In woven madras. Fast colors, full cut and well tailored. All sizes. Values to $3.00. Very specially priced (M A (T for Saturday, at eplattl First Showing Hart Schaffner v &Marx ; Two-Troteer Suits Stetson Hats Stetson Shoes Berkeley Knit Ties 7 'aU.-ut $400, while IS fiU taken from; a lull tup ciit three fuhcrmeu floU. list Tiats TONIGHT "Tcnniikhii i Dirroop" , STARTING TOMORROW ' . ' Six Days Om$ , THE BIG SHOW ." Two Featur Pictures a Oaa Prograta rive REELS ' SIX REELS FIVE C. tU.Ui..'. Martla Jaaaa' "Jungle "Reckless Adventures" Youth" No Advance in Prices Daily Mats 25c Evenings, SSc Children (Any Time, . Anywhere) lOe ', LAST TIMES TODAY THOMAS MEIGIIAh 'The Bachelor Daddy" ALSO COMEDY "Cold Feet" Something flew! ALVIN FRANK'S ; " MODEL CITY SHOW Warld' CrMtttt Machaalcal Warklng Model of a Raal MlwUslpai Jllvnr City Twelve Year to Build - SHOWING at KRUG PARK, watt of danca', kail antraaca. Admitsioa 2Sc.' ' 41m t IP .a- mm If m KKj ' " a. '.r r.'JiVyKV.JV.iy'fwysf'.''tW.rf. r aUa, Lm Dot Danco Floor In tho state Best MosbTee Dig Fast Rids Clesyt Amusement All the While TODAYS Lal Twa Ttnw a. J0.K1 LESIC GOT MB A WHS (rrrjA"r amirr umi r KUQtAT kXHOLL MM IMM m tMM, M U f. - wmm !Hnei KlfbU, SO. 7U, SI. St JO, SS. $M. SS tab Mat, SOt, SI. SI JO. St SSJO NEW SHOW TODAY VAUDEVILLE SIX "GOOD TIME ACTS" SIX Aad Alwaya a PUlnf PHOTOPLAY Daily Maliaw, SOci Evmlngi, 80c CHILDREN 10c Saawa CaaUauaaa Savrdr-Suaaar, . SUrtlaa IS O'clock Vaudtvllla Satuniay-Suiiaay, 2iOO, 4:10, i4S mm SilS EMPRESS NOW SHOWING LAFOLLETTE CO. 'Moa al Many Fit" McCORMICK I MARCOT I FRANCOIS WINEHILL ' 1 A PARTNER SCOTTY WELSH A , MADISON SISTERS I . la "Harmaay''. ... . f WS -mm Exclusive Store for Men and Hart Schaffner & Hart Schaffner & JIarx And Other Good Makes Young Men's Suits $40 to $50 Regular Prices c Hundreds of Suits to choose from. New Sport Styles or Single Breasted Models with 2 or 3 buttons. a As t?Ni!l fabrics i choicest twfcfciSf tfSflssimcres, cheviohjsnespiins and velours- finishprl anallJJWffiTrli, MWJfeat- est values shown since 1915. , Big sizes, small sizes, all sizes. fpHE CONVENIENCE of having a freshly pressed pair, of trousers ready, and particularly the extended Ufa X ( they add to the suit, make such clothes worth while. When worn alternately the wear is uniform and the life of the suit is almost doubled. Good looks and economy make an irresistible appeal to, popularity. -. - 2,000 Pairs of Trousers Priced at The Pants we have been selling for the last month at $3.85 are the talk of Omaha, We just received an other shipment from the same manufacturer. ' Wor steds, tweeds, cassimeres, unfinished worsteds. "All colors and all sizes. -' - Lots of Riding Pants in this lot. OVM.V v'"i' THeNUse tteel Photooreuna fdlatincttaiv. Lakeview Park Opens Today . Dancing Tonight Leonard Jcci's Orchestra and Many Other Attractions BASEBALL SATURDAY OMAHA ' vs DENVER ;Gama Starts 3:30 ) DOUBLE HEADER SUNDAY First Gam at ZP.M. Baa SoaU aa Sal at Ualtod Clfar i. Slara, 16th and Farnaai n i-ii m Bal m - m a" rill In Ami km dravo aim aa la AUalia wkara lb i WjAZ aorlia aad Ika J i BoysDouglas St Entrance fa Always in Press TwoTrouser Suits mt i strictly all wool, the newest and .. . . -' $3.85 $7.50 Values LAST TIMES TODAY IN Fascination" PRINCE LEI LANI Tha Saaaallaaal Taaar af HaU Noviy Raal "How to Grow Thin" orpheum C: 19 it) "SGAriBAL" NEXT WEEK "Tie Acsiiltil" Boyd Senter The Saxophone King, on Omaha boy, who will spend the summer at home filling special engagements at the RIALTO THEATER. Country Club. Athletic Club, etc., has just purchased from us a new HARWOOD SAXOPHONE When you hear Boyd and his wonderful quality of the tone. Wa A'ra tha Exclusive- Agents I : ? (TlAKFOIZb 16th Howard yZ MOsric Co Ties for Men's Silk and Wool Ties New arrivals; new est colorings; wonderfully attractive combina tions. Regular $1.50 quality. Special- M AA ly priced Saturday for eplaVU Marx Suits Ready for Every Occasion Regular $65.00 Up to $67.60 Values Extra Trousers, $5.00 Imported worsteds and imported: tweeds, the finest woven; tailored' skillfully and, . stylishly. : The be"st custom tailor, couldn't do better for double the price. : Cheerful tans, grays, blue effects, heather shades, in single and double-breasted models Greatest selection and the greatest values we have seen in many a day. Plenty of them for young men Tlfl.,sinfu-l Extra Trousers, $1.00 With These Special Lots of 8nits Youn Men's 2-Pant Suits Prep and High , School Suits. You can select the style you like at the price you want. Patterns, colors and weaves in equally large selection. ' , Lot 1 S15 Lot 2 A BIG D-A.N.OE Will aa aioa la laa . . NASHVILLE HALL NasltvtUa, Nab. '4 1 NatfcviMa I at laa B auloa aartk al Uaa aa Ika WmSmiIm Htfkov, Saturday hicnr May lOtk, ItJJ CMallaal ttmm. Oaad Old aad Oaad MmM Waat a REAL STEAK TaaUy Of k H (kaaaT Yaall Iwd tkal ekia M Ika aim la hw U aa iry aa aaa. Mayaa yaa kaa, U lka yaa kaaa. Allrad Jaaa. kol aad . HOTEL CASTLE CAFE CAFETERIA Oaaa all alfkl "aS Ika Sum." ems SHOWING TODAY ALICE DHADY "(lush Eloney" orchestra note tho 419 So. 16th Omaha Saturday for Men cs i L i I i V Lot 3r- $24 ft' y K rx1 STABTS STJNDAY Eag. i n 1 1 n 1 1 k a a r.