Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1922, Page 13, Image 13

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TIIK HEE: OMAHA. KAll'KDAY. MAY ty. iy.'2.
Fritters Afford
fritters ("fni a thrretiittes-a day
poibiiiy, ,t that anybody would
rv Ifiuers titree tunes in one day
-nr.r ii.rre times in one ck prolw
ably, iiut they way he utd lo add
luile touch rl dfi;iemnri to
breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Here tr tome good ways of mak
ing them:
Applf Fritter. ,
Brat l!it yolks of two ret ith
iblrfwoii o( tugir and pinch of
salt. Add one tup of warm milk and
mi in two cup of Hour and a reap
ing te atponn of baking powder. I-old
in tht stiffly beaten white of the
tts and d p peeled, corf 4 and qsr
tered atle into the batter, Iry
brown In deep fat, drain and ere
with maple syrup.
' PineappU Fritter.
fale special batter by creaming
one-half ounce butter, into which a
Urge tablespoon of tilled flour it
stirred. thn one-half tcatpoon of alt
and auffirient rich cream to make it
of proper conitency. Add yolks of
two tat, well whikcd. and whites
whipped to stiff froth. l eave for an
hour or o. Whip up well again just
before nsirts;. 1 he pineapple thinly
liced tltould be dipped into batter,
fried five to eight minutes, drained
well and served very hot.
Paranlp Fritter.
Roil the vegetable until tender In
boiling tatted water. J'rrss through
a colander, then mix with thein two
beaten egge. lalt to teason and flour
to hind stiffly. " ,
With floured hand divide the mix
ture and pat into mull round cakes.
Drown in a frying pun in hot butter
on one ide. then turn to the other.
They ahoutd be a golden brown.
Drain, pile on a hot dish, garnish
with fried or fresn parsley and serve.
Banana Fritter.
Remove tkins from four banana?.
Cut each one in four equal parts.
Sprinkle with four tablespoons sugar,
four tablespoon li-nton Juice, and let
stand one hour. Diu in batter; try in
dre? lV, drain on b'oan lajxr,
Meat Fritter.
Cut very fine one eun of any kind
of Iraq meat that ia free front bone-
cold roast beef, bulled ham, inuiton
or chirkendd two cups of fine,
well.dried bread crumb. tme-luK tea.
Sioon of salt, one-fourth tapoon of
pepper, one tablespoon of melted but
ter and two well beaten eggs Mix
thoroughly and make into cake and
roll in rornmral ready to fry. 1'ut
two tablespoon of butter into frying
pan and let it brown, then lay in the
fritter and fry them brown.
A Few Hints About Table
To fix a loo.e handle, fit the
drilled hole with melted retin, heat
the tang, and press into position. Do
not attempt this treatment with cel
luloid handles, as they are highly in
flammable. If the tip of the knife blade has
worn thin, or has become crumpled
b. caretex cleaning in a knife ma
chine, file away the damaged part
and round oil the corners.. Some
times the tip may be cut away with
Discolored bone handles can be
made to look like new if rubbed with
fine glass paper and then polished
with velvet.
Pearl-handled tea knives should be
cleaned with salt and then polished
with velvet.
To sharpen a very blunt knife,
place it flat on a nr sheet of fine
emery paper and draw it backwards,
repeating the operation 20 times.
Keep the blade flat all the while and
treat each face of the blaile in turn.
Afterwards, run the knife, in the
same way up and down a raxor
Ginger Cookies.
Mix one cup each of butter, sugar
iind New Orleans molasses with one
egg. " Sift together three cups of
flour, one tablesnoonful of cinecr and
one-half teaspoonful soda and add
this to the sott mixture. Chill the
dough and roll it out in portions.
Bake in a hot oven. j
Light Soups for
Warm Weather
Soups for thi time of tear ar
really better it they are not heavy.
Clear bouillon or consomme, freh
vegetable soups and fish bisques are
opecially appropriate for the day
when summer i returning.
Of course one difficulty " it that
there are pot many fresh vegetable
from which to make soups in spring
time, Fresh green pest are ftill at a
price when mot of us hesitate to
buy them for soup making, and the
same is true of many other vege
tables. However, a caicfutlv nude and
daintily served soup of old carrotf i
quite appetizing and springlike, and
so is one of old onions, if you like
the flavor. And then there are al
ways canned tomatoes, quite as ap
petizing and w holt-tome as the freh
ones, and much more suitable for
toup making at this time of year.
Kememher that a lot depend on
the garnUhing and serving of soup.
In winter forcemeat balls, crouton,
rice, vermicelli and egg form suitable
soup garnishes.
In spring it is better to depend ou
ie substantial garnishing! minced
parsley, plenty of paprika, shreds of
lemon peel, or a little thinly sliced
and small cut vrgtetables.
Remember, too. that a heavy cream
toup is not suitable with a heavy
meat. With a spring dinner of
broikd Iamb chops, new potatoes,
green peas, lettuce and French
dressing, and strawberries, a cream
vegetable soup would bo very well,
but with beefsttak and onions and
scalloped macaroni, followed by an
apple pie, a cream toup in spring
would be an inult. ,
Cheese Eggs.
Cream cheese, milk or cream,
blanched almonds, lettuce, olives,
radishes. Moisten the cream cheese
slichtlv with the milk or cream. Mold
the cheese around the blanched al
monds about the size of a robin
egg. Arrange in ne.t of lettuce
leaves and garnish .with ripe olives
and tuliped radishes. .
t TTn'nfTaTyiT7M
kills all pnsi ts - well
cs dcaES keep yoor
ice-box sweet tzi spct-
Ut crd sterilizes.
m Gvz&g&zi sir
lb rcsb
Reidfrliat MnJcuWritw Cob-
' ceraios tiw irotoies, wnica r
l!ay be Jot Likt Yours
StLouia,Mo.-l had troublethat
all yeomen are apt to nave, witn pains
mmy oacJcweaK,
. 1
tired, nervous
feelings and a
weak stomach. I
bad been this way
about a year and
was traaoie to
work or stand on
my feet for any
length of time.
My husband's
aunt told me how
much good Lydia
0 DUIrk.n'a
1 Insist on ,
Pk iMll n II r mi 1 1
Im yyuuurvu .
, mm . I.. 1.1. ..1 1" I . Ill
inat delicious neaiuuui, nounaning orcaKiasi.
' food. Especially benefitial for the little folks.
Ventabla Command had done her
and begged me to try it, so I did. All
my pains and weakness are gone, my
stomach is all right and I do my work
at home and also work for Swift's
Packing Company. I recommend your
Vegetable Compound to my friends
and you may publish my letter as a
fcPCtTnoniaL" Mrs. Lulu Lucas,
719A Vandeventer Stn St Louis, Mo.
Again and again one woman tells
another of the merit of Lydia E
Pinkbam'a Vegetable Compound.
Yon who work must keep yourself
strong and well. You can't work if
Jou are suffering from such troubles.
Irs. Lucas couldn't. She tried our
Vegetable Compound and her letter
tell you what it did for her. Give
it a fair trial now.
When You Need Help
use a
Bee Classified Want Ad
White House
' f rosea delicacy good enough foe
any president or potentate. A rick and
velvety vanilla, ice cream containing
whole cherries.
Mn tiles it m ea thm' worarn ud all children.
' Mad and (ram tka BETTER way by Fainnont
la Osaka, Crate, Craed Isiaad aad Siena City.
It's Good for You
Ready now at
soda fountains
as you like it.
Served daintily or in
bulk or in pint or
quart sealed packages.
If you'ra particular about
ice crmmm b sura ta ft
. fruuia Fairmaat's Delicia.
Culinary Wisdom
AH lit trimniiiigi of (Ish should b
ved lor the 0up stock kettle.
When making e't indlchei
see that the jelly or jam i trii.
When heating whiles (or cakei use
a flat JiU and a wire whip,
J lot, unsweetened cocoa may be
used in place ol scalded milk in cup
Cook cucumber a you' would
squathes. Thrv make delicious ful
ler s and pies.
I :i.elM
1. t f
Far Infanta
A lataU
Tke "Food-Drink- foe AU Aft.
Quick Lunch gtHome.OrlScc.sa4
Fountains. Ah h HOKLKKS.
Cherimar Ice Cream
Thi week's taste mpriar in the Harding
Sunday Special let Creams is a blend
of luscious red cherries, chopped into
flavory bits, with pure cane sugar and
heavy yellow cream. Hading dealers
are ready to sem you.
PhonaAT. S: f Everythirrf orVlJI
urders ol S5.00 or' over delirered anywhere la city. Thoss ,
yonr order to Douglas 17M. Fullest (aUsfaetlon alwji guaranteed
at the Central Market. ' .
Mall orders shipped ererrwhere. ' Addres Order Department,
care 18th and Harney 81.
You. are always assured of. the fullest satisfaction when pur
chasing your foodstuffs at the Greater Central Market because it
Is an unvarying policy of these institutions that satisfaction Is guar,
anteed. It is true economy to
Shop at the Greater Central Markets
ine Quality Meats
'. 22Jc
Fancy fresh killed (stewing or
roasting) Chickens, 1 Q 1
per lb 172C
Fancy fresh killed OQJLa
Young Hens, per lb...aat2v
Fairmont Milk Fed Fry Af0
lng Chickens, per lb.....4Ui
Steer1 Pot Roast, v " -
per lb XUC
Best Cuts Steer Shoul- Q 1
der Roast, per lb AOgC
Prime Rolled Rib
Roast, per lb.
Pig Pork Roast,
per lb.
Fancy Young Veal "J fjln
Roast, per lb. ......... A I 2v
Dold's Lean Narrow
Breakfast Bacon,
Homemade Pure Pork OA.
Breakfast Sausage, lb.. "t
Special Offerings In the
10 lbs. Best Cane
tS lbs. Gold Medal or fl0 OP
Pillsbury's Best Flour,
18 lbs. Goocb's (L1 QQ
Flour Ple70
Pancake Flour, per pkg., ftffl
5, or 6 pkgs. for iO,
10 bars P. G.
Soap ....
3 bars Creme Oil or
Palmolive Soap ....
4 pkgs. Jiffy Jell,
assorted .
3 pkgs. Assorted Adro
Jell V
Snyder's Pork and Beans, 1 fn
tall can ................ XvC
Large cans of Royal
Baking Powder
No. 1 cans Dry or Wet 1 P
Shrimps ...... . . . . ..... 1UC
Large oral cans Del Monte Sar
dines In tomato '
Tall cans of Red Del
Monte Salmon
25c glass of Libby's
Peanut Butter
Tall cans of Elkhorn, f. OKn
Milk, 3 for
45 c
Tall cans of Carolene tKn
Milk, 2 for '. lOL
MILK, for AiOL
Small size Carnation or OPrt
Pet Milk, 6 tor .' atJt
No. 2 cans of Monarch Evergreen
No. 2 cans of Advo Maine
Corn, lSe?; 2 for.......
Advo Extra Sifted Peas .
- noa. a
per cau, jtOV, iui . . . .
No. 2 cans Standard
Corn, 3 for ..........
No. 2 cans Early June , OP-
Peas, 2 for eaiJt
Large bottle of Hawkeys "Q
Catsup, per bottle LVL
Bulk Cocoanut, OKA
per lb. iwt
Bulk Cocoa, "I (I,,
per lb lUt
No. 3 can Ideal 1 KKn
Mait OOL
Country Cake, regular 25c QPn
value, 2 lbs. for.. . . . . . . . '. OOK,
Central Special Coffee, 30 per
ror:?....;..:.;.;... 88c
Extra Fancy Mixed Tea, QCp
tor Ice Tea, per lb OeJl
. Finest Selections
Extra Fancy Strawberries, per
rcS1.7.;:;. $4.oo
Extra Sweet Oranges, QC
per doz. OOC
Extra Large Grape- - Oi.A
fruit ................... Xa5l2l
Asparagus, , "I A.
per bunch .............. XUI
per bunch
Green .Onions, - P,
3 bunches for ..........
Extra fancy large
Cucumbers, each ......
Extra Fancy Wax 1
Beans, per 11?.
Extra Fancy Green
Beans, per lb,
Extra Fancy Florida
Watermelons, per lb...
New Potatoes, -
10 lbs. ,
Spinach, ;, (
per peck
. 15c
Guaranteed Fresh Country Eggs, Central X-tra Quality Creamery
dozen 25 Pkg. Butter, lb. . &74
Gem Nut. Wilson Milcoa or Dixie Wisconsin Full Cream, Brick and
- Oleo, lb. 22 American Cheese, lb....22H
Cottage Cheese, Creamed, fresh We drink our own Buttermilk.
daily, per lb 15 Do you?
. 2 lbs. for .-. ....25 Glass, 5! Quart ..10
Butter Sponge Cake, each ....60
Tutti-Fruitl Angel Food, each 40
Special Cinnamon Rolls, dozen 20 .
Special French Rolls, dozen 20
McComb's Homemade Fudge, "a". W-ft
filled with delicious marsh- f If A la W
maUows. lb ....29 VIVjiTklVO
Pecan Rolls, dipped in extra rich .
ptSns'1 lb?"!. I". !!?; .68s JlBl IlttWe Ae Dr '
Rich Chocolate Cream Crispy ;2c Sirena 5
Hard Chocolate, per lb...49i Box of 60 ..$2.50
Because only tht finest
Durum Wheat goes into
its miking, Cooch's Best
, Mscsronl is superior In
flavor and quality.
Learn new ways of pre
paring this economical,
nutritious food. Send tor
free book of recipes. Ad
dress Oooch Food Products
Co., Lincoln, Neb.
GmA'i Ban
Oawa's BaM
Oaaih MM
PwMak rw
PMkvaMt riM
WWai Hrm .
CrnntnAi Rrnc
HAraey OISS 2Sth aad Faraant
Saturday Specials
try a Croca thai has bad 40 years'
'aarUasa aad be satisfied.
Extra Fancy Cucumbers.
each 3 10,
New ToUtoea for creaming,
ptr la petk
Urae. per.!! peek 42?
Green or Was Beans, quart.. 15
Green Marrowfat Tea, quart. 20
Freh Tomatoes, 21b. bskt. . . .39,
Extra Urge Green Sweet l'eppers,
each, 35 ' 25
Sunshine Kripy or Graham
Crackers, 4-lb. caddy Q3t
Chase Sanborn'a Special Break
fast Coffee (bulk). 2 lbs...50
Sardines in Tomato Sauce, 15-os.
- cans, 3 for ..fOg
Het Crvamery Butter, lb 380
Monarch I'ork and Beans, 18-oa.
cans. 6 for 630
Lux (limited 10 pkgs. to customer).
10 pkgs. for 800
Pearl VMt Soap, 10 bars for 390
tilue Bell Flour, 2Mb. ssck Sl.lO
Special Today Puritan Hop Fla
vored Malt Sugar Syrup, pet
can 830
Fresh Dressed Young liens, lb. 300
Choice Shoulder Beef Roast,
per lb 170
Fresh Ik-cf Tongues, per lb. . .220
Friday orders mean early dcliverie
Saturday.1 Mail orders filled at the
above prices.
Bee Want Ads Are Best Business
Omaha's Leading Cash Markets
Three markets at your service with highest quality meats at low
est prices. PLEASE SHOP EARLY. -
212 2408 4903
No. 16th St. Cuming St. So. 24th St
: Choicest v Choicest Fancy
Lean Boston Beef Chuck Young
; Butts Roast Hens
18c lie 26c
: . :
Prime Bib Roasts . ............ 18c
Choice Beef Pot Roast. ........ 10c
Choice Rib Boiling Beef. .... . . ,6c
Choicest Cut Round Steak. . . . .20c
Choicest Cut Sirloin Steak . . . . . 20c
Presh Cut Hamburger Steak. . , .15c
Choice Brisket Corned Beef
(no bone) ..... 14c
Choice Roll Corned Beef
(no bone) , . .". I2c
Sweet Pickled Beef Tongues . ... 28c
Special Young Chickens for ,
Roasting ... .......... . . . . . . 19c
' Choice
Leaf Lard i
Fancy Young
Legs of Mutton
Fancy Young
Mutton Chops
Choice Veal Shoulder Roast. . . ,15c
Choice Veal Stew..... .'. . . . ; .12c
Choice Veal Chops 20c
Choice Veal Legs, or whole,
for Roasting . .. . . .. . , . . . . . . . 20c
Pancy Brick Cheese . . . . . . . .... 22c
Fancy American Cheese . . , ... .22c
Fancy Swiss Cheese,.....-.. . . 25c
Cudahy's Puritan Lard 0 1
10 lbs. ... .... . .$1.60
5 lbs. ....... . . ........... .80c
Pure Lard, per lb. : . . ... ..... . . 14c.
Fancy Broiling Chicken, 2-lU
.average .........40c
Fancy Early June Peas, 3 cans ..40c
Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 cans. .... ,30c
Fancy Pork and Beans, 3 cans , ,25c
Fancy 'Tomatoes, 3 cans. ... .i. 35c
Fancy Red Alaska Salmon, l ib.
tall can . .,.-;..v. ...... . . . . . .25c
Evergood Liberty Nut . "
' 5-lb. carton .95c
1 lb. print. . . . 20o
Fancy Fresh Creamery Butter. 37c
Evaporated Milk, tall cans, .
3 for . ... . . . .. .. : ; .......25c
Buehler Bros. White Naphtha Laun
dry Soap, 1-lb. bars, each. ... .5c
Swift's Classic Laundry Soap,
lObars .... ..'. .45c
Spare Ribs
Lean Pork Loin
Choice '
Small Lean
Pork Shoulders
( Express and Mail Orders Filled From This List Promptly
Siitrar TJiiTorl' RlrinnaI TTams
"""O1"" w VM MaatUSSWM AaMaliW
: y2 or wnoie).... 30c
Fancy No. 1 Picnic Hams . . . . . . . 17c
, Fancy Breakfast Bacon ( V2 or
whole sides) ................22c
Fancy Strip Bacon . . . . . ... .... 17c
Fancy Brisket Bacon .......... 16c
Cudahy's Puritan Skinned
. Hams .35c
Cudahy's Puritan Breakfast Bacon,
6-lb. average . . . . , ... ... . .35c
Armour's Star Skinned Hams.. 35c
Armour's Star Breakfast Bacon,
, 6-lb. average 36c