THE BEE:" OMAHA, FRIDAY. MAY 19. 1022. Program Begun . to Get Interest in Waterways Move to Arouc NrliratVtuie to Importance of St. Law rrnce Project I Started. By GEORGE P. AUTHIER. MMhtHflaa ( eTriMlrnl Oasnaa )W. Ws.hington, May 8, (.Sp'cat Tlfgroi. TI19 Miiippi Vilify association, interfiled in the flcvfl opnifnt of itrajr lrnporlalioii in the middle-wfatrrn ttction of th I'niifd State-, ha undcrtakm a pro gram for the purpose o( aw.Vrning uicrratfif uitrrttt among Ncbra.kani in the development ol watrrway Oliiceri of the aociation have worked in rotperatioti with Repre tentative Jeffrri. who it an entlm sialic tupporter of waterway proj ret. The a.iociation will cmi liter attire dealing with the auhject to county commiK.ioner. editor o newspaper and nientberi of the late legislature. ' Hepreentative Newton of Mis souri, who ii planning, at the request of Representative Jriferi. to offer an amendment to the riven and har bors hill providing for the survey of the Mittouri to demonstrate the feas ibility of a lix-foot channel between Karma City and Sioux City, did not find the tttitable opportunity to of fer hi amendment today a he had planned, but hopes to do tomor row. Representative Strong of Kan a made a ipeech favoring the general development of waterway transpor tation in the middle-western section. He said the farmer owed it to him-r-elf to equip himself with rail, water and everey other possible kind of transportation. He said thi meant the develop ment of waterways, a merchant ma rine and the St. Lawjence waterways project. Sixteen Indictments Returned in Lincoln Lincoln, May 18. Sixteen indict ments were returned by the federal grand jury here to Judge J. V. Woodrough, eight of them being true hills charging violations of the na tional motor vehicle act, national prohibition act, several penal codes and the Harrison narcotic act. The hills made public name the follow ing: Harry Rider. Golden, Colo., stolen car; Arthur Orr, alias Arthur Ed wards. Illegal oossession narcotics; Howard Lockhart, Falls City, alter ing letter patents; Joseph Carr. Red Cloud, obscene letters in mail; Louis Grand and Sam Turri, Omaha, trans porting liquor; Oscar Faber, Homer Brown and Sidney L. Watson, Lin coln. . .' SJStaSSnSSSSsaBSaeaBeaammoawa. Kpovwfal, toaiias- womts oj itV LIMalK oil Htw iMtut mm pod II r. nuf ttmm larobMu. mm i in alas pala ot Siini mmitiTnmmmanMmXO. The S UwnM McConnell Drui Stores. Like the Sting of The Lash "SHAME" drove them, a man and woman, to mystic Chinatown, where behind its secret shadow they thought they would forget. aVIaV .' 1 THIS TIME To the frozen country of the north to Alaska, where men are men and the , strong survive and the weak perish. AND THE KICK WILL BE ALL IN THE PICTURE AND NOT ABOUT IT S-H-A-ME STARTS Tomorrow LAST TIMES TONIGHT In "UP, AND GOING" P Y - TIME SNOWBALL LAMB ft. -W X M V Y ARTHUR! SCOTT chaHfr VI. Mr. Crow Explain. Snowball couldn't uudertuitJ old Mr. Crow's rag Mr. Crow had in vited liimclf to the treat that John nie Green wa going to give the It's a pity-" he Mfrti- a pity yoa cant fly. or climb a tree' dock. Uut the moment the old gen tleman heard that the treat was so- in to be talt, he had squalled at the ton ot hi eoare voice that he wat going to May as far from the pasture as he could get. "What's the matter?" Snowball asked Mr. Crow. "Don't you like Alt?" . . ' Drive constipation out of Ge. away from the dinners tbat confront you and every member ot your family if you are neglecting constipation or toast iputlon condi tion! Eat Kellos' Bran, rooked and krumbled. every tiny, and you will be astonished at the Improve ment In your health and spirit! Jiran value a a constipation cor rective Is wonderful. It Is heartily indorsed by physicians because Bran is the natural means of relieving constipation with the food you eat!. We guarantee that KelloKg'n Bran, eaten regularly at leant two table- spoonfuls daily; in severe canes, with each meal will'permanently relieve the most stubborn constipation! It does wonderful health work for chil dren, making them "strong and ro bust. You realize whnt constipation means when authorities state that 90 7 TONIGHT & jj Saturday Matinee Mas. JOHN LESIB OSTQ MEW msmtat maun om o th no nutans Nights, SOc, 75c, $1, tut), $2, (240. 3 Sat. Mat, SOc, It, M. $2. t2M BUT- U7AC TUC1DC '" AND THE DEADLY WHIP DROVE THEM ON AGAIN YOU WILL FIND IN A photoplay of real dit tinction, of thrill that are thrills, of fight that are fights, b. ! TOM MIX TALES T A L E O P BAILEY Mr. Crow nude a wry face, -So, I don't T be plutttred. ' "Well, jut because you don't hap pen to rare for alt i no reason for your being so angry," Snowball (old hint. And then Mr. Crow almot took hi breath away. "1 aree with you." he iad gruffly. And Mr. Crow wa a person who wa never known to agree with any body. So that was an attanifhing re mark for him to make.. ' ' "Then I uppoe you'll get over being angry, at once?" Snowball ventured mildly. "1 won't!" Mr. Crow thundered. "And take a bit of advice, younj fel low; Don't go near the salting par ty! It will be dangerous," he added darkly. "Why will it be dangerous? Snow. tall inqired. The old gentleman hook his head and put on a very wi.e look. "I don't believe you've ever been at a ulting party," he said. . . And Snowball confessed that he hadn't. Whereat Mr. Crow nodded hi head up and down several time and look ed even wiser than before. "It's lucky for you, my lad,, that you told me about this affair," he de clared. "For Tin going to keep you out of a peck of trouble. Don't you go near the party! Keep just a far away from it as you van! When you see Johnnie Green come inside your systen wnn iteioggs urin. per cent of all Ulnes can be traced to constipation! Jt is responsible for most-case of diabetes, HrlKht's dis ease, rheumatism and hardening of the, arteries. It dulls the brain makes ..the sufferer sluggish and causes headaches, bad breath, pimply complexions! Kellogg's Bran, as nature's cor rective food, sweeps, cleans aad puri fies. It regulates tho bowels natu rally and does not cause irritation or discomfort' like pills and cathar tics, which cannot afford permanent relief and only aggravate dangerous conditions! You will like Kellogg's Bran, cook ed yid krumbled. Its nut-like flavor is delicious. Eat it as a cereal, sprinkle it over your favorite cereal, or use it in countless delightful ways in baking, such as in pancakes, gems, raisin bread, muffins, etc. Buy Kel logg's Bran at all grocers. ORPHEUM Only 3 Timet - More for "SOAHDAL" NEXT WEEK ; ADramacone "The Acqiiltlar Illillllilllillllllllllllii JAZZ WEEK HILARIOUS, HOOSIER HODGE-PODGE OF HARMONIOUS HITS!! BOYD SENTER and His JAZZY FIVE In Snappy Syncopation DE VERE and CULLEY JAZZ DANCING DE LUXE GEORGE GETSEY The Harmony King And one of the ever presented o r 5 I II II 11 I V wmm wmm war bbsw - ' mbb1 VTARRINO , ' the0otpplay .Novelty of jthe Aye: STARTS SUNDAY the pature, )ou cranih!c wtt the ktoiie m1 and hide!" And now he hook hi heal, "IT a pity" he ilied tnty you can't fly, or climb a tree," ile to gloomy that Snow lull couldn't lie!p trom feeling uncom triable. And all lie could manage to ay wa out word which he had hard work to tuunrr out. It wa Became" it's jut trick 1" Mr, Crow explained. "It' a trick to catch you. Thi trick ol waiting the tiierp U a old a the hill. Dut I Mippote you're o young you never have happened to hear ol it. I mukt my," he added. "I'm upried that the Muley Cow didn't take the trouble to tell you all about it." "Maybe he' too young to know about it, too." Snowball uggeled, "Young!" Mr. Crow cried with a khort, tnirtlile laugh. "The Muley Cow' not young. She' the oldekt cow on the farm. If the truth mut be told, hhe' o old that Farmer Green wouldn'4 keep her if it weren't that Johnnie Green think he be long to hinw And he' raie a ter rible row if hi father told her. "Are you too young to explain about thi trick that you just warned me against?" Snowball aked. "I'd like to know how there can be any danger in talt. How can anybody be caught with talt?" "Well, you are a killyl" cried Mr. Crow. "Can't you guet that John nie (ireen it going to put talt on everybody! tail?" (Copyright. ) Read Bee Ad and you'll bargain when you shop. know Kt neuferrxm turn : LAST TIMES TOMORROW ' "Ten Nights in a Barroom" Now Showing MAE' MURRffir in FASOMTIQH The Story of a Girl Who Danced With Danger ALSO ... Prince Lei Lani The Sensational Tenor of Hawaii Educational- Novelty Reel "Hew to Grow Tkin" Symphony Player Organ . biggest thrills on the screen. . Jl V in5 o u u lt: ' a i r Board to Inspect Sites for Parks Governor Will Cutultiue Speaking Tour Willi Dutiei on Nrw Couuniiuii. Lincoln. May 18, (Special.) Governor McKelvie, a chairman of the ttate park hoard, created by the lat legitlature for the purpotc of in tprcting titet offered fur ttate park, will iiupect proposed titc while on a speaking tour next week. Thi trip will take the governor to Hrokett Bow, Tuciday; Crawford, Wednet day; Cordon,' Thurday; Valentine, Friday, and Orchard. Saturday. Proposed cite to be vimed are at Crawford. Sargent. Valentine and the Snake river fultt, 20 mile from Valentine. Memberi of the park board who will accompany the gov ernor are Dr. Harold tiifford of Omaha; Harold Cook, Agate; W. A. Harrikon, York, and (i. 1). Butter field, Norfolk. The legislature creat ed thi board lat year. It terve Now THOMAS MEIGHAN and . Lovely Leatrice Joy In a itory of Love and Sunshine . 'THE BACHELOR DADDY' aaa look what I laherltre. I dan't knew wbat aae'll thlak net I love every oae et thrm. Voa will, to. THOS. MEIGHAJf a i -v i i m i II tho. jieiuha v I ' . I II U w I wi 20S.7.9 imwmh ' I the Comedy Tbat Is Creating: a Lot of Talk I rs&Z . j COLD FEET . tmimiiimiiunmiBnTmr Mjrt, bat mut, uiwu- use bee want ads-they bring; PROFITS" TT ' ' REMEMBER: Matinees, until 6:15..:. ......25 jPPtk E IVl P R E S S k. ' . . . . ?snrykTT",i3 - now showing -,.. rrices reaucea rrom to oac ny aei. i i p a n. , Ii B l'LZhJ. Lit J .!!" 4I i . I U:aW4 J . nich.ln.1,. JVrMV I I ' , MARTIN V - . i- JOHNSON'S ' , - nJlllE8 PRESENTING ( ' j a m ' V ' , Adventures X I n ffD qq j 1 10 M 15 M 13 liillfi . r fr o ioT-r I 1 III . ' - ' am at am a ' ill I rroin the Book by Koptrt Kitchens Program PMITO I Author ot Uarden ot Allan, uarbary snap, Bella Uonna, Uecember III I I Love, now appearing' in Coiraopolitan. V ., , II tL:;, .......wu ..u-, i t"pper t p,ent houW uoens M mil linn ucai ytiui uic iuuii iiiai uucmuii ui ,ucr axe, nil and will strike home to the thinking public Endorsed by ; ; A. CON AN DOVLE ' don't phone "RFRKLFSS IMMo fZ$ We still have tickets each orice III VIiIbiLUV ! I WbdmMMt; AUDITORIUM OMAHA GALLI-CURCI "Prices $1.00 to $3.00 War Tax Extra LUCIUS PRYOR, Local Mgr. "ROYAL MAIL Sailing to and Tmm ' NEW YORK HAMBURG ' SOUTHAMPTON CHERBOURG fntiirpusFd arrommndaMoo In all rlaaaa tiy faiaoua "O" and "V" abL at moderate ratea. Full Information from any Agfftt or Th Roval Mail Stum Packet Co. 1 17 W. Waihlatoa St.. Chieaae jtTclepaotst IMarbun 1367 VM without pay and i given power arrrpt k'let vitcrra to in nie. The gotemor declared tody that; with the advent of nate built road and the eoutiiiurd ktiKkiim nf fih Uke In norihwrtiern cljka by' Ururae Koekttr, ttat fih and game U ...I..M ...,atllM U 1.1,!.. A i ktate park in that part of the ttate,. Ntbrakka toon wouia be on ol t tic choice fikhing ground of the coun try. "The, trouble now i the lack of road in that country and the nccet- tilv aI Irkvrtintf ni'M firivk.t erAun I io ci io in iikwnK m. "i iu ernor taid. "But a the building of tte highntyt progreke and pub lic highway to thoc lake make the danger and inconvenience of iretpakking a thing of the pt. there will be fiher in Nrbraka from all part of the nation during the prop er kftkOlt" Appeal Language Cate Liiifoln. May IS Motion has been filed by rouiucl for German language iuterekt in the ttate tu preme court for a rehearing of th court't decision upholding the Recd Norval language law a a prelimi nary trp toward appealing the ce H the I'nitcd Statet tupreme court. - .... i 1. . I . I . . . H . 1. - . . All Week I When in Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome $ 'J p .jwiiiwimiig new IDooIkS Jt J U LI L Seldom do Omaha men have the opportunity of buyinf hifh-frade thoea and oxfordt at theae unuiually low pricea. Buyinf in tremendoua volume enables us to redifce prices to minimum. Brown Shoes Men'a Brown Ulucher Cut Shoe, welt aola and rub ber heel 3 98 Men's "Heavy Work Shoes, only $1 QQ Regular $2.98 Values AaaU Patent Oxfords Young MenV Patent Leather Oxforda with per forated tip On the Same Program The six-reel photoplay that erery ; flapper and parent should ee.. COSMO HAMILTON'S Story ; Thi double feature program of eleven reels STARTS SUNDAY Limited Engagement of Six Days No Advance in Prices ! ill a no fl m no AV Jl WJk "Mn of M.ny-F.c." sStr' FR ANCoTs - XSTttS WINEHILL PARTNER ' . Lat Tirna Tonight MADISON SISTERS . of "Blue Ribbon" Show la "Hrmony"f Change of Protnm Tomorrow ' 9fr99m9mm9Mmwmm999 Utc Want Ads bring results. Brown Oxford Men'a Brown Oxford, brogue and perforated tip tyU'-i- 3 98 Vici Oxfords Men's Brown and Black Vici Straight I.att Ox ford Omaha's Larfeat and Beat I Out-Door Arauaemtnt Patk I Dancing Every Evening Ride on the. , GIANT COASTER AEROPLANE WHIP-FROLIC And Merry-Go-Round Visit the Model City. . Now being shown for the first time in Omaha. . Benson car direct to park. SHOWING TODAY ALICE BRADY "Hush Money" Want a REAL STEAK Today Or to It chops T You'll find tbat this is tho place to corns if you try no nee. Maybo yoa havo, well then you know. . Alfred 'Jones, chef and prop. HOTEL CASTLE CAFE a CAFETERIA Open 11 nilht "sll tho time."