i The Omaha Daily1; Bee I .VOL. M-tfO. 287. r.2TttTirW OMAHA, FRIDAY. MAY 19, 1922. CLMEMCE DkVlS m SEMME a Country on Threshold of New Era President Harding. ''BusineM Reviving and Coun try Finding Itself," Hard ing Telia Member of Urges Merchant Marine f Ik Amarlate4 rtm. Wellington. May' 18-PreMdcnt Harding, speaking before the Cham ber of Commerce of the United State I, declared that the country "at thi very moment is on the thres hold of a new era; that buitics is reviving and the 'country ii finding itielf.'" The government, he said. Mas greatly interested in restoration oi normal world business and eco nomic (nditions and he added that there was no disposition on his part to hold aloof -from other nations. American industry, however, he said, should not he destroyed to build up the commerce of other lamis. The president theclared there was not one constructive thought in the mind of the administration at the present time which took rank over that of a drsire to establish firmly and (successfully' an American mer chant marine. He doubted, he said, if the world war would have occur red had the United States possessed a merchant marine commensurate with its commercial importance. Basis of Civilization. "If there is' any one realization," ' he said, "which fixes itself more firmly than Another in the mind of one charged with great responsibili ty, ic is the conviction thai the busi ness life of the republic is the reflex of, all its good fortunes. It think 1 can venture to say that commerce and civilization go hand in hand and were it not for commerce there would be no civilization. - ."From the 'viewpoint of one in authority and having responsibility comes another consideration. Com merce finds its place in all our con siderations. Undoubtedly it had much to do with the bringing about of the world war and I think I can s.ay just as confidently mat it was rev'er once forgotten in the 'nego tiations of peace. It is so inextrica bly associated with all we do that . commerce U1 always foremost m the life of any people. "We in Amirica I am sure it is not unseemly to say it arc com mercially .a , great people and we ought to bk '. God blessed us most bountifully in resources. In the citi zenship of this republic th the blend of every people in the world, almost, and I like to say I believe we are unexcelled in genius, we are incom parable in our industry and we have the .talent and the determination the righteous 'determination to bo commercially one of the foremost na tions of the world. ' Commerce With Conscience. "This aspiration to excel is ever an impelling one because we have learned from our observations of so c at and civic life that from the g-;cat golden stream of commerce flows everything in life worth while. H it were not for' this golden stream that comes from exchanges, from productivity and exchanges, there wnnld he little education, there would he less of art, there would be few' of the finer attainments which make life worth while. ..''. "While I ant speaking very briefly, 1 wish to speak, I"t4is and gentle men, for a commerce with a con science. '' ". "' '". HI I were to brine only one ad monition to you I would like to charge you men and women of in fluence and responsibility with the task of eliminating from Amencafrj commerce those who do not have conscience, whose s conscienceless practices bring that criticism which sometimes attends our American ac tivitieSi, .- v .''- "Something has been said, and I think opportunely, that we -'ant a period in America with less govern ment in business and more' business in government. If the commerce of America were always conscientious thetfe never would be a single ex cuse for government in American business. ; '.-., ' Must- Consider Masses. "There is not an agency in Ameri can life which can so quickly put an cud to abuses and offenses in Ameri' can commerce as those who are con spicuous in the leadership of that (Tarn to Faro TwoV Mimi Three.) Hamilton County Sheriff ' Gets Went Requisitions Lincoln. May 18. Sheriff J. E. Howard of Hamilton county, after securing two separate requisitions from the governor's office; left to day for Kalkaska. Mich., where he will attempt to secure the return of . Charles W. Wentz, convicted of mis appropriating funds of the American State bank of Aurora, and under sentence 6C1 to 10 years in the ' penitentiary. ' ' 35 Indictments Returned After Fargo Bank Inquiry Fargo N. D., May 18. Thirty-five secret indictments against 13 indi viduals have been returned by the special county grand jury investi gating the affairs of the defunct Scandinavian-American bank of Fargo, and the relation of those af fairs with the Bank of North Da kota. George Schafer. assistant state attorney general,, announced today. Omaha Girl to Ca.Ionor of Leading The Bee Good iiav delegation to France; . Four Will Mane Journey Ffom This City Burlington Candidate Consid ered to Have Chance to Take Lead From Union Pacific Girl. Voting in the Omaha Oee Good Will election grows heavier and heavier each day. A total of over 59,000 votes was east y esterday with no changes in the .standings, the Union Pacific, is holding firmly Though Mi Nellie B. Donn, candidate of .the Union 1'acifie, it holding firmly to first place, Mist Katherine O'Brien, candidate of the Burlington route, made another sen sational deposit and is counted the most uncertain candidate of the entire group. Miss Ktufmann still holds third place secure and her friends are wearing a smile of contentment. In the national delegation to be taken to Paris and the French battle fields under the auspices of the American Committee for Devastated France, of which Miss Anne Morgan it chairman,- four Omaha business women who have been competing in the election are assured of repre sentation. That gives Omaha one more rep- British Give Up Hope of American Aid in Hague Case Sir Grigg Announces U. S. Not Likely to Attend Confer. " ence Eight Months Truce Is Arranged. Genoa, May 18.-(By A. P.) Sir Edward Grigg announced on behalf of the British delegation this after noon that further advices Had been received from the United States government and that it did not seem likely the United States would par ticipate in The Hague meeting, at Lfcast until the scope of the meeting was Dciter unacrstooa. Asked to explain the British dele Kates statement. Richard Washburn Child, the American ambassador, told the correspondent he had conferred with Foreign Minister Schanzer of Italy, Prime Minister Lloyd George being present, and amplified the po sition concerning liie.nague al ready explained in the note to Sec retary of State Hughes in order to make clear beyond the possibility of a doubt the attitude of the United States. : , The final plenary session of the entire conference was . fixed for ' 9 o'clock Friday morning and the gath ering probably' will be , concluded about noon. . ' The British have ordered a special train for early tomorrow afternoon and the other delegations are mak ing ;plans for a hasty departure. Truce Arranged. Genoa. May 18. (By A. P.)-The e'ght-months non-aggression pact was adopted .unanimously at a plenary meeting of the political sub commission of the Genoa conference today. The pact was not signed, but was adopted in the form of a resolu tion, each state pledging itself to respect it. - - ' $ix Clauses. The agreement contains six clauses, summarized as follows: Clause 1 Provides for the appoint ment of a commission by the powers to examine again the divergencies ex isting between the soviet govern ment and other governments, "and with a view to meeting a Russian commission having the same man date. -. ' . ... . Clause 2 Not later than June 20 the names of the powers represented on the non-Russian commission and the names of the members of this commission will De transmitted , to the soviet govcrnent, and, reciprocal ly, the. names of the members of he Russian commission will be com municated to the other governments. Clause 3 The questions to be treated by. these commissions will comprise debts, private properties and credits. Clause 4 The members of the two commissions must be at The Hague on June 26. Clause 5 The two commissions will strive to reach joint resolutions on the questions mentioned in Clause- 3. ., ". . -'A To Work Peacefully. : Clause 6 To nermit the commis- 1 sions to work peacefully, and also to re-establish mutual, confidence, the scviet government and its allied re publics, on the one side, and the oth er governments, on the other, pledge themselves to abstain from any act of aggression and subversive propa ganda. : The pledge for abstaining frofti any act. of aggression will.be based upon the present status quo, and will remain in force for a period of four months after the conclusion of the work of tbe commissions. The pledge concerning propaganda will oblige the governments not to (Tan to hi Two, Cotamii Fin.) Boycott Probe of Grocers ' Dropped by Trade Body : Washington. May 18. (Special Telegram.) The federal trade com mission announced todav dismissal of the boycott investigation of the Iowa-Nebraska-Minnesota Whole sale Grocers Association Of Council Bluffs, la. The proceedings against the association were dismissed !'with ottt prejudice." STANDING OF THE CANDIDATES Mi.t Nellie B. Ponn. Union Pacific MU Kathrine O'Brien, Burlington Mi KlinLi-ih kmfiuinii livestock Mis Ella Fenn, Advo girl : W Mi Anna McN'amara. M. E. Smith t o I5.4t.. MUs Kathleen Roi.iter. Orchard & Wilhclm H.8.6 Mif Klizaheth Pace. Council Bluff Mi Irene Rire. Alliance Times 2.0K7 Mist Ola.lv Hitchcock. York I MiM Myrtle Wood. Wabash , .' l.M' Mr. .Agnes Hall, Missouri Valley US" Mis Anna Funk, Salon dc Beauie..' WW Total vote cf withdrawn candidates 3.W Total votes cast to date. Votes necessary to carry four girl to France ;fU).(XH) Vote necessary to carry five girls to France , 3J0.0O0 resentative than the next highest election city. Springfield. Mass., which will have three members of they delegation. Louisville, Ky will also send three on the trio to France. The fund off 25,000 raised in Spring field, however, was $2,000 more than Louisville contributed. With the big deposit sure to be made today, the closing day of the election here, Omaha mav add at least two more of its popular young women candidates to the list of trip- Babe Ruth to Return to Diamond Saturday New York baseball fans arc preparing for X'Babe" Ruth's re turn to the diamond Saturday. Ray Watson, Wichita. Kan., distance runner, has declined to nirct Joie Ray in a return mile race. Watson beat Ray at the Drake relay games, Sioux City won the first game of the series with the Omaha Buf faloes yesterday. The score was 23 to 14. The Packers scored their 23 runs on 20 hits. The Brooklyn Dodgers won their second game of the western tour, defeating St. Louis. 7 to 5. No other games wre played in the major leagues. Decisions in boxing contests limited to 10 rounds are now per mitted in Minnesota. For details see page 7. Hays Is Elected -Moderator Jbv Presbyterians - Vice President Coolidge JVlay Address Popular Meeting '; ';'. Sunday Bryan Un- r able to Attend ; A Br Th Amociatal Prnti Des Moines," Ia.f May 18 Rev. Dr. Calvin C. Hayes of Johnstown, Pa., wa selected moderator of the Presbyterian church in the UniVed States by the 134th general assem bly here this afternoon. ," Dr. Hays polled 512 votes to 379 for Dr. Cleland B. McAfee of Chi cago, the only other candidate. , A motion halting further nominations after the names of Dr. Hays and Dr. McAfee had been placed, before the ia-ssembly shut out from the race a half dozen candidates who . had been accorded a fighting chance jn pre election gossip. ;" , . Election Unanimous. After the count of the first ballot disclosed Dr. Hays the victor with a margin of 133 'votes, the. assembly voted . to make the election unani mous. : ,- . : ' ' ' . It was announced at the opening of the assembly that Vice President Calvin Coolidge will Come from Washington to address a popular meeting ot the rrcsbytcrian assem bly Sunday evening. ; He is expected to reach this city Saturday night. Simultaneously it became known that William Jennings Bryan had been again prevented from coming to the opening session' by a relapse in the illness of his wife.- Mr. Bryan, however, may possibly arrive in time for an address Saturdav ' evenine. Dr. W. O. Thompson, president of Ohio State university, Columbus, O., w-ho had been himself considered a strong possibility for the moderator ship, made the nominating speech for Dr. Hays. 4r ; ' Another man who had been con sidered . a- possible candidate, Dr. John B. Laird of Philadelphia, sec onded Dr. Hays' nomination in a brilliant speech which, commission ers stated later, "had much to do with the latter's victory. Dr. Laird told the assembly .that Hays was a preacher from a country church, and cited his record of 31 years' service in that capacity in the same congre gation. Selection of 20 standing commit tees by the general assembly was un der way late today. The personnel of the committees are effosen by the commissioners and the heads of the committees are then named by the moderator. Dr. Hays w-as expected to announce his selections late to night or tomorrow morning. Juluis H. Barnes Elected . Head of National C. of C. . Washington. May 18. Julius H. Barneys of Duluth was elected presi dent Of the Chamber of Commerce of the LTn:ted States late today, at the annual convention. He succeecs Joseph H. Defrees of Chicago. Thomas B. Stearns of Denver was elected vice president for the western states. -- t .4 i - I : . . .9.1,047 .64.9.U .60, 1 (W route interests 304.4AT to-France winners. Miss Nellie B. Donn. candidate of the Union Pacilic, already hat a total of 9J.047 votes and it is practically certain that she will secure sufficient additional votes to have the honor of being named the official head of the national delegation. provided none of the other candidates succeed in wresting first place from her dur ing today's voting. It it certain that this honor will be captured by one of the Omaha girls. 16 Perish as Fire Razes Hospital ' in Eternal City i ! Historic Institution at Rome, Housing 500, Catches Fire j at Midnight Firemen Fight in Dark.. i Rome, May lS.-(By A. P.)-A j disastrous fire swept the historic hos I pital of Santo Spirito, one of the most ancient and picturesque chari table institutions in Rome early to day. . r Collapse of the pavement isolated the chronic ward. Sixteen tyodies had been extracted from the burning ruins at 7:30 o'clock. - The institution accommodates nearly 500 inmates and includes a hospital, lunatic asylum, foundling home pnd arefuge for-aged and in firm persons. v - The fire broke out at midnight in the laundry. At first it seemed in significant, but it spread rapidly to wards containing chronic suffer ers or infirmed who were seized with panic. The shrieks of the sufferers mingled with the crackling of the flames while the atmosphere rapidly became dense with smoke. Nurses and doctors eleared the bedridden from one ward and In the next ward three of the patients crawled out. Neighboring ; firemen responded to the scene, but at the niomentvof the arrival the ' electric lights were extinguished, adding to the horror of the situation. Wooden Beams Fall. As the immense wooden beams of. tire hospital fell there was a neayier, grinding noise and the pavement col lapsed, jurying 20 of the chronic patients and rendering access , to the wards impossible. . . Carabiners, royal guards, nurses and doctors made heroic efforts to save the patients, rushing through the smoke and fire and bringing out 4, all of whom, however, were dead from suffocation. Several of the rescue parties were injured. The two wards were destroyed, but the firemen saved the other buildings. ' On Banks of Tiber. ' -The hospital of SaHto Spirito is situated on the bank of the River Tiller, not far from the . Vatican grounds. It was founded by Pope Innocent III. in the twelfth century, enlarged by Innocent TV in the thir teenth and rebuilt under Sixtus IV in the fifteenth. The altar in the hospital chapel was designed by Andrea Palladio and is reputed to be the only work of this artist in Rome. . ' Nebraska Commissioner 'Home From Rate Hearing Lincoln, May. 18. (Special) H. G. Taylor, chairman of the Nebraska railway commission, returned from Kansas Uty, where ne attended a meeting of representatives of utili ties commissions from half a dozen r mid-western -states as well as repre sentatives of farm bureaus and gram exchanges to. discuss the attempt of the railroads to reopen the grain rate case. Telegrams signed by all repre sentatives were sent to. the interstate commerse commission ' to -jefuse to reopen this case. - "What a reopening means is that the railroads will' attempt to raise the rate on all grains equal to the rate on wheat and this would be a dis tinct loss to the farmers of this sec tion," Taylor said. . Urge Wood Stay in P. I. Manila, P. I., May 18. The board of directors of the American Chamber of Commerce has sent a cablegram to President Hardingrcqucsting him lo use his best offices to induce Gov ernor General Leonard Wood to re main in the Philippines until his full program has been placed in effect. General Wood is on leave until Sep tember from the University of Penn sylvania, whose presidency he has ac cepted, but it is expected that the governmental program he sponsored will not he romnlrtrl hefnre next 7anuary. . Kiiikaid Is Forced to Seek Quiet Ctnigrt'oRiiian From "Rig Sixth" Will Not Be Candi date for Reflection Health Has Broken. Served Twenty Years By GEORGE C. AUTHIER. Wlilnita trrtNiMlriil, Omaha H- Wellington. May 18. (Special Tcltxram.) Representative Moci I'. Kiukaid of O'Neill. Nib., con gressman from the "Big Sixth dis trict and chairman of the imimrtant committee on irrigation of arid land, announced today that after the ex piration of his present term he will retire from congress. The announcement came as a coin plcte surprise to his fellow members of the Nebraska delegation and to the many fricnds he has made in congress. The reason for the retirement is ill health. Mr. Kinkaid had filed for miomination on April 1, and had ex- 9 Moses P. Kinkaid. pected to continue his congressional service indefinitely. Representative Kinkaid had realized ' that he was ailing, but refused to acknowledge his condition as serious. Doctor Demands Rest. '' . . Within ' the last few days, how ever, his physicians have told him he is suffering from heart disease and that absolute rest is required if he is to prolong his life. The veteran legislator has been compelled to ac cept the. verdict. ' In announcing his decision . today Judge Kinkaid said, "1 bow to the decision and very reluctantly retire from congress. During the years I have; been- here" I have' received- the enthusiastic, support of. " my ' con stituents and I appreciate that great ly.".' . ' V ; " ,-. '. . V', . Judge Kinkaid is one of thet vet erans in congress, and at the close of his term in March will have served 20 years in congress. Previous to that long service, for.. 13 years he had been judge of the district court in Nebraska. . . . ; , Judge Kinkaid is almost as much of a landmark in congress as "Uncle Joe" ..Cannon whom he rivals in period of service. Probably', no man in congress has more warm per sonal friends, and his decision to re tire has caused genefal expressions of regret. - Friend of Farmers. .'. ; During his congressional career, Representative Kinkaid has been es pecially keen about looking after the interests of his district and of his constituents. His name is a household , word among . farmers j in new sections 6f the country, in other states as well as Nebraska. , His 1 sponsorship of the bill increasing the acreage of homestead lands to 640 acres has won him grateful recognition among many thousands of pioneers. In the last year of his service. j Representative Kinkaid has been es pecially interested-in various plans under consideration for developing the arid lands pf the. United States. He was especially-interested in the fortunes of the Smith-McNary bill which proposes to appropriate a re volving fund of $350,000,000 for the development of swamp lands in the south and arid lands in the west. Always Worked Hard. . He was interested also in the Mondcll bill, which it is proposed to incorporate in, the soldiers bonus legislation, a measure similar" in character to the Smith-McNary bill, j although designed especially to place the lauds at the disposal of soldiers. The Smith-McNary bill gives the ex service man a 60-day preference. During his service in congress, (Turn to I'agr Two, Column Fire.) Livestock Exchange Men " Hold Annual Convention ' Kansas City May 18.--Dclegates from 28 livestock exchanges of the country arc attending the sessions of the 34th annual National Live stock Exchange convention which opened here today. Everett C.Brown of Chicago, president of the associa tion, opened the sessions 1 Xijaiii: tW 1 Girl-Wife, 17, by Lover, Mrs. Sare Okun Drains Vial iu Lincoln Boulevard Home May Not, Recover. Love, with which Srt Okun, 17, beautiful kirl employed by Hotel Hill as telephone operator, had played o lightly, suddenly aunied tempes tuout form at J yesterday afternoon and left her near death, an emptied noinon bottle at her side telling the story. She may not recover, doctors at Lord Litter hospital say. In a dresser drawer in her room at 041 Lincoln boulevard, where she made the attempt to end 4irr life, were found letters signed "V and addressed to "Joffey." Coincides With Life. The first of thee was titled "The Supreme Fool," and iu several re spects, according to S. Okuu. her hus band, 1434 North Kighteenth street, coincides with conditions in her life. Efforts to establith the identity of "Joffey" lat night failed. Okun, 2i, rushed to the hospital as soon as he heard of his wife's act. "I sued her for divorce Tuesday," he declared, "but I love her yet, and I swear to do everything in my pow er to find this lover. 'Joffey,' and make him pay. I want him prose cuted to the fullest extent." Okun Denied Admission. Okun was denied admission to the chamber where his wife lay in a dao gerous condition. Her father, Sam Goldcnberg, had been there, but doors were closed to all others. "She left me two weeks ago." Okun said. "declaring that she did not love me. but that there was no other man. She didn't seem happy when she was at home and in bursts of anger would destroy her pretty clothes. Departure is Fourth "This was the fourth time in our 17 months of married life that she left me. The next to the last time was when she went away with an Orpheum circuit act in which a 'w om an was sawed in two.' It cost me a fortune before I got her home. She vowed she would stay happily with me !orever after. I sympathized with her as she told me an attempt had been made to force her into white slavery." ' . Information about the traveling salesman, the artist and "Joffey" was all new to Okun, he said. Mother Opposed Marriage. Before her marriage Mrs.: Okuu was Sara Goldcnberg. Her mother bitterly opposed her marriage and the wedding is said to have contrib uted to domestic trouble that later caused Mr. and Mrs. Goldcnberg to become divorced. The young woman had been a stu dent in Cats school. She displayed literary talent and attempted to de. velop it in stories written for maga zines, but her' romances, according to her husband, "seemed to lack "punch" and were regularly rejected by publishers. ' "Love's -Acid Test," was remem tered as the title of one story Mrs. Okun had .attempted to sell. . Found by Landlady. . . Mrs. Nathan Resnick, Mrs. Okun's landlady, discovered her in agony yesterday afternoon .and screamed for heltKto Mrs. Helen Hasford, 543 Lincoln- boulevard,-who telephoned for police and doctors.- The young woman was unconscious when help arrived. . - ' On the dresser in her .room was the photograph of a family group, but the face of one had been scratched away. : -'; .... "I guess . that's me," said Okun, the husbond. Pinchot Increases Lead to 9,456 Votes ; Philadelphia, May 18. Returns received early tonight on the vote cast at Tuesday's primary for the re publican nomination for . governor," gave Gifford Pinchot a lead of 9,456 with 285 districts missing, . Figures received from 7,649 out of 7,934 in the state gave Pinchot 499, 647, and George E. Alter 490,191. These figures include the complete vote of 'Philadelphia and Allegheny counties, which Alter carried. Second Candidate in Race y for Seat in Legislature ' Lincoln, May 18. (Special) E. E. Fellers of Chester has filed as a republican candidate for ' the state senate in that 'district, which cm braces " Thayer,' Jefferson and Fill more counties. Dr. J. G. Wester hoff of Carleton, jl member of the lower house at the last session, filed several weeks ago as a republican candidate for the same office to which Fellers aspires. Three Killed by Collapse of Sewer in Lost Nation, la. Clinton, la.. May 18. Three men were killed and one -injured when a sewer under construction by W. B. Carter of . Sioux City, la., in Lost Nation, la., near here, :caved in and buried the three men under between 10 and 15 feet of earth today. The dead are: Tim Donahue of Sheldon, Ia Harold Blair of Lake Park. Ia. and Peter Spillcrs of Redfield, "la. France and Italy Favor Probe of Turk Atrocities London, May 18. (By A. P.) Favorable replies have been received by the British government from France and Italy to Great Britain's proposal to send a commission to in quire into alleged Turkish atrocities in Anatolia. No reply has been received from - the L'nited States government, Forsaken Drinks Poison I - Mrs. Sara Okun. , . 1 Love You! I Love You!' : v Crier Letter to The . letters inscribed "Joffey," found in a dresser drawer in Mrs. Okun's- room.- throb with love in parts and are tinctured with despair iu others. They follow: ( Joffey Dear: ' It is midnight and I cannot sleep, I am forced to write this to you as an outlet for my pentup . emotions. It is impossible for me longer to go on like this. I have many times, though, found joy in . writing you my thoughts and'teel iugSi , but I have never had s the courage to let you read them. ' I have a whim, now. though, to let you see just a glimpse of the thoughts that are seething through me tonight. ' Of course I know you will term this sentimental "mush." but in ; deed not, Joffey dear: every word is : sincere, . .'carefully -, t nought , over (when they do not come too fast, they are straight from my heart). AVell, Joffey, are you sufficient ly curious to 'wonder What is the purport of this maze of emotions. . I know that 1 am "uninteresting to you, but really it is uot7the usual thing for me to disclose my- .self thus. , . - The first and last thing,, Joffey, is that I love .you!., I love you 1 I love you! ' . v ; But Joffey. dear, where I was so happy in thinking of you a few nights ago as a ray of sunshine into the blackness -of my despair, (don't laugh. I was desperate Syn day.: you know), it . is all the op- posite now.. ' You know,-Joffc the only real comparison I can make, is Hat before it" was like drinking . a brimming cupful of sweet, rich ' wine, and now it is like ashes in my mouth. Ashes . ,'of ' what? ; Ashes of. regrets.: . Ybu are ail I have now.- I need , y o u so, Joffey.' . - ' Do you realize what it means? ' joffey, please, if it is your imrn-: tion to break with me.' let me know immediately. Don't torture me. I am suspended between fear that I will lose you," 1 and joy for the first' time in my life I was happy. Who was it that said "The wine of love is bitter-sweet?" , Well," I'll not bore you longer, tyit 'one last plea, Joffey: Have mercy; I need your companionship. Be kind enough to bear me until I am so strong on my, feet that I cannpt lie crushed down when the , end comes. Please! , ' Don't, don't, Joffey, laugh at my sentimentality. These were my in nermost thoughts and it . would hurt' badly if you should" laugh. , If I thought you would, I wouldn't (Tom to Pate Two, Column Two.) ; The Weather ; Forecast. Friday, fair and warmer. Hourly Temperatures. s .so .50 1 P. . t p. m. I p. m. 4 . 5 p. m. 0 p. m. 1 is m. S p. m. ...S ...M ...US ...M . . . ...OS . ..S3 . m. a. m ,.ss S m. m 5j S a. m M 10 . m.. M It a. m.. 0t It mn OS ! , , Highest Thursday. Davenport ( Puhlo ... I'nvr 74 I Bfcld City . ,7 ..$ Dea .Molnt ..2 I ft,t Fe . ..74 j Slwultn I'o.li- Clt t.nnfW North Flaite 74 now City Support to President Is Pledged Practically Kvery Question of Public Importance I Touch rd Upon in Statement Issued Yesterday. t Third to Enter Race Lincoln, Neb.. May IH.-lSpecul Telegram. -Atorney Geueral Clar ence V D vi today issued forma! scccpUnre of petition signed by thousand, of Nebrak4 republicans in all parti oi the Mate urging him to eek the nomination for Lniteo States senator on the republican ticket. In liit siairiiieiit. Davit touches on practically cwy question of pub He importance now before the na tion, embracing agricultural ques tions, business problems, taxation, proninitiou, irrigation, u.i, and the soldier bonus. - - Strong for Prohibition. The statement of the attorney gen eral on the prohibition question is Hunt He says, "Few people need to enquire to know that I am dry, rot only politically, but personally. 1 stand flatly on a consistent record of law enforcement as attorney gen eral, which speaks more loudly than anv promise I might make." Davis declared that he intended to carry his campaign personally to every town and hamlet in the stato which he can visit. "1 shall appeal to no particular creed or faction, league or organiza tion," Davis said. "But only to that great body of Nebraska citizens who believe in clean government and' faithful administration, who are not , afraid to depart from the creeds of yesterday, but will never pursue mirage or radicalism." , . " Text of Statement. The Davis statement follows: " "I have decided to become a candi date for the United States senate. I am absolutely and unqualifiedly a re publican, and proud to proclaim it. I believe .in government by respon--sible political parties. . "The republican party was the con- 5 trolling "political force in the greatest half century of America's progress. It will cdrillnu to be only so long as' it approaches- the future with the same forward looking program as it did in the past. : : . , , . "1 stand ready to support any and -all measures necessary to place and to maintain agriculture upon a profit able basis. Conditions have come to pass with which the individual farmer cannot cope. I favor the fullest measure of co-operative enterprises, to insure to agriculture the just re- ward of its labor." ' , ' " More Credit Facilities. "Mote adequate "credit facilities, stabilized prices, Improved market ing conditions, -reduction ill trans portation charges .'are essential. A development of the waterway navi gation and the construction of the: St. Lawrence-Great Lakes waterway -will cheapen transportation . costs and benefit agriculture. i "Pending these, such temporary expedients as the War Finance cor-' poration extending adequate credit to hold crops through price depres sions are to be relied on. I ant happy to have had some part in the working out of this great agency of service to the farmer: 3?' "Sound, clean business organized . on a legitimate basis to render serv ice to the community is to be en couraged. ; ... . ,; . A "Promotions, ' stock selling,, schemes, nefarious, trade practices'! should be condemned and prosecuted. Neither the magnitude of operation nor prominence of the culprit should deter law enforcement. They have not deterred me. 1 . - Taxet to Be Cut '.'I am opposed to the entry of the government, either state or national, in the field of business activity in any place where private capital can function properly. The government in business leads on to socialism. "Taxation will be lowered. Taxes rose with everything else. They can'-" be reduced with everything else. The.; national administration . is proving this day "by day. "I regard the continued use and operation of the budget, which ad justs expenses to income, coupled with a systematic supervision tf ex penditures, as ' fundamental. The promiscuous issuance of $10,000,000, 000 of tax exempt securities does not improve the situation." - .'. Favors Bonus. "To. a large part of Nebraska tbe development of irrigation by mean of federal aid or encouragement is vital. I shall do, as' I have in the past, all in my power to assist this, development. "As living conditions are more complex, the government must take a more active position in safeguarding child life, motherhood, the home and social relations. At the same time it must be understood that government can never be a substitute for parent or character. It can materially better environment, and I believe it should do so. "I hope the present republican con gress will pass the bonus. Before the 1920 election I pledged myself and I am still in favor of an adjusted compensation plan financed so nearly as practicable by taxes levied tiporf those businesses that received undue profits throughout the war. "I believe in and will abide by the 1920 platform cf the republican party in its expressions relating to matters that space forbids jnv discussing herein." , - -