Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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    - THE BEE: OMAHA. Tlll'KSUAV. MAY 18. 1922.
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AN INTERESTING commentary on the aihanct reservations for Cwlli
Curn. who appears at Ht Auditorium the rvrtuigo( May .7, ts that
twMliirdt ol tl'tm are from out ot town. It may lie that the AmrrU
can Legion show, the Junior league performances and the country club
opening have quite enuagcd local society, stliivh will imlul;e in a lew
"unengaged" brca'hi bclure falling in line ior the great singer.
According to Luciua I'ryor, who i prrtcMing GJIi Curd, the concert
reservations nude during one day,, (mm out ot twn include:
Kearney State Normal, 0: I'eru Mate Normal J.; Noilulk. IK; Miltord, 0;
I'latumouih, 24; iVrve, b: McCcok, 10: Kusliville, 6. I r-m loa town.:
Thurman, II; Kcd Oak, 10; Ulrnwuod, ,S; Atlantic, 12; Farragut, 8; S'd
nry, 6,
May Breakfast
Mr. and Mr. T. C. Manning an
nounce the marriage of their daugh
ter, Vera, to Frank W. Runnping,
Wednesday, May 17, at Our Lady
of Lourdre church, the Rev. 1'ailirr
Stephen L Dowd otticiatiitg. Mis
Margaret Ruempiiig, sister of the
groom, was the bridrinaiij. Tim
Manning, brother of the bride, vat
teat man. and little Mitt Alciue
Hoover wai flower girl. '
hollowing a western honeymoon
trip, which will include Lot Angele.
San Francisco and Portland, and
other pointa on the coat, Mr. and
Mn. Ru'mpinir will be at home for
the present with the bride's parent!,
2121 Arbor atreet.
Dinner for Mr. and Mr a. Cooper.
Mr. and Mr. John L, Kennedy
entertained at dinner last evening,
when the honor uem were Mr.
and Mn. Samuel Cooper of Sewick
ley, Pa. Covers were alto laid for
Mers. and Metdamea C. M. Wil
helm, Henry Wyman, V. A. Prater,
K. A. Wiclcham, Osgood F.astman,
K. S. Wcitbrook. c T. Kounte.
Mn. F. P. Kirkendall. Walter Head
and Charles Jounod of New York.
Mr. and Mrs. C A. Scott are in
Excelsior Springs this week.
Mrs. C. N". Dicta has returned from
Minneapolis where the has been
spending a few days.
Walter Head has returned to
Otnaha after a trip to White Sulphur
Springs, Va.
Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Rocdcr will
leave early next week for a motor
trip to St. Louis and Rochester, Minn.
Mrs. De Emmctt Bradshaw lias re
turned from Little Rock, Ark., where
she spent three weeks at a Scottish
Kite meeting.
Miss Sue Stills of Lincoln spent
Wednesday in Omaha. Miss Stillc
is a graduate student at. the Univer
sity of Nebraska.
Charles Jounod of New York City
arrived Monday in Omaha and will
he tlie guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Kountze until Thursday.
Mrs. Marshall Dillon and daugh
ter, Marcia Jean, left Tuesday for
Peoria. III., for a visit with Mrs.
Dillon'i brother, H. F. Reese.
' Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Pulver, who will
bi to Sr T rtnic earlv next week, will
spend a short time at Excelsior
Springs on their return journey.
Mrs. John R. Hays of Norfolk
returns t.o her--home Wednesday
after' speeding the winter with her
sister,- Miss Alice Miles, at the Ho
tel Rome. ' ',' '' " ', . ' ..'
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker and
Miss Elizabeth Barker 'have moved
into their house on Thirty-seventh
atreet which they recently purchased
from G. W. Wattles.
Word has been received of the
birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. McCall of Columbus, O. Mrs.
McCall was formerly Miss Genev
ieve Krause of this city. '
Picnic Party at Valley.
Mr. and Mr. Jcne Whitmore of
Valley, Neb., will be "at home to a
picnic party from Omaha Friday
evening, including Mr. and Mrs.
Uun Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Barton
Millard. Mr. and Mr. Walter Rob
erts Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Kocder.
For Western Visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hamilton, Jr.,
will entertain M guests at the
Country club Saturday night, hon
oring their houe guest, Miss Ruth
Monehaus of Lot Angeles.
Anprokinutcly. 1150 was cleared
front the Oman Hu.inn Woman's
club May tftUi WtduesUay at
the Y. W. C A. auditorium. Pro-
teed will he ul in sending dele
gates to the rational convention of
Business Women to be held at Chat,
lanooga, Turn., in July.
The auditorium was attractively
rVcorated with spring ftocra and
covert were placed lor JW guest.
Fitly reservations were made by girl
from Thomas Kitpatrirk'i store; 2$
from the internal revenue office; 22
from the Woodman circle, and
mailer parties among the girls from
the I'nited States TruM company,
Pcteri Tnui. John Dcert Plow com
pany and tnenben of the Omaha
Uuiine.s Woman' club and their
Women Voters' Meeting Canceled.
The meeting of the League of
Women Voter scheduled for Thurs
day afternoon has been canceled ow
ing to the illueia of Mn. II. J. Bailey,
local chairman, who wai to have re
ported on the national meeting of the
league held iu Ualtimore, Md., re
cently. , , .
The regular luncheon and meeting
will be held Saturday, June 3, at the
lirandcis restaurants.
Problems That Perplex
Aaeer4 kf
W. J. C. Flos, era ahould be de
livered to th young lady by tha
florist. I don't know why a man
shouhl not carry them himself, it
ha lhet to, but somehow or other
he make rather a funny picture ad
vancing, bouquet in hand. Have thoin
delivered. You should not remain
at th Ctrl' horn after a enow with
out an invitation, and even then
should not euy Imia on account of
th lateness ot th hour.
TroubMi Happiness la not hull!
with the timber front wrecked
home. It your i unhand la good and
kind to you. you ar mora likely to
be happy with him than you would
ha with soma man who professes hi
love, for you without any right to
apeak. Voir husband Is tb father
of your child, to whom you ow
much. You ar on ahaky ground
better hav a serious talk with
Old True Friend 1 It I a very good
plan to keep out of other people'
buainea. goinctlniea It la a dMicatal
problem to decide juat wher friend-1
ship stop and undue Interest begin.
In other people's affairs ot th heart
I think we should "keep out " In
th can you bring up 1 think I ho
beat you ran do la to iUnr gossip.
In tungue with a staunch 4-feii
of your friend whenever unkind re
mark ar mad In your presence,
but if your friends have dun no
wrong titer la nothing (or thein to
do or nay about th lie that are
being told. (Joo.l conduct I t tie beat
refutation for lira.
lJnjtfuit-iit tij Marria;e
Dinloscil at llotue Turfy
The elitpentriit and marriage of
Alice Sullivan ud William ucid.
Ford Motor rouiany employe, in
Glmwood, la'. April J.', w as revealed
at a party given fur Alice bv her
parrntk. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sullivan,
2hM Chicago street, Tuesday.
"Shall we invite Hill.'" they atked
"I suppo.e he will be here anyway,"
she an.wcrcd.
.-Well, shall we ak the minuter
too" aked the mother.
"We've had him already," was the
Hay Alice broke the news.
Matt Filial fur Taling Club
uJ (luu From I'olufinan
Cliarles Hutier, SM7 South Twen
tieth street, real estate dealer, was
lined Sid in Central police court yes
terday for aault and battery and
dioi(lerly conduct.
Carlton Kcbcr, patrolman, triufird
1 1 utter wa cue el three men who
took Ms club and gun away from
him at 5 m the morning of May 7 at
Suiecnlh and Jackson itreclt.
Wrap theese in a cloth moUtened
with cold vinegar. This will prevent
it from becoming dry or mouldy.
Two Recipes for the Most Appetizing
Desserts You Ever Tasted
, and see how easy .
these are to prepare
VxassagasvvjB)pav w wvaww v www w
I Nervousness I
The first indication of nerv
ousness should be your warn
ing to remedy the condition
from which it results, and be
fore it becomes a deep-seated,
nervous condition which will
require time as well as treat- I
ment to remedy. . . I
Warner's Safe Nervine !
relieves nervous headaches, f
nervous dyspepsia, irritability, I
sleeplessness and all neuras-
thenie conditions which are
symptoms of nervous disorder g
and deranged health and nerv-' I
ous exhaustion. It acts on the I
nerves and assists in restoring J
the system to a normal con-
dition. I
Warner's Safe Nervine
(Werner's Safe Kidn.jr and Uvir
Rm4r I
Wirawi Safe DlalwtM lUmedr I
WanHtr1 Saf Rheumatic Rtmad 1
Waraer Sal Anbma Kemady . Z
Wirn.r'1 Saf N.rvina N T
Warner' Safe Pills (Coattlpition I
. and BUioutMM) . I
Taa SUliaaU Family Madldnaa I
Sold by Sh.rmao A McConn.l I
and all leading druggist.. Sample
ant on receipt of ten cents.
Dept. 41 Recheeter, N.Y.
i sbjr mmm
If Back Hurts or
Gladder Bothers
Bi careful what you take for your Kid
ney. Bladder or Urinary troubles. Re
member that Dr. Carey'a PRESCRIP
TION NO. T7T i abaolntely free from
dangerous drug and has had B0 years of
success for Kidney and Bladder troubles.
Sure relief or money back on large bottle.
For sal by the 6 Sherman A McConnell
Drug Stores, and all good druggists have it.
This Leaves the Anns
Free from Hairy Growths
(Toilet Talks.)
' A simple method for completely
removing every trace of hair or fuza
is here given. This is painless and
usually a single tratment will banish
even stubborn, growths. T6 remove
hairs, make a thick paste with some
powdered delatone and water, spread
on hairy surface and after about two
minutes rub off, wash the skin and
the hairs are gone. This method will
not mar the skin, but, to avoid dis
appointment, be certain you get delatone.
established i&WCi.
LCldi3S -THERE'S TURPOSE in this ad. It is
to bring emphatically to' your attention that 'we are of
fering at clearing salo prices an attractive group, of
fashionable Suits and Wraps of the most favored wool
materials at just the time when the temperature makes
tiicm necessary for your comfort.
Rich Tweed Suits
(Sizes 16 to 46)
Rich in fabric perfection, rich in colorings and in every little detail so
essential to tho fastidious woman who demands the best. In this group
ing the larger woman is especially remembered.
Special, at
Navy Tailleurs
(The Suit Supreme)
Deeply ingrained in the hearts of the smartly dressed American women
the best dressed women in the world tho Navy Tailleur'will ever be su
preme. This season, as always at Kilpatrick's,' they express both new.,
ness as well as perfection in line, with' ah occasional bit of novel and dis
tinctive trimming. ' ' -r -
$49.50 $59.50
. e
CapeS, WrapS, CoatS (FashionYGarmntsl
A Fashion :calls"for the'dhtinctive to'thl'ate.gairasfat:'Ou ftclliiies for ,
style assembling is well known. Beautiful garments developed in spon- ,"
geen, sport materials including iriSpbrted tweeds yd plaids and soft camel's
"hair, krepe knit, sylvette, veldctte pebble" cloth; novelty silks with re-
vereible linings; tricotine, gerona, marvella, veldyne and Arabella. Style
touches of hand embroidery, beads, fringe, monkey fur and caracul, in , ;
. . gray and amber ' r'l'. '
New Shipment
Tuxedo Jackets
Of fine quality wool jersey with two
pockets and belted. All of the wanted
- shades including navy, Band, French
blue, black and brown :
$6.95 $8.95
. " ' . ., V " ' ,
- ' . - ' ';::'
Of wool jersey, pocketed and belted ; col
ors: Orchid, scarlet, orange and green;
special, at ' j
. $5.95
Women's and Misses' Sections
.. s Second Floor
W Club -
Garments that interpret costume perfec
tion, Including: I- i i ,'.."-;
Club Frocks -
For both formal and Informal wear.
Three-Piece Suits ' :
, Three-Piece presses
Evening and Dance Frocks
Capes and Wraps"
Silk Sweaters
Sport Skirts
Summer Hats for Summer
Your hat, when worn, is always insight. ,
We have a restive and restless individual
who just loves to do your millinery
. thinking for you. -
DRESS HATS that will appeal to the most discriminating
tastes. Hats of the airy, transparent variety, and the
smartest of black or navy Taffetas and Canton Crepes, both
with and without straw combinations. ' ,
"Hats of Character"
Suitable for the Club,
Dinner or Dance Wear
And the more practical types for the participants in
Summer Sports. .. , ' . '
Ef f a Blanche Lingerie in the May
White Sale '
EFT A Blanche underwear may be Imitat
ed but never equalled. Every garment
designed by a woman and made under her
personal supervision and each little detail
worked out to the end that perfection may
be bad. These garments will appeal to the
most fastidious.
i All White Sets .
Consisting of step-in and vest of white flax
on with insets of real filet and edged with
fine footing; the set,' 85.00
Novelties in Nightgowns
Step-ins and vesta, made of a linen finish
flaxon, hemstitched and trimmed with Im
ported checked gingham.
Step-ins and vests, each S2.50
Nightgowns, each, - $3.50
All White Nightgowns
Of fine white flaxon with the new French
arms eye; Insets of real filet and edged with
dainty fooUng. Each, at. S4.50
Muslin and Silk Underwear. Sections-Second Floor . .
i? grfsaiI?"''
I rua Floof
S liblsspaens Kinglora s
I isaspoon Makins
U lts.pooo aak
I Eos
U fun Mill.
S lahUspoans Ksra
I lhlapAAn Marolfl
t sllcss o) CiiMajpl
FREEf Ask your rn.
car or writs Cora
Products Salsa Ca, Sth
and Jackson atraals,
Omaha, Nsb for baau.
tlful loldar of tba
Kinisford Corn Starch
Bifl the dry lngrdints. Bat tha thorouglily,
add tha milk, Kara and Masola. Stir th liquids
into the dry Ingredients. If fresh pineapple ia used,
wash, pars, and alic thin and with- apple corar
remove th centre. ' Dip in batter, remov with
fork and iry in deep, hot Masola. Drain on paper
and dust with sugar. If canned pineapple ia used
it ia wall to cut th larg slices In hall and then
split with aharp knife, making four fritters from
on stic of pineapple. Th syrup or fruit Juice is
heated and thickened with a little Kingsfoid'a
Corn Starch and served around the fritter. Or put
a spoonfu' of Karo (Crystal Whits) over th frit-,
tar and sprinkle with shredded cocoanut.
t eupa scalded Milk ,V cup Btif r . IKgci
V taaspoon Salt S tsatpoon Vanilla
4 lava) tablespoons Kinf .lord's Corn Btsrcli
I os. Chocolate melted (optional)
Mix the corn starch with a little cold milk. Stir tho
hot milk slowly onto th corn starch and atir over
, water until it thickens. Cook fifteen minutes.
Beat th egg slightly, add tb sugsr and salt.
Add th corn starch mixture to th eggs, and cook,
stirring constantly, one minute longer. Remov
from fire, add th vanilla or melted chocolate as
desired. Serv cold with cream and sugar. (Serve
sis persons.)
Down Puts a Piano
In Your Home
Tills Used Piano
Willi Stool
1 J
Sale price, $75 w
Kiirht now we aro offer
ing eonie wonderful bar
gains in uncd pianos on a
down payment of $7.00 and
$.".00 per month. One year
exchange privilege with
every piano.
Tew of our special values
in upngnu:
Geihartls $75
Conservatory $110
Marshall & Wendell. $88
Wegman SI 25
Sterling S140
Kimball $17f
Foster S188
Schmoller & Mueller,
at ..... ....... . $lrf25
We are also offering
some wonuenui values in
used Player Pianos, such
as : '
Mansfield S175
Harrington $275
Hartford . . $298
Complete with rolls and
bench. Terms $2.00 per
week. If you can't call,
Schmoller & Mueller
tSM-IO-IS Di,HA ( Omaha.
Dodge St. s Nabraaba
Cuticura Soap
The Safety Razor
Shaving Soap
Oatkara St ilams wlthoat mat. Ewrrwhar Ue.
Bee Want Ads' Produce Results.
Tourings Sedans Coupes Roadsters
During this sale . we will give away
absolutely free German Coupon Bonds
(at par value) to the amount of the
purchase price of the car.
Hold these bonds and some day they
will pay for your car. At least the
increase in. value of the bonds should
equal the cost of running your car.
J Ternigif;
You Wish
in a Reliable
V Used Car ;
on the saving in depreciation alone.
You can buy a
used car with
confidence from
us. Seven years
of faithful serv
ice gu a r a ntees
Let Bonds Pay as You Ride
Farnam at 28th
-Peterson, Inc.
HArney 0345
Our Reputation Is Your Protection