THE BEE: OMAHA. THL'lUUAi, max lt. m::. The Dancing Master By RUBY M. AYRSl U km the iruih. and Iht knol djte turned hrr ik. She shut her tyt and griipr() hrr hands to krrp from trying om, but she htrd " imf i hfarilrs Mile uh a site a!rJ put of the roof, humnf the xr beliMKj her. Toil may nurry hint t py all Iht many drill oii 0t him, the orJs rang in her tut, Wat that ht I'trnier lul meant hrn he Mid that tome day he would nd hu bill 10 far her to pyf Me (ell a if the u choking, lie could r4t have meant that, he ts hr kind friend, he loved her. lie would never take a mean advantage of her and fre her to marry him because they had all made a ttmtake and believed her rapable of a greainet to which he knew now the could never at tain. Had they ever really thought he would he famou? llal they ever really believed in her power? Mie had lot every ihred of confidence in herelf: he found hertelf doubt Kg and dbelcvng at every turn. There wat only one soul fit the world" whp toved her devotedly, tin elf ikhly Koyiton. During -tbit tragic moment when they looked across the crowded room into each other'i eye. Elizabeth had teen the unutterable love and longing of hi soul laid bare. He wauted her ai lie wanted him; for him, too, life had lot all its swtetnr.s brcamc they could not be together; oh, surely, then, it wat a mere foolish scruple that kept them pan? Elizabeth had reached the break ing point, and she knew it: there wat a tragic desperation about her when presently she rote and began tearing off the white frock with reckless fin gers, ft fell to the floor, ruined and torn, but she did not care. She threw it aside as tonight she felt she had thrown all her lite with Mme. Sencs tis. She dressed hurriedly in her plain est rlothes: she stole out on to the landing and looked at a clock there. Ten minutes to 12! Somehow she had thought it must be much later; it seemed a lifetime since she had left the house with Frmer and Mme. Senrtis. If it had been hours later she would not have cared; she was worked up to such a pitch of desperation that time was of no account. With her shoes in her hand she stole down stairs. In one of the rooms she could hear madame and the" old French housekeeper chattering together in their own tongue; chattering of her, she was sure, as she stole across the hall and drew back the latch of the front door. It was a warm, moonlit night and the pavemerttl were dry. Elizabeth ran a few steps before she stopped breathlessly to put on her shoes. Since madame's cruelly intended; words she seemed to have seen Neil Farmer in a new light; something In her heart told her that she would be forced to marry him, that nothing, could save her, unless Royston would lake her into his life. She was going to him, that was all she knew.. She never stopped to think. .... He was in London and no doubt back to his old rooms. Her racing heartbeats seemed to choke her as she bent and fumbled with the laces ei her shoes. Me heard a slow step pacing up and down the road, close by. it seemed, and she tied the laces anyhow into tiunuy knots a the step drew nearer. Looking back over her ihouluVr, she saw a man deliberately coming toward Iter at an increasing speed Mie turned and started to run arros i he mad when he ioke her name She atopped then with liltle ilioK in cry. "t.luabeth. there are vou going! t aw you come out of the liou.e. I've been walking up and down ever kime mce r suiter bought vou home. I.haurih!' Elisabeth stood very still, her breath coming fat in uneven gasps, her hands hanging limp at ner side, a she looked up through the moon light into Koytton a haggard face. A lire at peace seemed to have fallen on hrr heart; she was with him again; she had but to stretch out her hand to touch him. A wavering smile of infinite sweetness lit her eyes and there was note of quiet confidence in her voice as she answered him, as if it were the most natural thing in the world: l was coming to you. "Coming to me?" Royston echoed riizabeth's words with infinite ten derness, and then for a moment neither of them spoke. In the distance a church clock chimed midnight, and Royston rou-cd himself with an ertort to say: ou must go in; you must be worn out; you mut go in, t.lizabctn. The pale moonlight showed him the sudden blenching of her face and the trembling of her lips as she an swered him: "I can't go back there; madame is so angry with me. She would have turned me out tonight but for Mr. Farmer." "Farmer!" Try as he would Roy ston could not keep tlfe bitter jeal ousy from his voice. Elizabeth hardly heard. She went on eagerly: "He made her keep mc; I don't know what he said at least " And now she faltered. Some how it seemed impossible to tell this man that Mme. Scnesti had only consented to let her stay in the house until she married Neil Farmer. She looked up at him with an an guish of dread in her eyes. "Oh, you're not you're not going to send me away again," she broke out passionately. "What does any one matter except just our two . - K t - .selves Jon-. i you wane mc- conUinin aIcohot or beverage pur ii i wani you: nc ecuoca narsn- rinca s - ownpr4 n smalt stores or restaurants, in all of which evidence of the sale was procured, have been arrested and fined $100 each, and in some cases the remaining stock has been taken. know what it would mean if anyone mi.ed you from your room. You're ured, too. You mut be worn out. Tomorrow tomrrw. we will meet tomorrow, and try and find out what is bctt for you to do.' tt'oaliaawi t Th IS ThmnMi) Fill City Will DnliMte ' Turk to DcaJ War Heroes Fall City, Neb.. May 17.-(Spe- rial) rails lity will oo.rrve Me morial day by dedicating one of the parks to the memory of the local boys who paid the supreme sacrifice during the war, Leion officials were informed by the city council. With the dedication, the name of the hady square vill be changed from Waterworks park to American Le gion Memorial park. i ity. patriotic and Legion ofticiais will participate in the Memorial day pros ram. which will roiiM-t chiefly of planting trees In honor of the fall en heroes. It it planned to utilize the park for a children's playground. A mon ument may be constructed later. County Judges Entitled to One Clerk, Jurist Rules O'Neill. Neb.. May 17. (Special) County judges were entitled to one clerk or atiant for the year 121. in counties of from 3,000 to 16.000 population, if they already had such clerk or astiMant when an act pased by the legislature ot iv.'l. which made such help optional with the county board, went into effect, ac cording to a decision by Judge Rob ert It. Dickson in the district court of Hoyd count)', at Dtittc. The action was by County Judge Ford against the county board of Uoyd county, which had refused him an assistant for the remainder of the year after the act went into effect. Beatrice Dentists Robbed of Cold Valued at $223 Beatrice. Neb.. May 17. (Special Telegram.) Robbers entered the dental olliccs of Doctors Spcllinau Spellman and carried away gold valued at $100. The job was re peated at the offices of Becson & McLlcran. where $u5 was secured Most of the dentists of the city are at Lincoln attending the state con vention. The theft is believed to be the work of experts who have been operating at points in Kansas and Nebraska. . Grocers Fined $100 Each for Lemon Extract Sale Grand Island. Neb., May 17. fSnecial Telegram.) The police de partment is making a determined ef fort to stop illegal sale by grocery stores of lemon and other extracts ly. He took'both her hands in his, holding them close. "I am a married man, Elizabeth, he said. "I know I I " She dragged her hands' free of his and covered her face. "Oh. what shall I do? What shall I do?" she said, with a broken cry. She longed to tell him the truth about Farmer and the amount of money she owed him, and yet if he would not take her through love, she knew that pity would never touch him at all. 1 1 Then suddenly . 'she felt his arm around her shoulders in a close, pro tecting grip that had more of the big brother tfian the lover in it, as he said, speaking as steadily as he could: You must go in now, dear. You Noises in Radio Sets Eliminated Army Wirelem Expert Per feet Invention That Sepa rate! Static Sound From Signal. By lk A Maria U4 frM. Chicago, May 17. Elimination of the crackling and buzzing accom panymg radio signals which have proved the greatet obstacle in the development of wireless communica lion has been accomplished by army experts, it was announced here to day, me invention, which separates all static noises from the radio signal, was perfected by Major J. O. Mau borgne, signal officer of the sixth corps area, and Dr. Louis 'Cohen of George Washington university, con suiting engineer of the War depart ment, after more than two years' ex perimentation. The separation of sicnal from static noises caused by the electrical charges m the atmosphere is acconv lilied by a drain coil of wire, the length of which varies with the dis tance from which signals are re ceived The strength of the signal is not affected bv the draining process. according to Dr. Cohen, and the sig nals may even be amplified. Use Light Socket. Another invention announced in connection with the elimination of disturbing noises, was a resonance wave coil by which a radio receiving set may be plugged into an ordinary electric light socket and radio signals received as well as with an aerial. This invention, on which a dozen patents are now pending, was per fected by Major General George O. Squire, chief signal officer of the army. A similar invention was announced here bv B. F. Miesner several days ago. Miesner, who was a government expert during the war, said his work had been entirely separate from the government investigations. The draining coil was hooked up for the first time yesterday with Maj. Gen. Squire's device and found to work perfectly, Dr. Cohen said. Signals were picked up, with perfect clarity, while static conditions were especially bad. The c lec trie power method of transmUiion hold tremendous com mercial possibilities, according to Dr. Cohen, who said that power com panies had been co-operating In the experimental work,' Little Change In Seta. "F.liminaiing static noises has teen one of the most serious problem in radio development, said Dr. Cohen today. "Due to the electrical charges in the atmosphere, especially in summer, even the largest stations must shut down at times. The de vice perfected by Maj. Mauborgne and Miesner parallels the static noises, grounds the noise and leave the signal clear and distinct." Mai. Mauborgne explained that radio signals received by the electric ! power line method could be cleared of noises also, a proved in experi ments yesterday. Such signals may be received Ironi a broadcasting sta tion lending by the usual aerial. irom which the waves hit exposed electric wire over the city and thence travel over the wire to the receiving set. or could be received from a station also using the power line instead ot an aerial. I he only additional equipment needed for power line receiving is a set of con densers which cost less than a dollar, Maj. Mauborgne said. yottr iMtb ! k.f fc- ! I"H Iff nl D. f. R Univarkiiw PUe. Ktis. Q-lK ) kit lf.IBM I lutfM rauplwt tit Wi sit ii Is 4 4 lit pnutitrjr s4 ai f A (II V. f Hllt-I M UN a liAiHf (ins-1 ttt K. II c -'4 r um.ia piituoy , it iis rr4 m soaaasiy. Petition Prepared to Ou.t Sheriff Hut ledge Lincoln, May 17. (Special) At torney licneral Clarence A. Davis today sent a copy of an ouster peti tion to Thurston county, to be bled in the district court there against Sheriff Charley Kutlcdge, who wat suspended lot Saturday by fiover nor MiktUw on l.juor allfiiii'n. Assistant Attorney General C. L Barrett declared today if Kutlrdga attempted to discharge the duties tl sheriff hi a K w ould be "unlaw ful. lit made thi statement in answer to the decision of thf county board that they would not appoint a suc cessor to Rutlcdge. Vote School Bond Pradhaw, Neb, May 17 (Spe cial) The bond election In thi city carried with a vote o( 14.1 tor to M against on the iietion of errclinii a new school building The amount of bonds voted was HO.iW. Varhtv Storo Dealers1 of Four Slatea Organi'' Nebraska City. Nfb. My If. (Special I Variety More dealer irpresriiiing Iowa. Miouri, Kansa and Nebraska met here and per fected an organization to be known a C'nited Merchaiit Syndicate, an assucialion lormed for the purpose of assembling the combined buying power ol It niemoer. i iv. "." ton of this city wa elected chair man; J. Ironmonger. Glenwood. la., vice chairman, and R. A. NeUel I Fall Giy, secretary and treasurer. I'weiity-tive dealers have signed tho membership list. SPARKS It is not electricity but Hertzian or electromagnetic waves in the ether that make radio possible. The condenser stores up clcctrici- iv. ir n ti'narop. til urn rnarui ai once and under hiarh rninn In rnn- sists usually of alternate layers of a conductor or non-conductor. A con- Hrncrr ic u&(4 in rarlirt fnr risttrrtino energy and for putting circuit into resonance so as to tune tnem. Pj-T ! siIiht at a -it! 1if f ( Af viiw " mih cat v siiv. , leuvia va additional licensed broadcasting sta- liens; Cslt. Lo.ation. KH3 Rfaitio. Wash Louis Watntr KliS tenvr. Colo. .Reynolds ItsdlO Kliop K l.TMiinnvval RaillA ffhnn K.K3-Stockton, Csl C. O. Onuld KJR Seattle. Wash Vincent I. Kraft Other, wilt ho lister! in the radio columns of The Bee tomorrow. QUESTIONS . G. G. T., Omaha. Q I have a crystal set and an atrial 400 feat lonf, but I cannot hear th con certs broadcast la Omaoe. wnat I wronT A Tour aerial is too ions. It maaea Here Are SUMMER DRESSES to Delight Every Fancy Dainty and fheer, with gay colorings, frilla and novel touches that add bo much to the effectiveness of their simple design. The styles are on slenderizing lines, making them becoming to the stouter woman youthful to every woman who seeks for freshness in the crisp appearance of her summer frocks. Made of exquisite materials, among them Organdia Dottacl Swiss Crapa da China Voila Rodier Crepe Linen Gingham Ratine Canton Crapa Etc., Etc. ft The prices are exceptionally low, ranging from $5.00 up. Dress Shop Second Floor HJLEDGE-PEYNCXDS t Aw tfSfavJtf &rrm Annual Pioneer Day Is Observed by Woman's Club Nebraska City, Neb., May 17. (Special) Pioneer day was observed here by the Woman's club with a big picnic and program at Brown park. Many pioneers who have been in the community, for more than 60 years were present. Among them was Frank Carson, who came to Ne braska City with his parents in 1854 and has since made his home here. The event is celebrated here annually. You'll Find Bigger Values In This Sale Than You've Seen for Years We doubt if the men of Omaha have ever had such an opportu nity to buy "Clothes of Char acter" at such remarkable prices. Mr. Allen's leaving our ' firm has necessitated the quick reduction- of our stocks and the raising of money necessary to ' complete our dissolution. Our entire stock',' excepting tuxedos " and our lines of Langrock's custom tailored clothes, have all been di vided into three great lots and placed , on pale at prices" that will; assure " quick selling. These prices are lower than you will pay for "just ordinary popular priced garments. ; We've Cut Our Prices to Nearly Half in Most Cases; We Simply Must Get the Cash Don't delay looking over this wonderful asiort ment of fine clothes. You can't afford to miss this sale. You will find suits of just the right weights to suit your requirements and at these prices you'll be money ahead, as well as owning a much better garment than perhaps you are in the habit of wearing. Fourth Floor A irTTTT (P TfiTn TU ini EVERYBODY STORE Fourth Floor i Thursday We Launch Our $ 25 These suits sold regularly at $35 and $40. They are for the most part this season's lines. How ever, we have put everything from last season's selling in this lot, even garments that brought as high as $60. You'll find a wonderful assort ment at this low price to select from. $ 30 Here you. will find all our new suits that show regularly up to $50. These are Adler's Collegian Suits, hand tailored and feature that wonderful McBedwin finish. The fabrics are the finest and the styles all the new models for 1922. $ 35 These are our feature lines. - The best clotnes you'll- find in town. They have all the best workmanship, the special finish and fabrics. We'll match them in every way with the best of tailored to your measure garments. Come in and see how much you can get NOW for only $35. t Wa include . our regular "fitting" service with every suit sold during this unusual sale, and make no charges for ordinary alteration. Wilcox & All en Clothes of Character N. E. Corner . 17th and Harney One Solid Carload-Thousands of Pieces . Through an unusually large purchase, we took over the entire surplus stock of a well-known manufacturer, the quantity purchased making it possible to secure the lowest price we have ever quoted on enamelware of this grade. The price is actually less than the cost of manufacture. Lack of suffi cient space prohibits us telling you more about it. See our windows. ' We know you'll want many pieces when you see the wonderful values. ' ' . Tea Kettles (5irquart) Wash Basins (extra large) Y. Mixing Bowls (large sizes) Sauce Pans (nest of 3) Preserving Kettle (10-quarty Baking Pans (oblong shape) 1 Water Pails (8, 10, 12, 15 quart)' Dish Pans (oval, 9 and 12 quart) Refrigerator Pans (with covers) if Water Pitchers (4 quart) Coffee Pots (2 and 3 quart) Mixing Bowls (nest of 3) ' Covered Kettles (6 quart) Collanders (large size) Combinettes (10 quart) Dish Pans (round, 10, 14, 17 quart) Cuspidors (sanitary style) Hundreds of each kind. Not in many years has so complete an assortment been ' offered at such a ridiculously low price. These are not odds and ends, nor discontinued lines, but a manufacturer's com plete stock. All heavy steel, with three coats of enamel. - Come in all white, both inside and outside, with blue border around edge, or all white inside and blue outside. Do not confuse this with enamelware manufactured especially for sales purposes. Every piece is regular merchandise, that was made to sell at several times our price. No C. O. D.'s. " No Phone Orders. N Sale Starts 9 A. M. Thursday. B urc aaa-Naah Fourth Floor. rTOO X4 J?P