Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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t J
; State Takes Hand
in Radio Hearts
Bureau of Msrketi Sfndi
DlanLi to Amatrun to Jut
k Down Market Reports.
t Te iHwtaM rtaae.
' Lincoln, May 16. Blank formi la
Ylaciliuie the receiving o( niarlct rc
)oit sent out to amateur radto and
wireless tcccivcri in Ncbra.Ka and
aJjoinmg states by the Suit bureau
o( Markets through the tending na
tions at the L'nivrriity ol Nebraska,
Nebraska. Wesltyan and a local pri
vate set. are bring mailed out to
more than 400 amateur receiver by
the Department of Agriculture. '1 liree
forms are included, one for each vari.
dy of market lent by the three
The markets arc furnished by the
.'bureau from its federal leased wire
"operating in the state houe, con
ncrtcd with all the large market cen
; tors of the country.
2 The early radio report ent by the
" univeriity Hart at 10 a. ni. and
"rlue at 10 10. Thit let hat a wave
'' Irngth of 375 meiers and carries all
', the early live stock and grain quota
!J tiona, together with the weather rc
" port. ,
Live Stock Market.
' The noou report, dispatched by a
local irnduig station, covert a period
" from 12:20 to 12:30 p. m., and hat
. a wave length of 200 ineteri. It car
2! riet the closing live stock and pro-
duce market, together with late
I! The afternoon report sent from
Wesleyan operates 15 minutes
.. from 4 to A :1 5 p. m. The Wesleyan
JJ set has a length of 375 meters and
carries the closing grain and live
stock markets. Forms for the three
reports are designated by number
Markets available in the early re
.' port are: Kansas City hogs, sheep;
I', previous day's grain reports from
;j Chicago and Kansas City. The sec-
' ond report carries Omaha hogs, cat-
tie and sheep; , Kansas City, hogs,
jj cattle and sheep, and Chicago and
New York butter and eggs. The clos
V, ing report has Omaha hogs, cattle
" and sheep; Kansas City hogs, cattle
and sheep, and Chicago and Kansas
!' Citv close grains.
II The bureau is considering the an
'J ditition of the St. Joscoh live 6tock
' and the Omaha and Kansas City
" grain reports.
TT-.U..... xt.1.. If the Uarrv Tvnrh
company has installed a Mark-en two
! stage amplifying set in his home.
! The Bee's radio concert from ths
' stage of the Brandeis theater will
! start at 8:15 tonight. Microphones
I have been installed by Ray Rainbolt
' of the Omahe. Grain exchange broad
I casting stationJ-jWAAW, to transmit
; tne entertainment. ,
Here are the call letters of five
more broadcasting stations:
Cult. Location. ......
KFC. Seattle. Waah. Seattle Foit-IaUlU-eencer.
TCFU. Orldl'y. Cat, Preclilon Shop.
KOB. Sao Francisco B. J. Lorlen.
KOC. Hollywood, Cal. Electric LirMlnS"
KOr. Pomona. Cat. Pomona Fixture ana
Wiring company.
Other radio broadcasting stations
will be listed in the radio columns
of The Bee tomorrow.
A New $50 Hartmann
Wardiobe Trunk
Has all the worthy features of any trunk near
its price. ;
Exterior Box . Gibraltarized ; covering, black
fiber; binding, purple fiber; hardware brassed;
steel runners on front; back panels.
Interior Silk plush cushion top, combination
dust curtain and laundry bag with patent hook
loss fastener, shoe box, nickeled steel angles on
garment section locking bar, 3 compartments in
top drawer, partition and man's hat form in
third drawer, deep bottom drawer with set-in
tray, also 2 forms for women's hats, jich blue
"gured cloth lining. i
Call for No. 777.
jfat Freling&Steinle
1803 Farnam.
P. T. H, PUttmouth, Nib.
. QW ki la ike ket ire umk l
A-lSa km ie serial.
J. J. O., Chedron, Neb.
O wiwi i ik rat f a '
A 'Vii'il mii a la ka S.paS4
m tor "' t m-tr- a'sooa
ka ka r, a a".'"'
Uiua e o.ial aa. ! ii ta ik -
!' ea4 aol ika ruta. far s'Miar
!.., ua a aunt tut i-aaftiie
0. P. D.. Carroll, la.
0 win a (.a mp da far a irmi4
A If na ' ika aa aipa fcaa nat
an in.uUi4 kwnina la IK. una Mm..
'a. A a.i.r would Make a
wiiKk k.iur arvund.
ii i
Live Sloik Traderi Name
Dtlfgatei to Convention
At a meeting of the local Live
Stovk Traders' exchange Monday at
the stock yard the (allowing dele
gates were elected to attend the
seventh annual meeting of the Na
tional Live Stock Traders exchange
which meets at Sioux Citv. Ii . Im.,
9 and 10: James II. ltii1la,,Amhony
ioii4iian, rramc u. Kellogg, jamet
15. Koot. Byron G. Smiley, Jamn
V; Murphy and Sainut-I rrtheimcr.
The national organization was
formed seven years ago and E. 1'.
Kiley is preoidcut and V. S. Vail,
secretary, both being residents of
Sioun City.
An elaborate program of business
and entertainment has been prepared
by the people of Sioux Cityand ad
dresses will be made by representa
tives of the live stock industry of
national prominence. Accompanying
the delegation representing the local
market will be a large number of
Omahans who will, it is expected,
demonstrate the importance of
Omaha as a live stock center.
"I can buy it cheaper at .
Bee Ads tell you where.
Condensed Milk
Robust and sturdy health
has come to the many thou
sands of children who have
been fed on Eagle Brand
as their grateful mothers
have testified.. For it is pure
milk and pure sugar in con
venient form the natural
food for babies.
, Phone Jackson 0273.
Here 16 Tears.
M. . M'JJ
The Dancing Master
(faaltaaa taaat taataaf.
The whole world Ktmed blotted
out in a single fl, leavmg only
bertelf and biow Although she was
not aware of it, her arms (ell limply
lo her sides and the stood, all her
dainty aiturance gone, staring at
him with tragic ryca.
He looked so ill. to tilt Her heart
seemed to de with pa ion an love
and pir.
A Imle uncertain murmur swept
through the raom. War it all pan
of the show? people aked each
other. The rtiutic played niorr
loudly; Mme. nestis tiied to puh
her way to the front. She called
1-In!) th's name urgently, but the
girl did not bear.
AH she saw wat Roysion't worn
face; all the knew was tlt the
must go to him that nobody tle
in the world mattered.
She made a quick little step to
ward him. then stopped, shuddered
and looked round at tf the had been
roughly awakened Irom steep to find
herself in a strange room, full of un
known facet.
In an instant the months of her
training were wiped out and forgot
ten; it was at if tome one had taken
her straight from her uncle's houc
at Pilbury, dressed her in thit fine
fiock and set her down In this great
room to dance when she had never
been taught a step.
She looked wildly around the
rr-om, terrified! Then toniebody
biighed. a cruel, sneering laugh, and
Elizabeth screamed, tinging up her
hands to her eyes. Iler nerves had
stampeded with one cruel nifth; she
knew that the had failed, felt that
she would go mad. And as Mme.
Senrstis broke through the stupefied
All Sales
Will Be
crowd to reach, her Eliiabcth turned
nd fled away.
Everything that followed wat a
nightmare of unreality and it wat
only long afterward, looking back
on it, thai Elisabeth was able to
piece it together, like bits of broken
he knew that many amused
gliue t followed her at the Red
way from the crowded room. fhe
heard one or two sneering remarks
nd met her aun't triumphant flare
before she wat safely back in the
Imle room, shuddering from head to
foot, in a panic of shame and (car,
the big, hrlplrtt leart running
down her face.
- And there Mme. Senc.tis found
ler, and (or a moment the French
woman stood breathing hard and
looking at her with a savage light in
her queer eyes, before the broke out
into a torrent of rage and abuse.
Eliiahrlh hardly heard what the
said. It did not teem to mailer, and
it was only when Madame lost her
self-control tuffictently to raise a
hand at if to ttrike hrr that the girl
fell back thuddering and moaning.
"No not Oh, ptcate picas
don't hurt me!"
Xeil Farmer came into the room
ai that moment. He caught
Madame't uplifted arm and held it in
a hard grip. Hit face was white
and hit ryes compassionate at they
rested on Elizabeth.
"For Cod't sake leave her alone P
he said harshly. "Do you think
)Ou're' doing any good by this
He almost flung Madame aside
and went to Elizabeth. He put an
arm geotly around her he spoke to
her soothingly.
A Great Clearance Sale of
Actual Savings from $8.00 to $20.00
Here it a pronounced opportunity to procure
the season's most fashionable dresses at unus
ually liberal savings. Every dress is from our
own specialized stocks and reflects our high
standard of styling, quality and workmanship.
Formerly to $19.75 Reduced to
Daytime and Sports Dresses of Georgette
Crepe, Crepe Satin, Wool Canton, Wool Jer-.
sey and Triqotine, including beaded and
tailored models. ' . f
. , Savings to $9J5
Formerly to $24.75 Reduced to
Afternoon and Sports models of Roshanara,
Canton Crepe, Georgette Crepe, Krepe Knit
and . Poiret Twill, in beaded, embroidered
and tailored effects. ,
Savings to $9.75
Formerly to $490 Reduced to
Afternoon, Dinner and Evening dresses of
Crepe Roma, Canton Crepe, Georgette, Taf
feta, Lace, Lace and Taffeta, in ultra-smart
designs and all new colors.
Savings to $24.75
for Every Occasion
"It's all right; theu'a nothing ta
(ear, I'll tU ou away; I'll take
sou home, tii'abeih."
Mis wed desperate ees to bit
"I've failed, I'e failed." she said
wildly, It wat her one thought
now a trrrihed thought, since the
had read the fury ami hatred in the
eyes of Mme. tenons, Whjit wa
to become I her? To whom could
she go?
Msdame broke out again.
"You fail I I nevrr forgive. Come
ntit to me again Little fool, you
are! You ruin me; my name gone
forever) Not for all the money in
ihit world 1 ever try you again I
Hon Dieu! Mon DieuP and the
broke into a flood of hysterical tears.
Farmer turned on her savagely.
"Do you think il't worse for you
than it is for Elizabeth ?" he demand
ed., "You ought to be ahamed of
Madame Junked up at him, the
tears streaming down her face, her
eyes vixenish. "And youKyou loe
your money I Come; you lost all,"
the reminded hint.
Farmer laughed recklessly.
"You don't think 1 care, do you?"
he aked roughly; he put hit arm
round Eliiabrth and led her out of
the room.
He sent for hit ear and took hrr
home; he hardly spoke to her on the
way, and she sat hack, with closed
eyes, her hand in his.
It was only when they were again
in the dancing studio, which had
been the scene of to much work and
hope, that Elisabeth teemed to real
ire what had really happened, and
there wat despair in her eyes at the
hid them with shaking hand.
-Oh. what shall I do? What shall
I do? What will become of me?"
the sobbed.
He drew her hands down, holding
them fast. ,
"I am here." he said. fcBe my wife,
Eliabellt. What has happened
makes no difference. If you had tuc-
Included in This
credrd you would have seemed fur
Ihrr than ever from tne, but now"
He would have drawn hrr into hit
arms, but she restated.
Mie did not want hun; her heart
atu tout cried out (r Koytuu; to be
with him, Id (re hit arms around
her, to be comforted by him.
It wat through him she had failed,
she knew. The shock of meeting his
ryes across the room when the had
believed him far enough away and
dangerously ill bad spelled failure lor
her; the wat not strong conugh to
carve a way through life without
htm; her weaknett told her that
there could be no success for her
without his love.
(Caailaat4 la Taa Haa Iwnw,
Pawnee Woman Hurt
in Smashup of Autos
Tawnee. Neb., May 16. (Special
Telegram.) Mrs. W. S. Loey of
thit city wat serioualy injured in an
auto accident just cat of hfrc Sun
day evening when the roadster in
which she was riding was hit by a
big racing car. She was with her
daughter, Thelma, and granddaugh
ter. Emmagene Mick, and was
crossing the state highway at right
angles when the big car approached.
The engine of her car died in the
middle of the road and the big car
struck broadside. Her head was deep
ly gashed. She was taken to the
Pawnee hospital for treatment. The
other occupants were unhurt. Both
cart were from Humboldt, Neb. The
car in which Mrs. Loscy rode be
longed to a friend who was visiting
the family.
New Crerian Cabinet.
Athens, .May 16. (By A. P.)-.
new cabinet has been formed under
Nicholas Stratos to succcee' that
headed by M. Gounaris, which re
signed lastrriday.
This Sale ,
On Entire
First Floor
in v
One woman writes:
MA domestic science teacher said It
' was the lightest cake the had ever
tasted or eesr--but remarked that
She wouldn't believe I used only
two until I showed her exactly
how I made it Now the uses noth
ing but RoyaL" Mrs.CS.
Absolutely Pure
Contains No Alum
Stnd for Nw Royal
Royal Baking Powder Co
And it is a play the greatest on
earth with Nature's own actors. 100
dancing geysers, countless springs
boiling in gorgeous colored basins,
seething "paint-pots" of liquid pig
ments, spluttering mud volcanoes.
YjJSr The play goes
seiung oinower-carpetea vaueys, majestic
mountains, roaring waterfalls and mar
velous canyons of indescribably beautiful
colorings. While the bears, buffalo, deer
and elk roaming at large, give the com
pleting touch to the grand ensemble.
The beautiful book describing Yellowstone, and
containing maps and information regarding camps
and hotels, is free. Write for your copy.
I and Grand Circle Tour
via tba West Yellowstone entrance embracing Yellow
atone, Ogden Canyon, Salt Lake City, the Royal Gorge,
Glenwood Springe, Colorado Springs and Denver the
high spots of scenic end historic interest of the West
all for the same price at a ticket to Yellowstone alone.
An rtranttg excJueve to thit route.
, W 4-0
Through eeepng ear on ft limited train from
Omaha right to park entrance at ,
- Wee Kefoirafone
For information ask
Union Depot, Consolidated Ticket Office, 14 IS Dodge St,
Phone Douglaa 1S84 . r
A. K. CurU, City Paa. Agent, U. P.' System,
1416 Dodge St., Omaha, Phone Douglas 4000
No War Tax Limit October 31
Let Ufl help you plan your trip.
With a great variety of moun
tain trips by rail and auto,
Denver is recognised as the
most 'popular scenic vacation
headquarters of America. Plan
your trip now.
, '
This is Colorado
Vacation Year
Motor, take scenic trips, camp,
fish, enjoy outdoor sports or climb.
Denver tins a $250,000 Free Auto
Camp. 252 Hotels and over 400
Mountain Resorts, at prices to fit
any pocketbook.
Write Today for
that tells where to go, what to see
end how to enjoy one day to three
months lo cool Colorado.
558 Seventeenth Street t Denver, Colorado
Leaves No Bitter Taste
Cook flooit-It'a FREE
130 William St, New York
on ceaselessly with a stage
Pleaaa mail me the book, "Yellowstone National Park," I
and sand information about the - . J
Greatly Reduced Fares I
Lookout Mountain $ 2.50
Rocky Mountain National Park 10.50
Denver Mountain Parks,S4 and 5.00
Snowy Range (2 days) 25.50
Echo Lake. Mount Evans 8.00
Arapahoe Glacier (all expense) 15.00
Special trips by arrangement.
Georgetown Loop..$ 3.55
Moffat Road....... 5.00
Platte Canon 2.00
Royal Gorge....... 11.65
Boulder 1.8s
Eldorado Springs.. 1.76
Golden-Castle Rock .98