I THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 17. 1922. If 0 ; ( Used by U. P. in Taxing Shi)()ers Li frlox k Owner of Teste rn Nrliratki Over charge J, Rate Investigators Here Are Tu!J. Though livrurxk liininit (rant rt?rn Nrl.rV point on the I n ion I'acilir railroad to Kanas ( i'y are rn ly way of the St, Jo. ;h & I if and ltan rut o((. the Itiitflit tills are figured by the mile of the Maryville rome whirh, .'iuiii1 Kffey " Kn City, for I une. 11 HI mile longer than the h I r iiilctiliuB'T of the l inon Pacific tultMr deiurimtnt admitted yeter t iy afternoon in the jieanug before the inteiAUie and the Mate commerce loiiiiiiikoioni in the fnleral building. Seeki to End Dispute. Fratikrni)igr ilecUred h d'H not V now "of Hu own know Mae that tin? I'uion Paiilic on the St. Jos- I'll & Grand Il.ind road. The hrarmg will probably la-t all thia week. It rcks to adjut .he old iliIute regarding livestock freivht rate from Nebraska toint to Mia aouri river point. The Hurlington road at present enjoya higher ratea t'-nr the Northwestern and the I'nion acific roaU. due to a ruling of the Iittrrstate Commerce commiss'on in 1VI9. T.ie Burlington want the rat of ti other two road advanced. Ship per and livestock center want the J urlington'a ratei reduced. Chicagoan la Witness. A. F. Cleveland of Chicago, as K'sUnt freight traffic manager of the Chicago & Northwestern rail road, was a witness yesterday after noon as was also II. A. Mentz, as- Vi-tant general freight agent of the Minneapolis & Omaha read. " J. II. Tetrow is representing the Kansas City livestock exchange; AV. J. C. Kenyon. the St. Joseph live Mock exchange: K. Zwemer and W. II. Benn the Sioux City livestock exchange: C. E. Childe, A. F. Stry kor and II. Shackleford. the Omaha livestock exchange. D. P. Stough of Grand Island is present for the stock shippers. Special Train lo Carry Rotarians to Convention A special train will be run by the Union Pacific railroad to carry Ro t.irians of the Sixteenth district to l.os Angeles next month for the an nual convention. The special will leave here June 2. Among those who have already signed for the trip are Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rosen t pren,. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Abbott, ' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Brown, D. C. Bucll, Ocorge Lee, Ray Kingsley and D. C. Bucll. J. IMef City AViri I'llm fur kin-rift" John C, lion. hu, sell lUfl iMrect, iiUtl )etir. lay U'T ili UniuM'iaiie aaniiiutiua ur sheriff if pond tumiiy, .VurkV i (,r4tluatr VHIe(trn nurva it Kra.luuie I rum Hi No. brash lrihHltl Kpiwopkl ouial training h-Ium.I Wojiwoday ulnar. May 24, t rmnienenint rvi at th r ut MriinxiM thuriH. . (rantttt imurve QortruiJ If. MaiiMii waa grant4 divort-a ) lrdT front tir. Alfred . Mauaon y Iiuirl.t Judis Kera, hhe t. lin4 iit her liul'n. ti4 boon rrul and indifferent the Ut four years, "Jerry' ntilrut A voluntary petition in IwMtkruinry ni-J ty jrry ti't'unnor, irerltor tf the Koulanhan ff, All Karnam irt-ei, In th literal rotirt )ir 'In. II la In thr III III, 4 n4 ha auwia of only llvl. Anmni the (rxlitora are a dtn aitrmno. Ma 'un foe Kncrtlrm Out of violmnra of th trartle law. Judi W, V. Wiprh ordered rn nt to drive annln fr varylnc term In polie rmirt 'e-itriiy. II rro piiwrt punlne jrllnw rrn on th wlmlxhleld of h enr of vry eon iirtl attaedT and l-rarntlna' lilm "a yellow tn nniong ninlorlnia" a a eur for apeedlng, Father Iti'llly ft IMure The llfih of ri- .f lii-turr In th moot rourt room of th t'relchton luw diinmint. Twenty-alxih and rliftirnln trt. tindr th direc tion of Kov. father Itollly. B. J., for th polltlral eduritilon of womrn will le Biven tnnlKht. rtiarl Hon- tardt will Irrtiir on "Th Cummin alon Form of fiovernnunt." The enur, which la undr th aimplrca of th uqiitira of America ha ten well pntronlied by umnha women. ; 600 Fremont Children I Participate in Pageant j Fremont, Neb., May 16. (Special Telegram.) Over 600 grade school pupils will participate in the pageant, "America, Yesterday and Today," to be staged at City park Wednes day afternoon under the direction of Prof. Reese Solomon, director of music at Fremont schools. 3ttl Grocers Open on Sunday Are Fined I'ive Pay $3 Em-h for Violit ing Cloiu)( Law; One Appeal. Ome more the distritt court will be railed upon to decide jut what constitutes grocery. Aitornevi and Judge W. F". S'ap pich could not agree on the uuettion in ceutnl police court yesterday and after J. L. Thoniai. grocer. Zili M. Mary s avenue, had been fined $5 for violating the Sunday closing laws he announced he would appeal from the decision. Thomas contended he sold delica tessen ware on Sundays and kept his grocery utock partitioned from the prepared food counter. "It obviously is not grocery un der those circumstances." Frank Pi neen. city prosecutor, declared. "If it were, a soda fountain in a grocery could not be operated on the Sab bath." Arthur Rosenblum, attorney for the Omaha Retail tirocrrs' asiocia lion, told Judge V. F. Wappich that the Sunday closing law defines a grocery as a atore in which gro ceries are kept in stock and that the district court had confirmed that view. "I'm not wise enough to know what the Sunday closing law means." Ji de Wappich i.id. "but I'll fmd Mr. Thomas IS; he can't keep open both Saturday and Sunday, si I tin dertand th law." f ive other were fined ti tth on similar charges. They wer A, M. tirant i.Uli 4ma ftknn, f II Jem.cn, Jll Amess I. U, lluufirl l. 1.1AI a . jui mrs; narry pr.nKa. mji North lcutieth, and John Bow rrs. 1714 Ifiirimmih ti. Set.man, Ames, wis found guilty, put srnience was suspended Rev. F. H. aAndcrson Church Moderator Fremont, Neb, May 16 (Spe cial Telrgram.) Rev. Krank II. And erson, of flyinouth church, Omaha. was elected moderator of the Omaha Association of Congregational Churches at the annual convention which comes to a close at Arlington, .en. tins aiternoon. Key. o. K. Birch, Scribner, was chosen reg istrar. Dr. O. O. Smith, Fremont, deliv ered an address on "Roger Babson and His Message," while his brother, nr. rrank o. Ninth of Omaha made the closing address this afternoon. Keports trom various churches made up the program of the two-day conference, interspersed wilh bits of entertainment and musical offerings. To trn t Uulldlnr Th Hanker Rerv Ll f company ha decided to erect an ortlc building at Nln lesnlh and Douglas at reels. Th height of th nw structure will de pend on th bid cf contractor. i 1b The Widow a shining mark for the mining shark. Elbert Hubbard Executor Guardian Trustee OmahaTrust rpmoanv OaMna MaWon BaeJk BuiUInf I III. II Nl A7RTTTT EVERYBODY STORE" ma I Dress aylor The. crowds that attended our Mina Taylor Dress Sale Monday and Tuesday completely exhausted our stock of styles and sizes so we bought an additional 4,000 Mina l ay J $195 or to be placed on Sale Wednesday In Four Groups If you were dissappointed Monday or Tuesday- this is your opportun ity to purchase the style you prefer. Sale starts 9 a. m. Wednesday Dresses $4?J No CO. Us No Exchanges . Burg-ess-Nash Mina Taylor Shop- Second Floor No Will Calls iKESS mm "EVERYBODY STORE" Many Unusual Values Wednesday 6ti W ednesday--A Truly Wonderful Sale of Rompers : Creepers : Bloomer Dresses $00 Sturdy little outfits for general or for play 'time wear are these kiddies' suits made of chambray, linenc, suiting and gingham.' Bun nies, chickens or flowers embroider peckets, collar or yoke front; smocking makes tiny shoulders fit snugly. " Pink, Blue, Lavender, Green, Tan, Yellow, Brown, White and Combination. Every mother will be delighted to find that black sateen rompers are included, at this low pricing. Made with flare pockets and collar and cuffs of a light color. Truly practical little garments. Four Are Illustrated Sizes 2 to 6. Buriess-Nub lnuU' Sk Third IW m 1 1 -- 1 1 Hand Made Blouses $250 r 200 blouses, odd lots that you will readily recognize as much higher priced blouses. They are entirely hand made of batiste and dim ity. Drawnwork, tiny embroidered dots, and narrow lace edging trim them. Flapper, and Tuxedo col lars and turn back cuffs are made to fit over suit or sweater. Special. $2.50. Burgess-Nash Blouse Shop Third Floor 000 One M in u te Wash er The greatest recom-. mendation we can give the "One-Minute" Washer is the endorsement of women who own one. Only through actual use can an article prove itself. That is what the "One-Minute" has done. It gives un tiring service day in and day out, bringing many hours of rest and leisure to its owner. Now, during the warm weather, you will ap preciate this electrical servant more than ever. Not only does it save in time and labor, but its method of washing saves the clothes by reducing the wear to the minimum and by removing all the dirt without the customary hard rubbing and the use of strong soaps. , Sold on Convenient Term . ' We have arranged the most convenient terms. Come in today or tomorrow and ask about them; also see a demonstration. No obligation to buy. Priced at $79.50 to $128.50 For Picnics Picnics are often disappoint ing because there is nothing cool to drink, or because the salad has become warm. Ther mos bottles and kits keep food and drink at the temperature they are packed. Lunch Kits Black enamel kit fitted with pint Ther mos bottle. Complete, $2.00 I Thermos Sets Quart Thermos ' of green enamel, with nickel rim and cup. $2.50 Pint Thermos bottle of cot rugated nickel. Priced at r $1.50 t ; Burftis-Naih Mala Floor 000 Hanging Baskets Green pottery hanging bas kets that can be brought into breakfast room or conservatory during the winter. Fitted with wire hangers. Priced at SO. ' Cemetery Vases Attractive pottery vaser of adequate dimensions for deco- rative purposes. Each, 50c. Burg tit-Nub Fourth Floor 000 Burgess-Nath- -0 00 -Fourth Floor Notion Needs O. N. T. and Silken Crochet Cotton, . in white, ecru, . linen. Three balls, 25c Pearl Cotton, in all colors. Large ball, 10c. Organdy Bias Tap, all col ors, 6-yard bolts, each, 35c. . Rick Rack Braid, in white, all sizes, bolt, 10c. BurfCM-Naoh Main Floor Dress Forms $2.00 . These are black jersey covered forms that may be adjust ed to any height . Sizes 32 to 44. BurfOM-Nish Main Floor Girls' Kiltie Skirts $200 Pleated skirts for little girls. These are full , pleated and . made of fine cot ton Rajah. The suspender-straps are cut with the skirt to prevent ' ' slipping. Metal buckles and re inforced eyelets, adjust the length of the. straps. - Blue, rose, and pongee c o 1 ors. Sizes 8 to 14. ; Burfoai-Naah Junior Shop Third Floor ' ' 0 0 0 00 Cedar Chest Week - With the storage of winter garments an immediate necessity now, this selling, comes very . opportunely. . Our Special Faarur 38-inch Chest of cabinet construc tion finished . in brass trimmings, with dust proof covers. All are mounted on . casters and fitted with lock .and key. J lg95 Ruffled Curtains, $1.95 More of those same pretty tieback curtains that we had a short time ago. Made of nice quality marauisctte in white and ivory. ' Marquisette, yard, 49c This is a firje quality mercerized cloth in dainty check or barred patterns. 40-inch " width in white or ivory is low priced at, yard, 49c. ' - 1 1 ' BurfMSNah Fourth Floor '. r Lawn Mowers "Dundee" Lawn Mowers ooo M en 's Knit Ti es, 75c The right kind of tie for summer wear with soft shirts.- Silk knit in plain colors or in fancy patterns of stripes or embroidered dots. Well made ties with slip band. There are plenty of black and dark colors. You will want to select several from this assortment. Burfo(-Naoh Mn'i Shop Mai Floor Ball bearing, four-blade lawn mower. Self sharpening. Easy to run. All sizes.- Priced at $8.25 to $14.85 Garden Hose Best quality moulded hose Priced, a foot '.-in. hose, 13 H-in. hose, 14 i-in. hose, 16 Biirfooa-Naah Fourth Floor r 1,500 Yards White Goods Yard 12V2C This is an excellent quality 36-inch madras. Woven of a fine, well-twisted yarn it assures splendid wearing service. A value not to be overlooked. Limit of 10 yards to a customer. . . No C. O. D.'a No Excha(e No Refunds No Phen OnUr Bur(oaaNaah Re Arrow Booth DowaoUlra Storo Refrigerators All Sizes All Prices Oftentimes, the old "ice box" con sumes too much ice, causes the food to. spoil, often causes ill ness when food, be comes tainted The modern construction of our new refrigerators lessens the pos sibility of such conditions. Special Feature 70-pound side iccr, with oak fin ish case,' white enamel provision chamber, ' and rctinned wire shelves, in' three-door style. The kind of a box that is absolutely an ice saver; strictly sanitary. ' Priced at $29.50 , BurtMt-Nath Fourth Floor