TIIK EF.U: OMAHA. WlSP.Vr.SD AY. MAY 17. WT. South American Conference Has Rough Sailing Chileans to Bring Decision on Validity of Ancon Treaty to I'iue at Outset of Negotiations. ' Hr The 4wkM rw.i ftashingtoa. May 16, The Chile Peruvian conference, which began litre only 24 feouri ago, amid tinU versa! deelaratione of optimiim, en countered signs of unplcjnt salt ing today soon alter the two dele gation, dine together for their first executive meeting. Most prominent among these de velopments tsas dtci.ioti under tood to have been reached by tlie Chilean! to bring the. bitterly de bated question of the validity of the treaty of Ancon, to a iharp imiic at the very outset of the nrgoiiiion. Another disturbing element was a reiterated plea by Bolivia that her rights and interests at well as those of Chile and Peru muit be con aidered in any tettlement deigned to remove causes for unrest in South America. Will Sign Protocol. A third much-discussed feature of the aituation generally interpreted in diplomatic circlca as an evidence of the unusual tauiioa tvith which Peru aud th'le are proceeding, ae an acrermcnt tnen the two delega tions that whenever a decision fa k ached on any s ingle Issue it ia to be embodied. immediately in a lonaal -jroicol" duly signed by both aide. The purpose of Chile to bring at once the real tsue ol the conference to the surface may remit, 'in the opinion of diplomatic observers, in demonttraiin in the near future whether the W'a.liington negotiation are to he a success, or a failure. The Chilean plan, it if underitood ly The Associated Treaa, it to pre. ent either tomorrow or on Thura day a proposal that the queition of fiilfillirif the Taena-Anca article of the Ancon treaty be debated at once. Reply Not Revealed. . W'li.t furm l'cru'a ejly will ubc was not revealed tonight, tut it ia known that the Peruvian delegation came to Washington hopeful that the conference would result in a broad leadjiiatment of the whole 'problem of the Pacific." and convinced that the treaty provision for a plebiscite in Tacna-Arica never could be ful filled under present condition!. Holvia'i interest ato ii in a com prehensive readjustment of the aet tlemcnt following the war of the Pa cific, to which he was a party. The Bolivian government aought unsuc cessfully to be admitted aa a member of the Washington conference on the ground that ahe was directly affected. Her renewed effort for recognition of these interests was made tonight in the form of a statement by Al berto Guilcrrez, a former foreign minister, who Is here as an "unofficial observer" for his government, i id. Insured for $760,000.00 Every time you ride in a YELLOW CAB you are 'insured, for $10,000. The ZURICK General Acci dent and Liability Co. has issued- the Yellow Cab and Baggage Co. a policy to cover each of our 76 cabs and trucks for $10,000 each. , . This is the first time in; many years that ia taxicab. company; of Omaha has been, able to get liability " insurance from a substantial, old-line in surance company. The cab business, as it is generally operated, is regarded, by these conseryative companies,, as being too hazardous. ;V:V V ' This policy was not issued : YELLOW CABS without the most ' rigid and painstaking investigation of -' our devices, plans arid rules for the en forcing of safety. The premium on this policy is enormous, yet it gives the added assurance to our thousands of patrons that there is but very little chance of per sonal injury when riding in a YELLOW CAB. . The next time you. ride hail a Yellow Cab. The fares are the lowest You pay for . only the distance you ride; The Cabs are always clean and : comfortable. They are safe and the driv ers are gentlemen, trained to give you the best and most thoughtful cab service. ' The Yellow Cab & Baggage Company have arranged with, every railroad ticket seller to check your, '; baggage through to destination without any extra charge. This is an extra serv ice that only the Yellow Cab can give you. The Thinking Fellow Calls a YELLOW ... Phone DO uglas 9000 Shallenbcrger in Race for Congress Seeks to Represent Fifth Dis trictMore Davis Peti tions. Filed., Lincoln. May 16. (Special Tele grsm.) Aihton C Shallenberger of Alma, former governor, filed today at a democratic candidate (or con gress in the Filth district. Trior to serving at governor, Shallenberger was Fifth district representative in the national congress (or two terms. When Shallenberger ran for a sec ond term as governor be was de feated in the primaries by Mayor James C Dahlntan. Two more petitions urging Attor ney General Clarence A. Davis to enter the republican primaries for United States senator were filed. One contained the names of Nemaha county republicans and the other bore signatures of Sheridan county residents. J. V. McKi.Mck of Beatrice has filed as democratic candidate for the lower house. Herbert D. Walden of Beatrice has filed as a republican candidate for the atate senate in that district, Chiropractors to Meet Lincoln. May 16. (Special) The annual meeting of the Nebraska Chiropractic association will be held in Lincoln, May 22 to 23. ELDREDGE REYNOLDS On Sale . Wednesday Pure Silt Sweaters $12.95 Soft lustrous silk . .sweaters in all the dainty colors for sprinjr and summer wear. Nothing is I more convenient or ' smart looking than a ailk sweater.;. These : are Extreme values at ; this low price,: Sweats Shop Main Floor , ... . . , :', Tailored Blouses $4:25 Firfe 'quality batiste, voile and dimity in white, .and pretty , light colors form these biouses trimmed . with gingham, , filet lace, Irish lace,, and . . handkerchief linen . many styles. - 1 Blouse Shop Main Floor - Percale ons Aor Dark and light color ed material with checks, stripes, dots and tiny figures are the materials used in these attractive and practical aprons which are reduced for this special sale. Housedress Shop Main Floor Sale of Hats $1.00 From 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. Hats taken from our . regular stock and .in eluding 1 sport hats, - trimmed hats,' tailor ed hats, and . child ren's hats. Many styl e and colors. Values up to $7.50 at this low sale price. Hat Shop Second Floor RlMillne ftumc " ADVERTISEMENT. i (am Mid arc ttndcr, ma Lyltotene daily aa a mouth wash. You will b amazed to let hom quickly the bleeding ceasrs and the rums return to a healthy condition. Lykolene helps prevent mouth disease,. Sold by Isadipc flgSlitv..k.. . In Omaha, It's the Fontentlle The By-Product Of Good Food Is Good f 1 ; : ! ! IS 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 I I IN the Hotel Fontenelle ReeUuranU, the main consideration is the main tenance of a standard of food and ser vice so high as to reflect, creditably, the prestige which has always been a prized asset of the Fontenelle as a hotel. Patronage of these reataurants has never been (nor will it ever be) exploited with a view to great profit As a matter of clear cut buaineaa policy we conaider the better plan to be that which wins, through these reataurants, the good will, endorsement and ' friendship of those thousands of people who, each year, make their fir at acquaint ance with the great excellence of Hotel Fontenelle service. Thrones ' of shoppers and business poopU each ' weekday noon, may ho found ia tho Main Restaur nt or the popular Indian Room partaking of tho , Fontenelle'a special noon luncheon for 75c. In the evening, a wonderful evening dinner is served in tho Main Rostaurant for $1.50, and in tho Indiaa Room for $1.25. and, lest you forget, tho over-popular Fontenelle specialty WHOLE BROILED ALIVE BABY LOBSTER, with Julienne Potatoes and Draws Butter, 75c. Both reataurants at all hours. Each Evening a Concert for the Public on the Mezzanine Floor. HoteL Fontenelle 350 Rooms , 350 Baths $3 to $5 a Day W V eft'? greatly Reduce Only $-26.50 from Omaha to Colorado and return, effective dailrj June I; onlq 72.00 to California and return, effective daihj Maq '15; corresponding reductions to other vaca tion territories. Choice of routes qoing or returning. 6n far the best vacation chance in recent uearsl Take the Rock Island's Rockij Mountain Limited From Omaha at 11:53 p. m. dailt. or the COLO CADO EXPRESS at 2:00 p. m. dailij. Each train takes qou direct to either Denver or Colorado Springs. Qolden Stale Limited . From Kansas City at 8:05 a. m. daity: direct to Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and to San Diego, through Imperial Ualleij and stupendous Carriso Qorge. Superior dining car service, j Comfort and Couriesi are tjour fellow travelers on the Rock Island ' Complet (tomI information, rewrpoheu and ifluitralad booklet) on application to . Consolidated Offce. Wlo Dodqe Street or Union Station ' t. oEtHtJOtTP. Aqani. Phona Doeglat less J. S. MeMALU, Diniiea Pananqar Ageat Rock liland Liaea voodmea of the Vorld Baildiwj Phone Jacluea QMS Omaha. Nab. e4t the 'Dance The dificrence between hot discomfort find cool enjoyment is in the clothes. 8ClV"No-JVate Men'i Summer Suits are as different from ordinary summer clothes as the work of a master artist differs from that of an amateur. Exclusive fabrics Gabiroyal and Qaro Crash. ' Also Mohairs, Tropic Weaves, Palm Beaches and Silks. Made by matter tailors in the Daylight Shops of Rosenwald 8C Weil Chir- Asyour clothier to. , he sells them AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS? No. S of. a series of. advertisements' explaining the A. B. C. QUESTION: 1$ The OmaKa Bee a member of the '. B. C. ANSWER : The Omaha Bee has been a member of the A. B. C. since April, 1914, just a few months after the organization of the A. B. C. As a newspaper strongly desirous of dealing ) fairly with its advertisers, The Omaha Bee saw a strong reason for joining this organiza tion eight years ago. The Audit Bureau of Circulations has grown in its scope and useful ness since then, and The Bee as a consequence has gained an enduring prestige as a news ' paper that through a long period of years has given its advertisers an honest "measure" in circulation. The Omaha Bee Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations :USE BJJE WANT ADS THEY BRING PROFITS; i ! i. X tf tfii i